application of broad-range resequencing array rpm-t ei for ... · highly accurate broad-range...

1 Application of broad-range resequencing array RPM-TEI for detection 1 of pathogens in desert dust samples from Kuwait and Iraq 2 3 4 Tomasz A. Leski 1* , Anthony P. Malanoski 1 , Michael J. Gregory 2# , Baochuan Lin 1 , David 5 A. Stenger 1 6 7 8 Center for Bio/Molecular Science & Engineering, Code 6900, and Chemistry Division, 9 Code 6200, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375 10 11 Running title: RPM array for pathogen detection in desert dust 12 13 14 * Corresponding author: Tomasz Leski, Center for Bio/Molecular Science & 15 Engineering, Code 6900, Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue, S. W., 16 Washington DC 20375, USA. Tel.: (202) 767-0140, Fax: (202) 767-9594, E-mail: 17 [email protected] 18 # current affiliation: US Navy, Unit 3230, DPO AA34041-0340 19 Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00021-11 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 13 May 2011

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Application of broad-range resequencing array RPM-TEI for detection 1

of pathogens in desert dust samples from Kuwait and Iraq 2



Tomasz A. Leski1*

, Anthony P. Malanoski1, Michael J. Gregory

2#, Baochuan Lin

1, David 5

A. Stenger1 6



Center for Bio/Molecular Science & Engineering, Code 6900, and Chemistry Division, 9

Code 6200, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375 10


Running title: RPM array for pathogen detection in desert dust 12



*Corresponding author: Tomasz Leski, Center for Bio/Molecular Science & 15

Engineering, Code 6900, Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue, S. W., 16

Washington DC 20375, USA. Tel.: (202) 767-0140, Fax: (202) 767-9594, E-mail: 17

[email protected] 18

#current affiliation: US Navy, Unit 3230, DPO AA34041-0340 19

Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00021-11 AEM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 13 May 2011


Abstract 20


A significant percentage of the human population is exposed to high levels of naturally 22

occurring airborne dusts. Although the link between airborne particulate inhalation and a 23

variety of respiratory diseases has been long established, little is known about the 24

pathogenic role of the microbial component of the dust. In this study, we applied highly 25

multiplexed PCR and a high-density resequencing microarray (RPM-TEI 1.0) to screen 26

samples of fine topsoil particles and airborne dust collected in 19 locations in Iraq and 27

Kuwait for the presence of a broad range of human pathogens. The results indicated the 28

presence of potential human pathogens, including Mycobacterium, Brucella, Coxiella 29

burnetii, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus. The presence of Coxiella burnetii, a 30

highly infectious potential biowarfare agent, was confirmed and detected in additional 31

samples using a more sensitive technique (real-time PCR) indicating a high prevalence of 32

this organism in the analyzed samples. The detection of potentially viable pathogens in 33

breathable dusts from arid regions of Iraq and Kuwait underscores the importance of 34

further study of these environments. 35


Introduction 36


It is a well established fact, that the exposure of the human respiratory system to 38

high concentrations of airborne particulate matter (dust) can have significant adverse 39

health effects (15). Desert storm activity is the most significant source of non-40

occupational dust exposure in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. It is estimated that 41

between 0.5 to 5 billion tons of desert topsoil is being made airborne every year during 42

high wind desert storm events globally (50). Exposure to desert dust has been linked with 43

many conditions including silicosis and asthma (10, 45, 48, 54). Arid areas of Iraq and 44

Kuwait are one of the largest sources of airborne dust on the Earth (61) due to the very 45

high content of fine, easily suspendible particles in their topsoils (2). Many respiratory 46

diseases such as Desert Lung Syndrome (24, 25, 46, 51), Desert Storm Pneumonitis (Al 47

Eskan Disease) (14, 31, 32), Severe Acute Pneumonitis (1), and Acute Eosinophilic 48

Pneumonia (57) that are linked or suspected to be linked with the inhalation of desert dust 49

have been reported to occur in this region. 50

The pathogenic effect of dust inhalation on respiratory tissues is mostly attributed 51

to direct physical action of the dust particles on the epithelium of the human airways and 52

may be exacerbated by toxic effects of the trace elements (including arsenic, mercury, 53

cadmium and iron) and biologically active compounds that the dust particles may carry 54

