asteroid blues eng phase 1.vjoni · the asteroid groups, the edge of the human edge, the exterior...


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Page 1: Asteroid Blues ENG Phase 1.VJONI · the asteroid groups, the edge of the Human Edge, the exterior border. Or, as it was literally defined by the astrophysicists of O-12: “the bottom


Page 2: Asteroid Blues ENG Phase 1.VJONI · the asteroid groups, the edge of the Human Edge, the exterior border. Or, as it was literally defined by the astrophysicists of O-12: “the bottom

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The so-called Kurage Crisis revealed that the conflict around the Wotan Jump Gate was nothing but a Combined Army smokescreen to conceal the infiltration of an Onyx Contact Force to the planet Dawn. With barely enough time to recover and react to this news, the incident known as Daedalus’ Fall revealed a new depth of insidiousness to the EI’s plans. The Paradiso Third Offensive was much more than just a new invasion; it was also a maneuver to mask their new plans for Shasvastii infiltration, in this case into Tohaa territory. When this threat was neutralized after the Daedalus Gate collapsed, and with more stringent access controls to Dawn and Svalarheima, the Sphere and its allies believed they could breathe easier until a fortuitous accident unveiled a new plot for an incursion, this time in Human Edge.

Apparently, this time, the operatives under Aïda Swanson’s command had breached the Abyss Jump Gate defenses. The independent colony Novyy Bangkok had become the base from which to launch undercover units towards the rest of the Human Sphere. This colony was the perfect location for this kind of operation: a lawless asteroid far from the control of the great powers, lost in a remote corner of the system, but with access to the routes leading to the Jump Gates connecting the Earth and with Concilium. It was ideal for expert infiltrators like the Shasvastii. The combination of these two factors is what is known in crisis management as a perfect storm.

And that is precisely what the Paradiso Coordinated Command unleashed as soon as it learned about this situation: a storm over Novyy Bangkok. O-12 units, reinforced with ALEPH’s SSS troops and with Ariadnan Expeditionary Corps forces, took over the colony and enforced martial law. But they were not alone. The other powers also took part in the action. The threat and danger were far too great to forgo a joint action by all the great powers of humanity, as it was stated in the conference rooms of the O-12 Security Council and of the Paradiso Coordinated Command. But the truth was that all the powers had interests and secrets to protect in that colony, which was suitable for such because it was far from the public eye.

SEVENTY PERCENTAlthough his wounds had been cauterized by the intense heat of the plasma projectiles and he was not bleeding severely, Fusilier Eddington was at death’s door. The pain of the burns was so intense that when the Anathematic materialized over him and finished him off with a quick lashing of his tentacles the PanOceanian soldier could only feel gratitude.

Without making a sound, the Anathematic went through that clearing in the middle of the jungle, checking that all members of the Fusiliers patrol were dead. When he was done, he updated his Aspect with the local EI consciousness in Paradiso, which was added to the totality as one more shared memory.

On the bridge of the Axiomatic Command and Control stealth ship, in orbit around Paradiso, the Pneumarch blinked slightly with all his visual receptors, relishing the sensation of blood slipping down the Anathematic’s sharp tentacles, which he was able to now remember as if they were his own. But before allowing himself to be taken over by that intoxicating memory, the Pneumarch turned around to welcome the Shasvastii officer who was coming onto the bridge.

“I’m afraid I have bad news, sir,” Officer Teshanii uttered these words without her voice trembling, which spoke volumes about her temperance, or perhaps her thoughtlessness. “Our agents in Human Edge inform us that our secret outpost on the asteroidal colony of Novyy Bangkok has been exposed.”

“A setback, in truth,” the EI’s diplomatic delegate declared. “What was the state of our operations at the moment of being exposed?”

“They were at seventy percent, sir,” Teshanii confirmed after checking her comlog.

“According to our estimates, they were not expected to be discovered before reaching eighty percent. What happened?” the Pneumarch asked with a grave tone.

“A fortuitous incident involving a PanOceanian Fusilier and a Yuan Yuan mercenary in a tavern we used as cover for one of our stockpiles in the asteroid’s port area, sir. It was totally unexpected,” the Shasvastii officer apologized.

The mention of the word “Fusilier” made the Pneumarch recall the pleasant feeling of having human blood slipping down his (the!) tentacles, which tempered the anger growing within him.

“Seventy percent…” the diplomat’s powerful mind made some calculations at the speed of light. “Does this mean that the main materials have already been loaded and exfiltrated from the colony towards their destination?”

“Indeed, sir. We managed to load the last shipment on an independent freighter called Paid Expenses, associated with the Freetraders Brotherhood,” Teshanii confirmed. “Unfortunately, the stabilizers didn’t arrive at the colony in time and they were supposed to be sent with the next shipment, which was cancelled after we were exposed. We’ll manage to get some new ones, perhaps even directly to the final destination, although this will prove more difficult and all our operations will be delayed.”

ASTEROID BLUESThis is how Novyy Bangkok ended up being divided into different zones, each of them under the control of a different power whose task is to eliminate every trace of alien presence—and to keep its interests and secrets safe from its adversaries in the Human Sphere.

An article by Stéphanie Shuk, Freelance Journalist for BIBLIOTEK. This publication has been withheld pursuant to the application of the Official Secrets Act of Concilium.

“Something’s going down in Novyy Bangkok, but if you wanna get a team of reporters down there, we’ll need to hire more firepower.”

Mr. Brock, chief of security of the independent news agency BIBLIOTEK. A conversation in an encrypted virtual environment

with the agency’s Editorial Direction cabinet members.

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“Our experience in the Paradiso system has taught us that we can operate even without the stabilizers, even if the cost is extremely high,” the diplomat conceded. “How much do the humans know by now?”

“Not much, sir. They think it’s just a platform for launching operations in that system, but they haven’t been able to determine which Jump Gate has been compromised,” the officer answered, shrugging slightly. “Now it’s all just a matter of our cell there being able to destroy any relevant data that might point them towards the true purpose of the operation.”

“So, we can conclude that even at seventy percent, our operation has not yet been compromised,” the Pneumarch stated with satisfaction.

“That’s correct, sir,” the Shasvastii officer acknowledged. “Aïda Swanson, our lead agent in that sector, has been able to cover her tracks, and she has spun a web of rumors that will make all the powers represented on Novyy Bangkok paranoid, and they will surely run to protect their interests and try to gain the upper hand by exposing their competitors’ schemes on the asteroid. This will create the confusion we need to erase all trace of the shipments’ destination and evacuate our hidden cell. The alternative is the Novyy Bangkok cell escapes the asteroid simply by shooting their way out. Our Morat officers consider this option to be entirely viable.”

“Knowing them, they will not only consider this alternative viable, but also desirable. But in this case, stealth is the course of action we need. Make it perfectly clear to the Morat command.”

“As you wish, sir,” Teshanii answered as she smiled inwardly, anticipating the delight of taking those brutes down a peg.

“C’mon, Hannibal! I didn’t join a fancy elite mercenary team to end up going back to a nasty slum like Novyy Bangkok! This ain’t nowhere near the glamour you promised us! You’ll have to pay me a bonus to compensate for the emotional damages!”

Señor Massacre aboard the FCS Modern Wife, the Foreign Company’s famous armed transport

vessel, en route to Novyy Bangkok.

BAR FIGHTI have no idea what it was that Angus said to that Yuan Yuan who was so… bulky, but he didn’t take it well and he jumped on poor Angus. Such a fat guy throwing himself at you is quite a big deal in itself, but that Yuan Yuan was already drunk as a skunk and had no better idea than to activate his jump pack. So, due to the force of the jump pack’s thrust, he and Angus were propelled over the bar and through the screen behind it, to end up lying tangled on the floor surrounded by a group of Shasvastii, who surely were as surprised as them. The Shasvastii didn’t like that their cover was blown, so suddenly, I found myself dodging their bullets and shooting back at them while Angus crawled out of that back room and the Yuan Yuan beat the shit out of every Shasvastii he was able to grab. As we were outnumbered and outgunned, we couldn’t stay to take a look at that room and what it contained. In other words, we ran like hell out of there. A colossal mess, sir—as usual with Angus.

Indigo Fusilier Bipandra. Report on the incident at Bubba’s Khạntiạā in Novyy Bangkok, transmitted by the Hexahedron to the Paradiso Coordinated Command and Bureau Aegis’ Psi Unit.

“In the hallways of the Sálvora Governmental Complex, the rumor goes that there is a Shasvastii infiltration network in place on Novyy Bangkok. And since the EI is after the same thing that we are—the location of the Penny Arcade in the Human Sphere—it is vitally important to ascertain what they might have found out, in order for us to get to those facilities before our hated enemy does.”

Luubna Kaaram, owner of Spiral Corps, during a briefing in this mercenary company’s headquarters

in Kumeroa. Akuna Bay, Varuna.

NOVYY BANGKOKIf there is a system far away from the cradle of humankind, it is the Human Edge. It did not receive that name by chance; among all the systems colonized by humans, it is the furthest one from Earth. And in this system, there is no location further from the center than the Homeric belt, the most external ring among the asteroid groups, the edge of the Human Edge, the exterior border. Or, as it was literally defined by the astrophysicists of O-12: “the bottom of the world in the middle of nowhere.”

The Homeric belt has a high concentration of plutoids, or dwarf planets. Of course due to their distance from Astraeus, this system’s star, none of them are suitable for life. The immense size of these space objects favors the establishment of research facilities and scientific investigation settlements. However, the frequent micrometeorite rains and the distance to the center of the system severely reduces the profit margin of a permanent base on any of them.

The case of Novyy Bangkok is the most exemplary among them all. At the beginning it was a miner base set up by the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate as a joint initiative of shared risk. After a period of intense research, it was confirmed that the seams within this mega-asteroid were not pure enough to be profitable. The consortium then declared bankruptcy and closed the facilities.

However, the closure was only bureaucratic, since the conglomerate abandoned the station staff to their fate. Forgotten by the corporate organizations and their nations, the Novyy Bangkok workers reorganized themselves by creating their own government and restructured their economy by adapting it to the local needs of the Homeric belt. Chao pho, criminal groups from Thailand associated with the Submondo, took advantage of the power vacuum in order to spread their influence in the settlement.

Due to its remoteness and the massive debt of the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate, Novyy Bangkok is a problem that no corporation wants to be close to nowadays. There is no nation that wants to be responsible for this settlement, let alone Yu Jing, whose Imperial Service has described the old miner station as “a real criminal source, although it is not a destabilizing threat to the area.”

The truth is that Novyy Bangkok is a rotten place, a human jungle, seething and dangerous, where life is cheap. It has been identified as one of the most dangerous places in the Human Sphere, where the only applicable regulations are the rules of organized crime. The security forces, as corrupt as they are overwhelmed, can, and want, to do almost nothing to maintain a level of security. It’s always better to pay the Chao pho for that anyway.

Home to legendary gangsters, the dueling rules in Novyy Bangkok, created by Lucien Sforza himself it is said, are a standard for the Submondo across the entire Sphere. There is even a rumor that Wild Bill, the legendary Aristeia! champion, started here to build his reputation as a fast and accurate shooter.

The mess of abandoned tunnels and galleries drilling the interior of this planetoid serve as shelter and storehouses for dealers, smugglers, and fugitives. Many of these tunnels are anonymous graves for the corpses whose discovery is undesirable. Many adventurers have gotten lost in this underground labyrinth while trying to find secret consignments. They can contain anything from exotic drugs to illegal technology and weapons. It is also said that there are “things” prowling these tunnels looking for victims. Some say that these creatures are wild Pupniks, others talk about failed bioexperiments or psychotic robot units—but who really knows what could have been abandoned there in that perpetual darkness?

It’s true that the despicable smugglers C3rvant3s and Magno hid in those tunnels to evade the Svengali’s revenge after the Fulcrum Street Wars in Bakunin. It is also true that for a long time they were the operations base of a Mr. Daixo, who established a Yănjīng black site there. Later, this agent used these tunnels to keep all the material that Colonel Ikari stole from the StateEmpire Army to build the Ikari Company.

As a matter of fact, Novvy Bangkok would be the first operative center of this mercenary company, which would establish close bonds with the Chao pho and its puppet government, to the point of becoming the non-official military force of this independent planetoid.

Sometime after the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate abandoned Novvy Bangkok, the Breitschwert group attacked the planetoid in an attempt to take control of it. Weakened by the escape of all the corporate assets, the local Chao pho was a legitimate target for the other Submondo members, according to the Apparent Vulnerability protocol of this international criminal organization.

