“you are the light of the world. a city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “amen...

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion. 1 Mass Times 2 My StoryHealed! 3 News & Events 4 Calendar 9 Readings & Intentions 5th Sunday In Ordinary Time February 9, 2020 Issue “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.” - Mt 5:14

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Page 1: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion.

1 Mass Times

2 My Story… Healed!

3 News & Events

4 Calendar

9 Readings

& Intentions

5th Sunday In Ordinary Time

February 9, 2020 I s s u e

“You are the light of the world.

A city set on a mountain

cannot be hidden.” - Mt 5:14

Page 2: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”


Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

“You are the salt of the earth.

But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be

seasoned? It is no longer good for anything

but to be thrown out and trampled under-

foot. You are the light of the world. A city

set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do

they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel bas-

ket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to

all in the house.”

The next time you see or use a salt, can you picture

Jesus saying these words and remember His teach-

ings? How can we add flavor and bring the light of

Christ to our community life here at All Souls? I

am sure we know a number people who have truly

become “light” to our lives. The gospel is clear, we

can also become witnesses to the true life and light

of Christ. Both salt and Light are valuable to us es-

pecially when it is directed towards following the

Life and Love of Christ for all people. “Our capaci-

ty to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, cloth

the naked, and removing oppressions, tells us that

a person that treats others in these ways will be so

treated by God” says Isaiah, our prophet. “To act as

God acts is the deep-

est meaning of right-

eous living.”

Be A Salt of the

Earth and A

Light to All.

Fr. David Vivero

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

"Ustedes son la sal de la tierra. Pero si la sal

deja de ser sal, ¿cómo podrá ser salada de nue-

vo? Ya no sirve para nada, por lo que se tira

afuera y es pisoteada por la gente. Ustedes son

la luz del mundo: ¿cómo se puede esconder

una ciudad asentada sobre un monte? Nadie

enciende una lámpara para taparla con un cajón; la po-

nen más bien sobre un candelero, y alumbra a todos los

que están en la casa.”

La próxima vez que vean o usen sal, ¿pueden im-aginarse a Jesús diciendo estas palabras, y re-cordar sus enseñanzas? ¿Cómo podemos añadir sabor y traer la luz de Cristo a nuestras vidas co-munitarias aquí en All Souls? Seguramente cono-cemos algunas personas que verdaderamente se han convertido en la “luz” de nuestras vidas. El Evangelio es muy claro – nosotros podemos llegar a ser testigos de la verdadera vida y luz de Cristo. Ambas – la sal y la luz – son valiosas para no-sotros, especialmente cuando son dirigidas a se-guir la vida y el amor de Cristo para toda la gente. “Nuestra capacidad para alimentar a los ham-brientos, hospedar a los desamparados, vestir a los desnudos, y quitar las opresiones, nos dice que una persona que trata al prójimo en esta manera será en turno tratado así por Dios”, dice nuestro profeta Isaías. “Actuar como actúa Dios es el signifi-cado más profundo de vivir justamente”.

Sean la sal de la tierra y una luz para todos.

Church Location: 3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 Confession: (Sat) 3:45-4:45 pm Vigil Mass: (Sat) 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 9:30 am & 11:00 am , 12:30 pm (Spanish)

Chapel Location:

800 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: 8:30 am

Sunday Masses: 8:00 am and 2:00 pm

(Latin Tridentine)

Page 3: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”

Gospel Meditation

For Your Day

What does it mean to be salt and

light? If we listen carefully to Jesus’

words, we gain some direction. To be

light means that our faith must translate

into action so that we can be Christ for

others and extend the same arm of mercy

and compassion that Christ did. Our acts

of piety, then, cannot be directed solely at

ourselves. Prayer is never about self-

benefit but must always be directed to-

ward union with God, deepening our

relationships with one another and learn-

ing how to be effective stewards of the

beautiful universe God has entrusted to

our care. ©LPi

Are You Salty? Article From: TGIF Today God Is First Vol-ume 1, by Os Hillman

"Everyone will be salted with fire." Mark 9:49

Jesus used parables to communicate

principles of the Kingdom of God. He

said each believer's life should have

the same impact on his or her world as

salt has on food. Salt gives food flavor

and brings out the best, while at the

same time it serves as a preservative.

