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Page 1: ,as«: t DAKOTABeat A Vff“ - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031479/1889-03-09/ed-1/seq-5.pdf*9»!‘C w 3%‘,,-3 gr.-1-VW‘\. ‘~‘ =2:7‘.?§-:€v'3f“x

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M > She Sfwn B u lb ^ettoe in the


iW K »» o o h o* ^

•ggarch .10’* .' a»"' - ■-•

■W i.VK U (S U K IA K M M ttiU ,

ose ttmnea tta


J 8 ! t a 5 S f S i ,» . u - » m

y t c p n TV l q p a l.

fo vdry 111, but hopes Ate entertaioel n f

her recovery. -

w ill occur tte lStb oMbis month, wi.eo it.

is expected u 'new Sesi. n will Ol ap­-


Surprise parties seem to be ml the rage

at present. • < ■

DAKOTABeat Flour

Blair s.

10 town at

26 w2recovery.

Mr*. Sheldon, familiarly known as Aunt

Tempy, has been confined to her bed some

time with pleurisy, at Mrs. John Morgan s.

T h*

- Waw* from TWwne In »«hnyl»r and


pmanttm •OUagned h r f ( 4*


AwMte rmtaynan. Jywraat C«r**e»«a*.

ent*.” ■

,,0jdy »Farmer’i Uaughter.’*.. ,


ite 'X . Weiier hsu a tu ^ fotd le -^o iiu n n

adrcriisemont ia the jo u w a tth i* wask.'

He offers you goods at greatly-reduced

prices. CHTahimaealL

Death Is again in our midst. I t becomes

my sad duty to tbia time chronicle the

death, from pleuio puenmonia, of Mrs:

Everett Shelton,

Tbe Demorest Medal contest under tbe

auspices of the W. C. T. U.,


fot this week, > on account of sickness

among the contestants, has been postponed

two weeks, but there w ill be a public meet

ing next Sunday evening at the W. M

Church consisting of select readings, reci­-

tations; &c. A special, invitation to ai)


A t tbo Opera House in Watkins on Sat­-

urday evening next, will be presented that

great Atueupan Drama, VOuly a Farmer’s

Daughter, !, wnbuii c -c^Ucui. cast, special

costumes:.and graud scenery, u should

draw a large bouse. The New Yurk City

Dispaicu spj.Un tit ihe pieoe as follows.: ‘




18.8%Th* sieigbing atthe head of Lake Beoeca

te pretty badly Matt, a udw ffi probably re­-

main ao during the hsianea ef tte sssaou.r

iTbs .sgtarrowa of tt# yfittgg' .haye'wttte'-ed w

*l, a good dsal batter than ttay did.

last year, and A M l« V > W h* •*P*M*d‘

for 1810, as m eting and nesting have al­-

ready cQOHMUped, ,'The 'i|iairowal.w.ays;

takes lim e by the forolaek. <

Quite a number o f , pur etttteai wm* to

Waakiagtoa to. wttMMatbe laeugnral osM<-

mony, but not mo many a» attended tta in-

anguml banmset atthe Montour House, In

: Haycaa-mordid Upfoentsrhayenay bet­-

ter or m m enjoy able tteae then did the

tetter. Landlord itytea knowahow te do-

«P an nO drel that k in d ln first eteas *yla ,

and in tip top order,


,•The revival meetings which are being

held in this'.place, (union Baptist and

.MethodUt,) aro the most interesting known

fo r years. They^oemmenced w ith the

week of proyer. The f i r*

week they were;

assisted by the Evangelist, Rev. M r, Re-

quaof Rochester. He was called home on

account of sickneM and de*h in his fami­-

ly , S till we were not, le ft alone; The

Lord seemed fo have sent Mr. Partridge, a

ley Evangelist, from Pennsylvania, who

.wee here two weeks. Since then the mln■

tetess have been akme as far as evangelistic

balp, but not fdon^ for the Lord has been

here. One hundred person*,have asked

.the: prayers o f, the, Christian p*ople,and

twecty-ooe family aitara are newly erect­-

ed* Both pastor*' are nearly worn our

bodily, but the-gnod work goes os. I t

cannot atop for years to come. Mr. Drake,

i* prostrated by illnes* caused from over­-

work, and e^xwure. M r. Thompson of

Watkins, has b **n very faithful, working

n il day in the mill, and then comes up

here and give* hu excellent help every

evening, Mr. Beese o f Groton, .was able

to aad* throe evenings Is * week in the

absence o f Mr, Drake. Parties, aoaala

and drama* haye been pg*poned indefi­-

nitely; The peoplehaye no time for them,

m the meetings an held tlx nights in the

week. A t the p&rty on Washington’*

Birthday it is aald.there wero only two of

M ilipo rtV fair daughters present. Maythe good work not stop with the meet­-

ings. T RaOOic:—

• Mr. E. C. Bissell went to Wayne last

Week to inventory itic goiida ncently

boug it by George Walsh and Geo. Lewis'.

The Missionary Supper held at the M


netted $4 60.

-Mr. George V-an Vleet, our hardware

met chant, and wife, and M r. and Mrs.

Alden Vanliew went to Dundee.on Thurs-farmer's

day of last week on a visit to Mr. and Mrs.

,Lee, Weller...

.Tbesobjest at tihe 1C. X. eharch Sunday.

morning next w ill b* "The Rfficacy of

Prayer,” la th e etwsMfe ‘ TaOoMclenoe

a Reliable Guide}” A ll welcome.

