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  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    6. /Back Strengthening Exercises/

    Back ExercisesWhy Do Back Exercises?

    Note: If you hav e a back inj ur y or curre nt back pain re ad : P ost- injur y exer cise pag e first .

    Weak Muscles Increase the Risk of Back Pain

    W e ak m us cles a re of te n a t the root of back pain, es pecially lower back pain. Th e mus cles of the back, the abd ome n, and the butto cks all su pp ort the s pine - these mus cles a re called the core mus cles .

    Mus cles a re the s pine's main d e f ense again st gr avity. S tre ng the ning the mus cles tha t su pp ort the s pine with exer cises , can p re vent, re duce and in so me ca ses e liminate back pain.

    S trong abd ominal m us cles (es pecially the dee p ab s) are as crucial a s stro ng back m us cles f or su pp ort ing the lower back and p re ve nting lower back pain. S trong q uad r ice ps (f ront of thighmus cles) is importan t to pre vent back inj ur ies when lif ting. P roper lif ting techniq ues involve us ingyour le gs and if y our le gs are we ak, y ou may e nd up us ing your back.

    S hortened Muscles Cause Back Pain

    Sh orte ned m us cles can throw the s pine out of alignm ent and ca use back pain. S tret ching exer cises leng then s horte ne d m us cles and re lie ve back pain. Tigh t back m us cles , tight butto cks mus cles , tight mus cles in the f ront of the hip and even tight quad r ice ps (f ront of thigh m us cles) or tight ham str ings (back of thigh m us cles) can aff ect the alignm e nt of the s pine . S tret ching the back with stret chingexer cises also incre ases mobility of the joints of the s pine .

    S trong and fl ex ible mus cles he lp main tain P roper Posture and p re vent Back S tr ain.

    Back Exercise S amples Note: Read : Post- injur y exer cise pag e first .

    *Che ck with your phys ician b e f ore doing back exer cises if you hav e back pain, a back c ondition or other medical c ondition.

    Warm up the mus cles with 5 min utes of light aero bics su ch a s walking or r iding a st a tiona r y bike be f ore e ither stret ching or stre ng the ning exer cises to re duce the r is k of injur y.

    S tretching or S trengthening Exercises First? S tret ching af ter stre ng thening exer cises he lps re lie ve the mus cle tightness tha t can occur f rom stre ng thening exer cises and may b e more

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    be ne ficial tha t stret ching b e f ore stre ng thening exer cise . Howe ver it is lar ge ly a ma tter of perso nalpre f ere nce - stret ching and stre ng the ning exer cises can al so e ach b e done on se pa r a te day s if des ire d. R ememb er to war m up first .

    Do Not hold your breath! Holding your bre a th can ca use a s pike in bloo d p ressure! Conce ntr a te onbre a thing while exer cis ing.


    to One major effect of the modern lifestyle is how much time we spend in front of computers, where many people have the tendency to slouch, or otherwise sit poorly.While it is important to have a good quality chair, adjusted to the correct height fordesk and computer work, the amount of time we spend at work often means we forgetabout good habits.

    On way of helping to train ourselves into retaining a good posture is to practice backstrengthening exercises, as well as other exercises related to our core muscles. Theseare the muscles in our midsection that help determine a persons posture thoughalignment of the spine, ribs and pelvis whether static or moving.

    Poor posture often results in back pain, particularly in the lower back, caused by eithermuscle weakness or stiff muscles. Increasing both the strength and flexibility of theback can often reduce or eliminate such back pain. Strong abdominal muscles,especially the deep abs, are also crucial for supporting the lower back.

    A program of back strengthening exercises should consist of both flexion exercises pulling the back forward and down and extension exercises lifting the trunk upright,although it should also be noted that a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic (Sinaki andMikkelsen 1984) showed that while extension exercises prevented further spinaldeformation in women suffering from osteoporosis, flexion exercises increased the riskof further spinal compression.

    The advice on this website is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If youare experiencing back pain, suffering from a back injury or are unaccustomed to regular exercise you should consult a medical practitioner before attempting any back strengthening exercises.


    If you want an exercise that will really make your stomach muscles scream, then the

    Russian twist is definitely for you. The exercise uses the obliques, the ab muscles at the

    sides of your torso and is one of the most difficult exercises I do.

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    The do the Russian twist:

    1. Lie down on the floor with knees bent. The feet should be either slightly above theground or under a stable surface.

    2. Hold the torso straight at a 45 degree angle to the ground.

    3. Hold the arm out front with your hands together, or alternatively hold a weight or ball.

    4. Slowly move your arms to one side by twisting the torso.

    5. When you have twisted as far as you can twist all the way to the other side.

    Make sure you dont hold your breath through the exercise, and aim for up to three sets

    of 8-12 reps. Youll ache the first few times you do it, but should be able to build up

    reps quite quickly and notice a positive effect on your posture.

    Technorati Tags: abs, obliques, russian twist

    Posted in back strengthening exercises | No Comment

    4 Back-Strengthening ExercisesBy Tracy Teare

    Four easy moves that will strengthen muscles and keep youinjury-free.

    The Workout

    These exercises were developed by Roberta Lenard, owner of Lenard Fitness, a personal-training company inSomerville, Massachusetts, and Anthony Carey, owner of Function First, an exercise studio in San Diego.

    H ip Bridge

    How to do it: Lie on your back, feet flat and hip-width apart, arms relaxed, and knees bent. Squeeze yourbuttocks as you lift your hips, creating a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold for a slow count of

    two, then lower slowly. Build up to 10 to 12 repetitions.

    What it does: This move counteracts the effects of too much chair time, which puts excessive pressure onthe spine. It stretches the hip flexors and strengthens the muscles that stabilize the spine, including those of the lower back, the gluteals, and the large, stabilizing abdominal muscles.

    Make it harder: Lift one foot off the floor and hold it straight up toward the ceiling, foot flexed, keeping the

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    hips even. This is much more challenging, so start by holding this pose for just a few seconds. Repeat five toeight times, then switch legs.

    Back S trengthening ExercisesA



    By: Peter F. Ullrich, Jr., MD

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    y y PRI NT

    Just like re inf or ced stee l can b e a r more we ight than s heet aluminum, a stro ng, we ll-conditione dback can withstand m ore stress , and p rote ct the spine better , than a back tha t ha s not bee nconditioned throu gh exer cise . Conditioning throu gh flex ibility and strengthening backexercises not only he lps the back av o id injur y, or minimize the se ver ity of injur y if the spine is tr a uma tize d, it also can h e lp re lie ve the pain of many back c onditions .In T his Article:

    y Exercise and Back Pain y S tretching for Back Pain Relief y S pecific H amstring S tretches for Back Pain Relief y Back S trengthening Exercisesy L ow-Impact Aerobic Exercise

    Many back exer cises can h e lp stre ng then the s pinal c o lumn and the su pport ing m us cles ,ligaments and te ndons . Most of these back exer cises f ocus not only on the back, b ut also the

    abd ominal ( sto mach ) mus cles and gl uteus (butto cks) and hip m us cles . Tak e n toget her , these stro ng core mus cles can p rovide back pain re lie f be ca use the y provide stro ng su pport f or the s pine , kee ping it in alignm ent and facili ta ting m ove me nts tha t exte nd or twist the s pine .