(15). Not much is known, however, about the health impact of the microbiological 55

component of the dust (bacteria/fungi/viruses) on the exposed populations. A few studies 56

linked exposure to African desert dust with the increased risk of bacterial meningitis 57


caused by Neisseria meningitidis in the “meningitidis belt” of North Africa but the role of 58

the dust is not clear (9, 44, 58). 59

Previous research has shown that although desert dust particles are subjected to 60

the extreme physical conditions, such as UV irradiation, desiccation, lack of nutrients and 61

high temperatures, they contain a surprising diversity of viable microbes and bacterial 62

and fungal spores (21, 28). Furthermore, while the mobilized desert topsoils are most 63

often transported locally, large-scale high-energy wind events can result in long-range 64

movement of the suspended particles that in some cases cross oceans and even 65

circumnavigate the globe (18, 19, 22). While some data indicate the possibility of 66

intercontinental spread of infectious pathogens (17, 43, 56), very little is known about the 67

role that long distance airborne particulate transport plays in this phenomenon. 68

Screening dust for infectious agents requires a method that provides precise 69

identification and high sensitivity. A method having broad coverage would also be 70

advantageous. The normal approaches, e.g. bacterial culture, microscopy, or molecular 71

analysis of 16S and 18S rRNA, used to study the microbiological content of airborne 72

desert dust do not meet all these requirements (21, 27, 62). While microbiological culture 73

allows for accurate identification of the bacteria found in the sample, it is capable of 74

detecting only a small fraction of all of the microorganisms present since < 1% of the 75

bacterial strains present in the environment are currently cultivable (4). Microscopic 76

examination and rRNA methods based on 16S and 18S can give an insight into the total 77

biodiversity of the sample but their resolution is limited to the genus level identification 78

in many taxonomic groups (27, 62). Highly multiplexed detection technologies based on 79

multiple molecular signatures with better overall resolution are necessary for screening 80


environmental samples for human pathogens. The high-density resequencing microarray 81

technology in particular is an example of technology that was shown to be capable for 82

highly accurate broad-range pathogen detection (7, 8, 36-38, 59). 83

The focus of this study was to develop a procedure to screen dust samples for the 84

presence of human pathogens that can provide immediate determination of their presence, 85

which allows the directed use of more sensitive follow-on tests to confirm the presence of 86

such pathogens. To achieve this goal we used high-density resequencing microarray 87

designed to detect a broad range of biothreat agents, RPM-TEI 1.0 (33), to analyze 88

samples of the readily suspendible fraction of the desert topsoil and airborne particulates 89

from 19 distinct locations in Kuwait and Iraq. In one case detection of DNA of a known 90

human pathogen with bioweapon potential (Coxiella burnetii) was further investigated 91

using a highly sensitive real-time PCR assay.92


Materials and methods 93


Soil and dust sample collection 95

Time and location. The samples of soil and airborne particulates (dust) were collected 96

from 4 locations in Iraq and 15 locations in Kuwait (Fig. 1 and Table 1) near the areas of 97

deployment of US troops by the US Navy's Field Deployable Preventive Medicine Units 98

(FDPMUs) between 23rd

July and 27th

September 2007. 99

Soil sample collection and processing. The center of the collection area was recorded by 100

taking a global positioning (GPS) reading (this data is not shown in Table 1 due to 101

security considerations, it may be obtained directly from the authors of this study). Soil 102

samples (to the maximum depth of 2 cm) were collected from the center of the collection 103

area and four additional positions (corresponding to the north, south, east and west 104

compass points) located 50 meters from the center. Approximately 1L of surface soil was 105

collected from each site (200mL from each of the five positions). All the soil samples 106

were collected in sterile 50 mL tubes. Sterile working techniques were used for collection 107

and all subsequent handling of the samples. 108

For each collection site, equal amounts of the soil from all five positions were mixed 109

using sterile techniques to produce a composite sample representative of the area. The 110

composite sample was subjected to a two-stage sieving process using sterilized 111

standardized three-inch diameter stainless steel sieves (Gilson Company, Inc., Lewis 112

Center, OH; Endecotts Ltd., London, England; and Arthur S. La Pine & Co., Chicago, 113

IL). The sieves were used to sieve up to 50 grams of soil using 2 sieve stacks. Sieve 114

stack-1 consisted of five sieves and a collection pan. The order of the sieves from top 115


