arrington bos staff report 111215

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  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215


    Department of Community Development

    Staff Report

    Subject:  Arrington – Comprehensive Plan Amendment (COMA-15-003473) !e"oning (!#$%-15-003477) Categor& '0 peial #*eption to allo+ ,or a e+er reatment .ailit&

    and Categor& 30 peial #*eption to /aive the !eirement ,or P2li e+er (P#-15-00347) Categor& '0 peial #*eptions ,or a .loodplain Crossing (P#-15-00341) and Preliminar& Plat (P!#P-15-0034')

    Date6 %ovem2er 1' '015 


    he Arrington pro8et has 2een in the planning stages ,or man& &ears and 2een evalated in man&di,,erent ,orms and design onepts9 he rrent proposal is a ne+ vision ,or the propert&: an age-

    restrited ommnit& +ith an emphasis on preservation o, natral open spaes and a ompattraditional design ,orm +hih is ompati2le +ith the histori portions o, /arrenton9 he Appliantis proposing '17 Planned !esidential ;istrit (P!;) residential lots ,or ative adlt residents overthe age o, 559 here are also ten (10) rral residential (!A) lots and a single residential reside(!-1) lot 2eing retained 2& the propert& o+ner that are reated +ith the pro8et9 o aomplishthe goals and vision o, the pro8et the Appliant has applied ,or a Comprehensive PlanAmendment a !e"oning a Preliminar& Plat and three (3) peial #*eptions6 Categories '0 '3and 30: as +ell as several +aivers and modi,iations o, the Cont&

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    #ah o, these appliations is smmari"ed 2elo+: a detailed anal&sis o, the pro8et site srrondingses and eah o, the appliations an 2e ,ond throghot this report9 A ta2le +hih smmari"esthe developmentnits +ill 2e served 2& o+n o, /arrenton +ater and have a private se+ageolletion and treatment s&stem (ee F4 2elo+)9

    iv9  /ill 2e s28et to a Pro,,er tatement Conept ;evelopment Plan (C;P) andCode o, ;evelopment (CO;)9

    v9  Proposed to have 117 ares (appro*imatel& 5EG) o, open spae +hih inldes ami* o, preserved natral open spae and developed passive rereation areas9


    everal /aivers and Modi,iations have 2een reested as a part o, the P!;re"oning9

     29  !e"one appro*imatel& '797 ares ,rom !-1 to !ral Agriltre (!A)9i9 

    he area to 2e "oned !A is the same area that is proposed to 2e removed ,rom the/arrenton ervie ;istrit (ee 19a a2ove)9

    ii9   %o inrease o, !A ;ensit& is 2eing soght9

    39  P!#P-15-0034' – Preliminar& Plata9  2divide the !A area into nine () lots ranging in si"e ,rom 197 ares to 3957 ares

    and one (1) reside lot o, 1491 ares (appro*imatel& E9G o, the !A "oned area)9i9 

    hese nits +ill 2e served 2& o+n o, /arrenton +ater and +ill have individaldrain,ields +hih have previosl& 2een approved 2& the Hirginia ;epartment o,Iealth (H;I)9


    he reside lot +ill 2e s28et to a Perpetal Conservation #asement and %on-Common Open pae #asement reirements9

    iii9  /ill 2e s28et to portions o, the Pro,,er tatement and CO;9

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     29  2divide appro*imatel& 4910 ares o, land "oned !-1 (not a part o, the P!; or !Are"oning areas) into 1 reside lot9

    i9  his lot ontains a tenant hose +hih is 2eing retained 2& the rrent lando+ners9ii9  o+n o, /arrenton +ater servie and private se+age olletionBtreatment +ill 2e

    made availa2le to this lot9


    P#-15-00347 – peial #*eption – Categor& '0 P2li >tilities and Categor& 30 /aivingthe !eirement ,or P2li e+er

    a9  he Categor& '0 # +old permit the Appliant to se a private ommnit& +ide se+agetreatment plant and mass drain,ield ,or the pro8et9

     29  he Categor& 30 # +old permit the Appliant to onstrt a private se+age olletions&stem9

    9  @oth s&stems are designed to serve the '17 P!; lots and 1 !-1 lot9

    59  P#-15-00341 – peial #*eption – Categor& '3 .loodplain >sesa9  his is to permit the e*tension o, Al+ington @olevard into the propert& aross the

    ,loodplain to provide a seond entrane to the pro8et at a loation +hih minimi"esimpat to e*isting neigh2orhoods9 29  A pedestrian trail rossing o, the ,loodplain 2et+een t+o development portions o, the

     propert& is also 2eing reested9

    Planning Commission Action on October 1! "#16

    he Planning Commission disssed this item at its +or session and ondted a p2li hearingon Oto2er 15 '0159 Prior to the p2li hearing mem2ers o, the Planning Commission ondtedan o,,iial site visit on Oto2er 13 '0159

    here +ere several speaers at the p2li hearing9 Mr9 am Petros neigh2oring propert& o+nerthaned the Appliant ,or +oring +ith the ommnit& to address their previos onerns9 Iealso ased that the Planning Commission andBor Appliant onsider adding a 2,,er 2et+een thee*isting residenes and 2as o, the proposed homes9 Mr9 !ssell Mars Appliant e*plainedthe pro8et the e& hanges ,rom previos appliations and +hat he 2elieves to 2e the advantageso, this version o, the pro8et9 Ie ,rther ased ,or the Planning Commission

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    Regional Aerial $ap Site Aerial $ap

    %ocation &oning and Current %and 'se:

    he 43973-are propert& ommonl& no+n as Al+ington .arm or Arrington is loated +est o,

    hirle& AveneBames Madison Iigh+a& (@siness !ote 15B17B') soth o, Al+ington@olevard (!ote 1105) and north o, ?overs ?ane (!ote 744)9 he northern hal, o, the propert&is primaril& "oned


    !esidential6 1 ;+elling >nit per Are (!-1) +ith a small portion alongAl+ington @olevard 2eing "oned Commerial Iigh+a& (C-')9 =t shold 2e noted that the C-' portion o, the propert& is not a part o, this appliation9 he sothern hal, o, the propert& is "oned!ral Agriltre (!A)9 he propert& is 2eing sed ,or agriltral prposes9 here is also a onestor& tenant hose on the propert& +hih +ill 2e retained on its o+n parel as a part the pro8et

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    %ocation ( &oning $ap

    Compre)ensive Plan(%and 'se:

    he northern '43 ares appro*imatel& 55G o, the propert& is +ithin the /arrenton ervie;istrit9 A ma8orit& o, the land LB- 1E' ares has a land se designation o, Dreen+a&BDate+a&!esidential9 he remaining LB- 1 ares has a land se designation o, Open paeBPar9 heDreen+a&BDate+a& residential land se indiates the onept o, lstering o, residential ses on atrat to permit the reation o, a ont& path linage or open spaeBpar to pass throgh the parel:or to develop the parel in a manner +hih the residential ses are sreened or loated a+a&,romBot o, sight o, a designated transportation or rereational orridor in order to protet andmaintain open spae elements e& to entr& points into /arrenton9 he Date+a& areas are proposedto have design elements – ,or e*ample open landsape +ith some om2ination o, traditional,ening and 2erms or a 150 ,oot deep 2,,er o, ,orest< – +hih provide a green transition to r2andevelopment +ithin the ore9 he Date+a& Open pae land se designation indiates that

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    allo+ed ses +old pre,era2l& 2e trans,erred to some ad8aent designated propert& to 2est reali"ethe Date+a& o28etive9

    *uture %and 'se Plan

    he ervie ;istrit plan ontains spei,i reommendations ,or the development o, Al+ington.arm the s28et propert&9 =t states that the propert& shold 2e developed in a Dreen+a&-Date+a&and !ral Date+a& Open pae on,igration at one (1) d+elling per are9 =t ,rther sggests thatdevelopment shold 2e set 2a ,rom hirle& Avene and lstered a+a& ,rom vie+9 he ervie;istrit Plan states that the s28et propert& is the sothern entr& point into /arrenton andthere,ore the entr& needs to 2e proteted9 his is 2ease it has 2een in a valed ,arm se presentsa signi,iant and histori vie+shed into the ommnit& and otside into or rral environs ando,,ers opportnities to meet open spae edges that de,ine /arrenton9

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    he sothern portion appro*imatel& 17 ares or 45G o, the s28et propert& lies otside o, aervie ;istrit in an area designated ,or !ral ?and >se +here rral and agriltral ses aresoght9 Chapter !ral ?and >se Plan o, the Comprehensive Plan inldes man& goals aimedat enhaning and preserving agriltral areas and the rral harater o, the Cont&9 Preservationand protetion o, environmental ltral and visal resores open spae and seni 2eat& are

    also goals o, Chapter 9 hese goals +or in on8ntion +ith the Comprehensive Plan

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    appro*imatel& '0 ares +ithin the /arrenton ervie ;istrit ,rom Open paeBPar toDreen+a&BDate+a& !esidential9 ?astl& the Appliant is proposing to designate the area o, the propert& proposed ,or Planned !esidential ;istrit (P!;) "oning as an >r2an ;evelopment Area(>;A) +ithin the /arrenton ervie ;istrit9 hese proposed hanges +old allo+ ,or theComprehensive Plan partilarl& the /arrenton ervie ;istrit ?and >se Plan (.igre E-/A-

    1) to math the development plans ,or the propert& +hile rein,oring the ervie ;istrit

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    the .aier Cont& /ater and anitation Athorit& (/A) re,er to .igreE->-1 are loated in the designated %on-e+ered Area o, the /arrentonervie ;istrit9 .rthermore all ,tre development needing p2li se+erand +ater in areas not designated ,or o+n o, /arrenton or /A p2litilities +old also reire  a Plan Amendment an amendment athori"ing

    servie to 2e provided 2& the .aier Cont& /ater and anitation Athorit&or the o+n o, /arrenton9

    #valation o, the Proposed Comprehensive Plan

    Chapter 1 - =ntrodtion and Hision o, the Comprehensive Plan gives spei,i gidane +henrevie+ing Comprehensive Plan Amendments initiated 2& an Appliant9 he Appliant sholddemonstrate that an& hange in land se designation or densit&Bintensit&6