    Article continues be low

    Two of the most we ll-known back strengthening exercises a re: McKe nzie exer cises andDynamic L umba r S tabiliza tion. Th ese back exer cises a re gener ally first lea r ne d by wor king witha phy s ical ther apist who can d e monstr a te the exer cises and c orre ct a pa tients f or m to e nsure

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    stre ng the ning and/ or back pain re lie f is achi e ved. Althou gh McKe nzie exer cises and dynamiclumba r st abiliza tion exer cises te nd to be use d f or s pe cific conditions , the two f or ms of phys icalther apy exer cise may al so be combin ed whe n app ropr iate .McKenzie ExercisesThese back exer cises a re nam e d af ter a phy s ical ther apist in New Ze aland who f ou nd tha t exte nding the spine throu gh exer cise cou ld re duce pain g ener a te d f rom a c ompromise d dis cs pac e . Theoret ically, exte ns ion exer cises may al so he lp re duce the her nia tion of the dis c itse lf and re duce pressure on a n er ve root . Th ere is a wide r ang e of McKenzie exer cises , so me of which a re done st anding up while others a re per f or me d lying d own. All of these upper and l ower back exer cises use core mus cle contr ac tion and, usu ally, a r m m ot ions to st abilize the trunk andexte nd the spine .For pa tients who a re su ff er ing f rom le g pain d ue to a di s c h er nia tion (a r adic u lopa thy), exte ndingthe s pine with McKe nzie back exer cises may al so he lp re duce the le g pain by "c entr alizing" the pain (m oving the pain f rom the le g to the back ). For most pa tie nts , back pain i s usu ally more to ler able than l e g pain, and if a pa tient is able to ce ntr alize the pain, the y may b e able to continue with n on-sur gical tre a tme nt (su ch a s exer cise) and av o id a sur gical di s ce ctomy.W hen the pain i s ac ute , the exer cises s hou ld be done f re que ntly (e ver y one to two hours) . To be e ff e ctive , pa tie nts shou ld tr y to avo id flex ing the s pine (bending f orw a r d) dur ing exer cis ing a s this under cuts the stre ng thening m otion.McKe nzie exer cises may al so be he lpf u l f or those individuals who hav e back pain d ue to degenerative disc disease . W hile s itting or flex ing f orw a r d can acc entua te low back pain f or pa tie nts with de ge ner a tive dis c dise a se , exte nding the s pine can ser ve to re lie ve the pressure on the dis c. Note tha t the oppos ite is true in e lder ly pa tie nts who hav e facet osteo a rthr itis and/ or lumba r ste nos is (exte nding the spine jam s the facet jo ints on the back and inc rea ses pressure ac ross the jo ints , so these pa tie nts will typically f ee l better s itting, and hav e more pain withexte ns ion).Dynamic L umbar S tabilization ExercisesW ith this back exer cise te chniq ue , the phy s ical ther api st first tr ies to find the pa tients "neutr al"s pine , or the pos ition tha t allows the pa tie nt to f ee l most comf ortable . The back m us cles a re then exer cise d to te ach the spine how to st ay in this pos ition. Thi s back exer cise te chniq ue re lies on p ropr ioception, or the a wa re ness of where ones jo ints a re pos itioned. P er f or me d onan ongo ing ba s is , these back exer cises provide pain re lie f and h e lp kee p the back stro ng andwe ll pos itione d.Lumba r st abiliza tion back exer cises may al so be done in conjunc tion with McKe nzie exer cises .

    The McKenzie exer cises ser ve to reduce back pain, and the lumba r st abiliza tion exer cises he lpstre ng the n the back. S tabiliza tion back exer cises can b e r a ther r igorous and there f ore may n ot be we ll to ler a te d by all pa tients . It may b e advis able f or e lder ly pa tients or pa tie nts in s ignifican t pain to use other less stre nuous mean s of phys ical ther apy and back exer cise to stre ng then the back.The ab ove two back exer cise progr am s a re commonly pres cr ibe d to tre a t low back pain and l e gpain, b ut many other f or ms of exer cise can al so provide pain re lie f and h e lp with re habilita tion.

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    The importan t a spe ct is tha t the exer cise includes contro lle d, p rogress ive stre ng theningexer cises . Alter na tive f or ms of stre ng thening exer cise tha t can b e gentle on the back incl ude Pila tes , yoga and tai chi. Th ere a re se ver al f or ms of these dis ciplines , and the y a re best le a r nedwor king with a c ert ifie d tr ainer or pr ac titioner .

    3 Easy Back S trengtheningExercises For Instant Back PainRelief

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    3 Easy Back S trengthening Exercises

    Do you hav e a ser ious back -condition like s co lios is , h er nia te d dis cs , s cia tica, a rthr itis of the

    s pine , spinal ste nos is , lower back pain, upper back pain or e ve n back pain d ur ing p re gnancy?

    Did you get last ing pain re lie f f rom d octors , sur geo ns , chi ropr ac tors and phy s ical ther api st ? H ow ab out so me of the many back pain d rugs on the ma r ket ?

    W ou ld you like to:

    - Go back in time to be f ore you had back pain?

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    - Go f or a run or bike r ide W ITHOUT the pain f or day s ...

    - Be able to tou ch your toes without ex crucia ting pain?

    If you a re loo king f or back pain re lie f, you hav e come to the r ight spot . These s imple back

    strengthening exercises will give you re lie f f rom your back m us cle pain.

    Here a re so me sampl e back pain exer cises f or pain re lie f :

    *Hip Br idge Exer cise

    *Side Plank E xer cise

    *Bir d Dog E xer cise

    *More Exercises For L ower Back Pain

    H ip Bridge Exercise

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    T his back exercise is great for stabilizing the spine and strengthening

    the core muscles.H ow to do H ip Bridge Exercise1. L ay flat on back - knees bent andhands straight and flat at side2 . Feet flat and shoulder width apart3 . T ighten abs the squeeze and slowlylift buttocks until your knees form astraight line with your shoulders (handsremain flat at side)4. H old in straight position for twoseconds keeping abs tight5 . S lowly return buttocks back to floor 6. Repeat 5 times (for beginners) workyour way up to 10-1 2 repsB ird Dog

    H ow to do it: Begin on all fours, knees hip-width apart and under the hips, hands flat and shoulder-width

    apart. Squeeze your abs by pulling belly toward spine. Keep the spine neutral, without arching the back or

    rotating the hips, and extend your right leg back and your left arm straight ahead. Hold for two to threeseconds or as long as you can maintain form. Repeat five to six times on each side.

    What it does: This exercise improves muscle balance and coordination, making it easier to keep the spine

    stable for everyday moves, such as walking, running, dancing, and carrying a child. It also tones your glutes,

    upper back, lower spine, and hamstrings. Tighter abs also keep the spine supported.

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    Make it harder: Gradually increase the holding time for 10 to 12 counts. For an additional challenge, add

    movement to the mix by slowly lifting and lowering the extended arm and leg a few inches, maintaining proper

    form throughout.

    Side PlankH ow to do it: Lie on your right side, in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm. Your elbow

    should be directly under your shoulder. With your abdominals gently contracted, lift your hips off the floor,

    maintaining the line. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Hold 20 to 40 seconds and

    lower. Repeat two to three times, alternating sides. (If this is too challenging, start with bent knees.)

    What it does: Builds strength and endurance in the core. This will help keep your lower back protected and

    stable during activities that require movement in the hips or back.

    Make it harder: While holding the basic position, lift and lower your top leg. Gradually work toward holding

    the upper leg for 5 to 10 counts. Another option: Instead of resting on your forearm, support your body with

    your hand, palm on the floor and under the shoulder, elbow straight.

    L unge

    H ow to do it: With your abs gently contracted and hands on hips, take a big step forward with your right

    foot. Sink down so your right knee is at a 90-degree angle, then push back to the starting position without

    pausing. Repeat 8 to 12 times, then switch legs and repeat.

    What it does: Improves whole-body control, which is key to protecting the spine during walking, running, or

    stair-climbing. Recruits both surface and deeper stabilizing muscles along the sides, glutes, hamstrings, quads,

    and calves.

    Make it harder: Set up to do a basic lunge, but this time step your right foot out on a diagonal, not straight

    ahead, as if the foot is pointing to 2 o clock on a clock face. (When you lunge with the left foot, step it out to

    10 o clock.) The change in foot placement makes it harder to balance. As you get stronger, try it with your

    hands interlaced behind your head or hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. Get Instant Relief From Back Pain

    H ip Bridge Exercise VideoW ith E xer cise BallGreat butt and hamstrings exercise: one-leg hip bridge

    by an tokindness | video inf o

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    81 r a tings | 27,256 vi ews




    auto ma tically gener a te d by YouTube

    S ide Plank Exercise

    This exer cise builds stre ng th and e nd ur anc e in your core . It is per f e ct f or kee ping the lower back st able and p rote cte d d ur ing ac tivities tha t involve the hips and back.

    H ow to do S ide Plank Exercise 1. Lie on your le f t s ide plac e e lbows dire ctly und er s hou lders 2. Tigh te n your abd ominal s while lif ting your hips off the floor 3. Kee p n e ck align e d with spine and hip s s qua re 4. H o ld f or 30 se cond s the n lower hips back to floor 5. R e pe a t 3 times on e ach s ide

    Get S tep By S tep Back S trengthening Exercises

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    Bird Dog Exercise

    Gre a t f or improving mus cle balanc e and c oor dina tion kee ping the s pine st abl e whe ndo ing e ver yday m ove me nts su ch a s walking, running, lif ting ligh t load s et c.

