atomic absorption spectroscopy with a resistively heated ......atomic absorption spectroscopy with a...

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy With A Resistively Heated Carbon Furnace by MAHMOUD CHAMSAZ, M.Sc., D.I.C. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of London. May, 1978. Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South. Kensington, London S.W.7.

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  • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy With A

    Resistively Heated Carbon Furnace



    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of

    Philosophy of the University of London.

    May, 1978.

    Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South. Kensington, London S.W.7.

  • To my wife

  • Summary

    This thesis describes the development and application

    of a resistively heated graphite furnace for trace element

    analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).

    The first chapter is concerned with the history of

    AAS and the development of non-flame atom cells. The

    second chapter describes the theory of atomic absorption.

    First the theoretical aspects of absorption spectroscopy

    are briefly discussed, and then the theory of atomization

    processes together with the interferences encountered in

    non-flame atom cells will be considered.

    The construction and subsequent development of a

    continuously-operated graphite furnace and the associated

    nebulizer and desolvation system is described in chapter


    The last chapter is concerned with trace element

    analysis. Three different methods of sampling are

    examined. The first is continuous sample introduction

    for the determination of Cd, Ca, Co, Pb, Mg and Zn. The

    second method describes the determination of difficult

    to atomize elements (Mo and Al) using discrete sample

    introduction. The last section investigates the

    advantages of a deposition technique and these are illus-

    , trated by Cd, Mo, Mg and Ca.



    I would thank sincerely my supervisor,

    Professor T.S. West, for the opportunity to gain research

    experience whilst working under his guidance.

    I would also like to thank Dr. R.A. Chalmers and

    Dr. I.L. Marr for allowing me to work in their laboratory

    and for their help during my period in Aberdeen.

    I am particularly indebted to my immediate supervisor,

    Dr. B.L. Sharp, for his encouragement, useful discussion

    and great concern throughout my research programme.

    The research work presented in this thesis was

    carried out in the Chemistry Department of the Imperial

    College of Science and Technology and the University of

    Aberdeen from October, 1974 to May, 1978. It is entirely

    original except where due reference is made. No part of

    this work has previously been submitted for any degree.


  • Chapter I


    Page Introduction

    1.1. History 1

    1.2. Atom Cells 2

    1.2.1. Furnaces 3

    1.2.1.a Low Temperature Furnaces 3

    1.2.1.b Graphite Furnaces 4

    1.2.2. Filaments and Open Cells 12

    1.2.2.a Wire Filaments 12

    1.2.2.b Graphite Filaments 15

    1.2.2.c Sample - Boats 16

    1.2.3. Cathodic Sputtering Cells 17

    1.2.4. Plasmas 20 Non-flame-like Plasmas 20 Arcs 20 Sparks 21 Flame-like Plasmas 22

    1.2.5. Lasers 23

    1.3. Conclusion 24

    Chapter II Theory of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

    2.1. Principles 26 2.2. The Intensity of a Spectral

    Line 26 2.3. The Width of Spectral Lines 27

    2.4. Variation of Atomic Absorption with Concentration

    2.4a The Absorption Coefficient, K 28

    2.4b The Total Absorption Factor, AT 28


  • Page

    2.4c The Absorbance, A 29

    2.5. Theoretical Aspects of Atomization Process 29

    2.5.1. = Thermodynamic Approach 29

    2.5.2. Kinetic Approach 33

    2.5.2a Atomization under Increasing Temperature 34

    2.5.2b Atomization under Isothermal Conditions 39

    2.6. Interferences with Electrothermal Atomizers 42

    2.6.1. Physical Interferences 43

    2.6.1a Sample Introduction Inter- ferences 45

    2.6.1b Memory Effects 45

    2.6.2. Spectral Interferences 45

    2.6.2a Line Overlap Effects 45

    2.6.2b Emission Radiation Effects 46

    2.6.2c Scattering Effects 46

    2.6.2d Molecular Absorption Interferences 46

    2.6.3. Chemical Interferences 49

    2.6.3a Anion/Cation Interferences 49

    2.6.3b Pyrolysis Losses 49

    2.6.3c Condensation 49

    2.6.3d Carbide Formation 50

    2.6.3e Nitride Formation 51

    2.6.3f Ionization 52

    Chapter III Instrumentation

    3.1. Graphite Furnace Atomizer 52 System

    3.2. Power Supply 53

    3.3. Temperature Measurements 55

    V I

  • 3.4.




    Purge Gas

    Stopped Gas Flow

    Pyrolysis Treatment







    3.8. Sample Introduction System 65

    3.9. Spectral Light Source 72

    3.10. Detection System 73

    Chapter IV Determination of Elements by Graphite Furnace AAS

    4.1. Continuous Sample Introduction 'Method 75

    4.1.1. Optimization of Parameters 76

    4.1.1.a Optimization of Monochromator Slit-width 76

    4.1.1.b Optimization of HCL Current 79

    4.1.1.c Optimization of Nebulizer Gas Flow Rate 79

    Optimization of Temperature of the Spray Chamber 79

    4.1.1.e Optimization of Purge Gas Flow Rate 82

    4.1.1.f Optimization of Atomization Temperature 82

    4.1.2. Sensitivity, Detection limit and Reproducibility 88

    4.1.3. Interference Effects Study 89

    4.1.4. Results and Discussion 89 Cadmium 89 Introduction 89

    Analysis 90 Calcium 94


  • VIII

    Page Introduction 94

    4.1..4.2b Analysis 94 Cobalt 98 Introduction 98 Analysis 99 Lead 104 Introduction 104 Analysis 104 Magnesium 105 -Introduction 105 Analysis' 109 Zinc 112 Introduction 114 Analysis 114

    4.2. Discrete Sample Introduction Method 118

    4.2.1. Optimization of Parameters 118

    4.2.1.a Optimization of Atomization Temperature 118

    4.2.1.b Optimization of Purge Gas Flow Rate. 120

    4.2.2. Results and Discussion 120 Molydenum 120 Introduction 120 Analysis 120. Aluminium 125 Introduction 125 Analysis 125

    4.3. Aerosol Deposition Method 128

  • Page

    4.3.1. Optimization of Parameters 128

    4.3.1.a Optimization of Deposition Time 129 Optimization of Deposition Temperature 129

    4.3.2. Results and Discussion 133

    Conclusion 140

    References 142




  • 1

    1.1. History

    Isaac Newton is regarded as the founder of the science

    of spectroscopy, following his analysis of the continuous

    solar spectrum in 1666. Later in 1802, Wollaston dis-

    covered several dark lines in the solar spectrum by passing

    the sun light through a slit. These lines were also

    observed by Fraunhofer in 1817. In 1823 Fraunhofer built

    the first transmission grating and measured the exact

    wavelengths of these lines. The basic principal of atomic

    absorption was published by Kirchoff in 1860 (1). Using

    the atomic lines discovered by Fraunhofer, he was able to

    deduce the presence of certain elements in the solar

    atmosphere. Working with Bunsen, the use of spectral lines

    for determining alkaline metals in a flame was reported (2).

    The first analytical use of atomic absorption was reported

    by Woodson (3) in 1939 who determined mercury in the

    atmosphere. The first paper to realize the general

    practical of an atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) as an

    analytical technique was published independently by Walsh

    .(4) and Alkemade and Milatz (5) in 1955. Alkemade

    constructed an apparatus in which the emission of an

    element introduced into a flame was employed as a source

    of resonance radiation. The analyte solution was

    nebulized into a second flame and the decrease in the

    radiation intensity from the first flame was measured.

    Walsh showed the advantages of AAS over emission

    spectrometry (ES) and proposed the absorbance method of

    recording the signal. He proposed the design of an

    apparatus for performing analysis and later in 1957 he and

  • his colleagues published their first results on the

    experimental developments of the technique (6). Since

    then AAS has been extensively used. and has provided a

    sensitive and selective technique for the analysis of

    trace elements. The sensitivity and precision of AAS

    is limited by the characteristics of the excitation

    source and the atom production technique.

    1.2. Atom Cells

    This thesis is concerned with a graphite furnace

    atomizer and its application to AAS. It is therefore

    relevant to discuss the development of the different

    types of atom cells used in atomic spectrometry.

    Flames have been widely used as atomizers for the

    production of atoms in both AAS and atomic flu3rescence

    spectrometry (AFS). They do, however, suffer from some

    disadvantages. Flame cells are not suitable for the

    atomization of solid samples and the volume of sample

    needed for the analysis of solutions is large. Flame

    background absorption and emission at the resonance line

    cause considerable noise and lower the precision of the

    technique, and finally, the precise control of the

    chemical environment is not possible in flame cells. It

    is those limitations which have led to the development of

    non-flame cells. Winefordner (7) in a study of typical

    graphite cells has shown that the concentration of the

    atoms can be at least 500 times higher than that in a

    flame, giving rise to an increase of 10-100 times in

    sensitivity for both atomic absorption and atomic emission.


  • 3

    In non-flame cells the chemical environment is controlled

    by the use of .an inert gas which promotes the formation of

    free atoms. Careful design of non-flame cells is

    necessary to limit both emission and background absorption.