Colonel Ikari saw this attack as an opportunity to establish a strong position in the region. He could have come to an agreement with the Breitschwert group, staying away from the dispute, but it was better that the one controlling the planetoid depended on his mercenaries and felt indebted to them. So Ikari sided with Chao pho and caught the men of the Breitschwert group, who were not expecting a resistance worth mentioning, off-guard.

From that moment, the Ikari Company became a force to bear in mind in the Homeric belt, and the independence and autonomy of Novyy Bangkok was thus guaranteed.

Nowadays, this mercenary company has moved most of its operations to the interior of the system, but it still has a small squad in Novyy Bangkok, used as an operative platform and a reinforcement of the planetoid’s security. Some reports point out that Mr. Daixo could have adapted the facilities of the Yănjīng black site to Ikari’s needs, and the mercenaries would still have a network of secret warehouses that could double as alternative shelters in a difficult situations. There is no doubt that for signing a contract with the Ikari Company, Novyy Bangkok is still one of the best places to find the sinister Mr. Daixo, if you dare to do it in person, of course.

“Living on the Edge”, a series of reports on the furthest system of the Human Sphere. Find it on Xciting!

“We’ve learned that Yu Jing is going to take part in a joint police operation in Novyy Bangkok. There is a small but significant Japanese community on this asteroid, and we all know the way the Imperial Service acts during their so-called “police operations”. It is our duty to prevent the Emperor’s subjects from being left unprotected and at the mercy of the StateEmpire’s goons. And, of course, we can’t expect those dishonorable scoundrels from the Ikari Company to care about them, which is why I recommend deploying an armed military contingent to ensure the safety of all the citizens of the Great Independent Japan who reside in Novyy Bangkok.”

Izumi Inaoka, director of the intelligence services, during an emergency meeting of the Greater Independent Japan’s Government

Cabinet before the Emperor. Kōkyo, Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

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STEADY EYE“Alright, friends. As you know, Aristeia! is not just about action and entertainment as Final Boss portrays it, or gossip and rumors like the ones Rhod brings us. It’s also a big industry, and our expert Lydia Vásquez is going to tell us everything about its secrets. What do you bring us today, Lydia?”

“Hello, Vince! You all know Wild Bill and his unparalleled marksmanship, but the sharp eye of the most popular gunslinger in Aristeia! is not limited to the HexaDome, since this star is also an ace in business. Unlike many other aristos, Wild Bill acts as his own manager and agent, a task in which he’s as skillful and precise as he’s in combat, and he has been able to manage his IP masterfully. And precisely today, we’re going to discuss his lastest business venture. Apparently, he’s negotiating with Slipstream, a sensaproducts company based in Bakunin, to develop a series of sensagames that will allow you to play Wild Bill’s role and participate in a series of gun duels, only not at the HexaDome, but in the different locations where this gunslinger built his legend long before he became famous in Aristeia!”

“Wow, Lydia, this is so fascinating! I’m sure that all of our viewers wished they were Wild Bill at some point.”

“It looks like they will be able to very soon, Vince. However, this is not all. In addition to the recordings of these duels for the sensagame, Slipstream wants to offer a real circuit through some iconic locations of Wild Bill’s past where the participants will be able to fight him, or rather some shadowshooters programmed with his fighting style. For those viewers who don’t know what shadowshooters are, they are humanoid remotes that are used both by aristos and by law enforcement for training purposes. This initiative is designed as a theme module that includes a Wild Bill-version shadowshooter and an augmented reality kit, which will be offered in a franchised model to leisure multi-centers. And before launching it on the market, they wanted to make a live presentation in one of those iconic places from Wild Bill’s past. However, Ariadnan authorities won’t allow this event to be held at the city of Deadwood due to the technological restrictions in place in Ariadnan territory, and to certain reservations among this planet’s inhabitants towards “animatronics dressed as cowboys,” inherited from the audiovisual subculture of a couple of centuries ago.”

“Oh my! It looks like a real setback for our favorite gunslinger, Lydia.”

“Actually, it’s not, Vince. Slipstream’s producers have already been able to find another iconic location from Wild Bill’s past: Novyy Bangkok’s Main Strip, notorious for its merciless Duel Rules…”

Don’t miss Close to the Stars, the show where you will find the latest about Aristeia! Only in VissioRama!

“Novyy Bangkok is one of those places where you should never bluff when you draw a firearm. It’s like a second home to me.”

Wild Bill, legendary gunslinger and Aristeia! champion, during an interview with Go-Go Marlene.

SHADOWSHOOTERI am afraid we have stumbled upon a setback in keeping this operation low profile with regards to the media. It would seem that we have an actual Aristeia! star staying at the Main Strip. You know, one of those people who are always followed by a couple of reporters or paparazzi. And if it were just one of those cartoonish fighters who lock themselves in their panic rooms every time someone sneezes a little too hard, we could still offer him a quick evacuation and keep him under control. But unfortunately, we are talking about Wild Bill, and you know his characteristic willingness to get involved in any ruckus that looks like an opportunity for him to show off. So, it may prove difficult to make him stay out of this, especially if he bumps into the USAriadnan troops of the Ariadna Expeditionary Force’s Daylight landing group, for whom he is a total idol.

Another problem we have come across, also related to this gunslinger, is that a number of shadowshooters set up based on Wild Bill’s combat style are missing. Although the shadowshooters AI is remarkably basic, only slightly above that of a Server Remote, a single one of them armed and well positioned can become a real headache. And the problem is that there are at least five of them fully armed and set loose in Novyy Bangkok, so anyone who has a fairly decent hacker on their team could reprogram one to fight for them. But we can’t issue a “shoot to kill” order either, because we could be dealing with the actual Wild Bill.

Status report by Specialist Sergeant Major Oliver Burke, Alpha Unit, for the SWORDFOR Operational Command.

“C3rvant3s, my contacts in SWORDFOR tell me that there is an ongoing joint operation by the SSS and Bureau Aegis in Novyy Bangkok’s Gallery Maze. Our safe store may be compromised.”

“Magno, my good friend, the only thing that’s going to be compromised are the lives of those poor souls who are unlucky enough to bump into our little cache and, therefore, into all those lethal security devices you installed.”

Conversation between outlaws Magno and C3rvant3s heard at the Gannbate Cantina. Avro-Kaizuka orbital. Human Edge.

ISC: Wild Bill, Legendary Gunslinger

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When people mention that Novyy Bangkok is a small colony located on the farthest border of Human Edge, they tend to forget the actual data. And the fact is that, even if Bureau Tiandi has described it as a “mega-asteroid,” some astronomers claim that because of its size and characteristics it’s actually a planetoid. Which means for all those who do not speak “astronomy” that it’s a big ass rock—big enough for any “rapid intervention” to get stuck in the web of tunnels, galleries, and underground housing areas, not to mention surface facilities, many of which are derelict. Any operation conducted there must rely on excellent logistical planning, otherwise in a deadlock scenario there is a potential risk of falling short of supplies in a virtually unpopulated sector of space.

Emily Handelman, Intelligence Officer, operations appraisal session at StarCo headquarters in Lazareto, Corregidor.

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Liberty Cargo is said to be one of the unofficial financing sources of the Hexahedron, a front company set up to carry out secret operations, generally of a criminal nature, with which to defray unregistered missions.

As a front organization for the PanOceanian intelligence service, Liberty Cargo works as an unofficial financing channel as well as a platform for conducting covert operations in foreign territory. This transport company is suspected of having established a supply network of drugs derived from Silk on Dawn during the Ariadna Commercial Conflicts, as well as of supplying Yuan Yuan pirates operating in Yu Jing territory.

Liberty Cargo’s activity in Human Edge is intense, at least their official activity. As a presumably independent company, separate from the big transport giants such as Compass Transportation or Interspace Trust Corporation, Liberty Cargo is more flexible and sympathetic to the needs of its customers. This company boasts a bureaucracy adapted to a frontier setting like Human Edge. This is another way to say that while all the procedures regarding permits and certificates are automated with respect to the Novyy Bangkok authorities, who receive a bonus for facilitating these processes, Liberty Cargo never asks questions about the cargo they are hired to transport.

Nevertheless, discretion is not Liberty Cargo’s only competitive advantage, since its alleged connection with the Hexahedron and its staff with a military background are a guarantee of security that make any criminal organization think twice before raiding a vehicle owned by the company.

It’s impossible to describe in detail the activities Liberty Cargo carries out for the Hexahedron, since, even if they existed, this would be classified information. However, there are unconfirmed reports of Liberty Cargo freighters transporting weapons and other supplies to the Japanese settlements in Human Edge that took part in the Uprising.

Liberty Cargo’s facilities on Novyy Bangkok are located on the surface of this asteroid, where it has a small astroport equipped with a point defense system sanctioned by the government, given the hazardous nature of the area. The astroport has surface anchors as well as semi-subterranean hangars connected to the second level of the facilities: the cross-docking area and the main warehouses. Protruding from the superficial regolith, stands the traffic-control dome. This structure, also semi-subterranean, houses the administration offices and the quantronic server. It’s a sensitive area that, if rumors are true, could contain Hexahedron secrets liable to compromise the Hyperpower.

A Maya-story by Raima Srivastava, brought to you by EchoLink. We connect you to your interests!

4. LIBERTY CARGO LOGISTIC CENTER“If we allow Bureau Aegis agents to snoop around the Liberty Cargo facilities in Novyy Bangkok, all our operations in that sector will be compromised. We’d be able to contain the damage if some piece of sensitive information fell into the hands of Bureau Aegis; that wouldn’t really be a problem. But if the Jade Empire were to obtain such data, and we all know that the agents of Yu Jing are perfectly capable of it, then both our covert operations and our assets on the ground would be in real and certain danger.”

Captain R. Foster-Johnson, Deputy Officer with the Hexahedron, PanOceanian Intelligence Service.

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It’s quite impressive that, in the collective imagination of the Sphere, a place as infamous as the Main Strip managed to become legendary. So how come you’ve never heard of this place? Believe it or not, that says a lot about you—mainly good things, because those who know about the Main Strip tend to dwell in the gray areas of morality and the law.

The Main Strip is Novyy Bangkok’s primary area dedicated to gambling and vice. (If you haven’t heard of Novyy Bangkok either, follow this link, since you are starting to look a little too clueless.) It’s a decadent and marginal area, but also vibrant, because it’s a magnet for some of the most extraordinary characters on the frontier of Human Edge.

The Main Strip is also known as “the place where dawn never comes,” a peculiarity caused by a failure in this underground area’s lighting system. The night mode is always on, with fainter lighting than the day mode. Whether it’s an unfixed maintenance failure or an underhanded way to save money, the truth is that most lighting in this place comes from the lamps, signs, and billboards of the casinos and brothels, as well as from the large central neon sign reading Thaeb Hlạk (แถบหลัก), the translation that nobody actually uses for the Main Strip in the Thai dialect spoken in Novyy Bangkok.

One of the peculiarities of this urbanized section inside the asteroid is that it’s arranged around a long and wide central axis, the aforementioned Strip. Excavated by a subcontractor of the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate with the intention of turning it into the recreation and leisure area of this asteroidal colony, the collapse of Novyy Bangkok’s economy would turn it into a gloomy and gray district full of prostitution that earned a reputation as one of the most dangerous places in the system. Next to the brothels that line the sides of this great underground corridor, gambling houses also

flourished, a fact that did not help improve the reputation of the place, but did increase the interest of its regulars.

With a failed government controlled by the Chao Pho crime syndicate and a scant and corrupt police force, security and order in the Main Strip fell on the shoulders of bounty hunters, not much better themselves than the Thai mobsters. However, this section of the asteroid was their usual working place, since many individuals with a price on their heads would end up here. This is how the famous Novyy Bangkok Duel Rules were born as a way to prevent indiscriminate shootings on the Main Strip. The aim of the duels was not protection of the innocent (a non-existent species in this place) so much as it was preventing a stray bullet from killing an important member of the Chao Pho, and the subsequent retaliation and physical harm to the perpetrators of the shooting.

These rules are said to have been imposed by Father Lucien Sforza the day he dragged out an outlaw from one of the casinos to the center of the Strip, in what looked like a scene from the Wild West. From then on, duels became commonplace and few of all the lowlifes and criminals who come through this place have never taken part in at least one of them. It’s quite common to hear the locals claiming to have seen Wild Bill, before he became famous everywhere in the Sphere, taking part in duels to the death here. Meanwhile, this Aristeia! star neither confirms nor denies these urban legends; he merely smiles mischievously when asked about it.

