april 2010 loch raven village crier

The VILLAGE CRIER Volume 64, No.4 April, 2010 Published by the Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc., Since 1947 A CALENDAR FULL of EVENTS! – see page 10 IN HONOR of EARTH DAY From the Archives Many, if not most, LRV residents are gladly participating in the new and im- proved single-stream recycling program instituted by Baltimore County this past February. It’s such an easy process now that we can just toss all of our materials into one container and set it out for col- lection every Friday. It wasn’t always so easy and many of us remember the days of carting our recyclables to the park- ing lot on La Salle Road once a month or so to sort and dispose of the materials that we were unwilling to put in land- fills. Back in the ‘70s even this kind of program did not exist and the recycling movement was just getting started. One LRV resident did his part to help this fledgling movement along by volunteer- ing to pick up old newspapers. This is from the April 1978 Village Crier: I have started recycling newspapers by informing people that on a specific day I will be by to collect their old newspapers. I have asked for their help by bundling and placing their newspapers at the same place their garbage is collected. Recycling is essential in that everything we have comes from the earth. It only makes sense to use our resources over and over again and not to waste them, but to live more in harmony with nature by living more ecologically. I am now accepting aluminum cans… and hope to eventually collect metal cans and glass…Thank you to the many people who are helping. James M. Flatley May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10 LRV COOKBOOK Entries and Orders Due April 30th Help Support the Fireworks! Sun Shines on the 47th Annual Easter Egg Hunt The Easter Bunny paid a visit to LRV and helped kick off the annual Village Easter Egg Hunt by cutting the open- ing ribbon. Kyra O’Donnell & Kameron Brooks of Pleasant Plains Elementary School played the National Anthem on their trumpets before the event. The large crowd of children & parents were greeted by volunteers from the LRV Optimists, LRVA and the GLLRC. The volunteers handed out prizes after the Egg Hunt and the children had the op- portunity to meet the Easter Bunny and have their picture taken with him. Fun was had by all!

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Loch Raven Village Neighborhood Association Newsletter


Page 1: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

The Village CrierVolume 64, No.4 april, 2010

Published by the Associates of Loch Raven Village, Inc., Since 1947

A cAlendAr Full of events! – see page 10

In honor of Earth Day From the archives

Many, if not most, lrv residents are gladly participating in the new and im-proved single-stream recycling program instituted by Baltimore county this past February. It’s such an easy process now that we can just toss all of our materials into one container and set it out for col-lection every Friday. It wasn’t always so easy and many of us remember the days of carting our recyclables to the park-ing lot on la salle road once a month or so to sort and dispose of the materials that we were unwilling to put in land-fills. Back in the ‘70s even this kind of program did not exist and the recycling movement was just getting started. One lrv resident did his part to help this fledgling movement along by volunteer-ing to pick up old newspapers. this is from the April 1978 Village Crier:

I have started recycling newspapers by informing people that on a specific day I will be by to collect their old newspapers. I have asked for their help by bundling and placing their newspapers at the same place their garbage is collected.

Recycling is essential in that everything we have comes from the earth. It only makes sense to use our resources over and over again and not to waste them, but to live more in harmony with nature by living more ecologically.

I am now accepting aluminum cans…and hope to eventually collect metal

cans and glass…Thank you to the many people who are helping.

James M. Flatley

May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10

lrV Cookbook en t r i e s and o r de r s – Due April 30th –

Help Support the Fireworks!

Sun Shines on the 47th annual Easter Egg hunt

the easter Bunny paid a visit to lrv and helped kick off the annual village easter egg Hunt by cutting the open-ing ribbon. Kyra O’donnell & Kameron Brooks of Pleasant Plains elementary school played the national Anthem on their trumpets before the event. the large crowd of children & parents were greeted by volunteers from the lrv Optimists, lrvA and the Gllrc. the volunteers handed out prizes after the egg Hunt and the children had the op-portunity to meet the easter Bunny and have their picture taken with him. Fun was had by all!

