arizona weekly journal-miner. (prescott, az) 1890-09...

'Smm WEEKLY JOURX&L-MfKE- R. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1890 Tho Motlnsof-Ln- e Woddinj?, At tho borne f tho bride's parents, ,ilr. and Mrs. James Lauc, lower Agun Eria, Wttlnosday, September 10th, 1S90, Goq. "W. llanoe, jusiico of the peace, janrried John E. Motsinger and Miss Iar- - T. Ltino, both bring residents of lower -- igur., Yavapai county, Arizona. There wore about 150 people present inohiditig almost ovory person living in tho vicinity aud many persons from other eUlmeut$, some fow attended who live at Thenix. The house was too small to hold the people, aud the bride and groom Ftood ou the porch and tho people stood in a semi-circl- o in front of tho porch, in a bright sunshine to witness the occasion and'hear the low but appropriate words uttered by Justice Hanco which made thorn man aud wife. The bride was elegantly dressed in white, aud the groom was dreasedtin a vory pretty black suit. After the ceremony, which took place at 2 o'clock p. m., an olegant wodding din- ner was served, and about the time the sun was hid behind tho Bradsha mountains dancing commonccd and was kept up until it again mado its ap- pearance from behind Squaw peak, in an exactly difl'eni direction from which it disappeared. The presents w ere numerous, and many very olegant and costly as well as useful and orna- mental. Every person, both old and yocng, seemed to enjoy themselves, and a good time generally wa6 the word of every person. Tho writer hereof is known for his good appetite, and during a resi- dence of 22 yearn in has never been my good fortune to have a better time tr a bigger eat. Below is a list of presents as fir as your corres- pondent could gather them, and being somewhat bashful, did not like to make too many inquiries about the presents. So, if any mistakes, please attribute it to the lack of brass iu not making a more thorough investigation: UsT OF IRE3EKTS. John Pane, album. Lucy E. Whitnev, towles. Elsie J. Monroe, set after dinusr cof- fee spoons. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burmister, sat napkins and table cloth. J. E. Eloyd and Wm. Murphy, silver sugar bowl, cream pitcher and spoon bolder. L. F. Giuwall, silver salt and pepper box. Gus Moo, caroua set, set silver knives and forks, set silver tea spoons and table spoons. Bessie Millor, breakfast castor. Mr. C. Miller, pair China cups and saucers. Mrs. C. Miller, goblets. Mrs. J. Miller, glass tea set and fruit set. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Belcher, bohe- - mian water set. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maycj", water set. Misss Mamie and Mar tie Mayer, sheets and pillow cases. Mr. George Helm, pair blankets. MattiePierson, pair towels. Mr. Ed. Hill, cup and saucer. Mrs. Ed. Hill, candle stick. Charley Cordis, ink stand. Lucy Cordis, pin cushion. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Michael, tablo cloth and towels. Lena Hartsfield, glass cake stand. Ed. Hartsfield, half-doee- n goblets. J. H.Livingston, pair napkin rings. Wilbur cL Perry and Mrs. A. Perry, damask tablecloth and napkins, set of garnet jewelry. Mr. and Mrs. Cordis, half-doz- en sheets. Del Townseud, pair gold-line- d nap kin rings. Ed.a.nd Charles Behm, book -- Li v ingston aud Stanley. John Hartsfield, album. J.K. Lowry, towels, comb and brush Mr. and Mrs. H. Stoddard, tablecloth and napkins. Master Bur Mayer, cako stand. Miss Napper, 6 China dinner plates Mr. and Mrs, Motsinger, cook stove and eight day clock. Mr. C. F. Haines, silver dinner cas tor. Mrs. ind Miss Lizzie Dugcs. pair lace curtains. Frederick Hugos, table cloth. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow, pair lace pi! low shams and linen napkins. Mr. and Mrs. Boblctt, set cups ana saucers and set dinner plates. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laue, parents of tho bride, feather bed and pillows and bedclothes. Jessie B. Lane, looking-glas- s. Miso Bell Rosenberg, glass fruit dish. Henry J. Perry, pickle castor and fruit dish. Ellsworth: and Nancy Monroe, dam- ask table cloth . A. D. Whitney, glass cake stand. Mr. and Mrs. J It Wells, pair nap- kin rings. Mr. and Mrs. Whitson, picture fram e. Mr. and Mrs. Seaver, picure frame. N. G. Rosenberg, silver sugar spoon, butler knifo. in velvet ease. A. F. Barber, rocking ohsir. Squire Hill, water pitcher. Mrs. C. Pott, Bible, pitcher, pair pillow shams. Grace Perry, perfume bottles, in vel-v- ot ease. Lottie E. Perry, cup and saucer, in case. Minnie 0. Porry, cup and saucer, in case. Looks Won tor Procott. ,F. M. Murphy, agent of Diamond Jo Reynolds, informed us that he has sold to F. A. Tritle the old gov- ernor mansion in east Prescott, which indicates pretty conclusively that tho governor, after roaming around the east, hfia concluded to mako Proscott his home. Tho governor and his accom- plished wife have always entortaincd both oitizens of Prescott and strangers heapitably in thoir elegant home, and tho latch string will always be found on the outside iu the future. LJvo stocx Notes-Th- e caif crop in the north is re- ported to be very light. In Montana, in ono round up of eix or seven hun- dred composed of the usual percentage of cows, only fifty calvos wore branded. The St. Johns Herald say that C. O. Howe, managor of the Wabash cattle company, sold ono thousand etflors two years old ana up to a Nobraska feeder at $!5.n0 for twos and 22.50 for threee and The owners of tho Big Bug onyx mino have h.-- d an application from one vl tfe largest jewelry inanuffieUirsr in thti wartlor a ton of onyx, to manufac- ture y jewelry. A Croat Slnaer. Our peoplo wil 1 remember a vocalia who formerly sang teuor in the Metli odist choir of this p'aoe, who was known by the name of Jaoob Liohti, that be-iu- g the name under which he enlisted iu the army. His eorroot name was Otto Engwerson, and hiiico leaving this section he has developed into one of tho greatest touor singers of th coun- try. The Toledo (Ohio1 Commercial, of September 5lh, contains tho follow-in- g notice of him : "It will be a aurpmo to tho hosts of friends of Mr. Otto Engwerson, the well known tenor, to learn that he lias his positiou as leader of the First Congregatiouai choir in this city, and that he will accopt the position of tenor in Plymouth v ougrogational ohurch in Chicago, October 1st. The resignation was handed to the music committee yes- terday, but it will not take offeot for three weeks. "Mr. Engworson's departure to Ply- mouth ohurch is ono of peculiar interest to Toledo people, iuasmuoh as he Li tho second singer of noto who has been called from the First Congregational choir to the leading churoh of Chi- cago, the other being Miss Gunovra Johnston, now Mrs. Bishop, who is still ooprano in that choir. The pastor is Rev. F. W.Gunsaulus, D. D., the brill- iant speaker who enthused thr im- mense audiences at Lakoside this sum- mer, aud one of tho groat thinkers of the present day. Mr. Gousaulus was so pleased with Mr. Ingworson's voice at Lakeside that he immediately offered him the position of tenor in his famous choir, but Mr. Engwersou did not de- cide to accept until yostorday. Toledo people will deeply regret his dopaiture, ut will heartily congratulate him upon tho honor he has recoivod. He has a sympathetic voico of r re quality and volume, and long ago his admirers pre- dicted the brilliant future upon which he now appears to be entering. Mr. Engwersou will succeed Mr. Whitney Mokridgo, the preseut tenor of Ply- mouth church." A Perplexed Volar Editor Joi'RXALr-Mu- R: On Sep- tember 10th, I loaded my burro with bacou, beans aud Hour and a domijohu, (the latter for medical purposes only in case of emergency) and a copy of the Jouunal-Mix- er containing the pro- ceedings of the lato democratic conven- tion, in my pockot, for perusal at leis- ure for the bonetit of my mind and as a sample of the latest literature. I pro- cured a willowy switch aud started for my camp in Autocrat hollow. Oa the road, weary contemplating the beauties of nature and tho sameness of cactus, 1 yanked out the paper and road the pro- ceedings. I got along until I reached the report of the committee on plat- form. The iirst speaks of the time- - honored principles and devotion to tho Virginia and Kentucky resolutions o: 1798. Shadowy with ageaud mildewed and perfectly harmless, I brushed it aside aud tackled number two. In this, tho deumcracy of Yavapai rebukes the republican partv and tells thorn not to overstep tho powors granted by tho Conststutiou, in interfering with the lime-honore- d tricks of democracy. In number three, tho democracy is shaken with f ear lest tho republicans will sup press by legislation tho shot-gu- u policy so successfully adopted in Arkansanand Mississippi. In number four, the de mocracy is disgusted with tho Autocrat. Who is he? Who struck Billy Patter son! Who wrote the Junius letters! And how did MeGinty get out of tno ditch? These piobloms