!'v‘:“.3?fst, *,;w,$?««.‘.,+.«»...,<~'-, if _.:.»,«-' i*;

""’;’ ‘ “

‘ .. » ;.«... - ¢.r*-';'__ » 9


‘ . -. 3.-~» ' ‘A I»a.--»-<~»+. AA “$4

Vff“ 3,‘; ‘V.*' $3, .. H wx, _‘ ;

' vV-iv*. <“ it,; I


-V .V ii-.’ 'i i i

t i t# ?


j; 'tU - <





Vv cf ,

A ' V !

/ f

“Duly a farmer's Daughter’ ’ is a playtlealing with modt-rn bocn -ty life,wbeieln a

happy family, consist Ini’ of a talented bus-

hand and father, bis wife, tbe wealthyThurs-farmer's Dauabter, and their little girl, are.

agitated an.i almost divided through the

m»<>hm*te«s "f aa udfentureas.-tusupplantthe w ith in her husband’s affections, and

thus gain aecvss to his laige fortune. Her

deeply laid pinna oppiimch success,,fwhen

Lennox, the husband, has a vision of his.

future career, seeing himself at the end a

raving maniac,destitute of both friends and

fortune. From this horrid uightmare he

wakes to find liimseif mill surrounded by1wife and child, and his fortune still intact.

The conclusion is patent; be immediatelybreaks wub tbe adventuress, and resolves

neither to see her nor her associate again,and the curtain drops 00a re united family

circle, happy in thi-ir mutual bye.

A t the 'kseignee’s Bele of the Judge

Crawford farm, nearHorstae^ on Thnrs*

day of thia wett, i t w'as puiphassd b y lf r .

Soloeson Qannng for $8,80f. I f . Qammg

istoh s ooi^yatulated on his fa epawdisse.;

E111‘ .‘h‘w:»'?-3L: ,~L:~n~5.

*ad*u»banat, tired,

0,2& m d..



JMr. Fred Sebring and Mis9 Abbie B*i

kin, both of Tyrone, were married on

Thursday evening of last week at the resi­-

dence o f ttp bride’s parents, Rev. Mr.

Winnie of Weston, officiating. Mr. Chas.

Sebring, brother o f the groom, and Miss

Carrie Ferry acted as groomsman aod

bridesmaid. One hundred and twenty

guests were present, and tnany valuable

-presents were,received by ibe bride.

Mr, Curtis Bennett of Michigan, was on

our streets on Friday of last week. He

came to attend court at Watklus as a w it­

The Donation atHeyaoidaellia <0f »«..

T. H McMullen, which wat pcatponed in-

dhfinitsly owing to siekasas to the nsigh-

bothofld, w ill be held m QtbugMoo’s Rail,

Reynoldsville, next Thwaday ereniag,

Man« U 1881.’ A oftdial. inTitatioa>

extended to a li’ .-’I.......



The snow in this vicinity is fast disap­-

pearing.L‘ r

-’ *


> � m n* * K* »ifa M h .

There will be a sociable at the house of

Mr. Aaron Moore on Thursday evening of

this week,

Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins spent last

week visiting friends in Rochester.

The Y. P. L i C. postponed tbe meeting

test Friday night on account of sickness in

Dr. Lane’s family, but w ill meet Friday

evening of thia week at , the bouse of Rev.

J. L.'Vaokerk.

.if o* * *

! - jf t j r i i* .* •



sfo . M* iy »*


l t t L” ■ ■ • ./ •




; | ^s

^ "T T W ^ 5 w«h M™. A t the Cbsrter„electKm In S m ira eta

Tueedsy hut, the RepobUeans elected

O’Connell, Recorder, by »ptutahty o f iM .

The Democrata elected fire out o f a m

Aldermen, and a lx ou tof seven Snpervis*

ora. -T. Iu Miner,. RepuhWoan, wai»

elected Alderaian in. the Flret Ward by a

^jo r i t y o f 160. ^


Keep tt befbre xhe pobUc, and nil the

p fp ilM i iod, ijLfiomnn

kUy timt low Uxmpa Skm m Ukmm ta

cottttem' through the summer o f 1888 —

only 00 oenSe from Watkins to Ctenhya,'from Osnsra to Watkins, or any other in­-

termediate p o in t oneither side ofth e lake.

The nnnonnnement te ta good meson, thia

^SGSXSSagF"’p lu »pUS

March JVtfo

F e rs ou a l.

—Miss May McCain of Bennettsburg,

spent Sundry w illi her friend, Miss Eliza

Putnam, ou Genesee street.

Mr. Edwin Maine is in town again.

The teachers examination at Watkins

was largely attended from tbis vicinity.


Mr, Jacob Seybolt went to King’s Ferry,

Cayuga County, on Saturday last to visit

his son, William.

Seyeral of our citizens are in attendance

%t Court at Watkins this week.

Mr. C. T. Willis bad a very sick horse

(ast Sunday.

Somebody was mean enough last Friday

night to cut down four young and thrifty

apple, trees in the vineyard o f Mr. Dealing

at Weston.

jfofosswfob* t r i*

la Oo*nlng,ta* weds,

foe murder, Wee acquitted by the jhry. ,year, nod the nob wUi be unprecedented.

Tha grain market t t Watkineteseriously,

but we tru*

only temporarily depressed

and prices for a il kinds range tew—wheat

being but | l pee buehet and aU other grain

down in proportiou. Perhaps when the

new: administration gets' well under way,

th e ; business world w ill begin to movjs

ahead oaoemow enoouregingly. -

Tbe report te again revived that Burdett

has strong hopes of ‘ beooming a railway

station, on a new route to be oonetruoted

by the Lehigh Valter. Obtnpnny from

Horseheisds to Geneva;'audit ta.sMd that

much* of the. lig h t J0f w a r through ttefim t

named vHliga has beau quietly aeeured. I f

-W e are pleased to state that. Mis* Mag­-

gie Butler, who has been seriously ill, is

very greatly improved in health.