    •  +old 2ene,it the p2li health sa,et& and +el,are:

    •  is onsistent +ith the Doals O28etives and Poliies o, the Comprehensive Plan and

    appropriate ervie ;istrit i, applia2le:•  +ill not 2e detrimental to ses o, propert& in the immediate viinit& o, the s28et propert&:

    •  has merit and vale ,or the ommnit& as a +hole: and

    •  +ill reslt in 2ene,its (,isal aestheti emplo&ment et9) that +ill ot+eigh an& signi,iantimpat o, the hange9

    he proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment appears to 2e onsistent +ith the overall DoalsO28etives and Poliies o, the Comprehensive Plan and spei,iall& the /arrenton ervie;istrit9 ta,, does not 2elieve that the proposed hanges to the ?and >se Plan +ill 2e detrimentalto ses o, propert& in the immediate viinit&9 Additionall& +hen opled +ith the proposed!e"oning the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment +ill allo+ ,or a ompat development

    in an area +hih is s,,iientl& sreened ,rom neigh2oring properties and set 2a ,rom hirle&Avene a+a& ,rom its vie+shed9

    !emoving a portion o, the propert& ,rom the /arrenton ervie ;istrit is liel& the mostsigni,iant 2ene,it related to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to .aier Cont&9 =t +illallo+ ,or the preservation o, the ridge line +hih generall& parallels ames Madison Iigh+a&(@siness !otes 15B17B') +hih is a e& goal o, the ervie ;istrit Plan9 @& removing this portion o, the propert& ,rom the ervie ;istrit and inlding it in the rral area it +ill 2esigni,iantl& proteted ,rom ,rther development9

    ;esignating the area +ithin the /arrenton ervie ;istrit an >r2an ;evelopment Area (>;A) is

    onsistent +ith the Comprehensive Plan;As are loations +herehigher densit& development is appropriate de to the availa2ilit& o, p2li +ater and se+er pro*imit& to transportation ,ailities and ad8aen& to other developed areas9 his assists +ith thegoal o, improving oordination 2et+een transportation and land se9 As the pro8et is sitated onthe edge o, the o+n o, /arrenton and +ithin a Cont& ervie ;istrit it has pro*imit& toservies and other developed areas9 Additionall& the site has eas& aess to !otes 15 17 and' throgh ames Madison Iigh+a& the #astern @&pass and hirle& Avene9 >;As alsointegrate +ith .aier

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     preservation9 @& onentrating the development into one portion o, the propert& the developer+ill 2e a2le to preserve as open spae appro*imatel& 7'G o, the propert&9

    etion 13-'10 o, the $oning Ordinane gives additional gidane +hen revie+ing andonsidering approval o, Comprehensive Plan Amendments9 ee @elo+6

    1/0"1# $atters to be Considered in Revieing Proposed Amendments

    Proposed amendments shall 2e onsidered +ith reasona2le onsideration o, the e*istingse and harater o, the area the sita2ilit& o, the propert& ,or varios ses the trends o,gro+th or hange the rrent and ,tre reirements o, the Cont& as to land ,or varios prposes as determined 2& poplation and eonomi stdies and other stdies thetransportation reirements o, the ommnit& and the Cont& and the reirements ,orshools pars pla&gronds rereation areas and other p2li servies: ,or the onservationo, natral resores and  preservation o, ,loodplains: and ,or the onservation o, propertiesand their vales and the enoragement o, the most appropriate se o, land throghot theCont&9 hese onsiderations shall inlde 2t not 2e limited to Comprehensive Plans or

     parts thereo, apital improvements programs relation o, development to roads or roadonstrtion programs pro*imit& o, the development to tilities and p2li ,ailities thee*istene o, an Agriltral and .orestal ;istrit reated prsant to Chapter 3E o, theCode o, Hirginia and an& applia2le standards ontained in Artile 59

    he @oard o, pervisors shold onsider these matters +hen evalating the Comprehensive PlanAmendment appliation9 ta,, 2elieves that this reest is onsistent +ith the rrent trends o,gro+th and development +hile at the same time proteting natral resores and desired vie+-sheds9

    Proposed Re2oning Analysis:

    he Appliant is proposing to re"one appro*imatel& '0E943 ares ,rom !esidential6 1 ;+elling>nit per Are (!-1) to Planned !esidential ;istrit (P!;)9 he P!; portion o, the propert& is proposed entirel& +ithin the /arrenton ervie ;istrit and +ill 2e s28et to a pro,,er statementCO; and C;P9 he P!; "oning has 2een reested as it allo+s ,or a mh more reative and,le*i2le design approah9 Most importantl& it allo+s ,or the redtion o, the minimm lot si"e permitted in an !-1 lstered design9 =n the P!; portion o, the propert& the appliation is proposing '17 age-restrited d+elling nits +hih inlde a mi* o, ,ront and rear loaded single-,amil& detahed homes9 he Appliant has also allo+ed ,or the option o, rear loaded single-,amil&attahed nits (to+nhomes) in some loations9 All o, the P!; d+elling nits +ill 2e served 2&o+n o, /arrenton +ater: the& +ill also have private se+age olletion and treatment s&stems provided 2& the Appliant9 A mi* o, preserved natral open spae and developed passive openspae has 2een inlded throghot the propert&9 everal /aivers and Modi,iations have 2eenreested as a part o, the P!; re"oning: these have 2een listed and evalated 2elo+9

    he Appliant is also reesting to re"one appro*imatel& '797 ares ,rom !-1 to !ralAgriltre (!A)9 his is the same area that is proposed to 2e removed ,rom the /arrenton ervie;istrit +ith the Comprehensive Plan Amendment9 he entire !A portion o, the propert& +ill 2eotside o, the proposed /arrenton ervie ;istrit and +ill 2e s28et to the pro,,er statement

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    and portions o, the CO;9 he e& onept 2ehind this do+n "oning o, land is to o,,er permanent protetion o, the ridgeline and sothern gate+a& into the o+n o, /arrenton9 =t is important tonote that no inrease o, !A ;ensit& is 2eing reested or soght +ith the re"oning appliation9All o, the land 2eing proposed to 2e re"oned to !A +ill 2e part o, a perpetal onservationeasement and s28et to non-ommon open spae restritions along +ith a s2stantial portion o,

    the e*isting !A land9

    PROPOS+D &oning $ap

    A smmar& and anal&sis o, the Pro,,er tatement C;P CO; and other elements t&piall&onsidered in re"oning appliations is provided 2elo+9 Additionall& the Arrington mmar&a2le attahed provides a s&nopsis o, varios design and development ommitments theAppliant has made throgh the C;P CO; and Pro,,er tatement9 he propert&

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    9  /ater and e+er – his pro,,er ommits all the lots to 2eing onneted to o+n o,/arrenton p2li +ater servie9 he P!; lots and !-1 lot +ill 2e served 2& a privatel&maintained alternative on-site ommnit& +aste+ater treatment and s2sr,ae disposals&stem (developed at the Appliant

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    1'9 #mergen& ervies – he Appliant +ill ontri2te to the @oard ,or emergen& servies3003900 per P!; residential nit pa&a2le on the issane o, an opan& permit9 hisamont is per the J.aier Cont& @oard o, pervisors Pro,,er Poli&9K 

    139 heri,, – he Appliant +ill ontri2te to the @oard ,or the Cont& heri,,

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    Concept Development /lan 0CD/

    A C;P +as inlded as part o, the !e"oning appliation materials9 =t +ill 2e sed to gide the,tre site development9 Additionall& the ,tre Code o, ;evelopment ite Plans +ill need to 2ein general on,ormane +ith the C;P9 he C;P sho+s the overall la&ot o, the pro8et

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    ta,, and the Appliant have +ored together to ensre that the pro8et is developed tili"ing man&o, the %; priniples onepts and design details desired in the P!; distrit9 ta,, 2elieves thatthe proposal is onsistent +ith the P!; "oning distrit and ompati2le +ith the neigh2oringdevelopment and the near2& histori portions o, the o+n o, /arrenton9


    he appliant has s2mitted a ra,,i =mpat Anal&sis (=A) as part o, the reired re"oningmaterials9 he =A has 2een revie+ed 2& 2oth Planning ta,, and the Hirginia ;epartment o,ransportation (H;O)9 Primar& aess to the site is proposed via a ,ll-aess entrane on amesMadison Iigh+a& (>99 !ote 17BB'B15 @siness) at the loation o, an e*isting median 2rea+here the Appliant is proposing to onstrt a one-lane ronda2ot9 he proposed one-laneronda2ot is strongl& pre,erred 2& the Appliant as a sa,e entrane ,eatre to Arrington and theo+n o, /arrenton9 =t is also stated that the ronda2ot +ill maintain tra,,i operations ,or allapproahes partilarl& ,or the ingressBegress movements ,or the proposed Arringtondevelopment9 eondar& aess is proposed +ith an e*tension o, Al+ington @olevard9 he

     provided anal&sis indiates that tra,,i onditions in the &ear '0'0 +ith the 2ild-ot o, Arrington+old 2e adeatel& aommodated at the std& intersetions +ith no o,,-site improvements andminimal to no impat to the std& intersetions9


    he Appliant has reahed an agreement 2et+een .aier Cont& the o+n o, /arrenton andthemselves to have the o+n provide +ater servies to the pro8et9 e+er servie +ill 2e providedthrogh a private +aste +ater treatment plant and mass drain,ield s&stem9 All dr& tilities appearto 2e in the viinit& o, the propert& and a2le to adeatel& serve the propert&9

    Stormwater (anagement

    A preliminar& storm+ater management plan +as s2mitted as part o, this appliation9 he proposed ,ailities appear to 2e adeate ,or the development o, the site9 he ,tre CO; Planrevie+s +ill ensre that the ,ailities meet all applia2le reglations and the needs o, the pro8et9