Nevertheless, the Main Strip is not only about gunfights, casinos, and brothels. Here you can find Harry’s Bar, the unofficial office of Mr. Daixo, fixer for the infamous Ikari Company, and meeting place for some people whose reputation reaches

every corner of the Human Sphere. Some people claim that one of the private rooms had to be fully refurbished after an orgy including 8-Ball and no less than four chimeras.

On the side streets of the Main Strip, you will find the local quarters of mercenary companies and other smaller groups, among which those of the Ikari Company are the most prominent. You can also see a large concentration of Nipponese residents in the starboard area at the end of the Strip, the so-called Japanese Bottom, in an uncomfortable but necessary coexistence with Nipponese mercs.

Anyway, no visitors go down those side streets, many of which are badly lit. There is nothing shiny there that might attract them, and they have this legendary halo of danger that is not entirely without reason, especially for somebody like yourself, who had never before heard about this place. Now that you know about it, you better avoid visiting it.

Living at the Edge, a series of stories about the farthest system in the Human Sphere. Find it on Xciting!

“Don’t get it wrong, friend. In Novyy Bangkok, the Ikari Company is the law. And anything that needs solving in the Main Strip is our business, thank you very much. So, you can take your papers and go back the way you came. And don’t worry if you don’t know the way out. My men will escort you to the exit.”

Mr. Daixo, Ikari Company fixer, seeing a Bureau Aegis officer off. Private booth at Harry’s Bar. The Main Strip in Novyy Bangkok.





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Asteroid mining is a highly risky and uncertain business carried out in faraway places in the most hostile environment known to humanity and for profit margins that are often too low for large corporations. This leaves the industry riddled with smaller companies founded by adventurers and entrepreneurs, always on the verge of bankruptcy, hoping for that dream mineral seam that will allow them to retire.

Obviously, this kind of seams are difficult to find and, in most cases, don’t even exist. However, there are times when a large seam is found, which mining companies then scramble for. It’s then that the prospector who found it, depending on how well he plays his cards and who the players involved are, might become enormously rich—or may lose his life. Nonetheless, most mineral seams are not profitable for larger companies, so this is where local companies can prosper, in the shadow of the giants.

This was the case with Novyy Bangkok’s mining sites. None of their seams were pure and valuable enough for a corporation such as the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate, based on Earth, to earn a profit from working them. Nevertheless, in the Homeric belt, the outermost border of Human Edge, there are good business opportunities for local entrepreneurs. At a regional level, the material extracted from this asteroid can supply the local industry, which is equipped with the refinement machinery that makes it possible to obtain a good-quality final product with a smaller profit margin, but one that is still good business for small-sized companies.

Novyy Bangkok’s circumstances are in no way exceptional, but rather a fairly common scenario in the asteroid-prospecting world. And every common situation is a good business opportunity, or so Mei Kumae, the woman whose name inspires fear in Yu Jing’s investment trusts, firmly believes. Ruthless. Cunning. Millionaire. Entrepreneur. All of these—in capital letters, as she does not deserve less—describe her. One of the big business figures in Yutang, with good contacts in the highest echelons of the Party, she is also known as “The Queen of Scraps” because she has become rich by taking over all the businesses that larger corporations reject. Her company, Jīyuán Unlimited (机缘 无限), offers large-corporation services to smaller companies in exchange for a portion of their revenue. Essentially, her clients become franchisees of Jīyuán Unlimited, which offers them legal protection, consulting services, logistic support, and corporate-level security, services which these smaller companies would not have the resources to access otherwise.

In many cases, security is the most convincing aspect for her clients, because, like many other Yu Jing corporations, Jīyuán Unlimited is funded both with private and public capital. This means that the StateEmpire is one of its largest shareholders, so every franchisee using the Jīyuán Unlimited logo is considered to be partially owned by the State. And since Yu Jing doesn’t like anyone threatening its property, a military deployment is one of the services that this corporation can offer its clientele. On the other hand, this service has been quite controversial from the point of view of international law, and, because of it, Yu Jing has been accused of practicing a sort of covert imperialism, as Jīyuán Unlimited has been used as an excuse to carry out military operations in foreign territory.

In fact, in Novyy Bangkok’s case, the infrastructure assigned by this corporation at the Jīyuán open-pit site are considered to be far superior to what is usually found in a mining complex in this remote and marginal region of space. The photographs show the immense circular-section quarry going deep into the surface of the asteroid, surrounded by service modules and heavy machinery, swarmed by haul trucks heading to the materials classification and storage area, which lies next to the operations control center headquarters—easy to recognize thanks to its crown of communications antennae. It’s a display of infrastructure that is perhaps not very modern but is certainly impressive for any prospector in this border region.

Certain analysts attribute Jīyuán Unlimited’s generosity towards its franchisees at this mega-asteroid to Yu Jing’s hidden agenda. The site managers have been accused of hiding in their facilities a surveillance station for Yănjīng, Yu Jing’s intelligence service, as well as a platform for the Imperial Service to launch its operations. However, none of this has been proven, and Novyy Bangkok authorities have no interest in clarifying this issue, as they are highly favorable towards this site thanks to the generous contributions of its owners to the public treasury and, according to some sources, to the elected officials’ private accounts. The only certain thing is that if the Jīyuán open-pit site were attacked, be it by a corporate competitor, asteroid pirates, or a foreign power, it is more than likely that the StateEmpire will deploy all the necessary forces to safeguard whatever secrets this mining site may hold.

A report written by Lieutenant Shila Aziz, Psi Unit analyst, O-12 Military Intelligence, at the request of Bureau Aegis’ Section Statera command.

“Any intervention in our quarry will result in an inevitable delay in production, and I must remember to you that delays are the enemy of progress and primacy in any field. Surely, you don’t want the interests of the StateEmpire to be hindered by any foreign interference? How would our great nation look if something like that happened? I’ll tell you: weak. Do you really believe this is the way to attain primacy in the Sphere, or that this is the way for us to reach our great destiny?”

Mei Kumae, Jīyuán Unlimited CEO, in a meeting with several Party delegates. Private room in the

Great Hotel Zhuànglì. Tian Di Jing. Yutang.


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When the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate established its mining colony on Novyy Bangkok, they arranged to provide it with a perimeter defense system, which was necessary given the remote location of this mega-asteroid. Located in one of the furthest and least populated areas of the system, Novyy Bangkok was so far out that the extremely long reaction time of any law enforcement agency in the event of an attack left the colony virtually defenseless. To circumvent this issue, this corporate consortium established a defense system consisting of three artillery batteries that would act as a deterrent against any hostile element.

The weaponry of the batteries was modest, and designed primarily to prevent attacks by light forces, as the main threat to the colony were corsairs and pirate ships. The Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate purchased three MACDS Māmā-xióng batteries (妈妈熊, “Mama Bear”) consisting of a multiple system of laser-guided, rapid-fire automatic cannons and smart missile launchers. The Māmā-xióng was an old Yu Jing-made weapons platform that served for a long time but had now been replaced by the StateEmpire Armada with more modern and advanced systems. Nonetheless, it was still used by the fleets of numerous lesser powers and, given its inexpensive price and the low level of aggression that the colony expected to suffer, it was a good choice.

However, the gradual decline of the mining colony due to lack of results, and the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate’s subsequent withdrawal from the asteroid’s management along with the ensuing chaos and lack of funding, halted maintenance of the batteries, which were then abandoned. By the time of the Breitschwert Group’s attack, one of them was already out of order due a malfunction in its guidance system and another was destroyed during the assault by one of this criminal group’s spaceships. So Novyy Bangkok now has a single defensive battery, located near the astroport, the main access point to the colony from outside the asteroid.

Moreover, despite the fact that the Ikari Company, the only de facto guarantor of the colony’s security, has cannibalized many parts of the disabled battery to fine-tune the remaining automatic cannons, the financial constraints of the colony have made it impossible to invest in updating its defenses. Due to the lack of adequate funding, the intelligent missiles consumed during the battle against the Breitschwert Group have never been replenished; they were simply replaced with conventional laser-guided missiles, which are much less effective but considerably cheaper.

It’s quite obvious that the colony’s authorities have been resigned to having a close point defense system that serves as a deterrent against pirates or solitary corsair ships, which are still the biggest threat in this sector of space. Notwithstanding the fact that it is no match for the weaponry of any average military ship, this close point defense battery still constitutes a high-value target, since it controls all access points to the spaceport. Given the police nature of the current operation in Novyy Bangkok, destroying or bombarding it prior to its capture was discouraged, in order to limit casualties as well as collateral damage that would have to be repaired afterwards.

Thereby, the Daylight Boarding Team was assigned to capture this defense battery, known as CIPDB-2 or Xārạks̄ʹ̒ Battery (อารักษ์, “Guard”). This was a mixed group composed of units of the Ariadna Expeditionary Force assigned to the Bureau Aegis fleet as reinforcements for the armed rapid transport O-12S Steropes, which was deployed near the outermost sector of Human Edge.

After a rapid deployment, the Ariadnan units barely met any opposition, since the personnel assigned to Xārạks̄ʹ̒ Battery, a contingent of the Ikari Company, refused to fight against Bureau Aegis-authorized forces without a bonus payment, which the authorities of the colony could not afford. Nevertheless, there were some clashes with Shasvastii cells that had infiltrated the perimeter of the battery in order to take control of it, or sabotage it if their first objective was not attainable.

The Ariadnan forces ended up holding the Firing Control Module, a dome set apart from the main body of weapons turrets whose core is the Combat Information and Control Center, from which the battery is controlled. This dome was enlarged to serve as barracks for an Ikari Company squad, as decided in the protection agreements this mercenary group signed with the colony authorities. Next to the weapons turrets area, we find the ammunition supply module for the main artillery pieces. This module is used as a storage area and munitions magazine for the battery, in addition to being the main access point from the battery to the colony through a large tunnel that allows the traffic of heavy transport vehicles, which are needed to move ammunition from the spaceport or from the Liberty Cargo headquarters. This Ariadnan force will remain deployed in this location until the operation is over in order to ensure the security of inbound and outbound traffic at the spaceport, as well as to protect the spaceships patrolling the vicinity of the asteroid as part of the blockade of the colony.

Report by Lieutenant Shila Aziz, Psi Unit analyst, O-12 Military Intelligence, at the request of the leadership of Section Statera of Bureau Aegis.

“I don’t like being here either, on a rock with no oxygen and far from home. But we’re soldiers and we follow orders. And our orders are to reinforce Bureau Aegis in this operation, and at the same time, show the rest of the Sphere once again what we Ariadnans are made of, so they will think it twice before taking any action against us. And if this means that we have to break some skulls, we won’t lose any sleep over it—in fact, we’ll enjoy it.”

Lieutenant Vassily Plushenko, TankHunters Regiment, Daylight Boarding Team officer, assigned to the high-speed

transport O-12S Steropes, orbiting Novyy Bangkok.


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“It’s said that the Novyy Bangkok spaceport, Pākngein (ปากเงิน, Silver Mouth) owes its name to the port being a source of wealth for this colony. However, its name comes from the external metal ring that’s part of the shock-proof coating on the edge of the main launch pad.”

Extract from “Living on the Edge,” a series of reports about the most remote system of the Human Sphere. Find it in Xciting!

Undoubtedly, one of Novyy Bangkok’s main places of interest for this operation is the spaceport and its facilities. Here is where most of the Shasvastii activity in this asteroidal colony has been concentrated. We know that several spaceships have been launched from this spaceport to the Human Sphere. We can only assume that these ships were full of Combined Army assets that worked as a starting point for a mass infiltration. The issue is to find what kind of assets they were, how many, and what their final destination was. To that end, we need access to the records of berthing, freight, and destinations of all the ships that have passed through these facilities in the last six months. However, this data may not prove enough since any record could have been falsified. It’s necessary to interview all the spaceport staff to verify the records and contrast different versions, as well as to check the internal memory of any stand-alone or semi-automatic device and compare it with the official records. I won’t lie to you: we have to unravel an extremely tangled web. If there’s something the Shasvastii are good at it’s covering their traces and creating false leads. Thus, it is of vital importance to gain control of all spaceport facilities to be able to access any person, place, or database without asking permission or alerting the enemy to our next step.

The main disadvantage is that, unlike any civilized place, the spaceport is not under the full control of Novyy Bangkok authorities. The Chao Pho mafia extends their corruption networks as far as the spaceport, controlling the stevedore syndicate and preserving a fragile truce with the true owner of the spaceport: the Silk Consortium.

