assignment 1 scm essay (1)

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Supply Chain Management AssignmentYou have to make an essay about the subject Supply Chain Management. This essay should contain at least 4.000 words (excluding Summary, table of content, appendix and literature list). At least 10 serious reports/investigations (including the exact reference!) should be included in the research (just mentioning an internet site will be insufficient!). At least five of these sources should be derived from professional resources. The digital library at school (only to be approached at school by intranet) will give you plenty professional resources to choose from. Ask the library personnel for assistance about how to approach these databases. You will find there resources like Harvard Business Review and many more. Your course materials (book, reader etc.) are not allowed to be included in the research. The main research question is: What makes SCM so attractive and why it is so difficult to implement? Sub-questions that should be answered are: What pitfalls companies should be aware about? What problem areas are to be solved before joining a Supply Chain? What kind of profits the company will gain in terms of money, information, logistics, competitiveness when joining a Supply Chain?

You really should give answers to all of these questions in your findings/conclusions! The report should be built up logically; starting with a summary then a table of content, a proper introduction, definitions, research methodology, research output, findings and conclusions. The latter should contain at least half a page A4. Of course the report should have a chapter and page numbering. Tables, graphs etc. will absolutely make the report better readable. The report will be judged on readability: logically built up, easy to read, clear definitions, grammar, style and compactness (no obsolete sentences, paragraphs to fill pages). Also the lay-out should be professional (including a cover page with name, group number, student number, date and revision number). The consulted literature should be included in both the text itself as well in the reference list. Only mentioning a book name will not be sufficient. It should state very clearly what particularly parts of the book (or websites) are used in the research. Of course also the research quality is an important element in the final judgement. If the assignment will be rejected, youll have to improve it according to the instructors guideline. Plagiarism is totally forbidden. Therell checked on that. If so, your assignment will be rejected instantly. Your essay has to be received by your teacher at last: February 17, 2011 16.00 hours! SUCCESS!