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A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing The World Empire Final Destination special preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing The World Empire ‐ Final Destination special preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2012. All Rights Reserved.


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Welcome to this Special Preview We are delighted to provide you this special preview of “World Empire - Final Destination”. Its very few times that we at Rema Marketing come across a report that packs such a tremendous punch. “World Empire - Final Destination” is a tremendous new report which provides one of the most informative and controversial insights into how a 3000 year old demonic school of thought known as “Mystery Babylon” has totally engulfed all aspects of modern day society. If you are not afraid of hard core research, interesting and innovative perspectives and a desire to access the research of one of Britain's leading researchers on the one world government agenda then this special preview will give you a taster of what to expect from this 5 part report supported with over 1400 footnotes. It certainly challenged us on some of our existing views and I am sure will create some debate amongst our members because the author dares to go where others fear to tread. Remember the full report will be released on Thursday May 3rd and will be available at

http://www.finaldestination666.com So sit back, ensure your seat belt is fastened and press down on the accelerator as we take a sneak preview of “World Empire - Final Destination”.

The World Empire ‐ Final Destination special preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2012. All Rights Reserved.



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The Seven Laws of Noah form the major part of the Noahide Laws, or Noahide Code. This code is a set of moral imperatives that, according to the Jewish Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humankind. Adherents of this belief system are often called "B'nei Noach" (Children of Noah) or "Noahides.”

The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and then US President, George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.

They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the citizens of the U.S. of America and future generations is needed.

The group behind the Noahide movement is the ultra-orthodox Lubavitch Movement, known for its strict adherence to the smallest detail of the Talmud.

The books of the Talmud are based on the teachings of the Pharisees. To understand why Jesus held such contempt towards this ancient sect of elitists, Christians must have some knowledge of the books of the Talmud, a set of 63 books written by ancient rabbis. These books contain the legal code which is the basis of todays Judaism and Jewish law. In fact, Talmudic Judaism is primarily a legal system in a literal sense. It has little to do with religion. It is more of an ancient political cult group with many followers who are not openly Jewish. This is why so many Jews openly claim to be Jewish and atheist at the same time. Don Bell in his famous “Don Bell Reports” sheds further light upon this Lubavitch Movement, when he quotes Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, the head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1943, writing in the Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia, "Pharisaism became Talmudism...the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating arguments used in the Palestinian academies." In other words, the Talmudic Lubavitchers and their emphasis on Nohaide Laws are reborn Pharisees. It is important to understand that many Pharisees belonged to the Jewish occult group, the Cabal, and this explains why the Pharisees could hate Jesus Christ so vehemently, even in the face of His tremendous miracles.




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We also see in scripture how the Pharisees viewed the many supernatural miracles of Jesus and believed that he was able to accomplish these miracles because they believed he was an adept in the Egyptian Mysteries. He could, therefore, access the power of the occult. Jesus warned them not to ascribe his power to Satan. Jesus also told them they were the Synagogue of Satan, I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . . be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. . . . Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 2:9-10, 3:9. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matthew 23:27-33. It has to be understood that we are not dealing with the Noah of the Bible when there is reference to "Noahide law," but the Noahide law as understood and interpreted by the system of falsification that constitutes the Babylonian Talmud. Under the Talmud's counterfeit Noahide Laws, the worship of Jesus is forbidden under penalty of death, since such worship of Christ is condemned by Judaism as idolatry. Meanwhile various forms of incest are permitted under the Talmudic understanding of the Noahide code. (Enziklopediya Talmudit, note 1, pp. 351-352).

The Talmud also states the penalty for disobedience: "One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanh. 57A)" Maimonides Mishnah Torah, in Chapter 10 of the English Translation, states concerning Jesus Christ: "It is a mitzvah [religious duty; ARC], however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot." THE ORIGINS OF THE TALMUD The Talmud origins lie with Jewish priests who were corrupted by the Babylonian Satanic Mysteries while they were serving in Babylon during the 70 year Babylonian Captivity decreed by God as punishment for Israel's repeated sins. This Babylonian captivity is reported in the book of Daniel. It began in 606 B.C. and concluded in 536 B.C., when Persian King Cyrus issued his decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. Thus, God's prediction to Jeremiah that He would punish Israel for 70 years for her sins was completed.