    Many types of non-flame cells have been developed,

    these may be categorised as follows: Furnaces, Filaments,

    Cathodic sputtering cells, Plasmas and Lasers.

    1.2.1. Furnaces

    Furnaces•yield high analytical sensitivity and a

    number of different types have been described.

    1.2.1a Low Temperature Furnaces

    The maximum temperature which can be achieved with

    these devices is around 1500°C. As a result, memory effects

    may be significant and because of the low working temperature,

    chemical interferences are more severe than in flames.

    However, the high sensitivity obtainable to some extent

    offsets these disadvantages. Mislan (8) has demonstrated

    the use of a 36cm silica tube of 2.5cm i.d. as an atom cell.

    The tube can be heated to a maximum temperature of 1250°C

    by a wire wound resistance furnace. An indirect nebulizer

    spray chamber was used to transfer the sample solutions to

    the absorption tube. Cd was investigated and excellent

    detection limits were obtained. Choong and Long-Seng (9)

    have used an 80cm long silica tube heated to 1200°C for the

    study of absorption spectra of silver vapour. Hudson (10)

    has employed a stainless-steel absorption cell heated by a

    resistance wire for AA measurements on sodium vapour.

    Tomkins and Ercoli (11) have reported the use of a tantalum

  • 4

    tube as an absorption cell. The tube could be operated

    to a temperature of 1400°C and enabled them to study the

    spectra of barium, calcium, thallium and radium. Black

    et al (12) have described the construction of a platinum

    tube furnace for use in AFS. The sample is nebulized

    into the platinum tube which is heated electrically up to

    a maximum temperature of 1600°C. They studied the atomic

    fluorescence of Cd, Zn, Hg and Fe and showed that'this type

    of furnace can be effectively used for studies on volatile


    1.2.1b Graphite Furnaces

    The use of high temperature graphite furnaces enables

    the efficient atomization of a wide range of elements to

    be achieved. King (13) in 1905 was the first to use an

    electrothermal atomizer, in this case for observing the

    emission spectra of elements. The arc-heated furnace

    consisted of a carbon tube 16mm.o.d. and 5mm i.d.

    held inside a carbon block. A hole was drilled at the

    centre of the tube for admission of a carbon electrode.

    An arc was formed between the furnace wall and the carbon

    electrode giving rise to temperatures of 2200°C. Later

    in 1908 King (14) constructed a resistively heated furnace,

    The furnace was constructed around a graphite tube 15-20cm

    long, 16mm o.d. and 4mm i.d. and is shown schematically in

    Fig. 1.1. The tube was held at the centre of a brass

    cylinder 40cm in length and 10cm in diameter. The furnace

    was heated by a 200 amp. current from a 5KW transformer at

    25V. During the study of the emission spectrum of

  • f

    a. Carbon tube

    b. Brass cylinder

    c. Supports for the carbon tube

    d. Quartz window

    e. Copper leads

    f. Hydrogen gas inlet

    Fig. 1.1. Schematic diagram of a resistively heated carbon furnace designed by King.


  • 6

    titanium, working temperatures of 2500°C were recorded

    for the inside of the tube (15,16). The furnace was

    later modified and was used for the study of the emission

    and absorption spectrum of iron (17) and determination of

    oscillator strengths (18). The King furnace was improved

    and employed for vacuum work by Paul (19) and by Codling

    and co-workers (20,21) and has been the standard device

    for the production of absorption spectra of metal vapours.

    L'Vov (22-27) was the first to -propose a pulsed

    method of atomizing samples in a graphite furnace. The

    graphite furnace used in his early work was similar to

    the arc atomizer of King. It consisted of a graphite tube

    10cm long, lOmm external diameter and 3mm internal diameter.

    A carbon electrode was used for sample introduction and an

    auxiliary electrode for arcing. The furnace was pre-

    heated by a 10KW transformer prior to introduction of the

    sample electrode. A d.c. arc. was automatically formed

    for 3-4 seconds between the sample electrode and the

    auxiliary electrode as soon as the sample electrode was

    moved into the furnace. The graphite tube was lined with

    tantalum foil in order to reduce the loss of atomic

    vapour by diffusion through the porous carbon. The whole

    assembly was contained under an aluminium cover evacuated

    and filled with argon to the desired pressure. Because of

    the inefficiency of heating the furnace by the d.c. arc,

    L'Vov and Lebedev (28) modified the furnace to enable

    resistive heating of the electrode. The modified furnace

    is schematically shown in Fig. 1.2. The absorption tube

    was a graphite cylinder 3 - 5cm in length

  • a

    a. Electrode with the sample

    b. Graphite tube

    c. Graphite contacts.

    Fig. 1.2. Electrothermal atomizer designed by Lvov.


  • 8

    with 2.5-5mm internal and 6mm external diameter. The

    furnace was heated by an a.c. current from a 4KW trans-

    former at 10V to a maximum temperature of 3000°C. .Samples

    in the form of solid or liquid were placed on an auxiliary

    carbon-rod electrode 6mm in diameter heated by an a.c.

    current from a 1KW transformer. The atomization system

    was enclosed and puryed with an inert gas. The rod was

    heated for 2-3 seconds after the tube had reached its

    required temperature and the atomic absorption signal was

    then recorded. The graphite tubes were coated with a layer

    of Pyrolytic graphite which resulted in low gas permeability,

    high heat conductivity and resistance to oxidation. Using

    liquid samples of 2-5 /21 L'Vov (29) obtained atomic

    absorption sensitivities for 37 elements ranging between

    10-10 -14 to 10-14 g. L'Vov and Khartsyzov (30) studied the

    application of the graphite furnace to the determination of

    elements having their resonance lines below 190nm. Employ-

    ing an argon-purged graphite furnace with lithium fluoride

    lenses and windows, high frequency discharge lamp sources

    and a vacuum monochromator, they were able to measure the

    atomic absorption. of sulphur, iodine and phosphorus with

    sensitivities of the order of lx10-1 0

    g, 3x10-11

    g and


    g respectively. This furnace has also been used

    for the determination of oscillator strengths and the

    Lorentz widths of atomic lines (31,32).

    In 1965 Massmann (33,34) simplified the L'Vov furnace

    and constructed a graphite furnace for AAS. Tie furnace

    consisted of a resistively heated graphite tube and was

    mounted as shown in Fig.l.3. The tube was 5.5cm long,

  • a. Graphite tube

    b. Steel holders

    c. Sample inlet port

    d. Mounting holder

    e. Insulation

    Fig. 1.3. Schematic diagram of a resistively heated graphite furnace designed by Massmann.

    (side view).


  • 10

    6.5mm i.d and 1.5mm wall thickness. A hole, 2mm in

    diameter, was drilled through the tube wall at the centre

    to enable the introduction of liquid samples (5-200p1).

    The graphite tube was water-cooled and operated in an

    atmosphere of argon to prevent it from being oxidized.

    The tube required 400 A at 101.7 to heat it to its maximum

    temperature of 2500°C. Later Massmann (35) aevised a

    cell for atomic fluorescence measurements. A cap-

    shaped graphite cuvette, 4cm long, 5.5mm i.d. and 1.5mm

    thickness was employed which could hold sample solutions

    of 5 to 50p1. The cup was held virtically between two

    stainless steel electrodes in an enclosed chamber. The

    solution was placed into the cuvette and its open top and

    the emission was viewed through a slit cut into the wall.

    Solid samples up to lmg could also be used without any

    background absorption effects. Massmann (36) has

    reported atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence results

    for a number of elements with good sensitivities.

    Manning and Fernandez (37) have constructed a graphite

    furnace similar to that of Massmann. The tube, 5cm long

    and 9.5mm internal diameter, was heated by a 400 A current

    at 0-10V to temperatures of 2500-2600°C and could accomodate

    solid samples. Employing a three stage heating cycle,

    they were able to perform the direct determination of

    copper and strontium in milk. This analysis is difficult

    by flame methods, without sample pre-treatment. The use-

    fulness of the Massmann type furnace has been demonstrated

    in the analysis of biological material (38-41) and water


  • 11

    Woodriff and Co-workers (46-50) have constructed and

    used a graphite tube furnace for AAS. The tube was 15cm

    long, 9mm outside diameter and 7mm inside diameter and

    supported inside a graphite shield tube 29cm long and

    12mm inside diameter with 4mm wall thickness. The

    graphite tube was heated by a current from an arc welder

    to temperatures up to 3000°C. Liquid samples were

    nebulized and introduced to the furnace through the side arm

    by a stream of argon. A modified version of the furnace

    was adapted for discrete sampling of liquids and solids.

    The samples were placed in a graphite cup and introduced

    through the side arm. This furnace has not been widely

    used in commercial atomic absorption spectrometers because

    of its large size.

    Morrison and Talmi (51,52) have constructed an

    inductively heated graphite furnace for the direct analysis

    of solids or evaporated solutions by. AAS and AES. The

    furnace, a graphite crucible of 22mm o.d., 16mm i.d. and

    11cm long, was heated to temperatures of 2500°C by

    consuming 4.5KW of power at 3 MHZ. The induction furnace

    was used to vaporize and atomize the sample while excitation

    of the atoms was achieved by the helium plasma produced by

    the RF field. The absolute sensitivities for a number

    - of elements were inferior to those given by Woodriff (47),

    Massmann (35), West (53) and L'Vov (54) by 1-4 order of

    magnitude. However, the larger samples analysed in the

    RF furnace compensates for this disadvantage whenever

    dealing with real samples.