occupied my weary brain until I reached camp. Bat Morpheus rofuscd me his refreshing balm. I rosc feverish, and will remain so until tomo one of- - these platform makers will issue a second edition with commentaries. Send me one, when published, to Autocrat Hollow. Hon EST Mixkr. Too Closo a Rattto for Comfrt. Uaptaiu Wright, the raisin superin- tendent for Logan fc Adams, had a close call last mouth. He was running a hand basket along under the vinos aud throwing muscats in it as he picked them. Suddenly he hoard a click or snapping sound, a though bOtne part of the basket hud brokou. Lifting it up he was surprised to find an ugly, wnc gling rattlesnake follow. It had struck at Captain Wright's hand and buried its fangs in tho wicker handle bf the basket, r.u inch from the captain's fore finger. No time was lost in killing tho deadly roptile, and its skin is now be- ing fashioned into a bolt for a Phenix-jourualist- 's sweetheart. But that don't prevent Captain Wright from fetching a quick breath whenever bethinks how nearly he came to filling a caskot in- stead of securing a lady's girdle. Her- ald. Lettor List. The following is a list of lettors re- maining in tho post-offic- e at Prescott Arizona, uncalled for Sept. 10, 1S90. Berlett, E W MoGuire. Senna '1 2 Bator, J B Marshall, J Bell, H G Mahoney, Mrs. J Craig, P A Priest, Jas T Costley, M ss I M Pilkiugton, Geo Fryer, J as V Robinson, Jus Gibbons, M Robinson, C T Gilleland, II L Reed, Miss Lillio Graham, Geo 2 Smiley,. Mrs J D Heisor, Mrs C W Smock, Wm Jarmau, R Storey, J King, Samuel Thenson, K Lovin, H v Teoker, D Leuory, J S 2 Watson, JR MoNally, Miss Agnus Please call for advertised." J. W. AkchiiuU), P. M. A Voice from Oklahoma Rev. Z. L. Kay, formerly of this county, wrilos to the JtfufUfAfc-MixE- R from Oklahoma, as follows: Oklahoma is a beautiful land of prairie and timber, dotted all over with small houses, ,,du-o.s- " vand now farms, but many of the peoplo who came here in euch haste, a little over a year ago, are now nearly as anxious to get away. The dry weather of sum- mer cut the crop short so that supplies are scarce, times are hard, and some suffering is apt to result. Many fami lies are going to the States tu spend tho ti winter; others have left permanently, and still more will fraoaeout or starve oat before next spring, LOCAL iJOSINESS MENTION. Some Interesting Item for All Classes of Headers, Cowboy outfits a specialty at Oson-tug'- s. dltf Coxe's Glycerine Lotion at Ross's Corner Drug Store. nlOtf Fine stock of Saddles at Ofinburg Uros. dltf All tho standard patent mediciues at tho Corner Drug Store. tf All the standard patent medicines at tho Corner Drug Store. tf Siddlo horses and single or double rigs for hire at Sloan' stablo southeast cornor of tho plaza. tf Three meals for 1 at the Sherman House, formerly Dan HaU Ilotel. Large stock of ladies' purses at Yavapai Pharmacy at very low prices. m3 Reduced prices have caused a great rush of business at the Corner Drug Store. tf A full l!ne of Wright's choicest Odors and Sachet Powder, at the Corner Drug Store. tf Congrebs, Apollinaris aud Vichy mineral waters iu stock at the Cornet Drug store. tf Insect powder jut received, finest quality aud warranted, at the Corner Drug Store. tf Everything usually kept in a drug store for salo cheap at the Comer Drug Storo. tf Everything found in a tirat-clas- s harness shop can be had at OsonburgV at bottom prices. dltf Stationery largest and finest assort ment ever seen m Prescott at tho Corner Drug Store. tf Call at the Corner Drug Store and get a glass of Soda Water. Tho purest ol syrups, ice cold. tf For a nice Buggy, Phmton, Spring Wagon, or anything in that line, call on Urocht & Throne. nilvtf Are you thirsty? A glass of Soda Water at Ro-- s Drug Storo will invigo rate ami rofnwh you. Gold as ice aud pure as crystal. tf Type-Writi- ng done by Geo. S. Por ter, Jr. Orders left at the Bray store, in bank of Arizona buildinit will be promptly attended to. al5 Soda Water The most healthful and refreshing of all summer beverages now k on draught at Hoss Corner Drug . oiore. ti A large assortment of drug, client icals and toilet articles for sale at the very lowest prices at the Corner Drug Store. tf Breoht & Throne have for sale a car load of Osborne iron Mowers, Reapers and Rakes, at the Pioneer ehops.mlTtf For Stock Medicines at lowest figures send to the Mountain City Drug Store west of the Court Uousw. slltf Anthony fc Kuhn beer on draught at the Montezuma, 5 cts. per gloss; Schooners 12$ cts. ni29tf New Goods, just received, at Mrs. W. C. Burdge's. The largest and finest stock of millinery and fancy goods ever shown m Prescott. tf A graduate of Chicago College of Pharmacy fills all prescriptions at tho Mountain City Drug Store. Robinson fc Brisloy, proprietors. slltf Good work and low price tell. Osenburg Bros, are always rushed. When you come to Prescott will and examine their stock of harness, saddles, etc. and obtain dltf Robinson Brisley, at the Mountain City Drug Store, solicit country orders for Drugs, etc., and guarantee special low prices. Try them. slltf The latest styles in Ladies' Shoos' cheaper than any house iu town, just received at A. Wollenburg's. tf Now goods, just received, at Mrs. W. C. Burdgo's. The largest and finest stock of milliner' and fancy goods over shown in Prescott. m'dltf Geo. H Curry has tho largest line of fine Gold Watches, Silver WatcheE, and fine gold jewelry ot any firm in be Territory. aul5lf i or sulc cheap, an interest in the White Spar mine, a producing prop- erty. Inquire at the Arizona Real Estate, Loan & Improvement Associa- tion. jy2itt 1 have received a carload of olegant Anheuser-Busc-h (St. Louis) Lager Beer, which 1 propose to sell ice-col- d, at reduced prices, in kegs, bottles, or any amount. I have refurnished my lodg- ing house, and will rent rooms ; beds can be rooted at two or four bits. 1 am ready to furnish cord wood, oak, pine and juniper, cut to all sizes, split an' delivered at house for $7 per cord. Leave orders hero or through postotlico. Martin Maier. tf For Perfunns and nicest fancy goods, call at the Corner Drug Stora. Endless variety. ti If you want "hardware," go to Hill; we don't keep it. If you want a good imported Key West, or domestic, go to Ford's. We pride ourself on keeping the best brands for tho price asked. Try the Oriental. T. F. B Sazarac Saloon kat Billiard Hall. Geo. W. StBet.Pronriator, DRINKS 124 CTS, FINE LIQUOES & OIG-AR- OJinfortrttile Club ltoai4 AtUiked Fine Billiard and Pool Tables, for Exclusive use and entertain- ment of patrons of the place. Gurley Street, Prescott. JC. vv . Iklyor. CONTRACrOR & BUILDER. Mason Work, IN ALL ITS HilANCUES, Bono bn short notice and first-- 11 i 1 ctass worn: uarftiiceea. umora left at tho 0. K. Store, West Prosoott, will bo attended to. L. W. MYERS. Wanted. By an lutUli;eut orphan girl of K, a borne aoaie eUUdtest fum-iy- , where the c&ud be tiutt(al dtii;tior and attend school recu-arl- y. Edacation and pateiitiRe kooJ. lint couccs gtvon. AddrM. E. OAUIUEL, slSU Logtntpori, Indtaaa, KELLY& STEPHENS! -- .AT GOLDEN RULE STORE 41 ai Mett Of General Complete Stock of tho Famous Oregou Cussimoro Clothing Ulanket-Liue'- .l Goods, Pacific Const Flannel Underwear, BUCKINGHAM HECT'S UNRIVALED MAN'FACTUIt Boots and Sir es .arr mM u w i4 u ifdii . i NOKTUWKST CORNER PLAZA. IX TEJtNA TI O NA L TYPEWRITER. At!cly urttciau machine. Futlj war- ranted ud from the vry watntiai, by klltd workmen, nud the very h n UjoIs that havo "ter been doviioU for tho par poc Warrmi'ed to d H taitc h- - re sonably expected of yory beat jbwri er cxt nu Cftpabla of nrlUnc 150 w. rd ir m oute or raj'ti urcur t. vo tho biU or we upernuir. Price $100.00, It here l uo tt;)tit In ur town, tilre the iutnu'ac4urvr: THE PARISH MFG. CO., AenU wanted. Fauimi. Ji. Y STENOGRAPHY and TYPE WRITING FREE. First-oLti- a facilities and ivat of tenchum Address, with stamp for return pnattsge, THE PARISH MF'CJ. CO., Parish h Y. CORBTER DRUG- - STORE, DKWLbn IN Drugs, Medicines Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Trusses SiHMortars, roilsf Articles, Etc. My Pwjrlptlon laprtnini In complete Acontfor Dr. FUUerniHn' Alkaline lotion for Hordes and CaUIo. Sua.t cuu! ui lo Kt.l a. .ow tiir lovrctt X. It. OKASSnUT. U. W. IMltrClIKTT E H GrassIey&Co. Iiii3rtak3rs adJ En'ul.nars, EMBALMING A. BODIES PREPARED for SHIPMENTS Ar IdclAl Flo vrs tnndu to oidar. I Rooms on Gnrloy St., Granite Bridge! Take Motice - THAT - EGHT & THRONE Continue to do atl kinds of Blacksmith end Wagonwork - AT THR - Pioneer Shops Vhoo they keep for sa o SHUTTLER WAGONS Spring "Wagons, Buekboards, . Buggies, Phrotons, ote. - also - Osborne Mowers and Reapers, and Hay Bakes. Gurlsy St., west ot Plaza, Prescott PRESCOTT ASSAY OFFICE E. Stahl, Assayer and MctaUnnjiciI Chora ist Asftjing; of Every Kind of ORE AND BULLION. Analyses of M Furnaco Prodaots Etc. T"u rnade (Qualitative or Quantitative) or y.ine. Tin, Arfcouic. AUinuon , r 