    H ow to do the Bird Dog Exercise

    1. S ta rt on all f ours with kn ees hip width apa rt (dire ctly und er the hips) and hand s s hou lder with apa rt with palm s flat on floor

    2. Tigh te n your ab s

    3. E xte nd r igh t a r m f u lly f orwa r d while exte nding l e f t le g f ully back

    4. H o ld pos ition f or 10 se conds

    5. R etur n hand and l e g to st a rting p os ition

    6. R e pe a t 5 times on e ach s ide f or be ginn ers . If more advanc e d d o 3 sets of 10 re ps one ach s ide .

    For more on h ow to get back pain relief Check T his Out

    More Exercises For Back PainT reatment Back Pain ExercisesCa uses And S o lut ions

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    The ca uses of lower back pain a re numerous , we a ther it is f rom playing a s port , s itting a t a

    computer all day or just day to day ac tivities tha t invo lve you be nding and twist ing.

    Almost all pain in the lower back i s a resu lt of we ak m us cles in the core of the body nam e ly the

    ab s , back m us cles and b utto cks mus cles . Ev en thou gh the y migh t not all be we ak, the y can b e out of alignm ent and the resu lt is st ill back pain.

    The goo d news is tha t there is hope . Eve n se vere ca ses of back pain can b e e liminated with

    mus cle balanc e ther apy. Th e pur pose of this ther apy i s to get the core mus cles back in to

    alignm e nt there f ore e liminating the pain.

    Go here f or more on m us cle balanc e ther apy and back pain exercises .

    7. /Back Exercises For Men/

    Back Exercises for MenB ack exercises for men help improve the physique, correct posture and prevent injury.A good workout comprises of exercises for the upper back, middle back and lower back.Here are some good back exercises for men...

  • 8/6/2019 Assignment Ni Ate


    B ack exercises for men are an essential part of any good fitness regime. Whether youare working towards muscle growth, muscle definition, or regular fitness, they must beincluded in a proper training program. The two thumb rules you need to keep in mindare, if you want muscle growth, consistently increase your weight load to build a higherresistance. However, if you want better, higher muscle definition, lower your weightload but increase the number of repetitions. Here are a variety of back strengtheningexercises that target different regions of the back.

    Simple Back Exercises

    Cable Row Among the upper back exercises for men, the cable row helps add real muscle-mass.Here's how you do it: Sit on the platform with a bend in your knees. Hold the cableattachment (triangle handle or bar) with a neutral grip, ensuring that your arms areoutstretched and back and shoulder blades are straight. There should be tension on thecable before you begin. Now brace your abdomen and pull the handle into yoursternum. Slowly return to your starting position. While doing this exercise, try tominimize upper body movement, this exercise is ideal for strengthening lower backmuscles , as emphasis is given to the lower back muscles while rowing.

    Pull-up Pull ups done correctly are among the best back exercises for men. This pull uprequires an overhand grip, which puts the pressure on the back instead of the arms.B egin by grasping the bar with an overhand grip, keeping a little more than shoulder-width distance between your hands, and extend your arms fully. Allow your body tohang straight down. Now slowly pull up until your chin is over the bar, squeezing yourlats as you do so. Ensure that you do not swing your body. Gradually lower slowlyyourself to the starting position without swinging.

    Back Exercises with Dumbbells

    Single Arm Row Stand straight next to the bench, then place your right knee and right palm on thebench. Your back should be flat and parallel to the bench. Grab hold of a dumbbell withyour left hand and then raise your arm up, so that the shoulder to elbow portion (upperarm) is parallel to the floor, and the elbow to wrist portion (lower arm) is hangingstraight down towards the floor, with your palm facing in. Slowly bring the dumbbellback down. After you complete your left arm workout, repeat the exercise with yourright arm.

    Lying Bent Over Rows Lie face down on a flat or slightly inclined bench, such that your chest to groin region isresting on the bench. Hold a dumbbell in either palm, with your arms hanging down.Now simultaneously bring the dumbbells towards your chest. Maintain control whilelowering the dumbbells back down, and don't let them drop.

    Back Exercises for Lower Back Pain

    Lying Hamstring Stretch There are a few exercises that are recommended to prevent lower back pain . Make a

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    roll of a small towel and place it under your lower back, as you lie flat on the floor.Keep your left leg straight while lifting your right leg, and pointing your knee towardthe ceiling. Extend your arms and hold your right thigh, by interlocking your fingers.Gradually straighten your right leg and point your toes at the ceiling. You should feel astretch on the lower side of your thigh. Now retain that position for 30 seconds. One setcomprises about 3 repetitions. Perform the same exercise with your other leg.

    Cat and Camel Stretch : Assume a dog like position by getting down on your handsand knees; your hands should be aligned with you shoulders and your knees with yourhips. For the cat stretch, drop your head down, while tucking your hips under and liftingthe middle of your back as high as you can. This feline stretch should have your back ina curve, raised towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 seconds. You should performabout 10 reps in a set. In the camel stretch, assume the same initial position, but thistime raise your head and hips up, while letting your stomach fall towards the floor. Holdthis position for 5 seconds and perform about 10 reps in a set. Read more on backstretching exercises .

    These lower back exercises for men will help those who suffer from low back pain. It isvery important to never skip a warm up routine before you begin to exercise or stretch.For regular back exercises to add muscle, one is advised to perform between 3 to 4 setsper exercise. Ideally, do about 2 exercises each for the lower back, the middle back andupper back.

    10 Best Back Exercises for MenBy: Dani e l Rivas Break Studios Contributing Writer

    The older we get , the more we nee d to know the 10 b est back exer cises f or men so tha t we cane as ily e ase the pain stress ca uses in our back s . W hether its stress or injur y tha t ca uses your backpain, these te n back exer cises and stret ches will he lp you f ee l stro nger , more balanc ed, and will take away the pain.

    1. T he Reach : Get on all f ours . Reach y our r ight ar m str aigh t ah ead will lif ting your r ight le g. Hold f or five se conds . S witch to le f t ar m and r ight le g. Do fif tee n of e ach s ide . This exer cise wor ks the mus cles up and d ow n your back, y our ab s , your hips and gl utes . It wo n't mak e you a r ippling,inf omer cial stu d, b ut it is a g o-to exer cise f or any one with back p roblems .

    2. S tretch Your Butt : Be lieve it or not , back pain of ten or igina tes in your glutes . Tigh tness any where

    can p ull you out of alignm e nt, but your glutes a re big, p ower f ul mus cles . Lie on your back and p ullyour r ight knee tow a r d your le f t s hou lder . You s hou ld f ee l it stret ch in y our butt and y our hips . S witchto your le f t knee and r ight s hou lder . Do this stret ch f or as long a s you wan t. There is no su ch thingas too much of this stret ch.

    3. L unges : If you don't wan t your back to hurt , you hav e to be stro nger . Lunges wor k those le g, hip,and b utt mus cles to kee p you in balanc e . S ta rt with ten to fif tee n on e ach l e g, p re f er ably walkingf orw ar d.

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    4. Foam Roller : Get one of those fat f oam cylind ers and ro ll your hips , glutes , and l e gs , us ing your body we ight to cre a te the proper pressure . Think of it as giving yourse lf a s hia tsu ma ss ag e . It hurts so goo d.

    5. Mowers : In a m otion s imilar to cr anking a la wnmower , re ach y our r ight a r m to your le f t ankle andthen p ull up until your hand i s even with your s hou lder . Do te n to fif tee n of these and the n sw itchs ides . A comm on the me to all the exer cises s hou ld be empha s ized here . W ha te ver you do to one s ide of your body, d o to the other . Imbalanc e ca uses back pain, so to corre ct it you hav e to exer cise in a balanc e d way.

    6. S uperman : Lie on your sto mach and re ach y our ar ms and l egs str aigh t out so tha t your hand s andf eet a re only a f ew inches off the grou nd. S ee ms eas y, r ight? Now do it f or a min ute . Not so e as yanym ore .

    7. S wimmers : W hile you're on the grou nd you migh t as we ll st ay there . Br ing your ar ms up a s if you were ab out to dive into a p oo l. Now lif t your upp er body a s you br ing your a r ms back.

    8. Push-ups : Of te n over loo ke d is the fac t tha t to do a p roper pus h-up you nee d to hold up the middle of your body. Your back and ab s get a g oo d wor kout along with your ar ms .

    9. S cissors : Lie on your s ide and r aise your leg to a 45 d egree angl e . Te n to fif tee n of these are ha r der than y ou wou ld think. Again, y our wor king those crucial hip s and gl utes .