  • Headridge and Smith (55) have employed an induction

    furnace for the determination of cadmium in solutions and

    zinc-base metals. The graphite tube, 15mm i.d., 38mm

    o.d. and 7.5cm long was heated to 1900°C by a six turn

    induction coil coupled to a 6KW induction generator. The

    same authors have reported an improved furnace design

    yielding greater sensitivity (56). The furnace consisted

    of a vertically mounted graphite tube, 12cm long, 38mm

    o.d. and 13mm i.d., closed at the lower end and having

    two hollow side arms at right angles to the tube to

    provide a light path. The graphite was surrounded by

    a quartz jacket and heated by the induction coil to a

    temperature of 2400°C. The furnace was flushed with

    argon to avoid oxidation of the graphite. Cadmium was

    determined in solution and sinc-based alloys with sen-

    sitivities of 0.62 ng and 0.4 ng respectively.

    1.2.2. Filaments and Open Cells

    1.2.2a Wire Filaments

    Bunsen (57) in 1859 described the use of a platinum

    loop for the sampling of various metals. Metal powders

    were placed on the platinum loop and introduced into a

    Bunsen flame; the emitted light was dispersed and the

    spectra of the metals were recorded. Several techniques

    have been developed recently which use an electrically

    heated filament for the vaporization of, solution samples.

    With these devices the signals are transient and are

    obtained as the atomic vapour passes trhough the absorption

    or fluorescence light path.


  • Brandenburger (58) and Brandenburger and Bader (59-61)

    have reported the use of a copper filament for the

    determination of mercury and a platinum filament for the

    determination of cad,m.ium, zinc, lead, thallium, copper,

    silver and gold. The wires were coated with the element

    of interest and on heating, the elements were vaporized

    into the atomic absorption light path and measured. They

    have claimed the method to be 100 to 10,000 times more

    sensitive than with a flame atomizer.

    Bratzel, Dagnall and Winefordner (62) have employed

    a filament technique similar to that of Brandenburger and

    Bader for atomic fluorescence studies of volatile elements.

    A platinum loop was used to vaporize the sample solutions.

    The vaporized element was then swept into the excitation

    light path and its atomic fluorescence was measured. Using

    1 Al samples, detection limits of 10-7, 10-8

    and 10-15g

    were reported for gallium, mercury and cadmium respectively.

    West et al. (63) have reported the construction of a

    tungsten filament atom reservoir for measuring trace amounts

    of zinc, lead, copper and silver by AAS. They employed a

    cylindrical tungsten filament 6cm long and 2.2mm in diameter

    with its centre ground to locate 1 Al of sample solutions.

    They compared this method with a carbon filament atom

    reservoir and reported improved sensitivities. The

    increased sensitivities may have been due to less pene-

    tration of the solution into the filament. A study of

    interference effects showed that the tungsten filament

    removed or greatly reduced the interferences. This was

    attributed to the greater ability of tungsten in transfer-

    . ing heat to the atoms thus minimizing condensation which is


  • responsible for many interference effects.

    Tantalum and Molybdenum filaments have been employed

    for the atomic absorption analysis of copper, nickel and

    cobalt (64). In contrast to tantalum, molybdenum did not

    react with these elements and gave reproducible results

    with high sensitivities, equal or superior to those

    obtained with the Massmann furnace (44). However,

    nitrate ions at concentrations higher than 0.01M reacted

    with Mo and caused permanent damage to the filament. For

    the elements studied, the molybdenum filament showed a

    substantial decrease in the observed interference effects

    when compared with a graphite filament.

    Newton and Davis (66) have described an electrically

    heated tungsten-alloy wire loop atomizer. The solution

    could be introduced either directly with a 5plpipet, or by

    submerging the metal wire into the solution for a certain

    time, or by electrodeposition. Using different methods of

    sampling, detection limits were reported for 19 elements

    and compared with results obtained using flame and graphite

    atomizers. al.(67) have also employed a tungsten-

    rhodium wire loop for the determination of cadmium and

    lead by AAS. The loop was soaked in the solution for a

    certain period of time and the metal ions were pre-

    concentrated onto the surface. The loop was then

    electrically heated and the atomic absorption signal

    measured. Using this technique, detection limits of

    - 4x10 14g and 2x10

    -11g were reported for cadmium and lead

    respectively. This method of sampling gave up to 100

    times increase in sensitivity for some elements over the


  • 15

    standard flameless wire loop technique.

    Williams and Piepmier (68) have constructed and

    operated a tungsten filament atomizer for the determination

    of calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese

    and tin. The filament, obtained from a light bulb, was

    heated by a 6V power supply at 4 A and sheathed with a

    flow of argon. Using 3/11 sample solutions, sensitivities

    comparable with those of conventional methods were


    Mounce, Dagnall, Sharp and West (69) have reported

    the construction of a tantalum loop atomizer for the atomic

    fluorescence determination of bismuth in a non-dispersive

    system. The tantalum wire, 0.25mm in diameter, was

    sheathed in argon. The flow rate of the argon was found

    to have a profound effect on the sensitivity of the method.

    A detection limit of 3.2x10-11g was obtained with a re-

    producibility of 6.5%. The important features of metal

    filament atomizers are low background emission in the U.V.,

    a non-reactive evaporation surface and a low power require-


    1.2.2b Graphite Filaments

    West and Williams (70) have reported the construction

    of a simple and yet sensitive atom cell for use in both AAS

    and AFS. It consisted of a graphite filament, 20mm long

    and 2mm in diameter, heated up to 2500°C by passing a current

    of about 100 A at 5V. The two filament supporting elect-

    rodes were water cooled and the whole assembly was housed

    in a chamber purged with argon. The detection limit for

  • 16

    magnesium and silver was 10-10 g for AAS and 10-16 and


    g respectively for AFS. These results represented

    gains in sensitivity of 3-7 orders of magnitude over

    flame methods. Alder and West (71) modified the original

    atom cell in which an open filament with inert gas shield-

    ing was used. Employing this device; atomic fluorescence

    (72-75) and atomic absorption (76-81) measurements on a

    range of elements were reported.

    Amos (82) has described a furnace termed the "Mini-

    Massmann" which was similar to that of the West and

    Williams filament cell with two modifications. A trans-

    verse hole, 1.5mm in diameter, was drilled into the rod

    which acted as a cavity and smaller liquid samples (0.5

    to 1/41) could be accommodated. The argon or nitrogen

    shielding gas was replaced by hydrogen which on ignition

    formed a diffusion flame. This device has been used for

    the determination of various elements in blood and lub-

    ricating oils (83,84).

    Winefordner el al.(85) have constructed an electrically

    heated graphite filament similar to that of West and

    Williams. The rod had a cavity for locating the sample.

    They have reported atomic absorption determinations of

    arsenic, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, silver, gold

    and maanesium in aqueous solutions, blood and lubricating

    1.2.2c Sample Boats

    Donega and Burgess (86) have described a device which

    used sample boats cut to 50mm x 6mm size from lmm tantalum

  • 17.

    or tungsten foil, or 5mm graphite sheet. The boats were

    capable of holding 50 to 100 )l of solution and were heated,

    by a variac at 12V and 30-50 A to 2200°C in less than 0.1

    second. The boats were supported by two copper rods and

    enclosed in an inert atmosphere maintained eta pressure of

    between 1 and 300 torr.

    Hwang et al.(87) in a more thorough study of the

    tantalum ribbon atomizer, have reported the sensitivities

    for 36 elements. Suzuki et al.(88) .have employed a

    similar cell for the trace analysis of aluminium, chromium,

    copper, iron, magnesium and manganese. The metal strip

    was flushed by an inert gas and powered by a low voltage

    (0-110V) transformer at 20 A. Nickel, tungsten, tantalum

    and platinum were investigated as the strip material.

    Small signals were obtained with platinum and both platinum

    and nickel could not be used at high temperatures. Tantalum

    and tungsten showed similar results but tantalum was

    preferred because it was easier to fabricate. Continuum

    emission from the tantalum above 400 nm, limited its

    application to those elements having their resonance lines

    at longer wavelengths. The advantage of this type of

    atomizer is the low power required for electrothermal


    .1.2.3. Cathodic Sputtering Cells

    The sputtering process is a very convenient and

    efficient method of producing an atomic vapour directly

    from a metanic sample. Paschen (89) in 1916 developed the

    hollow-cathode tube as a spectral line source, and in 1959

    Russell and Walsh (90) suggested its use both as a line

  • 18

    source and an atom cell in AAS. Later in 1960, Walsh et

    al.(91,92) constructed a hollow-cathode tube and a sputt-

    ering chamber for atomization of metallic samples. The

    metal sample in the form of a cylindrical hollow-cathode,

    4cm long and 12mm i.d. was fitted into a spring clip in

    the lid of the stainless steel sputtering chamber. The

    tube was then sealed and filled with argon to lmm Hg

    pressure and the discharge initiated. The chamber which

    was fitted with silica windows was then placed in the

    light path of'an atomic absorption spectrometer. The cell

    was used for the determination of silver in copper (92).

