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April 2008 #112

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Spring has Sprung! This month we take advantage of the beautiful Spring weather to visit the Galaflora at Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki. We also take a look at Avispa Fukuoka’s Return to the J1 Soccer League, and we meet this month’s Gekkan Gaijin- Wilson Taira, a DJ from Brazil. Plus... [Restaurants] The VJ-Bar, Natural Cafe Vege Garden, Akomenohama, Wan Ochazuke Dining


  • April 2008 #112

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    Kyushu Headline News Get Kyushu News Now! !Mobile phone: http://www.fukuoka-now.com/mobileHP: www.fukuoka-now.com/news

    English language summaries of last month's top Kyushu area news stories. 1

    Ferry Service between Sasebo and BusanThe Busan Ferry Co. of Busan, South Korea, exchanged a memorandum with Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, for the start of ferry service between the two cities in the summer of 2009. Sasebo will build a terminal to facilitate the entry of foreign tourists into the country. The objective of the service will be to boost the number of South Koreans visiting the Huis Ten Bosch resort. This will be the first regularly scheduled transport route between the city and a foreign country.

    22 Chinese Passenger Ships to Call on PortThe Visitors' Industry Promotion Association, a public-private partnership based in Fukuoka City, expects that passenger ships from China will call on the Port of Hakata 22 times from April to October this year. Chinese passenger liners have not been visiting the port in recent years, because most ships carrying tourists stop at Nagasaki and Kagoshima City. The increase is due to the growing number of wealthy Chinese coming to Fukuoka City because it is a commercial center. The aggregate number of passengers could be as high as 29,000.

    Kyushu Shinkansen ConstructionA w o r k i n g g r o u p f o r S h i n k a n s e n construction consisting of members of the government and the ruling party has agreed to start construction of the 45.6-kilometer stretch of the Nagasaki route on the Kyushu Shinkansen between Takeo and Isahaya. The work is expected to be officially approved after documents are signed by Nagasaki and Saga prefectures and JR Kyushu. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport says the work is expected to take 10 years, and service will begin in 2018. Plans for this route were first drawn up 35 years ago.

    Postgraduate Training Center To be EstablishedT h e K y u s h u U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y o f Engineering revealed it will open on April 1 the Craftsmanship Engineering Training and Research Center for training core personnel in the auto, semiconductor, and other manufacturing industries. It will offer practical courses to graduate students and people already in the workforce. It will have a faculty of 110, consisting of technicians working for private sector companies and university researchers. This will be the first facility of its kind in Japan to provide training in basic manufacturing technology from the fundamentals to applied levels.

    New Station on Tenjin - Omuta LineFukuoka City-based Nishinippon Tetsudo (Nishitetsu) revealed plans to build a new station on the Tenjin-Omuta Line between the Zasshonokuma and Kasuga stations. The station would open in 2015. The stated objective is to improve customer convenience by responding to passenger requests, but some observers believe it is also a measure to compete against JR Kyushu.

    Nagasaki Prefecture to Close Fukuoka PR OfficeNagasaki Prefecture will close its PR office in Fukuoka City's Chuo Ward at the end of the month in an effort to reduce expenditures. The prefecture has determined that it can accomplish the same work in the prefecture by sending employees on business trips as required rather than maintaining an office. The office has publicized such Nagasaki events as the Lantern Festival, as well as prefecture products. It expects to save 25 million yen a year, not counting personnel expenses.

    Infectious Gastroenteritis Plaguing KyushuCases of acute infectious gastroenteritis, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, continue to spread throughout all seven Kyushu prefectures. The original pathogen appeared last fall as a norovirus, but this was overtaken at the end of February by a rotavirus. This presents a greater risk to infants than adults, and the symptoms are more severe. Doctors recommend thorough hand washing to prevent infection.

    Oita Hot Springs Meister Qualification Test HeldThe results of the first Hot Springs Meister Qualification Test focusing on spas in Oita Prefecture were recently announced. A total of 161 people passed to qualify as "meisters". All the topics covered on the exam were covered in a text distributed at a study course before the test was given. The test also included many academic questions, however, including the technical definition of a hot spring, and only 56.5% passed.

