“the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · the...

40 Maxim Drive · Hopatcong · New Jersey · 07843 Phone: 973·398·6377 Fax: 973·398·0121 Web: stjudehopatcong.org Email: [email protected] “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew 4:16 We are a Roman Catholic Parish, which gathers believers in Jesus Christ in Hopatcong and surrounding areas. Our Pastor is Fr. Peter Wierzbicki. We belong to the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey. Our Bishop is Bishop Kevin Sweeney. If you are moving to the Hopatcong area, we cordially invite you to make St. Jude your parish. Welcome to St. Jude’s

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Page 1: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

4 0 M a x i m D r i v e · H o p a t c o n g · N e w J e r s e y · 0 7 8 4 3 Phone: 973·398·6377 Fax: 973·398·0121 Web: stjudehopatcong.org Email: [email protected]

“The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;”

Matthew 4:16

We are a Roman Catholic Parish, which gathers believers in Jesus Christ in Hopatcong and surrounding areas. Our Pastor is Fr. Peter Wierzbicki. We belong to the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey. Our Bishop is Bishop Kevin Sweeney.

If you are moving to the Hopatcong area, we cordially invite you to make St. Jude your parish.

Welcome to St. Jude’s

Page 2: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished


Masses online

For those who for any reason cannot partici-

pate in the mass in person, we offer an

online mass live.

They are streamed online at 8:00AM during the week, and 9:00AM on Sunday.

The link to watch it online can be found on our website: STJUDEHOPATCONG.ORG Because we use YouTube

as the streaming platform, you can find Fr. Peter’s on YouTube.com by searching „Peter Wierzbicki”.

It is also a very versatile website. You can watch the streaming of the mass from St Jude, on almost any de-

vice with the screen and the Internet connection.

SATURDAY 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM

JANUARY 30 Joan Westerfield Confessions Frank Nutley


11:00 AM

JANUARY 31 Chase Meola Gary Jensen


FEBRUARY 1 Special Intention for Jonna & Colon Family


FEBRUARY 2 Charles Fergueson


8:00 AM

FEBRUARY 3 Blessing of Throats

Mariam Dariga


FEBRUARY 4 Elvira & Patrick Capone


FEBRUARY 5 People of St. Judes

SATURDAY 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM

FEBRUARY 6 Katherine von Ehr Confessions Rosemarie Juskus


11:00 AM

FEBRUARY 7 Margaret Huber Richard & Joan Marvez

1. The schedule for the masses are to be changed dur-ing the Coronavirus pandemic:

Daily masses: 8:00 AM

Saturday evening mass: 5:00 PM Confession: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

2. There will be limit on admission: no more than 150 people. When the limit is reached, no more people will

be allowed in the Church.

3. All the daily masses are going to be streamed on Our Website, YouTube and Facebook, but among the Sunday masses, only the 9:00 AM mass is going to be streamed live.

4.Please, wear your mask at all times, and bring your own sanitizer just in case.

5 We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone who show symptoms of Coronavirus. If you know that you are sick, please, stay home and watch the mass on the Internet.

Page 3: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

THEY’RE BACK!!! Shoprite Cards will be now available after the masses or

at the Rectory. . St. Jude's gets 5% back on every purchase, so please buy cards to support St. Jude.

S T. J U D E ’ S S U B S F O R S U P E R B O W L

February 7th - 12”Subs for only $10.00


Italian: ____ x $10= ________ Ham: ____ x $10= ________ Turkey:____ x $10= ________

All Subs come with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Onion/Dressing Packets & Bag of Chips. Name:_________________________________ Phone# ________________________________

Pick up February 7th at 11:30AM in the Parish Center. All Checks Payable to St. Jude Church.

Mail to: St. Jude Church, 40 Maxim Drive, Hopatcong, NJ 07843


Kathleen Alarcon, Peter Alles, Mat-thew Bailey, Ann Bauer, James Bo-navota, Ann Bonda, Kyle Bussey, Jordyn Cameron, Toni Castoro, Amanda Church, Lenny Colello, Sr., Cathy Collins, Linda Corcoran, Sean Conyngham, Shannon & Reggie Crowley, Claudia Davis, Liliana DiFil-lippi, Edward DiGangi, Richard Fer-ris, Dylan Flinchum, Andy Gervasi, Jessica Gonzales, Katie Gowey, Jo-die Grillo, Herbert Grobe, Susan Hel-frich, Rosemarie Hemmerick, Mary Hes-senius, Linda Hill, Irene Hogan, Mark Joanna, Terri Kellerman, Charlie La Ca-pria, Cheryl Lotito, Theresa Leggio, Ta-nya Lewit, Erin Loescher, Joan Major, Peggy McGarry, Anthony Monetti, Mary-ann Moore, Arthur Morelli, Kim Olenic, Joanne Orr, Yvonne Paquing, Fran Pa-store,Jeff Poyer, Richard Ratti, Cathy Ricciuto, Donna Ross, Mary Rushka, Paul Sansevere, Evelyn Sisco, Catheri-ne Sorace, William Stelmach, Nancy & Tom Tevis, Anne Marie Truncali, Grze-gorz Wierzbicki, Florence White, Joyce Williams, Grace & George Wilson, Yvonne Zaccone.



