ap euro nations into states narrated

AP European History5 Nation or Monarchs

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AP European History

AP European History5Nation or Monarchs

What is a Nation?People with shared ethnic identity, with geographical ties to a specific location. ethnic is from the Greek word ethnos for clan. Ethnicity is non hereditary characteristics ReligionLanguage FoodDressArt..

So where are the nations?Europe 1400

Here they are..sort ofEurope 2000

So where were the nations in 1400?

Who were the Papal States?The Ottomans did they call themselves thatWhat about the Italians I can see the boot. So where are the Italians???My goodness. No Germans, Greeks, Greeks, for goodness sake, no Greeks???Shuirley shome mishtake.

Reality.They were always thereHowever, so was their king/prince/bishop/psychotic hard-case who was given the land by a king or violently deposed the last one. (delete where appropriate)Countries more often titled by dynasty that ruled them, rather then the people they ruled over. E.G. Ottomans ruling over Turks (and lots of others)Gradually, groups of people, with ethnic commonalities and historical ties to geographic spaces become nations This is ongoing, and has caused MILLIONS of deaths.

1500By 1500 three nation states have emerged from the chaos and change that occurred after the fall of Rome (476 C.E.). Still most of Europe was heavily fragmented. Modern historical review states this as one of the long-term advantages of western Eurasia over East Asia.


One of the first nation states to emerge. Small, isolated, but interesting.Borders matched ethnicity for a longtimeLanguage Gaelic or Scotts EnglishUnion of crowns 1603Union (into UK of GB) 1707starts as a nation state, ends up part of a larger multi-nation state


Not so tidy on the borders overlaps into distinctly different nations like Wales, Ireland and a bit of FranceGermanic/French hybridPath to nationhood was tricky.but helped by the geographic isolation


Nobles ran the show.from magna carta in 1215Wars of Roses Lancaster Vs. YorkUltimate Tudor victoryAdroit Henry VII ran things really well (shame about his son and heir) Star Chamber Centralized


A cohesive shape in the west side of Europe. Some scattered, non-ethnically French places elsewhere. Enlarged and secured through war, marriage, and treaty. Nobles bought under control Army established one of the first standing armies under a head of state

France cont.

Taxes The Gabelle (Salt which is a regressive tax that is harder on the poor) Francis I & Concordat of Bologna: Choose your own bishop.a great example of symbiosis between church and state. France becomes a powerhouse of Europe by the 1500s with a very well controlled, centralized leadership


Spain contUnified by Marriage : Isabelle of Castile & Ferdinand of AragonSystem of regional autonomy remained (Cortes). Foreign policy though was unitedSpain remains Federal to this day! Curbed aristocratic powerGaines the right to appoint bishops at home and in colonies1492 (hmm) makes the ReconquistaInquisition mainly anti-Semetic