'caei. balt, Qulokdllvor or any other metal. Chaijjos as low AMcarorm worn win permit. JL."Urm BEE! Clark & Adams' Lumber Yard, of 01ea-,Flo- or ic. Uutlc and nay Dlmenalon of Merchuntaois Lumbe . Hlnuules ami Lrih at Bedrook Prices. DOORS, WINDOWS AND BUNDS. We will not be und raold.2 llnrlov. Corn Mill Klourtakou iu exabano for Lomtior. jauao CLaKIC .t AOAMd. T1115 CtrofnUr; I'aroUiuo-- I ! Merciiand ise I unrs 4Mtt!j. 4 . III LI HS3 I tC r MW t fc letMf, MltKM. O.lftW". V .1 1D1BP rr-- x , t f EYE; ii iu.i V Ik . HHO. 9f NERVOUS DEBIUTV, L05I VICUK, FRfMATUIlE DECLINE. iTROH .' KASSTCS KAiEY m 1 3 fax Puo. Sfsr Ypw. TO WEAK MEN RaCsrtae from t& ecU of jenlarul errort. rIr itcxf, r.U; e4knts lost eu&hood. etc., I ul ttbd a T:nhl( baUwitwK) cccUUila full rajrUculari for hone ew, FREEcf cbirc. X nitnili tstxlical trcik ; fthoold bo rtJ by ersrr laui Hto U cerront ACd dabtliUUd. AJJrer. rrof. F, & FOnJLTJi. Meodait,, Cobb. wm mm Ter IXSaTorTAIXlJiQ nAXSOODj 1BtrI Bi KEU.VOOS DtBlXJTVf l,V,:i) Ul.iti f i i.rror cr lxm to uuor 1 ecsr. KbMt, ) lXIIOiIrirltntMvi. Hiii.Unr Mill KlklM tlr4 1 frM. :s UICAL CO., BUfFAlO, N. V. . E. BURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE A o CHEMICAL LABORATORY FjtJiinl in, Snp!e by null niret vtl nyrlro p.ompt and careful uttci.uoa SbM S Silrer Bullion K8sWoVrV iiiiett, 175: 1 1733 Umxt Ct, Cr, CCs. tnUCCU4PTM TTH THt OfOCRATMr W TV! cctirn!rriu Chicap, Bock Islaufl & Pacific Ry. la chiding LIjim rtftnt and West Cf th acisaouri Kirer. Tho Dlrvct Koute t" (mil from CSUOAOO. COOTTCIX BLOTFS. WATKRTOWN, SIOUX yajjUb, Kr?rKrKA.roiaa bt padis bt. jos- - KPir. ATCHISON, USA.VKN WOKXH. KANSAS CTT V. TOl'KKA. DEXVUB. COLOHADO SPKOS and PCfEBtOu FroaRollninc Ctvlr Cnr to and rtxun cirrcAOo, oAXBwnii. inrxamjtBOK and DOnaB CITY, and PaLvm Sltttas Cars bo twsfa cincAOo.vicurrA and xnmarjcfsow. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRASSS of Threuth Coachc. BWpflrn. Troa KcUnin2 CbAlr Cant and (Knst ot 21a. Kivr) Claintr Cars datlr between CUXCAOO. DK8 JiOUfKf. OO UN- CI!. BLvrrs and oatAJiA. vrtth rBKE nciu- - iaa Chair Cur to NORTH PLATTE CNeb.), and ttvrn CHI CAD O nud DKITVEH, COIAUAIX) SPRINGS and PCEBXiO. Tia St. JoMph. or Kan-ra- a City and Topa&a, Bplsndld Dining Ifotcla west of fit. Jotevh and Kanaa C;tr- - xcuniooB dailr. with Cholcu or Kout to and from Salt Ijiktv. Portland. Ijo AntrtJcs aad San Francisco. Tbo Direct Llut to and from Pike'a Pa)c TUMii-tc- n. Oorden of the Ooda, tho Banltartunu, and Bccnlc Qrandours cf Oolorodo. Via Tho Albert Loa Routo. Ball A Xxprc Trains dalir between Chleaco And Minuoapolla and Ot. Vaul. with THBOUOll lle-dlnb-ur Chair Cora CFSSZ) to and from tfcoao FOlnta and ITaosaa City. Tfiroiufli Chair Car and Sleeper botvrcen Poorla, Spirit SeAo and Sioux Fall via Rock laland. The Favorite XJno to "Wwtertown, Bioox Falls, tho Bummer Resorts and Hunting and Fiahlnc Ground of the Northwest. The Short line vL Seneca and g.inlinVfte Qgcra facilities to travel to aud from IndlAnnpoUt, Clo cicn&tl and cthor Southorn poi&U. FcrTickeU. Kaps. Folder, or dsalret lafbrma-tlo- n. apply at any Coupon Ticket Cilice, or address E.ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Own Xftnaeor. Qcn'l Tit. CS Pas. Act-- CJIICAQO. IIX. "EITE" ISTIglT. Opnoftito notu entrance to Court-hous- e MRS. DeWirr, rr0nr8lreSS. I 1 REFITTED AMD REFURNISHED SHORT i! Keut'dlJuor'SS fciS I from 5 to S ... m.. cents. Day board 7 Per 1 Headquarters Saloo q Formerly tho Arizona Brewery Saloon, Gurloy Street. JFKITZ JESSON, froprietor The best Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the market always on hand. KR ON .DRAUGHT OR BY TtlEBOTTLK S. A. LOGS' 3JF . Ie, Sip M FdsUf "Paper Hanging . . . I Oil. iVuldUlllllllllh- - I I SHOP WITH A. G. RANDAL, South Side Plaza. rescott 4 Phenix STAGE LINE. Thp eommo Uou aud c mfrtrtahlo cnunhna thli line, carrying Blnton tnalis, leavo terminal naluts ilally at 8 o'olooic u. m. oxeopt KumlHye, via Victonburg, Vnltnro aid OtmcroRi. Co chea on the lilnok Canyon routo. oarrv. lug iARf(enirs and oxnronh. uls. IJnliu.i g SU(ok mail, botween Agua Fnannd l'lionlx, i leave Pronoott nt S a ru, oi Tuedajn, Thur day una atunioys, anU leave Thuilx Mon-Uay- a, Wednrndays nmt Fridays arriving tu opiMiffiie P'li.- - incoays loiiowio . Ofllce in l'recoti . on Iho aoulh aide of tlm I'iHsa. W. U. OlStlRUB, Jr.. Agent. Y. Ii- - (1120 nan, Superintendent. AMI SHERIFFS SALE. VIRTUE OF SXBCUTION is Br sued out of viiu (ti"trki court of tho third JudieW district, of tho Territory of Arlxooa. iu aud for toe county ot Yavapai, doted August 23, , tu a (rtaln action, wherein Joftvjili Khle, a ididntllT. recovered Judffmeat x't U Nhl. defendant, for the euui of (Ire hundred and tlfteen and S9.J00 (ffilfi.)) dollar, wj Ji interest tharo. u a thernteof ono per cunt per month from the 13th ddjr of AujruAt, tosetbor with coftti and Accruing I hvo levied upou ta followlnjf doecrlbd propertr of the MrltJt In named defendant, D. I" Klthot. to -- vrlt i All th right, tillo and Intcreat of tho s)d defcudmt, D. t. Nlcholi, of, In atd to the eat hU of the northwest quarter of serMon nlno (W, town lp iblrteen (13) north of range four (iiwar, ooctatntntr v;Lty (SO) stcrf, nltuste la Skull Y. : y, Yavapai county, Arl-so- na Territory : i, tLat certain minlnc Imorml'oral uenrlnjrl de, called, named ant' own the Kc vine w rulnlnv claim lc c - "Teh 58, isar, by U I. Nichols, John t'h' . s A. Kobluton. recorded iu book V . . at pap 2rtl-21- 3, re-o-- tii ot Yava-.- . '. aad altuate In Wckter mining .viinty of Yava tl and Territory of .x t .. also, that ccrtatu mlninji cla m or uiit. 1 lodo called, awed and known aa the WL. Boy, located April 2T, lSa7, by A. Bob-Ine- on, John Phllllpa atd D 1'. olehole, eltuato In Weaver mining d tit ivt Yavapai oub', Arlioua lorrltory, and the notice of 1 cation whtreof Is reeoroe in hK.k 21 of in n, at pace X6, records ..f aaid Yavpa oooniy. rh-- l couc a he'hy sivjn tht on Thursday. Senteraber 18.1890. at t n'Iii. r m t 1 1 1 tlitv hi friint of tho t MO'tUd-Jo- of th wa i house. In th ely of I'nrc jU, ''nt of Yr;.l, and TtriiUKy of Ar ton, I u dl sf 11 ail th- - rih . tU5 nd In-lrn- '. o the attov nnniod doivadaut, V. P. Nichols, to and to the abov pro J- -rr y. at nihlic auction, for ch la lawful moti. j of tho United 8mto, to tho blghMis. J ana wi uuidar. to ea sit aiu exeeuuon una at e l. Dated I'r.fcott, Aria , utruattf7, 1SSO, W.0 O NEILL. Sheriff of Yaynpxl Uomtj Arlr. By M. McIXkiiXi r, Outer Deputy. nuSO 1 1 Koiica of Forfeiture, 'PO W. D. ' UVAIHER, OUU IIKIKtf, AS-- X rljru and legal reprointaUvae: You s o hereby noHiltd tlur th under aud. who i c. ow or with you a the M-f-- flic iH.olnir elslm. ha - exf he sn . of two i UMWd .lol r Uv itKr and tmprovo-uien'sni- on said mtttiuir cani, Hm Mid an Iwntiiv ;iai tiis b imr oado In jo- - 'S'Ja nd li0, n cinpllsura wiUi th" raited Statat mlnta 1 wi rrquiriup; annual CX'.fnditur s in iji.jdu tn inlitlni; rl .'tui. Tut ati M. ItHn ralidnir rjtlm ronaisu of J.NX" f . t in length by OW fel w1is, niiuaic In A.Ker mlnlntr dUtnct, In tlm o Y.v-ap- al. In the Torrl ory of Artjton A record Of h Tcafka "f th id MfMm mining ' ts made lo ihc ro-or- d ot ui uch, n 'he .IBier cmmtT rtcrdo; f Mild Yav.tpai couy book K 10, pi Ui And yu are ervb further notified that If, at the eXi l a Ion d HiaHy daja after tho publication of this notice, you f(i or rtfoso to conlributi- - or pay to me your proporti in of bc sum citK'noi'urtf, utneher with ta cost o thM'UWlC'UoH of tht notlcr. the in- - tereat of you In aaid MclUm mloinu claim will oe 10'ieiU'U bl'I J C a.o the nrotiorlf if tha undersign, d. J. J. M1LL1KKN (tiral publication vpt. 10, IttKK j NOTICE I'OH IMJllhlCVTlOX. L nOmos vr HRKacorT. a., ut t. ii) f Kotleo t hcrbr elvn ihat thn nvmet .onUleRhas died imilcar bin int.i n to aiiike flout prooi in KUoinirt of hot nlim nnu thrft aall wliibo maiie before the vriznnB, on .MOiioav, pptejnbrtr U). S90. Viz Alvin o. Hikf It. hotucll ntn- - sW foribASodthdakt ijeeJU rn i8 Jf K3 p. HP JiuiUP. IDO UMlliWJOK WltDCJSrK to IUOVO his continuous rosldonce uivin and cHfiivn. of. Brl Iftni. vlr; j. . parte, of 1'ro entt. Arlsoun.iiJOrsrt C. WAiMe' Vrai. ah. aoia.Jrhn Kira$tn, of ColtoiMWod. ArU (on.Georco Ward, of Co tiawood. Arizona. Any Per'n wnodeiirMto nmiMt lotiimt thonllowanc of ooh proo'. or wtjo knows of any sub tuntlal rvxon, ondorthe Inwandtho rfCUlAMonn of !ho Interior Dojiartmcnt, xr,y .uch proof Uonld not he illumed, wilt bo eiven no opp-irl-nlt- nt tho above tltno uud PlHcn to cross KiHulnothK a of said o'olmant, nnil to orror "viileuo" in rt. Hltll4, nfthte' iltlktMltl.rl I... I .... J. t'. MAU'IK, UbglBtcr. K.rsi lnsnrUoa Axfot i 3 . NOTICE FOR I'UltLIOATION. ha.i) nrr cic AT PKKHCorr. A. T. i Mienst Zt, 1800. f ot:ce In lioioby cItoh Hint van ml Qimd eitler b notion of !; im tion to make Hnal proof In snpNirt of his elalrn. nd .hatuntdprtiof vrl 1 tio mado be- fore th Kslsl-- i an-- . Itpoolver of thn U.S t4iud OlHio at