Page 2: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

Membership – Wade Barnes Zoning – Gretchen sarkin 410-828-8952 Real Estate – leslea Knauff 410-823-0648 Pleasant Plains Elementary Liaison – Mary Noy 410-823-2672 Loch Raven Academy and Loch Raven High School Liaison – Thea Mussman 410-823-8285 Web – transitioning [email protected]


District 5 County Councilman – Hon. vince Gardina 410-887-3384 Fax 410-887-5791 [email protected] Towson Times LRV Columnist – Sue Van Essen 410-665-2899 Towson University (off-campus resident complaints) – ryan Kane or Pat Frawley 410-704-2057 Baltimore County Code Enforcement – Mike Mohler, deputy director 410-887-3375 Pet Locator – Darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330 Police – 911 or 410-887-2222

ExEcutivE committEE

President – Gretchen sarkin 410-828-8952 [email protected] Vice-President – lori cullinan 410-828-4507 Treasurer – leslie vallade 410-821-7731 Secretary – cindy Mavrophilipos 410-339-7718

Board mEmBErs

Bruce Knauff 410-823-0648 leslea Knauff 410-823-0648 cindy Mavrophilipos 410-339-7718 dimitri Mavrophilipos 410-339-7718 darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330 sue O’neill 410-823-8765 Gary Herwig 410-665-1771

committEEs - It takes a Village!

The Village Crier – editor – lori cullinan [email protected] layout & co-editor – Kate Walkinshaw Proofreader & Archive editor – Mary noy Advertising coordinator – leslie vallade school news reporter – thea Mussman Architectural Review – darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330 Block Captains – leslea Knauff 410-823-0648 By-laws – Mary King Citizens on Patrol – lori cullinan 410-828-4507 Commercial Development – Open Community Events – Open Covenant & Restrictions – darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330 Gardens – Gretchen sarkin 410-828-8952 Marketing – Open

aLrv mEEtings

Meetings are held on the second tuesday of each month 7:00pm, Room 102 at the former

Loch raven Elementary School on Glen Keith Boulevard.

residents are encouraged to attend, and to help in our ongoing work “to protect, maintain, and enhance the property values of loch raven village homes, and the quality of life of loch raven village residents.”


Jerry Heilman 410-823-3427 Bud thomas 410-296-3922 Wade Barnes 410-870-2956 Mary King 410-925-1034 Mike smith 410-661-4466 Kate Walkinshaw [email protected]

Page 3: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

crier editor Fields More QuestionsAdvertising flyers can indeed add to the blowing trash in the Village. A law just went into effect that states that a business can only hand deliver flyers to a residence once every six months. That would require you to date any flyer you get from any one business and track when the next one is delivered. Another option is to call the business owner to request that they do not deliver to your address. this can only be done on an in-dividual basis, therefore the Association cannot make that request on behalf of the entire Village. Lastly, many flyers/advertisements have a “do not distrib-ute” contact listed at the bottom that you can utilize. to stop the sun Plus, email the sun Plus service box with this request at [email protected].

Stranded shopping carts can be a nuisance. If you have one close to you that needs to be removed the most ob-vious thing to do is to contact the store that it belongs to. For instance, lenny schlossenberg, the manager of Giant, said that they do weekly neighborhood cart retrievals. If there is a stray cart near your property call the store at 410-828-0006 and an employee will pick it up that day. they don’t want to lose the carts, and I suspect that most of our bordering businesses feel the same. If in fact it is not picked up within that day And it is on Baltimore county land, you can contact code enforcement and they will contact the manager on your behalf. There is a fine attached but the police have a very hard time enforcing it as it is seemingly hard to identify who took the cart.

You don’t have to officially patrol to join the Village’s CoP (Citizen’s on Patrol) Program. While formal car/bike/walking patrols are a cornerstone of a successful cOP program, the true deterrent of crime in a community is communication. did you know that we have a village cOP email network? We

page 03– continued from cover

have a method of communicating the “goings on” of lrv to each other. this includes a weekly “Significant Events” report that is issued by sergeant Fink. It lets you quickly review any significant crime events that have occurred within the towson area. You will also get ac-cess to the village’s cOP patrol schedule where you can see the list of neighbors patrolling the village on your behalf. If you ever have an interest in trying out a patrol, simply hop on the schedule anytime that suits you. If you would like to be included in this network please forward your email and request to [email protected].

the Crier welcomes all questions, concerns and opinions. However, we must ask that you stand behind them. All materials submitted for publication, including letters to the editor, must be signed.

