app marketing networks 2014

1 © Soko Media Ltd Learn more at App Marketing Networks 2014 Guide to App Marketing Networks Who should you work with to promote your apps and mobile games? Our guide to the top app-marketing platforms, agencies and services will help you to get your app in front of your audience. An inside guide, from the experts at 2014 edition

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Who should you work with to promote your apps and mobile games? Our guide to the top app-marketing platforms, agencies and services will help you to get your app in front of your audience.


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App Marketing Networks 2014

Guide to App Marketing NetworksWho should you work with to promote your apps and

mobile games? Our guide to the top app-marketing

platforms, agencies and services will help you to get

your app in front of your audience.

An inside guide, from the experts at

2014 edition

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App Marketing Networks 2014

Appflood iOS and Android App Promotion

Appflood is a 100% transparent cross-promotion network that allows iOS and Android developers to see and control every aspect of monetization and distribution. AppFlood also features multi-dimension analytics and ad network mediation

AppFlood employs a unique many-to-many approach to user exchange. Instead of finding similar apps and negotiating terms yourself, AppFlood automatically finds the right apps and manages the exchange for you. Simple default settings guarantee 1-for-1 install exchange and can be setup in minutes. Advertisers never pay for false clicks or impressions. Some features include:

Full campaign control including daily budgets and max bid price per installManage unlimited campaigns per app and optimize through split A/B testingTarget campaigns by country, language, OS version, device type, and app categoryAppMatch™ technology optimizes your ad placements for max conversion ratesSuper lite SDK or Server-to-Server available

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Appia The leading mobile app distribution network

Appia is the leading mobile user acquisition marketplace, delivering mobile app downloads to over 700 million users across 200 countries. Ranked #22 on the Wall Street Journal’s 2012 Top 50 Venture-Backed Companies, Appia provides non-incentivized performance mobile solutions for developers, publishers and advertisers. Their network includes advertisers and publishers such as Travelocity,, and DeNA.Premium visibility on a no risk Cost-Per-Install (CPI) model

Drive higher rankings in Google Play and iOS App Store with more downloadsSuccess with burst campaigns as well as long term UA goalsOver 60% of the Top 100 Grossing Android Apps

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NativeX Put your app in front of over 165M Unique MAUs

NativeX will help you quickly build a healthy user base for your app, and you will only pay when users act on your offer. We have driven over 1 billion app downloads across our network of over 165 million Unique Monthly Active Users. We use algorithmic targeting to serve the right ad to the user with the highest propensity to act on it

Campaigns are optimized on the fly with A/B experimentation.Our Creative Services team knows what drives downloads and will help develop creative that will get your ad noticed.We work with developers and publishers to incorporate native ad units into the user experience so that ads are served at the right time and not disruptive.

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Upapps Quality, engaged users at low CPIs

Upapps network powered by Apply, based in Tel-Aviv’s “Silicon Valley”, is a fast-growing “incubator” focused on building products and acquiring synergetic businesses in the field of distribution and monetization of mobile apps.

Apply works with worldwide leading direct Apps advertisers, Mobile affiliate networks, Mobile ad networks,Publishers, affiliates, and agencies. We aggregate it all to a one package solution with an inventory of thousands of Android and iOS apps. Our monetization tools give our advertisers the benefit of high quality engaged users at a low risk CPI (Cost Per Install) pricing model.

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Avazu Mobile Your Best Choice for App Promotion

Avazu Mobile works on performance based campaigns in terms of CPI, CPL, CPA. Our traffic is all non-incentivized and we buy 30 billion ad impressions every month. Avazu has years of experience in app marketing and delivers several thousands of installs daily for our premium clients. Avazu has advanced technologies for mobile inventories, like in-depth analytics for brands, devices, ISPs, OS, browsers and with all those we are able to optimize the quality for our customers. The Avazu platform delivers return on investment by linking to a specific conversion event in every single app marketing campaign – so you only pay when an app download or activation takes place.

the pay-per conversion model delivers high ROI for your mobile app marketing campaignglobal reach across a network of mobile apps and publishers across many international marketstransparent and detailed reporting on all stats, analytics and geo data for every app marketing campaign

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Ozu Partners CPI-based app marketing with no risks

OZU Partners is the new mobile division of a leading internet business group with extensive experience in marketing and monetizing traffic. It offers an app marketing agency with a presence in all major markets – if you have an app OZU are the best choice to help you promote it. They provide mobile marketing and search engine marketing solutions to achieve the best results, and you only pay for your conversions.

