articles fron different magazines

Magazine one This Article is based on a member within a band answering questions about the upcoming events happening. The article has been presented as the questions being asked are in white so they are split up against the answers being come forward. The masthead includes a quote from what the band member says in the interview which the writer has included.

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Articles fron different magazines

Magazine one This Article is based on a member within a band answering questions about the upcoming events happening. The article has been presented as the questions being asked are in white so they are split up against the answers being come forward. The masthead includes a quote from what the band member says in the interview which the writer has included.  

Page 2: Articles fron different magazines

Magazine twoThe double page spread here has been split in two. One side being the main image of the band whereas on the other side are the answers and questions that were asked. The colour being added here is mostly red which links through the magazine as the music genre of rock. They put the bands names in white in front of the black border which stands out to the reader as being a new band.