    JTB JTB Kyushu to Help Promote Takeo-UreshinoJTB Kyushu announced it will work with local governments and tourism organizations to conduct a campaign from April to June to promote the Takeo-Ureshino hot springs area. One aspect of the campaign will be efforts to attract more visitors, such as operating buses to and from the area from Fukuoka City. Their objective is to gain a 10% increase in lodging customers from the previous year, or 5,500 people.

    Fukuoka Targets Cancer Treatment FacilityFukuoka City Mayor Hiroshi Yoshida vowed that the city will continue its efforts to attract a cancer treatment facility using the advanced particle beam treatment despite recent similar efforts by Kagoshima and Saga Prefectures. There are currently no facilities of this type in Kyushu. A foundation in Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture, has already finalized plans to build such a facility there.

    Takeo to Make Boar Its SpecialityThe city of Takeo in Saga Prefecture has decided to change its view of the boar, an animal that destroys crops and farms, and consider it a resource by branding it as a local product. A local hunters' association is going into partnership with others to build a boar meat processing center, and is seeking financial assistance from the national and prefectural governments. About 1,000 boar are caught annually in the city.

    Notification for Those with Six Pets RequiredThe Saga Prefecture General Assembly, which is deliberating a legislative proposal requiring people with multiple pets to report the number of pets to the local government, has reduced the threshold for notification from 10 pets to six, it has been learned. The reason for the change is that many in the legislature think that five is the maximum number of pets one person is capable of caring for. If the bill passes, it will be the strictest standard for notification in Japan.

    Website for Using Earth from Construction SitesDazaifu garden planner Daisuke Nagamori has set up a website for those interested in using the excess soil excavated at construction sites. The site provides both those with excess soil and those looking for soil with a way to satisfy their needs and to reduce illegal disposal of the dirt. The site has proven to be unexpectedly popular, with people from other prefectures taking advantage of its services. The URL is http://zando-del.com/

    Mistakes at Self-Serve Gas PumpsHigher gasoline prices are causing more motorists to use self-service gasoline pumps due its comparatively inexpensive gasoline prices, but a nationwide survey by the Japan Automobile Federation found a growing danger from the number of drivers who are filling their cars with the wrong kind of fuel. The survey was

  • 24Fukuoka Now #112 April 2008

    News source: With permission from the morning editions of the Nishinippon Newspaper.

    conducted from last December to this January and uncovered 337 instances of drivers using diesel fuel for ordinary cars and regular fuel for diesel cars. The region with the most errors was Kyushu, with a 78, and the prefecture with far and away the most errors in the country was Fukuoka, with a staggering 51 individual cases - a number equal to the error total in the entire Kansai region. It was also more than double the number of the second-worst total of 23, in Aichi Prefecture. Meanwhile, no mistakes were reported in Saga or Miyazaki prefectures.

    200 Kitakyushu to Integrate 200 Service OperationsThe city of Kitakyushu announced it would establish by 2010 an integrated service department to handle the functions of 200 different city services of the roughly 600 that are offered in municipal offices around the city. They also will introduce a new computer system to help handle the operations. The city says it is the first effort of its kind in the country. The introduction will also mean the reduction of 500 employees and 4.5 billion yen in expenditures.

    2.1%Growth Rate Pegged at 2.1%The Fukuoka City-based Yushu Economic Research Center released its long-term forecast for economic growth in 2025 if a state/province system is introduced in Japan. They say that the system, combined with improved competitiveness and reduced governmental waste, would result in 2.1% growth. In contrast, they say that the failure to introduce the system, combined with population declines, would result in growth of just 0.9%.

    Agreement Signed for Herbal Medicine ResearchGenkai-cho in Saga Prefecture and Kyushu University signed a memorandum for conducting joint research into medicinal herbs to start in the upcoming business year. The focus of the research will be into kanzo, a medicinal herb produced in Japan that is used in 70% of traditional herbal medicines. The research will be conducted at a facility conducted in the municipality with the objective of promoting nationwide cultivation and offering a stable supply to herbal medicine manufacturers.