If you have mobile traffic, increase your income with OZU, they offer the most outstanding campaigns and exclusive advertisers, full transparency and eCPM optimization to increase monetization. Give OZU partners a chance to prove their services – you can trust them to deliver.

Get access to secret tactics and approachesNo risks with CPI/CPA modelsHigh quality mobile usersCustomized solutions according to your needsSEM experts and the only ones who can deliver on this channel confidence, certified agency by the top search engines

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AppLift Mobile games marketing platform

AppLift is a mobile games marketing platform. The company was founded in August 2012 by Kaya Taner, Tim Koschella and Hitfox Group. AppLift’s platform helps mobile game advertisers acquire loyal and paying gamers at scale on a performance basis. Via its proprietary Customer Lifetime Value Optimization Technology for user acquisition, AppLift focuses on tracking and maximizing the lifetime value of the users delivered to optimize campaign ROI and achieve the most efficient allocation of marketing budgets across traffic channels. On the supply side, media partners can easily and effectively monetize all their mobile traffic with relevant game offers, on both iOS and Android. Through non-intrusive and engaging native ad formats as well as a proprietary eCPM optimization algorithm, developers can maximize revenue while preserving their app’s user experience.

AppLift offers its partners extensive and personalized support in order to deliver the highest performanceAppLift partners with 200+ quality game publishers such as King, Wooga and EA and with 1500+ Media Partners to deliver high-quality trafficThe company currently employs 80 people from over 25 nationalities and is headquartered in Berlin with further offices in San Francisco and Seoul

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appOptim Make your app go viral!

appOptim is a global mobile app marketing platform offering a unique distribution solution by combining social networking and mobile advertising. It provides innovative tools for socialization and promotion to help apps become viral. The appOptim interactive SDK allows integration with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Whatsapp, Skype, email and SMS. Each message includes a link to your app. For Advertisers and Ad partners the platform targets and reaches millions of users with multiple ad formats adapted to their needs and the necessary optimization tools to guarantee the best distribution. appOptim is also proud of its brilliant teams that provide dedicated support, new technological improvement to our customers, and great relationships with advertisers.

highly targeted interstitial ads based on user categoriespromote your app via a mobile OfferWall or the appOPtim app of the dayTarget your app ads based on user search keywords integrate viral features with support for PhoneGap, Unity 3D and Basic4Android

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Jampp Put your app on the radar

Jampp is a leading data-driven mobile app promotion platform. Through a combination of smart optimisation technology, different traffic sources and publishing partners that range from local to global, Jampp helps companies acquire quality mobile app users on a performance (Cost Per Install) basis. The company works with Android, iOS and Windows Phone applications and can provide competitive CPIs in most markets.

only pay for installs, not impressions or clicks and set a maximum price per installreach millions of users in 50 different countriestrack every source and campaign using a single platform and create a funnel for your users

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Brus Media CPI-based advertising for apps

Brus Media offers app publishers a per-per-performance model for mobile app promotion across iPhone and Android apps. Brus Media offers cost-per-install and cost-per-click based pricing models and will work with you to create a campaign that meets your app marketing objectives. The Brus Media network includes a range of other publishers and apps that can deliver the right mix of traffic to make your campaign a success:

support for iOS and Android apps CPC or CPI based business modelshigh quality account management to support your app marketing objectives

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Chartboost The leading cross promotion exchange

Chartboost is a mobile app promotion network and platform that’s 100% self-service with a range of APIs and platforms. The service matches mobile apps and games with partners for selling mobile ads, exchanging ad space and enabling cross promotion across your own internal network. The Chartboost elements can be customized and skinned to match your own themes and colours. The service provides real time analytics and data, full control over campaigns settings including frequency capping and there is full information and data provided on the number of ads served and their performance. Developers can also buy additional promotion on top of the ads that are exchanged.

Charboost is used by over 15k games across the iOS, Android and Amazon platforms with over 6m sessions per month and serving ads in 150 countries worldwide. They recently raised a large round of funding from Sequoia Capital to expand the services that they offer to developers. The company is based in San Fransisco USA. The key services that it offers are:

Internal Cross-Promotion – cross-promote your other games and create a powerful promotion network that can make each new game a success from the startDirect Deals – sell traffic to other developers and advertisers in the way you want with no commissionBuy Extra Traffic – purchase additional clicks, installs, downloads and users

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Appnext Better monetization and more installs!

