april, 2013 march, 2014 - langley hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · langley hospice society &...

Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 March, 2014 ExecuƟve Director & Presidents’ Report The last year has been a busy one for Langley Hospice, as we celebrated 30 years of compassion, care and support to the community we serve. We have come a long way from those early conversaƟons around a kitchen table in the early 1980’s. Those early conversaƟons have developed into a rich and vibrant web of Langley Hospice Society programs and services, that allow our staand volunteers to conƟnue to deliver on our mission to provide compassionate support to help people live with dignity and hope while coping with grief and the end of life. An increased focus on community engagement and awareness throughout the year saw some great opportuniƟes for Langley Hospice staand volunteers to conƟnue the conversaƟon about the importance of quality and accessible palliaƟve care and bereavement support programs and services for all ages, and provided in the hospice residence, in the hospital, at home, and in the community. Staand volunteers parƟcipated in numerous outreach acƟviƟes and community presentaƟons within the Langley School District, reƟrement and assistedliving residences, and other local community service organizaƟons and commiƩees. ExciƟng new collaboraƟons like the West Fine Art Show ~ Remembering BeƩy, September 6 8 th , 2013, provided opportuniƟes to raise important funds and awareness. This now annual event (www.westart.ca) was held in partnership with the West Fine Art Society by invitaƟon from local arƟst, Murray Phillips, in memory of his wife BeƩy, who passed away in June of 2013. Murray spoke of their decision to move to the hospice residence and the important role that the residence, our volunteers and the hospice staplayed in allowing BeƩy to ‘live her dying well’ and the decision they made together to give back. The event raised over $18,000 in BeƩy’s memory, and will see this year’s show hosted by the Thunderbird Show Park in North Langley on September 57, 2014. On September 26 th , the community came together to help us celebrate at our ‘Langley Hospice Society Anniversary Garden Party ~ CelebraƟng 30 Years, hosted on the grounds of our supporƟve programs centre. The Garden Party was well aƩended and saw our local Mayor(s), Jack Froese (TOL), and Ted Schaeer (COL), and hospice founder, Jeanine McCarthy join the fesƟviƟes. It was a fabulous opportunity to celebrate and showcase the many Langley Hospice programs and services oered to the community. Thank you to the many sponsors, volunteers, donors and supporters, who helped make the event a success. Langley Hospice staand volunteers conƟnue to provide important anƟcipatory, early and ongoing care and support programs for children, teens, adults and families, through our SupporƟve Programs Centre, the hospice residence, and in the community. Throughout the year, our Child and Youth Bereavement Program saw a growing number of children and teens, and their caregivers, accessing 1:1 and group support as they journey through the loss of a loved one. This increase in access resulted in the decision to hire an addiƟonal part‐Ɵme Child and Youth Bereavement Support Worker, and the introducƟon of a couple of new collaboraƟve programs focused on supporƟng teens, including Yoga, and ‘Moments In Focus – a Teen Photography Project’. In addiƟon to the already full complement of programming including day camps and Camp Chrysalis, our summer camp program; parenƟng workshops; and ongoing children’s support groups, Linda Sheridan, our Child and Youth Coordinator, developed and delivered two 8week child and youth bereavement trainings for volunteers, which were completed by 19 parƟcipants. In 2013, our Adult Bereavement Program established the Heart to Heart Widows Group to meet the growing needs of a female demographic of clients who wished to seek support from other widows in the community. This group had an average of 610 parƟcipants, and resulted in many of the members transiƟoning in to one of our more “structured” general losssupport groups. What was demonstrated was that the Widows Group provided clientele, who were generally unaware of hospice services, with insight and experience to group work. Therefore, plans to create a walking group commenced, in order to provide a safe, nonjudgmental environment for community members to seek the comfort of others who are grieving, without the pressure of having to share their story. The walking group, SupporƟve Steps, now has a steady amount of parƟcipants, all of whom who have now sought services in one form or another. This type of quality, clientcentred programming allowed us to support more than 270 individuals through our onetoone and group grief support programs. (conƟnued on page 2)

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Page 1: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’



Execu ve Director & Presidents’ Report The  last year has been a busy one for Langley Hospice, as we celebrated  30  years  of  compassion,  care  and  support  to  the community we  serve.   We have come a  long way  from  those early conversa ons around a kitchen table  in the early 1980’s. Those  early  conversa ons  have  developed  into  a  rich  and vibrant web of Langley Hospice Society programs and services, that  allow our  staff  and  volunteers  to  con nue  to deliver on our mission  to provide compassionate support  to help people live with dignity and hope while coping with grief and the end of life.    