Mr. John ACbarlea of thia villagAagentand collector for ■the Pkmr City Idfe Ia


■uranoeCompany, ipforma ‘os that he. bee

now seventy.flve membere on. k »Hat, and

tbat hls oollectiona for Ifh h ary and ih b *

ruary wore $860; "This company i* only

two yean old, yet. -hw. a membarahlp of

6,000 and not a claim due or unpaid.

Mr. Melvin Stevens and Mr. Frank Sher-

wood have just returned from Now York

City, where they have been sightseeing.

Judging from the' number of logs at J.

C; Butcher’s saw mill, the hemlock tree

w ill soon be a thing of the past in this



-•^ G s n e f o p ap **. saytkatspptes .ere

'•sifTfr1^ pteee aksixty«*

■* *


very-—Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Case of Reynolds-

ville, spent Saturday and Sunday last with

Mr. ( ’. <} Henderson, on Henry street.

- Mrs 8rott anti s o n .Walter, of W il­-

liamsport, are visiting VIis. Scjtl’s parents

Mr. and Mrs. L. B Crandi 1, on Catharine



*.1“ like a lamb and w ill

1 fp eat like an unruly canal

|«bent Lanairqt Tompkins Cotttt-

; apd (kipping potatoes at 80

Miss Emma Huhbs of Chicago,is visiting

h e r Bister, Mrs; Dorman Schuyler, of this

place. Ad e l l a

Tha lake level is the only source from

which Havana and nTatkins can be supplied

with ice. When it is dredged and other­-

wise put i n a healthy. cofid«to» better, ice

cen be obtained thah upw, In many other

wagsthe honing o f ’thia levefwilLbe ^

yantaDgeous to.’ theB^'vtWo villages, audio

tbe fn tn re it Willbe seenthat theiegialatton

n ifs behalf was nomlstake, • -■


Died, in New York City, February 27,

1889, a daughter aged 7 years, the only

child of M r. abd Mrs. T. I I . Pangborn.

The remains were brought here on Friday,and on Saturday were buried inthe Tyrone


BXiraxmBOEa. —Prof. Halsey C. Ives of St. Louis,

visited his sisters at their home in thia vil­-

lage, tbis week. The Professor js looking

well, and was ravally welcomed hy his old

friends and neighbors. He attended the

Banquet at the Moulour House Monday


A * *

Upe the Republican* of

i<0m 6itytM »year hare elected every

[jtepstvtaor^^ m l n e l h .

There wae a Gospel Temperance meet

ing* the Baptist church on Sunday even

ing addreeeteTby Bon. Mr. .Johnson of

Herkimer county. Subject,':^ ‘Must: the

Saloonor Home.got” The speaker pre­-sented the subject in a forclWe manner,

•howmgbow tbe aviit o f intemperance are

undermining tbe home.

The young people gay* Mr, and Mr*.

Will Esfean a .eurprtte party on Friday

evening o f last week There wero about

forty present to enjoy the occasion.

Our scbool eloeed l u t week w ith appro­-

priate exercises.-

There is to be a short

vacation befor* the beginning of the spring

term. We nnderltend that some of the

Scholars have been 'preparing for ttCBte,-

genta’ evamlnatioo at Havana thte wSek.


Ed. McDougal is suffering with the


D. A. Sterling and wife were present at

the inauguration of President Harrison.

The atore of W. Maxwell & Co.,is closed

fo r inventory. I t is said the business will

change hands.

A lager beer sign,the first displyed in our

Village ih a generation, now adorns (?) one

Of the: Doric columns of the hotel. This is

a step in the wrong direction.

Rev. J, T. Foster held services iu St.

Mark’s churcb on Tuesday evening aod

Wednesday morning, and Rev, Mr. Booram

on Wednesday evening. Services w ill be

held on the above named evenings during

Lent, and all are invited to be present and

take part.. ’ .

BUSINESS NOTICES.*»*> introducedin th e Amecn-

f wf tttefitateioweeing the legal rate of

CL &* 4k M to m e

*ICasefe-jltt, with

, |h W *ter. Ltesonsof la d week to

t onr s M ttm of officer*. :

such a ro ld ia built i t %U probaMy croea

Otvan* Gteu ea*-oT the. :gr«tt: entrance

a m p b i t h a i t t t t . '•-....• t.

■I t te reported tb it M. f*. * d g*t , oneof

our vUtege.'jeweter% w ill soon tdove, With

family; down into Penhsylvante, where he

has a brother, , and thnm.u a more promis7

•log pro jec t fofhte :business.i Two good

jewelry' and w atchmaki ng; eatabltehmenta

In Wagildteiiir^aGig^i^Vm^ '^Rinqn^?te-a«i3*r

Ml that tbcptem WUlheCr.

The Pebruary lSth nmnbec o f the Vine-

yardist cootama a nieely-written article on

Peach Orchard, ea* shore p f Benecalake;

eighto r nine m iiw north of Watkins, which

wm ropabUatmd in the WaikinnRxpnSs of

Pebnnuy 81st. I t was evidently writtwa-

byacme-one weU'nodaaiafed w itt.tte lo-

caller, and probably an inntate of the fam­-

ily of l ir a P ./h . Field of'. Geneva, .who ia

the owner of Peadi Orchard Pdtot proper

and its new and attnmtive.sammer cottagehome. AU'the; prineipai p o i^m lo e g the

lake ahould lm written'op ia n'similarman-

her, by those* whoknovr how to do it. .