What allows a Christian to become

salty? Fire. God knows that each be-

liever needs a degree

of testing by fire in

order for Christ's

fragrance to be man-

ifested. We cannot

become salty with-

out this deeper work

of the Holy Spirit's

fire in our lives. Fire

purifies all that is

not of Christ. It takes

away all the impuri-

My Story...

My 4 yr Old Sister Was Healed

In 1942, I was 5 years old when my parents

took me on a trolley to a Capuchin monas-

tery in downtown Detroit. There, we were

met by a slight, soft spoken monk who led

us to a small room with a desk and 3 chairs.

He motioned me to sit on his knee, while

we prayed together followed by his telling

us that my 4 year old sister Shirley (who

was in the hospital suffering from kidney

failure) would be well soon.

The next day we got a call from the

doctor saying that they had taped her

abdomen to relieve pressure, and her

kidneys began working again. My

sister is 81 years old now.

That Capuchin priest was Blessed

Solanus Casey who, when canon-

ized, will be the first American born,

male saint.

God Bless All Souls. by Earl Waters (parishioner)

All Are Welcome Here If you are alienated or

upset, we welcome

you lovingly. If you are in need of

forgiveness, Jesus forgives you

completely—with unconditional

love. If you have been hurt by the

Church, we are truly sorry. If you

are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If

life has become burdensome, we are

here to support you. We are happy

you are here and want you to stay.

We would like to share our lives

with you. Come join us each week

so we can worship God together.

All Souls Loves Visitors! We accept anyone who wants to

share in the life of the parish

regardless of where they live.

Please register as an affirmation of

your wish to share in the

community life of All Souls.

Registration cards may be found in

the narthex of the church or chapel,

the parish office during the week,

or online at our parish website:

allsoulssanford.org. Why not sign

up today? We love new members!

Register Today at: www.allsoulssanford.org/parish-registration


ties that prevent His nature from being

revealed in us.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now

for a little while you may have had to

suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These

have come so that your faith-of greater

worth than gold, which perishes even

though refined by fire-may be proved gen-

uine and may result in praise, glory and

honor when Jesus Christ is revealed

1 Peter 1:6-7.

Are you a salty Christian? If not, pray a

prayer that the immature are unwilling

to pray. Pray that God makes you a

salty Christian. It will result in praise

and glory at the throne of God.


All Souls

Catholic Church


School and

Jesus Christ


All Souls



All Souls

Historic Chapel

Nancy Scalice

Blessed Solanus Casey was born in 1870 and died in 1957. His was an inspirational life.

Page 4: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”


- What Does It Mean To Be

A Disciple? From Your Missionary Discipleship Team

During his ministry, Jesus gave various directives to those who

followed him: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Go and sin no

more.” “Be like the little children.” And perhaps one of the most

important: “Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to

follow all that I have taught you.” Matthew 28: 19-20

This great commission is something that he asks all of us to do.

But what does it mean to be a disciple?

“A disciple of Jesus is a believer,

a servant, and a witness.”

Traditionally, a disciple was someone who followed the teachings

of another. They became students or protegees of some teacher or

master. Disciples also practiced living the lifestyle and copying

the ways of their teacher on a daily basis. After having been per-

sonally chosen by the master, they left their homes to follow and

learn through an immersive experience, often joining with other

like-minded students.

All throughout the world, great philosophers, teachers, and art-

ists have had followers or disciples who wished to learn their

methods and, if ready for it, perhaps even their greatest secrets.

The greatest teacher and master of all, Jesus Christ, also had a

school of disciples. He, too, chose his followers, taught them his

secrets, and then instructed them in how to live a life according to

his teachings. Most masters would generally choose only a hand-

ful of followers and then order them never to share these secret

teachings with outsiders.

But Jesus was truly different. Before leaving this earth, he did the

unthinkable: he told his disciples, all of whom were now in pos-

session of his greatest secrets, to go out and make disciples of all

people and to share these teachings with everyone.

If we really want to know what it means to be his disciple, the

Gospels are where we start. These writings, in fact, were the tools

his own disciples used to share his teachings with others. John’s

Gospel, for example, gives us three portraits of what it means to

follow Jesus, each patterned after Jesus himself. From John’s

profile, we could say that a disciple of Jesus is a believer, a servant,

and a witness.

Disciple Means Believer

To follow Jesus means to believe him. This is at the heart of

his ministry here. As he told the woman at the well, the

Father is seeking true believers — those who believe him in

spirit and truth. John 4:23–24

(Look for Part 2 in next week’s All Souls Bulletin.)