i'nascott, Aritonn, on Hatunlay October i, 1S9). Vir. Jj1 W. ttarrlniriAn. Horaiiteud Knry 435. for the South U. ntv io X an iNW sw ee. 37 and NK SE M. tioc. rs Tp j;t jf n a w. no name tue follow ins witneHi. ta iu,r niK cootinnonM residence uiHtti m i nniii.. tl n of, said lad, via: A. J. Uead. UuxUy UucliO'j.a. L. rtdoy, K' H. Himrp.Hlt ot Wes-cot- t, Ar.r. J.u MiUrtN. ICealslei-- . Mtt pnWiciUion Aug 27: LAN1J OfKIOBAT 1,34C01T, ArtIS.,1 August 1, ltiyo. f Notice is bore by Avn tht Dm rtiinin named so tier has tiled uotlaa tif hi. min. Hon to make final proof in support of his'i tlmi w d nr-- o- will b m.ii . fo o the Itegietr aud Receiver nt Preso It. Anzna.nn wcuncsuay. Sepierabcr 17. JSiW. Vt . WllllH htapn. lloroi'Steiill K.tltrv Xn. m. for the i: k Of 8W. . Sin 17 nnrt 1. of N W. . ko 5i, tp 13 N. U W. Ho nnmeK the following wltuesse to prove his rcnttnuoiiM tesidonro upon, and cufclva-U- i n of s. Ill lnnd, via; 8. C. Miller. Joseph Khle. Jaruos MnrUn.allof l'reseolt, Aria., and Alfred Saoppo. of Slcu'l ViiUev. awi-u- x J.O.MAKTIN.Rpj;lHlcr. PROPOSALS FOR FLviUK. OlUce Subsistence, Los Ancelea, Cal., doptem-c- r S, 1S0O. Sealed propo&als, In trip- - iicain,auojcci io in' uRuai conumona, will be received at this office and nt the . uics or thn Actio tr Coumlasaries of SubiSilenco t tho ioiiowtn nan.ed posta, until la o'clock noon, Wednesday, October 8, lilKl, and then opened u l'ruacucc oi oiuuera, lor lurni ninyr tno fo- - 'ovrlnjr Oour. delivered in doublo sacks, one couon aca ouo Runny or burlap), Mz. Ft Apacne, A.TPO.OOO lbs; Fort BowK A. T. 60,000 lbs; Fort Grant. A. T., 05,000 lbs; Fort "uacnuca, a. i.,w,vim; irort .Lowell, A. r.w,vwius; ronaan u.uios, A. T .70.000 lbs; Whipple Barracka. A. T., 73.0ob lb: San Dleiro hiumcks, udJ., lo.ww ibsj Fort Wlnsaie. N S0.000 lbs Total. mUXM nound. lrona fl8 ror ,ur,1,fhlnK A ur male In Aria .n, and atitx;soiuce ua t theomcea of !ho Aetiry t 1 . -. . . . " viiuwonics oi UIO pusia in Arizona. AI8o YJi ?SgBgr "bovo quantity SSirJISl SffL'i Anjreles, 11 . f .1 Ca' , . or at ny s. ... atlou . on tho South- - cm ihujc rnur -- BU in uiinornin. win tin r. cetved and opuncdattho same Hme at this off co only. Preference will bo K.Ten to arti cles oi u mesne production or manufacture, conditon&ot oualliv and nrlce blnir rnnd. Envelopes ontalnlu;: proposals for delivery at Loa Anpeloa and other places In California, should be properly marked ani addressed to tho undorslRued. for Arizona lliur should Ixs marked nnd addro fed to th a olllcc or to tho AcUiiR ConunlMarie of the p wts bid Tho Oovemmeut rebcrvea the rlht to rJect Any or all proposals. Full info nnu-Ho- n will be furnlbed on application to this oaice, VT. A.ELDEUKIN, Major aud P. 8. U. S. Army, Los Anccle?, Cal.. Sep -tt PKOPOSALS FOU FOR AGS AND STRA nnnnrtmont nt irimn. Othco of tlte Chi if Quartormaater, Los A.n-- ' ROic.3. uai AUjrust iv, 15W. Sealed prriKw- - ais win po rcceivcu at mi. ouice ol iho P- - l yuartermajter, Whipple B.irracks, A. T, until Uo' lock a. m on FhlDAY, 19, IKK), and opened Immediately Iherealter lu i he prcCDC0 of bidders, for Urn fundi: Insr t and delivery o: STO.OM i (irn. Oat or Bar ley, 'J0,wi lis uran,4UO,0OO b liar and W.OCO llii Straw or Hav for beddlnir. durinir tho ro-- malnder of the tl cal year cnOlne Juno SO. lain, at nippio uarracK8, a. t., at such times and in such quantities u may be rw. quired. Preference Riven to articled o do mestic uro ucu n and manufacture, eondi. III111H nr nr!PH mtii nll-illf- v linlm. onn.1 nrl 8UCU Pcioro"cc given 10 aruuei oi Amcrl can production and manufacture nroduced c. the t'ac'lc Cosst to tho exteut of tho con sumption required by tho public service tLero. Proposals for quantities oss th o tho if whole requtn d or for deliwry of thosupplios nt . n.ilnl. .vlt.a tl.n 1VI.I....1.. M 1 ... 'v..ia uiuni in.u iiiiipiu jnrraviWCl, Will be onterta nd. SpccillcaUou?, goneral o bidders, and blank forms of pro- posal will be furnished on application tn tMa office or the Post O larterinaaler. Whi . ........... I m t'- - oarrarK. A. 1. J. o. twlMU VL.1.. Uuurter. master, L. S. rmy, Chiol (Juarturmaaior. aul'J lt sew IS R00 G IC ltOr tNO 1'KLT coslaonlv pcrlOOtquaro Mates n good roof foi eaj, and Hnyon can put It on. Send tamn for cample And full pnrt-oulnra- . OUJt EtxHTlC ItWr"ING CO., A n YJWTBuoAnwAY, jf kw York l.oi-n- l AsontH Wanted. UU12 0A wit ThePrascottKorse Market Feed and Sale Montezuma St-- , OldSTlKer Stable. Qood Saddle Horses notjlf Iluivfc. A Ktr.Ul CABINET" alooa and Restaurant Open Day and Niglit PIN'S -:- - WINES, X Q"CJ03 And Cigars. Freeze & Belcher CKAnXKS UIODIKOKK, KltWlK B Charley & Feed's Palace Barber Shop And Bath Rooms, On Montezuma Street1 Nest Door to th Palace Saloon. FluestiulppabaTberhop rtd bat room tnPreii'olu an - l ri- - w halhg. J. W. GRAHAM, Merchant Tailor WnSiSullt mado to order in Latcat IStyaiB on ftiiort Notice. Alto ares a Full Mneof Domesiic. and imported BUTTIiSTGrS AN H 3F jSL. 1ST 3? I jNT Gurlev Street. 2feai AMIlatns Ujuc. . - Big Property For Sale! IN CENTER OF PRESCOTT. Fourteen houses, rented, in addition to a First Class Saloon business, on tho corner, in new iron building. The property will be sold for a reosonable price, and. on easy terms. 33i: JBaxscaiii, As the rents will pay a big in teresfc on the investment. Appply to JOHN S0RG-- , At Union Saloon, corner Gran- ite and Goodwin NEW BAKERY Restaurant ! Xoulezuiua St root, Opposite Wells, Fargo & CoJa Ofllno. Bread, Pies, Oates, Etc. Fresh Every Day. GOOD MEALS. 25c. PRICES REDUCED O. FEED YAKD On an alter taU.d ite 1 will the fol towiug pnees: Gr8 llay, too. per dy. Grain Hr. 6ic per doy. AlfiUf. llay, coo. per day. Ur Un.COo. ner food. Good amp houso for the Rccorumodatlou- - mvors. j . k. mi Keeps a Full Supply of General Merchandise which is Being sold at Bot- tom Prices. Mens Furnishing Goods. Boots Shobs. Hats, Gaas. ElG Also, a large, complete and fresh supply ui cnoice siapio and tancy groceries. Joseph Dougherty. Proprietor THE ABIZONA ORE COMPANY'S Sampling Works, rvliUl L. ARIZONA. copper, silver, lead md gqld ORES. Pnrcliased in Any Quantity Uatos on or Mn h. lion In person or bv tn m 1 ;i 7w. alKivo vrorkb, In Proacott. dXlfi mad dlrer lho aeUlng com P. O. Box &VPnrnlL suoav BN BUTLER'S Chop House TEZIDIA STRKKT, Next Da a- - to Cob Web Saloon, Meals Served at Ail Hours er.fthiufi he market nUlrrt. ' v J ' A" f JOK All JKW, t'rajrlotor. STOCK JtEANDS The rizona. Cattle 0). Raosp Saa FrAiiciHCO Mountain. BRAND : Earmarks Slit in each ear. Horse &ad mules : Win on ngbt hip. Incrta30 "cS on leJ- - obw Postoflico Addreas; FLAGSTAFF- -, s AH1ZOKA. J. V. RHOADES, General Masajr. 9 ArilBr VT. E. SMITH. PoHtf fllOS ikldreaa PreotU A.T. ' KaK-Nor- t!i Fork t (ycawor Creek Moia, Vavapnl coantr. KaraiaritR- - Uld atock, two atlU la mb tar; youns s ooc, ara- - otli cror. ana anderhil lu ajh Mir. i- - . 1 Hor e brand I)lft- - frVVj'rtoHd S on tb ricbtlhtsh. i S. H, WITHiHILT.. GSL HQ Brand, hb u la cut on left hip of cattle aad rijrht thigh of karaf t. Ear Karke Cattle Upper bit on left aad trderhltoH rlcat ear. The uaderirce 1 ake also tan owner of t aar braad Kangs Loaesesta Valley, near CoyoU Bprlagi, 10 aallee .frOM Preitcbtt. I am also tae ewaar of tae foUewlBg' brasda: Figure 9 on lett saal-- . der ot anltHtla, K oa Ut thleo. and Circle D oa r r!?bt thleh aad left TiU E, a AVITHEKELL. e. O. address, Precott, Arlzoaa. Oa the Right Hip, Xr Marks Split oa Lft Ear Crop aad Split aa P.IjchtSar. KaiiRfes on Ljbx Crk totd LoBeaene Valley. J. R. SLACK, rescott, Arlsoa a. Houses. On loft hip, swl colts aadsc bttontofristW . CHARLTON VtTHlBillWI Llarses and Cattla high. Gnttlo Ear Marks-C- rop off at ad ovarbll in rig kt. Hako Saa TaEa left left "W. D. 3LAOK Brand : 24 Jiaraa 'A jfj oaf In both ears. ' Range and P.. O Address, KirkJn Vallav. d IRANI. 74 Zar Mute ft asvp, laftaar. H08SIH Baaa, JI CaiirdU Mit Cldno Yslley aad Vars KS !itl: Osdw Stepa ee rifM. evr alopa aa4 bbpmt bit MRS. P. BCCXCR4, P.O. Ad&aaa. ?rte Brand f? tiitt ?Ul brwiM lUt etrelaoa Tiga Mis rttUtwoaiMair Wa ar. aad all Nana smuii oam oa ritL tfe. aM loan tea. fc'KATX' A KESG Preot JL T Bank of Arizona Prescott, A, T. Established 1S77. TKe Oldest Ihuk in thoJTorritory. JIL'iO UIOHAU1M.. t'THiifUU K. H WKI.U Vice rrraldeMt. W. K. HA 9! K l.TI 5f IS Caakleiv BIKE0TOR8: lCV.(?.!lIPMA,,H' E.W. Watts, J. VV. SubttVAK, H. H. HrjRX HSTZX, W. E.HAsrtTm. CORUESPONTENTS: ttauk orOatlforula Ha rmaaiae Uildlaar Oe Hew Vrii 3SNERAL BANKING 8U3IN'SS3 TKANI-ACTE- D, Draft an ToUiicrauhic etohHpn oa ta principal ,le of theOolted StateaboaA .ndiotu, Piaz t Livery Stable, b it. sr.OA.isr. Notithstundlng tho iTot Of the nt ne, Ik'n STiLI. IN BUSINESS ATTUK OLD Sl'.VND Single and double Buggies FOU HIKE. Also First-Cfa- ss Sadiiie Hors 3S IT. rises a4iiIo'I .Or th t y, vrok or mmtii. Pncat nsWQoabl. Patron Jio- - Solicited SECOND-HAN- D Furniture, Stoves. OAJiPIflTS, And a!l -- thar Kiula'of C3- - O O 3D S Bought and soli JOSEPH W0tiHBy,