During this time of captivity, some of the priests of Israel became infatuated with the Babylonian Satanic Mysteries, and began a process of converting its key beliefs into a format which was similar to the tradition of the law of Moses. When fully developed, this Oral Tradition "mystically re-interpreted" the Jewish Pentateuch [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy]. This mystical re-interpretation was nothing more,




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nor less, than Satan's work in twisting the entire meaning and purpose of God's original Word in these five books. However, this mystical re-interpretation was Oral Teaching, or Oral Tradition, which eventually was documented into a format known as the Talmud around AD 70. FROM THE TALMUD TO KABALLAH The Kabbalah is the keystone of all Western occult thought and practice today, and is the cornerstone of belief for all Illumined Ones [Masters of the Illuminati] throughout the world. Whether an occultist is White Magic or Black Magick, their cornerstone of belief and thought is the Kabbalah. A book which illustrates this perversion, perhaps better than any other, is a Jewish book ironically titled “The Holy Kabbalah” by A.E. Waite who exposes the dangers of Kabbalah.

The cover tells us it is "A Study of The Secret Traditions In Israel.” According to Waite, Kabbalah is the occult and secret traditions in Judaism. One of the most ancient wisdoms, its origins go back into the dim past, all the way back to its mother, Babylon. The Kabbalah, he affirms, is literally the occult (secret) oral traditions of Judaism: the secrets of Jewry originally known as Cabala. Every pagan trick of dethroning God and enthroning individual spirits was employed by the Cabalists. Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism, Bibliomancy, and the mysticism of numbers and letters were developed into complete systems. Hence the cabalistic doctrine of the heavenly alphabet, whose signs are the constellations and the stars. Thus Astrology was legitimized, and Bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not merely signs for things, but implements of divine powers by

means of which nature may be subjugated" (by man), says the Jewish Encyclopaedia, under "Cabala," p. 479). It was Kabbalah theology which was digested by the Knights Templars when they conquered Israel and were introduced to its teachings which then became a significant aspect of freemasonry. Research thus shows a very close parallel between the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah due to the fact that both originated in Babylon.

WHY THIS INTRODUCTION You may be wondering why we have provided this very brief overview of Noahide Laws, the Talmud and Kabbalah. Its mainly because it forms the foundation for understanding what is going on right now and also what is going to happen in the future in regards to the fulfilment of some very specific prophecies detailed in the Bible. It also ensures that you are able to deal with the amount of information that will be thrown at you in the special report to be soon released “World Empire - Final Destination” We wanted to make sure that you at least have a general understanding when you come face to face with these topics, albeit in much great detail. As stated Kabbalah and the Talmud have their origins in Babylon yet the Bible also gives specific references about the rise of Babylon again during the end times. For this reason let us now turn our attention to end time Babylon as we begin to peel back the covers to “World Empire - Final Destination”.




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The Bible tells us that in “the last days” the pervading influence of a mysterious system known as Babylon will profoundly affect the entire world. Why should we be concerned? How does it affect us? Notice what we read about Babylon in the book of Revelation: “For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. . . ” (Rev. 18:3). In brief, all nations of the earth have been made spiritually drunk by this entity called Babylon. The nations are unable to grasp or understand the plan and purpose of God. They do not know how to achieve happiness, or how to bring about true fulfilment in the lives of their peoples. The world today finds itself in a quagmire of seemingly insolvable problems-problems involving war and peace, crime and violence, disparity between the rich and poor, a damaged and dangerous environment, famine, poverty, disease epidemics, catastrophic weather conditions, immorality, the breakdown of the home and family,

and the decline of established religions. Peace and happiness seem to be beyond the grasp of millions of people. Babylon is called “. . . the great whore that sitteth upon many waters” (Rev. 17:1). “. . . The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues” (Rev. 17:15). Babylon rides upon a scarlet colored beast (v. 3). In the Bible a beast is a symbol of a kingdom or government (Dan. 7:3, 17). This entity, Babylon, controls the politics of the world. Babylon is the “. . . MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Rev. 17:5). In the Bible a harlot is a symbol of a false religious or philosophical system. So, Babylon is also represented as a religious system. Babylon is also described as a great city. “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18). Cities represent financial power, so Babylon represents economic power. Governments depend on loans from great financial institutions. These