An increased focus on community engagement and awareness throughout the year saw some great opportuni es for Langley Hospice  staff  and  volunteers  to  con nue  the  conversa on about  the  importance of quality and accessible pallia ve care and bereavement  support programs and  services  for all ages, and  provided  in  the  hospice  residence,  in  the  hospital,  at home, and in the community.  Staff and volunteers par cipated in numerous outreach ac vi es and community presenta ons within  the  Langley  School  District,  re rement  and  assisted‐living  residences,  and  other  local  community  service organiza ons and commi ees.      

Exci ng  new  collabora ons  like  the  West  Fine  Art  Show  ~ Remembering  Be y,  September  6  –  8th,  2013,  provided opportuni es  to  raise  important  funds  and  awareness.    This now  annual  event  (www.westart.ca) was  held  in  partnership with  the West Fine Art Society by  invita on  from  local ar st, Murray Phillips, in memory of his wife Be y, who passed away in June of 2013.  Murray spoke of their decision to move to the hospice  residence  and  the  important  role  that  the  residence, our volunteers and the hospice staff played in allowing Be y to ‘live  her  dying well’  and  the  decision  they made  together  to give back.   The event  raised over $18,000  in Be y’s memory, and will see this year’s show hosted by the Thunderbird Show Park in North Langley on September 5‐7, 2014.    

On September 26th,  the community came  together  to help us celebrate at our ‘Langley Hospice Society Anniversary Garden Party  ~  Celebra ng  30  Years, hosted  on  the  grounds of our suppor ve  programs  centre.      The  Garden  Party  was  well a ended  and  saw  our  local Mayor(s),  Jack  Froese  (TOL),  and Ted  Schaeffer  (COL),  and  hospice  founder,  Jeanine McCarthy join the fes vi es.    It was a fabulous opportunity to celebrate 

and showcase the many Langley Hospice programs and services offered  to  the  community.    Thank  you  to  the many  sponsors, volunteers, donors and supporters, who helped make the event a success.  

Langley  Hospice  staff  and  volunteers  con nue  to  provide important  an cipatory,  early  and  ongoing  care  and  support programs  for  children,  teens, adults and  families,  through our Suppor ve Programs Centre,  the hospice residence, and in the community.    

Throughout  the  year,  our  Child  and  Youth  Bereavement Program saw a growing number of children and teens, and their caregivers,  accessing  1:1  and  group  support  as  they  journey through the loss of a loved one.  This increase in access resulted in  the decision  to hire an addi onal part‐ me Child and Youth Bereavement Support Worker, and the introduc on of a couple of  new  collabora ve  programs  focused  on  suppor ng  teens, including Yoga, and ‘Moments  In Focus – a Teen Photography Project’.    In  addi on  to  the  already  full  complement  of programming  including  day  camps  and  Camp  Chrysalis,  our summer  camp  program;  paren ng  workshops;  and  ongoing children’s support groups, Linda Sheridan, our Child and Youth Coordinator,  developed  and  delivered  two  8‐week  child  and youth  bereavement  trainings  for  volunteers,  which  were completed by 19 par cipants.  

In 2013, our Adult Bereavement Program established the Heart to Heart Widows Group to meet the growing needs of a female demographic of clients who wished to seek support from other widows  in  the  community. This group had an average of 6‐10 par cipants, and resulted in many of the members transi oning in  to  one  of  our  more  “structured”  general  loss‐support groups.   What was demonstrated   was that the Widows Group provided  clientele,  who  were  generally  unaware  of  hospice services,  with  insight  and  experience  to  group  work.   Therefore,  plans  to  create  a  walking  group  commenced,  in order  to  provide  a  safe,  non‐judgmental  environment  for community members  to  seek  the  comfort  of  others who  are grieving, without  the  pressure  of  having  to  share  their  story. The walking group, Suppor ve Steps, now has a steady amount of par cipants, all of whom who have now  sought  services  in one  form  or  another.  This  type  of  quality,  client‐centred programming allowed us to support more than 270  individuals through our one‐to‐one and group grief support programs.  