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Page 1: Arizona weekly journal-miner. (Prescott, AZ) 1890-09 …'SmmWEEKLY JOURX&L-MfKE-R. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1890 Tho Motlnsof-Ln-e



Tho Motlnsof-Ln- e Woddinj?,At tho borne f tho bride's parents,

,ilr. and Mrs. James Lauc, lower AgunEria, Wttlnosday, September 10th, 1S90,Goq. "W. llanoe, jusiico of the peace,janrried John E. Motsinger and Miss

Iar- - T. Ltino, both bring residents oflower --igur., Yavapai county, Arizona.

There wore about 150 people presentinohiditig almost ovory person living intho vicinity aud many persons fromother eUlmeut$, some fow attendedwho live at Thenix. The house wastoo small to hold the people, aud thebride and groom Ftood ou the porchand tho people stood in a semi-circl- o infront of tho porch, in a bright sunshineto witness the occasion and'hear thelow but appropriate words uttered byJustice Hanco which made thorn manaud wife. The bride was elegantlydressed in white, aud the groom wasdreasedtin a vory pretty black suit. Afterthe ceremony, which took place at 2o'clock p. m., an olegant wodding din-ner was served, and about the time thesun was hid behind tho Bradshamountains dancing commonccd andwas kept up until it again mado its ap-pearance from behind Squaw peak, inan exactly difl'eni direction fromwhich it disappeared. The presentswere numerous, and many very olegantand costly as well as useful and orna-mental.

Every person, both old and yocng,seemed to enjoy themselves, and a goodtime generally wa6 the word of everyperson. Tho writer hereof is known forhis good appetite, and during a resi-dence of 22 yearn in hasnever been my good fortune to have abetter time tr a bigger eat. Below isa list of presents as fir as your corres-pondent could gather them, and beingsomewhat bashful, did not like tomake too many inquiries about thepresents. So, if any mistakes, pleaseattribute it to the lack of brass iu notmaking a more thorough investigation:


John Pane, album.Lucy E. Whitnev, towles.Elsie J. Monroe, set after dinusr cof-

fee spoons.Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burmister, sat

napkins and table cloth.J. E. Eloyd and Wm. Murphy, silver

sugar bowl, cream pitcher and spoonbolder.

L. F. Giuwall, silver salt and pepperbox.

Gus Moo, caroua set, set silver knivesand forks, set silver tea spoons andtable spoons.

Bessie Millor, breakfast castor.Mr. C. Miller, pair China cups and

saucers.Mrs. C. Miller, goblets.Mrs. J. Miller, glass tea set and fruit

set.Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Belcher, bohe--

mian water set.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maycj", water set.Misss Mamie and Mar tie Mayer,

sheets and pillow cases.Mr. George Helm, pair blankets.MattiePierson, pair towels.Mr. Ed. Hill, cup and saucer.Mrs. Ed. Hill, candle stick.Charley Cordis, ink stand.Lucy Cordis, pin cushion.Mr. and Mrs. Mc Michael, tablo cloth

and towels.Lena Hartsfield, glass cake stand.Ed. Hartsfield, half-doee- n goblets.J. H.Livingston, pair napkin rings.Wilbur cL Perry and Mrs. A. Perry,

damask tablecloth and napkins, set ofgarnet jewelry.

Mr. and Mrs. Cordis, half-doz- en

sheets.Del Townseud, pair gold-line- d nap

kin rings.Ed.a.nd Charles Behm, book --Li v

ingston aud Stanley.John Hartsfield, album.J.K. Lowry, towels, comb and brushMr. and Mrs. H. Stoddard, tablecloth

and napkins.Master Bur Mayer, cako stand.Miss Napper, 6 China dinner platesMr. and Mrs, Motsinger, cook stove

and eight day clock.Mr. C. F. Haines, silver dinner cas

tor.Mrs. ind Miss Lizzie Dugcs. pair lace

curtains.Frederick Hugos, table cloth.Mr. and Mrs. Marlow, pair lace pi!

low shams and linen napkins.Mr. and Mrs. Boblctt, set cups ana

saucers and set dinner plates.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laue, parents of

tho bride, feather bed and pillows andbedclothes.

Jessie B. Lane, looking-glas- s.

Miso Bell Rosenberg, glass fruit dish.Henry J. Perry, pickle castor and

fruit dish.Ellsworth: and Nancy Monroe, dam-

ask table cloth .

A. D. Whitney, glass cake stand.Mr. and Mrs. J It Wells, pair nap-

kin rings.Mr. and Mrs. Whitson, picture fram e.Mr. and Mrs. Seaver, picure frame.N. G. Rosenberg, silver sugar spoon,

butler knifo. in velvet ease.A. F. Barber, rocking ohsir.Squire Hill, water pitcher.Mrs. C. Pott, Bible, pitcher, pair

pillow shams.Grace Perry, perfume bottles, in vel-v- ot

ease.Lottie E. Perry, cup and saucer, in

case.Minnie 0. Porry, cup and saucer, in


Looks Won tor Procott.,F. M. Murphy, agent of Diamond Jo

Reynolds, informed us that he has soldto F. A. Tritle the old gov-

ernor mansion in east Prescott, whichindicates pretty conclusively that thogovernor, after roaming around theeast, hfia concluded to mako Proscotthis home. Tho governor and his accom-

plished wife have always entortaincdboth oitizens of Prescott and strangersheapitably in thoir elegant home, andtho latch string will always be found on

the outside iu the future.

LJvo stocx Notes-Th- e

caif crop in the north is re-

ported to be very light. In Montana,in ono round up of eix or seven hun-

dred composed of the usual percentageof cows, only fifty calvos wore branded.

The St. Johns Herald say that C. O.

Howe, managor of the Wabash cattlecompany, sold ono thousand etflors

two years old ana up to a Nobraskafeeder at $!5.n0 for twos and 22.50 for

threee and

The owners of tho Big Bug onyxmino have h.--d an application from one

vl tfe largest jewelry inanuffieUirsr in

thti wartlor a ton of onyx, to manufac-

ture y jewelry.

A Croat Slnaer.Our peoplo wil 1 remember a vocalia

who formerly sang teuor in the Metliodist choir of this p'aoe, who was knownby the name of Jaoob Liohti, that be-iu- g

the name under which he enlistediu the army. His eorroot name wasOtto Engwerson, and hiiico leaving thissection he has developed into one oftho greatest touor singers of th coun-try. The Toledo (Ohio1 Commercial,of September 5lh, contains tho follow-in- g

notice of him :

"It will be a aurpmo to tho hosts offriends of Mr. Otto Engwerson, the wellknown tenor, to learn that he lias

his positiou as leader of the FirstCongregatiouai choir in this city, andthat he will accopt the position of tenorin Plymouth v ougrogational ohurch inChicago, October 1st. The resignationwas handed to the music committee yes-terday, but it will not take offeot forthree weeks.

"Mr. Engworson's departure to Ply-

mouth ohurch is ono of peculiar interestto Toledo people, iuasmuoh as he Li thosecond singer of noto who has beencalled from the First Congregationalchoir to the leading churoh of Chi-cago, the other being Miss GunovraJohnston, now Mrs. Bishop, who is stillooprano in that choir. The pastor isRev. F. W.Gunsaulus, D. D., the brill-

iant speaker who enthused thr im-

mense audiences at Lakoside this sum-mer, aud one of tho groat thinkers ofthe present day. Mr. Gousaulus was sopleased with Mr. Ingworson's voice atLakeside that he immediately offeredhim the position of tenor in his famouschoir, but Mr. Engwersou did not de-

cide to accept until yostorday. Toledopeople will deeply regret his dopaiture,ut will heartily congratulate him upon

tho honor he has recoivod. He has asympathetic voico of r re quality andvolume, and long ago his admirers pre-

dicted the brilliant future upon whichhe now appears to be entering. Mr.Engwersou will succeed Mr. WhitneyMokridgo, the preseut tenor of Ply-

mouth church."

A Perplexed VolarEditor Joi'RXALr-Mu- R: On Sep-

tember 10th, I loaded my burro withbacou, beans aud Hour and a domijohu,(the latter for medical purposes only incase of emergency) and a copy of theJouunal-Mix- er containing the pro-

ceedings of the lato democratic conven-tion, in my pockot, for perusal at leis-

ure for the bonetit of my mind and as asample of the latest literature. I pro-

cured a willowy switch aud started formy camp in Autocrat hollow. Oa theroad, weary contemplating the beautiesof nature and tho sameness of cactus, 1

yanked out the paper and road the pro-

ceedings. I got along until I reachedthe report of the committee on plat-

form. The iirst speaks of the time- -

honored principles and devotion to thoVirginia and Kentucky resolutions o:

1798. Shadowy with ageaud mildewedand perfectly harmless, I brushed itaside aud tackled number two. In this,tho deumcracy of Yavapai rebukes therepublican partv and tells thorn not tooverstep tho powors granted by thoConststutiou, in interfering with thelime-honore- d tricks of democracy. Innumber three, tho democracy is shakenwith f ear lest tho republicans will suppress by legislation tho shot-gu- u policy

so successfully adopted in ArkansanandMississippi. In number four, the democracy is disgusted with tho Autocrat.Who is he? Who struck Billy Patterson! Who wrote the Junius letters!And how did MeGinty get out of tnoditch? These piobloms occupied myweary brain until I reached camp. BatMorpheus rofuscd me his refreshingbalm. I rosc feverish, and will remainso until tomo one of- - these platformmakers will issue a second edition withcommentaries. Send me one, whenpublished, to Autocrat Hollow.

Hon EST Mixkr.

Too Closo a Rattto for Comfrt.Uaptaiu Wright, the raisin superin-

tendent for Logan fc Adams, had a closecall last mouth. He was running ahand basket along under the vinos audthrowing muscats in it as he pickedthem. Suddenly he hoard a click orsnapping sound, a though bOtne partof the basket hud brokou. Lifting it uphe was surprised to find an ugly, wncgling rattlesnake follow. It had struckat Captain Wright's hand and buriedits fangs in tho wicker handle bf thebasket, r.u inch from the captain's forefinger. No time was lost in killing thodeadly roptile, and its skin is now be-

ing fashioned into a bolt for a Phenix-jourualist- 's

sweetheart. But that don'tprevent Captain Wright from fetchinga quick breath whenever bethinks hownearly he came to filling a caskot in-

stead of securing a lady's girdle. Her-ald.