    Cultural and 3istoric 4esources

    he s28et parel +as one a part o, a histori propert& alled ?eeton .orest a plantationesta2lished arond 170 2& Charles ?ee +ho served as Attorne& Deneral o, the >nited tates nderPresidents /ashington and Adams9 Phase = arhaeologial stdies +ere ompleted in '007 and'010 as +ell as +indshield and intensive level arhitetral stdies9 en (10) arhaeologial sitesand one (1) arhitetral site +ere identi,ied on the propert&9 (ee attahed ta2le and map +hihdesri2es the sites9) hree (3) o, the sites 44.Q0'05 44.Q0'0E and 44.Q0'' have 2eendetermined signi,iant and potentiall& eligi2le ,or inlsion in the %ational !egister o, IistoriPlaes9 he Appliant has pro,,ered that the three (3) potentiall& eligi2le arhaeologial sites andthe arhitetral site +ill 2e permanentl& proteted as a part o, the pro8et

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    on the C;P9 he Appliant has also pro,,ered that signage related to the histor& o, the propert&+ill 2e plaed at t+o (') loations as part o, the development ,or the pro8et9

     5atural 4esources

    he propert& ontains several natral ,eatres +hih e,,et the development potential o, the site9he northern hal, o, the propert& ontains re& !n several nnamed tri2taries to re& !na ,arm pond and assoiated .#MA ,loodplain arond the streams9 Poets o, +etlands have also 2een identi,ied in and arond the ,loodplain9 here are t+o large +ooded areas appro*imatel&449E and E'93 ares on the sothern hal, o, the propert&9 On the eastern portion o, the propert&there is a prominent ridge line +hih rns along the @siness ames Madison Iigh+a& ,rontageand some moderatel& steep slopes at the northern end o, the ridge9 he ite Aerial Map a2ove andattahed and %atral .eatres Map attahed sho+s the general loation o, these ,eatres9 .orthe most part these ,eatres have 2een avoided in the appliation

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     spaces" have been located throughout the pro*ect. These areas are easil accessible and

    interconnected b sidewal7s and9or trails throughout the communit.

    The lot si6es ad*acent to existing development appear to be compatible with the neighboring

     properties. )dditionall" a natural buffer" a minimum of a 1:: feet wide" has been provided where

    the pro*ect is ad*acent to existing residential neighborhoods.

    @9  he development is in s2stantial on,ormane +ith the adopted Comprehensive Plan +ithrespet to t&pe harater and intensit& o, se and p2li ,ailities9

    The development is in conformance with the Comprehensive /lan in respect to tpe" character andintensit of use and public facilities.

    C9  he development provides omplementar& ommerial ses +here appropriate9

    Commercial uses are not proposed with this application. Staff believes that the propert;s location

    and development area is not conducive to or appropriate for commercial development.

    Commercial uses are most appropriate within the (ain Street corridor of historic downtownWarrenton or other established commercial areas of Warrenton. The addition of commercial uses

    in the pro*ect would create competition" and li7el not be beneficial to either the citi6ens of

     $au8uier and Warrenton" or the )pplicant.

    ;9  he development provides ,or a mi*tre o, hosing t&pes si"es and a,,orda2ilit&9 Iosingin a range o, si"es and st&les is integrated throghot the development9 Opportnities ,oraessor& apartments and live-+or nits are provided +here appropriate9

     )rrington is proposed to contain a mix of front loaded" rear loaded and side loaded single&famil

    detached units. The )pplicant has reserved the right to convert some of the detached rear loadedunits into attached 0townhome rear loaded units at a later date. Each bloc7 face at )rrington is

    re8uired to have at least three different tpes of lot widths" with a minimum ten 01: foot difference

    in width between the smallest and the largest of the three. The C2D also re8uires that no more

    than three lots on the same bloc7 face be the same si6e. )dditionall" to ensure diversit acrossthe pro*ect" there are re8uirements related to varing building forms" color palettes" architectural front fa

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     Each of the hamlets has a formal central communit green which has passive amenities and will

    be a pedestrian destination and communit gathering place. Smaller less formal poc7et par7s

    have also been located throughout the development. )dditionall" the )pplicant has identified 1@ places where benches will be located along the streets and trails in the communit. The houses

    are re8uired to be located close to the street" within 1: to ': feet" which will create the desired

     pedestrian oriented streetscape.


    @ildings and spaes +ithin the P!; are designed to reate neigh2orhoods that areattrative and inviting and in eeping +ith the ,eel st&le and arhitetral vernalar o, atraditional to+n in the Hirginia piedmont9 he elements o, 2ilding height set2a &ardsarhitetre and spatial enlosre as esta2lished 2& the Code o, ;evelopment ,or the pro8et all ontri2te to the appearane and ,ntion o, the development9

     )rrington re8uires a variet of lot widths" front setbac7s and lot tpes 0garage location9access.

     )dditionall" a variation in architectural stle" form 0building height" roof orientation" and9or roof pitch" and color scheme is re8uired. 3ouses will be between one 01 and two 0' stories in height

    and are re8uired to greet the public domain with varing front setbac7s of 1: to ': feet from the

    lot line to the house. The front of the house will include porches" stoops or balconies.

     Each bloc7 is re8uired to incorporate a variet of architectural fa

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    The remainder of the lots" approximatel B=" are to be served b street access with front or side

    loaded garages. 0It should be noted that the applicant has identified 1% front loaded lots which

    could be converted to rear loaded at their discretion. $ront loaded garages shall be set bac7 aminimum of 1> feet behind the front wall of the house. Side loaded garages shall be set bac7 a

    minimum of eight 0 feet behind the front wall of the house. Foth front and side loaded garages

    will be set bac7 a minimum of ?: feet from the sidewal7. )ll front loaded garages ma be si6ed for up to two 0' cars. Drivewas" off the streets" are not permitted to exceed 1 feet in width for

    a distance of ': feet in front of the garage" and are then re8uired to transition 0within 1: feet to

    the width of the curb&cut 0a maximum of 1' feet for the remainder of the drivewa.

    The C2D also ma7es several commitments regarding the orientation and location of drivewas

    and garages. Groups of five 0B to seven 0 ad*acent single&famil detached front load lots must

    have at least two 0' side loaded" detached garage or shared drivewa lots" and groups of eight0 or more ad*acent single&famil detached front load lots must have at least four 0> side loaded"

    detached garages or shared drivewa interior lots. In all cases" no more than four 0> ad*acent

    lots with individual drivewas are permitted" and no more than three 0? Aillage Detached $ront

     -oad lots ma be ad*acent to each other.

    9  ?ighting is traditional in ,orm and onsistent +ith the hman-sale orientation o, thedevelopment oriented to+ard pedestrians and minimi"ing impats on dar-sies9

     /edestrian street lights are to be provided along ever street within the proposed /4D

    development area. The lights are to be a maximum of 1' feet in height and spaced at intervals of':: to 'B: feet. The fixtures and poles will have a dar7 finish and reflect a traditional design. )ll

    lights will be shielded. This will allow for the lighting to be oriented toward pedestrians and

    minimi6e the impacts on dar7&s7ies.

    R9  he development e,,iientl& tili"es the availa2le land and protets and preserves,loodplains +etlands and steep slopes9

    With the exception of the extension of )lwington Foulevard to provide a secondar entrance to the pro*ect" and a pedestrian trail" the development avoids floodplains" wetlands" and steep slopes and

    thereb protects and preserves them as a part of the open space within the pro*ect.

    ?9  he development is designed to prevent s2stantial in8r& to the se and vale o, e*istingsrronding development and shall not hinder deter or impede se o, srronding properties in aordane +ith the adopted Comprehensive Plan9

     )s the area surrounding the development is primaril single&famil detached homes" the

    development is believed to be compatible with the neighboring properties. )dditionall" there isa minimum of a 1:: foot buffer between the existing residential communities to the west and the

    rear of the closest proposed lots. Staff does not anticipate that the value of existing surrounding

    development will be negativel affected. The development does not hinder" deter or impede theuse of surrounding properties in accordance with the adopted Comprehensive /lan.

    M9 he development shall 2e loated in an area in +hih transportation polie and ,ire protetion other p2li ,ailities and tilities inlding +ater and se+er are or +ill 2e

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    availa2le and adeate ,or the ses proposed: provided ho+ever that the Appliant shallmae provision ,or sh ,ailities or tilities +hih are planned 2t not presentl& availa2le9

    The /4D portion of the development is within the Warrenton Service District" where public

     facilities are available. The )pplicant has reached an agreement with the Town of Warrenton and

    the Count to have the Town provide public water service to the propert. Sewer service is proposed to be a private treatment sstem" at the )pplicant;s expense.

    Re5uest for ,aivers

    As mentioned a2ove the Appliant is reesting that the @oard o, pervisors approve seven (7)modi,iations and +aivers assoiated +ith the Arrington !e"oning appliation in order to 2etteraomplish the development o, the pro8et9 he $oning Ordinane permits the @oard o,pervisors to modi,& the reglations to 2etter aomplish the prpose o, the P!;9 .ollo+ingeah standard is a sta,, evalation in italics9


    /aiver o, .aier Cont& 2division Ordinane etions E-1 (loal streets) and E-'(olletor streets) to allo+ grass sholders in plae o, reired gravel sholders per Cont&spei,iations and standards9

    This waiver is for the main entrance road into the pro*ect from Shirle )venue" and within the 4)

    area of the pro*ect. The applicant is re8uesting grass shoulders along the main entrance road into

    the communit to meet the aesthetic desires of the pro*ect. 5o par7ing is being proposed for this street. The street which is planned in the 4) area is onl providing vehicular access to nine 0@

    home sites with low volume trips and limited on&street par7ing demands. Staff supports this

    re8uest as it minimi6es the impervious areas and provides a more rural loo7 which would bedesired in this portion of the development.


    /aiver o, .aier Cont& 2division Ordinane setion 5-E (street grade) to allo+ grassdithes9

    The Subdivision 2rdinance re8uires ditches along streets with grades of B= or more to be paved

    with an approved concrete mixture. The applicant is re8uesting grass ditches to meet the aestheticdesires of the pro*ect. Staff supports this re8uest as it minimi6es the impervious areas and provides

    a more rural loo7 which would be desired in this portion of the development.

    39  /aiver o, .aier Cont& "oning ordinane artile 7-301 to allo+ private streets9

     )rrington is re8uesting that the proposed alles be permitted to be private streets. Staff believesthis re8uest is consistent with the /4D 2rdinance and allows for the desired rear loaded products.