(coarse) to bottom (finer) is sieve No. 20 (0.840 mm mesh), No. 40 (0.590 mm), No. 60 116

(0.420 mm), No. 80 (0.177 mm) and No. 100 (0.149 mm). The fraction of soil collected 117

in the collection pan (particles <0.144 mm) was applied to sieve stack-2, which consisted 118

of four sieves and a collection pan. The order of the sieves from top to bottom is No. 140 119

(0.106 mm), No. 200 (0.075 mm), No. 270 (0.053 mm) and No. 500 (0.025 mm). The 120

sieving was conducted using Gilson performer III, model SS-3, sieve shaker (Gilson 121

Company, Inc.) at amplitude setting 8 for 30 minutes. The soil fraction collected in the 122

stack 2 collection pan, containing particles smaller than 0.025 mm (25µm), was used for 123

nucleic acid extraction. All sieves were cleaned using detergent solutions and sterilized 124

by rinsing with 70% ethanol and irradiating with UV for 15 min. before reusing. 125

Airborne particulate collection. Airborne particulate sampling at each collection site was 126

performed using Deployable Particulate Sampler (DPS) system (SKC Inc., Eighty Four, 127

PA) equipped with a PM10 size selective inlet allowing to collect particles 10 microns or 128

smaller in their aerodynamic diameter. The particles were collected for 24 hours from the 129

sampled air at the rate of 10 liters per min on 47 mm, 2 µm pore size PTFE filters 130

reinforced with PMP support ring (SKC Inc.). In each location a duplicate PTFE filter 131

was taken to the field but not exposed and was used as a negative control (field blank-132

FB). The exposed filters were stored short term (approx. 1 month) and shipped to the 133

laboratory at ambient temperatures (approx. 25°C) and frozen at -20°C for long-term 134

storage upon arrival to the laboratory. The blank filters were weighed before the exposure 135

to airborne particulate and filters containing collected particulates were weighed after 136

arriving back to the laboratory. The weight of collected particulate was obtained by 137


subtracting the weight of empty filter from the combined weight of filter with particulate 138

(Table 2). 139

Nucleic acid extraction. 140

The total nucleic acids were extracted from filter captured airborne particulates and 141

topsoil samples using the FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH) 142

according to the manufacturer instructions. For the extraction of nucleic acids from soil 143

samples 500 mg of sub 25µm fraction of composite soil sample was used. The final 144

nucleic acid elution was performed using 50 µL of DNase/pyrogen-free water. In order 145

to extract nucleic acids from airborne dust particles collected on PTFE filters, the PMP 146

support ring was removed and the whole filter was used for extraction. The filters were 147

folded and inserted into the kit’s Lysing Matrix E tube and subsequently processed in the 148

same way as soil samples. The field blanks were extracted in the same way as the 149

exposed filters. The final nucleic acid elution for airborne particulate samples was 150

performed using 100 µL of DNase/pyrogen-free water. The DNA concentrations were 151

measured fluorometrically using Qubit instrument (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). 152

RPM-TEI microarray analysis. 153

The RPM-TEI v. 1.0 microarray analysis was conducted as previously described (33) and 154

summarized in Figure 2. Briefly, 2 µL of nucleic acid preparation from each soil sample, 155

airborne particulate sample and field blank was reverse transcribed using random primers 156

to obtain cDNA for RNA templates potentially present in the sample. The obtained 157

mixture was split into four aliquots of equal volume and four separate approximately 50-158

plex PCR reactions were conducted using TEI microarray specific primer cocktails in 159

order to amplify all of the targets (see ref. (33) for detailed information on multiplex PCR 160


mixtures). Subsequently, the PCR amplification products were combined and purified 161

using QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Purified PCR products 162

were fragmented using DNase I and labeled with biotynylated ddATP using terminal 163

transferase. Labeled samples were loaded into the pre-heated RPM-TEI v. 1.0 microarray 164

cartridges (TessArae LLC, Potomac Falls, VA) that were previously incubated with pre-165

hybridization buffer for at least 10 minutes and the hybridization was conducted 166

overnight at 49°C. Next, the sample was removed from the cartridge and the microarray 167

was processed using GeneChip Fluidics Station 450 and scanned using GeneChip 168

Scanner 3000 with Autoloader (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Sequence data, based on 169

microarray hybridization patterns, was generated by GeneChip Sequence Analysis 170