Lettor List.The following is a list of lettors re-

maining in tho post-offic- e at PrescottArizona, uncalled for Sept. 10, 1S90.Berlett, E W MoGuire. Senna '1 2Bator, J B Marshall, JBell, H G Mahoney, Mrs. JCraig, P A Priest, Jas TCostley, M ss I M Pilkiugton, GeoFryer, J as V Robinson, JusGibbons, M Robinson, C TGilleland, II L Reed, Miss LillioGraham, Geo 2 Smiley,. Mrs J DHeisor, Mrs C W Smock, WmJarmau, R Storey, JKing, Samuel Thenson, KLovin, H v Teoker, DLeuory, J S 2 Watson, J R

MoNally, Miss AgnusPlease call for advertised."

J. W. AkchiiuU), P. M.

A Voice from OklahomaRev. Z. L. Kay, formerly of this

county, wrilos to the JtfufUfAfc-MixE- R

from Oklahoma, as follows:Oklahoma is a beautiful land of

prairie and timber, dotted all over withsmall houses, ,,du-o.s- " vand nowfarms, but many of the peoplo whocame here in euch haste, a little over ayear ago, are now nearly as anxious toget away. The dry weather of sum-mer cut the crop short so that suppliesare scarce, times are hard, and somesuffering is apt to result. Many families are going to the States tu spend tho ti

winter; others have left permanently,and still more will fraoaeout or starveoat before next spring,


Some Interesting Item for AllClasses of Headers,

Cowboy outfits a specialty at Oson-tug'- s.

dltfCoxe's Glycerine Lotion at Ross's

Corner Drug Store. nlOtfFine stock of Saddles at Ofinburg

Uros. dltfAll tho standard patent mediciues at

tho Corner Drug Store. tfAll the standard patent medicines at

tho Corner Drug Store. tfSiddlo horses and single or double

rigs for hire at Sloan' stablo southeastcornor of tho plaza. tf

Three meals for 1 at the ShermanHouse, formerly Dan HaU Ilotel.

Large stock of ladies' purses atYavapai Pharmacy at very low prices.

m3Reduced prices have caused a great

rush of business at the Corner DrugStore. tf

A full l!ne of Wright's choicest Odorsand Sachet Powder, at the CornerDrug Store. tf

Congrebs, Apollinaris aud Vichymineral waters iu stock at the CornetDrug store. tf

Insect powder jut received, finestquality aud warranted, at the CornerDrug Store. tf

Everything usually kept in a drugstore for salo cheap at the ComerDrug Storo. tf

Everything found in a tirat-clas- s

harness shop can be had at OsonburgVat bottom prices. dltf

Stationery largest and finest assortment ever seen m Prescott at thoCorner Drug Store. tf

Call at the Corner Drug Store andget a glass of Soda Water. Tho purestol syrups, ice cold. tf

For a nice Buggy, Phmton, SpringWagon, or anything in that line, callon Urocht & Throne. nilvtf

Are you thirsty? A glass of SodaWater at Ro-- s Drug Storo will invigorate ami rofnwh you. Gold as ice audpure as crystal. tf

Type-Writi- ng done by Geo. S. Porter, Jr. Orders left at the Bray store,in bank of Arizona buildinit will bepromptly attended to. al5

Soda Water The most healthful andrefreshing of all summer beveragesnow


on draught at Hoss Corner Drug.

oiore. ti

A large assortment of drug, clienticals and toilet articles for sale at thevery lowest prices at the Corner DrugStore. tf

Breoht & Throne have for sale a carload of Osborne iron Mowers, Reapersand Rakes, at the Pioneer ehops.mlTtf

For Stock Medicines at lowest figuressend to the Mountain City Drug Storewest of the Court Uousw. slltf

Anthony fc Kuhn beer on draught atthe Montezuma, 5 cts. per gloss;Schooners 12$ cts. ni29tf

New Goods, just received, at Mrs.W. C. Burdge's. The largest and fineststock of millinery and fancy goods evershown m Prescott. tf

A graduate of Chicago College ofPharmacy fills all prescriptions at thoMountain City Drug Store. Robinsonfc Brisloy, proprietors. slltf

Good work and low price tell.Osenburg Bros, are always rushed.When you come to Prescott will andexamine their stock of harness, saddles,etc. and obtain dltf

Robinson Brisley, at the MountainCity Drug Store, solicit country ordersfor Drugs, etc., and guarantee speciallow prices. Try them. slltf

The latest styles in Ladies' Shoos'cheaper than any house iu town, justreceived at A. Wollenburg's. tf

Now goods, just received, at Mrs.W. C. Burdgo's. The largest andfinest stock of milliner' and fancygoods over shown in Prescott. m'dltf

Geo. H Curry has tho largest line offine Gold Watches, Silver WatcheE,and fine gold jewelry ot any firm inbe Territory. aul5lf

i or sulc cheap, an interest in theWhite Spar mine, a producing prop-erty. Inquire at the Arizona RealEstate, Loan & Improvement Associa-tion. jy2itt

1 have received a carload of olegantAnheuser-Busc-h (St. Louis) LagerBeer, which 1 propose to sell ice-col- d, atreduced prices, in kegs, bottles, or anyamount. I have refurnished my lodg-

ing house, and will rent rooms ; bedscan be rooted at two or four bits. 1 amready to furnish cord wood, oak, pineand juniper, cut to all sizes, split an'delivered at house for $7 per cord.Leave orders hero or through postotlico.Martin Maier. tf

For Perfunns and nicest fancygoods, call at the Corner Drug Stora.Endless variety. ti

If you want "hardware," go to Hill;we don't keep it. If you want a goodimported Key West, or domestic,go to Ford's. We pride ourself onkeeping the best brands for tho priceasked. Try the Oriental. T. F. B

Sazarac Saloonkat Billiard Hall.

Geo. W. StBet.Pronriator,


OJinfortrttile Club ltoai4 AtUikedFine Billiard and Pool Tables, for

Exclusive use and entertain-

ment of patrons of theplace.

Gurley Street, Prescott.



Bono bn short notice and first--11 i 1

ctass worn: uarftiiceea. umoraleft at tho 0. K. Store, WestProsoott, will bo attended to.


Wanted.By an lutUli;eut orphan girl of K, a borneaoaie eUUdtest fum-iy- , where the c&ud be

tiutt(al dtii;tior and attend school recu-arl- y.

Edacation and pateiitiRe kooJ. lintcouccs gtvon. AddrM.

E. OAUIUEL,slSU Logtntpori, Indtaaa,



Of GeneralComplete Stock of tho Famous Oregou Cussimoro Clothing

Ulanket-Liue'- .l Goods, Pacific Const Flannel Underwear,


Boots and Sir es.arr mM u w i4 u ifdii . i



At!cly urttciau machine. Futlj war-ranted ud from the vry watntiai,by klltd workmen, nud the very h nUjoIs that havo "ter been doviioU for tho parpoc Warrmi'ed to d H taitc h- - resonably expected of yory beat jbwri ercxt nu Cftpabla of nrlUnc 150 w. rd irm oute or raj'ti urcur t. vo tho biUor we upernuir.

Price $100.00,It here l uo tt;)tit In ur town, tilre

the iutnu'ac4urvr:

THE PARISH MFG. CO.,AenU wanted. Fauimi. Ji. Y


First-oLti- a facilities and ivat of tenchumAddress, with stamp for return pnattsge,




Drugs, Medicines

Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Trusses

SiHMortars, roilsf Articles, Etc.My Pwjrlptlon laprtnini In completeAcontfor Dr. FUUerniHn' Alkaline lotion

for Hordes and CaUIo.Sua.t cuu! ui lo Kt.l a. .ow tiir lovrctt


E H GrassIey&Co.Iiii3rtak3rs adJ En'ul.nars,



Ar IdclAl Flo vrs tnndu to oidar.

I Rooms on Gnrloy St., Granite Bridge!

Take Motice- THAT -


Continue to do atl kinds of

Blacksmith end

Wagonwork- AT THR -

Pioneer ShopsVhoo they keep for sa o

SHUTTLER WAGONSSpring "Wagons, Buekboards,

. Buggies, Phrotons, ote.- also -

Osborne Mowers and Reapers,and Hay Bakes.

Gurlsy St., west ot Plaza, Prescott


E. Stahl,Assayer and MctaUnnjiciI Chora ist

Asftjing; of Every Kind of ORE


Analyses of M Furnaco ProdaotsEtc.

T"u rnade (Qualitative or Quantitative)or y.ine. Tin, Arfcouic. AUinuon , r 'caei.balt, Qulokdllvor or any other metal. Chaijjosas low AMcarorm worn win permit.

JL."Urm BEE!Clark & Adams'

Lumber Yard, of

01ea-,Flo- or ic. Uutlc and nay Dlmenalonof Merchuntaois Lumbe . Hlnuules ami Lrihat Bedrook Prices.


We will not be und raold.2 llnrlov. CornMill Klourtakou iu exabano for Lomtior.

jauao CLaKIC .t AOAMd.


CtrofnUr; I'aroUiuo-- I !



unrs4Mtt!j. 4 .

IIILI HS3 I tC r MW t fc letMf,

MltKM. O.lftW".V .11D1BP rr--x , t f


ii iu.i V Ik . HHO. 9f



iTROH .'

KASSTCS KAiEY m 1 3 fax Puo. Sfsr Ypw.

TO WEAK MENRaCsrtae from t& ecU of jenlarul errort. rIritcxf, r.U; e4knts lost eu&hood. etc., I ulttbd a T:nhl( baUwitwK) cccUUila fullrajrUculari for hone ew, FREEcf cbirc. Xnitnili tstxlical trcik ; fthoold bo rtJ by ersrrlaui Hto U cerront ACd dabtliUUd. AJJrer.rrof. F, & FOnJLTJi. Meodait,, Cobb.


l,V,:i) Ul.iti f i i.rror cr lxm to uuor 1 ecsr.KbMt, ) lXIIOiIrirltntMvi. Hiii.Unr

Mill KlklM tlr4 1 frM.:s UICAL CO., BUfFAlO, N. V.




FjtJiinl in, Snp!e by nullniret vtl nyrlro p.ompt and careful uttci.uoaSbM S Silrer Bullion K8sWoVrV

iiiiett, 175: 1 1733 Umxt Ct, Cr, CCs.

tnUCCU4PTM TTH THt OfOCRATMr W TV! cctirn!rriu

Chicap, Bock Islaufl & Pacific Ry.lachiding LIjim rtftnt and West Cf th acisaouri

Kirer. Tho Dlrvct Koute t" (mil from CSUOAOO.