Appnext is a leading app distribution & monetization platform for developers and media partners. Appnext’s platform connects hundreds of available offers in 230 countries with 150M users every month. Appnext serves over 2B app requests each month, driven by over 2,500 quality developers and dozens of media partners. Appnext ad units include a unique special feature, high-performing interstitial and flexible, customizable native ads.

Appnext platform enables SDK, API and Tag integration and supports all major development tools and frameworks such as Unity, Marmalade and CoronaAppnext’s own proprietary ad server optimizes each campaign to generate maximum eCPMs according to OS, device, GEO and history dataDashboard enables 24/7 access to real-time reporting with full transparency

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Playnomics Personalised marketing for apps and games

Playnomics is a mobile app marketing platform for apps and games based around predictive data and personalisation. The basic premise of Playnomics is that app developers and marketers can ‘earn from everyone’ via its suite of predictive marketing tools, which generate marketing intelligence for mobile app and game developers based on specific user segementation.

Deeper user insights are available based upon behaviour (including spend and lifecycle), location and historical data and trends. Data points can be combined and customised to accurately pinpoint the most receptive and valuable user audience for app marketing. Playnomics incorporates predictive metrics into its solution to promote positive future user behaviour an increase user rention, engagement and monetization.

Drag-and-drop campaign builders for individual segmentation targeting (choose from push, notification, video, third party or static ads)Dynamically segment users based on patterns in demographic and behavioursGain deeper understandings of user behaviour to influence future outcomes

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Locket Re-engage your users

Locket is a unique app marketing platform based on personalised marketing across smartphone ‘lock screens’ to increase user engagement and aqcuisition. Using Locket, app developers and affiliate networks can reach with and engage new users and expect to drive levels of app engagement by up to 8x. Locket Engage provides effective smartphone marketing for games, apps and m-commerce.

The main benefits of Locket include the ability to retain current users with immersive imagery and content in lock screens, differentiation from competitors and increase app engagement. The solution is accessible via a single dashboard, which presents all content and key performance metrics such as engagement rates, adoption rates and ad revenue. User segmentation is also possible with pre-defined characteristics including device, time of day and location.

Unique way to increase app engagement by new and existing usersRun creative image-based campaigns for app promotion in Smartphone lock screensTrack key performance metrics from a single dashboard

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Maudau Cross-promotion done right

Maudau is a cross-promotion, cross-platform network for social apps and mobile games, available to developers on both IOS and Android networks. Using Maudau’s network of web apps, developers can exchange traffic between the two platforms and grow their user base and their business. The network itself is entirely based on the needs of developers and mobile/social game users and as such provides free traffic with efficient top conversion rates.

Maudau’s showpiece service is its 360° game consulting and budget management offering, and its tool kit includes an advanced cross-promotion bar, Promo-Box© and access to the Maudau Facebook community. Developers can quickly and easily integrate Maudau into their games and webpages via simple HTML code, and within minutes they can start trading clicks with other developers across the network.

Maximize user acquisition and retention with cross-promotion, cross-platform networkConfigure page URLs and set up ads within momentsSuitable for IOS and Android developers

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Localytics Mobile app marketing & analytics

Localytics is an app marketing and analytics platform providing powerful tools and features in a single solution. Localytics supports apps and games across the major platforms – iOS, Android, Windows Phone & I, Blackberry, HTML – and its plug-and-play SDK can be integrated in less than 10 minutes. One of the primary uses of Localytics as an app marketing tool is to engage and re-enage app uiseres via targeted push and in-app messages. The platform aims to empower developers to put into action the data acquired through the analytics platform.

Features of Localytics include engagement analysis in Real-Time, funnel management to convert prospects into new users, dynamic user segmentation for effective optimisation and lifetime value tracking for real user value. Developers can also access the more premium services such as acquisition management to ascertain the true ROI of specific campaigns and connect with users via in-app messaging and push messaging at the most opportunistic times.

Full suite of analytics for effective app marketing campaignsMarketing tools including user management, in-app messaging, A/B testing and push messagingData and analysis available in Real-Time

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App Marketing Networks 2014

AdColony The only instant-play HD mobile video ad network

AdColony produce the world’s highest quality mobile video advertising experience. Their expertise in development & innovation brought by consumer insights delivers the best results for publishers & advertisers alike. With offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and New York, this well established company has built a great reputation delivering mobile video campaigns for major brand advertisers.

