ap lang: quick quiz

AP Lang: Quick Quiz Identify the propaganda techniques used AND explain your reasoning:

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AP Lang: Quick Quiz. Identify the propaganda techniques used AND explain your reasoning :. AP Lang Vocab 2:2. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. AP Exam: The Synthesis Essay. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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AP Lang: Quick Quiz

Identify the propaganda

techniques used AND

explain your reasoning:

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AP Lang Vocab 2:2Word POS Def. Example

1 Amoral Adj Lacking a sense of right and wrong

2 Abate V To reduce3 Abase V To humiliate; to degrade4 Demur V To make an exception; to

object5 Dejected Adj Lacking hope; depressed6 Depravity N Extreme wickedness7 Panacea N A cure all8 Pandemic Adj Widespread; general (all

over)9 Panjandrum N A self-important or

pretentious person (all important)

10 Panorama N An unbroken view of an area (see all)

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AP Exam: The Synthesis Essay

Sample: Read the following sources referencing the Dreyfus affair carefully. Then, in an essay that synthesizes at least three of the documents for support, refute, or qualify the assertion that, over time, even the most despicable historical wrongs are made right.

Sample: Basing your answer on the information below, support, refute, or qualify the assertion that the Swiss architect Le Corbusier made in 1923: “Space and light and order. Those are the things that men need just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep.” You may refer to the sources by their titles of by the description in parentheses.

1) Use the provided source to either explain something or argue a point2) Synthesize the sources; use them to support your position; Your argument

should be central; the sources should support this argument; avoid mere paraphrasing or summary.

3) You do not need, nor want, to use all the sources4) One source will always be a visual

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Dissecting the Prompt:

1) Label the background of the issue

2) Label the “scenario”

3) Underline what you are suppose to write about

4) Determine what information you need to answer all parts of the prompt.

Much attention has been given lately to the ubiquitous presence of information technologies. Our daily lives seem to be saturated with television, computers, cell phones, PDAs and MP3 players, to name just a few of the most common technologies.

Many people extol the ability of such technologies to provide easy access to information and facilitate research and learning. At the same time, however, some critics worry that the widespread use of information technologies forces our lives to move too quickly. We encounter images and information from the internet and other sources faster than we can process or evaluate them, and even though electronic communication has been enhanced, both the quality and quantity of face-to-face interaction is changing.

Read the following sources. Then, in an essay that synthesizes at least 3 of the sources for support, evaluate the most important factors that a school should consider before using particular technologies in curriculum and instruction.

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Dissecting the Prompt:

Most Imp. Factors. -------- Eval.







Much attention has been given lately to the ubiquitous presence of information technologies. Our daily lives seem to be saturated with television, computers, cell phones, PDAs and MP3 players, to name just a few of the most common technologies.

Many people extol the ability of such technologies to provide easy access to information and facilitate research and learning. At the same time, however, some critics worry that the widespread use of information technologies forces our lives to move too quickly. We encounter images and information from the internet and other sources faster than we can process or evaluate them, and even though electronic communication has been enhanced, both the quality and quantity of face-to-face interaction is changing.

Read the following sources. Then, in an essay that synthesizes at

least 3 of the sources for support, evaluate the most important factors that a school should consider before using particular technologies in curriculum and instruction.

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Dissecting the Synthesis Essay

Your Assignment:1) After dissecting the prompt, read & annotate all sources looking for the “MOST IMP. FACTORS” in each. Fill out source grid.

2) Develop a Position statement for the prompt.

3) Highlight which sources you would use to support your argument. Remember, you will also want a source for the counter argument as well.

Page 17: AP Lang:  Quick Quiz

1) Read over the 3 sample responses to the 2010 Synthesis Prompt & rubric

2) Give each a score: 9,7,5,3

3) Discuss

4) Outline the 9 & 3

Dissecting the Synthesis Essay