assignment 11 draft 5 part 3

Are we dead yet? Kaya These spirits walk around, going about their lives not knowing that they've passed on. They wonder why people ignore them and why nobody comes to visit anymore. This happens more often with old people who've spent their later years by themselves. Example from ‘The others’ the old man and woman Example from ‘the sixth sense’

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Are we dead yet?Kaya

These spirits walk around, going about their lives not knowing that they've passed on. They wonder why people ignore them and why nobody comes to visit anymore. This happens more often with old people who've spent their later years by themselves.

Example from ‘The others’ the old man and woman

Example from ‘the sixth sense’

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Unfinished businessKaya

There can be a number of reasons why certain beings stick around after death. It is simple that the sprit that has died, did not complete something in life and once the work is finished, the deceased usually moves on in peace.

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Self-appointed guardian angelKaya

These are loved ones who stick around after death to watch over someone. It can be a deceased husband watching over his elderly wife during the last of her days. It can be a young mother who died before her time watching over her children as they grow up.

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Wasting time between livesKaya

As in reincarnation. They're waiting for the next life to come around. What better way to waste some time than being a ghost. Coming and going from the planes as you please, enjoying yourself during your sightseeing, visiting old friends to see how they're doing, and the list goes on. They're not here and not there - there just waiting in between.

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These are usually in the form of a loved one. It can be a warning of certain danger or future events. It can also be a spirit coming to ease the pain from a grieving loved one. With messengers, the spirit is not always deceased.

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Still Living


These people can be dreaming or having an out-of-body experience (obe). In the case of dreams, the person doesn't usually know they're walking around in the form of a ghost. With intentional obe's, the projector knows what's going on but their intentions are generally harmless.

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Idea DevelopmentWe are now improving our opening sequence from our last one completely by changing our old idea to a new one. We went from thriller to drama and now we are doing a physiological thriller . It is about a girl who has schizophrenia and she was put in care as her parents died when she was two. We fully researched and revised schizophrenia so we improved our understanding and knowledge making sure we make an effective opening sequence.

How are we contributing

Sanel and Kaya are contributing by meeting up on the Holidays to fully research and carefully think about our new ideas making sure that everything make sense for our audience. Also we made sure what effects schizophrenia has on people so we could make it realistic as possible.

draft 1

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Idea DevelopmentSanel and Kaya

Previously our idea for our whole film was about a girl who got introduced to a drug called LSD. She got addicted to it and starts to ruin her life and blocks herself out from a social life. What went well?• Creative• Interesting• Scary

Even better if?• Less complicated• Don’t give away the ending

Previously our opening sequence was showing the girls journey to the forest while she starts to have hallucination.

What went well?• Creative idea’s of the hallucination• the audience can watch her journey to the forest

Even better if?• Change the ending as it’s too confusing

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Sanel and Kaya

HWhole Film (Laura’s life from the beginning)

• Her friends introduce her to the drugs, she likes it and carries on taking it

• Laura takes it daily, gets addicted, party's, stops going school-messes her life up

• She steals, does prostitution to try and get money for LSD

• Her and her friends get into a big fight over money for the drug and she becomes lonely and depresses

• She keeps self harming, taking the drugs and ends up getting so intoxicated she doesn’t know what she's ding and just goes to the forest while hallucination

• He has heart failure and dies alone.

Draft 2 (Drama)

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Sanel and Kaya

HOpening SequenceDraft 2 (Drama)

• We follow Laura walking out of her home ( on the way to the forest and cut from different shots of her journey

• Throughout the journey we see short flash backs

• We then show CCTV of her walking into the park/forest gates

• Point of view of what she can see and hear (hallucination) which cuts from real life and her point of view.

• Laura stops quickly holds her chest and falls to the ground breathing slowly

• Front her point of view we see characters dance together

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Idea development

• We took out mental illness schizophrenia and just made her actually be possessed by demons who wanted to let the world know about her cult scaring the world so the demons can possess them too from watching the video.