     )dditionall" alles are not tpicall accepted into the AD2T sstem. 


    /aiver o, $O etion 4-10E .95 to +aive the reirement ,or a site plan ,or r2an ottagesand to reire loation o, r2an ottages to 2e designated on the approved ,inal plat9

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    The )pplicant has stated that the inclusion of an urban cottage on a lot will be presented to the

     prospective buer of the house as an option. Therefore" re8uiring the cottages to be designated on

    the final plat is premature. This waiver would give  flexibilit to the developer and future home&owners as to the location of the urban cottages. Should this waiver be granted" it will be the

    responsibilit of the developer and Communit Development staff" at time of building permit" to

    7eep a tall of the total urban cottages. Staff has no ob*ections to this re8uest" as it allows theurban cottages to be constructed where the are desired b the end users.

    59  /aiver o, $oning Ordinane ($O) etion 4-10E .91 to allo+ r2an ottages aessor& to asingle-,amil& detahed prinipal d+elling on an& si"e lot and to not reire the loation o,r2an ottages to 2e spei,ied on Conept ;evelopment Plan9

    The Honing 2rdinance 0Section >&1:% $.1 re8uires these accessor dwelling units to be locatedon lots greater than "B:: s8uare feet" and that the CD/ show land bas where the accessor

    dwellings are permitted. The )pplicant is re8uesting a modification to allow accessor dwellings

    on an si6e lot within the development" and a waiver of the re8uirement that the location be shown

    on the CD/. The state that the determination to have an urban cottage will be made b the homebuer" therefore" re8uiring the !rban Cottage to be designated on the CD/ or final plat is

     premature. )dditionall" a homeowner ma re8uest to construct an urban cottage after the initial phase of home construction" which potentiall would not be permitted with strict adherence to the

     Honing 2rdinance. Staff believes that this re8uest is *ustified as it provides flexibilit to the

    developer and future homeowners as to the location and construction of the urban cottages.

    E9  Modi,iation o, $O etion 4-1079C93 to allo+ the drive+a& to 2e 1'< +ide9

    Section >&1:.C.? re8uires the drivewa"  for an individual house" to not exceed ten feet 01:; in

    width up to where the drivewa meets the vertical plane of the front wall or porch of the house.The )pplicant is re8uesting a modification to 1' feet to be in accordance with the minimum width

    of a private entrance as re8uired b AD2T 9 The C2D re8uires the drivewas to not exceed awidth of 1 feet for a distance of ': feet and then transition 0within next 1: feet from the width of

    the garage to a maximum width of 1' feet. Staff believes this re8uest meets the intentions of the /4D 2rdinance" while at the same time meeting AD2T;s re8uirements9

    79  /aiver o, 2division Ordinane (O) etion 4-1 to +aive the reirement o, ,ronting a p2li street ,or the Cottage ?ots9

    The S2" in Section >&1@" re8uires all lots to front on an existing or recorded public street or a public street dedicated b the subdivision plat. )t a few locations" lots within )rrington are

     proposed to be served b an alle and front a communit green" which will be owned and

    maintained b the )rrington Conservanc. Staff has no ob*ections to this re8uest" as it creates anadditional and distinct product tpe for the communit. )dditionall" it minimi6es the impervious

    area and removes a portion of the road where it is not needed" while still allowing the lot to fronton a public space.

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    Preliminary Plat Analysis:

    he Preliminar& Plat proess is 2eing sed to s2divide the ''4953 ares o, the propert& "oned !Ainto ten (10) lots9 he ne+ lots are proposed to 2e lstered in a +ooded area in the north+estern portion o, the !A "oned area9 hese nine () lots range in si"e ,rom 197 ares to 3957 ares and

    have a total development area o, '9E' ares or appro*imatel& 13G o, the !A "oned area9 hereis also one (1) reside lot o, 1491 ares or appro*imatel& 7G o, the !A "oned area9 he residelot +ill 2e s28et to a Perpetal Conservation #asement and %on-Common Open pae #asementrestritions9 All o, these lots are s28et to portions o, the Arrington Pro,,er tatement andArrington Code o, ;evelopment9 /ater servie to these ten (10) lots +ill 2e provided 2& theo+n o, /arrenton9 #ah lot +ill have an individal drain,ield +hih has previosl& 2eenapproved 2& the Iealth ;epartment9

    A 4910-are portion o, the propert& rrentl& "oned !-1 (not part o, the P!; or !A re"oningareas) is also 2eing proposed as part o, the Preliminar& Plat9 his lot ontains a tenant hose+hih is 2eing retained 2& the rrent lando+ners9 o+n o, /arrenton +ater servie and the

     private se+age olletionBtreatment +ill 2e made availa2le to this lot9 he !-1 lot is not s28etto portions o, the Arrington Pro,,er tatement or Arrington Code o, ;evelopment9

    Special +.ception Analysis:

    he standards 2elo+ appl& to the related speial e*eption appliations9 .ollo+ing eah standardis a sta,, evalation in italics9

    0##6 4eneral Standards for Special Permits and Special +.ception 'ses

    These standards appl to S/E&1B&::?>@ Special Exception Categor ': /ublic !tilities and

    Categor ?: Waiving the 4e8uirement for /ublic Sewer" and S/E&1B&::?>1 Special Exception Categor '? $loodplain !ses

    19  he proposed se shall 2e sh that it +ill not adversel& a,,et the se or development o,neigh2oring properties9 =t shall 2e in aordane +ith the applia2le "oning distrit reglationsand the applia2le provisions o, the adopted Comprehensive Plan9 he loation si"e and heighto, 2ildings strtres +alls and ,enes and the natre and e*tent o, sreening 2,,ering andlandsaping shall 2e sh that the se +ill not hinder or disorage the appropriatedevelopment andBor se o, ad8aent or near2& land andBor 2ildings or impair the vale thereo,9

    The Special Exception applications are part of Comprehensive /lan )mendment and 4e6oningapplications. Should those applications along with the /roffered Conceptual Development /lan

    be approved" the uses will be in accordance with the applicable 6oning district and the

    Comprehensive /lan. Staff does not believe that the proposed use will adversel affect the use ordevelopment of neighboring properties" hinder or discourage the appropriate development and9or

    use of ad*acent properties" or impair the value. The location of the buildings" structures" and fences proposed with these Special Exception applications will not hinder or discourage the appropriatedevelopment and9or use of ad*acent or nearb land and9or buildings or impair the value thereof.This standard will be further evaluated during the processing of future associated applications.

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    '9  he proposed se shall 2e sh that pedestrian and vehilar tra,,i generated +ill not 2eha"ardos or on,lit +ith the e*isting and antiipated tra,,i in the neigh2orhood and on thestreets serving the site9

     It is not anticipated the proposed Special Exception uses will generate vehicular traffic which will

    be ha6ardous or conflict with existing and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood and on the streets serving the site. 5o pedestrian traffic will be generated b the Special Exception uses.

     It should be noted that a TI) was submitted for the entire pro*ect. It indicated that at build&out

    there would be minimal to no impact from )rrington on the surrounding street networ7.

    39  =n addition to the standards +hih ma& 2e set ,orth in this Artile ,or a partilar ategor& orse the @$A and @oard ma& reire landsaping sreening &ard reirements or otherlimitations ,ond to 2e neessar& and appropriate to the proposed se and loation9

    Conditions that re8uire the Wastewater Treatment /lant and /ump Station to be designed to be

    architecturall compatible with the remainder of the development in the pro*ect" and that alle8uipment" machiner and facilities not within an enclosed building must be effectivel screened

    have been recommended. 5o other landscaping screening" ard re8uirements or other limitationsare being recommended for the Special Exception uses.

    49  Open spae shall 2e provided in an amont at least eal to that spei,ied ,or the "oning distritin +hih the proposed se is loated9

    There are no open space re8uirements for the proposed Special Exception uses. It should be

    mentioned that open space which exceeds the 6oning district re8uirements has been providedwithin the overall )rrington applications.


    Adeate tilit& drainage paring loading and other neessar& ,ailities to serve the proposed se shall 2e provided9 ?o+ impat development tehnies are enoraged 2& theCont& and shall 2e inorporated into the site and ,ailit& design +hen deemed appropriate 2&the appliant a,ter onsltation +ith appropriate ont& o,,iials9 Paring and loadingreirements shall 2e in aordane +ith the provisions o, Artile 79

    The Special Exception /lats appear to show ade8uate utilit" drainage" par7ing" loading" and other

    necessar facilities to serve the proposed uses. These facilities will be further evaluated duringthe Site /lan review process to ensure that the proposed site development meets all applicable

     state and local regulations.


    igns shall 2e reglated 2& the provisions o, Artile e*ept as ma& 2e ali,ied in the Partsthat ,ollo+ ,or a partilar ategor& or se9 Io+ever the @$A and the @oard nder theathorit& presented in etion 007 2elo+ ma& impose more strit standards ,or a given sethan those set ,orth in this Ordinane9

     5o signage is been proposed with these Special Exception applications.

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    79  he ,tre impat o, a proposed se +ill 2e onsidered and addressed in esta2lishing a timelimit on the permit i, deemed appropriate9 #*isting and reent development rrent "oningand the Comprehensive Plan shall 2e among the ,ators sed in assessing the ,tre impat o,the proposed se and +hether reonsideration o, the permit a,ter a stated period o, time +old 2e neessar& and appropriate ,or the protetion o, properties in the viinit& and to ensre

    implementation o, the Comprehensive Plan9

     5o time limit is proposed with these applications. The proposed uses are associated with the

    development of )rrington and intended to be permanent necessar improvements.

    9  he proposed se shall 2e sh that air alit& sr,ae and grond+ater alit& and antit&are not degraded or depleted to an e*tent that +old hinder or disorage the appropriatedevelopment andBor se o, ad8aent or near2& land andBor 2ildings or impair the vale thereo,9

     It is not anticipated that the proposed uses will degrade or deplete air 8ualit or surface and

     groundwater 8ualit and 8uantit. This standard will be further evaluated during the Site /lan

    review process" to ensure that the development meets all applicable state and local regulations.

