are there benefits to choosing organic coffees?

Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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We probably all feel that choosing organic products is a healthier choice. Unfortunately, however, we don't always choose to buy organic products. Why? Because they usually cost more and we might not fully understand why an organic product is really better.


Page 1: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

Page 2: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

We probably all feel that choosing organic products is a healthier choice. Unfortunately, however, we don't always choose to buy organic products. Why? Because they usually cost more and we might not fully understand why an organic product is really better.

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Page 3: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

Let's take coffee as an example. Coffee is already very expensive. If you choose organic coffee the extra price may become prohibitive. Why, then choose organic coffees? Well, there are some very good reasons.

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Page 4: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

First off, there are benefits to your health. Mass produced coffee is very heavily processed with chemicals. Plants found on commercial coffee plantations are frequently hit with a variety of herbicides and pesticides. Many of the largest coffee producing nations don't have the same laws the U.S.

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Page 5: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

When the soil coffee grows in absorbs dangerous chemicals it transfers them to the leafs and then to the beans themselves. When you pick up a can of coffee in your supermarket do you have any idea what kind of toxins you are buying?

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Page 6: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

Not only are these chemicals dangerous, they also rob the coffee of many of the its beneficial nutrients. Coffee contains many antioxidants that are very powerful. When you drink healthy coffee in moderation it can help your metabolism and stabilize your blood sugar.

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There are also benefits to the environment when you choose organic coffees. When you think of coffee growing, don't you imagine high altitudes and sunny slopes? Coffee does grow that way --- but that is not its natural environment.

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Page 8: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

When left to nature, coffee bushes grow along the shady floors of rainforests. Unfortunately this environment makes it is impossible to harvest large amounts of coffee. So the big coffee producers, with profits in mind, developed coffee varieties that grow in the sun.

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Still another benefit of drinking organic coffee is that it is less likely to cause you to have the jitters. If you tend to get the jitters when drinking caffeine, try an organic coffee and see if it doesn't solve the problem.

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Page 10: Are There Benefits To Choosing Organic Coffees?

Finally, organic coffee simply tastes better! Compare it with your normal coffee and you will definitely notice the difference! Yes, organic coffee is more expensive than mass produced brands.

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