- ¿Qué significa ser un

discípulo? De su equipo de Discipulado Misionero

Durante su ministerio, Jesús dio varias directivas a aquellos que lo

seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques

mas”. “Sean como los niños”. Y quizás la directive más importante:

“Ir pues, y hacer discípulos míos en todos los pueblos, bautizándolos

en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, y enseñán-

doles a guardar todo lo que yo les he mandado.” Mateo 28:19-20

Esta gran comisión es algo que el nos pide a todos que hagamos.

Pero, ¿qué significa ser un discípulo?

“Un discípulo de Cristo es un creyente,

un servidor, y un testigo”.

Tradicionalmente, un discípulo era alguien que seguía las ense-

ñanzas de otro. Ellos se convertían en alumnos o protegidos de un

maestro o profesor. Los discípulos también practicaban vivir en el

mismo estilo de vida y copiar las costumbres de sus maestros en

forma diaria. Después de haber sido elegidos personalmente por

su maestro, ellos dejaban sus hogares para seguir y aprender por

medio de una experiencia inmersiva, muchas veces en conjunto

con otros alumnos del mismo parecer.

Alrededor del mundo, todos los grandes filósofos, maestros y

artistas han tenido seguidores o discípulos quienes querían apren-

der sus métodos y, si estaban listos, hasta sus más grandes secre-

tos. El maestro y profesor más grande de todos, Jesucristo, también

tenía una escuela de discípulos. El también eligió a sus seguidores,

les enseñó sus secretos, y les instruyó sobre cómo vivir una vida de

acuerdo a sus enseñanzas. Muchos maestros generalmente solo

eligen unos pocos seguidores, y luego les ordenan que nunca com-

partan sus secretos o enseñanzas con los de afuera.

Pero Jesús era verdaderamente diferente. Antes de partir de esta

tierra, hizo lo inconcebible. Les dijo a sus discípulos, quienes ahora

poseían sus secretos más grandes, que salieran al mundo y hici-

eran discípulos de toda la gente, y que compartieran sus ense-

ñanzas con todos.

Si realmente queremos saber lo que significa ser un discípulo de

Cristo, debemos comenzar con los Evangelios. Estos escritos

fueron, en verdad, las herramientas que sus propios discípulos

usaron para compartir sus enseñanzas con el prójimo. El Evangelio

según Juan, por ejemplo, nos ofrece tres retratos de lo que significa

seguir a Jesús, cada uno de ellos modelados por el mismo Jesús.

Del perfil de Juan, podemos decir que un discípulo de Cristo es un

creyente, un servidor y un testigo.

Discípulo Significa Creyente Seguir a Jesús significa creer en el. Esto se encuentra en el corazón

de su ministerio. Como el le dijo a la mujer en el pozo de agua, el

Padre busca verdaderos creyentes – aquellos que creen en El en

espíritu y verdad. Juan 4:23-24

(La Segunda Parte de este articulo viene en el Boletín de la próxima semana).

Page 5: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 5:30 PM Youth Ministry COR Planning...Social Hall 7:00 PM CCW Board Meeting...................Conf Rm 7:15 PM Spanish Prayer Group.................Chapel

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 6:00 PM Spanish Choir...............................Choir Rm 7:00 PM Adult/Parent Bible Study..........Room 4 7:00 PM Jr DAWG……………………………...Gym/Soc Hall 7:00 PM Parish Choir……………………...….Choir Rm 7:00 PM RCIA w/Fr. Ken……………………..TRC

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:30 PM Gr 1-5 Faith Format….……….…..Sch/Chapel 6:45 PM DAWG……………………….………...Social Hall 7:00 PM RCIA Spanish WC……….……...…Conf Rm

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 6:30 PM Contemporary Choir...................Choir Rm

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 ALL DAY No School/Teacher Retreat…..School 8:30 AM Mass………………………………...…Chapel

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 ALL DAY OCA ….All Masses 8:30 AM Carmelites……………………...……Conf Rm 3:45 PM Confessions...................................Church


Share Your Story... As a child of God, you have a powerful story to tell. Sharing how you came to Jesus and the difference he’s made in your life can help others discover how they, too, can know God personally.