    Year-on-Year Sales at Large Retail Stores DownThe Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry released statistics for January sales at large retail stores in the Kyushu Okinawa region showing that aggregate sales totaled 146.6 billion yen, a 1.8% decline from the previous year, and the second consecutive year-on-year decline. Sales at department stores were particularly hard-hit, dropping 5% for the seventh straight decline. Slack sales of winter clothing were identified as the primary factor in the falloffs.

    Permit Leave for Fertility TreatmentsK u m a m o t o C i t y a n n o u n c e d i t w i l l implement in April a policy allowing regular city employees to take leave for fertility treatments. No conditions for age or gender will be applied to eligibility. Employees will not be paid, but can take up to six months off, and can reapply if pregnancy does not result. Kumamoto City will be the first local government in Kyushu to implement such a system.

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    3THU FRI



    Events Event Calendar Also on ourwebsite and

    on your mobilewww.fukuoka-now.com/eventswww.fukuoka-now.com/mobile

    April30 things to do this month!

    Music: Swing Out Sister Brit pop duo best known for their hit song "Breakout" have remained active since their mid-80s debut. Tour coincides with the release of their 16th album, "Beautiful Mess," in February.

    Open: 18:00 / start: 19:00 Zepp Fukuoka 8,500 (1 drink order req.) 092-713-6085

    : 2008Beautiful MESSZepp

    :18:00 / : 19:00 Zepp Fukuoka 8,500 ( 1 ) 092-713-6085

    Music: Sean Kingston 18-year-old Jamaican reggae singer and rapper was a big hit on Youtube and MySpace last summer, which propelled his song "Beautiful Girls" to the top of the charts. Touring Japan for the first time.

    Start: 19:00 ~ Drum Logos 5,500 (1 drink order req.) 092-714-0159

    : 2008


    : 19:00 5,500 ( 1 ) 092-714-0159

    Event: Children's Book Carnival With 1,700 picture books, children's literature, photo collections, etc., available for your perusal, this is a must for parents and teachers of young children. Workshops and sessions also scheduled during the two-week-long event.

    3/25 (Tue.) ~ 4/6 (Sun.) 10:00 ~ 18:00 ACROS Fukuoka 2F Free 092-642-7264

    : 1,700

    3/25 ( ) 4/6 ( ) 10:00 18:00 2F 092-642-7264

    Movie: Korean Films A special collection of 21 Korean films including "Country of My Heart" and "Cracked Eggs and Noodles". In Korean with Japanese and some English subtitles. Check website for schedules. 4/2 (Wed) ~ 4/29 (Tue) Closed: Mon, Tue

    Fukuoka City Public Library, Movie Hall Cine-la Price 092-852-0608

    : 60 60 1940 ()

    4/2 ( ) 4/29 ( ) : ( )

    500 092-852-0608

    Festival: Sakura Matsuri Over 2,000 sakura trees attract some 100,000 visitors to the magnificent shrine for merry-making under the cherry blossoms. Events include a show featuring traditional songs, flower arrangements, calligraphy and folk crafts.

    4/1 (Tue.) ~ 4/10 (Thu.) Miyajidake Shrine Free 0940-52-0016

    : 2000 ? 4/1 ( ) 4/10 ( )


    Festival: Shosuke Furusato Muraharu Matsuri Come celebrate spring at Masasuke Furusato which prides itself on its flowers. Many events held for children and adults alike. Fresh fish and vegetables and 300 special seasonal bentos are also on sale. 11:00 ~16:00 Shosuke Furusato Mura (Munakata, JR Kyoikudai Ekimae)

    Free 0940-35-1100

    : 300

    11:00 16:00 (JR) 0940-35-1100

    Piece of Peace, World Heritage Exhibit Built with LEGORecreations of some of the world's most famous archeological, historical and cultural sites are on display, including the Great Pyramid, the Parthenon, and Ryukyu castles. 3/29 (Sat.) ~ 4/20 (Sun.) 10:00 ~ 20:00 IMS Plaza (IMS B2) Mitsubishi Jisho Artium (IMS F8) IMS Plaza: Free / Mitsubishi Jisho Artium : 300 (Under 16's: Free) 092-733-2050