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institutions control these governments by means of debt capitalism. In order to survive economically, kings and rulers have entered into illicit relationships with Babylon. Material benefits are derived from such unions (Rev. 18:3). By her sorceries all nations have been deceived (Rev. 18:23). The word sorceries in the original Greek is pharmakeia, which refers to the mixing and using of drugs. Could this be referring to the biggest industry in the world today-dope incorporated-the illegal drug industry? THURSDAY MAY 3RD: THE RELEASE On Thursday 3rd May the release of “World Empire Final Destination will take you into one of the most detailed insights into how Mystery Babylon is operating in the twenty first century. The Author, Reverend Simon Downing is a giant in the field of studying the origins of occult religion and its infiltration of every aspect of our society. As a present pastor of a Christian church and minister of sixteen years, Downing received his ministerial training at Birmingham Bible Institute (now Birmingham Christian College) and passed the Cambridge University Diploma, alongside the College’s own course. After that he went on to Westhill College, Birmingham University, and attained a Bachelor of Applied Theology honours degree. INCREDIBLE FOCUS ON ISLAM There is no doubt that Islam is a religion of controversy but that controversy is given fuel by notable conspiracy watch dogs. For instance Alex Jones of infowars has on several occasions referred to Islam as one of the three great faiths that trace their roots back to Abraham. Should we put Islam on the same level as Christianity and Judaism because they all share the same root of Father Abraham? Should Islam be given much respect because it promotes monotheism (one God) rather than the many gods concept practiced in other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism?. Downing completely smashes through this line of reasoning with hard core evidence that the rise of Mystery Babylon has spared no one including Islam.

How has Babylonianism infiltrated Islam? Is there an agenda to weaken and water down one of the worlds most fundamentalist religions? Why are Islamic clerics so threatening to anyone who dares to associate their religion with the evidence of infiltration of Mystery Babylon? Will you see Islam in the same light ever again? REVERSAL OF THE REFORMATION The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century schism within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants sparked by the 1517 posting of Luther's Ninety-five theses.

The efforts of the self-described "reformers", who objected to ("protested") the doctrines, rituals, and ecclesiastical structure of the Roman Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches. The Reformation was precipitated by earlier events within Europe, such as the Black Death and the Western Schism, in which, over the course of almost a century, there were at times three men claiming to be Pope simultaneously, which eroded people's faith in the Catholic Church and the Papacy which governed it.

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This, as well as many other factors, such as the mid 15th-century invention of the printing press, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, the end of the Middle Ages, and the beginning of the modern era, contributed to the creation of Protestantism which in turn led to the many different aspects of the Protestant community such as Baptists, Methodists, Anglican, Episcopalians, Reformed, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Presbyterian and so forth. Downing presents concrete evidence of a secret plan being waged by the Vatican and World Council of Churches to undo and reverse the reformation. Unbelievably in support of their goal there is a movement within Protestantism which directly supports this ecumenical pattern. It has been dubbed - The Emerging Church Movement (ECM) and its influence is so subtle that many have been caught up in its philosophies without even realizing. “In the last days churches will still call themselves Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic and such like, but inside the churches new age doctrines will be taught from the pulpit. The congregations will not even know what has happened. The teachings will not be called “new age”, they just will be “new age.” The biggest movers of the ECM movement may surprise you as “Final Destination” holds back no punches in naming and shaming the Christian Leaders who are willingly contributing with the aims and aspirations of the World Council of Churches and Rome.

THE THIRD TEMPLE As you will be aware we have previously covered the hugely explosive and controversial debate about the building of a third Jewish Temple in that this significant piece of history to take place is actually being championed and funded by a host of masonic lodges within Great Britain and Israel.

But did you know there is also a New Age organisation called ‘The Raelian Movement’, who also refer to the need for the third temple or embassy to be rebuilt in Jerusalem, on neutral land (ex-territorial). The movements leader Claude Vorilhon (known as Rael) wants his followers to donate $20 million dollars to build this Temple and he has already received at least $7 million. Remarkably there is evidence that Rael under the alias or alter ego of Igor N Grata, on Facebook, has a list of personal friends, which includes 57 Rothschilds and 14 Rockefellers.