Lori Cullinan, Crier Editor

Page 4: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

page 04

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neighborhood Cleanuplrv and Knettishall communities are holding a neighborhood cleanup on sat-urday, May 22nd from 8am to 12 noon at Pleasant Plains elementary school parking lot. the event is sponsored by Baltimore county and it is your oppor-tunity to dispose of your household dis-cards in the dumpsters provided.

Baltimore county has advised us that no electronics (tvs, computers, moni-tors, etc.) or appliances with coolants (refrigerators/freezers) can be discarded at the collection site because of the pos-sible contamination of caustic materials, such as Freon, mercury and/or PCB. All electronics can be turned in at the cock-eysville and Eastern landfills six days a week for special treatment. More infor-mation will be published in next month’s crier about disposal regulations and compliance.

since this is a volunteer run event, any-one interested in helping out, please contact Jerry Heilman at 410-823-3427 to sign up.

Set For a Slow Down on Glen Keith BoulevardJason dance and John Kelly are hap-py to report that they were able to ob-tain all the signatures required to gain approval from Baltimore county to implement new speeding deterrents on Glen Keith Blvd. construction of traf-fic calming speed humps (like those on Pleasant Plains road) should start by late spring.

the residents of the village and the Association members would like to thank Mr. dance and Mr. Kelly for spearheading this initiative. We ap-preciate your efforts and are all safer because of them.

May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10

Page 5: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

Pleasant Plains Elementary students and staff are busy preparing for the spring musical, Aladdin Jr. re-hearsals for singers, actors and dancers are going on after school and many staff members are involved in the behind-the-scenes work of sets, costumes and props. Shows will be April 22nd - April 24th at 7:00pm. Bring the kids and enjoy this bit of disney magic!

Loch raven academyCongratulations! Mr. Alex Wolf of lrA has been selected as the Baltimore county Outstanding educator using technology. He will be recognized at the Maryland society for educational tech-nology (MSET) Conference on April 30th and May 1st at the Baltimore conven-tion center.

Lra will be presenting the musical How to Eat Like a Child on the follow-ing dates: Friday, May 14th @ 7:00pm, Saturday, May 15th @ 7:00pm, Friday, May 21st @ 7:00pm and Saturday, May 22nd @ 7:00pm. Tickets will be sold at the door.

Showcase night is thursday, april 15th. Please plan to visit from 6:30-8:30 pm to experience displays and demon-strations of students’ accomplishments and classroom projects.

Immaculate heart of Marytowson resident and IhM 7th grad-er Maura Ford was recently named a 2010 Carson Scholar. The Carson Schol-ars Fund scholarship program awards $1,000 college scholarships to students for their high levels of academic excel-lence and dedication to community ser-vice. scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic achievement and humanitarian qualities.

Spring open house is tuesday, april 13, 2010 from 9:00-12:00. visitors and prospective families are

encouraged to come for a personalized tour of the school’s facilities, including grade-specific classrooms, the Library, Fine Arts wing, and the state-of-the-art computer lab. visitors will observe teachers instructing and interacting with students and will also receive an information pack detailing IHM’s aca-demic excellence, accreditations, and extracurricular activities.

Calvert hall Collegethe Calvert hall College theatre Department presents Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by An-drew Lloyd Webber April 16, 17, 23, 24 at 7:30pm and April 18 and 25 at 2pm at the school’s McManus theater. tickets are $5 for students and senior citizens, and $10 for adults. Group discounts available. tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance by contacting [email protected].

Calvert hall continues to build upon the 2009-2010 theme, “Beyond ourselves…Beyond our halls,” through numerous service projects and donations to those in need. Over eas-ter break, 15 students and 3 faculty moderators traveled to new Orleans to work on rebuilding projects to help the city in its continuing efforts to recover from Hurricane Katrina. In March, the school donated $8666 to the Mt. La Salle College/School in Nigeria, Africa as part of the annual Mission drive. the Hall’s latest initiative is to raise awareness of the devastating effect of malaria in Ma-lawi. students have joined the “What’s the Buzz” program with area schools, including Loyola Blakefield, Gilman and roland Park to help support disease pre-vention. students at these schools can donate $10 to help families in Malawi purchase a mosquito net. through their efforts, calvert Hall students provided nets for 350 families.

SChooL nEwS

page 05

Page 6: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

Collision Repair & Mechanical Service for all makes and models

Honored by all insurance companies

$15 oil change for most vehicles with this ad

Dan Hicks, owner and LRV resident


2720 Sisson St. Baltimore 21211






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where parents are active participants in their child’s earliest education.