(con nued on page 2)

Page 2: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’


Revenue April 1, 2013—March 31, 2014

Expenses April 1, 2013—March 31, 2014



















(Execu ve Director and Presidents’ Report con nued from page 1)  Our  Pallia ve  Support  Programs  offered  2,  10 week,  (30hr) Basic Hospice  Training  Sessions,  this year and saw more  than 28 par cipants complete the training, many of which are pursuing volunteer opportuni es  at  the  residence,  within  the community,  and  in  other  LHS  program  areas, joining  the more  than 44 volunteers who  support the residents with regular visits, tea service, music therapy  and more.   Due  to  the  popularity  of  the music  program,  this  year  saw  our  volunteer musician    increase  his  visits  to  two  per  week, providing  regular  opportuni es  for  musical enjoyment for the residents and their families.    

Langley  Hospice’s  Second  Story  Treasures  Thri  Store  con nues  to  be  a  thriving  presence within the  community  of Walnut Grove.    This  year  they celebrated their 15th Anniversary, and said farewell to  re ring  Store Manager, Diane  Boyd.    February saw  them  welcome  Lori‐Ann  Mark  into  the managing role; she and her team support the store and    the  80+  volunteers  who  have  made  it  the ‘best  li le  department  store  in  Walnut  Grove’.  They con nue to be a strong and reliable revenue source  for  Langley  Hospice,  through  the  amazing commitment  of  me  and  talent  from  our volunteers, and  loyal support  from customers and donors throughout the community we serve.  

Volunteers  con nue  to  be  the  at  the  core  of everything  we  do.  This  year  saw  a  significant increase of new volunteers, contribu ng to the 192 volunteers  who  gave  us  the  gi   of  over  27,690 hours  this  past  year.    Volunteers  give  their tremendous  gi s  of  me  and  talent  to  the following  important Langley Hospice ac vi es: the Founda on  and  Society  boards;  Second  Story Treasures Thri  Store; pallia ve and bereavement support; children’s program, office/administra on; special  events  and  our  Caring  Hands  quil ng group.    

We would like to extend our gra tude to each and every  one  of  our  volunteers,  donors  and supporters for your role in helping Langley Hospice provide  compassionate  care  and  support  to  the community for more than 30 years!   

Respec ully submi ed,  

Shannon Todd Booth, Ac ng Execu ve Director Kathy Derksen, President, Langley Hospice Society Anne Dent, President, Langley Hospice Founda on 

Page 3: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’


Strategic Objec ves Targets Ac ons

1. Long Term Financial Stability

To sustain our diverse funding base to meet current services and create new capital and opera onal funding resources for future expansion and emerging needs. 

• Hiring of a full‐ me Communica ons & Funds Development Coordinator • Increase of 3rd party fundraising events, including: the West Fine Art Show; LHS Garden 

Party; VanCity Shred‐a‐thon; Fraser Valley Orchid Society Show and Sale; Spanish Guitar with Bill Walker 

• Increase of engagement and support through sponsorship and gi ‐in‐kind dona ons (G.I.K.), including Buy Low Foods, WestJet, Home Depot, and many more  

• Successful gaming grant applica on 2013/14  • Con nued funding and support from United Way • Collabora ons/Partnerhips including  undertaking a joint gala event with Langley Care 

Founda on, Celebrate A Life with the Langley Rivermen • Prac cum student from Adler School of Professional Psychology – Community Service 

Prac cum with a focus on Proposal Wri ng and Grant Applica ons  

2. Increase Public Awareness and Community Profile

To establish Langley Hospice as the community’s place to call or come to when facing  end‐of‐life issues. 

• Launch of brand website redesign by Askew Design • Relevant and strategic use of social media, including facebook, twi er, etc.  • Informa on, educa on and outreach through community presenta ons, including the 

Langley Healthy Communi es Partnership Commi ee, Surrey and Langley School Districts, Stepping Stones, Langley Seniors Resource Society, Langley Gardens, and Langley Community Services Society, Aldergrove Rotary, and more. 