Software 4.0 (Affymetrix). Pathogen identification was performed using Computer-171

Implemented Biological Sequence Identifier (CIBSI) 2.0 software (40) which filters the 172

sequence of base calls from the microarray and using the resolved bases as the query of a 173

similarity search of a DNA database (currently NCBI Genbank) to identify the most 174

likely species and variants that match the base calls from the hybridization observed. 175

Although the microarray is designed with tiles for specific pathogen targets (33), it is 176

capable of detection and correct sequence determination of targets differing by up to 15% 177

from the sequence present on the microarray. This allows for detection of target variants 178

and near neighbor discrimination. For RPM-TEI, one to six different genome/plasmid 179

sequences per targeted pathogen is present on the microarray. Depending on the 180

concentration and quality of the target, similarity to targeted pathogen, and other factors, 181

the hybridization on the microarray may produce for the one to six sequences anywhere 182

from nearly complete resequencing of the detected target to small short gene sequence 183


fragments to no signal at all. Based on a similarity search of the obtained sequences with 184

Genbank, CIBSI software will provide one of the following four outcomes: 1) no target 185

was detected, 2) a targeted pathogen was detected, 3) a near neighbor was detected, 4) 186

either a targeted pathogen or a near neighbor was detected but the microarray sequence 187

data was insufficient to discriminate between them. 188

Real time PCR (qPCR). 189

Real-time PCR for detection of Coxiella burnetii (IS1111 marker) was performed using 190

previously published PCR primers: IS1111-F801 (5’- AATTTCATCGTTCCCGGCAG-191

3’) and IS1111-R901(5’- GCCGCGTTTACTAATCCCCA-3’) (13). The amplification 192

reactions were conducted using SsoFast EvaGreen reaction mix (Bio-Rad Laboratories, 193

Hercules, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. An aliquot of 2 µL of total 194

nucleic acid preparation from each soil, airborne particulate or field blank sample was 195

used as a template. The reaction was carried out in 20 µL total volume containing 500 nM 196

of each primer. The thermal cycling and fluorescent signal detection was performed in a 197

CFX96 real-time PCR detection system (Bio-Rad Laboratories) with the following 198

thermal cycling conditions: initial incubation at 98°C for 2 min. followed by 40 cycles of 199

98°C for 2 sec. and 60°C for 5 sec. The amplification cycle was followed by melting 200

curve analysis using the following conditions: The results were analyzed with CFX 201

Manager software ver. 1.5.534.0511 (Bio-Rad Laboratories). A 5 µL aliquot of each C. 202

burnetii positive sample was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis (FlashGel DNA 203

cassette 1.2%; Lonza, Walkersville, MD) to confirm that the obtained PCR products had 204

the expected size. 205


Results 206


RPM-TEI microarray analysis. 208

Nucleic acids extracted from all samples (soil, airborne particulate and field blanks) were 209

analyzed using the high-density resequencing microarray for detection of tropical and 210

emerging pathogens (RPM-TEI v 1.0). Microarray analysis indicated a number of 211

microorganisms were present in the analyzed samples. The most common bacteria 212

present in these samples are Mycobacterium spp., followed by Brucella spp. and Coxiella 213

burnetii. Clostridium perfringens were found in 3 samples, while Bacillus spp. were only 214

found in one site in Iraq. The results are summarized in Table 3. 215

Almost all soil and the majority of airborne particulate samples (with the 216

exception of a soil sample from site 14 and airborne particulate samples from sites 6, 8, 217

13 and 17) were found to contain DNA that hybridized to microarray tiles designed for 218

detection of the rpoB gene of M. tuberculosis but other sequences for M. tuberculosis 219

were not positive. The possibility of cross contamination was excluded by inclusion and 220

analysis of negative controls (field blanks), all of which were negative for the presence of 221

Mycobacterium. The sequences read by the microarray indicated however, that the 222

detected DNA did not belong to M. tuberculosis. They were most similar to sequences of 223

various Mycobacterium species belonging to the group of rapidly growing Mycobacteria 224