    10. L ie Down and Relax. Back pain i s of te n the resu lt of stress . Make sure to take it e as y, clear your mind, b re a th dee ply and re lax. S omet imes tha t's all you nee d to f ee l yourse lf again.

    Back Exercises For Men Back Exercises For Men When you ask one hundred females exactly what physical attribute that they

    find most desirable in a guy, ninety nine of them will certainly say a V-shapedupper body, with wide shoulder blades as well as a lean stomach these areachievable with a good knowledge of back exercises for men. However themost essential part of this particular form is building a solid back muscularlats will certainly develop a powerful V-shape much more compared to any other muscle group can. Right here are several excellent back exercises formen that will will get you there.

    Pull Ups The Master of Back Exercises

    Whenever it comes to workouts that truly work the back muscle groups, thereis definitely not one better compared to the simple pull up. Pull ups not only focus on a persons back muscle groups, but a persons biceps and forearms at

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    the same time. This basically tends to make bicep curls along with forearmcurls unnecessary so long as pull ups continue to be an essential part of ones workout program.

    With pullups, you grasp a bar overhead, pull your self up so the chin area isactually the exact same level as the bar, and lower yourself back down. If perhaps anyone experienced gym class in high school, you have most likely done 100s of these previously. However do not allow that point trick you pull-ups will certainly build a solid back more than any kind of other physicalexercise ever will.

    Inverted Rows

    A lot of men like to perform either bent-over rows in order to focus on the back. This is definitely challenging for a few good reasons. First, when you areperforming dumbbell rows, you actually are performing only a single side at atime, which is definitely a waste of time when you actually can be performingeither sides. However when you perform bent-over barbell rows, you actually

    put an enormous amount of strain on the lower back in addition to result in agreat deal of injury long-term.

    Your ideal answer is to perform inverted rows. Together with this physicalexercise, you set a barbell up in the stand and dangle from it using the arms whilst trying to keep your legs extended in front of you and your body straightas an arrow. You next continue to pull oneself upward to your bar and alsolower oneself back straight down again in a kind of reverse push up. Thisparticular physical exercise will certainly prevent the back stress of barbellrows whilst getting the task done more quickly compared to dumbbell rows.

    The Best of the Rest

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    Pullups as well as inverted rows tend to be the very best back exercises formen. However you may well wish to try out a few more in case you are serious.Rope climbs demand a little bit extra equipment and also room than the

    majority of individuals have, nevertheless they tend to be a really amazingphysical exercise at the same time. Plus of course, rowing in both a fishing boat as well as a machine will definitely work the back also.

    All these excellent back exercises for men will certainly get anyone on the righttrack towards developing ripped lats.

    8./How To Get Bigger Biceps/How to get big biceps!

    Ah, the age old question - how to get big biceps? If I had a penny for every time someasked me how do I get big biceps I would be a rich man! Today I'm going to tell youhow to get big biceps, in 5 steps. My "how to get big biceps" advice is not specific toany person or body type, it can work on all guys!


    Following the advice, exercises guides and workouts on e B icep you can get big biceps!B ut you have to remember, it's not going to be easy! No one ever said it was going tobe easy. At the end of the day it's all up to you . You can read all day about how to getbig biceps but it's the hours in the gym and the hard work you put in that will reallygive you big biceps!

    How to get big biceps step 1:- Eat Big!

    In order to get big biceps, you need to eat big. This means eat everything! Your bodyneeds to have an excess of calories each day before you can start to build muscle.

    Make sure you eat lots of protein (meat, eggs and fish) and lots of carbs (brown bread,brown rice and potatos). Protein is what makes up your muscles, and you need a lot of it to actually build muscle. Eat as much protein as you can.

    To really get big biceps, make sure you either have a protein shake (a protein drink) ora good meal after your biceps workout. This is when your bicep muscles are repairingand need the nutrients. Also, make sure you eat before you go to bed. Most of actualmuscle building happens while you are asleep.

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    How to get big biceps step 2:- Lift Heavy!

    One of the biggest mistakes I see lifters making when trying to get big biceps is doingto may sets and way to many reps. If you want to get strong and big biceps, you need

    to lift heavy weights at low reps . When I say low, I mean anything from 2 to 8,depending on the exercise. Most of my biceps exercises are arounf 4 to 8. I like to loadup heavy on the big exercises like barbell bicep curl, chin up and preacher curl. Takethis one step further by using a spotter to help you puch out really heavy sets.

    How to get big biceps step 3:- Rest Up!

    Most people are surprised when they ask me how to get big biceps and I tell them toget plenty of rest. Like I mentioned earlier in this article, most of your muscle buildingis done in your sleep. So if you want to get big biceps, get plenty of sleep (9 hourswould be good, but 8 is fine). Also try to limit your cardio to 1-2 workouts per week.When you're training your biceps, cut out the cardio. Don't train your biceps then hitthe treadmill for an hour afterwards. How to get big biceps? Work hard, rest hard.

    How to get big biceps step 4:- Mix It Up!

    Feel like no matter how many hours you spend building your biceps you just can't seemto lift and heavier and get any bigger? You've hit a plateau. It happens to every lifter atsome stage. This is why you need to vary your biceps workouts and shock your musclesinto growth! See, you muscles tend to get "used" to the biceps training exercises. Soyou need to change you biceps workout every 2 - 3 months, change the day you work

    your biceps and change the order in which you do your biceps exercises. This willdefinately help you to get big biceps!

    How to get big biceps step 5:- Train smarter!

    To get big biceps, you need to put some thought into your biceps routine. Here are mytips to trian smarter: Only train your biceps once per week and hit them with 5 differentexercises, train your back at least 48 hours before/after your biceps (because thebiceps are secondary muscles in back exercises), never train your biceps if they are stillsore from the last workout and always do the biggest and heaviest biceps exercises in

    your routine first (bicep curl, chin up, preacher curl).

    Apply my "how to get big biceps" to your bicep routine and you'll notice the difference!Remember, you only get out what you put in! Work hard in the gym, rest hard andbuild bigger biceps!

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    T o do dips for bigger triceps... Look straight ahead while doing dips to work your

    triceps ( or the back of your arms) more and... The closer your chairs are = the

    more your triceps get worked and...

    T o do dips for a bigger chest... look down and lean forward slightly to work your chestmore and... The wider your chairs are spaced apart = The more your chest gets

    worked and...

    If you're not strong enough to do dips...

    J ust do negatives by taking 5-to-10 seconds or longer to lower yourself to

    the bottom position and don't push yourself back up (J ust stand up &

    complete another negative) . The longer or slower you lower yourself down =

    the more muscle you'll build and... You can also do dips by not lowering yourself all the way down - J ust come

    down halfway by placing a box or any object up under you - This is the same

    principle as doing board push-ups here and...

    To kee p g ett ing bigg er chest & ar ms do ing dip s ...

    U se more weight by using a weight vest , wearing a book bag with weights,

    by holding a dumbbell between your ankles or by using a weight belt.

    I recommend you do 5-to-8 sets of 3-to-8 reps for gaining mass in yourchest & arms doing dips using extra weight and...

    I recommend you do 3-to-4 sets of 8-to-12 reps for general toning or to

    maintain chest and arm size by using just your bodyweight.

    H ow To Get Bigger Arms BY JARED DICARMI NE ON JULY 11, 2011U NDER PERSO N ALLY RECOMME NDED S o youre wonder ing how to get bigger a r ms ? Tha ts a g oo d quest ion and p robably the ho ly gr ail when it comes to guys wan ting to put

    on s labs of mus cle ma ss which al ways includes a pai r of s lee ve s plitting a r ms .

    W e ll to be honest , there a re many way s you can tr ain to get bigger a r ms . Im g o ing to te ll you thou gh tha t e ver ything wor ks to so me degree , but if you really wan t

    bigger a r ms much fa ster , the n I su ggest you f ocus on just your a r ms f or a c ert ain p er iodof time . This is calle d a spe cializa tion rout ine where you tone down the vo lume on allother mus cle grou ps and inc re a se the vo lume on 2 m us cle grou ps to play ca tch up to e ver ything e lse .

    You can d o this with your a r ms f or a rou nd 6 -8 wee ks .

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    Now there a re so me pa rts of a r m tr aining tha t can mak e your a r ms loo k much bigg er minus the tr iceps and bic e ps . These mus cles a re the br achiali s and b r achi or adialis .

    Here is a pic ture illustr a ting the m.