    : R Part2 ! ! 3/29 ( ) 4/20 ( ) 10:00 20:00 ( B2) ( 8F) B2: / : 300 ( ) 092-733-2050

    Baseball: Fukuoka Softbank Hawks vs Orix Buffaloes : vs

    Piece of Peace, World Heritage Exhibit Built with LEGO : Part 2

    Event: Aire Flamenco 2008 : 2008

    Music: Swing Out Sister : 2008





    PIECE of PEACELEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of The LEGO Group.

    2008 The LEGO Group.

  • 26Fukuoka Now #112 April 2008









    Exhibition: Emigration to Brazil In1908, the ship Kasatomaru took the first Japanese immigrants to Brazil. About 50 photos collected from museums in Brazil will be displayed. An opportunity to learn about the 100-year history of Japanese immigrants abroad. 3/31 (Mon.) ~ 4/13 (Sun.) 10:00 ~ 18:00 (Last day ~16:00) ACROS Fukuoka 1F Free 092-725-9100

    : 100 100 2008 50

    3/31 ( ) 4/13 ( ) 10:00 18:00 ( 16:00) 1F 092-725-9100

    Exhibition: NittenNitten, short for Nihon Bijutsu Tenrankai, or the Japan Art Academy, is

    Japan's leading organization for the promotion of art. The exhibition is

    the largest of its kind, featuring 600 works by Kyoto, Shiga and local artists.

    3/29 (Sat.) ~ 4/20 (Sun.) 09:30 ~ 17:30 (last entry ~ 17:00) Fukuoka

    City Art Museum Adv.: 800 / Door: 1,100 etc. 092-711-5550

    : 5 470 3/29 ( ) 4/20 ( ) 09:30 17:30( 17:00)

    : 800 / :1,100 092-711-5550

    Baseball: Fukuoka Softbank Hawks vs Orix BuffaloesAt the top of the season, the Hawks look poised to take not only the Pacific League pennant, but swoop this year's Nippon Series too. Each game at the Dome is an fun-filled extravaganza with rockin' music, the cute Honeys cheergirls, and fireworks. 18:00 ~ Fukuoka Yahoo! JAPAN Dome 1,200 (outfield) etc. 092-847-1536

    : vs ! & 18:00 Yahoo! JAPAN

    :1,200 092-847-1536

    Music: Francis Mbappe Tribe featuring Hironobu SaitoSinger and bassist Francis Mbappe from Cameroon performs with Japanese guitarist Onobu Saito. Enjoy an evening of his creative mix of traditional and Jazz music.

    1st: 18:30 ~ / 2nd: 21:30 ~ Billboard Live Fukuoka 5,500 092-715-6666

    : Tribe featuring & NY !

    1st: 18:30 / 2nd: 21:30 5,500 092-715-6666

    Basketball: Rizing Fukuoka vs Ryukyu Golden KingsThe two Western Conference teams go head to head in the final game of the season. If you haven't caught bj-League action live yet - here's your last chance!

    Tip off: 15:00 ~ Fukuoka Shimin Kaikan Adv. 2,000 ~ / Door: 2,500 ~ 092-771-6675

    : vs ! !

    15:00 : 2,000 / : 2,500 092-771-6675

    Event: Aire Flamenco 2008Students of Maja Flores demonstrate their dancing skills at this annual event. Children taking part in this year's Dontaku Parade will also show off their talent.

    Open: 13:00/ start: 14:00 Chuo Gymnasium 2,000 092-525-2334

    : 2008 !