COOTTCIX BLOTFS. WATKRTOWN, SIOUXyajjUb, Kr?rKrKA.roiaa bt padis bt. jos--KPir. ATCHISON, USA.VKN WOKXH. KANSASCTT V. TOl'KKA. DEXVUB. COLOHADO SPKOSand PCfEBtOu FroaRollninc Ctvlr Cnr to andrtxun cirrcAOo, oAXBwnii. inrxamjtBOKand DOnaB CITY, and PaLvm Sltttas Cars botwsfa cincAOo.vicurrA and xnmarjcfsow.SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRASSSof Threuth Coachc. BWpflrn. Troa KcUnin2CbAlr Cant and (Knst ot 21a. Kivr) Claintr Carsdatlr between CUXCAOO. DK8 JiOUfKf. OO UN-CI!. BLvrrs and oatAJiA. vrtth rBKE nciu- -iaa Chair Cur to NORTH PLATTE CNeb.), andttvrn CHI CAD O nud DKITVEH, COIAUAIX)SPRINGS and PCEBXiO. Tia St. JoMph. or Kan-ra- a

City and Topa&a, Bplsndld Dining Ifotclawest of fit. Jotevh and Kanaa C;tr- - xcuniooBdailr. with Cholcu or Kout to and from SaltIjiktv. Portland. Ijo AntrtJcs aad San Francisco.Tbo Direct Llut to and from Pike'a Pa)c TUMii-tc- n.

Oorden of the Ooda, tho Banltartunu, andBccnlc Qrandours cf Oolorodo.

Via Tho Albert Loa Routo.BallA Xxprc Trains dalir between Chleaco AndMinuoapolla and Ot. Vaul. with THBOUOll lle-dlnb-ur

Chair Cora CFSSZ) to and from tfcoaoFOlnta and ITaosaa City. Tfiroiufli Chair Car andSleeper botvrcen Poorla, Spirit SeAo and SiouxFall via Rock laland. The Favorite XJno to"Wwtertown, Bioox Falls, tho Bummer Resorts andHunting and Fiahlnc Ground of the Northwest.

The Short line vL Seneca and g.inlinVfte Qgcrafacilities to travel to aud from IndlAnnpoUt, Clocicn&tl and cthor Southorn poi&U.

FcrTickeU. Kaps. Folder, or dsalret lafbrma-tlo- n.

apply at any Coupon Ticket Cilice, or addressE.ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN,

Own Xftnaeor. Qcn'l Tit. CS Pas. Act--CJIICAQO. IIX.

"EITE" ISTIglT.Opnoftito notu entrance to Court-hous- e

MRS. DeWirr, rr0nr8lreSS.I1


SHORT i! Keut'dlJuor'SS fciSI

from 5 to S ... m.. cents. Day board 7 Per1

Headquarters Saloo qFormerly tho Arizona Brewery

Saloon, Gurloy Street.

JFKITZ JESSON, froprietor

The best Wines, Liquors and Cigars inthe market always on hand.


S. A. LOGS' 3JF .

Ie, Sip M FdsUf

"Paper Hanging. . . I

Oil. iVuldUlllllllllh- - II

SHOP WITH A. G. RANDAL,South Side Plaza.

rescott 4 PhenixSTAGE LINE.

Thp eommo Uou aud c mfrtrtahlo cnunhnathli line, carrying Blnton tnalis,

leavo terminal naluts ilally at 8 o'olooic u. m.oxeopt KumlHye, via Victonburg, Vnltnroaid OtmcroRi.

Co chea on the lilnok Canyon routo. oarrv.lug iARf(enirs and oxnronh. uls. IJnliu.i gSU(ok mail, botween Agua Fnannd l'lionlx, ileave Pronoott nt S a ru, oi Tuedajn, Thurday una atunioys, anU leave Thuilx Mon-Uay- a,

Wednrndays nmt Fridays arriving tuopiMiffiie P'li.- - incoays loiiowio .

Ofllce in l'recoti . on Iho aoulh aide of tlmI'iHsa. W. U. OlStlRUB, Jr.. Agent.

Y. Ii- - (1120 nan, Superintendent. AMI


VIRTUE OF SXBCUTION isBrsued out of viiu (ti"trki court of thothird JudieW district, of tho Territory ofArlxooa. iu aud for toe county ot Yavapai,doted August 23, , tu a (rtaln action,wherein Joftvjili Khle, a ididntllT. recoveredJudffmeat x't U Nhl. defendant,for the euui of (Ire hundred and tlfteen andS9.J00 (ffilfi.)) dollar, wj Ji interest tharo. ua thernteof ono per cunt per month fromthe 13th ddjr of AujruAt, tosetbor withcoftti and Accruing I hvo levied upouta followlnjf doecrlbd propertr of the MrltJt

In named defendant, D. I" Klthot. to --vrlt iAll th right, tillo and Intcreat of tho s)ddefcudmt, D. t. Nlcholi, of, In atd to theeat hU of the northwest quarter of serMonnlno (W, town lp iblrteen (13) north of rangefour (iiwar, ooctatntntr v;Lty (SO) stcrf,nltuste la Skull Y. : y, Yavapai county, Arl-so- na

Territory : i, tLat certain minlncImorml'oral uenrlnjrl de, called, named

ant' own the Kc vine w rulnlnv claim lcc - "Teh 58, isar, by U I. Nichols, Johnt'h' . s A. Kobluton. recorded iu bookV . . at pap 2rtl-21- 3, re-o-- tii ot Yava-.- .'. aad altuate In Wckter mining

.viinty of Yava tl and Territory of.x t .. also, that ccrtatu mlninji cla m oruiit. 1 lodo called, awed and known aa theWL. Boy, located April 2T, lSa7, by A. Bob-Ine- on,

John Phllllpa atd D 1'. olehole, eltuatoIn Weaver mining d tit ivt Yavapai oub',Arlioua lorrltory, and the notice of 1 cationwhtreof Is reeoroe in hK.k 21 of in n, atpace X6, records ..f aaid Yavpa oooniy.

rh-- l couc a he'hy sivjn tht on

Thursday. Senteraber t n'Iii. r m t 1 1 1 tlitv hi friint of tho tMO'tUd-Jo- of th wa i house. In th ely ofI'nrc jU, ''nt of Yr;.l, and TtriiUKy ofAr ton, I u dl sf 11 ail th- - rih . tU5 nd In-lrn- '.

o the attov nnniod doivadaut, V. P.Nichols, to and to the abov pro J- -rr

y. at nihlic auction, for ch la lawfulmoti. j of tho United 8mto, to tho blghMis. J

ana wi uuidar. to ea sit aiu exeeuuon unaat e l.Dated I'r.fcott, Aria , utruattf7, 1SSO,

W.0 O NEILL.Sheriff of Yaynpxl Uomtj Arlr.

By M. McIXkiiXi r, Outer Deputy. nuSO 1 1

Koiica of Forfeiture,


rljru and legal reprointaUvae:You s o hereby noHiltd tlur th under

aud. who i c. ow or with you a the M-f-- flic

iH.olnir elslm. ha - exf he sn . oftwo i UMWd .lol r Uv itKr and tmprovo-uien'sni- on

said mtttiuir cani, Hm Midan Iwntiiv ;iai tiis b imr oado In

jo- - 'S'Ja nd li0, n cinpllsura wiUi th"raited Statat mlnta 1 wi rrquiriup; annualCX'.fnditur s in iji.jdu tn inlitlni; rl .'tui.Tut ati M. ItHn ralidnir rjtlm ronaisu ofJ.NX" f . t in length by OW fel w1is, niiuaic InA.Ker mlnlntr dUtnct, In tlm o Y.v-ap- al.

In the Torrl ory of Artjton A recordOf h Tcafka "f th id MfMm mining

' ts made lo ihc ro-or- d ot ui uch, n 'he.IBier cmmtT rtcrdo; f Mild Yav.tpaicouy book K 10, pi Ui

And yu are ervb further notified that If,at the eXi l a Ion d HiaHy daja after thopublication of this notice, you f(i or rtfosoto conlributi- - or pay to me your proporti in ofbc sum citK'noi'urtf, utneher with ta

cost o thM'UWlC'UoH of tht notlcr. the in- -

tereat of you In aaid MclUm mloinu claim willoe 10'ieiU'U bl'I J C a.o the nrotiorlf if thaundersign, d. J. J. M1LL1KKN

(tiral publication vpt. 10, IttKK j

NOTICE I'OH IMJllhlCVTlOX.L nOmos vr HRKacorT. a.,ut t. ii) f

Kotleo t hcrbr elvn ihat thnnvmet .onUleRhas died imilcar bin int.i nto aiiike flout prooi in KUoinirt of hot nlimnnu thrft aall wliibo maiie before the

vriznnB, on .MOiioav, pptejnbrtr U).S90. Viz Alvin o. Hikf It. hotucll ntn- -

sW foribASodthdakt ijeeJU rn i8 Jf K3 p.HP JiuiUP. IDO UMlliWJOK WltDCJSrK to IUOVO

his continuous rosldonce uivin and cHfiivn.of. Brl Iftni. vlr; j. . parte, of 1'ro entt.Arlsoun.iiJOrsrt C. WAiMe' Vrai. ah.aoia.Jrhn Kira$tn, of ColtoiMWod. ArU(on.Georco Ward, of Co tiawood. Arizona.Any Per'n wnodeiirMto nmiMt lotiimtthonllowanc of ooh proo'. or wtjo knows ofany sub tuntlal rvxon, ondorthe InwandthorfCUlAMonn of !ho Interior Dojiartmcnt, xr,y.uch proof Uonld not he illumed, wilt boeiven no opp-irl-nlt- nt tho abovetltno uud PlHcn to cross KiHulnothK aof said o'olmant, nnil to orror "viileuo" in rt.Hltll4, nfthte' iltlktMltl.rl I... I ....

J. t'. MAU'IK, UbglBtcr.K.rsi lnsnrUoa Axfot i 3 .

NOTICE FOR I'UltLIOATION.ha.i) nrr cic AT PKKHCorr. A. T. i

Mienst Zt, 1800. fot:ce In lioioby cItoh Hint van mlQimd eitler b notion of !; im

tion to make Hnal proof In snpNirt of hiselalrn. nd .hatuntdprtiof vrl 1 tio mado be-fore th Kslsl-- i an-- . Itpoolver of thn U.St4iud OlHio at i'nascott, Aritonn, on HatunlayOctober i, 1S9). Vir. Jj1 W. ttarrlniriAn.Horaiiteud Knry 435. for the South U. ntv ioX an iNW sw ee. 37 and NK SE M.tioc. rs Tp j;t jf n a w.

no name tue follow ins witneHi. ta iu,rniK cootinnonM residence uiHtti m i n of, said lad, via: A. J. Uead. UuxUyUucliO'j.a. L. rtdoy, K' H. Himrp.Hlt ot Wes-cot- t,

Ar.r. J.u MiUrtN. ICealslei--.

Mtt pnWiciUion Aug 27:

LAN1J OfKIOBAT 1,34C01T, ArtIS.,1August 1, ltiyo. fNotice is bore by Avn tht Dm rtiininnamed so tier has tiled uotlaa tif hi. min.Hon to make final proof in support of his'i tlmi w d nr--o- will b m.ii .

fo o the Itegietr aud Receiver nt Preso It.Anzna.nn wcuncsuay. Sepierabcr 17. JSiW.Vt . WllllH htapn. lloroi'Steiill K.tltrv Xn.m. for the i: k Of 8W. . Sin 17 nnrt 1.of N W. . ko 5i, tp 13 N . U W.