    Esse ntially, if your br achiali s is is bu ilt up, its go ing to pus h out your bice ps much m ore ,there f ore making y our a r m bigg er in cir cumf ere nce .

    A g re a t way to tr ain b oth of these 2 m us cles is throu gh the use of any type of cur lingmove me nt with your palm s facing d own or inwa r d. Thi s is calle d a p rona te d g r ip andneutr al g r ip. This will activate those 2 m us cles the most and take the much m ore power f u l biceps out of the move ment.

    Liste d b e low is a rout ine you can f o llow on h ow to get bigger a r ms f or the next 6-8wee ks . Howe ver , re me mber tha t the grow ing d oes not happ en in the gym. I t happ e n a t your kitchen table . Tha t cou ld be your proble m too is tha t youre not taking in enou ghcal or ies to e nsure mus cle growt h. Mak e sure youre ea ting plenty of calor ies f rom cle ansour ces to su pport wha t youre do ing in the gym.

    Anyways , here is the progr am : Monday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 5 super setting movements. A1 : Ba r be ll Cur ls A2 : Dips B1 : W ide Gr ip Ez C ur l Bar Cur ls B2 : Dumbb e ll Floor P resses C1 : Na rrow Gr ip Ez C ur l Bar Cur ls C2 : Ez C ur l Bar Pu llover Into A Sku ll Crus her Lying Down Wednesday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 8 super setting movements. A1 : Hamm er Cur ls A2 : Close Gr ip De cline Be nch P ress B1 : Re verse Gr ip Ez C ur l Bar Cur ls B2 : Over he ad R ope Exte ns ions C1 : Zotto man C ur ls C2 : Diamond G r ip P us hups Friday: Perform all exercises for 3 sets of 1 5 super setting movements. A1 : Re verse Gr ip Ez C ur l Bar P re ach er Cur ls A2 : Sku ll Crus hers W ith A Dumbb e ll B1 : Hamm er Gr ip P reach er Bench C ur ls

    B2 : Ar ms Be nt Lying P u llovers C1 : S tanding Palm s Up Dumbb e ll Cur ls (No Twist) C2 : Ba r be ll Floor P resses All in all, you can d o this rout ine f or 6-8 wee ks . For all other body pa rts , just do the m on

    a se pa r a te day, ut ilizing big mu lti jo int compou nd m ove ments f or 4 sets of 6 to preser ve your mus cle ma ss .

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    As you progress , you will notice youre gett ing stro nger on these lif ts . F ee l f ree to add aset , re p or add we ight.

    This my f r ie nd is a g re a t progr am on h ow to get bigger a r ms . I'm Going T o S how You H ow You Can Add Inches T o

    Your Biceps! Today, I 'd like to provide you with so me much n ee de d inf or ma tion ab out how to

    get big bic e ps .

    Now , I'm sure if your re ading this pag e , your loo king to add so me s ize to your bice ps .

    I'm sure tha t you' ve also done so me initial rese a r ch on the inter net loo king f or so me gu idanc e ab out progr am s and te chniq ues .

    I've also done so me rese a r ch on h ow to get big bic e ps and there is so me conflicting inf or ma tion ab out wha t progr am s to f o llow , wha t exer cises to do andso f ort h.

    W ith tha t in mind, I 'm g o ing to give you , wha t I think a re the best te chniq ues to bu ilding big bic eps .

    The way I loo k a t it, is if you wan t to get big bic e ps , your going to hav e to tr ainthe m in a v er y s pe cific way tha t is cond ucive to building mus cle . I've broke ndown the main ste ps and the y a re a s f ollows:

    1) Know W here Your Going2) Sp e cializa tion

    3) Exer cise Per iods 4) Exer cise Se le ction - Dire ct Exer cises 5) Exer cise Se le ction - Indire ct Exer cises 6) Mus cle Building E xer cises 7) Diet 8) Rest 9) Supple me nts

    W ha t I'd like to do is go over e ach and di s cuss the import an t of e ach in ter ms of how to get big bic e ps .

    1) Know Where Your Going Simply s how ing up to the gym and d o ing 10 sets of ba r be ll cur ls will do nothing

    f or your bice ps growt h. Th e first thing y ou nee d to do is get a st a rting p oint. The only way to do this is tak e out a m e a sur ing tap e and we igh t s cale . W ha t you wan t to do is get an acc ur a te me a sure me nt of your ar m whe n it's

    re laxe d and whe n it's in a flexe d p os ition. Onc e you do both, wr ite the m d own ina log of so me sort and g et the da te down. G o to the f ollow ing we b pag e:

    Free Weight L ifting Charts And s av e this log to your des ktop. Onc e youve done this , p r int it out . W r ite down

    your me a sure me nts in this log. Th e next thing y our going to do is hop on a

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    we igh t s cale and take down your we igh t. W r ite this number down in the log.Re me mber , da te the log.

    W ha t youre doing h ere is gett ing a st a rting p oint, which i s ver y, ver y import an t inwe igh t tr aining. Onc e you know wha t your st a rting p oint is , you can d e cide wha t your goals a re . Re alist ically, y ou can p robably ex pe ct to gain any where f rom

    to 1 to your bice ps in a 12 wee k tr aining cycl e . Tha t is , of course if you do e ver ything r igh t.

    So , if your a r ms a re 15", y ou can re alist ically ex pe ct an inc re a se to 15 inch es to 16 inch es . This all de pe nd s on h ow de dica te d you a re with your tr aining anddiet . S ett ing a g oal f or 20 inch a r ms is unre alist ic. Only a s mall p er ce ntag e of the popula tion can a ttain a 20 inch a r m. Of c ourse , this all d e pend s on your ge net ics and this will deter mine how big your bice ps can g et - Over a p er iod of time (usu ally ye a rs) . Howe ver , 18" and 19" a r ms a re re alist ic (Over the course of af ew ye a rs) and b e lie ve me , these a re prett y big a r ms .

    Tak e s mall ste ps in ter ms of per iodic tr aining cycl es , and y oull re ach y our goals .

    Ok, wr ite down your goal and in 12 wee ks your going to see tha t youve re ach e dthis me a sure me nt. Now , your go ing to be taking y our a r m me a sure me nts e ver y wee k a s we ll as

    your body we igh t. Each shou ld be incre a s ing with e ach m e a sure me nt. Alr igh t, now tha t you know where your st a rting, y ou can g et onto a ttaining y our

    goals . 2 ) S pecialization This probably the most import an t a s pe ct to improving any b ody pa rt. Howe ver ,

    its one tha t is not re ally dis cusse d in the mus cle magazin es or the inter net . I first he a r d ab out s pe cializa tion whe n I wa s re ading an in ter view a rticle with the gre a t

    Ar no ld. He s aid tha t whe ne ver he wan te d to improve a b ody pa rt, he wou ld mak e it a p r ior ity in his we igh t tr aining p rogr am. I t only mak es se nse tha t if you wan t to improve so met hing, y ou ste p up your e ff orts to mak e sure it improves .

    Tak e calv es f or ex ampl e . Most peo ple with we ak calv es will say tha t the y s implydon 't hav e the ge net ics f or building h uge calves . Howe ver , if you take a loo k a t the ir tr aining rout ines , you' ll see calv es tucke d d ee p d own af ter tr ainingquad r ice ps , and ham str ings , d oing mayb e 3 to 4 sets of light calf r aises . It does n 't wor k like tha t. I or der to improve a we ak b ody pa rt, you hav e to tr ain i t like it's your favour ite body pa rt.

    I hope you und erst and tha t to tru ly build big bic e ps , you nee d to s pe cialize andtr ain the m first and f ore most . Heres wha t I su gg est . Tr ain y our bice ps andtr ice ps on the first day of you tr aining p rogr am. Y ou will have to re-stru cture your curre nt we igh t tr aining p rogr am b ut be lie ve me , if you wan t big bic e ps , your goingto hav e to . Heres a s ampl e tr aining s ch e du le:

    Day 1Bice ps and T r ice ps

    Day 2Le gs

    Day 3Rest

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    Day 4Back and Ch est

    Day 5Rest

    Day 6

    Sh ou lders Day 7Rest

    This is just a s ampl e and y ou will have to come up with a we ight tr aining plan tha t is su itable f or you .

    Alr igh t, now tha t you know tha t s pe cializa tion is nee de d to build big bic e ps , lets move on to the thir d p oint.