Maybe you’re afraid to share your story or faith because you don’t

know what to say. Remember that God does not call the equipped;

He equips the called—and as Christians, we are all called to share

what Christ has done in our lives.

Email your personal witness to: [email protected]. Keep stories short, about 175 words or less. If your story is selected, we’ll publish it (anonymously if you prefer) in a future issue of this Bulletin. Thank You!

Comparte Tu Historia... Como hijo de Dios, tienes una historia poderosa que contar. Com-

partir cómo llegaste a Jesús y la diferencia que ha hecho en tu

vida puede ayudar a otros a descubrir cómo ellos también pueden

conocer a Dios personalmente.

Envíe un correo electrónico su testigo personal a: [email protected]. Mantenga historias cortas, alrededor de 175 palabras o menos. Si seleccionamos su historia, la publi-caremos (de forma anónima, si lo prefiere) en una próxima edición de este Boletín. ¡Gracias!

Steve Ray is a Catholic convert,

national speaker, author, pil-

grimage guide, frequent guest

on EWTN and Relevant Radio,

and ardent defender of the

faith. He is also the host of the

popular, award-winning film

series on salvation history, The

Footprints of God. Steve will be

the featured speaker at this

year’s Lenten Mission at Most

Precious Blood Catholic Church

in Oviedo, Florida On February

28 & 29th. The Mission will

begin on Friday Evening and continue on Saturday (28 & 29),

and will cost only $20 for the entire event (this includes a lenten

dinner on Friday, breakfast on Saturday morning and a lunch provided

by Jason’s Deli on Saturday afternoon).

Registration is convenient and can be done on-line at this website: http://www.oviedocatholic.org/steve-ray-lent-mission-2020/

Catholic Moms Night Out!

Raffle items: Designer purse, movie tickets,

restaurant gift cards, wine

baskets and jewelry.

Check us out at :


Page 6: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”

We Give Together

Food Pantry Needs of the Week Fruit. (Pop-top cans are especially ap-preciated!) ** NOTE: We’re not able to accept fresh or frozen meats and cheeses or any perishable items that must be refrigerat-ed. Thank you for your non-perishable dona-tions. LAST WEEK: 301 items donated with a retail value of $836. Thanks!

Souper Supper - Mardi Gras Style! DATE CHANGE! We’re now serving up

a feast of tasty soups on Saturday, Febru-

ary 29 at the Social Hall. Join us for all-

you-can-eat soups, bread, dessert and

beverages. The price can’t be beat: $8 for

adults and kids under 12 are FREE. Doors

open at 6 pm and we’ll serve until 8 pm

(while supplies last!). Join us for a night of

great soups and even better company!

News From St. Vincent De Paul Orlando We need your shoes! St. Vincent de Paul is in a shoe shortage! We don’t have enough shoes to fill our Vouchers. Gen-tly-used shoes are much appreciated! Please drop off at our Blue Bins, Stores in Apopka or Clermont or we can pick up shoes and clothing with other large items of furniture or appliances. FREE PICKUP: 1.888.986.4483

St. Vincent De Paul (1581—1660)

In today’s Gos-

pel, Jesus says:

“You are the light

of the world.” He

is calling us to live

our Christian vo-

cation in words

and deeds. Be a

“light” to those liv-

ing in poverty and

in a world of dark-

ness by giving a

donation to the So-

ciety of St. Vincent

de Paul. ”


All Souls Stewardship of Treasure 1/26 Offertory ··································· $14,046.64

1/26 Debt Reduction····························· $1,471.64

1/26 St. Vincent De Paul ·························· $946.64

1/26 Church Mortg. Prin. Bal.········· $1,624,987.42

1/26 OCA Goal - 2020 ······················· $169,518.00

Stewardship Opportunities

Parish Office Volunteers Are you a student, retired, or looking to dust

off your job skills? Want to do a little work

around the office? All Souls is looking for

volunteers to help with the phones, greeting

parishioners, and general office duties. Ad-

ministrative skills and bi-lingual proficiency

are helpful, but not required. Our staff is

warm and our hearts are welcoming.

Call Us Today! 407-322-3795

Share Your Talents

All Souls is in immediate need of volunteers

to help us in our Communications mission.

If you have a background in any of the fields

listed below, please send us your infor-

mation: [email protected]

• Writing and/or Editing

• Graphic Design

• Market Research/Data Analysis

• Photography

• Promotions/Events

• Social Media Management

• Video Production

• Web Design/Production

This is a great opportunity to work with a

highly motivated, fun, and focused team of

faithful Christians, in bringing Christ to

others. Write us Today!