    9  #*ept as provided in this Artile all ses shall ompl& +ith the lot si"e 2l reglations and per,ormane standards o, the "oning distrit in +hih loated9

    The uses as shown on the Special Exception /lats appear to adhere to the regulations and

     standards of the /4D 6oning district. These standards will be further evaluated during the Site /lan process and9or an future subdivision applications.

    CAT+4OR7 "# P'8%9C 'T9%9T9+SThese standards appl to S/E&1B&::?>@ Special Exception Categor ': /ublic !tilities

    0"##1 Additional Submission Re5uirements

    19  =n addition to the s2mission reirements set ,orth in etion 011 a2ove all appliations ,orCategor& '0 ses shall 2e aompanied 2& the ,ollo+ing6

    A9  .or (4) opies o, a map sho+ing the tilit& s&stem o, +hih the proposed se +ill 2e anintegral part together +ith a +ritten statement otlining the ,ntional relationship o, the proposed se to the tilit& s&stem9

    @9  .or (4) opies o, a statement prepared 2& a erti,ied engineer giving the 2asi reasons,or seleting the partilar site as the loation ,or the proposed ,ailit& and erti,&ing thatthe proposed se +ill meet the per,ormane standards o, the distrit in +hih loated9

     )ll of the submission re8uirements have been satisfied.

    '9  A peial #*eption appliation ,or a private individal se+age treatment s&stem +hihdisharges into an open dith or +ater shall also inlde the ,ollo+ing6

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    The application is not proposing a  private individual sewage treatment sstem which dischargesinto an open ditch or water. Therefore" these additional submission re8uirements are not


    0"##" Standards for All Category "# 'ses

    =n addition to the general standards set ,orth in etion 00E a2ove all Categor& '0 speial permitand speial e*eption ses shall satis,& the ,ollo+ing standards6


    Categor& '0 peial Permit and peial #*eption ses shall not 2e reired to ompl& +iththe lot si"e reirements or the 2l reglations set ,orth ,or the "oning distrit in +hih loatedin Part 4 o, Artile 39 Io+ever sh reirements ma& 2e esta2lished in the onditions nder+hih sh a speial permit or speial e*eption is granted9

     /rovided for reference. 5o additional lot si6e re8uirements or bul7 regulations" beond what is

     shown on the Special Exception /lat" are being recommended.


     %o land or 2ilding in an& distrit other than the =ndstrial ;istrits shall 2e sed ,or the storageo, materials or eipment or ,or the repair or serviing o, vehiles or eipment or ,or the paring o, vehiles e*ept those needed 2& emplo&ees onneted +ith the operation o, theimmediate ,ailit&9

     ) condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met.

    39  =n all "oning distrits other than the =-' ;istrit all eipment mahiner& and ,ailities notloated +ithin an enlosed 2ilding shall 2e e,,etivel& sreened9

    The )pplicant has stated that all e8uipment will be inside a structure. ) condition has been

    recommended which ensures that this standard is met.

    49  =, the proposed loation o, a Categor& '0 se is in a !esidential ;istrit there shall 2e a ,indingthat there is no more sita2le site availa2le ,or sh se in a Commerial or =ndstrial ;istrite*ept that in the ase o, eletri trans,ormer stations and telephone and telegraph e*hangesor dial enters there shall 2e a ,inding that there is no alternative site availa2le in a Commerialor =ndstrial ;istrit +ithin distane o, one mile nless there is a s2stantial sho+ing that it isimpratial ,or satis,ator& servie to 2e rendered ,rom an availa2le loation in shCommerial or =ndstrial ;istrit9

    The use is within a 4esidential District and is designed to onl serve the proposed residentialcommunit. There is not a more suitable or appropriate site available in close proximit to the

     propert and available to the )pplicant in a Commercial or Industrial District.


    A speial e*eption ,or a private individal se+age treatment s&stem +hih disharges into anopen dith or +ater shall 2e allo+ed onl& to replae an e*isting se+age s&stem +hih is presentl& serving an e*isting se9 hat e*isting se+age s&stem mst have ,ailed and have 2eenerti,ied 2& the Hirginia ;epartment o, Iealth to pose a real or potential health threat and a

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    disharging se+age treatment s&stem is the onl& alternative ,or the repair9 =n approving sh as&stem the @oard ma& esta2lish onditions inlding 2t not limited to se maintenane andtesting9

    The application is not proposing a  private individual sewage treatment sstem which discharges

    into an open ditch or water. Therefore" this standard is not applicable.

    E9  .or those ,ailed non-residential se+age s&stems loated in a Commerial or =ndstrial ;istrit+hih are to 2e replaed +ith a private individal se+age treatment s&stem that disharges intoan open dith or +ater an inrease in the ,ailed s&stem apait& is allo+ed +ith approval o, apeial #*eption s28et to the ,ollo+ing standards6

    The application is not replacing a failed non&residential sewage. Therefore" this standard is notapplicable.

    79   %ot+ithstanding 5-'00'95 and 5-'00'9E a2ove a private individal se+age treatment s&stem

    +hih disharges into an open dith or +ater ma& 2e approved in the !AB!ral Agriltre"oning distrit ,or a ,arm sppl& esta2lishment +here the standards listed 2elo+ are met6

    The application is not proposing a  private individual sewage treatment sstem which dischargesinto an open ditch or water. Therefore" this standard is not applicable.

    0"/## CAT+4OR7 "/ *%OODP%A9 'S+SThese standards appl to S/E&1B&::?>1 Special Exception Categor '? $loodplain !ses

    =n addition to the general standards as set ,orth in etion 00E a2ove the ,ollo+ing standards shallappl&6

    0"/#1 Standards for All Category "/ 'ses

    19   %o sh se shall ase an inrease in the level o, ,looding or veloit& o, ,lood +aters9

    The )pplicant has stated that the proposed road crossing and asphalt trail ma increase floodelevations on&site immediatel upstream of the proposed crossing" but no change to the floodplain

    elevation and boundar will be proposed off&site. ) condition has been recommended which

    ensures this standard is met.

    '9   %o sh se shall reate a potential ha"ard o, de2ris s28et to movement 2& ,lood +aters+hih might ase damage do+nstream9

     It is not anticipated that the structures will create a ha6ard of debris sub*ect to movement b flood

    waters which might cause damage downstream. ) condition has been recommended which

    ensures this standard is met.

    39  he ohn Marshall oil and /ater Conservation ;istrit shall 2e given the opportnit& toomment on sh ses9

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    The John (arshall Soil and Water Conservation District" has provided comments. See +)genc

    Comments# below.

    49  he appliant shall have o2tained and shall present evidene attesting an& applia2le approvals

     2& tate and .ederal athorities onerning sh a se9

     ) condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met.


    Materials and eipment stored in the ,loodplain shall not 2e 2o&ant ,lamma2le or e*plosiveand shall not 2e s28et to ma8or damage 2& ,looding or sh materials and eipment mst 2e,irml& anhored to prevent ,lotation or movement andBor an 2e readil& removed ,rom the area+ithin the time availa2le a,ter ,lood +arning9

     ) condition has been recommended which ensures this standard is met.


    peial e*eptions shall onl& 2e issed a,ter the @oard o, pervisors has determined that thegranting o, sh +ill not reslt in (a) naepta2le or prohi2ited inrease in ,lood heights (2)additional threats to p2li sa,et& () e*traordinar& p2li e*pense (d) reate nisanes (e)ase ,rad or vitimi"ation o, the p2li or (,) on,lit +ith loal la+ or ordinanes9

     ) condition has been recommended which re8uires a floodplain stud. This stud will ensure that

    no unacceptable or prohibited increase in flood heights will occur as a result of the proposed use.Staff believes that the application will not cause an threats to public safet" create extraordinar

     public expense" create nuisances" cause fraud or victimi6ation of the public" or be in conflict with

    the local law or ordinances. )ll of the proposed uses are permitted in the Honing 2rdinance withapproval of this Special Exception.


    peial e*eptions shall onl& 2e issed a,ter the @oard o, pervisors has determined that thespeial e*eption +ill 2e neessar& to provide the appliant +ith reasona2le se o, the parelo, land in estion taen as a +hole9

    Staff believes the floodplain uses are necessar to provide the )pplicant with reasonable use ofthe propert.

     ) secondar vehicular connection is re8uired b AD2T" given the number of residential lots being proposed. Connections to other existing streets" specificall -eeton Court and -overs -ane" were

     previousl explored. Foth of the connections were met with criticism and opposition from the

    neighboring propert owners. )s a result" the onl other potential secondar access involvesextending existing )lwington Foulevard across the floodplain. )n additional benefit of this

     proposed connection is that it allows residents access to the existing signali6ed intersection with

     Fusiness 4oute '@.

    The proposed asphalt trail provides a 7e pedestrian connection between several of the

    development hamlets and various amenit areas. It is designed to accommodate and encourage

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    recreational use and accommodate pedestrian traffic throughout the development" which is a

    desired component of the /4D district.

    9  he $oning Administrator shall noti,& the appliant ,or a speial e*eption in +riting at thetime o, ,iling that the issane o, a speial e*eption to onstrt a strtre 2elo+ the one

    hndred (100) &ear ,lood elevation (a) +ill inrease riss to li,e and propert& and (2) +ill resltin inreased premim rates ,or ,lood insrane9


    9  A reord o, the a2ove noti,iation as +ell as all speial e*eption ations inlding 8sti,iation ,or their issane shall 2e maintained and an& speial e*eptions +hih are issedshall 2e noted in the annal report s2mitted to the .ederal =nsrane Administrator9


    0/### STADARDS *OR ,A9;94 R+@ Special Exception Categor ?: Waiving the

     4e8uirement for /ublic Sewer

    0/### Standards for ,aiving Re5uirement for Public Seer

    =n residential !A and !C "ones the @oard ma& grant a peial #*eption to +aive thereirement ,or p2li se+er +here the ,ollo+ing standards are met6

    19  he development is loated +ithin an area in +hih the .aier Cont& /ater and anitationAthorit& ,ormall& re,ses in +riting to e*tend se+er servie or the appliant demonstrates tothe @oard that the provision o, p2li se+er is not tehniall& or ,inaniall& ,easi2le in the areato 2e served and

    The $au8uier Count Water and Sanitation )uthorit has indicated that the do not have service

    in the vicinit of the propert and do not intend on extending the service. There is no other

    authori6ed provider in the vicinit of the propert.