^■',lt '» 6eo»a’’that..the $360,000 truetle and

coal pocket contract; at Buffalo,; awarded

to W, i t i Went* of Monhttd, --wa* bid lo r

by him m the partner of Aaron.F. Chap-

mah of Watkins, who hat had much s i r

perience. in that kind o f work. I t is the

heavimtcohtractin vrUMi hehaeeverhsen

mtereated; _and Urn. ihiany/frienda of.ftett.

firm hope thgy w ill make a. hindeouie. pro­-

fit on the large job.< r

There are spma premoutaoty sjrmpttM

of an early opting; buttet.us hope that i t

will not 'be too early Rxperieney has

Shown th at* spring; ltke anyt]ung clse,can

be“ too pievkMM^” and have ita fruits and

grapes cot oft b y . fro*,wbsn they are in

tidom?' L *e fn*

ta ' jh spring .and aadyfrostain faU, aro thndnadad grnpe fom of

pur dlimat% Jttt. *a-n gsneral' ttdag ttm

latter-do much the worot damage, and

there te a loud ca ll fo r eaiiy Varieties o f

gropes that w ill ripen’ w time to be ahead

ot all danger. -


Read the Weed Bros. & Co Special Sale

in the Jodbnax.this week.

C o n s u in p n o i S u re ly O nre d..

To the E dito r—Please inform your

readers that I have a positive remedy for

the above named disease. By its timelyuse thousands o f hopeless cases have been

permanently cured. I shall be glad to Beud:

two bottles of ruy remedy fr b e to any pf

your readers who have consumption i f

they w ill send me their express and post-office address. Respectfully,T. A. StootJM, M. C , 181 Pearl street,N. Y. 121 l y l

• ’ 'fit.Ih e < M g e i^

' |^

- l i j^

| f >.^ i| d»rJa|t,

: week^n ttiti-Caiuof'B',

to iw ib f JDii-againsf'tt# town of■ Veteran,

for the loaa of a horse on a drifted and Icjr

dngway rOad northwest .from Millport, in

the winter of 1887, t^e decision o f theCir-

ouit .Court was affi.frted. The case Wes'

originalif tried befo|p Judge BosMrdmao

In this village, and a vdrdict rendered for'

$886.60 and costs, amounting in the aggre*'

gate to $820*85. , Thc tde/endant appealed

td the Qen,er%I Term with the reault abote

stated.. ColoBrOthers p f this village were

attorneys fo r" plaintiff.—i^cUkfin* JEx-

p r titt.-

Pratt’s Food for horses, ta tile aud poultry, at Blair’s. 26 w 2

home merchants, patroniee

carpenter*, inaaoosand day

, don’tgo out of townfor

A new lot of Gems fine shoes at Her

vey Bros, this week tbat never wear a hole

ih your stockings. Also, a rare bargain iu

boy’s shoes at $1, ,~_;,-_'* ‘‘.~..*."


Wanted I Basswood lumber in exchangefor furniture, E W. H ibba rd.

.7." -. I;-‘_I~: v,‘

SI,-‘:..,..._;."- � hf,“-AA» »..-=..<..\,.-. .r. ..v ~»:'.--‘

.JB ^efhatfcn H oH -to the very’ foil and

‘ifotrahl report o f ;Jno, JSi'

Pmeident of the village, else-

3'.‘ ;y‘ 9.,

H4, ‘e -

‘e ‘¢:\ '1.\. ~,‘._ I ,,_

The Owegd Woolen Mills Bed and Horse

B lankeUbfor palS. at Weed Bros. & Co.’s,

Havana, N . Y . Call and see them.

25 w4

“H usb an d, I W a n t V o n t o T r y I t .”

Gfo. BurM>.bae been spending a few

days w ith frieiMtt in Elmira. ~

I had suffered for years with a com -

plaint the physicians called. Gravel, and'

they had given Up the attempt to help me.

My wife beard of Dr. David' Kennedy’sFavorite Remedy, o f Rondout, N. Y



“poke as above. To please her I got a

bottle. Used that and two or three more,

and presently the trouble vanished never

to return. Washington Monroe, Catalan,

N. Y. 33 w4

. mm 4“.

:5 ..:.5 .

-j0 ■■i1>;1'. : • ^ ■1 '

A'* * *

of Veterans Fort was recently


Mewfleld, named in honor of

or^ruaianihutt. m nu«n-

to to fttw & i t i sm ■ °_-

i ,

Tf* V t JTrotter o fKan»a», hM been Spend-afew days yrtth 'h i* aunt, -lCr*. Wal­-

worth. -*

'Died, Wednesday morning, March 6,

Mr. John R. Green, in tbe 79tb year of

hia age. Mr, Green came to this town

from Stephentown.RensaelaerCo.,in 1866,

and bought a form about one and one half

milM from this village where he earned the

reputation of being a successful former aud

a good neighbor and citizen. For about

six years he has resided in this village.

DeceaSed ieaveS a wife and three children,

Gilbert R., of Buffalo, Mrs, ’Mary Johnson,

of Pine Valley, and Frank of tbia town.

The funeral w ill be held from the Baptist

church; Sunday at one o’clock.

Our Special Prices advertised in this pa­-

per for cash only, defy competition in

Western New York.

~,,r~‘.- .-,- 5”".s'-' _ '4 *.v.%v.\'~’:‘o.t:-'.In '.- v ,. A4

« '.~. .:+ my


/Ah \ i i v'

Peter Cooper‘once_Md: \* l never allow-’

ed a day to pass pnthont putting by some­-

thing. When I had $1 a day I saved flflycents.” That’s the idea, exactly. But

there are too m anyr jrjmog fellows in

tfaaae days who if^theykaen Swo doBara a^

day think they must spend three dollars.’

The boy who begins ‘ to *ave while young

w ill "get there” at middle age; while thu.

boy who spends-all Hut^he earnsw ill get

therealso—4o the poot house. We don’t

takes particle of stock iu the man who

avers that“ tbe world owes me a living.”The. Obligation is on the other aidfe morally.