    :13:00 / :14:00 2,000 092-525-2334

    Exhibition: Gandhara Art & Bamiyan SiteAround 160 pieces show how Buddhist art, originating in central and south Asia and influenced by the Greeks and Persians, developed along the Silk Road. Free lecture on Buddhism also given. 4/10 (Thu.) ~ 5/18 (Sun.) 10:00~20:00 (last entry 19:30) Closed Wed. Fukuoka Asian Art Museum

    Adv.:900 / Door: 1,100 etc. 092-263-1100

    : 160 4/10 ( ) 5/18 ( ) 10:00 20:00 ( 19:30) :900 / :1,100 092-263-1100

    Music: Kapital Band 1Kapital Band 1 in town to promote their album, Playing by Numbers. By striving to achieve an abstract derivative of funk music by using random algorithms with drums and electronics, the Vienna duo has created a uniquely improvised form of pop. Open: 18:30 / start: 19:00 Fukuoka New Combo 2,500 (1 drink order req.) 092-712-7809

    : 1 3 13 Playing By Numbers 2 ! :18:30 / :19:00 2,500 (1) 092-712-7809

    Every Tuesday

    FREE Karaoke!

    No Cover Charge

    International People

    Get Together!

  • 27 Fukuoka Now #112 April 2008






    18FRI SAT



    Music: SUM 41 Japan Tour 2008 :SUM 41 2008

    Harley - Davidson & Buell American World Festa in Fukuoka &

    Theater: Daihatsu Dralion :

    Theater: Super Kabuki -Yamato Takeru :

    Theater: Super Kabuki -Yamato TakeruThis modern version of kabuki is highly accessible to the average viewer. Lines are delivered in colloquial Japanese and each scenes passes quickly with high-tech spectacles, wire stunts, dramatic lighting and stunning costumes.

    4/3 (Thu.) ~ 4/26 (Sat.) 11:00 ~ , 4:30 ~ (First day: 13:00 ~) Hakataza 5,000, etc. 092-263-5555

    : 4/3 () 4/26 () 11:00 , 4:30 ( 13:00 ) 5,000 092-263-5555





    Movie: Chaplin Film FestivalIn commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the English comic actor's passing, a two-week long festival is being held. A dozen of Chaplin's more famous works, including Kid, Modern Times, are shown at various times daily.

    4/12 (Sat.) ~ 4/25 (Fri.) Nakasu Taiyo Adv. 1,000 / Door: 1,500 092-291-4058

    : 12 ! 4/12 ( ) 4/25 ( )

    : 1,000 / : 1,500 092-291-4058

    Event: Fukuoka Now's SPRING Party!Celebrate the arrival of Spring with Fukuoka Now readers and members of the international community on the indoor/outdoor patio at the very hip and chic With the Style Hotel. Limited to first 150. Open: 20:00 ~ 24:00 (last entry) With The Style Fukuoka (Hakataeki-minami)

    1,500 (includes 2 drink or food tickets) 092-433-3901

    : Fukuoka Now Web418?150 4/18 () 20:00 24:00 With The Style Fukuoka ( ) 1,500 ( /2 or ) 092-433-3901

    Music: Oki Dub Ainu BandLed by Kano Oki, who plays the traditional Ainu stringed instrument known as the tonkori, the band performs an eclectic blend of traditional and progressive reggai dub music.

    Open: 18:30 / start: 19:30 Fukuoka Beat Station Adv.: 3,000 (1 drink order req.) 092-712-4221


    :18:30 / :19:30 : 3,000 ( 1 ) 092-712-4221

    Harley - Davidson & Buell American World Festa in Fukuoka Celebrating the 105th anniversary of the legendary American motorcycle. 35 new models in 35 colors on display. Take a hog for test ride.

    4/19 (Sat.) 10:00 ~ 18:00, 4/20 (Sun.) 10:00 ~ 17:00 Marine Messe Fukuoka Free 03-3457-0991 (HDJ)

    : & in 150&2008 4/19 ( ) 10:00 18:004/20 ( ) 10:00 17:00 03-3457-0991 (HDJ)

    Music: Jody WatleySelling over 20 albums and singles worldwide, Watley is one of the most successful female artists ever. The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter released The Makeover in 2006 which was produced by a selection of internationally known uber-cool producers and DJs. 1st: 18:30 ~ / 2nd: 21:30 ~ Billboard Live Fukuoka 8,000 092-715-6666

    : !! 1st: 18:30 / 2nd: 21:30

    8,000 092-715-6666

    Music: SUM 41 Japan Tour 2008The Canadian rock band has sold over 10m albums worldwide. Their fifth studio album, Underclass Hero, went gold in the US, platinum in Canada. The band, famous for their long and global tours, has performed over 300 times.