    '9  /here the proposed s2division lots are to 2e on individal septi ,ields the appliant inldes+ith the speial e*eption appliation a soils report demonstrating that the development +illnot degrade grond +ater resores or impair an& +atershed and that the proposed s2division+ill meet all reirements o, the Iealth ;epartment and the 2division Ordinane ,ordevelopment on individal septi ,ields9 he appliant shall provide s,,iient data todemonstrate that the development +ill not 8eopardi"e the sa,et& o, present or ,tre +aterspplies and in,ormation regarding the topograph& soil t&pe and ondition sr,ae ands2sr,ae drainage ondition +ater ta2le histor& o, ,ailres o, septi s&stems in ad8aentareas and the e*tent o, septi s&stem development in the area or

    The application is not proposing individual septic fields. Therefore" this standard is not


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    Aessor& ;+elling >nits as per the standards ,ond in etion 5-104 as amended l& 2&the @oard o, pervisors9

     /rovided for reference9


    Page 5 Aessor& >ses F restrits the renting o, rooms to the P!; "one onl& there,ore theAessor& ;+elling >nits onstrted in the !A or !1 lots +ill not 2e a2le to 2e rented: i, itis not the intent o, the appliant to prohi2it renting o, rooms or Aessor& ;+elling >nits inthe !A or !1 "one the revie+er sggests revising F9

     /rovided for )pplicant;s reference9


    49  Page E 9@6 he revie+er +old lie to point ot that pro,,ered Pars and !ereationontri2tions to the Cont& are proposed to 2e pro-rata reded 2& ontri2tions to the o+n

    ,or design onstrtion and maintenane o, a proposed dog par +ithin the o+n9 he @oardo, pervisors ma& +ant to onsider the deision to aept pro,,ered improvements in anotherdistrit althogh in this instane it is noted that the Arrington residents ma& hoose to se theo+n dog par as no other dog par is loated in pro*imit& to the proposed development9

     5oted" provided for reference.

    59  Page 1E9A6 he appliant shold 2e reired to design 2ond and onstrt adeateentranes to the propert& as reired and approved 2& H;O Cont& and o+n not 8st their pre,erred entrane options as sho+n in the Conept ;evelopment Plan and Code o,;evelopment9

     5oted" provided for reference. )ll bonding will be determined at time of Code of DevelopmentSite /lan approval" and will be based on what is going to be built at that time.

    peial #*eption Categor& '0 – P2li >tilities

    E9  $oning Ordinane etion 5-'001 Additional 2mission !eirements applies to the s28et propert&9

     /lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Section B&'::1 )dditional Submission 4e8uirements.

     /lease see the +Special Exception )nalsis# section of this report.


    $oning Ordinane etion 5-'00' tandards ,or All Categor& '0 >ses applies to the s28et propert&: $oning ta,, de,ers to Planning ta,, in the ompliane assessment o, thesestandards +ith the ,ollo+ing o,,ered omments6a9


    All treatment ,ailit& paring mst on,orm to $9O9 etion 7-100 O,,-treet Paring and;M etion 304 O,,-treet Paring9

     29  All eipment mahiner& and ,ailities not +ithin an enlosed 2ilding mst 2e e,,etivel&sreened per $9O9 etion 7-E04 ?andsape and @,,ering !eirements9

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215



     /lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Section B&'::' Standards for )ll Categor ': !ses.

     /lease see the +Special Exception )nalsis# section of this report. Conditions have been

    recommended which address these comments.

    9  2mission o, a Ma8or ite Plan per $9O9 etion 1'-500 is reired ,or the +aste+ater

    treatment ,ailit&9

     5oted. /rovided for )pplicant;s reference.

    peial #*eption Categor& 30 – tandards ,or /aiving !eirement ,or P2li e+er

    9  $oning Ordinane etion 5-3000 tandards ,or /aiving !eirement ,or P2li e+erapplies to the s28et propert&: $oning ta,, de,ers to Planning ta,, in the omplianeassessment o, these standards9

     /lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Section B&?::: Standards for Waiving 4e8uirement for

     /ublic Sewer. /lease see the +Special Exception )nalsis# section of this report.

    peial #*eption Categor& '3 – .loodplain >ses

    109 $oning Ordinane etion 5-'301 tandards ,or All Categor& '3 >ses applies to the s28et propert&: $oning ta,, de,ers to Planning ta,, in the ompliane assessment o, thesestandards9

     /lanning Staff has reviewed and evaluated Section B&'?:1 Standards for )ll Categor '? !ses.

     /lease see the +Special Exception )nalsis# section of this report.

    ransportation Planning


    Page 34 o, the ra,,i =mpat Anal&sis states that JNeah o, the 5th perentile ees areontained +ithin the availa2le storage9K Io+ever a2le 3 on page '' indiates that thesoth2ond le,t trn lane at =ntersetion ' ames Madison Iigh+a& and Al+ington@olevardBPrivate !oad onl& has 100 ,eet o, availa2le storage 2t the ee dring atrda& pea hor is 1'1 ,eet9 Coordinate an& neessar& improvements +ith H;O9

     /rovided for reference. )ll necessar improvements will be coordinated with AD2T during theCode of Development Site /lan review.

    '9  Coordinate +ith H;O and #M regarding the p2li street ross setions and radii at ornersto ensre that their minimm reirements are met and that emergen& vehiles an sa,el&navigate the streets i, vehiles are pared on 2oth sides o, the street9

     /rovided for reference. 5o comments related to the public street cross section and radii at cornershave been received from other agencies.

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    39  Page 15 o, the Code o, ;evelopment states that the p2li trail s&stem +ill onnet to thee*isting ommnit&9 #nsre that the proposed trail and side+al s&stem onnets to thee*isting side+al that e*tends north o, /al-Mart to the entr& road at ames D9 @rm,ield#lementar& hool9

     /rovided for reference. The street sections proposed show the sidewal7 connection as described.This comment will be further reviewed during the Code of Development Site /lan review.

    49  etion 30 o, the ;esign tandards Manal reires that all private streetsBalle&s have amaintenane agreement to address the ,ollo+ing items6

    a9  !epair Maintenane and =mprovement 29  Aess ,or #mergen& Hehiles and Maintenane Hehiles9  Provision ,or treet ign Maintenane9 ign maintenane ,or private streets shall 2e the

    responsi2ilit& o, the homeo+ner

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215



     5oted. )ll re8uired AD2T permits will be obtained during the Code of Development Site /lan

     phase of the pro*ect 9

    79  he state-maintained setion o, Al+ington @olevard (!ote 1105) ends 09' mile ,rom theintersetion +ith the ames Madison Iigh+a& (@siness !otes 15B17B')9 he north+est

    setion o, Al+ington @olevard mst 2e 2roght p to state standards and 2roght into thestate s&stem prior to onstrting the e*tension o, the road into the development9

     /rovided for reference.

    9  An& signi,iant hanges to the Conept ;evelopment Plan dated ne 15 '015 +ill reirethat the appliant s2mit an pdated ra,,i =mpat Anal&sis9

     /rovided for reference.


    COMA-15-003473 and !#$%-15-0034776


    $oning Ordinane 1-'009 1-'00911 and '-40E94 all ,or the protetion o, natral resoresand environmentall& sensitive areas and de,ine these areas in part as areas o, primeagriltral soils prime ,orest soils ,loodplains steep slopes ro otrops seasonall& +etareas and highl& erodi2le soils9

    @ased on the &pe 1 oil !eport (appro*imate ares)6!A 2division !e"oning !A Conservation

    !emoves Adds to !A Protetstream Halle&s 4 ' 30Prime Ag oils 11 100Prime .orest oils 1E 4 140easonall& /et 4 5'Iighl& #rodi2le 5 ' 47

    =t appears that there +ill 2e a net loss in these environmentall& sensitiveBnatral resoreareas 2t a signi,iant amont +ill 2e proteted 2& 2eing plaed in a onservation area9

     /rovided for reference.

    P#-15-00347 - peial #*eption Categories '0 and 306

    '9  @ased on the &pe 1 oil !eport it appears that the mass drain,ield is ,easi2le9

     /rovided for reference.

    39  Appliant shall demonstrate that s,,iient ,inanial resores e*ist and that a 2siness plan isin plae to operate the s&stem ,or a minimm o, 10 &ears ($oning Ordinane 5-3000939)9

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    This comment has been addressed b the )pplicant;s proffer statement.

    49  /aste +ater s&stem shall 2e deeded to the homeo+ners assoiation ($oning Ordinane 5-3000939)9

    This comment has been addressed b the )pplicant;s proffer statement.


    Iealth ;epartment approval o, the Preliminar& #ngineering !eport shold 2e granted prior toapproval o, the peial #*eption9

    The 3eath Department has reviewed the /reliminar Engineering report and has no concernsregarding the abilit to design a sstem which meets the need of the application and all applicable

    State regulations.

    P#-15-00341 - Categor& '3 peial #*eption6


    Appliant shall demonstrate via a C?OM! approved 2& .aier Cont& and .#MA that the proposed alteration o, the ,loodplain +ill not ase an o,,site inrease in ,lood height orveloit&9

    Conditions have been recommended which satisf this comment.

    Iistori !esoresBPreservation Planning

    19  he three arhaeologial sites that have 2een determined signi,iant and potentiall& eligi2le,or inlsion in the %ational !egister o, Iistori PlaesTites 44.Q0'' 44.Q0'0E and44.Q0'05Tare identi,ied on the Conept ;evelopment Plan (C;P)9

     /rovided for reference. The )pplicant has proffered that the potentiall eligible archaeological

     sites will be permanentl protected as part of the pro*ect;s open space sstem. )dditionall" the

     sites will have a 'B foot undisturbed buffer placed around them as shown on the CD/.