There are many companies out there that can provide mobile video advertising but the difference that AdColony brings is the level of quality and success rates. In fact, purchase intent metrics multiply up to 5 times when using AdColony to produce video campaigns. AdColony is the only instant-play high definition video ad network, which speaks for itself in terms of how innovative this company is. This is the video ad network for you if you want to really get ahead of the rest of the market with cutting edge technology that will wow consumers and put users just one tap away from downloading your app. AdColony can help you to:

Connect mobile users with your brandAcquire 100% loyal users with no need for incentivesThrough instant-play video HD you can maximise monetization

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TapCommerce Leaders in mobile and tablet retargeting

TapCommerce is a leading mobile retargeting platform presently operating as a venture-backed company from its New York HQ. TapCommerce has bend signed to generate qualified traffic for apps and games based on user retargeting across mobile websites, tablet websites, and mobile apps and games (Android, iPhone and iPad). The platform is performance-based and offers promotional campaigns based on PPC (re-engaged click). TapCommerce is suitable for mobile app and mobile site promotions and as such is integrated via API or SDK.

The platform offers a number of benefits and features including segmentation to identify potential new users based on their activity. TapCommerce also has a wide reach offering hundreds of billions of impressions across mobile sites and applications and is partnered with leading mobile exchanges to guarantee access to qualified, premium publishers. Ad campaign creative is managed in-house with ads served dynamically according to user interests and ongoing promotion. Campaign ROI is continually monitored and improved by an assigned account manager.

Access reporting data with the most suitable metrics for your individual campaignUsers retargeted across mobile sites, tablet sites and mobile apps and gamesPerformance-based campaigns offering in-house creative and ad serving based on Pay-Per-Click (re-engaged user)

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Applifier Boost your consumer volume

Applifier helps app developers to boost the volume of their users and also helps to monetize your existing apps through cross-promotion of games. Using Applifier can ensure your costs remain low when acquiring users for Facebook and web games. You will probably already know how expensive it can be to attract and engage new users but with Applifier, you can let them do the hard work, taking advantage of the benefits of cross-promotion. With over 150 million active users per month, Applifier are the team to boost your user volume.

Applifier have performed extensive research into the methods that really drive user acquisition and will produce a fantastic game trailer for you to attract new users, by rewarding them in other games that they are using in exchange for watching your engaging game trailer. Here are some of the great benefits offered by Applifier:

Keep existing users happy with Everyplay which allows sharing of great game momentsGet new users for FREE through cross-promotionThe massive network gives you access to over 150 million qualified usersQuick and easy to integrate into your game

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Tapclix For acquiring and monetizing mobile users

Tapclix is a mobile advertising company whose headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. Working with the biggest players in the mobile industry, Tapclix delivers quality app recommendations to users. Their platform, AppDesk, provides cost effective user acquisition at the same time maximizing our partners’ freemium game revenue.

Tapclix will link you up with the industry’s leading brands for a mutually beneficial arrangement – developers earn a great revenue through recommending apps that are then downloaded, app advertisers get great promotion through the developers. Everyone is a winner! Some more benefits of working with Tapclix:

They offer optimised AppWall (branded apps sorted by highest eCPM are shown to the user)Provide high quality Splash Ads (text-based ad unit with optional app icon)AppDesk integration is really fast (usually takes less than 15 mins)Provides real-time reporting and statistics

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Flurry Appcircle app promotion

Flurry offers a wide range of services guaranteed to improve app success. With offices in New York, San Francisco, London and Mumbai, the company has helped over 95,000 companies to easily measure audience reach, engagement, retention, conversions and revenue through the use of Flurry Analytics.

Flurry AppCircle enables companies to easily identify and engage with high-quality audiences for their apps. Using consumer insight from Flurry Analytics based on over 850 million mobile users per month, Flurry AppCircle will ensure that you effectively target the right audience for your app and also to make sure that they continue to return to the app. Whichever service it is that you are looking for, AppCircle has a wide range of benefits including:

Reach more than 250 million mobile users each monthTarget and keep high-quality usersPay for consumersMaintain engagement way past the first app launch using AppCircle Re-EngagementProvides a selection of ad formats including video, banner and interstitialQuick start-up with fantastic campaign management tools plus self-serve ad-buildingCross-channel ad effectiveness measurement to maximize marketing ROI

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GameGenetics Smart distribution of mobile games

GameGenetics offers a ‘smart distribution’ of online content and mobile games by matching the right games with the right traffic. The network secures high quality global traffic with push signups, registrations and app installs for games promoted across the network, which is further strengthened by driving active and highly monetized gamers directly to apps and games via performance partner networks and content websites.

