astechnova 2014 paper hanif

Proceedings of the 3rd Applied Science for Technology Application, ASTECHNOVA 20 "nternational Energy Conference #ogya$arta, "ndonesia, 3%! A&g&st 20! Performance of Electric Double Layer Capacitor Electrode from Reduced Graphene Oxide Material Prepared by Zn Reduction Followin by !ydrothermal Proce"" Haniffudin Nurdiansah # , Diah Susanti #,* , Dah Shyang Tsai ^ Hariyati Purwaningsih # , Lukman Noerochiem # # Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nope Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia ^ hemical Engineering Department, National Tai!an "ni ersity o$ Science and Technolog %&, Section %, Keelung 'oad, Taipei, Tai!an (orresponding )uthor * santiche + mat eng-its-ac-id ABSTRACT 'educed graphene o.ide /r012 has been succes$ully synthesi3ed $rom graphite po! 4ummer5s method, $ollo!ed by ultrasonication at di$$erent time /6-7, 8, and 8-7 h 2, co reduction in acidic conditions, and $inally thermally treated by hydrothermal process at ; - These synthesi3ed materials ha e been characteri3ed by <'D, SEM, =TI', EDS, and 'aman Spectroscopy- =rom the <'D result, it appears that the peak o$ 0raphite 1.ide /012 />?-@ ; 2 has $ully dissappeared, and broad peak at >8& 8% ; has appeared- =TI' spectra indicate that the intercala 4 8 1 molecules and most o$ the o.ide groups o$ 01 are remo ed- The A !eight o$ and 1 ar @6-?@A and 6@-;8 A, concluded $rom EDS Testing- =rom 'aman Spectroscopy Testing, sho!s t the cur e consists o$ t!o dominant peaks at 6&7; cm 6 and 67?; cm 6 along !ith a !ide band e.tending $rom about 8:;;B&&;; cm 6 - =urthermore, the electrochemical per$ormance in estigated using electrode prepared by dipping a piece o$ Nickel =oam into a r01 solution, and then press it- The C Testing sho!s a rectangular shape and a high capacitance up to &7;-& rate 8mC s in the Na 8S1 % solution 6M- 0al anostatic charge discharge sho!s the capacitance &:@ = gr at the current density 8 ) g- Fe concluded that the best result !as obtained by sam ultrasonication time 6-7 hour- K!" $DS% 'educed graphene o.ide, 9n reduction, 4ydrothermal, apacitance 1 INTRODUCTION The traditional synthesis o$ r01 $rom 01 in ol es harm$ul chemical reducing agents a undesirable $or practical applications- "sing 9n as a reductor to acGuire r01 $rom 01 un condition has been carried out, and it o$$ers a potential $or cost e$$ecti e, en ironmentally $riendly, and large scale production o$ r01 /Hanbo iu, et al, 8;6&2- Se eral methods ha e recently been reported to synthesi3e r01, such as chem apor deposition, thermal annealing graphene o.ide !ith N4 & , and arc discharge method, but this process need rigorous conditions or special instruments- ompared !ith these methods, the hydrothermal method has merits o$ mild conditions and scale up synthesis /Hing hen 8;6&2- Electric double layer capacitors /ED s2, are used in a !ide range o$ ener storage applications, !hich are belie ed to pro ide clean energy !ith almost 3ero !aste arbon materials can meet the reGuest o$ ED electrodes- The commonly mater acti ated carbon- )lthough acti ated carbons al!ays ha e high JET sur$ace area the sur$ace can contribute to the speci$ic-capacitance- 4ence the speci$ic sur lo!er than graphite /<ian Du, et al, 8;6;2-

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Proceedings of the 3rd Applied Science for Technology Application, ASTECHNOVA 2014International Energy ConferenceYogyakarta, Indonesia, 13-14 August 2014Performance of Electric Double Layer Capacitor Electrode from Reduced Graphene Oxide Material Prepared by Zn Reduction Following by Hydrothermal Process

Haniffudin Nurdiansah #, Diah Susanti #,*, Dah Shyang Tsai^Hariyati Purwaningsih#, Lukman Noerochiem#

#Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia^Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology43, Section 4, Keelung Road, Taipei, Taiwan*Corresponding Author : [email protected] ABSTRACTReduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been succesfully synthesized from graphite powder via Hummer's method, followed by ultrasonication at different time (1.5, 2, and 2.5 h ), continued by Zn reduction in acidic conditions, and finally thermally treated by hydrothermal process at 1600C. These synthesized materials have been characterized by XRD, SEM, FTIR, EDS, and Raman Spectroscopy. From the XRD result, it appears that the peak of Graphite Oxide (GO) (~9.80) has fully dissappeared, and broad peak at ~23-240 has appeared. FTIR spectra indicate that the intercalated H2O molecules and most of the oxide groups of GO are removed. The % weight of C and O around 81.98% and 18.02 %, concluded from EDS Testing. From Raman Spectroscopy Testing, shows that the curve consists of two dominant peaks at 1350 cm-1 and 1590 cm-1 along with a wide band extending from about 26003300 cm-1. Furthermore, the electrochemical performance investigated by using electrode prepared by dipping a piece of Nickel Foam into a rGO solution, and then dried it and press it. The CV Testing shows a rectangular shape and a high capacitance up to 350.37 F/gr at scan rate 2mV/s in the Na2SO4 solution 1M. Galvanostatic charge discharge shows the capacitance 368 F/gr at the current density 2 A/g. We concluded that the best result was obtained by sample with ultrasonication time 1.5 hour.

KEYWORDS: Reduced graphene oxide, Zn reduction, Hydrothermal, Capacitance

INTRODUCTIONThe traditional synthesis of rGO from GO involves harmful chemical reducing agents and is undesirable for practical applications. Using Zn as a reductor to acquire rGO from GO under acidic condition has been carried out, and it offers a potential for cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and large-scale production of rGO (Panbo Liu, et al, 2013).Several methods have recently been reported to synthesize rGO, such as chemical vapor deposition, thermal annealing graphene oxide with NH3, and arc discharge method, but this process need rigorous conditions or special instruments. Compared with these methods, the hydrothermal method has merits of mild conditions and scale-up synthesis (Ping Chen, et al, 2013).Electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), are used in a wide range of energy capture and storage applications, which are believed to provide clean energy with almost zero waste emission. Carbon materials can meet the request of EDLC electrodes. The commonly material used was activated carbon. Although activated carbons always have high BET surface areas, only parts of the surface can contribute to the specific.capacitance. Hence the specific surface capacitance was lower than graphite (Xian Du, et al, 2010).In recent years, graphene has been extensively explored as an electrode material for EDLC because of its high conductivity, large specific surface area (SSA), and excellent electrochemical stability. For this purpose, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been paid the most intensive attention, mainly because it can be cheaply produced on a large scale from graphite oxide (GO). Graphene materials for supercapacitors seem to be extremely attractive for the present. Stoller et al, (2008) fabricated a symmetric supercapacitor based on chemically reduced graphene oxide (rGO) to give a specific capacitance of 135 F/gr in KOH and 99 F/gr in an organic electrolyte . Xian Du et al, (2010) fabricated a supercapacitor graphene nanosheet by coated into a piece of nickel foam, which has a specific capacitance up to 150 F/gr in Na2SO4 electrolyte.In this work, rGO was prepared by Zn reduction under acidic conditions. The ultrasonication was conducted at different time (1.5, 2, and 2.5 h). Compared to other synthesis methods, the advantages of our strategy is that this reduction process is very fast, and environmentally friendly. In addition, the hydrothermal process gave a rGO paper which has a good quality and can be obtained at a lower temperature process (1600C). Therefore, the resulting rGO paper exhibits excellent electrochemical capacitive properties in neutral electrolyte, Na2SO4.Experimental procedure

Preparation of rGOGraphite oxide was synthesized using graphite flakes by the Hummers method . In a typical synthesis, 2.0 g of graphite powder was added to 80 mL of cold (00C) concentrated H2SO4 in an ice bath. Then, NaNO3 (4.0 g) and KMnO4 (8.0 g) were added gradually under stirring and the temperature of the mixture was kept to be below 100C. The reaction mixture was continually stirred for 4 h at temperature below 100C. Next step, the mixture was stirred at 350C for 4 h, and then diluted with 200 mL of deionized (DI) water. After adding all of the 200 mL of DI water, the mixture was stirred for 20 h. The reaction was terminated by adding 15 mL of 30% H2O2 solution. The solid product was separated by centrifugation, washed repeatedly with 5% HCl solution until sulfate could not be detected when titrated with BaCl2. For further purification, the resulting solid was re-dispersed in DI water and then was washed several times until the pH was neutral. Finally, the resulting solid was dried at 1100C for 12 h to obtain graphite oxide (GO) paper. Graphene oxide was achieved by ultrasonication of graphite oxide paper in water for different time (1.5, 2, and 2.5 h). For the reduction process, 1.6 gr Zn powder and 10 mL HCl (35wt%) were added into 40 mL graphene oxide solution (1 mg/mL) solution. The mixture was stirred for 30 min. After that, 10 mL HCl (35wt%) was added into the above solution and then maintained for a period of time to remove excess Zn powder. Finally, the resulting rGO was collected, washed with pure water several times, and put into an autoclave and then dried at hydrothermal temperature (1600C) for 12 h in a muffle furnace.

