assignment #9 draft 2 (part 1)

ASSIGNMENT 11: GROUP PRESENTATION DRAFT 3. Key Code: Joanne: Abigail: Gledis: Vera: Group work: A

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Page 1: Assignment #9 draft 2 (part 1)


Key Code:

Joanne: Abigail:

Gledis: Vera: Group work:


Page 2: Assignment #9 draft 2 (part 1)

• For draft one, we all received a grade because parts of the presentation were missing.

• My individual grade was an . • WWW: I put good detailed information on

each of my slides.• EBI: I should put all of my slides onto the

correct presentation.




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• For draft one, we all received a grade because parts of the presentation were missing.

• My individual grade was an . • WWW: My target audience slides were

efficient and had relevant information. • EBI: I should include more detail in all aspects

and include images with every point.

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Record of grade for draft one

• For draft one, we all received a grade because parts of the presentation were missing.

• My individual grade was an . • WWW: I gave a good range of conventions and

different films that met these conventions. • EBI: I had realised that our opening sequence was

actually a thriller and so I wasn’t required to also make a conventions chart for horror films.




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• For draft one, we all received a grade because I hadn’t put all of my slides onto the presentation.

• My individual grade was an . • WWW: I had a good range of pictures on my

slides.• EBI: I should put the slides that I was missing

up onto the powerpoint.




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• From draft one to draft two, we made a few amendments to our opening sequence idea.

• For this, we changed the ending as we received feedback that it wasn’t exciting and that there wasn’t a good climax.

Decisions and Revisionsc

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• This was a challenge, as we found it hard to recreate the ending of the opening sequence, but we managed to overcome this obstacle.

• This change helped us to improve overall because it made our opening sequence more appealing to our target audience, and made them want to watch the whole film.

Decisions and Revisionsc

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Genre: Thriller

• We have decided to use the genre Thriller.

• We want to use this genre effectively by using a number of conventions such as crime, possession, haunting and revenge. We will use these conventions by using them in our opening sequence to thrill our audience which meets the conventions of a thriller.


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• This has changed since our first draft, as in our first draft, we thought our opening sequence was Thriller/Horror.

• We corrected this and using conventions, we found that in actuality, our opening sequence was a Thriller.

Genre Thriller


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Stalkers/ Obsession

Fatal Attraction

Use- Someone becoming obsessed after a relationship Challenge – using a female as the stalker instead of a male.

The Fan Develop – Instead of being obsessed with a woman and or a family, De Niro is obsessed with his favourite sports star and stalks him.


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Stalkers/ Obsession

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Challenge- it does it through using a women as the crazy killer stalker who seeks revenge instead of the normal use of a male

Stir of echoes

Develop – Its more obsession as Kevin Bacon tries to find the answers to an ever haunting mystery


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/



Eye For An Eye Develop – A woman is used as the person seeking revenge for the crime rather than the typical use of a male character.

The Ambulance Develop – Not giving the audience a clear understanding of what the crime actually is at first.


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(Possible)Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Challenge/



The Others Challenge – In this film they made you aware of the wrong ghost, whereas in regular horrors, the ghostly figure is clear.

House On A Haunted Hill

Use/Challenge – They used the ghost to create fear amongst the audience and for the characters. They challenged it by making the ghost physically scary.


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Conventions of Thrillers...Conventions Example Image Use/Develop/


Misidentification or Wrongful Accusation.

Primal Fear

Use/Develop.The common feature of wrongful accusation was used and it was developed because the character accused was religious, young and didn’t fit the stereotype of who would be accused.

The Usual Suspects

Challenge – It seems to the audience like there has been a wrongful accusation, as the only survivor is then questioned about the incident that occurred and this typically doesn’t happen.

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Convention Explanation Use/Develop/Challenge


Our character is haunted by a ghost in her home.

Using – We’re using this as we are doing possession which can be quite a typical feature.


Mysterious things keep on happening to the character, and as she becomes aware of this, these happenings get worse.

Using– We’re are using this convention by included mystery all the way through the plot.


At the end of film, our character is fully possessed. But during the opening sequence, the character has a close encounter with the ghost.

Developing – We’re developing this because our character is possessed slowly and is aware of this possession.

Conventions of our

opening sequence.


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Inspirational FilmsThe Hand That Rocks The Cradle

What I found Inspirational about this scene is the kind of lighting they used through out the more dark scenes emphasises the emotions of the actor /actress


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Inspirational FilmsBlack Swan

What I found inspirational from this movie is the use of close up shots which was clearly present in this filmIt gives a clear picture of the characters emotions and helps the audience to connect with the character by seeing their emotions so closely.


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Inspirational Films – The Ring• The film that inspired me most is ‘The Ring’

• I want to use a similar long shot in our opening sequence.• It’s an effective way of keeping the audience’s attention to the

puddle of water whilst showing the character come up the stairs.