We provide a stimulating and nurturing environment, conveniently

located in your neighborhood!

Contact GLRRC at 410-887-5309

Come learn & play with us.

Page 7: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

page 07

Congratulations to trish and ryan Voegtlin of Glen Keith Blvd. on the birth of their daughter, Remy, on March 7th!

Congrats to David harrop for earning the Arrow of light, the highest award in cub scouts. He is now a Boy scout in Troop 742.

Marion holmes, who served as LrVa secretary for 35 years, had to move from her home on Glen ridge road in December 2009. She is now residing in the Maryland Masonic Home in cock-eysville. Her friends and neighbors wish her well.

Charlie Coard of Clyde Bank road passed away on February 12, 2010. Mr. coard and his wife, lee, have lived in their home since 1958. His daughter, trish spicer, lives on doxbury road

and his son, scott, lives in timonium.the family would like to thank the won-derful neighbors on clyde Bank road who shoveled the snow, took out trash and recycling, and looked after charlie and lee coard’s home during charlie’s recent illness and passing and lee’s re-cent back surgery. the family has been greatly touched.

our condolences to renee Brown and her family of Pleasant Plains road. renee’s mother passed away on Friday, the 26th of March.

Calling all Seniors! We’d like to honor our 2010 graduates. Send in details!

Please send us your news and happenings! May issue deadline: 04/23/10. Mail to [email protected]

LrV BuLL &

oyStEr roaSt

Saturday, May 15th @ 7-11pm.

heritage Parkville Gardens

7631 harford road Baltimore

21234 (Located in the Parkville

Shopping Center)

tickets: $30.00/person

Sponsored by aLrV

Contact: wade Barnes


Loch raven Book ClubApril is national Poetry Month and the Book club will have its annual Po-etry Meeting on April 22nd. Just bring a poem to read and discuss! We’ll be meeting at 7:30pm at a member’s home. Call Rita for directions at 410-825-0002. We’ll be celebrating the Book Club’s 5th Anniversary on May 20th with dinner at 7:30pm at the Orchard Marketplace. (Book selection to be announced) Please join us! contact leslea at [email protected] or call 410-823-0648.

Page 8: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

page 08

Earth Day 2010ok kids. there is a very special day coming up, and that is Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd. Now some of you may not know what earth day is, so let me tell you. earth day is a day when we are supposed to stop and take a look around us, and see what we can do to help make our planet a better place to live. there are lots of things you can do to help. like at home, you can recycle plastic, paper, and glass. If it can be re-cycled, then you should recycle it. turn off lights when you aren’t using them to save electricity. don’t waste water.

you can even recycle at school. not all schools, but some schools, like my school Pine Grove Middle, have special bins in the lunch room for plastic bot-tles, capri sun packs, and soda cans. this way there is not as much waste coming from the school, thus reducing our negative impact on the environ-ment. We also have a recycling club that collects soda cans from home. Kids bring in the crushed cans, and turn them in. the students get student service learn-ing hours, the school gets money from turning the cans in, and Mother earth is helped. If your school doesn’t have programs like this, ask a teacher or principal about it, and see what you can

April 17, 2010 ECOF


Noon-6 pm at Druid Hill Park

April 21, 2010, Food Day:

Food Film + Tree Planting Project

April 22, 2010, Earth Day: Sustain-

able Living + Tree Planting Project

Earth Day Celebration at the

National Aquarium in Baltimore

on April 23

AilishO’Donnell,Jr. Editor

do. these are things you can do all year round, not just on earth day. But if you want to do something special on earth day, there are lots of places you can go, like cromwell valley Park. It’s outside, free, and fun for the family. You can go on hikes through the woods, splash through streams, and even invite your friends to come along for a picnic! It is great fun, something MY family has en-joyed for years. also, Baltimore hosts great events in honor of Earth Day. these include:

I strongly suggest going out and doing something in honor of Earth Day. the planet we live on is special and unique, perfect for us to live, so take care of it.

This just in: Flynn Walkinshaw’s soda can - flower, candle holders were inspired by pro-fessional artist Marque cornblatt’s (www.marquecornblatt.com) “trash” art. Make art with your trash - great idea! You never know where recycling inspiration will come from.