Ho nnmeK the following wltuesse to provehis rcnttnuoiiM tesidonro upon, and cufclva-U- in of s. Ill lnnd, via; 8. C. Miller. JosephKhle. Jaruos MnrUn.allof l'reseolt, Aria., andAlfred Saoppo. of Slcu'l ViiUev.

awi-u- x J.O.MAKTIN.Rpj;lHlcr.

PROPOSALS FOR FLviUK. OlUceSubsistence, Los Ancelea, Cal.,

doptem-c- r S, 1S0O. Sealed propo&als, In trip- -

iicain,auojcci io in' uRuai conumona, will bereceived at this office and nt the . uics or thnActio tr Coumlasaries of SubiSilenco t thoioiiowtn nan.ed posta, until la o'clock noon,Wednesday, October 8, lilKl, and then openedu l'ruacucc oi oiuuera, lor lurni ninyr tno fo- -

'ovrlnjr Oour. delivered in doublo sacks, onecouon aca ouo Runny or burlap), Mz. FtApacne, A.TPO.OOO lbs; Fort BowK A. T.60,000 lbs; Fort Grant. A. T., 05,000 lbs; Fort"uacnuca, a. i.,w,vim; irort .Lowell, A.r.w,vwius; ronaan u.uios, A. T .70.000 lbs;Whipple Barracka. A. T., 73.0ob lb: San Dleirohiumcks, udJ., lo.ww ibsj Fort Wlnsaie. N

S0.000 lbs Total. mUXM nound. lronafl8 ror ,ur,1,fhlnK A ur male In Aria .n, and

atitx;soiuce ua t theomcea of !ho Aetiryt 1 . - . . . . "

viiuwonics oi UIO pusia in Arizona. AI8oYJi ?SgBgr "bovo quantity

SSirJISl SffL'iAnjreles,

1 1 . f .1Ca' ,

.or at ny s. ...atlou .on tho South- -

cm ihujc rnur -- BU in uiinornin. win tin r.cetved and opuncdattho same Hme at thisoff co only. Preference will bo K.Ten to articles oi u mesne production or manufacture,conditon&ot oualliv and nrlce blnir rnnd.Envelopes ontalnlu;: proposals for deliveryat Loa Anpeloa and other places In California,should be properly marked ani addressed totho undorslRued. for Arizona lliurshould Ixs marked nnd addro fed to th a olllccor to tho AcUiiR ConunlMarie of the p wtsbid Tho Oovemmeut rebcrvea the rlhtto rJect Any or all proposals. Full info nnu-Ho- n

will be furnlbed on application to thisoaice, VT. A.ELDEUKIN, Major aud P. 8. U.S. Army, Los Anccle?, Cal.. Sep -tt

PKOPOSALS FOU FOR AGS AND STRAnnnnrtmont nt irimn.

Othco of tlte Chi if Quartormaater, Los A.n-- 'ROic.3. uai AUjrust iv, 15W. Sealed prriKw- -ais win po rcceivcu at mi. ouice ol iho P- - l

yuartermajter, Whipple B.irracks, A. T,until Uo' lock a. m on FhlDAY,19, IKK), and opened Immediately Iherealterlu i he prcCDC0 of bidders, for Urn fundi: Insr tand delivery o: STO.OM i (irn. Oat or Barley, 'J0,wi lis uran,4UO,0OO b liar and W.OCOllii Straw or Hav for beddlnir. durinir tho ro--malnder of the tl cal year cnOlne Juno SO.lain, at nippio uarracK8, a. t., at suchtimes and in such quantities u may be rw.quired. Preference Riven to articled o domestic uro ucu n and manufacture, eondi.III111H nr nr!PH mtii nll-illf- v linlm. onn.1 nrl8UCU Pcioro"cc given 10 aruuei oi Amcrlcan production and manufacture nroduced c.the t'ac'lc Cosst to tho exteut of tho consumption required by tho public servicetLero. Proposals for quantities oss th o tho ifwhole requtn d or for deliwry of thosuppliosnt. n.ilnl. .vlt.a tl.n 1VI.I....1.. M 1 ...'v..ia uiuni in.u iiiiipiu jnrraviWCl, Willbe onterta nd. SpccillcaUou?, goneral

o bidders, and blank forms of pro-posal will be furnished on application tn tMaoffice or the Post O larterinaaler. Whi. ...........I m t'- -oarrarK. A. 1. J. o. twlMU VL.1.. Uuurter.master, L. S. rmy, Chiol (Juarturmaaior.

aul'J lt sew IS

R00G IC ltOr tNO 1'KLT coslaonlvpcrlOOtquaro Mates n good roof foieaj, and Hnyon can put It on. Send tamnfor cample And full pnrt-oulnra- .

OUJt EtxHTlC ItWr"ING CO.,A n YJWTBuoAnwAY, jf kw York

l.oi-n- l AsontH Wanted.UU12 0A wit

ThePrascottKorse Market

Feed and Sale

Montezuma St-- ,

OldSTlKer Stable.

Qood Saddle Horses

notjlf Iluivfc. A Ktr.Ul


alooa and Restaurant

Open Day and Niglit

PIN'S -:- - WINES,X Q"CJ03And Cigars.

Freeze & BelcherCKAnXKS UIODIKOKK, KltWlK B

Charley & Feed's

Palace Barber ShopAnd Bath Rooms,

On Montezuma Street1 Nest Door to thPalace Saloon.

FluestiulppabaTberhop rtd bat roomtnPreii' an - l ri- - w halhg.


Merchant TailorWnSiSullt mado to order in Latcat IStyaiB

on ftiiort Notice.Alto ares a Full Mneof

Domesiic. and imported


3F jSL. 1ST 3? I jNTGurlev Street. 2feai AMIlatns Ujuc.

. -

Big Property For Sale!


Fourteen houses, rented, inaddition to a First Class Saloonbusiness, on tho corner, in newiron building.

The property will be sold fora reosonable price, and. on easyterms.

33i: JBaxscaiii,As the rents will pay a big interesfc on the investment.

Appply toJOHN S0RG-- ,

At Union Saloon, corner Gran-ite and Goodwin

NEW BAKERY Restaurant !

Xoulezuiua St root, Opposite

Wells, Fargo & CoJa Ofllno.

Bread, Pies, Oates, Etc.Fresh Every Day.


O. FEED YAKDOn an alter taU.d ite 1 will the fol

towiug pnees:Gr8 llay, too. per dy.Grain Hr. 6ic per doy.AlfiUf. llay, coo. per day.Ur Un.COo. ner food.

Good amp houso for the Rccorumodatlou- -mvors. j

.k. mi

Keeps a Full Supply of GeneralMerchandise which is

Being sold at Bot-tom Prices.

Mens Furnishing Goods. Boots

Shobs. Hats, Gaas. ElGAlso, a large, complete and fresh supply

ui cnoice siapio and tancy groceries.

Joseph Dougherty.Proprietor


Sampling Works,rvliUl L. ARIZONA.

copper, silver, lead md gqld

ORES.Pnrcliased in Any QuantityUatos on or Mn h.

lion In person or bv tn m 1 ;i 7w.alKivo vrorkb, In Proacott.

dXlfi mad dlrer lho aeUlng comP. O. Box &VPnrnlL suoav



Next Da a- - to Cob Web Saloon,

Meals Served at Ail Hourser.fthiufi he market nUlrrt. ' v

J' A" f

JOK All JKW, t'rajrlotor.


The rizona. Cattle 0).

Raosp Saa FrAiiciHCO Mountain.BRAND :

Earmarks Slit in each ear. Horse &ad

mules : Win on ngbt hip.Incrta30 "cS on leJ- - obw

Postoflico Addreas;


J. V. RHOADES,General Masajr.

9 ArilBr

VT. E. SMITH.PoHtf fllOS ikldreaa PreotU A.T. 'KaK-Nor- t!i Fork t (ycawor Creek

Moia, Vavapnl coantr.KaraiaritR- - Uld atock, two atlU la mb tar;

youns s ooc, ara- - otli cror. ana anderhil luajh Mir. i- - . 1

Hor e brand I)lft-- frVVj'rtoHd S on tbricbtlhtsh. i




Brand, hb u la cuton left hip of cattle aadrijrht thigh of karaf t.

Ear Karke CattleUpper bit on left aadtrderhltoH rlcat ear.The uaderirce 1 akealso tan owner of taar braad

Kangs LoaesestaValley, near CoyoUBprlagi, 10 aallee .frOMPreitcbtt.

I am also tae ewaarof tae foUewlBg' brasda:Figure 9 on lett saal-- .

der ot anltHtla, K oa Utthleo. and Circle D oa

r r!?bt thleh aad left TiUE, a AVITHEKELL.

e. O. address, Precott, Arlzoaa.

Oa the Right Hip, XrMarks Split oa LftEar Crop aad Split aaP.IjchtSar.

KaiiRfes on Ljbx Crktotd LoBeaene Valley.

J. R. SLACK,rescott, Arlsoa a.

Houses.On loft hip, swlcolts aadscbttontofristW



Llarses and Cattlahigh.

Gnttlo Ear Marks-C- rop

off at adovarbll in rigkt.Hako Saa




"W. D. 3LAOK

Brand : Jiaraa 'A jfjoaf In both ears. '

Range and P.. OAddress, KirkJnVallav.d

IRANI. 74Zar Mute ft

asvp, laftaar.H08SIH Baaa, JI

CaiirdU MitCldno Yslley aad Vars

KS !itl:Osdw Stepa ee rifM.evr alopa aa4 bbpmt bit


P.O. Ad&aaa. ?rteBrand f?

tiitt ?Ul brwiMlUt etrelaoa Tiga MisrttUtwoaiMair Wa ar.

aad all Nana smuiioam oa ritL tfe. aMloan tea.

fc'KATX' A KESG Preot JL T

Bank of ArizonaPrescott, A, T.

Established 1S77. TKe OldestIhuk in thoJTorritory.

JIL'iO UIOHAU1M.. t'THiifUUK. H WKI.U Vice rrraldeMt.W. K. H A 9! K l.TI 5f IS CaakleivBIKE0TOR8:

lCV.(?.!lIPMA,,H' E.W. Watts,J. VV. SubttVAK, H. H. HrjRX HSTZX,W. E.HAsrtTm.

CORUESPONTENTS:ttauk orOatlforula Ha rmaaiaeUildlaar Oe Hew Vrii3SNERAL BANKING 8U3IN'SS3 TKANI-ACTE- D,

Draft an ToUiicrauhic etohHpn oa taprincipal ,le of theOolted StateaboaA.ndiotu,

Piaz t Livery Stable,b it. sr.OA.isr.Notithstundlng tho iTot Of the ntne, Ik'n



Single and double BuggiesFOU HIKE.

Also First-Cfa- ss Sadiiie Hors 3SIT. rises a4iiIo'I .Or th t y, vrok or

mmtii. Pncat nsWQoabl.

Patron Jio-- Solicited


Furniture, Stoves.OAJiPIflTS,

And a!l -- thar Kiula'ofC3-- O O 3D S

Bought and soliJOSEPH W0tiHBy,