• I also want to use a fast zoom in our opening sequence.


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Use of costume and make-up in ‘The Ring’

• Quite frightening to look at and an effective way of scaring the audience.

• The lighting throughout the whole movie is kept more or less the same.

• This creates a very eerie and creepy atmosphere in the movie, common in most horrors and thrillers.

• I want to use dark lighting in our opening sequences .


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Inspirational Films - The Haunting In Connecticut.

• Another film that inspired me was ‘The Haunting in Connecticut ’

• Its paranormal theme has inspired me to make my opening sequence about a haunting.

• Slamming doors…

• It especially inspired me to set my opening sequence in a building that’s haunted. E.g. a haunted house.

• I would like to use old newspaper articles such as this to briefly show the history of the area.


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Inspirational Films – Rosemary’s Baby

• A scene from ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ also inspired me.Close up of hand reaching into crib

Draws the audiences attention to what she's doing.

. Allows imagination to run

wild making the audience uneasy.

It never shows what she sees, only her reaction.

Close up of Rosemary’s faceemphasises her shock, and horror at what she sees.


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Inspirational Films - GothikaThe particular scene I found inspirational about this film, where the scenes where the ghost interacts with the characters by leaving scratched out messages on their arms saying ‘Not Alone’.

I thought that a similar

idea would be a good

addition to our idea, as

the ghost tries to

communicate with our

character whilst she


I also took inspiration from the non-diegetic sounds, because they were creepy and added to what was already a tense film.


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Inspirational Films – Paranormal Activity

Throughout the whole of Paranormal Activity,

the characters use their own camera to

document what is happening to them.

I liked the idea of this as it makes the viewing

experience more personal for the viewer as

they literally see what the characters see.

I want to use this in our opening sequence as

the camera shots made it more exciting for the

viewer, and we want to add tense excitement



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Inspirational Films – The Grudge• The inspiration that I took from this film was

part of the plot – that the ghost was trying to get revenge over her death.

• I also felt that the setting added to the creepiness of the film, and so I hope we can re-create this when we make our opening sequence.


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Inspirational Films – Cabin Fever

The camera shot for this scene is a mini close up shot of his face to demonstrate fear, disgust and anxiety to the audience.

The props of this movie is very disturbing for the audience as it has disgusting images of blood everywhere.


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In this scene the lighting was very dim which makes it more scary because it emphasis death, danger and fear. It creates suspense to the audience as they don’t know what is going to happen next.

The movie has some kind of old fashioned humour to it which makes it more entertaining and interesting to the audience.

Inspirational Films – Cabin FeverE

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Inspirational Films – The Village

A scene where a character discovers about the supernatural things happening in the village in order to prove to the people that there is something going on.

This scene has a mid shot of a character who is illustrating fear and also of the monster destroying things in the village.


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Theme/Concept• An idea we had for the theme was

Revenge and the concept was Possession.

Revenge & Possession!



Someone who has been wronged

Suspicious circumstances



Twists & Turns

Shocking revelations


Hidden identities





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Theme/ConceptAnother idea we had for the theme was Justice and concept was Death

Justice & Death!


Moral Rightness.


A Cause

Life After DeathSupernatural




Murder & Manslaughter


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Theme/ Concept

• These were our previous themes and concepts.

• WWW: We had a range of different words which helped us when thinking of our opening sequence.

• EBI: We could have thought of more themes and concepts.


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• We did not change our themes or concepts because it was suitable for what we wanted to do.

• We kept the theme revenge and the concept possession because the keywords on that brainstorm helped to provoke new ideas regarding our opening sequence.


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• The way in which we came down to one idea is as we like Gledis’s idea but had problems with the choice of set being the school

• We later added elements from Abigail's opening sequence and developed on that

• There were some bumps in the road as to the ending of the sequence but after meetings we came up with solutions


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Research Of Topic

•• On this website, I found all of the believed

warning signs of demonic possession and this all linked in with what we had originally decided on for our opening sequence.

• The warning signs were things like self mutilation, changes in personality and attitude and blackouts in memory.


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Research Of Topic

• On this website, I also found that the outward manifestations of ghosts also linked in with our opening sequence. The manifestations that we had already chosen were listed on this website, and it included things such as:

• Knocking, banging or pounding being heard in one room.• Electrical appliances turning on by themselves.• A feeling of being watched.• Scratching sounds being heard without an obvious source.• And objects seemingly moving by themselves.


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Research Of Topic


• On this site I found out that a girl who had been possessed by a

demonic creature at the age of 12, was seeing shadows appearing

from walls, covering all over her, hearing mocking noises and could

see a white round ball rolling towards her mother’s room and also

hear noises when she is alone at home.