    '9  =t appears that the e*isting histori 2ildings are sho+n9 =, there is a proposed plan ,orarhitetral ite 030-54' please indiate this on the C;P (e9g9 Jto remain ,or ,treinterpretationK Jto 2e maintained 2& Conservan&K Jto 2e removedK et9) =, to 2e removedthe 2ildings shold 2e ,irst +ell-domented +ith measred dra+ings photographs and asrve& site map9 he removal o, the 2ildings +old destro& a portion or perhaps all o, theassoiated arhaeologial site 44.Q0'059

    The )pplicant has stated that the buildings are not able to be reasonabl repaired. The /rofferStatement commits the applicant to field surveing" photographing" and creating a surve site map

     generated prior to the removal of an structures. )n wor7 to be performed in this area shall bein cooperation with the Count;s historic preservation office to protect the surrounding

    archaeological site. The site will be permanentl protected as a part of the pro*ect;s open space sstem" and have a 'B foot undisturbed buffer placed around it.

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    39  ta,, reommends that the three signi,iant arhaeologial sites mentioned a2ove 2e preservedand proteted ,rom distr2ane in perpetit&9 ?ittle is rrentl& no+n a2ot 1th entr& andearl& 1th entr& li,e in .aier Cont& espeiall& the lives o, enslaved people ,armmanagers and tenant ,arming ,amilies9 ?eaving the sites ndistr2ed +old allo+ ,or possi2le,tre std& and interpretation ,or the residents o, the Arrington ommnit& and other .aier

    Cont& iti"ens9 ta,, reommends that ovenant langage in the easement indiates that thesethree sites as depited on the C;P shall 2e proteted and le,t ndistr2ed +hih +oldinlde no grading or onstrtion ativit& on or in the areas immediatel& ad8aent to the sites9

    The three sites will be permanentl protected as part of the pro*ect;s open space sstem. )dditionall" the sites will have a 'B foot undisturbed buffer placed around them as shown on the


    49   %o planned lots shold 2e proposed on an& o, the three arhaeologial sites determined eligi2le,or %ational !egister listing9

    With the exception of the 4) residue lot" the )pplicant has proffered that none of archaeological sites determined to be eligible shall be located on an residential lot" with the exception of the 4)

    residue lot which will be placed in easement and have additional restrictions regardingdevelopment.

    59  ta,, reommends pedestrian interpretive signage (at least t+o signs) plaed +ithin the openspae area that desri2es the prehistor& and histor& o, the propert&9 ta,, reommends sign plaement lose to otdoor seating areas or possi2l& trail heads9 ta,, and the Arhitetral!evie+ @oard an assist +ith developing sign langage and sign design9

    The )pplicant has proffered that signage related to the histor of the propert will be placed at

    two 0' locations as part of the development for the pro*ect. The signage will be coordinated with

    the Count;s historic preservation office prior to installation. Foth signage locations are shownon the CD/.

     %atral !esoresB#nvironmental Planning

    19  here is a onern that the loation o, the proposed p2li +ell is in lose pro*imit& to the proposed mass drain ,ields and proposed +aste+ater treatment plant9

     /rovided for reference. The location of the well meets all current setbac7 regulations in relation

    to proximit to the mass drainfields. )dditionall" AD3 has re8uirements regarding monitoring

    in relation to the mass drainfields. Should an issue arise" it will li7el be addressed prior to animpact to the proposed public well.

    '9  he proposed alls ,or a2andoning some e*isting +ells9 /e enorage the appliant to e*ploremeans to eep some o, these open ,or se as grond+ater monitoring +ells9 he Cont& lasaess to a s,,iient antit& o, grond+ater monitoring +ells9

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    The )pplicant has proffered that three 0? to four 0> existing wells on the propert shall be offered

    to the Count and Town for the ground water monitoring program. The wells which will be used

     for ground water monitoring have been coordinated with the Count;s Environmental /lanner"and their locations are shown on the CD/.

    Hirginia ;epartment o, ransportation (H;O)

    19  he residential pro8et is to onsist o, '17 single-,amil& detahed hoses in the Planned!esidential ;evelopment setion (r2 setion p2li streets) and 10 single-,amil& detahedhoses in the rral agriltral setion (dith setion p2li streets) ,or a total o, ''7 hoses9Appro*imatel& 17000 linear ,eet or 39'3 miles o, ne+ p2li roads are proposed9


    '9  he development proposes a ronda2ot to 2e onstrted at the site

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    49  Crrentl& the proposed intersetion onto !ote 15B17B' @siness meets spaing reirements,or an nsignali"ed intersetion +ith regards to pstream and do+nstream signali"edintersetions9 As sh at this time H;O +ill permit a ,ll movement intersetion to 2eonstrted at the proposed loation9 he appliant needs to a+are thogh that the intersetiono, !ote 15B17B' and @s 15B17B' is rrentl& nder development ,or an interhange9 =, the

    deision is made to onstrt the interhange and a design is approved that +ill impat thedistane 2et+een the interhange and the proposed site aess then H;O ma& have to restritthe design o, the proposed intersetion9 =t is possi2le that le,t trns at this intersetion old 2eeliminated9

     )s noted b AD2T" the intersection meets all current )ccess (anagement spacing re8uirements.

    The proposed entrance was located at an existing crossover and cannot be designed to some future

    interchange that has not et been designed.

     $urther" the )pplicant has proposed a design 0roundabout that would maintain the access

    management spacing" eliminate the need for turn lanes" maintain a -2S F or better" maintain

    access for the propert across 4oute 1B919'@ Fusiness" and provide for a +generall safer#intersection.


    he ,ollo+ing desri2es the 2asis ,or H;O onerns regarding the pro2a2le senario ,or thedistane relationship 2et+een an interhange and the proposed aess9 he spaingreirements ,or the site

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    impact the properties on the opposite side of 4oute 1B919'@ Fusiness. $urther" the applicant has

     proposed a solution 0roundabout that would eliminate the need to consider relocating the


    79  heet E Overall =llstrative Plan – he plan sho+s seven (7) right-angle trns at street

    intersetions9 hese are not aepta2le ,or p2li tate-maintained roads9

    The )pplicant revised the proposed configuration to demonstrate that the mentioned locations act

    as an intersection and not a @: degree right turn or left turn movement. The stub portion of the

     street has been extended a minimum of one lot width and less than 1B: feet. The )pplicant hasalso added stop signs to manage traffic movement.

    9  heet ' %otes a2lations U ;etails – he t&pial setion o, the dith setion p2li streetand te*t nder JProposed /aiversK states that a +aiver +ill 2e reested ,rom H;O to installgrass sholders on the roadside instead o, the gravel sholders spei,ied in the !oad ;esignManal (!;M)9 Dravel sholders are needed ,or the strtral integrit& o, the road pavement

    and ,or road maintenane prposes and a +aiver +ill not 2e given ,or a grass sholder at theedge o, the road pavement9

    An aepta2le alternative ,or dith-setion p2li streets +ith less than 400 vpd +hih +oldapparentl& inlde ?espede"a treet and !olling Meado+s ?ane ,rom ?espede"a treet toames Madison Iigh+a& +old 2e a '< +ide gravel sholder and J%o ParingK on 2oth sides per a2le ' D-A! p9 @(1)- o, the !;M9 =t is also noted that the road+a& pavement +idthold 2e reded to 1 +ide9 Io+ever i, paring is desired on one side o, a '4< +ide streetthe 5< +ide gravel sholders spei,ied in the !;M mst 2e provided9 =n either ase J%oParingK signs shold 2e sho+n on the street t&pial setions as applia2le9

     )t this time the waiver is still being re8uested. It should be mentioned that during previous

    iterations of the pro*ect this waiver was discussed for the entire propert with no ob*ections fromAD2T. Should the waiver not be approved the street section will be revised to conform to AD2T

    re8uirements during the Code of Development Site /lan9Construction /lan review process9

    heet ' %otes a2lations U ;etails – he r2 and gtter t&pial street setion sho+s 2oth+ater and sanitar& se+er nder the street pavement +hih is aepta2le ,or this neo-traditionalommnit& la&ot9 Io+ever the loations o, these t+o tilities shold 2e sho+n anddimensioned on the t&pial setion as 2eing o,, the road enterline and otside o, the vehile+heel tras and a note to this e,,et shold 2e added9 he t&pial dith setion p2li streetdetail does not sho+ a +aterline 2t ,rom the varios site plan sheets it appears that it isintended ,or the +aterline to 2e nder the street pavement and the applia2le la2eling and noteshold 2e added to the detail9

     /rovided for reference. This comment will be further reviewed during the Code of Development

    Site /lan for this phase of the development.

    109 heet ' %otes a2lations U ;etails – t&pial dith setion p2li street detail – !;M .igre195 p @(1)-14 stiplates a 361 ross-slope on the lando+ner side o, the road side dith to

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     promote lando+ner maintenane (mo+ing) o, that area9 Please ad8st the t&pial setionaordingl&9

     /rovided for reference. This comment will be further reviewed during the Code of Development

    Site /lan for this phase of the development.


    heet 10 Coneptal Drading U >tilit& Plan – he plan sheet sho+s a potential tie-in to ane*isting +aterline along Al+ington @olevard near the ,irst entrane into the Iome ;epot andthe +aterline e*tending inside the e*isting right-o,-+a& and along an e*tension o, the 2olevard into the P!; setion o, the Arrington development9 Appro*imatel& 1400 linear ,eeto, the +atermain e*tension +ill 2e along e*isting road+a& pavement o, Al+ington @lvd9 Allo, the +aterline e*tension along the e*isting pavement o, Al+ington @lvd +ill 2e otside the pavement and shall proeed otside o, the pavement to the intersetion o, proposed Mil+eedtreet in the P!;9

     /rovided for reference. This comment will be further reviewed during the Code of Development

    Site /lan for this phase of the development.

    1'9 heet 10 Conept ;evelopment Plan – he l-de-sa sho+n on ?espede"a treet seems toindiate an npaved enter9 his is aepta2le ,or a p2li street and the dimensions o, thel-de-sa +ill 2e in on,ormane +ith !;M – Cl-;e-a ;etails .ig9 4 p9 @(1)-'59

     /rovided for reference. This comment will be further reviewed during the Construction /lan forthis phase of the development.