GameGenetics also runs white-label gaming channels, and as part of the app marketing services can place games with over 80 editorial partners in 25 countries across the globe. Various channels enable developers to find a target audience based on specific user and demographic requirements. To boost app marketing efforts, GameGenetics also runs social media based campaigns which can be integrated with social media marketing and activities therefore achieving maximum results.

Promote games on white-label gaming sites and editorial partners in over 25 countriesImprove app marketing campaigns with high-performance social media advertisingReach active and easily monetized gamers

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360 Dialog Mobile app CRM

360 Dialog is a German app marketing “engine” that aims to completely integrate web and mobile marketing. This promotional network aims to help developers achieve four key goals: Monetization, Retention, Analysis and User Acquisition, and offers a range of services in order to do so from user-specific campaigns to multi-channel cross and up-selling.

Effectively monetize apps with multichannel cross and up-sellingImprove app marketing transparency with user specific campaign or lifetime trackingIntegrate deep link conversions and retargeting for email/mobile advertising campaigns

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MediaSwapp Boost your mobile acquisitions

Mediaswapp is a French mobile marketing agency with services and solutions that cover each stage of an app lifecycle, from development to promotion. With a partnership with some of the leading players in the mobile marketing world (MisterBell, MobPartner and App 4 Phone), Mediaswapp aims to help developers promote their apps to the 1 million active users across the network via its four publishing sites: freevore, applivore, appsystem and appversus. Mediaswapp also features applications across its network that are designed to improve app promotion and app marketing, as well as offering advertising for businesses and agencies across its network of mobile news publishing websites.

Exclusive partnership with MisterBell, MobPartner and App 4 PhoneMobile app promotion network consisting of four different applications with a total audience of over 1 million usersBlogSystem and newsletter solutions available to advertisers

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Appsfire App discovery & developer tools

Appsfire is a mobile app promotion and discovery platform helping developers better market their apps and helping users better discover new apps. Appsfire’s platform lets you publish in-app notifications to collect feedback and track how your apps are performing across app stores. The user end of the platform is basically an app that recommends other apps across various categories, offers a fun search function and promotes ‘apps of the day’. The company is based in Paris, with headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Appsfire features a trusted app discovery platform offering developers a user base actively searching for quality apps.Features ranking intelligence letting you track your own apps and competitor apps.Used by a number of big name clients such as EA Mobile, Atari, Spotify and Red Bull.

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Startapp Mobile marketing & advertising

Startapp is primarily an Android mobile ad network, offering monetization and the distribution of free apps for developers, however it also provides some app promotion services. Its app promo network is suitable for developers of free apps and also app marketers who are keen to access the network’s high impressions rate (in excess of 2 billion per month).

App wall for inexpensive and effective app promotionPromote your app to over 2 billion Android users per monthDistribute your free apps and maximise their revenue potential

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AdDash iOS self promotion & analytics

AdDash is an app marketing solution with an emphasis on promoting beautiful and well developed apps and mobile sites. Headed up by experienced web developers, AdDash delivers mobile app promotion, tracking, analytics and a full advertising platform. The company bills itself as a “virtual Chief Marketing Officer”, aiming to help developers create the right content and get their apps to market.

On the app marketing side of things, AdDash offers a full service from cross-promotion via current apps to interactive ads, conversion tracking and customer insight. Advertising new apps on current app real estate is as simple as adding a single line of code via downloadable SDKs, the same SDK that enables developers to monitor and manage “application lifecycle events”.