Spaceport facilities are not cheap to maintain, so when the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate left the colony, the facilities’ progressive deterioration and lack of maintenance threatened its commercial viability, and even its own survival. That is to say, it endangered the survival of the entire colony. Salvation came in the shape of the Silk Consortium, which needed a refreshment post for their ships, and realized that the fall of the spaceport would hinder the viability of their operations in this sector. However, the Consortium needed guarantees of stability before investing, so they signed a contract with Novyy Bangkok that gave them almost complete control over the spaceport, and left little scope for action to local administration.

Despite the very limited power of the colony’s authorities, it was enough to allow Chao Pho to gain a foothold in the spaceport, causing a brief and bloody fight for control with the Silk Consortium’s agents. The Ikari Company’s intervention as an intermediator would put an end to the fight, after which the Silk Consortium would retain de facto control over the spaceport.

The capacity to pressure for such an influential group like the Qapu Khalqi must not be ignored. The Sword of Allah’s forces asked for that location as their operations area to protect the Consortium’s interests and, perhaps, to whitewash dubious practices that could put them in a difficult position before an international court. Because of this, our agents have had difficult access to useful data, both in the hangars, which are Chao Pho’s territory, and in the Traffic Control Centers, which belong to the Silk Consortium. In any case, the danger of a Shasvastii infiltration is real in this part of the colony, and our agents exercise extreme caution as if they were in hostile territory.

Status report by specialist sub-officer Oliver Burke, Alpha Unit, to the operational command of SWORDFOR.

“But then, what are you doing here? Didn’t you say you didn’t like Novyy Bangkok?” “No, what I said is that I have plenty of enemies here. Who can like this filthy place though?” “You didn’t answer my question...” “Let us say that the Silk Consortium has some unfinished business here that should be dealt with... in as discreet a manner as possible.”

Conversation between the Husam D. Schukin and Souhayr Halimi, Trade Diwân delegate in Novyy Bangkok.

Recorded by a Shasvastii spying device in the Bubba’s Khạntiạā. Pākngein NBIS, Novyy Bangkok spaceport.


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In the 20th century, small nations lacking resources, industries, or an advantageous geographical location figured out that the best way to attract foreign capital and thrive was to become a tax haven. Two centuries later, the advent of ALEPH created an even more lucrative alternative: becoming a data haven. And the forerunner, the first to notice this new business opportunity, was Tunguska. Of course, after it, other independent colonies located in remote places did the same. None of them could compare to Tunguska’s quality service, but they could offer lower prices and take over local business. Tunguska did not like this one bit, so the Nomad mothership started to hunt down all the competition that seemed too successful and was stealing their slice of the pie. And one of its main targets was Novyy Bangkok.

This asteroidal colony, in desperation after the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate left the place, saw a business opportunity in establishing a tax-free financial center and a data haven free of ALEPH’s interference. The instigator of this initiative, which had the approval of Novyy Bangkok authorities, was the Proshchaniye group (Прощание, “The Farewell”), a small criminal organization led by the Boldyrev family, which was in open competition with Chao Pho for control of the criminal underworld on the asteroid. However, the Proschchaniye group’s operations did not go unnoticed by Tunguska, and much less for the families of The Entente, always watchful for the dealings of any rivals in Submondo.

Nonetheless, The Entente wanted something more than to simply get rid of the competition: its actual aim was to keep the whole business for itself. This Tunguskan criminal organization saw an interesting business opportunity in Novyy Bangkok, but not so much because of the volume of operations or the amount of data or capital that it could move from the colony. What drove The Entente, as counseled by the advisors of The Bank, was Novyy Bangkok’s potential to become a haven with a separate legislative framework from that of Tunguska, which would in fact provide them with additional shielding in the event of an international intervention.

Thus, The Entente contacted the adversaries of the Proshchaniye group, the Chao Pho mafia, to offer them the possibility of forming an alliance against their common enemy. Actually, the terms of the agreement proposed by the Tunguskan organization did not give Chao Pho much choice: if they chose not to partner up with The Entente, the Tunguskans would consider them either a hindrance to their plans or, at worst, another opponent to get rid of in Novyy Bangkok. Either of these two possibilities meant a considerable reduction in the life expectancy of this Thai criminal group.

A gang war ensued and the local authorities, completely corrupt and in both sides’ pockets, were unable to stop it. Ultimately, The Entente’s support allowed Chao Pho to completely obliterate their opponents, take total control of Novyy Bangkok’s criminal underground, and open all doors for The Bank of Tunguska, which established itself in the colony, acquiring and expanding the Proshchaniye group’s operations.

Nonetheless, a branch of The Bank of Tunguska cannot be located just anywhere; there is a whole series of security measures and protocols to take into account in order to guarantee the quality of service and the imperviousness of their datacrypt. The Nomads needed a special location, one that would allow for the defense, evacuation, or safe destruction of the branch core, and the existing tunnels of Novyy Bangkok, already fully developed, could not serve this purpose. However, during the prospecting phase the colony miners ound an enormous natural cavern of great depth, although it was ruled out for mining or construction because it lacked valuable mineral seams and because it would prove extremely difficult to build on the vertical walls of the cavern, which resembled an underground canyon. But mining and building things in deep space are two of the main specialties of the Nomads. Hence, the technicians and engineers of Cósmica Ltd, the construction giant based in Corregidor, quickly covered the walls of the underground canyon with buildings connected by bridges, walkways, and aerial tramways, thus creating the Nomad district of Novyy Bangkok, better known as The Gorge.

Unlike the rest of the colony, this area of Novyy Bangkok is structured as a totally vertical district, built on many different levels and enclosed by the natural vault of the cavern. This verticality also determines how connects to the other areas of the colony. The Nomad district has two main access points, one of them located at the top of this underground canyon, and the other at its bottom.

For all those who access The Gorge from the top, the first thing they will bump into is the local headquarters of Cósmica, which runs all the company’s operations in this sector from this colony. Descending through a series of walkways, or taking one of the many aerial tramways that cross (at full speed) the distance separating the two walls as well as the distances between the different levels, you can reach the regional Arachne node, located midway down the gorge. Given the current instability of the colony, and because it’s in the local authorities’ interest that the node remains operational since it’s one of Novyy Bangkok’s competitive advantages with respect to other colonies in the region, this node always has a small security team present. But if we are talking about safety and security, we cannot forget The Bank of Tunguska branch.

Located in the deepest area of the gorge, the façade of The Bank’s building welcomes all who arrive through the lower access points to the Nomad district. Although one must admit that it’s a somewhat cold welcome because of the armed Remotes that guard the branch. The location of this head office was not randomly picked. Because it lies at the bottom of the gorge, the detonation of the datacrypt and the main vault’s self-destruction system will certainly cause the entire canyon to completely collapse on top the branch. Thus, total destruction of the facilities and the data can be guaranteed, as well as the obliteration of any strike force that might be trying to take the bank. But this is just the most extreme and final solution. Cósmica is said to have installed a two-step evacuation system for the datacrypt. The first step involves a propulsion device for the crypt, which could come detached from the building and

move autonomously. The second step consists of a tunnel-boring machine that can excavate an exit route for the crypt to move through, a tunnel that would collapse behind the crypt as it passed so it could not be followed and which would lead to an unknown extraction point on the surface of the asteroid. However unrealistic the plan may seem, there is a sufficient amount of data obtained from Cósmica’s budget items that could lead one to believe that it may be real. Indeed, no tax or data haven can be considered as such if it cannot guarantee the inviolability of its vaults. And The Bank of Tunguska always guarantees it, be it with the most advanced technology, with the power of its armed forces, or with the most absolute ruthlessness.

Chapter from the essay The Problem of the New Tax and Data Havens by Dr. Zhou Lin. A web-publication for Chéng Pài State University. Yutang.

“What will happen is that Bureau Aegis detectives will show up here with search warrants wanting to inspect all our facilities, databases, and probably also the local Crypt at the Bank of Tunguska headquarters in Novyy Bangkok. And that’s if we’re lucky and they don’t come along with reinforcement units from PanOceania, Yu Jing, or even the SSS, who will be giddy to take a peek over the Bureau Aegis agents’ shoulders. And that’s a bad thing both for the Bank of Tunguska’s operations and for our reputation as an impenetrable sanctuary, safe from any sort of interference by the other powers of the Sphere. So, we must prevent this from happening no matter what. Oh, and there’s also the issue with Cósmica, and the local Arachne node—but we all know what really matters most here.”

Nikolai Steranko, Dragnet Deputy Director and member of Black Hand’s High Command. Briefing about the situation in

Novyy Bangkok before the Tunguska Board of Directors.


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The Human Sphere is teeming with dangerous places, places that you’d better not visit if you want to enjoy a long and fruitful life. The list is very long and wide ranging: the Antipode situation in the Ariadna Exclusion Zone, the alien threat on Paradiso, the dreaded Fimbul storms on Svalarheima, the little value life has in Human Edge… There are all sorts of places that entail extreme danger, and then there’s the Gallery Maze in Novyy Bangkok.

The network of tunnels that pierce this mega-asteroid’s subsurface is chaotic and structurally fragile, a consequence of greed and the desire for quick money. During the colonization period, the engineers of the Blinov-Ngamsan Conglomerate launched dozens of Fast Drilling Autonomous Teams (FDAT). Each one of these teams was made up of only one tunneling remote and one consolidating remote. The tunneling remote would open the tunnels, looking for valuable mineral seams, while the consolidating remote would follow it and use a chemical binder to harden the surfaces of the tunnel to prevent it from collapsing. The remotes were programmed to keep going until they located a high-quality seam. The problem was that this planetoid’s parameters did not match the Conglomerate’s expectations, and the FDAT excavated without being monitored and traced a clutter of underground galleries that came to cover 40% of Novyy Bangkok’s substratum before they were switched off. If ever there was a map of the layout of these tunnels, obtained from the telemetry of the remotes, it was lost during Blinov-Ngamsan’s chaotic withdrawal from the asteroid.

Very soon, all kinds of people from the colony’s criminal underworld found a use for this maze of tunnels. Hideouts, storage areas, and drug labs were set up in these tunnels, using dead-end passages and hidden places difficult to locate. Many of these dark corners were abandoned after those who used them disappeared as a consequence of the gang wars or the settling of scores that sometimes ravage this asteroid.

Hoards and promises of wealth and resources have incited numerous explorers to venture into the darkness of these tunnels never to leave again, because the shadows in these galleries conceal unknown dangers: homicidal security systems, monstrous creatures escaped from dismantled laboratories, head-hunting psychopaths, leakage of toxic materials from containers forgotten in the deepest pits, or simply the sheer structural weakness of tunnels that were never braced or secured. Everything in this network of tunnels seems to have been created to kill any unwary person who walks into them.

Nonetheless, greed, the thirst for adventure, or plain foolishness keep driving men and women to explore these tunnels, and even to exploit them for commercial purposes. For example, the area known as Thang Phan, or The Passageways, is the normal setting for Aristeia! Underground fights. It’s a network of tunnels that lead into a huge pit, with passageways and platforms crossing this pit at several different levels, where the fighters of the illegal and more violent version of this contact sport risk their lives fighting each other, gravity, and the numerous threats lurking in the shadows. This is where Señor Massacre is said to have had such a rough time that he was silent for almost five whole minutes, and where “Pincho” Ramírez successfully defended his undefeated title in a bloodbath against three hitmen hired by the Yakuza.

The Thang Phan chasm is famous for the massive Buddha effigy sculpted into one of its walls by a group of monks who believed they could turn the place into a sanctuary of peace and meditation, far from the hustle of the rest of the colony. Unfortunately, or as expected as many people would say, the monks ended up disappearing in this darkness, falling victim to some of its dwellers, and their settlement was plundered by looters and later destroyed in a particularly vicious Aristeia! Underground battle. Nowadays, only this Buddha remains as a backdrop and an exceptional witness of the combats that take place in this chasm.

Nevertheless, the most iconic area in this maze of galleries is the one known as The Chimneys, a big network of narrow passages characterized by the abundance of this type of vertical ascending and descending tunnels. The sudden upward and downward turns at ninety-degree angles in these shafts are the greatest attraction of this area, which has become one of the most famous and difficult tracks of all the Remote Racing Global Cup circuits. This is where the Nomad Hacker-Pilot Olga Stolyarova almost lost the championship against Noor Zoubi, Basha’ir Velocity team’s greatest promise. Adrenaline and speed freaks come to this place to take part in illegal races organized by the Chao Pho, without the slightest safety measures and where a brutal overloaded feedback is what those Hacker-Pilots who ride their racing Remotes into the dark should fear the least.