Family Life Coordinator

The Family Life committee is in need of

a new coordinator! The Coordinator

leads the Family Life committee in plan-

ning social, spiritual, and service events

for the parish. These events in-clude

managing Kids Games at the Harvest

Festival and planning the An-nual East-

er Egg Hunt. The Family Life committee

has great potential for growth. New ide-

as and enthusiastic leadership is encour-

aged! Mentoring and support would be

provided by the outgoing leader and

current com-mittee. Please prayerfully

consider joining the team! For more

infor-mation, please contact Holly

Hooton at [email protected].

St. Vincent de Paul

January 2020 Report All Souls Conference - Case Manage-ment Report - January, 2020

Total Number of Families Assisted: 53

Total Number of Families Receiving Food

Assistance: 41 valued @ $3,110.00

Total Number of Families Receiving Finan-

cial Assistance: 28 @ $5,513.12

• Rent/Lodging: 13 @ $4,090.25

• Utilities: 5 @ $962.55

• Gas Vouchers: 1 @ $20

• Bus Passes: 10 @ $141

• Medicine: 1 @ $112.01

• Water: 1 @ $90.47

• Meat Purchased for Freezer: $96.84


Page 7: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”


United States Department of Ed-

ucation National Blue Ribbon

School of Excellence in Catholic


If you are interested in a Catholic

school education for your stu-

dent, we would love to introduce

you to our campus! Please con-

tact our school office and sched-

ule a tour today.

Barbara Schirard | Principal

Mary Moran | Asst. Principal

810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771

Phone: 407.322.7090

Fax: 407.321.7255 Website:


Are you looking for technology

friendly FREE VPK for your child?

All Souls Catholic School is current-

ly enrolling new students! With

some of the highest “readiness

Rates” in Seminole County, our

VPK students are Kindergarten

ready! Call us and come tour our

campus. Phone: 407.322.3795

All Souls Catholic School

National Catholic Schools Week is a

time for students, faculty, staff and fam-

ilies to celebrate a school community

where God is at the helm! Our students

led daily morning prayer services

throughout the week and participated

in a Living Rosary where students were

each a “bead” and led the rest of the

school in praying the Rosary.

The school community participated in

fun events during the school day such

as the Brain Bowl, Teacher Class

Swaps, an 8th Grade Scavenger Hunt,

Tug of War and a day in the sun on

the large inflatable playground! The

week ended with a teacher versus 8th

Grade Volleyball Game.

We Love Catholic Schools Week!

Ms. Lucy and her class from “Padres y

Madres Orantes” (PyMO) share in a

meal during their program this past

Saturday evening. PyMO meets one

Sunday a month to pray for families,

our priests and each other. While par-

ents share in prayer, children partici-

pate in Faith Formation classes. Each

evening concludes with a shared din-

ner for all families. If you feel a desire

to share in prayer please feel free to join

PyMO. See the parish calendar for

meeting dates and times.

Madres Y Padres

Orantes Program

The First Eucharist Welcome Rite took

place over the weekend at all Masses (for all

those children who will be celebrating First

Eucharist [Communion] this coming May

2020). As celebrating First Eucharist is a

sacrament of initiation, the Parish as a whole

participated in blessing these children as

they prepare to receive Christ in a real way

through the Eucharist. May we continue to

pray for the approximately 75 children and

teens preparing to receive the Sacrament.

First Eucharist

Welcome Rite

Page 8: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”

Confirmation Preparation for 8th Graders or Higher

Information was mailed Thanksgiving week to all those

families who potentially have an 8th grader (or older) who is

eligible to prepare to celebrate the sacrament in April 2020.

Your son/daughter is invited to prepare for the sacrament if…

• They were Baptized Catholic (or Welcomed into the Catholic Church)

• Celebrated 1st Reconciliation and First Eucharist (prior to September 2019)

• Is in 8th grade or higher

• Attended formal faith formation (or Catholic School) in 2018/2019

Any families of children/teens that meet this criteria but did

not receive the paperwork in the mail should call Holly

Hooton at 407-322-3795.

And The Bible Says...

Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if

salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? You are the light

of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.”