    The technique is restricted to metal samples as the cathode

    has to be prepared from the sample itself.

    Goleb and Brody (93) modified the Walsh cell and

    produced a device in which the cathode was made of aluminium.

    Sample solutions were evaporated onto the inside wall of the

    cathode. Using this technique, they were able to detect

    microgram quantities of refractory and non-refractory


    Ivanov et al.(94) have described the construction of

    a graphite hollow-cathode sputtering cell. The sample was

    evaporated onto a fine molybdenum wire which was then placed

    in the central axis of the hollow-cathode. Copper and

    calcium were investigated with this device. A pulsed dis-

    charge has been used to produce atomic vapours in a neon-

    filled hollow-cathode lamp (95). Copper and magnesium were

    determined in this way without any interference from the

    emission spectra.

    Gandrud and Skogerboe (96) have reported the use of

  • 19

    a hollow-cathode discharge cell to detect nanogram amounts

    of silver, arsenic, calcium, cadmium, mercury, antimony,

    selenium and zinc. Sample solutions were evaporated onto

    graphite or aluminium discs which were then placed on a

    brass rod cathode. The cell was run at 3 torr of argon,

    and 50 mA discharge current. Kirkbright and Wilson (97)

    modified this device and were able to detect u.03,pg of

    iodine using the 183 nm line.

    Massmann (98) has constructed a hot hollow-cathode

    cell for the analysis of solid samples by atomic absorpt-

    ion. It consisted of a graphite tube, 30mm long, 7mm i.d.

    and 9.3mm o.d., supported on a small cylindrical graphite

    electrode. The cathode assembly was mounted on a molybdenum

    rod 2mm in diameter. The water-cooled, earthed, brass base

    plate of the assembly housing acted as the anode. The

    cell was fitted with silica windows and purged with argon.

    A discharge was operated at 1-10 torr and powers up to 1KW.

    Detection limits were reported for the determination by AAS

    of silver, antimony, zinc, copper, cadmium, magnesium,

    manganese and chromium in 30mg samples of relatively

    volatile matrices.

    Hot hollow-cathode cells have been found to have

    advantages over cool cathodes. With cool cathodes, the

    ccalLinuum radiation from the cathode and also the spectrum .

    emitted by the sample interferes seriously with the

    absorption measurements. However, hot hollow-cathode cells

    can only be employed for the determination of relatively

    low volatility elements as they can not be heated above

    .2000°C. Because of the low pressure inside the hollow-

  • cathode, the residence time of the atomic vapour in the

    absorption volume is short and therefore the method is

    not. suitable for detection of small amounts of elements.

    1.2.4. Plasmas

    A plasma is defined as a mass of vapour or gas in

    which a significant fraction of the atoms or molecules

    are ionized. A classification of plasma types has been

    given by Sharp (99). He divided plasmas into two types,

    flame-like and non-flame-like plasmas, and these are brief-

    ly' discussed in this section. Non-flame-like Plasmas.

    In this type of plasma, the discharge is confined to

    a column joining the current-carrying electrodes. Arcs

    and sparks are examples of this type of plasma.

    The arc is a sensitive source capable of detecting

    elements below the limits of detection of a spark. An

    arc is an electric discharge which has to be initiated

    either be momentary' mechanical connection across the

    electrode gap or by means of an auxiliary spark. The

    necessary components for a d.c. arc are a direct current

    power supply, a variable resistor and a discharge gap.

    The d.c. source has to be capable of furnishing of voltage

    from 50 to 300V at 1 to 30 A. When a substance is placed

    into the arc, the high temperature of the arc (3000 to

    8000°K) causes volatilization and excitation of the atoms.

    High voltage a.c. arcs have also been used which employ a

    potential difference of 100V or more. A.C. arcs have been


  • 21

    found to be steadiex and more reproducible than the d.c arcs.

    Belydev (100,101) have employed a d.c. arc for the

    determination of cadmium and silver in graphite matrices.

    A graphite electrode, heated by a 6 A arc, was used to

    raise the temperature and hence to atomize the elements.

    The technique was ,recommended for high and average

    volatility elements and the detection limits were 10 to

    100 times better than by flame emission. Kantor and

    Erdey (102) have used a time-resolved a.c. arc atomizer

    and high intensity spectral lamps for AAS. Marinkovic

    and Vickers (103) coupled a conventional nebulizer-spray

    system to an arc and used the system for the determination

    of aluminium, boron, magnesium, vanadium and tungsten and

    achieved sensitivities comparable to flame AAS. Sparks

    An a.c.spark is capable of producing much higher

    excitation energies than the a.c. arc with less heating

    effect. The circuitry for sparks is simple and very

    similar to that of an a.c. arc. The spark is produced

    by connecting a high-voltage transformer (10-50KV) across

    the two electrodes. The spark is more reproducible and

    more stable than arc. Because of the lower heating effect,

    it is well suited for the analysis of low melting materials

    and can be readily adapted for the analysis of solutions.

    Robinson (104,105) has applied a spark initiated in a

    flame and in a nebulized analyte solution in an attempt to

    produce free aluminium atoms for AAS. The later system

    was found to be effective and aluminium was determined

    with a sensitivity of 3 PPm at 394.4 nm.

  • 22

    1.2.42 Flame-like Plasmas

    This type is characterised by existing with a signific-

    ant portion of the discharge external to the main core into

    which power is coupled. There are two main types of

    flame-like plasma; the d.c. arc plasma and the high

    frequency plasma.

    A plasma torch is a device designed to heat gases to

    very high temperatures by taking the advantages of the high

    conductivity of an ionized gas. The conventional d.c.

    plasma torch requires electrodes for carrying energy to

    the gas and is characterised by operating at high current

    (100-1000 A) and low voltage (10-100V). Employing an

    electrode coupled plasma torch atomizer, Friend and

    Diefenderfer (106) have reported the determination of two

    refractory elements, aluminium and lanthanum, by AAS.

    Their results show that the formation of refractory oxides

    is eliminated when a plasma system is employed. The d.c.

    plasma torch has not been extensively utilized in AAS.

    The inductivity-coupled radio frequency plasma torch

    (ICP) was first described by Reed (107-109) in 1961. In

    a typical radio frequency plasma torch developed by Fassel

    (110), argon is introduced tangentially into the annular

    tube gap between the two outer quartz producing a low-pressure

    region at the end of the inner tube. Argon is also

    introduced into the inner tube producing a low-velocity

    laminar flow on which the plasma operates. A third

    injector tube is added for the introduction of'sample into

    the centre of the plasma. The induction coil, a water-

    cooled copper pipe, is coupled to a RF generator giving

  • 23

    2 to 30KW output at 5 to 40 MHZ. A graphite rod is

    introduced into the coil which is. conductively heated

    and produces thermal electrons ( a tesla spark may also

    be used). The free electrons are accelerated by the

    magnetic field causing a further breakdown in the gas.

    The neutral argon is then heated to temperatures of up

    to 10,000°K on collision with the energetic charged

    particles. The usefulness of the ICP as a practical

    source for analytical spectrometry has been demon-

    strated by Fassel et al.(111) and Greenfield (112).

    Although usually used in emission mode, the determination

    of aluminium, calcium, magnesium, neodymium, rhenium,

    titanium, tungsten, vanadium and ytterbium by AAS with

    good sensitivities have been reported. ICP's have

    also been applied to AAS by several other workers (113-115).

    The high temperatures available with ICPrs minimises the

    chemical interferences caused by the formation of stable

    refractory compounds. The much greater energy available

    in the plasma makes it possible to vaporize refractory

    solid samples directly. The background radiation is

    also markedly less than with flame.

    1.2.5. Lasers

    The development of lasers in recent years has made

    , it possible to directly atomize solid samples for atomic

    absorption analysis (116,117). The technique of atom-

    izing samples by a pulsed laser beam has been described

    in detail by Karyakin et al.(118-120). A parallel beam

    of light generated by a laser is focussed onto the sample.

    The intense heat produced by the pulsed energy (a few

  • 24

    joules to a few tens of joules) raises the temperature

    to 5000-10,000°C and on evaporization, emission or

    absorption is observed in the atomic vapour.

    Hagenah et al.(121) have described the effectiveness

    of a laser pulse as an atomization source and have reported

    the most detailed experimental results on the use of lasers

    in AAS. They were able to determine copper, silver,

    calcium in graphite with sensitivities at the RPM level.

    1.3. Conclusion

    Electrothermal atomizers have provided a considerable

    improvement in sensitivity for many elements by AAS. This

    is due to the transfer of the complete sample aliquot to

    the atomizer thereby overcoming the inefficiency of a

    nebulization system and avoiding the large dilution of

    atomic population which occurs in the flame cell. Graphite

    furnaces have been found to be superior to filaments.