This is how this intricate network of tunnels earned its place as one of the most dangerous locations in the Human Sphere. This is a place you should never wander into, lest you go bumping into the den of smugglers C3rvant3s and Magno, or into one of Yănjīng’s black sites, or into an Ikari Company depot. These kinds of encounters are far more dangerous than any of the other threats lurking in the shadows of these abandoned passages. This is the Gallery Maze of Novyy Bangkok, a good place to see safely on your comlog screen.

Excerpt from Dark Corners of the Human Sphere by Marisa van der Linden. Read it on Fractyle. The best reference books in Maya directly to your comlog.

“They say there all kinds of urban legends about this network of tunnels and galleries where our enemies are hiding. Well too bad for them, because we’re actual legends in the flesh.”

Excerpt from Homerid Champion Hector’s exhort to the Steel Phalanx troops under his command before starting

to sweep the so-called Gallery Maze. Novyy Bangkok.

“What I have learned from my journeys is that there’s no law east of Deadwood, no justice east of Novyy Bangkok, and no God east of Runenberg.”

Wild Bill, legendary gunslinger, during a conversation at the Conga Club. VaudeVille, Bakunin.

“Captain, there seems to have been numerous sightings of the USAriadnan operative codenamed ‘The Unknown Ranger’ during the operations in Novyy Bangkok…” “And why do you think I should be informed of such sightings, Lieutenant?” “Because there is no entry of any ‘Unknown Ranger’ on the member list of the Ariadnan Daylight Boarding Team transported here on this ship. And, in fact, recent reports assure me that said operative died on the Paradiso front. Although it is true that the body was never recovered…” “So, what are you suggesting, Lieutenant? That we have carried a stowaway or a ghost?”

Lieutenant Will Roarke, Psi Unit, reporting to Captain Priya Kaushal. Control bridge of the high-speed transport

O-12S Steropes, in orbit around Novyy Bangkok.


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ASTEROID BLUES: FIRST PHASE The Combined Army’s infiltration cell, found on the asteroidal colony of Novyy Bangkok, has raised the alarm at Bureau Aegis Headquarters. No one suspected that the alien forces could have established a logistics network in the system, and it is vitally important to ascertain their true intentions and goals. Novyy Bangkok is an independent colony, and though no major power has any true authority there, all of them hold an interest in this settlement. This colony is one of the natural habitats of the Ikari Company, which owns an unofficial head office in the entertainment area called The Main Strip. In the Intelligence world, it’s an open secret that the Liberty Cargo Logistic Center, located on the asteroid’s surface, is a PanOceanian Hexahedron base for covert operations. On the other hand, the Nomad district located in an underground gorge is home to the headquarters of Cosmica Ltd., as well as an Arachne node. The Asian giant Yu Jing holds mining interests in a quarry belonging to the Jīyuán Corporation, located on the asteroid’s surface. The Silk Consortium remains a power in the shadows, controlling this colony’s spaceport. Ariadna and ALEPH’s purpose is to reinforce the Bureau Aegis forces of O-12, and they are expected to seize control of strategic zones such as the Xārạks̄ʹ̒ Battery, the colony’s main defensive bastion, or the Gallery Maze, the underground tunnels that most likely conceal the operative base of the Combined Army.


PHASE 1To control the facilities of this logistics center, it is first necessary to secure both the cargo spaceport and the cross-docking and storage area.

CARGO SPACEPORTMission: Annihilation.

Scenario Special Rule: Regolith Plains, Gravitational Advantage.


Scenario Special Rule: Assured Support, Entrepôt.


PHASE 1The Jīyuán Corporation’s prospecting area on the surface of this mega-asteroid is of logistical interest to any power in the region.

JĪYUÁN QUARRYMission: Frostbyte.

Scenario Special Rule: Debris Area, Artificial Gravity Failure.

NOMAD AREA. THE GORGEPHASE 1To control this location, it is necessary to seize the Cosmica Ltd. Headquarters, the leading corporation in Corregidor’s space manufacturing sector, from which the top access to the Nomad District is controlled. It’s also necessary to control the Arachne Node, which allows an alternative data sphere, as this is a vital element of great strategic advantage in this asteroidal colony.

COSMICA HQMission: Comms Center.

Scenario Special Rule: Safe Access, Close Quarters.

ARACHNE NODEMission: Transmission Matrix.

Scenario Special Rule: Restricted Range, Amplifier.







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PHASE 1The labyrinth of abandoned tunnels known as The Chimneys is, aside from the scenery of dangerous Remote races, the perfect place to hide equipment and even people.

THE CHIMNEYS Mission: The Grid.

Scenario Special Rule: Treacherous Environment, Pitch-Black, Combined Army Advantage.


PHASE 1The most sensitive spot of Novyy Bangkok is the astroport and its hangar area for the maintenance and loading of all ships, which are constantly entering and leaving the colony.

HANGARS AREAMission: Firefight.

Scenario Special Rule: Hull Breach, Bar Fight, Combined Army Advantage.


PHASE 1To take control of this close defense firebase it is necessary to seize the cannons and missile-launcher batteries that give this base its name, as well as the Ammunition and Supplies Module, around which this artillery placement operates.

BATTERY FIELDMission: Acquisition

Scenario Special Rule: Regolith Plains, Gravitational Advantage.


Scenario Special Rule: Restricted Range, Arsenal.

NA2 AREA. MAIN STRIPPHASE 1Due to its urban design and special location, holding the Main Strip is necessary for controlling this location’s entrances. Likewise, the emblematic Harry’s Bar is of exceptional importance as a meeting point and unofficial operations center for intelligence agencies, mafia organizations, and mercenary companies.

MAIN STRIP Mission: Supplies.

Scenario Special Rule: Shadowshooter, Apotheke.

HARRY’S BAR Mission: Decapitation

Scenario Special Rule: Close Quarters, Shadowshooter, Numerical Advantage (Ikari Company)

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ANNIHILATION Table Configuration: A.

Special Rules: Regolith Plains, Gravitational Advantage, Killing, No Quarter, DataTracker, HVT and Classified Deck Not Used.



To Kill between 50 and 100 enemy Army


To Kill between 75 and 150

enemy Army Points

To Kill between 100 and 200 enemy Army


1 Objective Point

To Kill between 101 and 150 enemy Army


To Kill between 151 and 250 enemy Army


To Kill between 201 and 300 enemy Army


3 Objective Point

To Kill more than 150 enemy

Army Points.

To Kill more than 250 enemy

Army Points.

To Kill more than 300 enemy

Army Points.4 Objective Points

If you have between 50 and

100 surviving Army Points.

If you have between 75 and 150 surviving Army Points.

If you have between 100

and 200 surviv-ing Army Points.

1 Objective Point

If you have between 101 and

150 surviving Army Points.

If you have between 151 and

250 surviving Army Points.

If you have between 201

and 300 surviv-ing Army Points.

3 Objective Points

If you have more than 150 surviv-ing Army Points.

If you have more than 250 surviv-ing Army Points.

If you have more than

300 surviving Army Points.

4 Objective Points

• To Kill the enemy DataTracker (2 Objective Points)

CLASSIFIEDThere are no Classified Objectives.

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESREGOLITH PLAINSThe zone of operations is almost free of obstacles, providing a clear view of the zone. In this scenario, the -6 Range MOD of any BS Weapon, piece of Equipment or Special Skill automatically becomes a -3 Range MOD.

GRAVITATIONAL ADVANTAGEThe zone of operations has some insertion windows which can provide a tactical advantage. All troopers possessing Zero-G Terrain can deploy as if they have the AD: Airborne Infiltration Special Skill.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game will be considered to be Killed by the adversary.

NO QUARTERIn this scenario, Retreat! rules are not applied.

DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order, players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

HVT AND CLASSIFIED DECK NOT USEDIn this scenario, the HVT model and Secure HVT rules are not applied. Players will not deploy the HVT model on the game table and they will not use the Classified Deck in this scenario.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.




FRONTLINETable Configuration: A.

Special Rules: Assured Support, Entrepôt, Sectors (ZO), Dominate ZO, INTELCOM Card (Support and Control), Liaison Officer.


• To dominate the nearest Sector to your Deployment Zone (1 Objective Point).

• To dominate the central Sector (3 Objective Points).• To dominate the central Sector with your Liaison Officer

inside it, in a non-Null state (1 extra Objective Point).• To dominate the farthest Sector from your

Deployment Zone (4 Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESASSURED SUPPORTReinforcered and secure supply lines allow an enhanced access to more resources. In this scenario, both players get a +1 Bonus to the SWC they have available.

ENTREPÔTThere is a warehouse of technical supplies in the zone of operations. In this scenario, any trooper possessing the Engineer Special Skill (or any of its variants) apply a +3 WIP MOD Attribute value when declaring this Special Skill.

SECTORS (ZO)When the game is finished, but not before, 3 Sectors are marked out. These Sectors are 8 inches deep and as wide as the game table. Two of these Sectors are placed 4 inches from the central line of the game table, one on each side, and the third Sector is a strip 8 inches deep in the central area of the table.

In this scenario each Sector is considered a Zone of Operations (ZO).

DOMINATE ZOA Zone of Operations (ZO) is considered Dominated by a player if he has more Army Points than the adversary inside the area. Only troops represented by miniatures or Markers (Camouflage, Spawn-Embryo, Seed-Embryo…) count, as well as AI Beacons, Proxies and G: Servant Troops. Troops in a Null state do not count. Markers representing weapons or pieces of equipment (like Mines or Deployable Repeaters), fake Holoechoes, and any Marker that does not represent a trooper does not count either.

A trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the trooper’s base is inside that ZO.

SHASVASTIITroops possessing the Shasvastii Special Skill that are inside a Zone of Operations count while they are in the Spawn-Embryo state or any non-Null state.

BAGGAGETroops possessing the Baggage piece of Equipment that are inside a Zone of Operations and any non-Null state also count, providing the extra Army Points this piece of Equipment grants.

INTELCOM CARD (SUPPORT AND CONTROL) Before the beginning of the game, but after choosing the Classified Objective, the player must inform to his adversary if that card will be his Classified Objective or his INTELCOM Card. Each player rolls a die and the one who gets the highest score must be the first who announces his decision to his adversary. The content of the card, whether the mission or the card numeric value, is considered Private Information, no matter which use the player has chosen for it.

At the end of the third Game Round when the game ends and the players count up their points following the order established by the Initiative, the player can use his INTELCOM Card applying the Support and Control Mode.

Support and Control Mode: the player can add the value of the Support and Control Card to the total of Army Points he possess in the Zone of Operations (ZO) he prefers, but only if he has at least one trooper in a state not considered Null inside that ZO.

LIAISON OFFICERLiaison Officers have the special task of collecting all the information and intel data collected during the operation and transmitting it to the Global Defense Coordinated Command, managed by O-12.

At the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative order, players must declare which troop possessing the Forward Observer Special Skill from their Army List is their Liaison Officer. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models or Markers deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment. Also, troops whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be Liaison Officers.

Each players’ Liaison Officer is identified with a Liaison Officer Marker (LIAISON OF.).

At the end of the game, if a player’s Liaison Officer is in a non-Null state and completely outside their Deployment Zone, the player will make a WIP+3 Roll using the Liaison Officer’s WIP. If the roll is successful, the player will get 1 extra Objective Point (up to a maximum of 10 Objective Points).

If the roll is failed, it can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending a Command Token and making the roll.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.





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FROSTBYTETable Configuration: --.

Special Rules: Exclusion Zone, Debris Area, Artificial Gravity Failure, Killer Cold, Dead Zone, Secure Exclusion Zone, Heating Units, Consoles, Connect a Console, Killing, Specialist Troops, DataTracker, DataTracker Special Order.


• To kill more Army Points than the adversary (3 Objective Points).

• To kill the enemy DataTracker (2 Objective Points).• To have Secured the Exclusion Zone at the

end of the game (3 Objective Points).• Have at least one Active Heating Unit at the

end of the game (1 Objective Point).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12-inches deep.

Exclusion Zone. Troopers may not use the Airborne Deployment, Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, or Infiltration Special Skills or the deployment rule of the Impersonation Special Skill to deploy inside of an 8 inch area on either side of the central line of the game table. The Exclusion Zone is not applied to troopers that suffer Dispersion.

