appeal to audience

Appeal to audience Class Feedback The class felt that my documentary appealed to them as an audience not only regarding the topic itself but at how I tackled the topic thereby informing and educating them. They also expressed that it clearly showed that it was targeting those aged 16 -19. It was however argued that I could have had a range of different responses from the females’ point of view which I agree with totally. It did not really register with me at first because my topic is mainly male orientated, maybe if I tackled an issue relating to both genders it would have been a priority to me. Teachers Feedback My teacher felt that my documentary appealed to the audience that I justified in my treatment and would appeal to those on a national scale. I agree with this statement totally because my intention was to appeal to those interested in my topic. The fact that it would appeal to those on a national scale was justified by the use of expert interviews. Furthermore, they emphasised the fact that all those featured in my documentary were cricket expert would also create general interest in the topic and would mean that people will be interested in watching my documentary. Own Feedback I think my documentary will be successfully appealing to the target audience explained in my conduct. However, after carefully analysing my documentary, I believe I should have used Sixth form students opinions as well in my documentary in order to make it biased and would’ve had more variety of different ethnicities as well.

Upload: ibrahim95

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Appeal to audience

Appeal to audience

Class Feedback

The class felt that my documentary appealed to them as an audience not only regarding the topic itself but at how I tackled the topic thereby informing and educating them. They also expressed that it clearly showed that it was targeting those aged 16 -19. It was however argued that I could have had a range of different responses from the females’ point of view which I agree with totally. It did not really register with me at first because my topic is mainly male orientated, maybe if I tackled an issue relating to both genders it would have been a priority to me.

Teachers Feedback

My teacher felt that my documentary appealed to the audience that I justified in my treatment and would appeal to those on a national scale. I agree with this statement totally because my intention was to appeal to those interested in my topic. The fact that it would appeal to those on a national scale was justified by the use of expert interviews. Furthermore, they emphasised the fact that all those featured in my documentary were cricket expert would also create general interest in the topic and would mean that people will be interested in watching my documentary.

Own Feedback

I think my documentary will be successfully appealing to the target audience explained in my conduct. However, after carefully analysing my documentary, I believe I should have used Sixth form students opinions as well in my documentary in order to make it biased and would’ve had more variety of different ethnicities as well.

Place in market

Class Feedback

It was expressed by the class that my documentary was a USP itself purely because it is a topic that has not been focused on in too much detail by any other mediums. They came to conclusion that this has probably been the first documentary to focus on what I focused on. Furthermore, they also said that it was good how I looked at both sides of the argument and of how I incorporated the issue of why cricket is been a game of mixed ethnicity at professional level at school level it’s been segregated amongst young people in my documentary. What was the most insightful response I got was that I included quite a lot of

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information from all aspects of the topic whilst not losing focus. However, in terms of being suitable for the channel 4 or ITV 4, it was expressed that due to the lack of different ethnicities featured in my documentary it affected its suitability. I agree with this statement to a certain extent as I could have had a variety of different ethnicities through more voxspops but I realised it too late so I tried to include some variety through the archive footage used towards the end, but I do understand and agree with this statement.

Teachers Feedback

My teachers felt that my documentary was unique in the way in which I looked at segregation of cricket at school amongst young people from different angle. I agree with this statement because I saw the niche in the market and tried to exploit to the fullest. Referring back to the appeal to the audience, they did feel that it might not have place in the market because of the fact that it does not appeal to everyone.

Own Feedback

After watching and analysing my documentary I think that it has a place in the market because the argument regarding segregation of cricket at school amongst young people has grown. Therefore a lot of people will be interested to watch the documentary and will definitely have a place in the market.


Class Feedback

The class felt that I successfully demonstrated a range of different conventions in my documentary. I agree with this statement because I think I could have clearly shown the different ways in which I used the conventions. Moreover, they agreed that the choice of music was good and helped contribute the style and tone of the documentary. I agree with this but I tried to find suitable songs to create a specific atmosphere. However, I chose specific songs particularly to reflect the points expressed in the documentary.

Teachers Feedback

My teacher argued that I showed the general conventions of a general documentary, however, the main aspect of my documentary that stood out to them was the vast amount of archive footage used. I agree that the amount of archive footage could have been minimised but I think I should get credited for the way in which I edited the footage throughout the documentary playing close attention to how it was used in relation to the

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voice over. What I believe to be the best feedback was the fact that I didn’t demonstrate a variety of different camera shots and angles. I agree with this simply because it’s true. There were minor attempts to demonstrate different shot types at specific times of documentary but it clearly wasn’t enough.

Own Feedback

After watching my documentary I think that I demonstrated the general conventions of interviews, voxspops, and the use of archive footage but I did not explore the creative conventions. The feedback I got regarding the archive footage was really good so therefore, only regret not experimenting with different camera techniques because it may have had a dramatic impact on my final grade. This is not to say that I didn’t try to experiment with the camera but I just felt that it looked sticky in relation to the whole documentary. I wanted it to be professional and simple.

Use of Technology

Class Feedback

The class felt that I used the editing programme, Final Cut pro, effectively to produce a creative documentary. They paid close attention to the how I carefully monitored the sound levels between both the music and the voice over. I agree with this statement because I wanted to ensure that the voiceover was mostly heard and that the music at a level to create an atmospheric effect. On another issue, they felt that I used Photoshop effectively as well to produce good logo for my documentary to represent what my documentary was about.

Teachers Feedback

My clients focused closely on the way in which I edited my footage especially regarding the voxspops, interviews and archive footage. I totally agree with this because I think the editing was the best aspect of my documentary. I wanted to reflect the characteristics of my topic regarding its tempo and reflect it in my documentary but maintaining a fast pace.

Own Feedback

In my own opinion I think that I demonstrated a good level of technological use in my documentary. It was shown in many ways, by the use of recording of the voice over, the editing of captured and archive footage and interviews. Referring back to the archive

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footage, I think that it was good how I implemented and incorporated different examples of archive footage.


Class Feedback

After the class watched my documentary they suggested that since it focused on segregation of cricket at school I should have involved students from Sixth Forms. I agree with this to the fullest because I was too focused on getting cricket experts to feature in my documentary that I forgot about getting other possible contributors surrounding the topic. I think that it would have helped increased the overall appeal of the documentary thereby allowing it to be suitable to be broadcasted on the channel 4 or ITV 4. Furthermore, it would help justify the other argument investigated in my documentary.

Teachers Feedback

One improvement suggested by my clients was that there should have been a clear difference between those who were interviewed and those who weren’t. I can understand why this may have been said because I used the exact same shot types for the voxspops and the interviews. However, I must disagree because when I first showed the rough edit to my teachers they felt the same way but I am 100% certain sure that I introduced my interviewees clearly in my final piece. I used the archive footage, Voiceover and ashton to introduce every interviewee; I don’t think there could have been any better way of me introducing them and the interview.

Own Feedback

What was brought to my attention after watching my documentary was that I could have had a more engaging voice over. Even though I recorded the voice over, I think that those who watch would have got bored. On another note, I think a possible improvement could have to be the exclusion of Sixth Form student’s opinion because if I had more Sixth Form students in my documentary for that particular purpose then it would have been my unique selling point.