- Mt 5:13a, 14

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “Ustedes son la sal de la tierra. Si la sal

se vuelve insípida, ¿con qué se le devolverá el sabor? Ustedes son

la luz del mundo. No se puede ocultar una ciudad construida en lo

alto de un monte”. - Mt 5, 13. 14

Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.

O n December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dog-

ma of the Immaculate Conception in the apostolic con-

stitution Ineffabilis Deus. A little more than three years

later, on February 11, 1858, a young lady appeared to Bernadette

Soubirous. This began a series of visions. During the apparition

on March 25th, the lady identified herself with the words: “I am

the Immaculate Conception.”

Bernadette was a sickly child of poor parents. Their practice of

the Catholic faith was scarcely more than lukewarm. Berna-

dette could pray the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Creed.

She also knew the prayer of the Miraculous Medal: “O Mary

conceived without sin.”

During interrogations Bernadette gave an account of what she

saw. It was “something white in the shape of a girl.” She used

the word aquero, a dialect term meaning “this thing.” It was “a

pretty young girl with a rosary over her arm.” Her white robe

was encircled by a blue girdle. She wore a white veil. There

was a yellow rose on each foot. A rosary was in her hand. Ber-

nadette was also impressed by the fact that the lady did not

use the informal form of address (tu), but the polite form

(vous). The humble virgin appeared to a humble girl and treat-

ed her with dignity.

Through that humble girl, Mary revitalized and continues to

revitalize the faith of millions of people. People began to flock

to Lourdes from other parts of France and from all over the

world. In 1862 Church authorities confirmed the authenticity

of the apparitions.


(February 11th)

The purpose of the CCW is to offer support, education, inspiration, and empowerment to the women of our par-ish, and to encourage them in their spiritual growth, leadership, and service to our community.

General Meetings: First Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at 7 pm.

Location: Knights of Columbus Social Hall, 2509 Myrtle Ave, Sanford, FL

32773. For more info: www.allsoulssanford.org/ccw-2

Concilio de Mujeres Católicas de All Souls

Juntas Generales: Primer martes del mes (excepto julio y agosto) a las 7 p.m.

Ubicación: Salón Social de Los Caballeros de Colón, 2509 Myrtle Ave,

Sanford, FL 32773. Para mas información: www.allsoulssanford.org/ccw-2

Page 9: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”


Parish Clergy

Fr. David P. Vivero | Parish Priest [email protected]

Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired

Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired

Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant

Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz | Deacon [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller | Deacon [email protected]

Parish Staff

Henry Esparza Director of Operations [email protected]

Amy Scott Receptionist [email protected]

Beatriz Perez De Koeneke Hispanic Secretary [email protected]

Deacon Wenny Cruz Coordinator for Spanish Community [email protected]

Holly Hooton Parish Catechetical Leader [email protected]

Michelle Murphy Youth Minister [email protected]

David McGhee Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Music Website: www.allsoulsmusic.com

Nancy Pfingsten Associate Director of Music [email protected]

Mary Valente Director of Cemetery Operations [email protected]

Eduardo Brenes-Montero Supervisor Facilities, Safety and Security [email protected]

Office Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

Phone: 407.322.3795

FAX: 407.322.1131

Parish Website: www.allsoulssanford.org

All Souls Parish Office Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford, FL 32771

Our Faith Community

Lift Students Out of Poverty: Support the Society of St. Vincent de

Paul’s 2020 Scholarship Program

Bryann, a 2019 high school graduate of

Seminole High School in Sanford, as-

pires to become a trauma nurse. She’s

motivated by the memory of her brother

who passed away from a heart condi-

tion when she was a freshman in high

school. Shortly after losing her brother,

her father also passed away.

Despite adversity, she graduated with a

3.536 GPA. While in high school, Bry-

ann’s journey into the field of nursing

started when she became a licensed CNA

at Seminole State College. She is currently

attending Florida A & M University.

Thanks to your generosity, the Society of

St. Vincent de Paul Conference at All

Souls Catholic Church, provided Bryann

a much-needed $1,000 scholarship.

Now in its eighth year, St. Vincent de

Paul’s Scholarship Program provides

opportunities to high school students

like Bryann, young people who excel in

the classroom and in the community but

come from families struggling to make

ends meet.

The St. Vincent de Paul Ministry works

closely with our neighbors in need,

walking with them and helping lift them

out of poverty.