It is not allowed to deploy in base contact with a Heating Unit.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESDEBRIS AREADue the destruction caused by the combat operations, the [*] is considered a Debris Terrain Zone. In this area Movement restrictions are not applied, however, all troopers possessing Mountain Terrain, Multiterrain or Climbing Plus get a +1 inch Bonus to their first MOV value.

This Bonus will be applied only during a Move Common Skill declared or performed in the Exclusion Zone.

ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY FAILUREThe Exclusion Zone is considered a Zero-G Terrain Zone. In this area Movement restrictions are not applied, however, all troopers possessing Zero-G Terrain or Multiterrain get a +1 inch Bonus to their first MOV value.

This Bonus will be applied only during a Move Common Skill declared or performed in the Exclusion Zone.

KILLER COLDThe low temperature is so extreme that only those possessing personal heating units can tolerate it.

In game terms, all those troopers who at the end of the third Game Round are inside the Exclusion Zone, or inside a Deployment Zone/ Dead Zone lacking an Active Heating Unit, must be considered as Killed by the enemy.

This rule is not applied to all those troopers whose Troop Type is Heavy Infantry (HI) or TAG. It is not applied to the trooper the player has designated as DataTracker.

DEAD ZONESThere are two Dead Zones on the battlefield, 4 inches deep between the Deployment Zone and the Exclusion Zone (see the map below).

SECURE EXCLUSION ZONEThe Exclusion Zone is considered Secured by a player when he is the only one whose DataTracker is inside the Exclusion Zone in a non-Null state.

HEATING UNITSThere is a total of four Heating Units, two of them on each half of the table. The Heating Unit placed 10 inches from the center of the table and 24 inches from the edge of the table is the Heating Unit of that Dead Zone. The Heating Unit placed 20 inches from the center of the table and 24 inches from the edge of the table is the Heating Unit of that Deployment Zone.

Each Heating Unit must be represented by an Objective Marker (OBJECTIVE) or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such as the Info Hubs by Micro Art Studio).

Player A and Player B Markers can be used to mark the Activated Heating Units. It is recommended each player uses a different kind of Marker.

In this scenario the Heating Units have a Scenery Item Profile. They can be targeted, applying a variant of the Scenery Structures rules. A Heating Unit can only be damaged by CC Attacks with CC Weapons possessing the Antimaterial Trait.

A Heating Unit that is in Damaged or Destroyed state is not considered to be Active.

CONSOLESThere is a total of three Consoles. One of them must be placed in the center of the table while the other two must be placed along the central line of the table, 12 inches from its edge (See map below).

Each Console must be represented by a Console A Marker or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such as the Human Consoles by Micro Art Studio, the Tech Consoles by Warsenal or the Comlink Console by Customeeple).




» Only Specialist Troops or the DataTracker can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop or DataTracker must be in base contact with

the Console.


» Allows the Specialist Troop or DataTracker to make a Normal WIP Roll to Connect a Console. If the roll is failed, this can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

» When Connecting a Console, the player declares which Heating Unit is Activated.

» You cannot Activate more than one Heating Unit for each Console.» A Connected Console can be Connected again by the other player,

applying the same procedure.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state, or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game will be considered to be Killed by the adversary.

SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved to Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order, players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

DATATRACKER SPECIAL ORDERThe DataTracker has a special extra Irregular Order that is for his use only, and this Order cannot be transformed into a Regular Order. This Order is not included in the Order Pool, it is an additional Irregular Order exclusively for the DataTracker.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.




HEATING UNIT 2 0 3 -- --









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COMMS CENTERTable Configuration: N.

Special Rules: Exclusion Zone, Safe Access, Close Quarters, The Grid, Killing, Specialist Troops, Hacker Bonus, Designated Target, Intelcom Card (Counterespionage), Liaison Officer.


• Have the same amount of Connected Antennas as the adversary at the end of the game (2 Objective Points, only if the player has Connected at least 1 Antenna).

• To have more Connected Antennas than the adversary at the end of the game (4 Objective Points).

• To kill more Specialist Troops than the adversary (2 Objective Points).

• To kill the Designated Target with your Liaison Officer (1 Objective Point).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 3 Classified Objectives (1 Objective Point each).


SAFE ACCESSThe approaching routes to the zone of operations are clear of danger. In this scenario, the Deployment Zones are 16 inches deep.

Exclusion Zone. Troopers may not use the Airborne Deployment, Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, or Infiltration Special Skills or the deployment rule of the Impersonation Special Skill to deploy inside of an 8 inch area on either side of the central line of the game table. The Exclusion Zone is not applied to troopers that suffer Dispersion.

It is not allowed to deploy in base contact with an Antenna.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESCLOSE QUARTERSThe zone of operations is very constricted. In this scenario, Template Weapons apply a MOD of +1 to Damage.

THE GRIDThere are a total of 9 Antennas. One of them is placed in the center of the game table, with the next two placed on the central line of the table, 12 inches from the edges. The other six Antennas are placed in different halves of the game table. Four of them are placed 8 inches in parallel from the central line of the game table and 12 inches from the edges. The other two are placed 8 inches in parallel from the central line of the game table and 24 inches from the edges (see map).

Each Antenna must be represented by a Transmission Antenna Marker (TRANS. ANTENNA) or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such as the Communications Array by Warsenal or the Sat Station Antenna by Customeeple).




» Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop must be in base contact with an Antenna.


» Allows the Specialist Troop to make a Normal WIP Roll to Connect the Antenna. If the roll is failed, this can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

» A Connected Antenna can be Connected again by the other player, applying the same procedure. In such a situation, the Antenna is no longer considered to be Connected by the adversary.

» Player A and Player B Markers can be used to mark the Connected Antennas. It is recommended each player uses a different kind of Marker.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state, or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game will be considered to be Killed by the adversary.

SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved to Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

HACKER BONUSTroops possessing the Hacker Special Skill have a MOD of +3 to the WIP Rolls necessary to Connect the Antenna. In addition, they will be able to make two WIP Rolls each time they spend a Short Skill to Connect the Antenna.

DESIGNATED TARGETIn this scenario, the enemy HVT is considered an enemy trooper instead of a Neutral Civilian so, it can be targeted by Attacks. Killing the enemy HVT does not cause loss of the game nor gives compensatory Objective Points to the adversary.

HVTs will be reactive and hostile, reacting to any Order performed by an enemy active trooper in LoF or ZC.

INTELCOM CARD (COUNTERESPIONAGE) When the game ends and the players count up their points, each Classified Objective fulfilled by a player that has the symbol 2 will cancel a Classified Objective fulfilled by the opposing player that has the symbol 3.

LIAISON OFFICERLiaison Officers have the special task of collecting all the information and intel data collected during the operation and transmitting it to the Global Defense Coordinated Command, managed by O-12.

At the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative order, players must declare which troop possessing the Forward Observer Special Skill from their Army List is their Liaison Officer. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models or Markers deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment. Also, troops whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be Liaison Officers.

Each players’ Liaison Officer is identified with a Liaison Officer Marker (LIAISON OF.).

At the end of the game, if a player’s Liaison Officer is in a non-Null state and completely outside their Deployment Zone, the player will make a WIP+3 Roll using the Liaison Officer’s WIP. If the roll is successful, the player will get 1 extra Objective Point (up to a maximum of 10 Objective Points).

If the roll is failed, it can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending a Command Token and making the roll.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.


12” 24”













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TRANSMISSION MATRIXTable Configuration: J.

Special Rules: Restricted Range, Amplifier, Transmission Areas (ZO), Dominate ZO, DataTracker, Designated Target, INTELCOM Card (Provisions).


• Dominate the same number of Transmission Areas as the adversary at the end of each Game Round (1 Objective Point, but only if at least 1 Transmission Area is Dominated by the player).

• Dominate more Transmission Areas than the adversary at the end of each Game Round (2 Objective Points).

• Kill the Designated Target (1 Objective Point).• Kill the Designated Target with your

DataTracker (2 extra Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESRESTRICTED RANGEThe structure of the zone of operations restricts the range of firearms. In this scenario, any BS Attack where the range to the target is 32 inches or more is considered an automatic failure with no need to roll the die.

AMPLIFIERThe facilities in the area of operations enhance and intensify the quantronic signals. In this scenario, any declared Hacking Attack or Comms Attack will apply a MOD of +3 to its Attribute.

TRANSMISSION AREAS (ZO)There are 5 Transmission Areas of 4 inches radius. One is place at center of the game table. There are two Transmission Areas placed on each side of the game table, 12 inches from the edges and 12 inches from the central line of the game table.

The center of each Transmission Area must be represented by a Transmission Antenna Marker (TRANS. ANTENNA) or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such as the Communications Array by Warsenal or the Sat Station Antenna by Customeeple)

In this scenario each Transmission Area is considered a Zone of Operations (ZO).

The Transmission Antennas are Repeaters for the Hackers of both players. The Transmission Antennas don’t apply the Firewall MODs.

DOMINATE ZOA Zone of Operations (ZO) is considered Dominated by a player if he has more Army Points than the adversary inside the area. Only troops represented by miniatures or Markers (Camouflage, Spawn-Embryo, Seed-Embryo…) count, as well as AI Beacons, Proxies and G: Servant Troops. Troops in a Null state do not count. Markers representing weapons or pieces of equipment (like Mines or Deployable Repeaters), fake Holoechoes, and any Marker that does not represent a trooper does not count either.

A trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the trooper’s base is inside that ZO.

SHASVASTIITroops possessing the Shasvastii Special Skill that are inside a Zone of Operations count while they are in the Spawn-Embryo state or any non-Null state.

BAGGAGETroops possessing the Baggage piece of Equipment that are inside a Zone of Operations and any non-Null state also count, providing the extra Army Points this piece of Equipment grants.

DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order, players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

DESIGNATED TARGETIn this scenario, the enemy HVT is considered an enemy trooper instead of a Neutral Civilian so, it can be targeted by Attacks. Killing the enemy HVT does not cause loss of the game nor gives compensatory Objective Points to the adversary.

HVTs will be reactive and hostile, reacting to any Order performed by an enemy active trooper in LoF or ZC.

INTELCOM CARD (PROVISIONS) The Classified Objectives with the symbol 3 give 1 extra Objective Point, but only if the player has less than 10 Objective Points

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.










FIREFIGHT Table Configuration: B.

Special Rules: Hull Breach, Bar Fight, Combined Army’s Advantage, Killing, No Quarter, Designated Landing Area, Panoplies, Specialist Troops, DataTracker.


• To kill more Specialist Troops than the adversary (1 Objective Point).

• To kill more Lieutenants than the adversary (2 Objective Points).

• To kill more Army Points than the adversary (3 Objective Points).

• Acquire more weapons or items from the Panoplies than the adversary at the end of the game (1 Objective Point).

• To kill the enemy DataTracker (1 Objective Point).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 2 Classified Objectives (1 Objective Point for each one).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a Deployment Zone 16 inches deep.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESHULL BREACHA hull breach has created a dangerous area that jeopardizes the operation. Due to the breach, the Deployment Zones are considered a Hostile Enviroment Zone with Dangerous Level (ARM Roll if the die roll is 18 or higher, against Damage: 13). However, all troopers possessing Zero-G Terrain or Multiterrain are not affected by the Hostile Enviroment.

BAR FIGHTIn this scenario, two special characters are available, one for each player. These characters may be added to the players’ Army Lists, without Cost or SWC. Players can decide by mutual accord–or rolling a die–who gets which character.

COMBINED ARMY’S ADVANTAGEThis location is a hidden nest of the Combined Army. In this scenario, army lists from the Combined Army (whether generic or from any of its Sectorials) have 1 extra SWC point.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state, or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game, will be considered to be Killed by the adversary.

NO QUARTERIn this scenario, Retreat! rules are not applied.

DESIGNATED LANDING AREAThe whole game table is considered a Designated Landing Area. Any trooper with the Airborne Deployment Special Skill can apply a +3 MOD to his deployment PH Roll. This MOD is cumulative with any other MOD provided by any other rule.

Moreover, troopers with any Level of this Special Skill ignore the prohibition of the Deployment and Dispersion rules against deploying inside the enemy Deployment Zone.

PANOPLIESThere are three Panoplies, placed on the central line of the game table. One of them is in the center of the table and the other two 12 inches from the edges (see map below).

Each Panoply must be represented by an Objective Marker or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such the Info Hubs by Micro Art Studio).




» The trooper must be in base contact with a Panoply.


» Allows the trooper to use the Logistics Trait of a Panoply: » By succeeding at a WIP Roll, a trooper can make a Roll on

any of the Booty Charts to obtain one weapon or piece of equipment. Once a success has been rolled, that trooper cannot use the Logistics Trait of this piece of scenery again.