    Open: 18:00 / Start 19:00 Zepp Fukuoka 6,500 (1 drink order req.) 092-714-0159

    :SUM 41 2008 SUM41 3 ! !

    :18:00 / :19:00 Zepp Fukuoka 6,500 ( 1 ) 092-714-0159

    Photos: Jan Swinkels ,Ryuichi OshimotoCostumes: Franois Barbeau 2004 , 2007 Cirque du Soleil Inc. 2007 Fuji Television

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    24FRI SAT



    Exhibition: Sokkuri Sweets Museum Sweet deception. Fifty deserts crafted to look just like ordinary foods, such as tako yaki, grilled fish, curry and rice. The katsudon is actually a rollcake with chocolate sauce, but you can hardly tell!

    4/18 (Fri.) ~ middle of July Fukuoka Desert Forest (Hawks Town Mall) Free 0120-412-765

    : ! 50 4/18 ( ) 7 11:00 21:00 ( ) 0120-412-765

    Theater: Daihatsu Dralion The Canadian-based troupe is in town for two-and-a-half months with its top-grossing production, Dralion representing the clash between east and west. More than 70m people worldwide have seen Cirque du Soleil.

    4/23 (Wed.) ~ 6/15 (Sun.) Shin Big Top (Outside of Hakozaki Shrine, Higashi-ku) 5,500, etc. 092-714-0159


    4/23 ( ) 6/15 ( ) ( ) 5,500 092-714-0159

    Theater: Issei Ogata's Tomaranai Seikatsu in HakataInternationally renowned actor Ogata who starred in Ichikawa's Tony Takitani (adapted from H. Murakami's work) and played Emperor Hirohito in Sokurov's The Sun returns to his hometown with a one-man play.

    4/25 (Fri.), 4/26 (Sat.) 19:00 ~ , 4/27 (Sun.) 15:00 ~ IMS Hall 4,000 092-733-2016

    : 2008 in !

    4/25 ( ) 4/26 ( ) 19:00 4/27 ( ) 15:00 4,000 092-733-2016

    Event: Sam & Dave Anniversary PartySam & Dave Fukuoka celebrates it's fourth year in Fukuoka with an all night bash featuring the Sam & Dave All Stars in the DJ booth. Free champagne till 11pm and original S&D gifts while supplies last.

    20:00 ~ 05:00 Sam & Dave (on Nishi-dori) 2,000 (Incl. 2 drinks) 092-713-2223

    & & 4 & DJ & ! 23 1 20:00 05:00 &

    2,000 (2 ) 092-713-2223

    Event: Umi no Nakamichi Global VillageStudents from over 20 different countries study in Fukuoka. At this international gathering, they present their culture, food, and language. A great chance to communicate with these students and expand your horizons. 4/26 (Mon.), 4/27 (Sun.) 11:00 ~16:00 Umi-no-Nakamichi Seaside Park

    400 (Under 16's : 80 / under 7's: Free) 092-603-1111

    : 2008 20 ? 4/26 ( )4/27 ( ) 11:00 16:00 : 400 , 80, : 092-603-1111

    Music: Janis IanThe Grammy-winning American singer/songwriter's career began in '60s with the controversial hit Society's Child. Ian has a strong following in Japan where she's garnered 2 top 10 singles, Love Is Blind and You Are Love. 4/28 (Mon.) 1st:18:30 / 2nd: 21:30, 2/29 (Tue.) 1st: 17:30 / 2nd: 20:30

    Billboard Live Fukuoka 8,000 092-715-6666

    : 76 17 4/28 ( ) 1st:18:30 / 2nd:21:302/29 ( ) 1st:17:30 / 2nd:20:30

    8,000 092-715-6666

    Soccer: Avispa Fukuoka vs Sagan TosuOne of three chances this month to catch Avispa on its home pitch. Your support is crucial to Avispa getting the season off on a winning start.