Page 9: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

hillendale animal hospitaldr. donald c. MillsVeterinarian

doctors hours by appointment410.296.5411

6839 Loch Raven Blvd.Hillendale shopping center

Monday-Friday 9-6Saturday 9-1

Cromwell Park EventsDaffodil Festival Saturday, April 17th at 10am to 4pm. TALMAR Gardens will host its fi rst ever Daffodil Festival here at cvP. enjoy live music, food, face painting, nature crafts & more. $5 per car donation. tAlMAr Horticultural center at eck Farm.

art in the Park - Sunday, April 18th at 10am to 5pm (Rain date - Sunday, May 25th) Featuring artwork by local and regional artisans working in a variety of media. Food, Wine & entertainment! Reservations NOT required. All ages. $5 per car donation. sherwood Farm.

Children’s Gardening Club – begins Saturdays, April 17th! Ages 5-13 years old. Grow vegetables, fl owers, & herbs while exploring the natural world of our garden. Join us to play, learn, craft, and eat tasty foods you grow yourself. On the 1st & 3rd Saturday’s of each month in the children’s Garden located at the Willow Grove Farm. April 17th thru October 16th. Ages 5-7 meet 9:30am-11:30am. Ages 8-13 meet 10:15am-11:45am. $25 members/$35 non-members.

Loch raven Baseball Celebrates opening Day!loch raven Baseball will celebrate the opening of the season with a parade on Saturday, April 17th. The teams, t-ball through 13-15 age group, will march from White Oak school to Oakleigh elementary school beginning at 9am. the celebration will continue with the introduction of each player, dedication of fi eld #2, the singing of the National Anthem and the playing of baseball games. the day will also include conces-sions, raffl es, games and an airbrush vendor. come join the fun!

May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10

Page 10: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

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aLrV annual Elections General Meeting Tuesday, April 13th, 7pm. Babcock Presbyterian church Speakers: Lt. Lynn Mullahey, delegate Aumann Board member positions available.

the 16th annual Friends of towson Library Book Sale Thursday, April 15th, @ 5:30pm - 8pm.Friday, April 16th and Saturday, April 17th, @ 9am- 5pm. Sunday, April 18th, @ 1pm - 4pm towson library street level meeting rooms. First Choice Sale Night, $10 fee, Ftl free. Free admission on Fri., sat. and sun.

Meet and Greet Elected Officials and Candidates Wednesday, April 21st, @ 5pm Seven West Bistro, drink & Food specials, senator Jim Brochin, delegate Bill Frank, delegate susan Aumann, and delegate steve lafferty. r.s.v.P. for dinner: 410-337-9378. Limit: 250.

Loch raven Lacrosse Spirit Day Saturday, April 24th, 2010. All teams have home games. Food and Kids’ Activities.come support the home teams.

Joseph and the amazing techni-color Dreamcoat calvert Hall college High school theatre department April 16, 17, 23, 24th @ 7:30pm. April 18, 25th @ 2pm McManus Theater For tickets email [email protected].

LrV town hall Meeting Wednesday, April 28th, @ 7pm. Pleasant Plains elementary school sponsored by senator Jim Brochin Speakers: Chief of Police, James Johnson & reps from Bc code enforcement

LrV neighborhood “Sweep”! Will take place first week of May. Baltimore county code enforcement

report will be made available. Contact: Gretchen Sarkin 410-828-8952

IhM 19th annual Spring Carnival Saturday, May 1st, 12pm-6pm. Immaculate Heart of Mary school Food, Games, Moon Bounce & more!

Loch raven Kiwanis Meetings Celebrating 60th Year!! Wednesdays, May 5th & 12th, @6:30pm. Pappas Restaurant (Taylor & Oakleigh). Optional Meal ($20), call aheadContact: Judy LaFlame 410-499-0018 or [email protected].

“Fleawash” Saturday, May 1st @ 8am - 2pm. Flea market and carwash Babcock Presbyterian church Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 701 Spaces Available: $10 each Contact: Fawn Hartline 410-661-7379.

Babcock Church Spring Flea Market and BBQ Saturday, May 8th, @ 10:00am- 2:00pm. Rain Date May 15th. Babcock Presbyterian church Spaces available, $15 Contact: Emily Meoli 410-494-8641.