Geneva. Advertiaer.

A B, Sackr* aucl wife entertained a

company of young married people on

Thursday evening ef last week. ,

Mias Lulu Harvey of Alpine, is visiting

her eousin; Mi mJennie Harvey;

A new lino of Ladies Shoes for $3.00 at

Heryey Bros, this week. Come and look

them over. -Four different styles. Theyalso have an. .exceptionally fine line o f $2shoes. Good solid stork. Just tbe thingfor every day wear. Five lines; A ll new

goods, - Watcb their locals next week.

They w ill tell you of some rare bargains In


,4Misubject ofthebuilding of a railroad

r h r «»* Lshlgh Valley Company on the line

through Cayuta, 'Alpine and

rO d e* *

we team ta atain agitating the

Windaof the peopleof too* locaHtlef


W ill Wickham, spent a -few days in

R oftk Hector aad, vWttHyr-' While absent

be attendedthe W.ictdiatii^Shoemakerwed­-


You r N a m e a n d Address on

t b i s P $ n A P e n c il s ia m p o n ly 2 5 cBnparvtaor M.D, Stllwell of Hector,g*ve

f o m & m m A d * * *PU.Tbur*day evening

yrtMatt wsptete honor o f hia election. I t

a p lw ^int ooeaelon mid everybody

[„«ojayed thcmselve* to the utmoet.

Bert Baker has been spending a week

w ith his grandmother, M r*. Burrltt of Ha-

van*. . ; . M. N.-* Q ■

- ^ ^ ^

DR. c7 H . F IR M A N

of Watkins, having leased rooms in the

Tracy Block, Havana, w ill open a Branch

office to be conducted by himseif, w ith the

co-operation of Dr. H. A. Moore. Teeth

extracted by use of his local anaesthetic,,

or by the Electric Vibrator. We are pre­-

pared to do all Crown work and Porcelain

filling. Excellent work and reasonable

charges. Office open ever day. Dr. F ir­-

man w ill continue his office iu Watkins as

heretofore. 1226yl

'Send postage stamps or postal noteand we

'w i l l send you oneby return mail. Ag'ts Wtd-

:B \ G r. E C XXa r*s,

HAV A N A , - Soh u y le r Co., N. Y ,

A jjrritar i f at&tentiflc journal statesthat

i and. shoes may he tendered water-

■ 01- ^

Winter;with her cold andstorms Ispast,And k«nua Spring is here at la st;Boonthe revivingpleasantshower*,


Another thaw on S*wtday. and Stmdsy

i p y . >*. . f

k«nua Spring st;Boon the reviving pleasantshower*,Wttlbrtngforththe beauteousflowera.

Ou r Li b e r a l Deal i n g

Should attract you. Encouraged bylast year’s successful business, netv

departments w ill added to our exten­-

sive stock o f ,I) r y Goods. The first

one we announce is

fayseeking them for *ve re l hour* in

lighp water. The Compoundforms

ifo tty add within the leather and mako* it

.to water.

X h t Inau*iir»t Banq,u«t. The Humpty Dumpty show m the H»1I

ou Tuesday evening la* drew out a full

bouse; and everyone wm well pleased with

the .entertainment. Use door receiptt were

$ $ 1 .40 .

The recent sudden and extreme change

of temperature has caused much sickness

in this locality.

Mrs. Barah Doane is very i l l with pneu­-

monia, but is thought to be a trifle better.

While the people of; the country in. atr

tendance at the Inaugural ceremoniea of

President Hgrrkon at;vWashtngton were

ConductingtheJSttlvitiee of the day attte

Inaugural Ball, a goodly-mimber of the eit-

isens of this village and vicinity ivere tak­-

ing part in an Inaugural Banquet at the

Montour House, which, withoutexception,

was one o f th e-fin e*

and ,most enjoyable

occasions etSr held in that spacious hotel.

The parlors, belle and ^dining room were

handsomely deoorated ' with pictures gif

President Hsrrlson, Vi(*-Pre«ident Morton

say* Mtentemr markers

in Glenweod ;and the

'Coonty line rtonefory recently arrived m

A t k in a 1W ate marble stab* tome

four taehee thick, fourteen inches broad,

and tfarMfeef high, eadh marked w ith the

, age a&4 P0* ®f teriice ° f the dead


- m m

At B l a i r’s.

(teas Andrews h u recovered from bis

recent illness so as to be out on the streeta

N u t and Stove, 2000 pounds, $4.60Egg,““


which w ill be opened Saturday,.March 9th. Prices as follows w ill

prevail. Gents first class Linen C ol­-

lars, 10 styles, 11 cents each; Cuffs,5 styles, 1 1 cents a pair. Shirts,

lauudried and unlanndried, plaitedbosom Shirts, Pique Shirts. The ma­-

k in g o f all our Shirts is superior and

w ill give eutire satisfaction. The

prices are low iudeed. A fancyFlannel Shirt, (good one.) 29 cents ;

Fancy Flannel Shirts at 48c> 79c, 98g,

$1.29, $148, $198, $2.19, that can­-

not be matched at 50 per cent. more.

Gents Suspenders, 1 1 cents a pair,Gents Stout Hose, Super-stout, 13

0unt8 a pair, French made, 11 cents a

pair, fancy striped (new colorings)12J^ cents a pair, black and colored

lisle thread, 24 cents a pair. A ll o f

these remember are fu ll regular made

goods. Handsome new colorings in

Gents lisle thread Hose at 39 and 48

cents. F u ll line ot Gents neckwear

at popular low prices: Entire stock

o f Boy 8 short waists. One made o f

tho best calico, 19 cents.