To continue our Mission, we need your

help! Will you join us in making a

change in these young people’s lives?

There are a couple of ways to help:

Become a Sponsor by supporting a

student with a $2,000 full Scholar-

ship/$1,000 a year for two years. You

may make your gift in memory of a

loved one. Sponsors are invited to

join us during our Scholarship Cere-

mony in May.

Become a Donor by making a gener-

ous contribution in any amount. All

donations are applied to a full Scholar-

ship. We’ll recognize your donation

during our Scholarship Ceremony.

Please pray for the continued success

of this Scholarship Program and for

the young people whose lives are posi-

tively impacted by the generosity of

Sponsors and Donors like you.

More information: Please contact the

SVdP Office at 407-330-4400. Checks may be

made payable to SVDP Scholarship Pro-

gram at: 301 W. 8th Street Sanford, FL 32771

Our Catholic Appeal

Your offering to Our Catholic Appeal pro-

claims your capacity to go beyond external

appearances and make visible your love for

God. If you have already received a pledge

form in the mail, please complete it and mail

it back or bring it to Mass with you next

weekend. If you did not receive a mailing or

have not had time to respond, please help

our parish by making your gift at Mass next

weekend or the following weekend. You may visit www.cfocf.org/oca to view Bish-

op Noonan's homily video, read through the

Our Catholic Appeal brochure, and learn more

about the life-changing impact of your gifts.

Page 10: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain ... · 2/9/2020  · seguían. “Amen a su prójimo como a si mismo”. “Ve y no peques mas”. “Sean como los niños”

Mass Readings

8 Sat 9 Sun Is 58:7-10/Ps

112:4-5, 6-7,

8-9 [4a]/1 Cor



10 Mon 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-

13/Ps 132:6-

7, 8-10 [8a]/

Mk 6:53-56

11 Tue 1 Kgs 8:22-23,


84:3, 4, 5 and

10, 11 [2]/Mk


12 Wed 1 Kgs 10:1-

10/Ps 37:5-6,

30-31, 39-40



13 Thu 1 Kgs 11:4-

13/Ps 106:3-

4, 35-36, 37

and 40 [4a]/

Mk 7:24-30

14 Fri 1 Kgs 11:29-

32; 12:19/Ps


12-13, 14-15

[11a and 9a]/

Mk 7:31-37

St. Josephine



Marriage Day;

St. Jerome


St. Scholasti-

ca, Virgin Our Lady of

Lourdes St. Apollonia St. Giles Mary

of St. Joseph

Sts. Cyril,

Monk, and



8:30am -

Bob Friche Requested By:

Friche Family

5:00pm - Church

Sara Rosado Requested By:

Mary Rosado

8:00am -

Requested By:

9:30am - Church

Requested By:

11:00am - Church

Michael Palie

Requested By:

Fuoco Family

12:30pm - Church

Cosme Brito

Requested By:

Brito Family


Chet Figurski

Requested By:

8:30am -


Heneghan, Sr. Requested By:

Bobby Heneghan

8:30am - Catherine Agada Requested By:

Ebele Agada

8:30am - Guiomar Garcia Requested By:

Jackie Villalobos

8:30am -


Frederickson Requested By:

Fran Hahnel

Frank Hahnel

8:30am -

Donald &

Winkie LeFils 67th Wedding

Anniversary Requested By:

LeFils Family




Our Sanctuary Light burns at

the Chapel this week in loving

memory of Jason Raguso, as

requested by Ambrogio Family.

May he rest in eternal peace.

This Week’s Catholic Resources Reliable sources to help you learn more and grow your faith .


Vatican Archives: Provided in hypertextualized text together with

wordlists and concordances. http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM


The Catholic Faith On Demand. Get thousands of movies, programs,

audio, and books instantly—on your TV or mobile device. https://formed.org/


The Magis Center provides comprehensive and systematic responses

to restore, reconstruct, and revitalize belief in God, the transcendent

dignity of every person, the significance of virtue, the higher levels of hap-

piness, love, and freedom, and the real presence of Jesus Christ. https://magiscenter.com/


Bringing Christ to the world through the media. https://relevantradio.com/


Brothers and sisters in Christ, please tell others about this list so they will

not have to spend hours looking for Marian Rosaries on audio. God Bless. https://www.catholicdoors.com/misc/rosaryonmp3.htm


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). http://www.usccb.org/about/