    Filaments are more susceptable to interferences as there is

    no energy available above the filament to be imparted to

    the atoms leaving the heated surface. In furnaces, the

    atomic vapour is confined within the tube extending the

    residence time of the free atoms and hence improving the

    sensitivity. They also produce a slow rise time signal

    amenable to modulated a.c. amplification and the use of

    - strip chart recorders. In filaments, the transient nature

    of the signals requires faster electronics and a rapid

    response recorder. The power consumption for furnaces

    is larger than that of filaments. However, furnaces

    allow larger sample solutions or solids to be analysed.

    The discrete sampling technique can only be applied with

  • small sample aliquots, and often this results in poor

    reproducibility. When furnaces are used with continuous

    sampling, reproducibility is much better but the sensit-

    ivity is considerably decreased due to the inefficiency

    of the nebulization process. However, for many elements,

    these sensitivities are better than those obtained by the

    flame technique. In addition, techniques such as "depos-

    ition" can be employed to improVe sensitivities (see

    chapter 1V).




  • 26

    2.1. Principles

    Atomic absorption spectrometry is defined as the

    absorption of radiant energy from an external light source

    by atoms. By receiving energy from radiation of a

    particular wavelength, atoms become excited and reach a

    higher energy level. The transitions between low and

    high energy levels produce the atomic spectrum of, the

    element. For most elements, the characteristic

    absorption wavelength is the resonance line which results

    from transitions from the ground state to the lowest excited

    state. The resonance line is the strongest in the

    absorption spectrum because it involves the lowest energy.

    Further information concerning the theory of the resonance

    radiation and excited atoms may be obtained in the book by

    Mitchelland Zemansky (122). '

    2.2. The Intensity of a Spectral Line •

    The intensity of a spectral line produced by emitting

    or absorbing atoms depends on two factors. Firstly, with

    a given number of atoms in each energy level depends on the

    intrinsic properties of the atom; the greater the probab-

    ility of a transition, the more intense is the corres-

    ponding spectral line. Secondly, the number of transitions

    depends on the number of atoms available at the initial

    energy level from which the transition occurs. The

    relative population of an atom's level is an important

    factor in the determination of the relative intensity of the

    spectral lines: The Maxwell-Boltzmann law can be easily

    adapted for the calculation of relative population of the

  • 27

    quantized levels. Walsh (4) has shown that the number of

    atoms in the first excited state is only a small fraction

    of the number of atoms in the ground state. The ratio

    of atoms in the excited state to the ground state becomes

    appreciable only at high temperatures and for transitions

    of long wavelengths. The fraction of atoms in the higher

    excited states is even less, hence the number of absorbing

    atoms in the ground state can be considered to be equal

    to the total number of free atoms. As a result, the

    temperature rarely affects this equality unless there are

    excited states just above the ground state. An under-

    standing of the relative population of atomic states is

    necessary in the selection of appropriate absorption


    2.3. The Width of Spectral Lines

    Even the sharpest spectral line has a finite width and

    this has an important consequence in the application of both

    AAS and AFS. The width of an absorption line is governed

    by the following factors:

    a) Natural broadening due to the finite lifetime of

    an atom in the excited state (--10-8

    sec.) which ranges

    between 10-5 - 10-4 nm.

    b) Doppler broadening due to the random thermal

    motion of atoms relative to the observer which is of

    the order of 10-3

    - 10-2 nm for the spectral lines of

    most elements.

    c) Lorentz broadening due to the collision of emitt-

    ing or absorbing species with foreign atoms or mole-


  • 28

    d) Holtsmark or resonance broadening due to the

    collision of like atoms.

    e) Stark broadening due to the external electric

    fields or charged particles.

    f) Self absorption broadening which is important

    only for lines having their lower level at or near

    the ground state. Self absorption happens as a

    result of absorption of radiation by the present

    atoms. Self reversal is a particular case of self

    absorption in the presence of a temperature gradiant.

    2.4. Variation of Atomic Absorption with Concentration

    The relationship between atomic absorption and atomic

    concentration has been fully published (122-124) and will

    be breifly discussed here. The theory of AAS can be best

    described in terms of three quantities; the absorption

    coefficient, the total absorption factor and the absorbance.

    2,4a The Absorption Coefficient, Kv

    The absorption coefficient, K , is defined by

    o -K L I = I (a ./) (2-1)

    whereIci andIare the incident and transmitted intensities

    of radiation of frequency 1) passing through an absorption

    cell of having a path length of L. The dependence of Kv on

    frequency is often represented by the Voigt function (125)

    which includes both Doppler and Lorentz broadening.

    2.4b The Total Absorption Factor, AT

    The total absorption factor is defined in terms of the

    total radiation energy passing through the cell and is

    given by:

  • 29

    I -I AI AT = 9 = • : Io



    where AI x 100 is defined as the percentage of absorption I

    2.4c The Absorption, A

    Absorbance, A, is defined by the following expression:

    I A =.log

    A is related to AT

    by :

    = log ( 1 ) 1-A




    Absorbance can easily be calculated, assuming K is p

    constant, and provides a linear relationship with atomic

    concentration over a wide concentration range.

    2.5. 'Theoretical As ects of Atomization Process

    This thesis is concerned with a continuously operated

    graphite furnace, and is thus relevant to discuss briefly

    the theoretical background to the atomization process.

    Most of the work on furnace atomic absorption has been

    carried out on practical analysis and only a few authors

    have investigated the process of atom formation. Two

    approaches have been proposed to study the mechanism.of

    atomization and these are discussed in this section.

    2.5.1. Thermodynamic Approach

    In order to understand the thermodynamic approach,

    the various reactions occuring in an atomizer must be

    considered. It has been found that with carbon furnace


    and can be determined experimentally.

  • 30

    atomizers, oxy-anion salts of metal solutions are prefered

    to those of the halide. This is because the halide

    solutions tend to give a higher degree of molecular

    volatilization and so the degree of atomization is decreas-

    ed. ' Most oxy-anion salts are decomposed to the metal

    oxide on heating.

    Maessen and Posma (126) have assumed that atomization

    occurs by dissociation of the metal oxide. The dissociat-

    ion of a metal oxide, MO, can be shown by the following


    MO M 0 2 2

    The free energy of this system, AG, is given by

    -AG = RT Ln K



    where R is the gas constant, T the temperature and K the

    equilibrium constant. The degree of dissociation of the

    metal oxide,v, is related to partial pressure of oxygen by:

    K 104-. = p

    KP + 4P(02)


    By knowing AG, K and hence pk.can be calculated. In carbon

    atomizers, however, there are two more reactions to consider:

    C + 202 CO (2-8)

    CO + 202 CO2 (2-9)

    ,These reactions control the partial pressure of oxygen and,

    hence, the degree of dissociation of the meatal oxide. From

    a knowledge of partial pressure of oxygen they predicted that

    the order of atomization for cobalt, lead, gold and zinc

    would be Zn4:Pb4Au4Co.

  • The most extensive studies into the mechanism of

    atomization have been carried out by Campbell and Ottaway

    (127). These authors have suggested that in the carbon

    furnace atomizer, carbon plays a role in the direct

    reduction of metal compounds to produce atoms. One good

    example is magnesium sulphate which is converted to

    magnesium oxide at 890°C and sublimes without decomposition

    to gaseous molecules of magnesium oxide at 2770°C.

    Magnesium, however, can be determined with very good

    sensitivities using a carbon furnace at temperatures of

    about 1550°C. This indicates that carbon is effective in

    the direct reduction of metal compounds to atoms.

    A possible mechanism of reduction of metal oxides to

    atoms by graphite is shown in equation (2-1o).

    MO(s) + C(0- ---0=C0(g) + M(g) (2-10)

    The energy released in this reaction.would seem to be

    sufficient for the production of metal atoms in the gaseous

    state. Assuming that the reduction of metal oxides by

    carbon is rapid, Campbell and Ottaway have proposed that the

    temperature at which free metal atoms are formed can be

    determined. This can be achieved by calculating the

    temperature at which the free energy, AGo, for the react-

    ,ion (2-10) becomes zero. They have calculated the lowest

    temperatures for the production of atoms for 27 elements.

    Table (2-1) shows the thermodynamic reduction temperatures

    and appearance temperatures together with corresponding

    melting and boiling points. The appearance temperature is

    defined as the lowest temperature at which a substantial


  • Table 2.1. Thermodynamic Reduction Temperatures and • Appearance Temperatures for Various Elements Together with Melting and Boiling Points for Comparison

    Oxide Element m.p.,K Element b.p.,K Temperature Appearance at which AG° temperature becomes negative, K of element,

    Pb0 600 2042 1000-1100 1,000

    Al203 932 2720 2400-2500 2,300

    Cu20 1356 2855 1800-1900 1,730

    Fe304 1812 3160 1700-1800 1,750

    Na20 371 1163 1200-1300 1,230

    Ni0 1728 3110 1700-1800 1,800

    Cr2 03 2 76 2915 1800-1900 1,800

    ZnO 693 1.181 1200 • 1;100

    Co0 1768 3150 1800 1,720

    Sc203 1673 2750 2400-2500 2,450

    Cd0 594 1038 800 850

    V203 2190 3650 2400-2500 2,350

    Si.02 1683 2950 2300 2,300

    Ba0 983 1910 2300 2,200

    TiO2 1 1950 3550 2400-2500 2,420

    Li02 454 1604 1900-2000 2,100

    Mn304 1517 2314 1600-1700 1,600

    Ag20 1234 2450 1200-1300 1,150


  • Table 2.1. continued

    Oxide Element m.p.tK Element b.p.,K Temperature Appearance

    at which AG° temperature becomes' negative, K of element, K

    Sr0 1043 1640 2300 2,100

    Hg0 234 629 Below room temp.