(RGM). These species (depending on the particular sample) included M. barrasi, M. 225

glivum, M. smegmatis and M. ulcerans. In some cases determination of a single most 226

likely species was impossible due to insufficient sequence data. 227


A large number of analyzed samples contained nucleic acids hybridizing with 228

gyrA tile of Brucella melitensis. Approximately half of the soil samples (from site 5, 6, 9, 229

10, 12, 13, 15 and 19) and one airborne particulate sample (from site 1) contained 230

detectable quantities of this DNA. The sequences obtained were found to be most similar 231

to B. suis, B. abortus or B. melitensis but the sequence information was not sufficient to 232

make a definitive determination, which of these three species was present in the sample. 233

In one case (soil from site 18) the sequences obtained from this tile were determined to be 234

most similar to GenBank sequences of Bradyrhizobium although species level 235

determination was impossible. 236

The presence of C. burnetii nucleic acids was detected in four samples (soil from 237

site 5 and 8 in Northern Kuwait and airborne particulate from location 12 and 16 in 238

Southern Kuwait). In all four cases strong hybridization with Coxiella IS1111 tile was 239

observed. The quality of the sequence obtained from this tile allowed for species level 240

identification. In the case of the airborne particulate sample from site 16, hybridization 241

with the microarray tiles containing additional Coxiella diagnostic sequence, icd, was 242

also detected. 243

Nucleic acid sequences of another human pathogen, Clostridium perfringens, 244

were found in 3 samples (soil from location 17 and airborne particulate from site 3 and 245

16). The species level identifications in the case of this organism were made based on 246

hybridization with gyrA tiles in case of samples from locations 3 and 17 and with colA 247

tile in case of airborne particulate sample from site 17. 248

Sequences of Bacillus hybridizing with rpoB tiles were found both in sand and in 249

airborne particulate collected in Iraq from site number 1. The obtained sequences allowed 250


for determination that detected nucleic acids originated from Bacillus bacteria belonging 251

to Bacillus cereus group but excluded the possibility that it was any Bacillus anthracis 252

strain that has sequence submitted to Genbank. 253

Real-time PCR (qPCR) detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA. 254

The detection of Coxiella burnetii, the etiological agent of Q-fever and a potential 255

bioweapon in these samples using RPM-TEI 1.0 raised interest and concern that 256

warranted further investigation. Real-time PCR using primers designed by Christensen et 257

al. (13) was conducted to confirm the findings of the microarray and to possibly detect 258

the presence of this organism in additional samples. Similarly to the RPM-TEI 259

microarray, this assay takes advantage of the multiple copies of IS1111 marker present in 260

the C.burnetii genome (30) and IS1111 was previously shown to be very specific and 261

sensitive (13, 26, 39) for C.burnetii detection. 262

The C. burnettii specific real-time PCR was run on all collected samples 263

(Table 4). The field blank and water were included as negative controls. The PCR 264

analysis confirmed the presence of Coxiella specific nucleic acids in all samples that 265

tested positive for Coxiella by the RPM-TEI microarray (soil from sites 5 and 8 and 266

airborne dust from sites 12 and 16) but also detected the presence of C. burnettii DNA in 267

six additional samples: soil from sites 16, 18 and 19 and airborne particles from sites 8, 268

14 and 15. Agarose electrophoresis of the amplification products confirmed their correct 269

sizes (Fig. 3). One additional sample (soil, site 17) was found to give a positive 270

amplification, however the analysis of the amplification product (agarose gel, melt curve 271

and sequencing) indicated that it was a false positive. In total, C. burnettii was detected 272

(in either soil or dust) in almost half (8 out of 19) of all tested locations. All field blank 273


samples and water resulted in no amplification.274



Discussion 276


In this study, we investigated the potential for sand and airborne dust to contain 278

known human pathogens in samples collected from a number of locations in Iraq and 279

Kuwait. Analysis conducted using RPM-TEI microarray allowed for detection of nucleic 280

acids of a number of well-known human pathogens such as Coxiella burnetii and 281

Clostridium perfringens which may cause disease by inhalation. Nucleic acids were also 282

detected from genera such as Mycobacterium, Bacillus and Brucella, important potential 283

human pathogens, that may also be spread by a respiratory route. Some of them 284