The Raëlian Movement is a UFO religion that teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extra-terrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of this species appeared human and when having personal contacts with the descendants of the humans they made, they were mistaken for angels, cherubim or

gods. Raëlians believe messengers, or prophets, of the Elohim include Buddha, Jesus, and others who informed humans of each era. The founder of Raëlism, members claim, received the final message of the Elohim and that its purpose is to pacify and inform the world about Elohim and that if humans become peaceful enough, they wish to be

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welcomed by them. What is the significance of the worlds largest UFO cult also laying claim to the rebuilding of the third Jewish Temple? The answer may surprise you. THE FINANCIAL REALMS OF POWER Many people believe that America is the worlds most powerful nation but are you aware that the governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attorneys who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in a place in London, England called Chancery and the London Square Mile.

The U.S.A. is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and the unlawful Federal U.S. Government is their pawnbroker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the U.S.A. are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crown at Chancery – the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane – a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorneys from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposing fraudulent “legal” – but totally unlawful – contracts on the American people.

In Final Destination you will learn of the specific family bloodlines who were involved in the creation of the global world banking system. How do you believe banks like JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Salomon Brothers, Societe Generale, Standard Bank, Saxo Bank, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, Royal Bank of Canada, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital came about? Is there sheer coincidence behind the emergence of these powerful investment banks or is there some intelligence design that connects them all.

Also what about the Central Banks including the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland or the International Monetary Fund which has been infamous for the way that it has gone into particular countries and completely destroyed their economy for several generations.

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FREEMASONRY AND THE STAR OF DAVID In Final Destination we are also introduced to the monumental debate about why Freemasonry is so closely linked to the star of David. If you take a close look at the symbol of Israel you will see it what is commonly called the “Star of David”

Yet the Star of David, the hexagram, the double interlocking equilateral triangles, is a symbol within Freemasonry. It is also called the Seal of Solomon or even David’s Shield. Why do we keep seeing repeated trends of masonic association with symbols and monuments that are associated with Israel and the Jews. What is the true agenda of Lucifer in closely aligning and the occultic fraternity of freemasonry with elements of Judaism? Is it sheer coincidence or simply another unbelievable attempt to corrupt specific truths about Israel? THE MEANING OF BABYLON The word “end times Babylon” found in the book of Revelation“ is one of the most controversial words in the bible as far as bible prophecy is concerned because of the variation of interpretation. There are some such as Dr Jack Van Impe and David Wilkerson who teach that the end times Babylon is the United States of America. Others such as Dave Hunt believe that the mention of Babylon in Revelation is in total reference to the Roman Catholic Church and the seven hilled city of Rome as the entity that controls the whole earth. Chuck Missler and others believe that we should not treat the literal rebuilding of Babylon in modern day Iraq as simply a Disney land objective. He believes the rebuilding of Babylon in Iraq has more far reaching prophetic implication than someone would like to believe.

However suppose there is another definition of “Babylon” which goes far beyond the present popular beliefs. A definition which is by far more granular and detailed and showing the deceptive nature of this particular mystery. If you have a big interest in understanding the deception of occult science then this interpretation of the nature of Mystery Babylon will be a significant tool for understanding the full nature of one of Revelation’s most controversial topics. TRULY ORIGINAL We have only touched the surface in this preview. It is very rare that you will come across a report regarding the end times which comes with over 1500 footnotes yet “World Empire - Final Destination” is one of those pieces of work that is packed with a truly exhausting (in a good sense) and unparalleled amount of revelation about the formation of the One World Government. Reverend Downing is a fearless author who dares to go where very few will tread but his undying honesty to reveal truth will leave you challenged and refreshed by information that will keep you on edge for days regardless of whether you see yourself as an expert in these areas or rookie. Sure there will be elements of this work of this mega 5 part report that may challenge your own world view but growth comes from being challenged rather than simply feeding on the same diet. We fully endorse this report and believe it is one of the best reports to be go out this year. Thursday 3rd May is when it goes live. Stay tuned for our announcement on Thursday.

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A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing

The World Empire ‐ Final Destination special preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Marketing 2012. All Rights Reserved.