armadillo 2013

7/15/2019 Armadillo 2013 1/12 THEARMADILLO.ISSUE12 1 Brought to you by The University of New England Medical Student’s Association UNEMSA ran a number of exciting events in Term 1, and I am thrilled to welcome in our new First Year students of 2013, who have really hit the ground running!  Academically, we started off with the Surviving Medicine Night, where 2 nd  and 3 rd year students passed down their tips and tricks on how to get through anatomy, the best iPad apps to download, and where to start with PBL. I would like to congratulate our new First Year Representatives, Adelaide Pratt and Phil St Flour, who were elected on this night, and have already proven to be enthusiastic and valuable members of the UNEMSA team! O’Camp was another experience altogether, with the chance to meet, mingle and compete with our JMP rivals at Newcastle. UNE really did ourselves proud, coming out on top in the Annual President’s Sumo Wrestling match, and absolutely smashing the boat race this year! Needless to say, there was a lot of fun to be had at Port Macquarie that weekend. We also had First Incision and the Graduation Ball, celebrating both our new students coming into medicine, and our first graduates to complete their medical studies at UNE. Issue 12. Term 1, 2013 Sall R an, UNEMSA President

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Brought to you by The University of New England Medical Student’s Association

UNEMSA ran a number of exciting events in Term 1, andI am thrilled to welcome in our new First Year students of 2013, who have really hit the ground running!

 Academically, we started off with the Surviving Medicine Night, where 2nd and 3rd year students passed down their tips and tricks on how to getthrough anatomy, the best iPad apps to download, and where to start withPBL.

I would like to congratulate our new First Year Representatives, AdelaidePratt and Phil St Flour, who were elected on this night, and have already

proven to be enthusiastic and valuable members of the UNEMSA team!

O’Camp was another experience altogether, with the chance to meet,mingle and compete with our JMP rivals at Newcastle. UNE really didourselves proud, coming out on top in the Annual President’s SumoWrestling match, and absolutely smashing the boat race this year!Needless to say, there was a lot of fun to be had at Port Macquarie thatweekend.

We also had First Incision and the Graduation Ball, celebrating both our

new students coming into medicine, and our first graduates to completetheir medical studies at UNE.

Issue 12. Term 1, 2013

Sall R an, UNEMSA President

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On a bigger scale, I have been involved in representing the students atUNE on a state and national level through events such as the 1st AMSA Council and the NSWMSC Medsoc Meeting. These events are a greatchance to network and collaborate with medical students from all over

 Australia, and advocate for the important issues we are facing. If there is

a particular area you are passionate about, I am always interested inhearing students’ opinions and feedback. 




2013 Social has been a fantastic position to hold so farand we have had some memorable events.

The year started with First Incision, where we hadstudents from all five years attend. The night started withan opportunity to talk with all of our great sponsors andsign up as members with all of them. From there everyone

moved into the Somerville Lecture Theatre, whereeveryone was able to hear what our sponsors were able tooffer us as students. With the smell of the barbequeoutside, it wrappedup fairly quickly. During that time, we also got to support the lovely, DanielPhung, Eli Stalidzans, Maddie Gramlick and Adam Smith, as they shaved theirhead (and waxed their legs) for leukaemia awareness. Good on you guys forputting yourselves out there and having the courage to do that.

The second part of the night took part at the Booloomimbah Collection, wherethere was food, music and a bar tab. The night appeared to be a success apart

from the closure of the GPSN Photo Booth. Everyone seemed to appreciate theavailability of alcohol however and had a great night.

The second event for the year was Med Week: 

What an amazing week! There was a huge amount of effort put into the costumesof each of the nights, which made them all the more fantastic. The week startedon Monday at 7.00pm with a Gero’s/Thrift Shop party at The Armidale Club.The night was a fantastic way to get into the spirit of Med Week with nibblies,pool and music.

Tuesday Night was Graffiti Pub Crawl Night. The locals definetely did notknow what had hit them as we turned up at the Wicklow where a few of ourmembers tried to win the tallest Jenga competition, to the Royal, White Bull, and

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Newie to top off the night. I’m hoping that those locals weren’t reading us toomuch as some of the comment were quite... “unique”. The comments ranged fromone word to essay’s and elaborate drawings on some very cluttered shirts.

The Wednesday night, and my favourite,

was the Anything But Clothes party atEarl Page College. All I can say is thatpeople can be very, VERY creative. Greateffort everyone on the fantastic outfits forthe night!!

Thursday. We celebrated ANZAC Day instyle this year by turning out at the

 Annual Armidale ANZAC Day Races. Safeto say more money was won than lost of the day by particular individuals.

On Friday  ASPIRE ran a Movie Night “21Jump Street” Thank you to everyone whoput time and effort into organising thenight and to those who turned up to enjoythe movie!

Saturday night was held at the Strowhere we entered the Jungle and thingsturned wild. So many interesting outfits!!This was also a very unique night as it was

a dollar party. Everyone was given 5tokens, which you could use for payingpeople to do things, or get paid to dothings. This ranged from dancing byyourself on the dance floor to licking peoples nipples. The goal at the end waswinning Sally Ryan (Pres) and Jacob Hampton (VP) for the next 24 hours asslaves. There was certainly a battle off.

Sunday was sports day, which was jointly run with Steph Gorham, our SportsRep and it was a great day. Unfortunately Sally and Jacob weren’t put to asmuch work as last years slaves but after a quick dip in the creek near Sport UNE

I think they were very appreciative that was the worst of it. Jelly Wrestling hasagain been postponed due to lack of attendance on the day but will be run later inthe year!

