assessing outcome 1 of standard units outcome 1 – transfer of evidence an outcome 1 pass in one...

Assessing Outcome 1 Of Standard Units

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Assessing Outcome 1Of Standard Units

1Outcome 1 Transfer of EvidenceAn Outcome 1 pass in one standard Unit can be used as evidence of an Outcome 1 pass for any other standard Unit at that level.An Outcome 1 pass can be used as evidence of an Outcome 1 pass at a lower level.At Advanced Higher only an Outcome 1 pass for the Researching Chemistry Unit overtakes a pass for Outcome 1 in the standard Units. However, an Outcome 1 pass in the standard Units cannot be used as evidence of a pass for Outcome 1 in the Researching Chemistry Unit.

2N4 to AH Outcome 1 Standard UnitsAssessment Standards1.1*Planning an experiment1.2Following procedures safely1.3*Making & recording observations/measurements correctly1.4*Presenting results in an appropriate format1.5Drawing valid conclusions1.6*Evaluating experimental procedures* Different requirements at different levels.

3Outcome 1 DifferentiationAssessment Standard 1.1National 4 candidates need to list only one key variable to be kept constant.

National 5 to Advanced Higher candidates need to list all the relevant key variables to be kept constant.

4Outcome 1 Differentiation (contd)Assessment Standard 1.3National 5 Advanced Higher candidates need to repeat measurements if appropriate

Assessment Standard 1.4National 5 Advanced Higher If candidates have repeated measurements then averages should be calculated.

5Outcome 1 DifferencesAssessment Standard 1.6National 4 candidates should evaluate their procedures or suggest one improvement.National 5 candidates need to evaluate their procedures including justification(s) or provide one possible improvement and justify their suggested improvement.Higher & Advanced Higher candidates need to evaluate their procedures including justification(s) or provide two possible improvements and justify each of these suggested improvements.

6N3 Outcome 1 - Standard Units Assessment Standards1.1Following given procedures safely1.2Making & recording observations/measurements correctly1.3Presenting results in a given format1.4Drawing valid conclusions1.5Evaluating experimental procedures

7Outcome 1 Advice from VerificationThe experiment must relate to a key areaDemand must be commensurate with the levelDependant and Independent variablesPlotting toleranceLabels and unitsExcel graphsAnnotate candidate evidence