• She was possessed until the age of 22yrs but still had a strange

feeling that someone was watching her when she went to her night

shift at the mental home.


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Idea Development Option – Our Previous Ideas. (the whole film)

• It starts with the opening sequence, where strange ghostly things are happening to the main


• The main character slowly begins to find out information about who lived in her home before her.

She attempts to tell her family and friends but they dismiss it.

• The main character has a series of close encounters with the ghost. Whilst sleeping she dreams of

its life in the home she now inhabits.

• The ghost possess the main character slowly. Thinking she is on drugs, her family hosts an

intervention for her. At this intervention, she is fully possessed.

• Her family and friends, whilst trying to restrain her, collectively kill the main character and burn

her body. The cycle continues, with the audience being shown a family moving into a newly built

home where the main characters house used to be.


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What Went Well/ Even Better If

• WWW: Our teacher said that she would happily watch this film if it was an actual film due for release. This showed us that our idea’s were good.

• EBI: The ending was less drastic, as it seemed unlikely that the characters family would burn her body after accidentally killing her.


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Idea Development Option – Our Previous Ideas. (the opening sequence)

• The character is at her desk typing and researching ghosts, hauntings and the history behind where her house is situated.

• Suddenly, her television turns on by itself, she grabs her camera to document this strange experience.

• After turning off the television, she walks back to her desk, and the another person’s reflection is seen by the audience as they walk past her television.

• She hears another a noise coming from the drawer behind her, she scrambles to find out what it is. She finds an old photograph in the drawer that clearly doesn’t belong to her of a young girl wearing a similar necklace to the character.

• She hears a scream or thump coming from downstairs, she rushes to find the source of it and ends up in the bathroom. She sees the tap dripping and as she turns it off, she finds that the sink is full of blood.


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What Went Well/ Even Better If

• WWW: Our opening sequence idea has good pace, and the tension builds throughout the two minutes.

• EBI: The ending didn’t let the rest of the two minutes down as the rest of the opening sequence built tension and then the final moments made it all slump.


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Idea Development Option

• We decided to keep the majority of our

idea the same, and so we only edited

the final part of our opening sequence

to make it more thrilling.


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Idea Development Option – Our New Ideas (the whole film)

• It starts with the opening sequence, where strange ghostly things are happening to the main character.

• The main character slowly begins to find out information about who lived in her home before her. She attempts to tell her family and friends but they dismiss it.

• The main character has a series of close encounters with the ghost. Whilst sleeping she dreams of its life in the home she now inhabits.

• The ghost possess the main character slowly. Thinking she is on drugs, her family hosts an intervention for her. At this intervention, she is fully possessed.

• Her family and friends, whilst trying to restrain her, collectively kill the main character and dispose of her body in a house fire. The cycle continues, with the audience being shown a family moving into a newly built home where the main characters house used to be.


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Idea Development Option – Our New Ideas (The opening sequence)

• The character is at her desk typing and researching ghosts, hauntings and the history behind where her house is situated.

• Suddenly, her television turns on by itself, she grabs her camera to document this strange experience and this is seen from her point of view.

• After turning off the television, she walks back to her desk, and the another person’s reflection is seen by the audience as they walk past her television.

• She hears another a noise coming from the drawer behind her, she scrambles to find out what it is. She finds an old photograph in the drawer that clearly doesn’t belong to her of a young girl wearing a similar necklace to the character.

• She hears a thump coming from downstairs, she rushes to find the source of it, running through the corridors in her house she tracks the noise down to the bathroom and she listens outside the door. As she slowly reaches for the handle, someone else’s hand slams on the glass door from the inside.


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Idea Development Option• From draft one to this current draft, we

discussed a number of alternate endings for our opening sequence. We decided that the ending we have chosen: “She hears a thump coming from downstairs, she rushes to find the source of it, running through the corridors in her house she tracks the noise down to the bathroom and she listens outside the door. As she slowly reaches for the handle, someone else’s

hand slams on the glass door from the inside. ” gives the best climax out of all of our discussed options.

Alternate ending


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Long Shot, Slow motions zoom Close up shot, Ariel


Close up of website research

Whispers are heardMid-shot view of character

Camera swished around The room fast

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Ariel shot of room

Close up of camera in hand

Extreme close up of Camera screen

Long shot

Close up of TV

Mid shot

7 8 9

10 11 12

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Long shotClose up shot Close up shot of side of the


Close up shot of camera in hand Ariel shot

Close up of photo

13 14 15

16 17 18

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Close up of face to capture emotions Over the shoulder shot Mid shot

Long shot of hall way Ariel shot drop toOver the shoulder shot

19 20 21

22 23 24

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Close up shot

Wide shot Then fast zoomIn to Extreme close up to hand

25 26