That is Social up to this point however, the 2013 5th annual Medicine CharityBall “A Night in Paris”is just around the corner and is so far promising to be anabsolutely amazing night. Hope to see you all there.

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Georgie Burrough

NSWMSC representative

NSWMSC is the central body encompassing andrepresenting all student medical societies withinNSW. They are responsible for creating inter-university connections, advocating and creatingpolicy and holding amazing social and academicevents!

So far this year there have been a number of events; these include the Leadership Summit/“MedSoc meet and greet”, Cocktail Party andfirst council for the year.

The leadership summit was this year combined with the first council so wewere able to collaborate on a much greater level having the majority of medsoc members present. We discussed issues on the National Internshipallocation system with the perspective of moving towards a national

allocation system, the HETI internship Application fee with the concern asto whether it is equitable and finally any issues regarding clinConnectcompliance.

NSWMSC is in the process of writing policies regarding these issues and if any of these areas interest you or you find that certain aspects of thesepoints of discussion or something else is affecting you please don’t hesitateto have you’re say and express you’re interest to myself ([email protected]) or the NSWMSC secretary([email protected])

 At the leadership summit, amongst hearing presentations from eachmedsoc and learning from their initiatives we also had some interactivemedia training and heard from Dr Andrew Pesce the past President of 

 AMA. The day was a success and very insightful not to mention thecatering was amazing!

That night we had the NSWMSC Cocktail party, in one of Sydney’s mostexclusive venues. NSWMSC had exclusive access to the third level of IVY with cocktail deals, canapés and entertainment overlooking the famousPascha Night Club. It was a great chance to meet and mingle with othermedical students across NSW and tickets sold out within the first fewdays!

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 Events like these are just an insight for what is to come and there aremany more exciting events such as the NSWMSC Sports day followed by aGlobal Health after party and also A Pre-Internship Meet and Greet!

If you are interested in any of the discussion topics raised by NSWMSC,want to find out more or have issues of your own, we’d like to hear whatyou have to say! Please don’t hesitate to contact me [email protected]

Dave Townsend, Renowned NSW Medical StudentPersonality

On Friday, April 05, 2013 the inauguralUNEMSA Graduation Dinner was held at the

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 Armidale Bowling Club following the UNE SRM GraduationCeremony earlier in the day. Sponsored by Avant and attended byover 40 graduating students and their families, the dinner was afantastic opportunity for the past and present faculty members to

congratulate the graduating students on their achievements.

The dinner included speeches from the founding Head of School Prof John Fraser and from the current Head of School Prof PeterMcKeown. And the night also saw the return of 2 of UNE’s greatestperformers. We last heard them at the UNEMSA Med Ball all theway back in 2010 and Dr Pat Laws and Dr Dan Tilley kindly agreedto reunite and come back to perform for one night only.

Unfortunately Graduation (and therefore the Ball) was scheduled

when none of the current Armidale students were in town. It is apity that the current cohort were unable to acknowledge in personthe debt of gratitude we owe to the graduating class of 2012. Theywere the 1st fleet, the trailblazers, the guinea pigs. They endured allof the growing pains of this young medical program and they did itwith style.

They also created a legacy. They established the University of NewEngland Medical Students Association, which has grown from

strength to strength and is now the strongest and most activestudent organization on the campus. As well as the broad range of social and educations events UNEMSA runs, the establishment of UNEMSA opened up amazing opportunities for UNE students.

UNE students are known and respected around the country to thepoint where our students are involved at a national level with theNational Rural Health Students Network, the General PracticeStudents Network and two former Presidents of UNEMSA now siton the National Executive of the Australian Medical Students

 Association. None of this would have been possible without thevision and hard work of the first cohort. They led through exampleand every UNE student that has followed in your footsteps owes youall a true debt of gratitude.

The final speech of the night went to the graduating class. They nowhave their degree, so they had nothing to lose and could probablyhave gotten away with saying just about anything. But Dr XanderWhifield and Dr Alex Rack showed their usual class and closed out

the proceedings with a funny and moving speech, thanking their

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teachers, their mentors and their family for the support theyreceived during their 5 years of study.

The night also saw the presentation of the inaugural 2013 Pro Vice

Chancellor & Dean’s Medals & Commendations for Overall Academic Excellence. They were presented by Professor VictorMinichiello, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean, Faculty of theProfessions.

The prizes are presented for exceptional academic achievement overthe last four years of the course.


(for a GPA of greater than 5.5)  

Liam Back 

Bernadette Nolan

Harriet Ambrose

 Alexander Whitfield

Liam Shun

Sophie Waller

Riarne Smith

Joel ParreyRebecca Hogbin

Francoise Naeyaert


(for a GPA of greater than 6) 

Daniel O’Hara

Rhiannon Williams

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Persis Samuel, Academic Representative UNEMSA

Surviving Medicine Night was on March


this year. This event was run for thenew first year cohort, designed to give thema heads up on what to expect from medicineat UNE, and some tips and tricks for theirfirst year. Five second years generouslyvolunteered their time to pass on theirvaluable knowledge – thanks to Steph,Georgie, Prash, Bluey, and Joanne. Theyalso heard from various committee reps

about GPSN, AMSA, and Med Revue, as wellas the outcome of their first year rep voting,which resulted in Adelaide and Phil being elected! 

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