    3 ) Exercise Periods The thing y ou hav e to re me mber ab out bice ps is tha t the y a re a s mall m us cle

    grou p. It does nt tak e much wor k in or der to st imu la te growt h b ut there is a v er yfine line whe n it comes to do ing too much f or the bice ps .

    Bice ps overtr aining i s a c ommon thing and wha t peo ple fail to underst and i s tha t any p ulling mot ion involves the bice ps . This is probably one of the main re a so ns why ha r d wor king we igh t tr ainers can t see m to get the ir bice ps to grow .

    Your bice ps a re const an tly be ing wor ke d f rom other exer cises and re ally, the yonly nee d b r ie f, inte nse wor kout sess ions to ca use growt h. F or this re a so n, Iwou ld s ay to tr ain the m onc e per wee k. Ye p, only onc e per wee k. Trust me , if your doing e ver ything r ight, once per wee k is all you nee d and y ou will see the resu lts your loo king f or .

    W he n you stru cture your tr aining p rogr am, j ust mak e sure tha t you give your bice ps e nou gh rest per iods to ca use mus cle growt h. T r aining back a day af ter youve tr aine d bic e ps is not a s ma rt thing to do . If youre doing it now , sto pimme dia te ly. W ha t you wan t to do is give your bice ps a t le a st two to three day s rest in b etwee n e ach tr aining sess ion. S ee the ab ove s ampl e we igh t tr ainingrout ine .

    Im g o ing to te ll you r igh t now , tha t compou nd m ove me nts su ch a s ba r be ll be nt over rows , and chin ups provide just a s much m us cle st imu la tion, if n ot more ,than re gular bice ps exer cises . Im g o ing to dis cuss this s hort ly but just re me mber , indi re ct exer cises a re the main bic e ps builders in your tr ainingprogr am.

    Alr igh t, now tha t you know ab out exer cise timing, lets move onto the next po int ab out how to get big bic e ps .

    4) Exercise S election - Direct Exercises Im g o ing to te ll you r igh t now tha t you dontnee d 25 sets f or bice ps . Doing 5

    exer cises f or 5 sets is not a s ma rt way to tr ain. D rop the Ar nold wor kouts and c ut down on the am ou nt of sets and exer cises your doing f or bice ps .

    Re ally, y our only nee d 3 exer cises f or the bice ps and tha ts ple nty. Here is as ampl e bice ps wor kout to do:

    Bice ps Exer cise #1 - S tanding Ba r be ll Cur ls W a r m up: 1 x 20 re pet itions

    Set one: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 50% of your ma ximum

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    Set two: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 60% of your ma ximumSet three: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 70% of your ma ximumSet f our: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 80% of your ma ximum

    Bice ps Exer cise #2 - Se a te d Dumbb e ll Cur ls Set one: 1 x 10 re pet itions with 60% of your ma ximum

    Set two: 1 x 10 re pet itions with 70% of your ma ximumSet three: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 80% of your ma ximumSet f our: 1 x 8 re pet itions with 80% of your ma ximum

    Bice ps Exer cise #3 - P re ach er Cur ls 4 sets of 12 re pet itions For pre ach er cur ls you s hou ld be us ing m oder a te we igh t f or this exer cise s ince

    you re ally wan t to do this exer cise nice and s low . This is all you nee d to re ally st imu la te your bice ps . Anymore is over kill and y ou

    migh t be doing m ore ha r m than g oo d. R e me mber , less is more! Here's a v er y imp ort an t point tha t I'd like to mak e . W ith e ach wor kout , you must

    improve . You can e ither use more we igh t, more re ps , or do the wor kout faster . If

    you don't improve f rom wor kout to wor kout , there is no re a so n why your bodynee ds to grow . You see , imp rove me nt me an s growt h. Und erst and this pr inciple and y ou' ll build huge mus cles .

    Now tha t you hav e an id e a of wha t you s hou ld be doing f or your bice ps wor kouts ,lets move on to the next point ab out how to get big bic e ps .

    5 ) Exercise S election - Indirect Exercises Alr igh t, this is ver y imp ort an t so you may wan t to liste n up. You ab so lute ly must

    hav e compou nd p ulling move me nts in your we ight tr aining p rogr am. If y ou wan t to build big bic e ps , your going to hav e to st a rt do ing these exer cises . W ha t Imtalking ab out a re be nt over ba r be ll row ing, T ba r rows , se a te d p ulle ys, s ingle a r mdumbb e ll rows , d e ad lif ts and chin ups . W ha t you wan t to do is incor por a te these exer cises into your back rout ine and n ot your bice ps rout ine .

    Lets tak e the ab ove note d s ampl e tr aining s che dule . On day 4, y ou will tr ainback and s hou lders . I wan t you to tr ain back fi rst and re ally conce ntr a te onmoving so me he avy we igh t. The major ity of your back exer cises shou ld be compou nd m ove me nts .

    Here's a pag e you may wan t to take a loo k a t f or the import anc e of doingcompou nd m ove me nts:

    Import anc e of compou nd m ove me nts W he ne ver I nee d to add so me s ize to my a r ms , I add in c ore compou nd

    move me nts . Be lie ve me , your bice ps will re ce ive much m ore mus cle st imu la tiondo ing a h e avy set of re verse gr ip ba r be ll be nt rows than the y will withconc e ntr a tion c ur ls .

    Heres a s ampl e back rout ine tha t includes compou nd m ove me nts: Exer cise # 1 - Chin Up s

    3 x 12 re pet itions Exer cise # 2 - Re verse Gr ip Ba r be ll Be nt Over Row

    4 x 8 re pet itions Exer cise # 3 - Se a te d Cabl e Pu lle y Rows

    3 x 10 re pet itions

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    Exer cise # 4 - S tanding D umbb e ll Sh rugs 4 x 12 re pet itions

    Not hing fancy ab out this back rout ine but it is ver y e ff e ctive f or building a bigback and es pe cially e ff e ctive f or building big bic e ps .

    Now , you s hou ld be s pacing y our back wor kout ab out 3 day s apa rt f rom d o ing

    your main bic e ps wor kout . S ee the ab ove note d s ampl e wor kout rout ine . Ok, n ow tha t you know the import anc e of core , back m ove me nts , lets move onto the next point ab out building big bic e ps .

    6) Muscle Building Exercises These exer cise a re not dire ctly involve d in y our bice ps rout ine but the y a re pure

    mus cle bu ilders . The two main exer cise you may wan t to incor por a te into your tr aining rout ine a re s qua ts and d e ad lif ts . Your probably thinking, wha t does s qua ts hav e to do with bic e ps tr aining? W e ll, e ver ything. D oing he avy s qua ts ha s a magical way of making y our who le body g row . Th e re a so n is tha t the y re quire so much e ff ort and in te ns ity to do the m tha t it ca uses a h uge sur ge of growt hhor mone and testostero ne re le a se in your body. A s you may or may n ot know ,

    these hor mones a re res pons ible f or mus cle growt h. Th e more na tur al p roductionof these hor mones you hav e in your body, the better . So re me mber , d o your s qua ts in your le g sess ions . Lets move onto the next point ab out how to get big bic e ps . 7 ) Diet In or der to get big stro ng a r ms , you nee d to bu ild mus cle ma ss . In or der to build

    lar ge mus cles , you nee d to incre a se your intake of nutr ie nts . If you're thinkingtha t you can add two inch es of mus cle to your a r ms while tr ying to get a s ix packof ab s , it's not going to happ e n. Building mus cle ma ss re quire d cal or ies , and l ots of the m. D rop the s ix pack ab s diet and g et on a di et tha t's load e d with ple nty of cal or ies , p rote in, ca r bs , and q uality fa ts .

    Ill be ver y honest here , you wan t to ac tually add b ody we ight here in or der to st a rt building big bic e ps . If you wan t to get big and stro ng, y ou hav e to st a rt e a ting to get big.

    To stru cture your optimal we igh t lif ting diet , ple a se vis it Bu ilding mus cle 101 's we igh t lif ting diet pag e . Ch e ck out the f ollow ing pag e the get an id e a of how to add m us cle ma ss:

    Building Muscle Mass Ok, n ow tha t you underst and tha t you nee d to gain l e an b ody we igh t to build big

    bice ps , lets move onto our next po int. 8 ) Rest Ill kee p this nice and s imple . G et a t le a st 8 h ours of s lee p e ach and e ver y nigh t.

    Late nigh ts and pa rties will kill your progress and s hou ld be av oide d a t all costs if you wan t to build big bic e ps .