LrV Bull & oyster roast Saturday, May 15th @ 7-11pm Heritage Parkville Gardens 7631 Harford Road (Located in the Parkville shopping center) Sponsored by ALRVTickets: $30.00/per-son Contact: Wade Barnes 410-870-2956

Dumpster Day/neighborhood Clean-up Saturday, May 22nd, @ 8am to 12pm.(Or until dumpsters are full!)Pleasant Plains elementary school Parking lot.sponsored by Alrv and Baltimore county

eVeNTS CaleNdar / apr-May

May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10

Page 11: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

SErVICE aDSEd’s Lawn Care Services never cut Your lawn Again! You Will Have the Best looking lawn In the neighborhood. sat-isfaction Guaranteed! Grass Cut/Trimmed /Clean Up, Semi-Detached $30-$50/End of Group $25-$40/Inside Group $15-$25. LRV Resident for 28+ Years. Free estimates. Call Ed 410-371-5317.

adept Lawn & Stump storm damage cleanup. lawns mowed. tree and shrub removal. Hedges trimmed. Free estimates. LRV resident. Call George 410-665-3683

heaths awning Services complete service Provider. new customers call and ask how you can reduce your service cost by 40-50%. New and Refurbished Frames and covers, replacement Awning and Winter covers, Awnings (Patched, re-paired and reseamed) Frames (repaired, replaced or removed). Free estimates. Call 410-343-0081 or [email protected].

happiness house Cleaners let me cus-tomize your house’s cleaning needs to fit your family’s lifestyle. My rates and service can’t be beat! For a free estimate call Angela at 410-812-7005. I live and clean in LRV.

tJ’s Lawn & Landscape Prompt, courte-ous, local service. lawns cut, with or with-out bagging. shrubs and hedges trimmed properly. shrubs and hedges removed. Garden care including clean-out, weeding and mulching. Yard and leaf clean-ups. Hauling, light moving, and delivery. com-plete outdoor services. 20 years experi-ence. Call Terry, 443-275-2853.

Lawn Cutting Service I have been spe-cializing in lawn-cutting services in your community since 1998. I offer an honest, reliable and quality service at very reason-able prices. I take care of your property as if it were my own. If interested, please call Jim at 410-296-2092 for a free estimate.

Plumber Your neighborhood plumber for all plumbing services, 25 years ex-perience, lrv Homeowner, reasonable rates, dependable service. call Bill at 410-960-4751.

home repairs by Scott, LLC. Handy Man services. Maintain the value of your home.Have small repairs taken care of be-fore they become large repairs. reliable

and on-time. Prepared to start immedi-ately. 410-336-5271.

a-aaa tree Service tree removal, trim-ming and thinning. shrubbery removal and hedge work. 25 years of experience and fully insured. loch raven resident, no job too small. John 410-321-0921.

Powerwashing Junior at Archbishop curley High school, needs to help pay for high school/college expenses. Will power-wash decks, porches, steps, sidewalks, fenc-es, sheds, siding, etc. supervised by caring uncle nick, a resident of doxbury road. Call 410-262-6812.

Bushes/hedges/trees trimming & shap-ing don’t just “cut” it but “trim and shape” it...there Is a big difference. Junior at Arch-bishop curley High school, needs to help pay for high school/college expenses. Supervised by caring uncle nick, a resident of doxbury Road. Call 410-262-6812

Cullen Roofing & Siding Co. new roofs & repairs, aluminum gutters & spouts, gutter guards & cleaning, trim work & siding. longtime lrv resident. call for a free estimate. 410-337-6777 or 410-665-1414. Family owned and operated. M.H.I.C. #6460.

Plumbing & Drain Cleaning service & repair, loch raven village resident. Master Plumber, quality work, no job too small. Call John @ 410-296-4450

See Classifieds on back cover –

to PLaCE an aD:

submit your ad via email (pdf) to [email protected]. Send a printed

copy with payment to: The Village Crier P.O. Box 9721

Baltimore, MD 21284 No ads will be taken by phone.

rates: Classified Ads - $5.00 per 25 words, 50 word max.

Professional Services - $25.00 per ad, 50 word max.

Payable to: Associates of loch raven village, Inc.

note: All service Ads are to be paid in advance of publication.