» Troopers possessing the Booty or the Scavenger Special Skill, or any other Skill which specifies so, don’t need to make the WIP Roll and may automatically make a Roll on any of the Booty Charts.

» A trooper in base contact with this piece of scenery may spend one Short Skill of an Order to cancel his Unloaded state.

» In the case of obtaining the result of a Motorcycle on the Booty Table, troopers with S1, S2, S3 and S5 will have S4 while Mounted. Troopers with S6, S7 and S8 will only modify their MOV Attribute.

» By succeeding at a WIP Roll, the Specialist Troops can roll twice on any of the Booty Charts but they can only choose one of the results.

SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved to Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

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DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).






ACQUISITIONTable Configuration: B.

Special Rules: Regolith Plains, Gravitational Advantage, Communication Antennas, Control Communication Antennas, Tech-Coffin, Control Tech-Coffin, Specialist Troops, Engineer and Hacker Bonus, DataTracker, Liaison Officer.


• For each Activated Communication Antenna at the end of the game (1 Objective Point).

• For each Controlled Communication Antenna at the end of the game (1 Objective Point).

• Control the Tech- Coffin at the end of the game (3 Objective Points).

• Control the Tech- Coffin with the own DataTracker at the end of the game (2 extra Objective Points).

• Control the Tech- Coffin with the own Liaison Officer at the end of the game (1 extra Objective Points not cumulative with the previous objective)

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a Deployment Zone 16 inches deep.

It is not permitted to deploy in base contact with the Tech-Coffin or with the Communication Antennas.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESREGOLITH PLAINSThe zone of operations is almost free of obstacles, providing a clear view of the zone. In this scenario, the -6 Range MOD of any BS Weapon, piece of Equipment or Special Skill automatically becomes a -3 Range MOD.

GRAVITATIONAL ADVANTAGEThe zone of operations has some insertion windows which can provide a tactical advantage. All troopers possessing Zero-G Terrain can deploy as if they have the AD: Airborne Infiltration Special Skill.

COMMUNICATION ANTENNASThere are 2 Communication Antennas placed in the central line of the table, 12 inches from the edge of the table. Each Communication Antenna must be represented by a Transmission Antenna Marker (TRANS. ANTENNA) or with a scenery piece of the same diameter (Such as the Communications Array by Warsenal or the Sat Station Antenna by Customeeple).





» Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop must be in base contact with a Communication



» Allows the Specialist Troop to make a Normal WIP Roll to Activate a Communication Antenna. If the roll is failed, this can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

» An Activated Communication Antenna can be Activated again by the other player, applying the same procedure. In such a situation, the Communication Antenna is no longer considered Activated by the adversary.

» Player A and Player B Markers can be used to mark the Activated Communication Antenna. It is recommended each player uses a different kind of Marker.

CONTROL THE COMMUNICATION ANTENNA A Communication Antenna is considered Controlled by a player as long as that player is the only one with at least one troop (as a model, not a Marker) in base contact with it. So there cannot be enemy troops in base contact with the Communication Antenna. Models in Null state cannot be counted for this.

TECH-COFFINThere is 1 Tech-Coffin placed in the center of the table.

The Tech-Coffins must be represented by a Tech-Coffin Marker or with a scenery piece of the same diameter (Such as the Stasis Coffins by Warsenal or the Cryo Pods by Customeeple).

CONTROL THE TECH-COFFINThe Tech-Coffin is considered Controlled by a player as long as that player is the only one with at least one troop (as a model, not a Marker) in base contact with it. So there cannot be enemy troops in base contact with the Tech-Coffin. Models in a Null state cannot be counted for this.

SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics, and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors, and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved for Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

ENGINEER AND HACKER BONUS Troops possessing the Engineer or Hacker Special Skill have a MOD of +3 to the WIP Rolls necessary to Activate a Communication Antenna.

Heavy Pistol, Shock CCWBoarding Shotgun, Cargas-DFAT YUAN YUAN

Heavy Pistol, Shock CCWChain Rifle, D-ChargesFAT YUAN YUAN


MOV CC BS PH WIP ARM BTS W S Ava4-2 18 9 15 11 1 0 1 2 1

Special SKills: Berserk, Booty L1, Inferior Combat Jump, Heavy-duty


Name Armas CD Armas CC CAP P

ISC: Fat Yuan Yuan

Pistol, KnifeBoarding ShotgunFUSILIER ANGUS

Pistol, KnifeCombi Breaker RifleFUSILIER ANGUS


MOV CC BS PH WIP ARM BTS W S AVA4-4 14 12 10 12 1 0 1 2 1

Special Skills: Forward Observer


Nombre Armas CD Armas CC CAP P

ISC: Fusilier Angus

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

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DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order, players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

LIAISON OFFICERLiaison Officers have the special task of collecting all the information and intel data collected during the operation and transmitting it to the Global Defense Coordinated Command, managed by O-12.

At the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative order, players must declare which troop possessing the Forward Observer Special Skill from their Army List is their Liaison Officer. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models or Markers deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment. Also, troops whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be Liaison Officers.







Each players’ Liaison Officer is identified with a Liaison Officer Marker (LIAISON OF.).

At the end of the game, if a player’s Liaison Officer is in a non-Null state and completely outside their Deployment Zone, the player will make a WIP+3 Roll using the Liaison Officer’s WIP. If the roll is successful, the player will get 1 extra Objective Point (up to a maximum of 10 Objective Points).

If the roll is failed, it can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending a Command Token and making the roll.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.

THE ARMORYTable Configuration: F.

Special Rules: Restricted Range, Arsenal, Exclusion Zone, The Armory (ZO), Dominate ZO, Panoplies, Specialist Troops, INTELCOM Card (Support and Control).


• Dominate the Armory at the end of the Game Round (1 Objective Point).

• Dominate the Armory at the end of the game (4 Objective Points).

• Acquire more weapons or items from the Panoplies than the adversary at the end of the game (2 Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 1 Classified Objective (1 Objective Point).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

Exclusion Zone. Troopers may not use Airborne Deployment, Forward Deployment, Mechanized Deployment, and Infiltration Special Skills or the deployment rule of the Impersonation Special Skill to deploy inside of an 8 inch area on either side of the central line of the game table. The Exclusion Zone is not applied to troopers that suffer Dispersion.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESRESTRICTED RANGEThe structure of the zone of operations restricts the range of firearms. In this scenario, any BS Attack where the range to the target is 32 inches or more is considered an automatic failure with no need to roll the die.

ARSENALThere is a warehouse of weapons and ammunition in the zone of operations. In this scenario, players ignore the Expendable Trait of any weapon or piece of Equipment of their troops.

THE ARMORY (ZO)In this scenario The Armory is considered a Zone of Operations (ZO).

Placed in the center of the table, it covers an area of 8 by 8 inches. To represent the Armory, we recommend using the Objective Room by Micro Art Studio, the Command Bunker by Warsenal, the Operations Room by Plastcraft, or the Panic Room by Customeeple.

In game terms it is considered to have walls of infinite height that completely block Line of Fire. It has four Gates, one in the middle of each wall (See map below).The Gates of the Armory are closed at the start of the game. The Armory Gates must be represented by a Narrow Gate Marker or a scenery piece with the same size. The Armory Gates have a Narrow Gate Width.

The Scenery Structure rules are allowed in this scenario.




» Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop must be in base contact with a Gate.


» Allows the Specialist Troop to make a WIP Roll to Open the Gates. A success opens all Gates to the Objective Room. If the roll is failed, this can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

DOMINATE ZO A Zone of Operations (ZO) is considered Dominated by a player if he has more Army Points than the adversary inside the area. Only troops represented by miniatures or Markers (Camouflage, Spawn-Embryo, Seed-Embryo…) count, as well as AI Beacons, Proxies and G: Servant Remotes. Troops in Null state do not count. Markers representing weapons or pieces of equipment (like Mines or Deployable Repeaters), fake Holoechoes, and any Marker that does not represent a trooper does not count either.

A trooper is inside a Zone of Operations when more than half the trooper’s base is inside that ZO.

SHASVASTII Troops possessing the Shasvastii Special Skill that are inside a Zone of Operations count while they are in the Spawn-Embryo state or any non-Null state.

BAGGAGETroops possessing the Baggage piece of Equipment that are inside a Zone of Operations and any non-Null state also count, providing the extra Army Points this piece of Equipment grants.

PANOPLIESThere are 2 Panoplies, placed inside the Armory on different corners (see map below).

Each Panoply must be represented by an Objective Marker or by a scenery piece of the same diameter.

Players cannot declare any Attack against the Panoplies, except Use Panoply, prior to the second Game Round.

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» The trooper must be in base contact with a Panoply.


» Allows the trooper to use the Logistics Trait of a Panoply: » By succeeding at a WIP Roll, a trooper can make a Roll on

any of the Booty Charts to obtain one weapon or piece of equipment. Once a success has been rolled, that trooper cannot use the Logistics Trait of this piece of scenery again.

» Troopers possessing the Booty or the Scavenger Special Skill, or any other Skill which specifies so, don’t need to make the WIP Roll and may automatically make a Roll on any of the Booty Charts.

» A trooper in base contact with this piece of scenery may spend one Short Skill of an Order to cancel his Unloaded state.

» In the case of obtaining the result of a Motorcycle on the Booty Table, troopers with S1, S2, S3 and S5 will have S4 while Mounted. Troopers with S6, S7 and S8 will only modify their MOV Attribute.

» By succeeding at a WIP Roll, the Specialist Troops can roll twice on any of the Booty Charts but they can only choose one of the results.

SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved for Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Troop Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Troop with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

INTELCOM CARD (SUPPORT AND CONTROL) Before the beginning of the game, but after choosing the Classified Objective, the player must inform to his adversary if that card will be his Classified Objective or his INTELCOM Card. Each player rolls a die and the one who gets the highest score must be the first who announces his decision to his adversary. The content of the card, whether the mission or the card numeric value, is considered Private Information, no matter which use the player has chosen for it.

At the end of the third Game Round when the game ends and the players count up their points following the order established by the Initiative, the player can use his INTELCOM Card applying the Support and Control Mode.

Support and Control Mode: the player can add the value of the Support and Control Card to the total Army Points he has in the Zone of Operations (ZO) of his choosing, but only if he has at least one trooper in a non-Null state inside that ZO.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.






ARMORY Outer Wall (x4)

Security Gate (x4)

Narrow Access (x4) Panoply (x2)





Hacka-ble (WIP


OUTER WALL 10 0 3 -- --

PROPS PANO-PLY 0 0 1 -- Logistics






SUPPLIESTable Configuration: B.

Special Rules: Shadowshooter, Apotheke, Tech-Coffins, Supply Boxes, Specialist Troops, Doctor and Paramedic Bonus, INTELCOM Card (Counterespionage).


• For each Supply Box Controlled at the end of the battle (1 Objective Point).

• If you have Controlled more Supply Boxes than your adversary at the end of the battle (3 Objective Points).

• If your adversary has no Controlled Supply Boxes at the end of the battle (2 Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDEach player has 2 Classified Objectives (1 Objective Point each).

DEPLOYMENTBoth players will deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

It is not permitted to deploy in base contact with the Tech-Coffins.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESSHADOWSHOOTERThere is a pair of Wild Bill’s Shadowshooters in the zone of operations, which have been hacked by both sides.

In this scenario, both players may add Wild Bill to their Army List, without applying Cost or SWC. Players can adjust Combat Groups to adapt to the new addition to their Army List.

APOTHEKEThere is a warehouse of medical supplies in the zone of operations. In this scenario, any trooper possessing the Doctor Special Skill (or any of its variants, as Doctor Plus, Akbar…) apply a +3 WIP MOD when declaring this Special Skill.

In the same way, in this scenario, AutoMediKits, MediKits and any variant such as Medjectors, apply an extra +3 PH MOD to their target.

This MOD is cumulative with any other MODs.

TECH-COFFINSThere are a total of 3 Tech-Coffins. One of them must be placed in the center of the table while the other two must be placed along the central line of the table, at 12 inches from its edge. Inside each Tech-Coffin there is one Supply Box.

The Tech-Coffins must be represented by a Tech-Coffin Marker or with a scenery piece of the same diameter (Such as the Stasis Coffins by Warsenal or the Cryo Pods by Customeeple).