    B203 2300 4200 AG°react still+ve

    Nb0 2770 5200 3000

    Sn02 505 2960 1350 1,800

    K20 336 1039 1100 1,550

    Sb203 903 1910 1100-1200 1,550

    Ca0 1123 1765 2400-2500 1,800

    Mg0 923 1390 2100-2200 1,550

  • 34

    population of atoms is produced in.the carbon furnace.

    These workers have found good agreement between

    experimentally determined appearance temperatures and the

    ones predicted by thermodynamic calculations for 22

    elements out of 27 elements.

    Aggett and Sprott (128) have compared the appearance

    temperatures of various elements in both graphite and

    tantalum atomizers. Comparison of these temperatures

    indicates whether or not oxide reduction by carbon is

    the cause of atom formation. For the majority of elements,

    the minimum atomization temperature from tantalum was

    within 100°C of the atomization temperature from carbon.

    Of the 15 elements studied, only the minimum vaporization

    temperature of cobalt, iron and tin from carbon were signif-

    icantly lower than that from tantalum. It was suggested

    that for these four elements, the free atoms are formed

    through the direct carbon reduction of the metal oxides.

    To check this conclusion, the most likely reaction between

    the metal oxide and graphite was postulated and the free

    energy for that reaction was calculated at the temperature

    when atoms were first observed from - carbon furnaces. For

    aluminium, cadmium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc,

    the free energies were positive and the most likely •

    mechanism of atom formation would be the dissociation of

    metal oxides. For cobalt, iron, nickel and tin, however,

    the free energies were negative indicating that reduction

    of the oxide by carbon is thermodynamically feasible. It

    was concluded that for these elements, carbon acts in the

    reduction of metal oxides to free atoms.

  • 35

    Czobik and Matousek (129) have also investigated the

    mechanism of atom formatibn in the carbon furncace. They

    have reported the effect of various anions as acids•on the

    atomization temperature of silver, cadmium, copper, nickel,

    lead, tin and zinc. Of the anions investigated, only

    phosphate affected the atomization temperatures. Addition

    of phosphate resulted in an increased atomization temperat-

    ure for the elements Cd, Zn, Ag and Pb which atomized at

    a lower temperature than tin and had no effect for elements

    Cu,Ni and Cr which atomized at higher temperatures than

    tin. Two mechanisms of atom formation were then suggested.

    The first mechanism involves reduction ofmetal oxides by

    carbon and is only applicable to compounds which can form

    oxides at temperatures lower than those required for

    reduction process to occur e.g., Cu, Ni, Cr. The second

    mechanism is thermal dissociation of metal compounds and is

    applicable to compounds of higher thermal stability which

    decompose at temperatures higher than those required for the

    reduction process e.g.,Ag, Cd, Pb, Zn.

    The thermodynamic approach has been sucessful in

    explaining some of the observed effects in electrothermal

    atomizers, however, it does not explain why the elements

    Al, Ca, Cr, Mo, Ti and V form thermodynamically stable

    carbides at and below the temperatures at which the free

    energy for reaction (2-10) is zero. Neither does it

    provide any indication of atomization rates or prediction

    of absorption peak shapes.

    2.5.2. Kinetic Approach

    The models which have been proposed for studying the

  • kinetics of atomization can be classified into two groups,

    (a) atomization under increasing temperature and (b) atom-

    ization under isothermal conditions.

    2.5.2a Atomization Under Increasing Temperature

    L,Vov (130) has proposed a general kinetic approach

    for the production of metal atoms in a graphite cuvette in

    which the sample is vaporized under constantly increasing

    temperature conditions. This method can also he applied

    to rod and filament atomizers as well as easily atomized

    elements at high temperatures in a furnace.

    The rate equation for the change in the number of

    atoms in a graphite furnace can be written as:

    • dN _ dt -I' ) n2(t)


    Where dN is the rate of change in the number of atoms, N, dt

    present in the gaseous state in the atomizer at time t,

    nI(t) the number of atoms entering the system at time t and

    n2(t) the number of atoms escaping from it at time t.

    Because it is assumed that the evaporation of the substance

    occurs at a constantly increasing temperature, atom

    formation is a linear function of time and is given by:

    n (t) = At


    Where A is a constant. The integration of n1(t) from

    time 0 to t i , the atomization time, would be equal to the

    total number of atoms in the sample, No, thus:

    I n i (t) dt = No (2-13)

    or n .(t) = (2-14) t1-


  • Assuming that atoms are removed from the furnace by

    diffusion, then:


    n ) = 2(t • t2 (2-15)

    Where t2 is the residence time of atoms in the system. By

    substituting equation (2-14) and (2-15) into equation (2-11)

    the following equation is obtained:

    dN =2Not dt t 2 t2 (2-16)

    Solution of equation (2-15) describes the number of atoms,

    N, in the system at time t.

    For t < t1


    e t12

    t12 t2


    At time t =



    = 2No - 1 e




    t2 )


    - t

    t- 2 t2 (

    tl, when the sample has been

    Nt reaches its maximum value:

    2 2 1 - 1 + :- 2No e t2 Nt=t t, 1 t2 1

    For t>ti equation (2-15) must be modified to account for

    the fact that the sample introduction step has been completed

    and only simple diffusional decay follows, hence:

    dN =-N dt t


    2 t - 1


    N =


    2No t2 t2

    2 t to dt = 2No

  • -t






    into equation

    -t tl-t


    _ t2



    t1 t7 t2


    to give the number


    be used


    Solving this equation yields:


    Equation (2-17) and(2-22)

    of atoms, N, in the system at time t.

    Torsi and Tessari (131-134) have developed a kinetic

    modal for determination of atomization energies using a

    carbon filament atomizer. They have obtained an

    atomization energy of 405 KJ mol-1

    (95 Kcal mol-1

    ) for

    the production of Ni atoms, which suggests that the atomic

    species are produced as a result of sublimation of the


    Johnston, Sharp, West and Dagnall (135) have

    employed a similar approach to examine the nature of atom

    production from a non-mechanistic viewpoint. They have

    assumed that the vaporization of solid analyte and, hence,

    the equilibrium concentration of gaseous analyte species

    are governed by a simple Boltzmann factor. They have


    t dN


    Nt = Nt e 1

    Substituting for Nt from

    (2-21) gives:


    N = 2No t2

    t1 2

  • associated various energies with the vaporization process

    which are then characteristic of the analyte. These

    energies are related to either the heat of vaporization

    of the metal or to the metal oxide bond dissociation

    energy, which ever is larger.

    2.5.2b Atomization Under Isothermal Conditions

    Fuller (136), has measured the variation in atomic

    concentration in a graphite furnace under isothermal

    conditions. The rate equation for the change in the

    amount of atoms can be written as:

    dN dt• ni(t) -n2(t) (2-23)

    The notations are the same as used earlier. The rate

    of formation of atoms was found to follow first order

    kinetics and is given by:

    nl(t) = Kl(No-Nt) (2-24)

    Where. No is the initial amount of element, Nt the amount

    of element atomized up to time t and K1 the rate constant

    for the atomization process.

    Integration of equation (2-24) yields:

    = N0(1-e -;.K1t


    Substituting for Nt into equation (2-24) gives (2-26)

    -K1t ni(t) = KiNoe


    The rate of loss of atoms from the furnace is

    dependent on the amount of atoms present in the furnace at

    time t and is given by:


  • n2(t) = K2N


    Where K2 is the rate constant for the removal of atoms

    from the furnace and is proportional to the flow rate of

    inert gas through the furnace. Substituting equations

    (2-26) and (2-27) into equation (2-23) produces equation

    (2-28) which on intenration gives the concentration of

    atoms at any time.


    dN dt

    =K1Noe K2N


    -K1t -K2t

    K1 N No e e ) (2-29) K2-K1

    Fuller's approach is applicable to furnace atomizers,

    particularly at low temperature and for elements which

    are difficult to atomize.

    Kinetic measurements can be used to postulate the

    mechanism of atom formation. There are four possible

    mechanisms which fit simple kinetics for the formation

    of atoms in a graphite furnace.

    1) MO(s/l) Fast 1 M(s/l) + 2 02

    M(s/l) Sl M(9) ow

    2) --- MO(s/1)+ C Fast--0- M( §/1) + CO

    M(s/l) ----o- Slow M (g)

    3) MO(s/1) ------a- Slow M(s/1)

    2. + 0

    M(s/l) Fast M(g)

  • 41

    4) MO(s/1)+ C Slow

    m (s/l) + CO

    Fast M(s/1) (g)

    Fuller (136) has employed the kinetic approach to

    investigate the mechanism of atom formation for copper.