• Doing deeper research of the reason of possession that demons can be related into the real world and why the certain people get possessed because they’re venerable.

• We also changed the location to somewhere more flexible as the room was small and we couldn’t move things around. Therefore we changed the to one of the group members basement as it is spacious and reliable.

Sanel and Kaya

HHow the idea was improved from draft 1 to draft 2

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Idea development How the idea was improved from draft 2 to draft 3


• We changed our genre completely from Drama to physiological Thriller.

• We have changed our whole film and only changed the flashback of our opening sequence and the ending.

• We revised a new topic on Schizophrenia and what effect Schizophrenia can have on people.

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Sanel and Kaya

HWhole Film

Draft 3 (Psychological Thriller)

• Main girl (Laura) parents die when she’s 2 years old- she gets put in care.

• She gets adopted at 14 by a couple.

• They make her bury the toys she keeps talking to –she carries on doing this they put her back in care

• She obviously emotional so her schizophrenia gets wore and her delusional become more bizarre and dangerous

• She burns the forest where her toys were buried and gets sent to a mental hospital

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Opening Sequence HSanel and Kaya

• Laura walks from her foster home (to the forest) (throughout this journey we see 3 flashbacks)

• FB1- Laura aged 13 blowing candles off her cake (delusional characters behind her) her foster parents discuss her behaviour

• FB2- The foster parents take picture of Laura with a box with the delusional characters next to her

• FB3- Laura looking in the mirror to the reflection of the delusional characters telling her to get them back and talk about her real parents

• When she gets to the forest she will start to dig with her hands and retrieving a box with 2 toys inside and a picture of her (from before), of her real parents, and the doll and clown while it zooms out in shots jumps to them walking up from behind her.

Draft 3 (Psychological Thriller) FB-Flashbacks

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What went well about the film…• Creative• Interesting• Understandable• Different

Even better if…….• We did either a drama or a thriller• To do either about schizophrenia or about how she feels about

losing her parents.


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Sanel and Kaya

HWhole FilmDraft 4 (Thriller)

• Laura moves into a new house to find its haunted by 2 girls

• Her life is disturbed by these two girls and two dolls that don’t go away

• She researches the house history to find they died in the closet in her room

• She tries to free the spirits

• She moves house thinking the sprits are free and she moves our but they are still there

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Opening Sequence HSanel and Kaya

Draft 4 (Thriller)

• Laura walks into her room and puts 2 dolls into closet

• She calls someone and starts hearing noises from the closet and opens it to nothing inside as something runs behind her

• She runs to the sofa and hides under blanket when closet doors open in a sudden

• She sees the dolls hanging inside and takes them down

• She gets trapped inside the closet and lights a lighter to 2 girls behind her

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How we have improved from our last opening sequence to our new one

• We have improved our opening sequence by actually building up tension towards the end and creating a thriller and scary vibe for the audience to make sure they have some kind of reaction and to get them off the edge of their seats.

• We fully researched and revised about spirits and how to thrill people so we improved our understanding and knowledge making sure we make an effective opening sequence.



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How are we contributing?

• We are all contributing by meeting up every Thursday and Friday to discuss our ideas and making sure our idea’s match up and make sense to us and to our target audience so everything won’t be confusing.


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HWhole FilmDraft 4 (Thriller)

• Laura moves into a new house to find its haunted by 2 maids

• Her life is disturbed by these two girls and two dolls that don’t go away

• She researches the house history to find they died in the closet in her room

• She tries to free the spirits

• She moves house thinking the sprits are free and she moves our but they are still there

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Opening Sequence HKaya

• Laura goes home from shopping where she bought a ghost book

• As she reads the book she finds a note while hearing whispers from the closet

• She goes to check the closet and finds nothing to see 2 ghosts in the reflection of her mirror

• She runs and they scream in her face and run into the closet

• She goes to check the closet and the ghost drops a note when she picks it up to be locked inside with them

Draft 3 (Thriller)

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KayaKAYA Kaya

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