Stay tuned for the upcoming


Mark March 14 in your calen-


A great event is coming to Saint


Page 4: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished away, See in this space our fears and our dreamings, Brought here to you in the light of this day. Gather us in' the lost and forsaken, Gather us in' the blind and the lame; Call to us now, and we shall awaken, We shall arise at the sound of our name. 2. We are the young' our lives are a myst'ry, We are the old' who yearn for your face, We have been sung throughout all of hist'ry, Called to be light to the whole human race. Gather us in' the rich and the haughty, Gather us in' the proud and the strong; Give us a heart so meek and so lowly, Give us the courage to enter the song.

GLORY TO GOD Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, We adore you, we glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glo-ry, Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world, Receive our prayer; You are seated at the right hand of the Father, Have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One;

You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, With the Holy Spirit, In the glory of God, the Father. Amen.


Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen. This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let us not again hear the voice of the LORD, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest we die.’ And the LORD said to me, ‘This was well said. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kin, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. Whoev-er will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it. But if a prophet pre-sumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.’” The Word of the Lord // Thanks be to God.

PSALM If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Come, let us ring out our joy to the LORD; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come into his presence, giving thanks; let us hail him with a song of praise. O come; let us bow and bend low. Let us kneel before the God who made us, for he is our God and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand. O that today you would listen to his voice! “Harden not your hearts as at

Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the desert when your forebears put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.” A READING FROM THE FIRST LETTER


Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anx-ious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a re-straint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction. The Word of the Lord // Thanks be to God.

GOSPEL The Lord be with you.// And with your spirit. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark. // Glory to You, O Lord. Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath Jesus entered the syna-gogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their syna-gogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit con-vulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one anoth-er, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the un-clean spirits and they obey him.” His

Page 5: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. The Gos-pel of the Lord. // Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

CREED I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and ap-ostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the for-giveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection

of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


OF THE GIFTS O Lord, you are the center of my life: I will always praise you, I will always serve you, I will always keep you in my sight. 1. Keep me safe, o God, I take refuge in you. I say to the Lord, “You are my God. My happiness lies in you alone; my happiness lies in you alone.” 2. I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart. I keep the Lord ever in my sight; since he is at my right hand, I shall stand firm.

SONG FOR COMMUNION 1. I am the Bread of life. You who come to me shall not hunger; and who believe in me shall not thirst. No one can come to me unless the Father beckons. And I will raise you up, and I will raise you up, and I will raise you up on the last day. 2. The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world, and if you eat of this bread, you shall live for ever, you shall live for ever. 3. Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink of his blood, and drink of his blood, you shall not have life within you. 4. I am the Resurrection, I am the life. If you believe in me, even though you die, you shall live for ever.

5. Yes, Lord, we believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, Who has come into the world.


1. Holy God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we bow before thee! All on earth thy scepter claim, All in heav'n above adore thee; Infinite thy vast domain, Everlasting is thy reign. 2. Hark! the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and Seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: “Holy, holy, holy Lord!” Permission to print the music obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-733688. All rights reserved.

Give Online Help Keep the Lights On!

Please, continue on donating to

Saint Jude.

Just like you, our utility bills and other fixed ex-penses (insurance, sala-ries, etc.). Right now we are slowly opening our par-ish for the public, but the collection is still low and not covering all the expenses the parish has to cover. If it is within your means please consider setting up a recurring weekly donation to support the Parish via WeShare. If you prefer to give your donation in envelopes, you can drop them in our mailbox. Mailbox is checked a couple times a day.

God Bless You Fr. Peter Wierzbicki

Page 6: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

If you have not yet responded to the 2020 Diocesan Ministries Ap-peal, there is still time to do so since the 2020 Appeal funds minis-tries and programs through the

end of the diocesan fiscal year on June 30, 2021. Your gift is a great blessing and valued so we can serve Christ by serving his people. For your convenience, you can make an online gift at www.2020appeal.org

Please contact Lillian (973-398-6377) to regis-ter for Baptism.

RCIA is every Monday

in the Meeting Room of the

Church at 7:00 PM

Saint Blaise was the bishop of Sebas-tea and a doctor. The first known rec-ord of the saint's life comes from the medical writings of Aëtius Amidenus, where he is recorded as helping with patients suffering from objects stuck in their throat. Many of the miraculous aspects of St. Blaise's life are written of 400 years after his martyrdom in the "Acts of St. Blaise."

Saint Blaise is believed to begin as a healer then, eventually, became a "physician of souls." He then retired to a cave, where he remained in prayer. People often turned to Saint Blaise for healing miracles.