• Increased media rela ons and engaging local print, radio and TV, resul ng in coverage from The Langley Advance, Langley Times, Surrey Now, Global TV.   

• Membership and regular involvement with Langley Chamber of Commerce, Walnut Grove Business Associa on  

3. Deliver a Wide Range of Superior Hospice Programs and Services

To maintain and enhance exis ng programs, while exploring innova ve opportuni es for new program development,  to meet the psychosocial needs of clients and families. 

• Over 5,640 individuals accessed Langley Hospice Society programs and services • Design, development and delivery of an 8‐week Child and Youth Bereavement Support 

Training for Volunteers (2 sessions: 19 a endees)  • Delivered four 10‐week groups for children and teens , three parent workshops, four 

daycamps, and a 4‐day summer camp for grieving children and teens (29 children, 34 teens, 53 caregivers, 20 volunteers) 

• 10‐week Basic Hospice Training (2 sessions: 28 a endees) • Development and training of bereavement volunteers for the loss support groups and 

Suppor ve Steps walking group • Delivered important support programs for bereaved adults including: 3 11‐week 

support groups, (50), a second‐step group (20), widows group (8), yoga group (6), Journey Through the Holidays (50), Spring Memorial (40), one‐to‐one support (240) 

• Decision to hire a part‐ me Child and Bereavement Support Worker • Presenta ons on “Cycle of Life” and grief awareness and support to Planning 10 

Classes throughout the Langley School District (3 schools, 16 classes, 461 students)  • 44 client volunteers con nue to provide quality support to the residents and their 

families; 28 poten al volunteers completed  our 10‐week Basic Hospice Training Program; volunteers provided with opportuni es for spiritual and feeding training. 

4. Team Environment and Workforce Development for Staff and Volunteers

Strive to maintain a posi ve, caring culture conducive to work‐life balance, performance excellence, full par cipa on, personal  and professional growth. 

• Training and development of staff through a endance at a variety of relevant workshops and training including: BCHPCA Forum, Adolescents In Grief, Dr. Alan Wolfelt, and more 

• Staff:Board Planning Day: January 25, 2014—SWOT analysis; overview of strategic plan • Annual volunteer recogni on events (2) were a ended by over 120  volunteers • Addi onal training and support of staff in u lizing new website design tools • Gi works con nues to be a valuable support in recording relevant volunteer and donor 

sta s cs, and staff reports • Successful prac cum student supervision for UCFV, Adler School of Professional 


5. Delivery of Excellent Hospice‐ Pallia ve Care in Partnership with Fraser Health

To ensure that all ci zens facing end‐of‐life issues in our community have access to a wide range of services including medical and alterna ve modali es. 

• Par cipa on and chairing of the Health Advisory Commi ee (HAC) • Advocacy and communica on around the importance of a new, long term Hospice 

Residence to serve the community  in consulta on with Fraser Health and Langley Memorial Hospital Founda on as they con nue with the high‐level “Site Master Concept Planning” process 

• Con nued excellence in support of the interim Langley Hospice Residence, both financially and through our Pallia ve Client Volunteer Program 

Page 4: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’

Under $250

Many thanks to all of our very generous supporters and donors! April 1, 2013—March 31, 2014


AudreyColbeckDavidColvinHarold&NadiaCooperCoquitlamCivicEmployeesUnionCUPELocal386Bess&BruceCowanDorothyCowellKatharineCoyleLeninCruzCumminsWesternCanadaJaniceCunninghamMarieCunninghamPeterDalmDarnell&CompanyLawOf iceWalterDaviesLeslie&CatherineDawsonEileenDayColleenDeisJoan&RobertDenholmeAnneDentKathyDerksenRick&GladysDerksenNavDhanoyaJaniceDoaneMichaelDonaldStewart&WendyDreverDSAMediaCharles&NoraDubuqueMargaretDudleyAliceDuf ieldDouglasDunnJoanneDupuyAllenDurhamStewartEastonMargaretEdwardsVaughan&JoyceEllisMaretEricksonMarkEvansSuzanneEyersJudithFabickGilbert&MyrtleFanslauJanFarrellDianeFedorukJames&MyrnaFentieNormaFentieJock&MaggieFergusonLorettaFergusonDaveFerreiraBillFerrisPatriciaFieldTammyFischerMichelleFlemingJimFlintCatherineFolkardForfarEnterprisesLtd.Warren&JudyFosterDorothyFrancisFraserValleyRegionalDistrictJohn&MarjoryFrenchShelleyFritzkeJack&DorothyGalbraithHeatherGammie