    Hirginia ;epartment o, Iealth (H;I)

    /e have no initial onerns +ith the pro8et or its varios appliations9 /e have ontated ortate #ngineers onerning a design on,erene neessar& ,or revie+ o, the proposed mass drain,ield plan9

     /rovided for reference.

    ohn Marshall oil and /ater Conservation ;istrit (M/C;)

    19  .rom e*amination o, dra+ings provided it appears that there +as onsideration o, possi2le+ater alit& onerns9 pei,iall& it seems that development has 2een e*lded ,rom the 100&ear ,loodplain areas on the propert&9 =n addition 2,,ers to the ,loodplain designated areashave 2een provided9 =, these are maintained and proper @MPs are sed dring onstrtionthese 2,,ers shold 2e adeate to protet +ater alit&9

     /rovided for reference.

    '9  he road onstrtion throgh the +etland area to Al+ington @olevard ma& reire permitting throgh he Corps o, #ngineers and the ;epartment o, #nvironmental Qalit&9

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215



    Proper engineering plans ,or the road and determining appropriate lvert si"e sholdminimi"e distr2ane in the ,loodplain9

     /rovided for reference will be evaluated during the Code of Development Site /lan review



    On larger lots in the +ooded area proper protetion o, an& trees to 2e le,t shold 2e a priorit&9his +ill minimi"e lando+ner disappointment in having to remove dead trees a &ear or t+oa,ter onstrtion (not to mention the e*pense)9 Attahed +ith these omments is somein,ormation on ho+ to protet trees dring onstrtion9

     /rovided for reference. 2n&lot tree protection and overall tree protection will be evaluated during

    the Code of Development Site /lan and Construction /lan review process.

    >.  he tree speies listed ,or landsape planting inlded green and +hite ash9 hese trees aressepti2le to atta ,rom the #merald Ash @orer a partilarl& destrtive inset that +ill ill

    the trees9 Hirginia pine +as mentioned9 his speies is ver& shallo+ rooted and s28et to +indthro+9 he s+eet gm mentioned prodes a ,rit that is sometimes a nisane althogh =thin there is a ,ritless variet&.

    The )pplicant has revised the preferred planting list to remove the species of concern.

    ;epartment o, Pars and !ereation

    19  he ;epartment +old strongl& rge that an& ,ailities onstrted on,orm to an& e*istingdepartmental design standards in order to assre their long term se,lness9

     /rovided for reference. The Department of /ar7s and 4ecreation will have an opportunit to

    review and comment on all Code of Development Site /lans9

    '9  he ;epartment reests an opportnit& to revie+ and omment on the ovenants o, thehomeo+ners assoiation to provide ,or ontined maintenane o, the rereational ,ailitieslimited sage 2& the department et9 IOA reirements shold not appl& to the ;epartment9


    39  he ;epartment +old also lie to reommend that isses related to o+nership onstrtionmaintenane et9 ,or an& rereational ,ailities and related open spae 2e resolved prior to platapproval9 rails that are to 2e IOA maintained and open to the p2li shold 2e inlded as aondition ,or plat approval9

    The C2D has been revised to clearl indicate that 32) maintained trails will be open to the

     public. )n easement which grants public access will be included on the related plats.

    49  !ereation ,ailities shold 2e 2ilt as eah phase is 2ilt and the& shold 2e onstrted as part o, the development site +or not dring onstrtion o, the atal residenes9

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     5oted. The development of the open spaces will be a part of the Code of Development Site /lan

    and construction will occur during the site development wor7.

    59  An& easements that ross or oinide +ith rereational sites inlding trails shall 2e

    s2ordinate to pars and rereation easements andBor rights9

     /rovided for reference. )ll easements will be reviewed during the Code of Development Site /lan

    and $inal /lat phases of the pro*ect.

    E9  @ased on the pro,,er that the Cont& trail easement +ill 2e onve&ed earl& in the proess andthe department +ill not have an opportnit& to align the easement to ahieve grades no greaterthan 5G then the easement needs to 2e aligned no+ to ahieve this standard9

     /rovided for reference. The )pplicant evaluated the trail slope and modified the easement

    location so that the desired grading can be achieved.

    .aier Cont& P2li hools


     %e+ residential development reates an impat on the hool ;ivisions operating and apitalosts9 @ased on the reested development the pro8et +ill add an additional '17 age-restritedsingle ,amil& d+ellings +hih shold not impat shool apait& and osts9 he pro8et alsoinldes ten (l0) non-restrited single ,amil& d+ellings +hih are antiipated to generateadditional stdents attending .aier Cont& P2li hools9

    a2le 1 and a2le ' 2elo+ sho+ the total estimated osts to the shool division reslting ,romthis development9 a2le 1 indiates the apital ost and a2le ' indiates the operating ost9

    A@?# 1CAP=A? CO (ingle .amil& >nits Onl&)

    ;+elling &pe >nits Per >nit Cost otal Cost

    Age-restrited single,amil&

    '17 0 0

     %on-restrited single,amil&

    11 'E13 314743

    Total Capital Costs =">6!1/#

    A@?# 'A%%>A? OP#!A=%D CO

    #lementar& hool tdents 4

    Middle hool tdents '

    Iigh hool tdents 1

    Total Students *rom Development ?

    Cost per stdent 1'3E

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215



    Total Annual Operating Costs =>6!?#"

    he di,,erential (i, an&) 2et+een an& ontri2tion provided 2& the developer ,or p2liedation and the a2ove amont mst ome ,rom other ,orms o, revene primaril& real estateta*es and state ,nding9

     /rovided for reference. It should be noted that existing 6oning on the propert would permit 1@>dwelling units in the 4&1 6oned area" and 1: in the 4) 6oned area. The proposal for 11 mar7et

    rate 0non age&restricted lots is a potential reduction of 1@? single&famil homes which could have

    had an impact on the School;s capital and operating costs.

    '9  his development is rrentl& loated in the ,ollo+ing shool "ones6#lementar& shool6 @rm,ield #lementar& hoolMiddle shool6 a&lor Middle hoolIigh shool6 .aier Iigh hool

    hese "ones are s28et to hange at the disretion o, the shool division9

     /rovided for reference.

    39  his pro8et is aessed ,rom Al+ington @olevard near the entrane to @rm,ield #lementar&hool9 hool tra,,i ,rom 2ses parents and sta,, is heav& dring times shool opens anddismisses9 he developer is reested to olla2orate +ith the shool division on an&improvements to Al+ington @olevard that ma& impat shool operations9 .rther thedeveloper is reested to implement appropriate measres to ensre the servie level o,Al+ington @olevard is sta2le and vehiles sing the srronding properties an operate in atimel& and sa,e manner9

     /rovided for reference.

    49  he o,,-site improvements on shool 2oard propert& to inlde possi2le grading and drainageat 2all ,ields and e*tension o, a ont& trail throgh the propert& are onsistent +ith thosedisssed in previos meetings +ith the shool 2oard9

     /rovided for reference.

    o+n o, /arrenton - Planning

    19  rails or side+als ,rom the development shold onnet +ith the /almart and Iome ;epot properties to provide ontinit& ,or pedestrian aess9 =, onnetion on onl& one side an 2eahieved the /almart side is pre,erred9

    The proposed street sections provide for connection of the sidewal7s along the Walmart side of )lwington Foulevard. Sidewal7s will be provided along the 3ome Depot side" when the C&' parcel

    0which is not a part of this application is developed.

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215



    '9  /e are de,erring omment on the tilities at this time ntil the matter is settled +ith the o+n9

     5oted. The Town of Warrenton has agreed to be the water service provider their /ublic Wor7s Department has provided comments" see below. )dditionall" the will have an opportunit to

    review the water utilities at the time of Code of Development Site /lan review.

    o+n o, /arrenton – P2li /ors and >tilities

    19  .ire ,lo+ reirements mst meet the minimm ,lo+ o, 1500 gallons per minte (DPM) V'0 psi residal9 he ,ollo+ing are the reslts o, the o+ns +ater model rns in the proposedareas9

     %orthern etion Meets minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirement/estern etion Meets minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirementCentral and #astern etion Meets minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirementothern etion ;oes not meet minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirement at rrent


    he sothern setion o, the proposed s2division +ill meet the minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirementonl& i, the grade is t to no higher than 540 ,eet a2ove sea level9 #ven +hen pipe diameters+ere inreased to 1'-inh the minimm ,ire ,lo+ availa2ilit& +as not met9

    /ater model +as rn +ith -inh diameter pipe throghot the proposed s2divisiononneting the +ater main that loops arond Iome ;epot east o, the proposed s2division+ith /indsor Cort +est o, the proposed s2division9 Model +as rn +ith three pmps on atthe +ater plant and 2oth +ater storage tans at an average level o, 770 ,eet a2ove sea level9

     %one o, the setions met the minimm ,ire ,lo+ reirement +hen the model +as rn +ithotlooping the +ater line +ith /indsor Cort to the +est9

     /rovided for reference will be further evaluated during the Code of Development Site /lan review


    #rosion and ediment Control

     %o Comments9 An #rosion and ediment Control Plan +ill need to 2e s2mitted and approved+ith eah Code o, ;evelopment ite Plan and Constrtion Plan appliation9

     /rovided for )pplicant;s reference.

    ;epartment o, .ire !ese and #mergen& Management

    Comments not reeived9 

  • 8/20/2019 Arrington BOS Staff Report 111215


    Deographi =n,ormation &stems (D=)

    he treet names sho+n on the Coneptal ;evelopment Plan have 2een approved9

     /rovided for reference. 

    Summary and Recommendations:

    ta,, reommends that the @oard o, pervisors ondt the p2li hearing and reeive inpt onthese appliations9 he ,ollo+ing !esoltions and Ordinane have 2een prepared ,or the @oard o,pervisors< onsideration6

    •  A !esoltion to Approve Comprehensive Plan Amendment COMA-15-003473 –Arrington – An Appliation to Amend the .aier Cont& Comprehensive Plan ChapterE /arrenton ervie ;istrit Plan to !emove Appro*imatel& '79 Ares .rom the/arrenton ervie ;istrit Changing the ?and >se .rom Open paeBPar o !ral:

    Change the ?and >se ;esignation o, Another Portion o, th