Advertise new apps on current app real estate with AdDash’s dynamic advertising engineFull ad click conversion tracking offeredManage and amend ad schedules and content direct from browsersAccess customer behavior insights including app downloads, new installs, upgrades and usage stats (active customers, daily usage etc)

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InstaZebra Promote Your App on Instagram

InstaZebra, a rich media Network, allows you to promote your product via the world’s most popular photo sharing network and reach over 100m Instagram users. Through native mobile ads run across a network of 100s of influential Instagram users across a range of categories, InstaZebra offers a new untapped app promotion and marketing platform. All ads are audited and guaranteed and offer a new low cost option for full screen photo and video advertising across popular brands, individuals and app developers on Instagram

Rich media advertisingEngage audienceGenerate more followers for your own Instagram account

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App Marketing Networks 2014

Tapgen Effective marketing for mobile

TapGen is one of the more unusual app promotion services available to developers on a global basis. Basically, TapGen provides developers with a way to access thousands of users via sponsoring a contest on its FreeAppWin service. Promoting a contest on FreeAppWin takes a few moments to set up, and any contests with a value of $500 or more will automatically be promoted with a push message to all the users signed up to the network. TapGen aims to provide an instant “burst” of new users for apps to improve App Store rankings as well as general app downloads and sales.

Push-app promotion serviceSet up promotions in les than 5 minutes and reach thousands of new app usersImprove App Store rankings with contest sponsorshipPre/Post entry download ad service available

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Adinch Mobile ad network

Adinch is a mobile ad network that developers can use to both monetize and promote apps and websites without the need for manual control. Offering standard ad network services such as banner displays and audience/location-based targeting for app promotion campaigns, Adinch also gives developers the choice between running CPC and CPI campaigns.

Suitable for Android, Blackberry, iOS and Windows Mobile app developers, Adinch’s monetization solutions are RTB and Mediation ready. With high eCPM and fill rates, the network also enables developers to vary the duration of banner displays in their apps and also access testing modes for use in beta apps. For developers running app promotion, Adinch’s easy targeting choices (country, city, category) ensure that the right audiences can be quickly and easily found.

Supports standard text, banner and graphic banner (jpg, png, gif) ad formatsRun CPC or CPI campaignsVarious monetization options including transition animations for ads

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AndroidPIT Gain more users for Android apps

AndroidPIT is one of the leading independent mobile appstores for Android and the world’s largest Android community with over 6m visitors a month and 1.8m members and 50m mobile ad impressions a month. The marketplace operates across 8 languages (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Turkish). Developers can upload their app to their platform and it is distributed across their store as well as via a number of partner sites. AndroidPIT also offers a variety of advertising services to clients including leading brands such as Expedia, eBay and major games publishers. With AndroidPIT developers do have the potential to access the benefits of advertising to an audience that includes 7.5 million new members per month with a tech orientated target group. As far as advertisements go, AndroidPIT offers the following CPM, CPD and CPC campaign opions:

CPM Banner placements (various sizes from medium rectangle to billboard and wide skyscraper)Targeted mobile banner placements (including GEO, location, country, device, network speed and day/time)10-15 Apps are included per day in the Recommended Apps Pool (the most visited page on the AndroidPIT App) with placement available on a CPD (cost per download) basisTypically 50-100 downloads per day are delivered for each country where the app is featured

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YouAPPI Native app advertising & marketing

YouAPPI offers app marketing in the form of content-embedded app recommendations, which are tailored to the behaviours of individual users. youAPPI incorporates smartAPP technology into its solutions, bring personalised app recommendations to mobile users in a way that encourages them to interact (and therefore monetize).

Developers and publishers can make use of youAPPI’s simplicity to target their user acquisition and increase retention. In addition to personalised app promotion, youAPPI also offers various other tools such as real time monitoring of key user behaviours, scheduled campaigns for specific app marketing/advertising and managed push notification. youAPPI’s unique technology also offers complete brand protection.

Real time tuning of target audience and monitoring of consumer behaviourssmartAPP technology promotes apps to users in a personalised waySchedule in-depth campaigns and manage push notifications

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AdDuplex Cross-promotion for Windows Phone

AdDuplex is a cross-promotion network specifically for Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps and games. AdDuplex essentially offers two routes for app marketing – free cross-promotion and paid app marketing campaigns across the impressions-based network. The network has headquarters in Lithuania, but provides app marketing solutions to developers and publishers across the globe.

AdDuplex’s free app cross-promotion works on a simple premise, promote and market your apps by helping other developers. The network’s AdControl ad server can be added to applications, empowering users to serve ads for other apps and receive the same in return from other developers. The exchange ratio for cross-promotion on AdDuplex is 8:10, meaning that for every 8 out of 10 ads displayed in an app the same promotion will be received from other developers. AdDuplex helps developers utilise 100% if their ad space and is also compatible with monetization from other ad networks.

Free cross-promotion network specifically designed for Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps and gamesExchange ratios of 8:10Utilise 100% of ad space, and receive free app promotion in addition to monetization

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