    It is ver y imp ort an t tha t you get into the habi t of gett ing q uality rest e ver y nigh t.W ha t you hav e to re me mber is tha t your body ac tually g rows and b u ilds mus cle while you a re s lee ping, n ot while your we igh t tr aining. If y ou can g et the ne cess a r y rest , your body will use tha t time to re pai r and b u ild mus cle tissue ,which i s wha t you wan t.

    9 ) S upplements

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    Supple me nts hav e there plac e in s ports and we igh t tr aining. H owe ver , the most import an t point to re me mber ab out su pple me nts is tha t the y only wor k onc e your hav e your diet and tr aining in plac e . S upple me nts he lp to e nhanc e a we ight tr aining p rogr am tha t's alre ady wor king. I 'd only su gg est tha t you use su pple me nts af ter 6 to 8 wee ks of ste ady we igh t tr aining. Thi s way, y our body

    will make the most of these s ports su pple me nts . If you f ee l you are re ady to use su pple me nts and a re intereste d in us ing the m to he lp with your we ight tr ainingprogr am, pl ea se see the f ollow ing pag e:

    9 ./Exercises To Strengthen Lower Back/Lower Back S tre ng the ning E xer cises Exercises > Strengthening (Joints) > Lower Back Strengthening Exercises

    The f ollow ing lower back stre ng thening exer cises are des igned to improve the stre ng th of the

    mus cles of the lower back. Y ou s hou ld dis cuss the su itability of these lower back stre ng theningexer cises with your phy s iother apist pr ior to be ginning them. G e ner ally, the y s hou ld only be per f or med p rovided the y do not ca use or incre ase pain.Be gin with the ba s ic lower back stre ng the ning exer cises . Onc e these a re too eas y, add the inter media te lower back stre ng thening exer cises . As your stre ng th imp roves , the advanc e d backexer cises can the n b e add e d to the inter me dia te progr am.Lower Back Strengthening Basic ExercisesTo begin with, the f ollow ing ba s ic lower back stre ng the ning exer cises s hou ld be per f or me dapp rox ima te ly 3 times daily. As your lower back stre ng th imp roves , the exer cises can b e progresse dby g r ad ually incre as ing the re pet itions , f re que ncy or dur a tion of the exer cises provided the y do not ca use or incre ase pain.Transversus Abdominus Retraining

    Slow ly pull your be lly butto n in "a way f rom your be lt line" and b re a the nor mally. Your r ib cag e s hou ldremain re laxe d and s hou ld not e le va te dur ing this process . You s hou ld be able to f ee l the mus cle contr ac ting if you press dee ply 2cm in f rom the bony p rocess a t the f ront of your pe lvis (figure 1).P r ac tise holding this mus cle a t one thir d of a ma ximal contr ac tion f or as long a s poss ible dur inge ver yday ac tivity (e .g. whe n walking etc.) provided it is pain f ree . Re pea t this back exer cise 3 times daily.

    Figure 1 Tr an sversus Abdominus Retr ainingOpp osite Arm Leg RaisesBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise lying on your sto mach with your ar ms ab ove your headas de monstr a ted (figure 2). Kee ping y our knee and e lbow str aigh t, s low ly lif t your opp os ite ar m andleg tighte ning y our lower back and b otto m m us cles . Hold f or 2 se conds and then retur n to the st a rting p os ition. R e pea t this process with the other ar m and l eg. P er f or m 10 times on each s ide provide d it is pain f ree .

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    Figure 2 Opp os ite Ar m Leg Rai ses (r ight a r m, lef t leg)

    Lower Back Strengthening Intermediate ExercisesThe f ollow ing inter me dia te lower back stre ng the ning exer cises s hou ld ge ner ally be per f or med 1 - 3times per wee k provided the y do not ca use or incre a se pain. Id eally the y s hou ld not be per f or me d onconse cutive day s , to allow mus cle re cover y. As your lower back stre ng th imp roves , the exer cises can b e progresse d by g r ad ually incre as ing the re pet itions , numb er of sets or dur a tion of the exer cises provided the y do not ca use or incre ase pain.Prone HoldBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise propp ed up on your e lbows and toes with your backstr aigh t as demonstr a ted (figure 3). Hold this pos ition f or as long a s poss ible provide d it is pain f ree and y ou a re main taining g oo d p osture . Re pea t 3 times .

    Figure 3 P rone HoldSup ermansBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise lying on your sto mach with your ar ms ab ove your head

    as de monstr a ted (figure 4). Kee ping y our knees and e lbows str aigh t, s low ly lif t both a r ms and l egs tightening y our lower back and b otto m m us cles . Hold f or 2 se conds and p er f or m 3 sets of 10re pet itions provided it is pain f ree .

    Figure 4 Super man s Side HoldsBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise propp ed up on one e lbow and f oot with your backstr aigh t as demonstr a ted (figure 5). Hold this pos ition f or as long a s poss ible provide d it is pain f ree and y ou a re main taining g oo d p osture . Re pea t 3 times on e ach s ide .

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    Figure 5 Sid e Holds (le f t s ide)

    Rotation Versus Resistance BandBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise knee ling or st anding with your back str aigh t, holding ares ist anc e band a s demonstr a te d (figure 6). Slow ly rota te your body kee ping y our ar ms and backstr aigh t. P er f or m 3 sets of 10 re pet itions as far as poss ible provided it is pain f ree .

    Figure 6 Rota tion vs . Res ist anc e Band (l e f t s ide) Lower Back Strengthening Advanced ExercisesThe f ollow ing advanc ed lower back stre ng thening exer cises s hou ld gener ally be per f or me d 1 - 3times per wee k provided the y do not ca use or incre a se pain. Id eally the y s hou ld not be per f or me d onconse cutive day s , to allow mus cle re cover y. As your lower back stre ng th imp roves , the exer cises can b e progresse d by g r ad ually incre as ing the re pet itions , numb er of sets or res ist anc e of the exer cises provided the y do not ca use or incre ase pain.Prone Hold on Swiss BallBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise with your f eet on a S wiss ball, your hand s on the floor ,and y our back str aigh t as demonstr a te d (figure 7). Hold this pos ition f or as long a s poss ible provide dit is pain f ree and y ou a re main taining g oo d p osture . Repea t 3 times . Onc e this is too e as y, tr ymain taining the s am e pos ition with one leg in the air as demonstr a ted and re pea t on e ach s ide .

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    Figure 7 P rone Hold on S wiss Ball (le f t leg)

    Leg Lift over Swiss BallBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise lying over a S wiss ball a s demonstr a te d (figure 8).Slow ly lif t your le gs , kee ping the Swiss ball st ill and your knees str aigh t. P er f or m 3 sets of 10re pet itions provided it is pain f ree .

    Figure 8 Le g Lif t over Swiss BallRoll Outs

    Be gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise in knee ling with your back str aigh t and y our hand s on aSwiss ball a s de monstr a te d (figure 9). Slow ly ro ll f orw ar ds , moving a t your knees , kee ping y our backand a r ms str aigh t. Slow ly retur n to the st a rt pos ition. P er f or m 3 sets of 10 re pet itions provided it is pain f ree .

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    Figure 9 Roll Outs

    Side Bends over Swiss BallBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise with your f eet apa rt and again st a wall and y our hipand back rest ing on a S wiss ball a s demonstr a te d (figure 10). Slow ly per f or m a s ide be nd kee pingthe Swiss ball a s st ill as poss ible . P er f or m 3 sets of 10 re pet itions on each s ide provided the exer cise is pain f ree .

    Figure 10 Sid e Be nds over Swiss BallSide Bend with Rotation over Swiss BallBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise with your f eet apa rt and again st a wall and y our hipand back rest ing on a S wiss ball. Your chest s hou ld be facing the grou nd a s demonstr a ted (figure 11 ). Slow ly per f or m a s ide be nd, rota ting your torso so your chest faces upwar ds as s how n, kee pingthe Swiss ball a s st ill as poss ible . P er f or m 3 sets of 10 re pet itions on each s ide provided the exer cise is pain f ree .

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    Figure 11 Sid e Be nd with R ota tion over Swiss Ball

    Lower Back Extension over Swiss BallBe gin this lower back stre ng thening exer cise with your f eet again st the wall and a S wiss ballbetwee n your thighs as demonstr a te d (figure 12). Kee ping y our back str aigh t, s low ly r aise your back,kee ping the Swiss ball st ill. Per f or m 3 sets of 10 re pet itions provided it is pain f ree .