A-bOx sociable w ill beheld in Bodle

Hall oa Friday evening-of next week for

the beuedt of the Baptttt Church,

Tb* Literary Society .held *i meeting to

the B a llon Friday evening la*, which wa*



4 40




On Saturday, February 2Sd, the Town

Board of Health of Orange, met at the

Town Clerk’s office and organized by ap­-

pointing I , P. Vine, Chairman. Wm. H.

Wanted Was chosen as a citizen member,

aiid Robert Belt, M-D-» was appointedhealth officer for the ensuing year.


Rachel Rodgers of this place,{is the

motherof a little girl baby boro February

30th,. 1889, aud who died the Sd day of

March, 1889 .

CynthurBaker hM contracted to buy the

Geo. Ogden form for $1800.


Feed and Meal 100 pounds,Flour per bbl,

Car load White Pine just received.

__________________ 95W3

We are not m the habit ot forever in­-

sisting th a t«our prices are tbe lowest in

town, eta , because everybody takes those

old stereotyped phrases fo r wbat they are

worth, and nobody .believes them. But

we do insist tbat as long as we buy fur

cash and sell for cash, we can buy cheaperthan i f wo were obliged to ask fo r longcredit,-and in selling are not obliged to ask

you an additional profit to help us make

up a loss somewhere else. Isn’t tbis logic?O f course you all agree4


so bring on your

money and get its fu ll worth every time.

Respectfully,_________HERVEY BROS.

Saya an efohangc : ‘‘I t might be of in ­

to* *

to fom* forent* tp know tbat the

[tfetttioe of having night lightaih children’s

B. V . Smith entertained ieyerai of his

fiisnds on Ikiday eremilglMt.

Burt Evans, is to w orit I t tte hams*

trade in Odessa.-an d-G ovenwrlM vidB ^H U h^ud^w itlrB u^

merous flsgs,. which,, together. jwlth. the ;

-Thc-funeral of Job* Kelly, One of the

Departmsnt, WM held on Mehiteyfonhoon

test; at. St. Mery’s Cnlhoiio ehiireh—RSv.

Ryan offidatttg. Tiia dsoeaaed

died o f consumption ooeapitoatisd d ith

dlesa c , and th* obeeqnMs. were


by the B re DepkrtMta t aiad

CtewenuV, C bro*; .Read, *|rltt ’m oiled

drums. .The funeral pwettsioo wafe aa

unusoelly . large and ImprsMive one.

B attd •in S t. Mary’# ’ csaaitsry, • welt •of


Mrs. H . Wilkins of Jacksonville, (pent

part of ta* waek with bar father, S, Dyke-

J. W .Ofoorn ipeut* part of la * week

w ith h i* eon* in Rochester.

[ the optic nerres Ihe perfect test

..•hy daiknees, f i t h thoreanliof

IcMsdng the brain and the narrow aystem

Tto aullK.*’ i i i

':';‘_.'§T,;§._«; , ;fr}<._>=-‘MArr:‘S3~

,. 1;} xx‘ -‘es ‘;3:!’f~:%4‘%z???‘§:‘«i':)‘i:3g".«.’~“.J,‘§‘~§

Q." :

$3, H5: V t” ‘V

:3?5‘;5?‘3:r¢2ie *


S‘ '‘'‘‘A'‘v

V. ‘~

»:‘~z~‘%5» 1' ‘ "

:§k:§§§5§‘~ ‘\-

1*»?..«x&.§3;3‘\e.~g *1-


. gm . a <.

‘ws~+§T2s.~.f;2¥22%a~-uI,_ ‘O § , .v , «y.

My 7‘~.-.駧( .-

baodiome-aad artistic furnishings o f the

apartments presented a truly magnificent

scene . Some eighty-five to ninety couples

responded to the invitations sent out, and;

but forlh e axtteawly chsagreeable Wetther

probabiy from fifty to seventy-five m ot*

oooples"would have been in attenOanoe. A t

about 8:80 tbe doort.ef the spacious and

elegantly furnished , dining roOQi^ Wet*

thrown ogen-aod -the fa w sliaf dow* to »-|

m o* eteherat* and bpunteoua repateto

whlohamptfjtlttiro’ Wasdpne. AttheCeh-

em oH tlk ttyRHffit, the crowd g*berod in

th e li^ e h M r a M adjacMTtrooms to listen fo

the mualc snd the readingot toatts and

Owing to the absence o f aeVer-

•1 Who" had been aadgnSd ’to relpond to

several o l the toaate they were necessarilyomitted. BoWever, enough were prssiut

to* mike ittojoya b i* and lengthenthe ex­-

ercises fo a late Bonn. .Col. C. W, Cleu -

hartr, tb e m m rn tm . Opened the eker-

cteea in a feW M ftf ttmarke appropriate to

tbe oocaeioii,WheotttfoUOwiDgtentimente


a d 'w lth roeponee*:

The PreeidiCtoftha United State*. Re-

.fe M w fty f t e f- $ t t % R tft;-r

Republican. Ik *


Reeponee.by M ,H. Weaver.

The Constitution. IteSponiie by Bev.Arthur

The Army and Kaey. Response b y

JudgeB. G Beeler .The Qomd Anw r of the Republic Be-

Some days ago three,toughsfrom Chubb

Hollpw, in Yates couuty, came to Mon­-

terey, and after taking in a quantity of

poor Whisky started to go homo, and in

ilng Mr . Levi Wade’s stole a neckyoke

and set of whiffietraes. They then stopped

at Jos. BpielmanVahd took a bag of feed

from him, They next called on Adalbert

Keefer and took a part o f a harness from

faim. The stolen property was taken to

near the lake by tbe thieves. Deputy

Sheriff Swartout. followed them and set

parties to watcb, who found the property

secreted Ahd discovered who the thieves

were and sent word to the Rheriff who,

armed W itt warrant*, went to Dundee

when the thieves had beeil apprehended by**


i i iThroogh the Uadecisot fl, S. Decker

tk eT .H . C. A h atetteu seof oneof the

tUrdfoorroome oter the. Reading Room

-jhe*Oy»a*Mhu», iM O M ln the use of

rOtattf era gieiag emty yddaycren-r f ilO ohhmtt.'‘

-f t taet ae pgerible,

end It la hoped

.. \ .QymMaium.