    Kick off: 13:00 ~ Level Five Stadium Adv.: 1,000 / Door: 1,500, etc. 092-674-3020

    : vs !

    : 13:00 :1,000 / :1,500 092-674-3020

    Festival: Kurume Azalea Festival Famous for the more than 500,000 azaleas that bloom here in spring, Kurume's Hyakunen Park is a wonderful place to visit in spring. 300,000 potted azaleas available at 20~30% off. 4/5 (Sat.) ~ 5/5 (Hol.) 09:00 ~ 18:00

    Kurume Hyakunen Park (Aikawa Machi, Kurume City) Free 0942-47-1875

    : 12 30 23

    4/5 ( ) 5/5 ( ) 09:00 18:00 () 0942-47-1875

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    Gas Station Info Desk

    Post Office Cinema


    Convenience Stores

    Car Rental


    The map is split into areas for your convenience. For a full list of the map numbers and letters, please see page 33 for Map Index.P33

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    Fukuoka International Congress Center

    Fukuoka Kyotei Chikko-honmachi

    Sekijo-machi Bayside Place Big Air

    Fukuoka Kokusai Center

    Fukuoka Sun Palace

    Marine Messe Fukuoka

    Marizon Seaside Momochi Park

    Fukuoka Tower


    Momochi Elementary School

    NEC Matsushita




    Twins Momochi

    Fukuoka City Museum

    Hyatt Residential Suites


    Fukuoka City Public Library


    Fukuoka International School

    Seinan High + Middle School

    Bon Repas

    Seinan Gakuin Univ.

    Nishijin Elementary School

    Nishijin Palace

    Praliva Nishijin



    Shuyukan High School




    Best Denki Ten Good City

    Post Office Poplar Police

    Freshness Burger Don Quijote

    Yahoo! Dome

    Zepp Fukuoka

    Hawks Town


    Toysrus United Cinemas

    Fukuoka National Hospital Organization Kyushu

    Medical Center

    Korean Consulate

    Chinese Consulate

    JAL Resort Sea Hawk Hotel


    61 8

    Nanakuma Subway Line

    Kuko Subway Line


    n Mina







    in Od































    aka Ha


    i Sub

    way L






    1min 1min1min 1min 2min 1min

    3min 1min 2min 2min 2min 2min 2min







    1min 2min 1min1min






    YakuinNishitetsu Fukuoka Gion

    Higashi-hieChange for JR & Shinkansen

    Fukuoka kuko(Airport)







    Nishitetsu Omuta Line

    Some articles and ads have a 'See Map' symbol. Use this list and the grid references to locate them.





































    Bars, Cafes & RestaurantsMap# Grid .

    16 Benten B2

    36 Bristish Pub Morris B2

    11 Dark Room B2

    19 Delgado's B3

    40 Fireball Cafe B2

    13 Graf B2

    61 Hard Rock Cafe (Momochi map)

    14 International Bar B1

    4 Infinity B2

    17 Jan Jan B2

    3 La Boheme Qualita B2

    15 Off Broadway B1

    22 One Way B1

    55 Pik's Coffee Shop B1

    16 Rhythm Music Lounge B2

    25 Sam & Dave B2

    48 Tapas Oki B3

    6 The Craic and The Porter B2

    41 The Hakata Harp C1

    45 Uprising A2

    8 The VJ-Bar (Momochi map)

    2 Voodoo Lounge B2

    11 Xaymaca B2

    Travel AgenciesMap# Grid .

    27 LTK C2

    27 No.1 Travel C2


    Map# Grid .

    37 Greenland ESPA E2

    Health ServicesMap# Grid .

    30 Dental Office Lily C2

    31 Dental Office Plumiera C3

    VariousMap# Grid .

    35 Able Hosho B2

    10 Aire Flamenco B3

    32 Asahi Nihongo A2

    39 CCS Eikaiwa School B1

    24 Foreign Talent Club B1

    28 Genki JACS A2

    27 Kokusai Hiroba C2

    21 NPO Tiempo Iberoamericano B2

  • 35 Fukuoka Now #112 April 2008