    Kinetic measurements were carried out under the same

    conditions in the presence of carbon and in the absence

    of carbon but with the presence of a different reducing

    agent. If the results are identical, then the most

    probable mechanism would be 1,2 or 3, if, however,

    atomization does not occur or it'occurs but at different

    rates, then mechanism 2 and 4 would be most probable.

    Experiments were carried out with plain carbon tube and

    tantalum-lined tubes. The results showed that the product-

    ion rate of copper atoms was considerably greater with the

    tantalum liner present. From the results it was concluded

    that atomization normally occurs through reduction by

    carbon and that this process is the most probable rate

    controlling step in the production of copper atoms. The

    mechanism of atom formation for copper was therefore

    concluded to be as follows:

    - Slow 0+(s.--•- ?Cu CO 2 - (s/l)

    Fast Cu (g) (s/l)

    Kinetic theories of atomization can be used to

    investigate the method of signal measurement. The common

    methods of measuring signals in AAS are the measurement of

  • At the time t = t1, when the sample is completely atomized,

    the number of atoms reaches its peak value, Npeak' Using t1

    equation (2-17) and assuming then t2


    an equilibrium absorbance in the flame technique (4) and

    peak absorbance in the non-flame technique (137). An

    alternative method has been described by Massmann (138).

    The theoretical advantage of this method has been shown by

    L'Vov (130).

    Considering equation (2-17) as the value of t increases

    the magnitude of number of atoms tends towards an equilib-

    rium va.lueN , given by: equil t2

    = Nequil N — o t1 (2-30)

    = Npeak No (2-31)

    In this case the peak value corresponds to the total

    number of atoms in the sample, No.

    The integration method is based on measuring the

    integral value Q of atoms during the entire period of

    production of atoms. The relationship between Q and

    the number of atoms, N, is given by:

    t3 QN Ndt



    where t3 is the length of time during which the signal is

    recorded. By substituting equations (2-17) and (2-22)

    into equation (2-32), and after integration, provided that

    t3 - t1 4 t2 then QN

    = No t2 (2-33)

  • The ratio of the magnitude of the signal to the total

    number of atoms can be used as a measure of absolute

    sensitivity. For the equilibrium method of signaL


    t2 Nequil t2 for — < 1 No

    t1 t,


    Thus it can be seen that rapid introduction of sample

    into the system and also long residence time results in

    higher sensitivity.

    For the peak method:


    peak - t1

  • 44

    particularly advantageous.

    2.6. Interferences with Electrothermal Atomizers

    Electrothermal atomizers exhibit considerably more

    susceptibility to interferences than the equivalent flame

    techniques. Many interference effects have been reported

    but only a few authors have explained the cause of these


    Employing a carbon rod atomizer, Amos et al.(139)

    have studied the interference effects encountered in

    determination of lead and compared their results with carbon

    tube atomization. It was shown that chemical and spectral

    interferences were decreased when the carbon tube atomizer

    was used. A decrease in the carrier gas flow rate also

    resulted in a slight decrease in the chemical interferences

    due to the increased residence time of the atoms in the

    reducing environment. It was concluded that the short

    residence time of the atoms produced by a carbon rod was

    responsible for the higher level of interference.

    Robinson (140.) has reported the construction of a

    carbon hollow T atomizer. The atomization takes place in

    the stem of the atomizer and the absorption measurement is

    carried out along the cross piece. This design yielded

    greater atomization efficiency together with complete

    destruction of the solvent resulting in reduction of chemical

    interferences and removal of molecular absorption.

    The addition of salts (141) and acids (142-145) has

    been used to overcome some of the interferences observed

    in graphite atomizers. The integration method of signal

    measurement has been found to be effective in removing

  • vaporization interferences (146-148).

    The interferences encountered in furnace atomizers

    may be classified into three types:-

    physical, spectral and chemical.

    2.6.1. Physical Interferences

    2.6.1a Sample Introduction Interferences

    Because of the temperature gradient existing along

    most atomizers, sample size and positioning of the sample

    is of great importance when discrete sampling is used.

    In the case of continuous sample introduction, the physical

    process which occurs during nebulization have an important

    effect on the sensitivity of determination. Signal

    integration can be used to reduce some of variations

    resulting from variable sampling.

    2.6.1b Memory Effects

    Incomplete atomization of an element causes

    accumulation of that element on the atomizer with sub-

    sequent enhancement in the analytical signals. This type

    of interference occurs with elements which form stable

    refractory oxides. The use of higher atomization temper-

    ature or longer atomization time can minimize this inter-

    ference. Unlike furnaces, memory effects are rarely

    - observed with filaments.

    2.6.2. aectral Interferences

    2.6.2a Line Overlap Effects

    This kind of spectral interference is very rare in AAS.

    Fassel et al. (149) have reported that spectral line inter-


  • ferences may occur when there is a significant overlap of

    the Primary Source emission line profile with the

    absorption line profiles of any interfering species in

    the atom cell. These interferences are usually avoided

    by selecting an alternative interference free absorption


    2.6.2b Emission Radiation Effects

    These are produced by emission from the heated

    atomizer and other elements in the sample. Light

    emission from the carbon follows ah approximately black-

    body curve and therefore the effect is more serious when

    measurements are made in the visible region of the spectrum.

    This interfering emission can be largely eliminated by

    using a modulated source lamp and a lock in amplifier

    detector. The signals from atom cell are not modulated

    and are therefore rejected by the measurement system.

    2.6.2c Scattering Effects

    Large concentrations of matrix vaporized during the

    atomization stage, can lead to scattering of the incident

    light beam. Light scattering was first demonstrated by

    Willis (150) and thought to be the cause of light losses

    observed in AAS. Later, Koirtyohann and Pickett (151)

    demonstrated that molecular absorption rather than

    scattering was responsible at least in part for the light

    losses reported by Willis (150).

    2.6.2d Molecular Absorption Interferences

    This type of interference is caused by molecular

    species vaporized during the atomization stage. Like


  • 47

    scattering, molecular absorption results in false absorbance

    signals which must be corrected. There are three methods

    of background correction; the use of a continuum source,

    the adjacent line method and use of the Zeeman effect.

    The use of a continuum source was first described by

    Koirtyohann and Pickett (152). This involves measuring

    the non-atomic absorption signal at an adjacent wavelength

    using a deuterium arc. Hydrogen and deuterium hollow

    cathode lamps have also been employed as continuum sources.

    This technique, however, can not be used above 350 nm due

    to the lack of intensity of the source. The adjacent

    line technique invloves measuring the absorbance at a

    non-absorbing line which is adjacent to the analyte

    resonance line. The Zeeman effect employs a magnetic

    field to split the spectral lines from the light source to

    produce non-absorbing lines outside the atomic absorption

    profile. It has recently been employed (153) to correct

    molecular absorption inEaectrothermal atomizers.

    Alkali halides are the most serious cause of molecular

    absorption interferences (154,155). Employing a graphite

    furnace, Wilson and Kirkbright (156) have reported the

    determination of iodine from iodine - containing salts at

    206.1 nm. When they used a deuterium lamp to correct for

    _non-specific absorption, the iodine absorption signal was

    not observed. A further study by Kirkbright et al.(157)

    indicated that the absorption signal observed at 206.1 nm was

    due to molecular potassium iodide vapour produced in the

    graphite furnace. Solutions of sodium and potassium

    sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bromide and iodide were also

  • 48

    investigated. For sulphates and nitrates of sodium and

    potassium, no absorption was observed in the range 190 nm

    to 360 nm. It was then suggested that on heating,. these

    salts are decomposed to the corresponding metal oxides.

    This is then followed by the reduction of the metal

    oxides by carbon as demonstrated by Ottaway et al. (127).

    Yasudu and Kakiyama (158) have described,the absorption

    spectra observed for the halides, sulfates and nitrates

    of the transition metals. The resu.lts showed that the

    gaseous metal halides were formed and vaporized in the

    atomizer at temperatures of 300-500°C. Metal sulfates

    and nitrates were decomposed to the metal oxides on heating.

    This was confirmed by observing the absorption spectrum of

    sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide when metal sulfates and

    nitrates were heated to about 300-400 and 100-150°C


    Ediger (159) has reported a method of interference

    modification using a chemical agent. For the determin-

    ation of cadmium in the presence of 0.15mg sodium chloride,

    the non-atomic absorption signal was so large that even

    with background correction the cadmium signal was not

    observed. Addition of ammonium nitrate to the furnace

    reduced the non-atomic absorption signal considerably.

    - This was due to coversion of the sodium chloride to a

    more volatile compound. Employing this technique, Ediger

    et al.(160) were able to determine copper in sea water with

    a graphite furnace. The detection limit was found to

    be 10-3

    PPm compared, with 0.03 PPm obtained by direct

    injection of sea water (43).

  • 2.6.3. Chemical Interferences

    2.6.3a Anion/Cation Interferences

    As mentioned earlier, the presence of oxyanions does

    not seem to interfere with elemental determinations. With

    halides, on the other hand, a loss of element can occur

    through vaporization of the molecular halide. Losses of

    lead as volatile PbC12 and Pb Cl have been reported (161,

    162) in determination of lead in the presence of chloride.