In 316, the governor of Cappadocia and of Lesser Armenia, Agricola, ar-rested then-bishop Blaise for being a Christian. On their way to the jail, a woman set her only son, who was chocking to death on a fish bone, at his feet.

Blaise cured the child, and though Agricola was amazed, he could not get Blaise to renounce his faith. Therefore, Agricola beat Blaise with a stick and tore at his flesh with iron combs before beheading him.

In another tale, Blaise was being led to

the prison in Sebastea, and on the way came across a poor old woman whose pig had been stolen by a wolf. Blaise commanded the wolf return the pig, which it did -alive and unin-jured - to the amazement of all.

When he reached Sebastea, the woman came to him and brought two fine wax candles in an attempt to dispel the gloom of his darkened cell.

In the Middle Ages, Blaise became quite popular and his legend as a beast tamer spread. He was then referred to as the "saint of the wild beast."

Many German churches are dedicat-ed to Saint Blaise, sometimes called

Saint Blasius.

In Great Britain, the village of St. Blazey got its name from Saint Blaise, and a church dedicated to the saint can be found in Decon hamlet of Hac-combe, near Newton Abbot.

There is a Saint Blaise's Well in Kent, and the water is believed to have me-dicinal properties. A Blessing of the Throats ceremony is held every Febru-ary 3 at Saint Etheldreda's Church in Londan and Balve, Germany.

A Catholic middle school was named after Saint Blaise in Bradford, West Yorkshire. The name was decided up-on when the link between Bradford and the woolen industry was connected to the way St. Blaise was martyred: with woolcomb.

Saint Blaise is often depicted holding two crossed candles in his hand, or in a cave with wild animals. He is also often shown with steel combs. The similarity of the steel combs and the wool combs made a large contribution to Saint Blaise's leadership as the pa-tron saint of wool combers and the wool trade.

[Source: www.catholic.org]

Page 7: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

Our Staff: Rev. Peter Wierzbicki……............................Pastor Rev. Mr. Tom Friel.......................................Deacon Mrs. Kathleen Barger…...Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lillian Colello...........Coordinator of Religious

Education and Confirmation Program Mrs. Lillian Colello ................... Liturgy Coordinator Mr. Henry Schmidt…………...…...Parish Trustee Mr. Sylvester Plewa…………...….Parish Trustee Mr. Marcin Kochanowicz ......................... Musician Edie Vieth…………………....................…..Cantor John Armino………………....................…..Cantor How to register: If you are new to the parish or have not previous-ly registered in the parish, please do so by calling the office at 973-398-6377 for a registration form. Also, if you are not receiving collection envelopes, we can arrange to have them sent them to you.

Our Parish Family invites all of its members to share fully in our spiritual and social life. If you change your address or telephone number, please contact us. All parishioners are requested to use the regular Sunday envelopes or our Online Giving. If you are not receiving them,

please call the Rectory

Parish Center Rental If you would like to rent a Parish Hall, please call the Parish Office. The typical maximum head count is 225 people for dinner seating. For more information email our hall rental com-mittee: [email protected]

Eucharistic Liturgies Sunday Masses During Pandemic: 5:00PM. (Saturday Vigil Mass) 9AM and 11AM Weekday Masses (Mon - Sat) 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation To be announced Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Satur-day 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment Novena to St. Jude: Wednesday after the Mass Adoration: every Thursday after the mass until 3PM Litany to Our Lady: after every morning Mass in May Litany to the Heart of Jesus: after every morning Mass in June Rosary: after each daily Mass Remember to always check the bulletin and listen to the announcements for any changes

and times for special liturgies. Sacraments: BAPTISMS are usually celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month after the 11AM Mass. Par-ents are asked to call the rectory about the Baptismal preparation meeting on the first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. MARRIAGE - Arrangements should be made at the Rectory no less than 6 months before the marriage date and prior to any social planning. To arrange for Pre-Cana instructions, please call the Rectory. R.C.I.A. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITATION OF ADULTS - Persons interested in learning of the Catholic faith, and any adult person who needs to receive Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation. If you need information regarding this, please contact the Rectory. VISITATION OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY - Please keep us informed so that we can be at-tentive to those who are ill at home or in the hos-pital. Communion is brought upon request to the home. Please call the Rectory for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.


Notice the new hours of opera-tion.

If you would like to visit, please, call the office first to schedule an appointment, and wear your mask while in the office.

Also, the door will be locked at all times, as we cannot allow more than one person at once in the office.

Wear your mask at all times (cover your mouth and nose), keep distance, and in case of hav-ing any kind of symptoms, stay home and call the office instead.

Please, don’t prepare for long talks, as there may be more people waiting in line to get to the office.

We reserve the right to refuse admission to an-yone who show symptoms of Coronavirus or do not follow the State’s and Church’s rules about COVID-19.



9:00 9:00






3:00 3:00





Page 8: “The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light;” Matthew … · 2021. 1. 31. · THE ENTRANCE SONG 1. Here in this place new light is streaming, Now is the darkness vanished

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