    Figure 1 2 Lower Back E xte ns ion over Swiss Ball

    T ricep Exercises with DumbbellsTricep exercises with dumbbells are very effective in building your tricep muscles. Theyrightly tone up your tricep muscles so that you have firm, strong and perfectly shapedtriceps.

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    10 ./Tricep Exercises With Dumbbells/Want to build your tricep muscles? Performing tricep exercises will help you improvethe strength of your triceps. You might be struggling to find out the right exercise tostrengthen and tone your tricep muscles. With only a pair of dumbbells, you canperfectly workout your triceps and have the desired results. You'll have to performthese dumbbell exercises every alternate day to have the right strength. Ready to doeffective tricep exercises with dumbbells, get started.

    Best Tricep Exercises with Dumbbells

    Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Extension This is one of the best tricep workouts with dumbbells. To perform it, stand upright andkeep your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell in right hand. Now lift this arm,so that the dumbbell is at a height of arms length above your shoulder. Now keep yourelbow fixed at your ear and bend it slowly following an arc motion behind your headuntil a ninety degree angle is formed at your elbow, and slowly move it back upwards.Repeat the motion 10 times. Make sure that the part of your arm from armpit to elbowdoes not move. Remember to slightly bent your knees so that they take the pressureoff your lower back. Now, repeat the same motion for left hand. Perform 3 sets of thisexercise. More on dumbbell exercises for women .

    Seated Two Arm Dumbbell Extension Sit upright on a flat exercise bench. Extend both your arms above your head and hold adumbbell properly with both your arms. When the dumbbell is positioned above yourhead with your arms extended, keep you arms slightly bended at elbows. Start byslowly lowering your arms downwards, behind your head. Keep your elbows in, all theweight must be over your triceps. Now, slowly raise the dumbbell upward, back to thestarting position. Remember to keep your elbows in throughout the exercise. This tricepextension is one of the most effective exercises for triceps with dumbbells. You mustperform 10 reps and 3 sets of this exercise.

    Dumbbell Kickbacks Dumbbell kickbacks is known to be one of the perfect workouts for triceps with

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    dumbbells. You need a flat bench to perform this exercise. Hold a dumbbell in yourright hand and place your left knee and left hand on the flat bench. Keep your right armtucked into your side, upper arm must be parallel to floor and elbow bent to form aninety degree angle. Now, slowly extend your arm until it is straight, keep a very slightbent at elbow don't make it completely straight. Now move it to initial position andrepeat. Perform 10 reps and repeat with your left arm. Perform 3 sets.

    Lying Dumbbell Extension Another exercise that is amongst the best tricep exercises with dumbbells is lyingdumbbell extension. You need a flat exercise bench for this. Lie flat on your back on thebench and hold a dumbbell with both your arms. Keep your arms extended, there mustbe a slight bend in your arms. Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until theyare at the sides of your head. Now raise back the dumbbell to the starting position andrepeat. Perform 10 reps and 3 sets of this arm exercise .

    Decline Dumbbell Extensions You need an exercise bench for this dumbbell exercise. Decline the bench and lie flatover it. Now grasp two dumbbells, with someone's help and position them over yourshoulders. Your arms must be straightened with just a slight bend at elbow. The palmsmust face each other. Slowly lower the dumbbells by bending the elbow until they areat the sides of your head, they'll touch your shoulder. Extend your arms to initialposition and repeat. Make sure you move both the arms together. This is amongst thebest tricep exercises with dumbbells that rightly target your tricep muscles, thedeclined position helps maintain constant stress on the triceps. Perform 10 reps and 3sets of this tricep extension exercise.

    Read more on Tricep Exercises:

    y Tricep Exercises for Women y Tricep Exercises With Free Weights

    The above mentioned tricep exercises with dumbbells will tone up and strengthen yourmuscles in the right way. You need to perform them for atleast two months to have thedesired results. Keeping slight bent in your arms throughout the exercise means notlocking the joints is essential to work the tricep muscles. Dumbbell exercises provide alonger range of motion. Also this exercise equipment allows you to work each sideindependently. So, grab those dumbbells and start building your triceps.By Mam ta Mu le

    Top 10: Bicep Exercisesy Sha re y Email

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    I thou gh t I'd give your ab s a rest this wee k and tr y making y our bice ps sore inste ad. If d one

    corre ctly, the f o llow ing exer cises will get you those bu lging bice ps tha t you' ll be dying to

    me a sure (and s how off ) in no time .

    Number 10

    2 1s

    Get yourse lf a ba r be ll with we ight on it and h o ld it with your palm s facing up, s hou lder-w idth

    apa rt. Cur l the ba r half way up 7 times; then c ur l it f rom the half way p o int all the way up 7 times;

    then c ur l it f rom the botto m all the way up 7 times . Don 't rest betwee n se gments .

    Number 9

    H angover Barbell Curls

    Knee l on an inclin e d b e nch, with your chest leaning again st the back rest and y our a r ms

    hanging over the other s ide . Ho ld a ba r be ll a little less than shou lder-w idth apa rt, making sure

    tha t your a r ms f or m a 90 angl e with your chest a t all times , and c ur l the ba r 8 to 12 times .

    Number 8

    Reverse Grip Curls With Bar Or Cable

    Ho ld a ba r be ll or the str aigh t a ttachm ent on a cabl e machin e , with your palm s facing d own and

    your hand s a little less than shou lder-w idth apa rt, and c ur l. Do 8 to 12 re ps .

    Number 7

    Inclined Dumbbell Curls

    Sit on an inclin ed b e nch with d umbb e lls in e ach hand and hand s dow n by y our s ides . You can

    do hamm er cur ls (where you kee p your palm s facing y our body a t all times); re gu lar cur ls (with

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    palm s facing up); or su pina ting cur ls (where you sta rt with your palm s facing y our body, and

    ab out half way throu gh the move ment, you tur n the m facing up). Do 8 to 12 re ps .

    Number 6

    S upinating Dumbbell Curls On Ball

    Sit on an exer cise ball, h o lding dumbb e lls in each hand and with your a r ms by your s ides , palm s

    facing in wa r d. C ur l both a r ms a t the s am e time , tur ning your palm s up ab out half way throu gh

    the move me nt, so tha t you complete the cur l with your palm s facing upwa r d.

    Number 5


    This military training st anda r d is grea t f or bice ps , a s we ll as shou lders and over all upper- body

    stre ng th. Id eally, the ba r s hou ld be a t le a st a f oot higher than y ou a re with your a r ms exte nde d

    ab ove your he ad. H o ld on to it, with your palm s facing y ou , and p u ll yourse lf up a s high a s you

    can ; aim f or br inging your chin high er than the ba r . R e me mber to lower your body in a c ontro lled

    mann er a s we ll. Do a s many a s you can, aiming f or 15 re ps .

    Number 4

    Preacher Curls

    Sit on a p re ach er be nch and rest the back of your a r ms on the pad. Th e se a t shou ld be adjuste d

    so tha t your a r mpits a re in line with the top of the pad. G r a s p the cur l ba r with your hand s

    s hou lder-w idth apa rt and y our palm s facing outw a r d, and c ur l.

    Number 3

    Dumbbell Or Barbell Curls

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    The standa r ds ne ver go out of st yle . G r ab a ba r be ll load e d with we ight or two dumbb e lls , with

    your palm s facing outw a r d, and c ur l. If you wan t an extr a chall enge , lower the ba r be ll or

    dumbb e lls ver y s low ly (i.e . take a f u ll f our se cond s to do so) and f ee l the bur n.

    Number 2

    Cable Bicep Curls With Rope Attachment

    S e cure the rope a ttachm e nt to the lowest hoo k on a cabl e machin e , and g r ip it with your palm s

    facing in wa r d, r ight under the rubber e nds . Contr ac t your bice ps , s low ly tur ning your palm s

    upwa r d so tha t the y're facing y ou by the end of the move ment. Do 8 to 12 re ps .

    Number 1

    Bicep Curl Machines Of Various Kinds

    Althou gh I 'm n ot a big fan of machin es a s the y te nd to do so me of the wor k f or you , the y're gre a t

    on day s whe n you're tire d or sore , or just plain d on 't f ee l like killing yourse lf.

    Bulging Biceps There you hav e it: 10 exer cises to give your a r ms tha t pump y ou' ve bee n af ter . And y ou canalso che ck out the a rticle ontricep moves to balanc e the m out . J ust don't be a g ee k and st a rt flex ing your a r ms in the mirror e ver y five minutes .

    ayan na ah... kapagod pala..