    It was found that treating sample with hydrogen and ashing

    at temperatures of about 730°C removed the chloride inter-

    ference. Cation interferences are more complex and have

    not been generally explained.

    2.6.3b Pyrolysis' Losses

    When using discrete sampling, a pyrolysis stage is

    often employed prior to atomization. As a result, the

    sample matrix is broken down or vaporized giving rise to

    reduced interference effects. Fuller (163) has reported

    losses of copper and nickel during the pre-atomization

    stage at temperatures above 600°C. It was suggested

    that metal oxides are formed on heating which are then

    reduced to the corresponding metals by carbon from the

    furnace. The metals are then lost through evaporation.

    Losses of mercury (164), lead, cadmium, berylium and

    vanadium (165) have also been reported.

    2.6.3c Condensation

    After atomization of an element, the atoms cool

    quickly by entering the cooler gas layer above the atom-

    izer and condense rapidly. In the presence of other


  • 50

    elements which are atomized or vaporized at similar

    temperatures,.the analyte element becomes occluded with the

    interfering elements on condensation. This type of inter-

    ference is of importance mainly with filament atomizers

    because of the steep temperature gradient above the

    . atomizer surface. West et al.(73,74) have demonstrated

    that many inter-element interferences happen as a result

    of a gas-phase interaction. It was suggested that

    absorption measurements under limited field viewing

    condition should minimize the interference effects (76).

    A horizontal slit was placed across the primary source

    which shielded the region where most inter-element effects

    would likely occur. Jackson and West (78) reported that

    the only interference observed with limited field viewing

    was from elements of similar volatility to the analyte


    2.6.3d Carbide Formation

    Losses of atomic vapour may occur as a result of

    the formation of involatile carbides between the analyte

    and the incandenscent graphite. Pyrolytic coating of

    the graphite tube has been found to reduce carbide formation

    considerably (166) and hence enhances the sensitivities for

    many elements. Sturgeon and Chakrabarti (167) in a

    study of the mechanism of atom loss in graphite furnace

    showed that the pyrolytic coating considerably reduced

    the diffusion losses of atoms through the graphite walls.

    Mo and V were investigated and the results showed that the

    rate of loss of molybdenum and vanadium atomic vapour from

  • 51

    uncoated tubes was increased by 21% and 12% respectively, •

    over that obtained with coated tubes.

    Although carbide formation has been found to be

    disadvantageous, it can be employed to passivate tubes and

    therefore prevent the analyte forming a carbide. Fisher have reported a 10 fold signal enhancement for

    the determination of beryllium after the carbon was treated

    with zirconium. The zirconium carbide on the surface of

    the carbon prevented formation of beryllium carbide and

    hence improved its sensitivity. These authors have also

    reported enhancement factors of 2.6, 1.8 and 2.5 for

    manganese, chromium and aluminium respectively when the

    furnace was treated with lanthanum.

    2.6.3e Nitride Formation

    If nitrogen is used as the purge gas, some elements

    may form thermally stable nitrides (169) and hence the

    sensitivity is reduced. L'Vov (170) has demonstrated

    that a loss of Al can occur by reaction with nitrogen

    in the presece of incandescent graphite to form thermally

    stable aluminium nitride.

    Sturgeon have reported a 60 per cent

    reduction in aluminium sensitivity when nitrogen was

    substituted for argon as the sheath gas. Atomization

    of aluminium in a tantalum of tungsten lined atomizer,

    however, produced equal sensitivities for both argon and

    nitrogen gases. Substituting pyrolytic graphite for

    standard graphite decreased the above difference by 25 per cent.

    It was suggested that carbon plays a role in the formation

  • of the nitride as shown in equation (2-37)

    Al203(s)+ 3C0 (2-37) + 3C

    (s) + N2(g) 2A1N(s)

    Aluminium nitride is stable up to 2500°K.

    2.6.3f Ionization

    Ottaway and Shaw (172) have investigated the

    possibility of ionization interferences in carbon furnace

    AAS and AES. Barium was chosen as a test element and

    signals observed for atomic absorption and emission and

    also ion absorption. Addition of caesium to barium

    suppressed the ionic absorption signal. However, in

    contrast to flame atomization (173), the suppression of

    ionization did not produce any increase in the atomic

    absorption signal. The reason was thought to be that

    the ion population is negligible compared with the atom

    population. From the results obtained they conclude

    that ionization interferences would not be significant in

    carbon furnace spectrometry.




  • 53

    3.1. Graphite Furnace Atomizer System

    The graphite furnace used in this study is a

    modification of the device described by West and Williams

    (70). A schematic diagram of the furnace is shown in

    Fig.3.1. The whole assembly is mounted on a stainless

    steel base and housed in a glass chamber fitted with a

    vertical stem at the top centre for sample introduction and

    another one at the side as the exhaust outlet. The space

    between the electrodes is enclosed. by two insulating

    syndanio plates at the side and another at the top with a

    hole at the centre for sample introduction. These plates

    were found to disintegrate gradually at high temperatures

    and so stainless- steel plates were used to line and

    protect their inner surface from high temperatures.

    The graphite tubes 20mm long and 5mm internal dia-

    meter were machined from Ringsdorff high purity graphite

    rods. A hole of 3.5mm in diameter was drilled at the

    centre of the tube to provide introduction of the

    sample aerosol into the tube. In order to obtain good

    electrical contact between the electrodes and graphite

    tube, graphite rings were machined to hold the tube.

    The electrodes used for this system were rather bulky

    and caused condensation of water on their surfaces. These

    electrodes were later replaced by two L-shaped electrodes

    which were much thinner than the early designs and showed

    no condensation.

    3.2. Power Supply

    When operating a graphite furnace continuously, a

  • 54





    a. Graphite. tube

    b. Stainless steel electrodes

    c. Stainless steel base

    d. Water inlet

    e. Water outlet

    f. Argon inlet

    Fig.3.l. Graphite furnace system used for this study (side view).

  • 55

    large power is usually needed for heating. In this study

    the power was supplied by wiring three transformers (12V

    and 100 A) in parallel which could provide a maximum

    current of 300 A at 12V. Two copper strips 75cm long

    and 2.5cm wide with a thickness of 3mm were used for

    transferring the electrical power to the electrodes. The

    voltage supplied to the furnace could be varr:;ed from 0 to

    12V by a variac transformer (270V and 20A) connected to a

    30A single phase a.c. power supply.

    3.3. Temperature Measurements

    An optical pyrometer was employed to measure the

    temperature of the graphite furnace for this study. This

    was achieved by focussing the radiation from the inner wall

    of the tube at the viewing lens of the optical pyrometer.

    At voltages less than 4V, however, there was no significant

    radiation from the tube and a thermocouple had to be used.

    The thermocouple was a chrome-alumel type and was inserted

    inside the tube and in contact with it during temperature

    measurements. The maximum measurable temperature with

    this type of thermobouple was 1,000°C and so measurements

    were carried out up to 4.5 volts. The results are shown

    in Fig.3.2. The data were obtained while nebulizing

    distilled water at an uptake rate of 1.9 1.min-1.

    3.4. Purge Gas

    An inert gas was continuously flushed through the

    graphite furnace in order to maintain a non-oxidizing

    environment and hence increase the lifetime of the graphite

    tubes. The three gases commonly used for this purpose are

  • 3200



    2000 -

    1600 -




    2 4 6 8 10 12

    Voltage, V

    Fig.3.2. Temperature vs. voltage curves for the furnace. (a) Thermocouple measurements, (b) optical pyrometer measurements.

    U 0






  • .57

    argon, nitrogen and hydrogen. It has been xeported that

    argon yields the maximum sensitivity for the determination

    of lead (87). Argon has the lowest specific heat and

    thermal conductivity when compared with the other gases.

    It seems that the thermal properties of the purge gas

    have a significant effect on sensitivity for many elements.

    Manning et al.(37) ih investigating the choice of gases

    for analytical measurements reported a three times reduct-

    ion in aluminium sensitivity with nitrogen as the purge

    gas. Other workers (166) have also reported a signif-

    icant reduction in aluminium sensitivity by substituting

    nitrogen for argon. This may be due to formation of

    involatile aluminium nitride.

    Amos et al.(139) have reported the use of an argon-

    hydrogen mixture which yielded a reduction of interference

    effects together with improved sensitivity for many

    elements. On heating, the hydrogen ignites spontaneously

    and burns as alargon-hydrogen-air entrained diffusion flame.

    It has been shown that the temperature of the flame around

    the graphite does not exceed 500°C. It was concluded

    therefore that the flame temperature does not contribute

    significantly to the atomization process. The enhance-

    ment was attributed to the highly reducing environment

    caused by the presence of hydrogen which promotes higher

    atomization efficiency. A 20-fold improvement in alumin-

    ium sensitivity was obtained when hydrogen was introduced

    into argon in the ratio 2 argon to 1 hydrogen.

    It was mentioned earlier that oxygen must be excluded

    from the graphite atomizer to avoid oxidation of the graphite.

  • 58

    Some workers (174,175), however, have added oxygen