Characterization of Graphite Oxide Paper and rGO paperThe morphologies and structures of the samples were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM, Inspect S50). The ratio of C/O measure by EDS testing on SEM Jeol JSM-7001F with INCA software. Chemical compositions and crystallite structures of the samples were determined by XRD (X Pert Pro PANalytcal, Philips) using Cu K radiation from 10 to 900 angles. The information of functional groups was measured by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy instrument (FTIR, Nicolet Nexus 670). Raman spectra were recorded on Renishaw Invia Raman Microscope, with WiRE 2.0 software. Electrode Preparation and Electrochemical MeasurementsEDLCs electrode was prepared by dipping a piece of nickel foam (10cm x 1cm) in a suspension of rGO (1 mg/ml) under stirring, without any binders . The area which contact with the solution was 1cm2. After 30 minutes dipping, the bath was ultrasonication for 10 minutes. Nickel foam rod then dried at 1100C for 12 h in a muffle furnace, and then pressed using pressure machine for 1 minutes. Finally, the electrode was dipping into the electrolyte for 5 hours, prior to be used.All electrochemical measurements were carried out in a conventional glass electrochemistry cell with a three-electrode system in 1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution. All measurements conducted using set up 3 electrode system. A platinum wire used as a counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as reference electrode. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements were conducted at different scan rates ranging from 2 to 100 mV with a potential window from -0.2 V to -0.7 V in 1 M Na2SO4, respectively. Galvanostatic charge/discharge measurements were run on from -0.2 to -0.7 V (in 1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte) at different current densities. All measurements were carried out on a Jiehan 5000 Electrochemical Workstation Instrument.


3.1 Morphologies and Structures of rGO

The morphologies of the graphite, graphite oxide and obtained rGO were observed by SEM and their images are shown in Fig. 1. Fig 1 exhibits the different morphologies of graphite (A), graphite oxide (B), and rGO (C-D). Graphite has a flakes structure, and opaque. On the other hands, graphite oxide and rGO exhibits almost transparent paper structure. rGO at the high magnification shows the structure of layer by layer, someplace shows almost single layer structure, which is very thin and transparent. It can be seen the thin wrinkled structure and folding structure that graphene owns intrinsically.

Figure 1 SEM images of Graphite (A), graphite oxide (B), and rGO (C-D)The structural changes from graphite to graphite oxide and finally to rGO were investigated by XRD measurement, and the patterns are shown in Fig. 2 (a). The interlayer distance in graphite is about 0.336356 nm, in 2= 26.50030. This is markedly expanded to 0.830268 nm, 2= 10.65560 in GO due to the formation of intercalated moieties and oxygen functional groups between the layer of GO. In rGO, at 2= 23.71180, with the interlayer distance about 0.370995 nm peak has appeared, which indicates that most of intercalated water and oxygen fuctionalities are removed. Figure 2 (b) show the typical XRD pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time. It clearly seen that the broad peak of (002) decreasing with the increasing of ultrasonication time. Also, the value of intensity also increasing with the increasing of ultrasonication time, as seen on figure 2 (c).

Figure 2 (a) XRD pattern of graphite, graphite oxide and rGO. (b) XRD pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time. (c) Intensity pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time.

Raman technology was performed to indicate the structures of graphite, graphite oxide and rGO by the resulting characteristic G and D bands sensitive to defects and disorder, respectively. From the result, it clearly seen at the figure 3 (a) that all of the material consists of two dominant peaks at 1350 cm-1 and 1590 cm-1 along with a wide band extending from about 26003300 cm-1. The peak at around 1350 cm-1 is the D band. The D band is attributed to the presence of defects, like disruption in the sp2 bonding (because of vacancies, heptagon and pentagon rings, edge effect, etc.), wrinkle formation and the presence of functional groups.The peak at around 1590 cm-1 is the G band. The G band is a characteristic of all graphitic structures, arising due to the inplane bond-stretching motion of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms. The peak at around 2600 cm-1 is known as the 2D (or G) band since it is an overtone of the D band. The peak around 2930 cm-1 is a combination mode of G and D bands, often referred to as the D + G band. The hump at about 3170 cm-1 is due to an overtone of the D band (2D).