MarjorieGarsideAntonGazukVivianGinterJeanGippsGirlFridayErrandServicesInc.Myrna&RobGoddardLindaGoebelBeverlyGrantGerry&JoanGrayW.T&I.J.Green ieldAnnGreenwoodWernerGriesbeckJudyGrif ithTrudyGudrunGVICCommunicationsCorp.BarbaraHallLalitaHamillDebra&GordonHamiltonDonaldHamiltonElizabethHamiltonAndreaHammondBlakeHandfordGerald&MichelleHanlonEarl&CathyHansfordMarieHarperEdHarringtonChrisHartnellGordon&DianeHeadJeffHebortJimHedderBrian&CarolynHenshawJoanne&LyndonHeppnerReetHerderGodfrey&MaryHertsletRosemaryHicksClaudelleHildenbrandtBarryHillKellyHillSusanHilleMarkHingStannHoffBrianHolfordDebraHolmesEvelynHolmesMartin&ColleenHornerEdgar&AngelaHoudeTeriHudsonDonnaHulbertLaureneHungleTheresaHungleMargaret&MervynHunterRickHuttonTed&PatriciaImreVernon&BarbIngramDonald&JaniaIsraelsonVainoJoemetsAngie&NormJohnsonBill&AnnetteJohnsonBrian&MargaretJohnsonDave&CandaceJohnsonJohnnie&LesleyJohnsonMarionJohnston

Page 5: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’

Under $250 (continued)




Page 6: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’


Kathy Derksen, President Bob Carpenter, Vice President Bonnie Greenlee, Treasurer 

Jane Hamar, Secretary Alma Barranco‐Mendoza 

Dorscie Paterson Anne Pilgrim Sco  Taylor Elaine Walton 

Founda on Board Anne Dent, President 

Elaine Walton, Vice President Bonnie Greenlee, Treasurer 

Jane Hamar, Secretary Alma Barranco Bob Carpenter Kathy Derksen Merlyn Jussila 

Dorscie Paterson Anne Pilgrim Sco  Taylor

STAFF Ac ng Execu ve Director/

Communica ons & Fund Development Sandra Castle 

Bereavement Support Shivani Kaushik

Children’s Bereavement Support Linda Sheridan Cassidy Peters 

Pallia ve/Volunteer Support Fernande Ouelle e Volunteer Services & Event Planning Denise Sta on 

Administra ve Services Wendy Vetsch 

Second Story Treasures Thri Store

Manager Lori‐Ann Mark 

Store Opera ons Deborah Campbell Kathy Sawatzky 








Under $250







Page 7: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’

The West Fine Art Show ~ “Remembering Be y” September 6—8, 2013 (www.westart.ca) 

Many thanks to Teck Construc on, O er Co‐op, Telus, Fraser Valley Orchid Society and all of our many donors and supporters!! 

Camp Chrysalis 2013 LHS Staff and 13 volunteers hosted 27 children for four days of fun, friendship and sharing. 

Kathy Derksen, Dr. Maureen Adamson and Shannon Todd Booth 

The First Annual Garden Party was held September 26 on the grounds of our Suppor ve Programs Centre. 

A Look At 2013/14

Murray Phillips, well‐known local ar st and show organizer. 

Ar st Brian Cro  and Red Robinson at The West Fine Art Show 

Michele Coleman,  Sydney MacPherson, Jeannine McCarthy, Lois McLeay and Bonnie Greenlee at the Garden Party

Some of our client volunteers at their annual summer potluck. 

Camp volunteers with Children/Youth Coordinator, Linda Sheridan 

Shivani Kaushik, Adult Program Coordinator 

Page 8: April, 2013 March, 2014 - Langley Hospice · 2018. 10. 11. · Langley Hospice Society & Foundation Annual General Meeting April, 2013 ‐ March, 2014 Execu ve Director & Presidents’