Fred Event vieited frttods ln Odessa last


M i m Minnie Runway of. Trumbull’s

Gocnasw aptat part o f t t* week with

IA DeHart. ’

WiUtem Todd oowamsnced ifis school

Week in. ttte place ott lfoadsy lM t with a

trflt ittn r lin m .

Look at Weed Bros. & Co. prices quotedin this paper. We mean ju s t wbat we say

and wiU live up to i t to. the letter.

I t is an absolute fact that the SpecialSale System adopted by c ity merchants has

been of great benefit to the purchaser. As

we desire to reduce our stock ot heavygoods in order to make' room for Spring

goods, we last week adopted the SpringSale System and w ill continue it t i l l April

1st; W e propose in every sense of the word

to stick to the prices as-advertised ih the

Joq rs a l . - Wxjro Bro s. & Co.

' Itt e e x p^

n a t h*

th e*

W h i v e” omo”

o f Capt. Ifocc ot :Obemang coUnty, will ha

triad * the.tsna of co ort;th*

opeoed^*the Ooort Hau** in .W atttt^ on Monday,

March Utfc. . Ateo tta CMe of Xaton,M.I>.;

v*. OobUrh, M. ,D., tb it 0C. 8. S, Beabam,

Sr.j agMB* the viltege-ef WMklna, aauit

Mtwyan th*

BuperinMadeot*of Boor o f.

Scbuyter county *ga{n* tbe Sup*lntead-ent eff Boor o f CbemaagCounty, Ihvdtviogthe M fp o rt o f ’Ohn*. B. Ayn%. a pauper,

and aevent,oeheraof in te rs *,,' Thacatea-

dar fa so f t ill that the Court, which ia d

Circuttand Oyer and .Terminer, may ex­-

tend over in to next .week..W, i i

M M N A .•^


| | i| Wmin ii i '

Th* W; gT-tr.

Soaday School iu tbe RteshyterW cbutek

on Sunday afternoon liw h ' !The soteableat S. C. BnyderVob Friday

eve«in$ test w mwell attended. The pro-

eMda,*Mounted to filfi.. ....

fal of our fom ent attended tte

Ih n s e r*’ Institute * Wktttin* test Week.

They report some good profit from it. .

Several from thts tosaHty are in atten-

daaee *-C ourt tbU.week. - ';

. |TtePaetnoMtw G^oeralhaaiatecda d r-

odhtr tb poetmaaters aahOuneing the pas

m m Ol the law h y CdfijfresSHM.lch permitso f .RpO'diapetch o t^e q l*l;d e U Te ry matter

«|e h i*b ldt the teaderabe'fe inedfertently

'lo jface the proper poetage. The

'General ffiwCtf that all such

jfh # N W d s d.,

wlthooh' .delay t®tte

r pwiptir daidnatlon, wharetba postage Is to

TJttqQWCIige^ ~ \

nbw open fo r your inspection. Be

sure and visist us when in the city.‘Q? ‘Q;

’ T l r« & B y e s



on^•rosn*'other pftrtlei for other theft*, and who up*

on being hrraigued plead gulity and were

sent up, ttus relieving Sheriff Swartout of

the task of bringing said thieves back to

th i* county tojbe tried for the crime com­-

mittal! here,.

H. L. Briggs.and O, F. Sharp had an

altercation on Saturday last which ended

in Briggs striking Sharp three times.

Judge Eels bas Issued the proper papers

for the arrest of Briggs to answer and take

the appropriate punishment for said of­-

fense. ' ' ■

People speak about their eyes being

fatigued, meaning that t te retina, or nerve

por’ ion of ihe brain that does be seeing, is

fatigued, but such is hot the case, as tbe

retina rarely tires. The fatigue is in tbe

inner ahd outer muscles attached to the

eyeball, and the muscle of accommodation

which surrounds the lens o f the eye. When

a near object is to be looked at this muscle

relaxes and allows tbo lens to thicken, in-

crfosihg: its refractive power. The inner

and outer muscles are Used in covering the

eye on the object to be looked at, tbe inner

ope being especially used' when a dear

object is to be looked at. It is in these

three muscles mentioned tbat tbe fatigue is

T a triB iL fe lie f is secured toniporarlty-hy

closing the eyes or gazing at far distant

object*. The usual ihdltyttibn of strain is

a redness of the rim o f the eyelid, betoken

ing a congested state of tbo intier surface,

Which may be accompanied with some

pain. When tho eye tires easily, rest is

not the proper remedy,but tbo use of glass­-es o f sufficient power to aid in accom­-

modating tho eye to vision.

W. L . Hopkins, Scientific Optician, Ha­-

vana, N . Y., is a graduate of Bucklm’*

School o f Optics, New York City, and can

fit any eyes which can he helped by gfo*r--*• • - " ' ,

I m r ve bave no Branca store,ol business is at

uur only place

DeoMnr Hausner is ifo w iy passing away

w ith rittvsy of the heart..

305 E; Water St., E L M IR A,

N Y .