(Coxiella, Brucella) require specialized culture conditions not available in most 285

diagnostic laboratories and would not be detected by plating on blood agar, therefore 286

molecular techniques facilitate their detection. While it is not possible to determine, 287

based on the microarray results, if the detected pathogens are viable, the detection of their 288

nucleic acids warrants further studies on the health risk associated with breathing fine 289

particles from arid, dusty regions of the Middle East. It should also be noted that there is 290

no significant correlation between the environmental conditions at the collection site and 291

the pathogens detected (Table 1). The analysis also showed that the DNA content in both 292

airborne dust samples and topsoil was generally within one order of magnitude (from 293

micrograms to tens of micrograms per gram of sample) and failed to show any significant 294

connection between the amount of the airborne particulate collected or overall sample 295

DNA content and the pathogen nucleic acids detected (Table 2). 296


The two most prevalent bacterial targets found that can act as human pathogens 297

were for species collectively known as rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) (12, 60) 298

and for Brucella spp. The mycobacteria are commonly found in soil (35, 47) and some 299

RGMs might be involved in respiratory disease in humans (3, 49). Brucella spp. 300

microorganisms include major zoonotic pathogens causing brucellosis in livestock. In 301

addition, some Brucella species (e.g. B. suis in the US) have been weaponized in the 302

course of offensive biological weapon programs (20). Human infections with Brucella 303

species (mostly with B. melitensis and B abortus) occur usually from direct or indirect 304

exposure to infected animals (63) but direct infection via inhalation of infected aerosols is 305

possible (63). 306

A more serious potential threat to humans detected in a number of analyzed 307

samples was Coxiella burnetii, which causes Q fever and is known to be able to persist 308

for long periods in the environment (41, 52). The identification of this organism by RPM-309

TEI was mostly based on detection of IS1111 insertion sequence that is specific to this 310

species and present in its genome in multiple copies (ranging from 7 to 110) (30). The 311

natural amplification of IS1111 may explain the fact that that this marker was detected in 312

all four C. burnetii positive samples while icd marker was detected in only one. A 313

sensitive qPCR test confirmed the microarray positives and revealed the presence of 314

C. burnetii DNA in additional locations indicating significant prevalence of this organism 315

in the desert dust in Kuwait. The fact that Q-fever was previously observed in this region 316

and a number of cases reported in the US troops deployed to this part of the world (5, 6, 317

16, 23, 34) are consistent with our findings. A recent large survey of environmental 318

samples collected from six geographically distinct parts of the USA found that 23.8% of 319


all analyzed samples were Coxiella positive by real-time PCR suggesting ubiquity of C. 320

burnetii in the environment which raises the interesting question of how closely related 321

the organisms are and whether they may be intercontinentally or globally transported in 322

dust particles (29). 323

Finding nucleic acids for organism belonging to genus Bacillus in samples from 324

only one location was surprising since Bacillus is relatively common in soil. This might 325

have been the result of marker selection geared towards Bacillus anthracis detection 326

(there are 6 markers specific for B. anthracis including 2 chromosomal and 4 plasmid 327

borne and only one for B. cereus on the microarray). Another possibility is poor nucleic 328

acid recovery from Bacillus spores. 329

It is important to note that all the microorganisms, for which nucleic acids were 330

detected by microarray, with the possible exception of Mycobacterium, are 331

predominantly zoonotic in their nature. This could be the result of sampling in the 332

vicinity of agricultural areas in which the infected animals (cattle, sheep and goats) are 333

likely to contaminate the soil. Also, no viral pathogens were detected even though RPM-334

TEI1.0 is capable of detecting a wide array of viruses. This could be the result of the 335

genuine absence of viral particles from the dust particles due to very harsh environmental 336

conditions affecting the desert dust or an experimental bias introduced by nucleic acid 337

extraction methods. It should also be noted that although fungi and/or fungal spores may 338

have significant impact of human health (53, 55), RPM-TEI1.0 was not designed to 339

detect fungi pathogens. Future development will include potential human fungal 340

pathogens in the microarray design to expand the coverage to this class of pathogens. 341


