arcticcouncil science 0415

 17 APRIL 2015 • VOL 348 ISSUE 6232 263 SCIENCE     P     H     O     T     O     S    :          I     N     S     E     T          ©      M     L     E     N     N     Y     /     I     S     T     O     C     K     P     H     O     T     O  .     C     O     M    ;          R     I     G     H     T          C     O     U     R     T     E     S     Y     O     F     U     N     I     V     E     R     S     I     T     Y     O     F     A     L     A     S     K     A     A     N     C     H     O     R     A     G     E T his month, the United States takes over the chair- manship of the Arctic Council, a position it last held in 1998. Since then, global interest in the  Arcti c has in crease d, and t he coun cil ha s evolv ed considerably. What has spurred that interest, and what will the council focus on under U.S. leadership? Increased interest in the Arctic is being driven by dramatic change in a region that is both valuable and  vulnerable: a warming cli- mate (sea-ice retreat, thaw- ing permafrost, and coastal erosion); globalization and the demand for resources (increasing population and an expanding middle class); and geopolitics (claims on extended con- tinental shelves and po- tential northern shipping routes). Taken together, these factors create oppor- tunities and challenges, all of which require prepara- tion, informed by knowl- edge acquired through  Arctic research. The Arctic Council was formed in 1996 by the eight Arctic nations (Can- ada, Denmark/Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States) as a forum to address sustainable development and environmental issues. The council promotes cooperation and col- laboration among its member states and indigenous peoples’ organizations and with formally recognized observers. The council has produced well-regarded re- ports, such as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment and the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, which stimulated cross-border science and the adoption of  best practices. In recent years, discussion initiated by the council led to the creation of two multilateral agreements on search and rescue and on marine oil pollution pre- paredness and response. A third agreement, to increase international scientific cooperation, is in progress. Last  year, the council created the Arctic Economic Council, an independent organization that facilitates economic development in the region. The U.S. theme for the chairmanship is One Arctic: Shared Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities. Three areas of focus are: Ocean Safety, Security, and Stewardship; Improving Economic and Living Condi- tions of Arctic People; and Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change. Specific initiatives will be conducted under each focus area by the council’s working groups (see  Are the Arctic Eight still  working well together?  Yes. There is more politi- cal alignment in the Arctic than in many other places, as evidenced by good rela- tions at council events and  by similar national objec- tives. Each member nation has its own strategy for the  Arctic, with remarkably similar goals: international cooperation, national secu- rity, environmental stew- ardship, and economic and social benefits for the peo- ple of the region. In Janu- ary 2015, President Obama issued an Executive Order to focus federal efforts in the Arctic under the U.S. National Strategy for the  Arctic Region, as aug- mented by an implementation plan, and a 5-year Arc- tic research program plan. These documents recognize federal responsibilities in the region and offer hope for increased coordination and efficiency to meet evolving challenges. U.S. chairmanship initiatives will advance these goals and will require the support of Congress, the State of Alaska, and local and tribal entities to be successful. Scientific observations and research provide the knowledge base for prudent decisions. The initiatives proposed for the U.S. chairmanship require resources and coordinated effort. An essential ingredient is con- tinued federal investment in Arctic science and tech- nology. If the United States is to lead in these next 2  years and beyond, then it must have the capability and commitment to do so. – Fran Ulmer  One Arctic  Fra n Ulmer is chair of the U.S.  Arc tic R esear ch Commission, which has oces in Washing ton, DC, and Anchorage,  Alask a. E-mail :  fran.ulmer@ EDITORIAL 10.1126/science.aab3119 “This month, the United States takes over the chairmanship of the Arctic Council...” Published by AAAS    o   n    A   p   r    i    l    1    7  ,    2    0    1    5   w   w   w  .   s   c    i   e   n   c   e   m   a   g  .   o   r   g    D   o   w   n    l   o   a    d   e    d    f   r   o   m  

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ArcticCouncil Science 0415


  • 17 APRIL 2015 VOL 348 ISSUE 6232 263SCIENCE



    This month, the United States takes over the chair-

    manship of the Arctic Council, a position it last

    held in 1998. Since then, global interest in the

    Arctic has increased, and the council has evolved

    considerably. What has spurred that interest,

    and what will the council focus on under U.S.


    Increased interest in the Arctic is being driven by

    dramatic change in a region that is both valuable and

    vulnerable: a warming cli-

    mate (sea-ice retreat, thaw-

    ing permafrost, and coastal

    erosion); globalization and

    the demand for resources

    (increasing population

    and an expanding middle

    class); and geopolitics

    (claims on extended con-

    tinental shelves and po-

    tential northern shipping

    routes). Taken together,

    these factors create oppor-

    tunities and challenges, all

    of which require prepara-

    tion, informed by knowl-

    edge acquired through

    Arctic research.

    The Arctic Council was

    formed in 1996 by the

    eight Arctic nations (Can-

    ada, Denmark/Greenland,

    Finland, Iceland, Norway,

    Russia, Sweden, and the United States) as a forum to

    address sustainable development and environmental

    issues. The council promotes cooperation and col-

    laboration among its member states and indigenous

    peoples organizations and with formally recognized

    observers. The council has produced well-regarded re-

    ports, such as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment

    and the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, which

    stimulated cross-border science and the adoption of

    best practices.

    In recent years, discussion initiated by the council

    led to the creation of two multilateral agreements on

    search and rescue and on marine oil pollution pre-

    paredness and response. A third agreement, to increase

    international scientific cooperation, is in progress. Last

    year, the council created the Arctic Economic Council,

    an independent organization that facilitates economic

    development in the region.

    The U.S. theme for the chairmanship is One Arctic:

    Shared Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities.

    Three areas of focus are: Ocean Safety, Security, and

    Stewardship; Improving Economic and Living Condi-

    tions of Arctic People; and Addressing the Impacts of

    Climate Change. Specific initiatives will be conducted

    under each focus area by the councils working groups


    Are the Arctic Eight still

    working well together?

    Yes. There is more politi-

    cal alignment in the Arctic

    than in many other places,

    as evidenced by good rela-

    tions at council events and

    by similar national objec-

    tives. Each member nation

    has its own strategy for the

    Arctic, with remarkably

    similar goals: international

    cooperation, national secu-

    rity, environmental stew-

    ardship, and economic and

    social benefits for the peo-

    ple of the region. In Janu-

    ary 2015, President Obama

    issued an Executive Order

    to focus federal efforts in

    the Arctic under the U.S.

    National Strategy for the

    Arctic Region, as aug-

    mented by an implementation plan, and a 5-year Arc-

    tic research program plan. These documents recognize

    federal responsibilities in the region and offer hope for

    increased coordination and efficiency to meet evolving

    challenges. U.S. chairmanship initiatives will advance

    these goals and will require the support of Congress,

    the State of Alaska, and local and tribal entities to be


    Scientific observations and research provide the

    knowledge base for prudent decisions. The initiatives

    proposed for the U.S. chairmanship require resources

    and coordinated effort. An essential ingredient is con-

    tinued federal investment in Arctic science and tech-

    nology. If the United States is to lead in these next 2

    years and beyond, then it must have the capability and

    commitment to do so.

    Fran Ulmer

    One Arctic

    Fran Ulmer is

    chair of the U.S.

    Arctic Research


    which has of ces in

    Washington, DC,

    and Anchorage,

    Alaska. E-mail:




    This month, the United States takes over the chairmanship of

    the Arctic Council...

    Published by AAAS

    on A

    pril 1

    7, 2










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