SUPPLY BOXESThe Supply Boxes must be represented by a Supply Box Marker, or a similar scenery item (Such as the Tech Crates by Micro Art Studio, the Gang Tie Containers by Bandua Wargames, the Supply Boxes by Warsenal or the Cargo Crates by Customeeple)




» Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop must be in base contact with a Tech-Coffin.


» Allows the Specialist Troop to make a Normal WIP Roll to Extract the Supply Box. If the roll is successful, the Specialist Troop is now carrying a Supply Box. Place a SUPPLY BOX Marker beside the Specialist Troop. If the roll is failed, this can be repeated as many times as necessary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

» Once the roll is successful, the Tech-Coffin marker is removed from the game table.If a scenery item is used instead of a Marker, then it can be kept on the game table but a Disabled (DIS) Marker must be placed besides it.




The troop should be in one of the following situations:» Be in base contact with a figure in a Null state with a SUPPLY

BOX Marker.» Be in base contact with an allied troop in a Normal state with

a SUPPLY BOX.» Be in base contact with an alone SUPPLY BOX Marker.


» Spending one Short Skill, without Roll, any troop can pick up a Supply Box in any of the situations previously mentioned.

» The troops must accomplish the Common Rules of Supply Box.

COMMON RULES OF SUPPLY BOXES• Each miniature can carry a maximum of 1 Supply

Box. As exception, Troops possessing the Baggage Special Skill can carry up to 2 Supply Boxes.

• Only figures, and not Markers, (Camo, Impersonation, Holoechoes…) can carry the Supply Boxes.

• The Supply Box Marker must always be kept on the table, even if the miniature which is carrying it passes to a Null state.

CONTROLLING THE SUPPLY BOXESA Supply Box is considered to be Controlled by a player if, at the end of the game, that player has a model, but not a Marker, carrying it. That trooper cannot be in a Null state and in base contact with any enemy figure.

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SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved for Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Troop Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

DOCTOR AND PARAMEDIC BONUSTroops possessing the Doctor Special Skill have a MOD of +3 to the WIP Rolls necessary to Extract the Supply Boxes.

This MOD is not cumulative with the MOD of Doctor Plus or Akbar Doctor Special Skill. In addition, they will be able to make two WIP Rolls each time they spend a Short Skill to Extract the Supply Boxes.

INTELCOM CARD (COUNTERESPIONAGE) When the game ends and the players count up their points, each Classified Objective fulfilled by a player that has the symbol 1 will cancel a Classified Objective fulfilled by the opposing player that has the symbol 4.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his active turn in a Retreat! state, the game will end at the end of that Turn.






DECAPITATIONTable Configuration: A.

Special Rules: Close Quarters, Shadowshooter, Numerical Advantage (Ikari Company), Reinforced Tactical Link, DataTracker, Designated Target, Killing, Classified Deck Not Used, Concilium Watch.


• To kill more Army Points than the adversary (3 Objective Points).

• To kill the same amount of Lieutenants as the adversary (2 Objective Points, but only if at least 1 Lieutenant is killed by the player).

• To kill more Lieutenants than the adversary (4 Objective Points).

• To kill the Designated Target (2 Objective Points).• To kill the Designated Target with your

DataTracker (1 extra Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDThere are no Classified Objectives.

DEPLOYMENTBoth players deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESCLOSE QUARTERSThe zone of operations is very constricted. In this scenario, Template Weapons apply a MOD of +1 to Damage.

SHADOWSHOOTERThere is a pair of Wild Bill’s Shadowshooters in the zone of operations, which have been hacked by both sides.

In this scenario, both players may add Wild Bill to their Army List, without applying Cost or SWC. Players can adjust Combat Groups to adapt to the new addition to their Army List.

NUMERICAL ADVANTAGE (IKARI COMPANY)As the zone of operations is located in controlled territory, one or several factions pointed between brackets, whether using generic or Sectorial Armies, will add 25 extra Army Points to the Tier this scenario is played at. For example, in a 300 point game a Combined Army player will have 325 Army Points for their force.

REINFORCED TACTICAL LINKIn this scenario the rule Loss of Lieutenant does not apply.

In this mission, the identity of the Lieutenant is always Public Information. The player must indicate which Marker is the Lieutenant if it is in a Marker state (Camouflaged, TO Camouflaged...) or which Markers are the Lieutenant in the case of a Holoprojector.

The Lieutenant must be placed on the game table at the beginning of the first Game Round, either as a model or as a Marker. Players may not deploy their Lieutenants in the Hidden Deployment state.

If the player lacks a Lieutenant during the Tactical Phase of their Active Turn because this trooper was not deployed or because it is in an Isolated or a Null state (Unconscious, Dead, Sepsitorized…), then the player must name a new Lieutenant, without Order expenditure. The identity of this new Lieutenant is also Public Information. It is compulsory such Lieutenant be a model or a Marker placed on the game table.

DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

DESIGNATED TARGETIn this scenario, the enemy HVT is considered an enemy trooper instead of a Neutral Civilian so, it can be targeted by Attacks. Killing the enemy HVT does not cause loss of the game nor gives compensatory Objective Points to the adversary.

HVTs will be reactive and hostile, reacting to any Order performed by an enemy active trooper in LoF or ZC.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state, or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game will be considered to be Killed by the adversary.

NO QUARTERIn this scenario, Retreat! rules are not applied.

CLASSIFIED DECK NOT USEDPlayers will not use the Classified Deck in this scenario.

CONCILIUM WATCHA player will get 1 extra Objective Point (up to a maximum of 10 Objective Points) if, at the end of the game, the following three conditions are fulfilled:

• The player has a trooper possessing the Journalist Special Skill who is on the game table and in a non-Null state.

• That trooper has an enemy model who is inside his Zone of Control and in a non-Null state.

• The enemy model possesses in its Troop Profile a weapon that appears in the chart of Weapons Banned by the Concilium Convention Watch.

Concilium Watch gives a maximum of 1 Objective Point per player, no matter how many troopers the player has that fulfil the previous conditions.

This rule is not applied if the enemy model possesses the Peacekeeper Special Skill.

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Antipersonnel Mine Drop Bears Heavy Flamethrower T2 Boarding Shotgun

Boarding Shotgun E/M Grenades Heavy Shotgun Viral Mine

Blitzen E/Marat Light Flamethrower Vulkan Shotgun

Chain-colt E/Mauler Light Shotgun WildParrot

Chain Rifle E/Mitter Monofilament Mine Zapper

Chest Mine Flammenspeer Nanopulser

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.




THE GRIDTable Configuration: N.

Special Rules: Pitch-Black, Combined Army’s Advantage, Thicket, The Grid, Designated Antennas, Specialist Troops, DataTracker, Designated Target, Killing, Classified Deck Not Used.


• Have the same amount of Designated Antennas as the adversary at the end of the game (2 Objective Points, but only if the player has Designated at least 1 Antenna).

• To have more Designated Antennas than the adversary at the end of the game (3 Objective Points).

• To have Destroyed the same amount of Antennas as the adversary at the end of the game (2 Objective Points, but only if the player has Destroyed at least 1 Antenna).

• To have Destroyed more Antennas than the adversary at the end of the game (3 Objective Points).

• To kill the Designated Target (2 Objective Points).• To kill the Designated Target with your

DataTracker (2 extra Objective Points).

CLASSIFIEDThere are no Classified Objectives.

DEPLOYMENTBoth players deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in a standard Deployment Zone 12 inches deep.

It is not permitted to deploy in base contact with the Antennas.

SCENARIO SPECIAL RULESTREACHEROUS ENVIRONMENTThe underground tunnels of Novyy Bangkok can be as dangerous as fearsome. The Thicket is considered a Hostile Environment Zone with Dangerous Level (ARM Roll if the die roll is 18 or higher, against Damage: 13). However, any troopers possessing Mountain Terrain or Multiterrain are not affected by the Hostile Environment.

PITCH-BLACKThe zone of operations is deep dark and jeopardizes the target acquisition. In this scenario, all troopers possessing any of the Camouflage or Hiding, Multiterrain, Mountain Terrain Special Skills or the ODD piece of Equipment get a +3 MOD Bonus to their rolls when declaring Dodge or any other Skill defined as equivalent (for example Change Facing or Engage), but not when using the Special Dodge Trait of Special Ammunitions (as Smoke or Eclipse).

COMBINED ARMY’S ADVANTAGEThis location is a hidden nest of the Combined Army. In this scenario, army lists from the Combined Army (whether generic or from any of its Sectorials) have 1 extra SWC point

THICKETThe 10 inch area on either side of the game table’s central line is a Saturation Zone for the duration of this game.

THE GRIDThere are a total of 9 Antennas. One of them is placed in the center of the game table, with the next two placed on the central line of the table, 12 inches from the edges. The other six Antennas are placed in different halves of the game table. Four of them are placed 8 inches in parallel from the central line of the game table and 12 inches from the edges. The other two are placed 8 inches in parallel from the central line of the game table and 24 inches from the edges (see map).

Each Antenna must be represented by a Transmission Antenna Marker (TRANS. ANTENNA) or by a scenery piece of the same diameter (such as the Communications Array by Warsenal or the Sat Station Antenna by Customeeple).




» Only Specialist Troops can declare this Skill.» The Specialist Troop must be in base contact with an Antenna.


» Allows the Specialist Troop to make a Normal WIP Roll to Designate the Antenna. If the roll is failed, it can be repeated as many times as nec-essary, each time spending the corresponding Short Skill and making the roll.

» The Designate Antenna Skill can be replaced by the Forward Observer Special Skill for troops that have it, applying their rules and requirements to obtain the same effect on this mission.

» A Designated Antenna can be Designated again by the other player, applying the same procedure. In such a situation, the Antenna is no longer considered Designated by the adversary.

» Once an Antenna has been Destroyed, it cannot be Destroyed again by any player.

» Player A and Player B Markers can be used to mark the Designated Antennas. It is recommended each player uses a different kind of Marker.

DESTROY ANTENNASIn this scenario, the Antennas have a Scenery Item Profile (see Infinity N3), so they can be targeted, applying the Scenery Structures rules, but not before the second Game Round.

An Antenna must have been previously Designated by a Specialist Troop of the same side before a trooper may Destroy it.

A player cannot Destroy an Antenna that does not have his Marker on it (PLAYER A or PLAYER B).

Players are not allowed to Destroy Antennas before the second Game Round.

A Designated Antenna which has been Destroyed still counts as Designated.

If a player performs an Attack that affects an Antenna (when using a Template Weapon, for example) that has been not previously Designated, or before the second Game Round, players do not apply the Scenery Structures rules and will not Roll ARM / BTS for the Antenna.

Only those Antennas whose base is entirely placed in the enemy half of the game table will be considered valid towards accomplishing the Objective of Destroying more Antennas placed in the enemy half of the game.

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SPECIALIST TROOPSFor the purposes of this scenario, only Hackers, Doctors, Engineers, Forward Observers, Paramedics, and troops possessing the Chain of Command Special Skill are considered Specialist Troops.

Hackers, Doctors and Engineers cannot make use of Repeaters or G: Servant models to perform tasks reserved for Specialist Troops.

Remember: Troops with the Specialist Operative Special Skill can accomplish the different functions Specialist Troops have in this scenario.

A Specialist Trooper with a Disabled Marker can still accomplish the Objectives of this scenario.

DATATRACKERAt the end of the Deployment Phase, in Initiative Order players must declare which troop from their Army List is the DataTracker. The trooper chosen must be always one of the models deployed on the game table. Players are not allowed to choose troopers in Hidden Deployment or in Marker state. This trooper must always be on the game table as a model and not as a Marker (Camouflaged, TO, Holoecho…). Also, Irregular troops and those whose Troop Type is REM are not eligible to be DataTrackers.

The DataTracker is identified with a DataPack Marker (DATA PACK).

DESIGNATED TARGETIn this scenario, the enemy HVT is considered an enemy trooper instead of a Neutral Civilian so, it can be targeted by Attacks. Killing the enemy HVT does not cause loss of the game nor gives compensatory Objective Points to the adversary.

HVTs will be reactive and hostile, reacting to any Order performed by an enemy active trooper in LoF or ZC.

KILLINGA trooper is considered Killed when he enters Dead state, or is in a Null state at the end of the game.

Troopers that have not been deployed on the game table at the end of the game, will be considered Killed by the adversary.

CLASSIFIED DECK NOT USEDPlayers will not use the Classified Deck in this scenario.

END OF THE MISSIONThis scenario has a limited time frame, so it will automatically finish at the end of the third Game Round.

If one of the players starts his Active Turn in a Retreat! situation, the game will end at the end of that Turn.






4 3 2 -- --







12” 24”