May Issue Deadline: 04/23/10

Page 12: April 2010 Loch Raven Village Crier

Aberdeen Please VolunteerBarksdale Jerry Heilman 410-823-3427Clyde Bank Please VolunteerCottage Lane Darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330Dellsway Rita Palmere 410-825-0002Deveron Bradley Kouyoumjian 410-963-0199Doxbury Paula Frazier 410-823-1105Drumwood Sue O’Neill 410-823-8765Edgewood (even #s) Stacey Tempert 410-665-4045Edgewood (odd #s) Doug Brady 410-665-6488Feldbrook Please Volunteer Glen Gary Chuck Zeller 410-961-8643Glen Keith, East Jacki Smith 410-661-4466Glen Keith, West Avery Harden 410-821-0770Glen Ridge Kimberly Gado 410-663-8358Greenway Gary Herwig 410-916-4092Joppa Corrine Ratliff 410-938-8678Kennoway Pat Keller 410-882-4437Kirkwall Janet Brown 410-825-9298LaSalle Jerry Heilman 410-823-3427Loch Ness Christopher Zysk 443-235-6933Loch Raven Please Volunteer Loch Shiel Mark Franker 410-665-1318Mussula Please VolunteerMyamby Kathy Fagan [email protected] Plains Rob Metcalf 443-791-7486Pleasant Plains #2 M. J. Simmons Putty Hill Pat Oxnard 410-337-8534Putty Hill #2 Please Volunteer


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LANDSCAPE design • installation • maintenanceshrub removal • small tree removal

LAWNSfertilization • installation • aerating

over-seeding • sod

Also: stump removal, grading, trenching, tilling

Licensed & Insured

410-692-6540Thank you for your past support

and patronage!






Larry Schafer & Grandson

Contractor, inc.

Aberdeen Please VolunteerBarksdale Jerry Heilman 410-823-3427Clyde Bank Please VolunteerCottage Lane Darrell Krushensky 410-823-6330Dellsway Rita Palmere 410-825-0002Deveron Bradley Kouyoumjian 410-963-0199Doxbury Paula Frazier 410-823-1105Drumwood Sue O’Neill 410-823-8765Edgewood (even #s) Stacey Tempert 410-665-4045Edgewood (odd #s) Doug Brady 410-665-6488Feldbrook Please Volunteer Glen Gary Chuck Zeller 410-961-8643Glen Keith, East Jacki Smith 410-661-4466Glen Keith, West Avery Harden 410-821-0770Glen Ridge Kimberly Gado 410-663-8358Greenway Gary Herwig 410-916-4092Joppa Corrine Ratliff 410-938-8678Kennoway Pat Keller 410-882-4437Kirkwall Janet Brown 410-825-9298LaSalle Jerry Heilman 410-823-3427Loch Ness Christopher Zysk 443-235-6933Loch Raven Please Volunteer Loch Shiel Mark Franker 410-665-1318Mussula Please VolunteerMyamby Kathy Fagan [email protected] Plains Rob Metcalf 443-791-7486Pleasant Plains #2 M. J. Simmons Putty Hill Pat Oxnard 410-337-8534Putty Hill #2 Please Volunteer


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LANDSCAPE design • installation • maintenanceshrub removal • small tree removal

LAWNSfertilization • installation • aerating

over-seeding • sod

Also: stump removal, grading, trenching, tilling

Licensed & Insured

410-692-6540Thank you for your past support

and patronage!






Larry Schafer & Grandson

Contractor, inc.

Support the 2010 Fireworks Display!

50/50 raFFLE

$2 per ticket.

available now!

winner chosen on May 11th

at the aLrV Board Meeting

Contact: any Board Member to purchase!

Loch Raven Village flags for sale! show your village pride with this hand-some flag. Dark green (similar to the village banners) with white and yellow artwork. Pole not included. standard size. They are $15 each, and quantities are limited so don’t delay! Please send your payment to PO Box 9721 Balti-more, MD 21284. We’ll be happy to work out delivery or pick up.

lrV Cookbook en t r i e s and o r de r s – Due April 30th –

Help Support the Fireworks!

CLaSSIFIED aDSFurnished bedroom for rent in pri-vate home on Drumwood Road. Rent $400 monthly plus $25 for internet. No smoking. Use of kitchen and laundry. Call 410-823-3560.

LrV Babysitting single mother looking to make some extra $. I have a teen-age daughter and now have the time to baby-sit in the evenings and on sundays. Please call Kim @ 410-303-6177.