In summary, the results of this study indicate that high-density resequencing 342

microarrays have great potential as a tool for broad spectrum screening of environmental 343

samples for the presence of human pathogens. The TEI microarray directly detected 344

potential human pathogens and also guided the use of more specific and sensitive follow 345

up tests. One of the main strengths of the RPM technology, as shown by this study, lies in 346

its ability for simultaneous detection of hundreds of pathogens in a single test. Other 347

sensitive molecular methods such as qPCR are usually characterized by low multiplexing 348

levels. While these assays are cheaper as standalone tests, running enough of them to 349

provide the same coverage of pathogens on a single sample quickly overtakes RPM 350

microarrays in both cost and logistical complexity of running the analysis. Although 351

other technologies with universal coverage that may be applied to analyze environmental 352

samples exist, they either have low resolution (as 16SrRNA based techniques) or are 353

much more complex and expensive (such as high-throughput de novo sequencing). 354

The study also gives a glimpse at the baseline levels of recognized biothreat 355

agents and their near neighbors naturally present in the environment. A number of studies 356

aiming to determine natural background levels have been conducted (11, 42), however 357

more are needed in order to develop better environmental biothreat sensing technologies 358

and algorithms that are significantly less prone to false positive results than currently 359

available systems.360


Acknowledgements 361



We would like to acknowledge the members of the Field Deployable Preventive 364

Medicine Units: Lt Amy Mocatelli, HM2 Carl Druhl, Richard Ankney, LT Edward 365

Benchoff, LT Steward Bullock, HM2 Reatha Candler and HM2 Robin Lenon for 366

conducting the sample collection which enabled this research effort. The funding for 367

developing RPM-TEI 1.0 array was provided by the Office of Naval Research. The 368

opinions and assertions contained herein are those of the authors and none are to be 369

construed as those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy or any other 370

military service or government agency at large. 371


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Table 1. Collection site information. 570


Environmental conditions3 Site #

Country Location Site1 Type2

Temperature (ºC) Humidity (%) Wind (m/s)

1 Iskandariyah FPB Transformer yard SA/H 36.9 25.4 1.2

2 Al-Asad airbase South of flight line A/H 35.6 12.5 5.0

3 Camp Falluja Open field SA/M 33.7 23.9 2.6



Camp Anaconda Near firing range SA/M 34.1 18.1 3.3

5 Range 6 Open field A/M 36.0 11.0 3.3

6 Range 7A Open field A/M 29.2 15.4 0.8

7 Camp Buehring Staging Area A/M 54.4 6.0 4.4

8 FOB Scimitar Open field A/M 36.0 11.0 3.3

9 K-Crossing Open field SA/M 41.9 13.3 1.8

10 Life support area Open field SA/M 42.3 9.8 5.4




n K



Range 8 ECP Open desert A/M 31.9 6.0 2.5

12 Camp Arifjan Near tent area E/M 36.1 30.0 2.2

13 Camp Arifjan Open field A/ND4 42.8 7.3 0.0

14 Camp Patriot Comanndo cell KNB A/M 35.8 26.5 1.3

15 SPOD Eastern connex yard E/M 38.9 12.1 2.8

16 Camp Arifjan Zone 6, near ballfield A/M 37.1 13.0 5.8




ern K



Camp Patriot Berthing spaud A/H 36.8 54.0 2.2

18 Camp Virginia Open field A/M 40.4 10.0 3.7



Kuwait FOB Lance Open desert E/L 37.6 20.7 8.0

572 1The approximate geographic locations of collection sites within Iraq and Kuwait are depicted in Figure 1. The exact GPS coordinates 573

of the sites were collected but are not being made available in this paper due to security considerations. They are available on request 574

by contacting authors of this study. 575

2The type of the location is defined by the degree of land transformation (code before the slash) and type of vegetation present (code 576

after the slash). Land transformation codes: H – high – farm use, camp use, heavy traffic; M – medium – lightly populated, light 577

traffic; L – low – remote, at least 8 kilometers from populated areas, no traffic. Type of vegetation codes: SA – semi-arid – desert 578

scrublands and grasses; A – arid – diffuse, sparse vegetation; E – extremely arid – no vegetation. 579

3These readings were taken at the time of topsoil collection, which coincided with starting point of airborne particulate collection, 580

which lasted 24 hours. 581

4Vegetation type was not recorded for this location (ND – no data). 582



Table 2. Amounts of airborne particulates collected and DNA content of all collected samples1 584


Airborne particulates Topsoil Site number

Total collected (mg) Total DNA (ng) DNA content (µg/g) DNA content2 (µg/g)