Ittn e i Journal: I t it pot. gencraily

him.«mthat thsre la a law in tha State

the wife of an habitual

Intmtealiagliquoseto apply to a.

m oomplalh agaliut a ll the

Uqfer m m m m . the toen fer selllng to her

Hwreupen it is obligatory upon

itte maglaMie<aad i f he mfusef ha is guilty^J L R iiid e m n n e tltQ J m u e


Iroww m 'U, .

iTh*. ita rite atlia i I w n s. Mra. Dewitt Cure ia oCWtted to her bed

n»C* tte time. *■-, ‘

The observance o f Lent couttteueed on

W*dne*dar o f thte w ee l, Maroh fitii, ,Thte

fu t ta observed i n ttte conntty b y the Ro-

amtt GaUwlte ehurab, the EpUoopal churcb,

aud to some extent tbe Lutheran. While

aaskcloth aad aabeeWiil he theoretically'

In w s tQ ^ t t r n i f i t e h l t t C ^r ' t t n

^ i t *

prim htvfi h*

r # S l i r 6^ 8e 'i8 S id r o D <*

b T

0. S. Johnson gav»a temperisnce lec­-

ture fo Bodle Hall Sfot.TfotafBwetafouftia

tbe in ta iM tof the Good Tsmplari.

Desiring to close, out my stock o f

C o a l,

W oo d !

at the& c., I w ill sell Coal on

fo llo w in g price's

Mis* Lottie Dougtee* and -Mrs.-


Thuwday and Friday t a*

w it t E. g, De- Egg, or Furnace,stove



j^ o ^4tfr - n . xftJbert-

..-.•4 4 0

...4 00-0 0

hfefcmkcml within the next~*x months,

ttMsrthepemdly o f $50 for each drink, to‘

jtnmwemudh y tte ytife.

H. H. Beckey entertained sevetal of hi*

frtends at hls home on Saturday lu t.

Frtewteftom Penn Yan have been visit­-

ing af Dewitt Oure’s tha p t*


..AfjMHX. . -

March came in like a iamb.

Moving time is near st hand.

Our merchants should write their Spring

Bb{|oompIsint about the warm vreather


..:'.., ...___4-00

r ......

t m -



Our Ooutitry, Response by Owen Cat'

atdy. •

lent w m iasltuted b y Pope Tektphorouo,

1 3d year* after Ohrtet, and orijfinally, com

meeeed 00Sunday. - I n the year 48 i, fou r

daya were added h y Pup« R e li* i n . , i a

order fo make 'tha numhet o f the days-

forty.-The f t*

Bflwaroa ei s ca Ash Wad^

needay, whleh i t i i Mld,.'’took te* wmte

from the proctic* cf-foettkUag ashM oa

'ttth s a d i ot t t*

pvtttaatewtea.-iiva**' oa

.that day admitted to paoaaca. Th * fa*

0k»M w ith Batter Sundar,

a cbarcfa fe* L

* -1 u a*

rm m netfoa.wrote aro t^m^MOTvma^wsaaw iMMmrow erorov *^^w*vvw-ro


^ The Banquet. Bmpohse hy Rev. 0. t t

Ostr. *


Hard, delivered . . . e t 4WSoft,“



1 ao

F E E D P E R 100 P O U N D S :

Clear Corn and oats..

*0Clear Meal. t so

Fl o u r at Wholesal e Pr i c e s .

Clover and Timothy Seed a t Lowest

Prices. ,■ tl H. V, WXK0.

•Havana, Feb. S3; 188». '



The Rrnrnai, is in receipt of the Initial

"«tTh* Church MsMngar, the new

H N w aa m to r Western Hew York,

«* * *tte dtmedhn of Blebop A.

Chfstted Ooas. I t 1» a *» tim iatiea of

tt g fk M e r ehornh legem and (enow pub-

by the Lakeside

Publishing Oo. I t »more than twice the

•tta a f topasdsosssmiiheOhsmh Xaleadar,

typegnghieelly t e*

"■ww im p ja i

A t the oonclullon of each rospon* th*

assembly was favorod w ith m o* asmsttewt

m udcbya male dmh aoootnpanied fay aa

organ and cornet,

Dur town WM quit# llv e ly o n Monday

la*. Two crithlttal M it l Were hefor*

Esqniro Hovfooamp.SMOOFXR.


Subscribers to tbe Weekly Ithacan com-

p lriit that ttera are too many (Gates) in

the items.

Ther* saems fo be quite a scramble for

ttkpfotoffioe, Of course, only one per-

w it tb e appoihfod.

Hag f.Bofoen iavtetttag friends at

A•VHMtemm- W

W* asettlarMsd t t* l i t S nfo n of tbe

to oneof tte

At about 1:$0 a. aa., the oouqpaay dh-

parttid for their several home* o r*


froitng t h * he or she had hat

t t aa oceaslots loaig t» I*

with pteaau**

^Th* Oowmit t se t c._

teW P jMSAR**a |SM8Mi$g^

y / x -oWteita.’/ x . ■ -oWteita.’

.'The many sudden r iM ifte of tamp**-

taro t t t t*

past fow wefo* ha*-wwsad

Tb* asmipa; ah®, hero* vN tetf quite

jhnMwv *8 ase* psapte.H ttteO M yfo tt Stia an ttfoswe vasy Bl

ftiam I h I m aL l


JfewMw 'ii itofi )iMt

t e ‘i M f f l i M k t e t f t e ' '

to travel f I f so you m u* be Very c*e ful

of yoar health, or your deefop* W ll* w ilt

00* you more than yonr tnroettegewpewwkA bottle ot Sulphur B u t


*w ut proto*yon front ail stakes* t t d J rot fo • s tem


o l mlttsefo --Kvrotaw I b jro r o* , fowS

A T B lA I R ’iS, .

S M fl OIESSE) VEM t*^*3ri

r e i t a^

a n u s s u