arh 102 chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 non-western

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  • 8/13/2019 ARH 102 Chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Non-Western


    Chapter 32

    South And Southeast Asia After 1200

    Islam arrived in the Indian subcontinent in the 8 thcentury

    Establishment of the Sultanate of Delhi 1206-1526

    While uslim Sultans from !entral "sia ruled much of northern India#$indu

    dynasts controlled most of the South

    uslim u%hal em&erors of India art &atrons

    u%hal#descended from the on%ols

    $indu art flourished under the 'i(ayana%ar )1**6-1565+, aya. dynasties)152/-1*6+, and the a(&ut .in%doms )1500-1850+

    uddhism and uddhist art dominated much of Southeast "sia

    u%hal Em&ire ended 185 ) 1526-185+

    3or nearly a century thereafter India 4as ruled by the ritish

    nder the leadershi& of ahatma andhi,

    India 7 )a.istan-)a%ainst his 4ishes++ attained inde&endence in 1/9

    Indian Miniature Painting

    ost &o&ular form of &aintin% under the u%hal em&erors 7 a(&ut .in%s 4asminiature &aintin% )about the si:e of &a%e in a boo.+

    Desi%ned to be held in the hand, either as illustrations in boo.s or loose-leaf &a%esin albums

    'ery rarely hun% them on 4alls#never framed

    sed o&a;ue 4atercolors 7 &a&er )occasionally cotton cloth+

    e;uired years of trainin% as an a&&rentice to learn artistic s.ills

    any artists for the Islamic u%hal em&erors si%ned their 4or.

  • 8/13/2019 ARH 102 Chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Non-Western


    Chapter 33

    China And Korea After 1279

    !hina is the oldest state on earth< It is also the only lar%e country in the 4orld

    4hich has never at any time &assed under Euro&ean rule=

    >ublai >han )on%ols+ &roclaimed himself the ne4 em&eror of !hina )r< 12/-

    12/9+ 7 founded the ?uan dynasty

    !hina used &a&er currency, invented &orcelain, had an efficient &ostal system, 7

    had much more advanced hy%iene &ractices then the Euro&eans

    Literati#scholar-artists, 4ho emer%ed durin% the Son% dynasty#%enerally came

    from &rominent families 74ere hi%hly educated alon% 4ith bein% stee&ed in

    traditional !hinese culture

    Chapter 34

    Japan After 1336

    Muroa!hi Period "1336#1$73%

    Sho%un )head of the most &o4erful military family+, "shi.a%a, too.control of the country, 4hich mar.ed the be%innin% of the uromachi &eriod

    Sho%un mana%ed the country 7 maintained unity on the rulin% em&erorAs behalf#but control really rested 4ith the sho%unate

    Sho%unate com&osed of samurai )4arriors+

    Durin% this &eriod, Ben uddhism flourished#4hich em&hasi:ed ri%orous

    disci&line 7 &ersonal res&onsibility#so held an attraction for the u&&er echelons

    &ea Cereon'

    3avorite eCercise durin% the omoyama &eriod

    !arried various &olitical 7 ideolo%ical im&lications

    @he tea ceremony contributed to the democrati:ation of a&anese society#noran. in a teahouse#one had to cra4 on hands 7 .nees 4hen enterin%#intended

    to foster humility 7 e%alitarianism

    Democratic ideal also influenced the aesthetics of teahouses 7 tea ceremony


    tensils valued for their inherent beauty rather than their monetary 4orth

  • 8/13/2019 ARH 102 Chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Non-Western


    e4 rustic )wabi & sabi+ aesthetic su%%ested austerity 7 sim&licity#7 old 74eathered a&&earance

    (do Period "161$#1)6)%

    Sho%unate rea&&ear

    Sho%un @o.u%a4a Ieyasu moved official ca&ital from >yoto to Edo )[email protected]+

    !hristianity banned 7 all Western forei%ners eC&elled#eCce&t the Dutch

    @hose in &o4er transformed !onfucian ideas of social 7 civil res&onsibility into

    &ublic &olicy

    Chapter 3$

    *ati+e Arts of the Aeri!as After 1300ayan ?ucatFn re%ion of eCico and the hi%hlands of uatemala#about *00 to

    600 !E

    ":tecs !entral eCico#about 1*25-1521 !E

    Inca eru, Ecuador, to central !hile#1900s-1600s !E


    Illustrated boo.s 4ere hi%hly &ri:ed in esoamerica

    oo.s recorded history, rituals, astronomical tables, calendrical calculations,ma&s, 7 trade and tribute accounts

    @eCts consisted of hiero%ly&hic columns read from left to ri%ht 7 to& to bottom

    Gnly 9 aya boo.s survive


    @ransformed themselves 4ithin a fe4 %enerations from mi%ratory outcasts 7 serfs

    to mercenaries 7 then to masters in their o4n ri%ht of the 'alley of eCico

    !alled themselves eCica

    Were considered fierce in 4ar 7 cruel in &eace

    @hey chan%ed the social 7 &olitical situation in eCico#subservient %rou&s hadto &rovide victims to be sacrificed ":tec deities#sta%ed 4ars to obtain ca&tives

    for future sacrifice

  • 8/13/2019 ARH 102 Chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Non-Western


    uins of the ":tec ca&ital, @enochtitlFn lie directly beneath the center of modern-

    day eCico !ity

    Chapter 36


    Gceanic cultures are not only %eo%ra&hically varied but also &olitically,lin%uistically, and artistically diverse

    Gceania consists of more than 25,000 islands, less than 1,500 inhabitable,

    includin% the island continent of "ustraliau.aAilimo.u, the 4ar %od

    Chapter 37

    Afri!a After 1)00


    "frican art4or. 4as collected as a novelty 4ith little understandin% of the


    "frican art %reatly affected modern art

    It 4as not until 4ell after WWII that "frica %ained its inde&endence

    "frica made u& of 9 countries )5* includin% dis&uted territories and islands

    surroundin% the continent+

  • 8/13/2019 ARH 102 Chapter 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Non-Western


    Mass Masuerades

    Serves several &ur&oses#commemoration, healin%, divination )su&ernatural

    &o4ers+, 7 social re%ulation

    as.s sometimes became so influential they had their o4n &riests#

    as.ed dancers usually embody ancestors, or various nature s&irits both called

    u&on for their s&ecial &o4ers

    as.s 7 mas;uerades are mediators#bet4een men 7 4omen, youths 7 elders,