1 1.9 22.8 12.0 20.8

2 1.3 37.4 28.2 15.3

3 0.6 17.6 28.2 10.8

4 2.2 16.4 7.5 13.6

5 1.4 n/d n/d 9.2

6 1.5 n/d n/d 6.0

7 1.9 n/d n/d 3.6

8 1.6 16.4 10.1 8.6

9 2.4 12.4 5.2 16.4

10 1.6 24.0 15.0 6.8

11 2.6 n/d n/d 9.8

12 4.2 n/d n/d 2.0

13 n/d3 n/d n/d 7.7

14 2.1 12.5 5.9 1.0

15 2.4 13.8 5.7 5.2

16 4.4 n/d n/d 2.0

17 2.7 n/d n/d 9.7

18 1.8 22.8 12.6 3.3

19 3.6 46.1 13.0 13.0

586 1Data for some of the airborne particulate samples was not obtained. 587

2The topsoil DNA content is based on total DNA extracted from 500mg of topsoil. 588

3n/d = no data 589


Table 3. RPM-TEI v. 1.0 microarray identification results1



Sample information hybrydizing detector tiles

Country Site



type3 organism gene/sequence

Most likely identification4

B. anthracis rpoB Bacillus cereus group S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

B. anthracis rpoB Bacillus cereus group

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or abortus or melitensis



M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 2

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum

S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae


perfringens gyrA Clostridium perfringens 3


M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae


4 A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum or smegmatis

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or abortus or melitensis

Coxiella burnetii IS1111 Coxiella burnetii 52 S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or abortus or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 6

A no hybrydization

S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 7

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium smegmatis

Coxiella burnetii IS1111 Coxiella burnetii S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum or barrassiae 8

A no hybrydization

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or abortus or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 9

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum or smegmatis or barrassiae

or vanbaalenii

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella abortus or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 10

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum or vanbaalenii or


S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae



n K



11 A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium gilvum or vanbaalenii

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella abortus or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

Coxiella burnetii IS1111 Coxiella burnetii 12

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae or mageritense

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella abortus or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 13

A no hybrydization

S no hybridization 14

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae or fortuitum

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 15

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

S M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae


perfringens gyrA Clostridium perfringens

Coxiella burnetii icd

Coxiella burnetii IS1111 Coxiella burnetii

16 A

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae



colA (kappa

toxin) Clostridium perfringens


ern K



17 S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium ulcerans


A no hybrydization

Brucella melitensis gyrA Bradyrhizobium S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 18

A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae

Brucella melitensis gyrA Brucella suis or abortus or ovis or melitensis S

M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium ulcerans



n K




A M.tuberculosis rpoB Mycobacterium barrassiae 592

1 all field blanks (FB samples) were negative for all microarray tiles 593

2 no airborne particulate was collected for this location 594

3 S - soil, A - airborne particulate 595

4”Most likely identification” was a determination made by CIBSI 2.0 software based on matching sequences obtained form RPM-TEI 596

microarray with sequences in GenBank. See methods and ref. 35 for details. 597



Table 4. Results of rt-PCR detection of Coxiella burnettii1 599


Sample type2

Site # S A FB





5 + N/D N/D



8 + +




12 +


14 +

15 +

16 + +


18 +

19 + 601

1 N/D - no data (airborne particulate was not collected for site #5) 602

2 S - soil, A - airborne particulate, FB - field blank 603


Figure legends 604


Figure 1. 606


Locations of the sample collection sites. The sites are marked with filled circles and 608

numbered. The open circles show the locations of major cities. All locations are 609

approximate. The exact positions were recorded and are available on request from the 610

authors of this study. 611


Figure 2. 613


Overview of the experimental protocol used with RPM-TEI v. 1.0 microarray. Adapted 615

from ref. 37. 616


Figure 3. 618


Amplification products of qPCR reactions for Coxiella burnetii detection. Lane labeled 620

with M contains FlashGel DNA Marker (100pb-4kb). Remaining lanes are labeled with 621

the site number, in which the sand or airborne particulate was collected. The product of 622

expected size (101bp) was amplified in all cases except sample 17, which was determined 623

negative based on amplicon sequencing (data not shown). The qPCR using soil sample 624

from location 8 was run in duplicate using two independently extracted DNA 625

preparations (soil lanes 8 and 8*). 626