Figure 3 (a) Raman pattern of graphite, graphite oxide and rGO. (b) Raman pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time

Graphite has a nearly perfect structure, indicates by small weak peak of D band, and the sharp peak of 2D. Its also supported by the ID/IG ratio value, which is 0.16, nearly 0. Graphite oxide and rGO has similar pattern, large D band and small weak 2D band. The ID/IG ratio is increased from 0.74 in graphite oxide to 1.70 in rGO, which suggests that more sp2 domains are formed, indicating that reduction of GO takesplace. It also shows that the defect on the structure of rGO is increasing. Figure 3 (b) shows raman pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time. All sampel shows the same pattern. The value of ID/IG is increasing from the ultrasonication time 1.5 hour to 2 hour, and then decrease again at 2.5 hour. Increasing of ID/IG value corresponding to the increasing level of defect on material.

Figure 4 (a) FTIR pattern of graphite oxide and rGO. (b) FTIR pattern of rGO at different ultrasonication time

Another confirmation of the reduction mechanism is obtained by the FTIR spectra. FTIR spectra indicate that the intercalated H2O molecules and most of the oxide groups of graphite oxide are succesfully removed at the structure of rGO. However, a small number of the epoxide groups remain after reductions, as shown in the FTIR spectra at figure 4 (a). Figure 4 (b) shows the FTIR pattern at different ultrasonication time. Increasing the ultrasonication time caused almost all of the oxide group has been succesfully removed. EDS analysis at figure 5 also indicates that the contain smaller amounts of oxygen. The % weight of C and O around 81.98% and 18.02 %, as shows at figure 5. So, the ratio of C/O for rGO is 4.54.

ElementWeight % Atomic %

C K81.9885.84

O K18.0214.16


Figure 5 EDS result of rGO, contain C and O element.

3.2Electrochemical Performance of rGOFigure 6 (a-c) shows CV curves of rGO sample with various scan rates in the range of -0.2 to -0.7 V in 1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution , and rGO electrode exhibited fairly rectangular CV curves which is indicative of double layer capacitor behavior. Also, the current density response gradually increased with the increase of the voltage sweep rate.

Figure 6 CV curve pattern of rGO at scan rates varying from 2mV/s until 20mV/s for different ultrasonication time (a) 1.5 hour (b) 2 hour (c) 2.5 hour and (d) comparison of capacitance values with increasing scan rates

The best value of capacitance is 350.37 F/gr at scan rate 2mV/s, higher than Xian Du, et all, (2010). Figure 6 (d) shows the value of capacitance at different scan rate. It appear that the capacitace is decreasing with the increasing of scan rates. It also shows that the capacitance is decreasing with the increasing of ultrasonication time.Fig. 7 (a-c) shows the galvanostatic charge/discharge curves of rGO tested at different current densities for sampel from different ultrasonication time. At sampel with ultrasonication time 1.5 h, rGO exhibits a nearly linear and symmetric charge/discharge profile at different current densities, giving capacitance as big as 368 F/gr. A small portion of IR drop happens at beginning of discharge curve, IR drop occurs from the accumulation of DC internal resistance and the electric current. For sampel with ultrasonication time 2 (b) and 2.5 hour (c), the profile not really shows triangle, indicating that charging and discharging process occurs with different time. From the curve, its easy to look, the charging time is much longer than dicharging time, which indicate that the performance is not so good, and it proven by the value of capacitance, which is much lower than sampel with ultrasonication time 1.5 hour.

Figure 7 Charge-Discharge curve pattern of rGO at at different ultrasonication time (a) 1.5 hour (b) 2 hour (c) 2.5 hour and (d) comparison of capacitance values with increasing scan rates

The value of capacitance is almost contiguous with the result from CV testing. The behaviour of decreasing capacitance with the increasing of current densities also occurs at charge discharge testing for all sampel, as shows at figure 7 (d).4conclusionReduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been succesfully synthesized from graphite powder via Hummer's method, followed by ultrasonication at different time (1.5, 2, and 2.5 h ), continued by Zn reduction in acidic conditions, and finally thermally treated by hydrothermal process at 1600C. It result a transparent structure of rGO sheet, has structure of rGO from XRD test, with almost all of the oxygen containing functional group was removed. The paper contain only C and O element, indicates doesnt have any impurities. Raman spectra shows that rGO structure has two dominant peak, D band and G band, with various value of ID/IG, indicate the level of defect on materials. Electrochemical test shows that rGO exhibits high rate supercapacitive performance. The CV Testing shows a rectangular shape as the characteristic of EDLC, shows a high capacitance up to 350.37 F/gr at scan rate 2mV/s in the Na2SO4 solution 1M. Galvanostatic charge discharge shows the pattern almost triangular, with the capacitance 368 F/gr at the current density 2 A/g. Both CV and Charge Discharge test shows that increasing the ultrasonication time will decreased the capacitance of rGO. Hence, we concluded that the best result was obtained by sample with ultrasonication time 1.5 hour.5ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was supported by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and Prof Dah Shyang Tsai from NTUST, Taiwan.

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