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Page 1: Attachment A SAGA WEBSITE ACTIVITY… · intent. The underlying goals are to (1) maintain industry acceptance

Attachment A


Page 2: Attachment A SAGA WEBSITE ACTIVITY… · intent. The underlying goals are to (1) maintain industry acceptance

SAGA Website Beta Test Use Statistics To-date Statistics on visits and use of the SAGA website during the beta test began to be collected on June 1, 2015. While the website was publically available, the targeted audience for the beta test was limited, consisting primarily of airport industry practitioners. Through March 1, 2016, the following activity has occurred:

Registered Users 123

New Practices 8

Edited Practices 24

Downloaded Documents 1,314

Total Visits to Website 31,537

Homepage 31,537

Search 625

Sustainable Practices 9,533

Plan 1,300

Measure 1,237

Share 1,330

About 1,449

Library 1,106

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Attachment B


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SAGA Website Structure The website is currently, and is expected to stay, at less than 100 GB. The website currently has eight (8) main pages:

1. Homepage; 2. About; 3. Library; 4. Learn, which leads to one other page:

What Does Sustainability Mean to You? 5. Plan; 6. Search, which leads to two other pages:

Search Tips, and

My Practices; 7. Measure, and 8. Share.

SAGA Website Functionality Following is a summary of the website’s functionality: Share—There are several opportunities to share information on the website. Users can add sustainable practices to the list or edit data for existing practices. Users can share case studies, documents, links, and comments for individual practices. Users can also share what sustainability means to them. In the broader context of sharing, users can read about potential stakeholder engagement models and explore a list of potential stakeholders to be involved in their sustainability efforts. Learn—Users can learn about the definition of sustainability, practical applications of sustainability principles at airports, and methods for integrating sustainability into existing business processes and an organization’s culture. In addition they can share what sustainability means to them for others to see. Search—Providing an opportunity for users to systematically search for sustainable practices that are meaningful to their organizations is the heart of the SAGA website. Users can use the website to identify, evaluate, prioritize, and select sustainability practices. Users can find and manage information in eight ways:

Search by keyword,

Search by airport map and functional area,

Search by category,

Search by practice information,

Search by airport profile,

Search by practices by score, and

Save and print selected practices.

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Plan—The SAGA website provides a framework to assist users in starting, implementing, improving, and maintaining sustainability practices. The framework is designed to help users integrate sustainability into their organization’s culture and business practices. The framework is a systematic approach to set goals, prioritize actions, and monitor progress. The approach is scalable and flexible to account for varying operating environments and resources, and can be modified to meet specific needs and circumstances. Measure—The SAGA website presents information and guidance on how to measure progress in sustainability. Steps are outline to help users identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and associated metrics for sustainability goals and practices. In addition, a consolidated list of commonly used KPIs from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Envision

TM, ISO 26001, the Carbon Disclosure Project, the Global 100, and

ACRP Report 119: Prototype Airport Sustainability Rating System—Characteristics, Viability, and Implementation Options, is provided.

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Attachment C


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ACRP 02-30: SAGA Operating Cost EstimatesJanuary 2016

Summary 12 months

Minimum cost $248,000

Maximum cost $413,000

Administrator Annual Hours Rate Direct Costs 12-Month Cost

General oversight of activities 75 $250 N/A $18,750

Marketing 100 $250 $5,000 $30,000

Legal fees N/A N/A $25,000 $25,000

Purchase/maintenance of domain name 25 $200 $500 $5,500

Maintenance of website files and documentation 25 $200 N/A $5,000

Resolution of technical issues with hosting and servers 50 $200 N/A $10,000

Management of hosting and servers 50 $200 N/A $10,000

Oversight of Moderators 100 $200 N/A $20,000

Oversight of Developers 200 $200 N/A $40,000

User management and communication 100 $200 N/A $20,000

Recordkeeping and reporting 50 $200 N/A $10,000


Moderators Annual Hours Rate Direct Costs 12-Month Cost

Content Management, including apply the Decision Model -- -- -- --

Level A - minimum input from users 100 $150 N/A $15,000

Level B - moderate input from users 250 $150 N/A $37,500

Level C - significant input from users 500 $150 N/A $75,000

Progress reporting 50 $150 N/A $7,500

Analysis of user patterns 25 $150 N/A $3,750

Gap analysis for database content 25 $150 N/A $3,750

Technical research 50 $150 N/A $7,500



Developers Annual Hours Rate Direct Costs 12-Month Cost

Resolution of programming bugs -- -- -- --

Programming improvements -- -- -- --

Level A - minimum changes to function 50 $150 N/A $7,500

Level B - moderate changes to function 250 $150 N/A $37,500

Level C - significant changes to function 750 $150 N/A $112,500

Documentation and reporting 25 $150 N/A $3,750



Resources Annual Hours Rate Direct Costs 12-Month Cost

Servers and hosting (<100GB) N/A N/A $2,500 $2,500

Content Management System N/A N/A $2,500 $2,500


Total (minimum)

Total (maximum)



Total (minimum)

Total (maximum)

Note: “minimum” indicates a handful of new entries by users annually; “maximum indicates weekly or daily new entries by users annually.

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Attachment D


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Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance

Task Force


Page 10: Attachment A SAGA WEBSITE ACTIVITY… · intent. The underlying goals are to (1) maintain industry acceptance

Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance (SAGA) Website Statement of Governance

1. Introduction

The SAGA website and underlying database of sustainability practices reflect a long-term, substantial investment by airport sustainability experts, others in the airport industry, and the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP). As a result, the website and database provide an opportunity for the industry to learn from and contribute to the extensive knowledge gathered on airport sustainability. It is important to establish the industry’s intent for the long-term sustainability and governance of the website to help ensure that the site is used by and remains useful to the industry. The ACRP Project 02-30 to enhance the SAGA website and database produced an extensive body of research which should be used as the foundation for the ongoing development, use, and maintenance of a self-sustaining SAGA website and database. 2. Scope

This document outlines the preliminary vision for the governance of the SAGA website,, and its underlying database of sustainability practices. Governance refers to people, policies, and processes to manage the short- and long-term goals for the website. The focus of this Preliminary Statement of Governance is the fundamental principles and related policies needed for the long-term success of the website. This document is expected to be revised and refined by the future Owner in consultation with the Steering Committee. 3. Objective

The original intent of SAGA is to provide a public resource for sharing information and best practices for sustainability initiatives within the aviation industry and beyond. The resource is in the form of an interactive website and database that is publicly accessible, and relies on contributions from industry practitioners. The primary objective of this document is to provide a collaborative governance model for the ongoing development, use, and maintenance of a self-sustaining SAGA website and database, so that the website can be hosted and managed by an entity in ways that are in keeping with the original intent. The underlying goals are to (1) maintain industry acceptance of the site and database as an authoritative source on airport sustainability, (2) maintain long-term industry involvement and participation in the website, and (3) continue to update and add to the database of sustainable practices. The industry intends for the website and database to remain a public resource with no cost to users and contributors. 4. Key Roles

The updated SAGA website will require people or entities acting in governance roles, and resources to pay for the ongoing maintenance of the website, manage user activities, review proposed new and edited practices, and provide technical support in order to ensure that the website remains a viable resource for the industry. Based on technical details of the updated SAGA website, feedback from stakeholders, experience with similar website development projects, and several case studies investigated in the ACRP report, some of the key roles that could be identified include:

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4.1. Steering Committee: A small group of representatives who set the overall mission, vision, founding principles, and metrics of success for SAGA, and hold the Owner accountable to ensure continued public engagement. A majority of the membership will reflect customers from the aviation industry, and may include other experts as needed. Depending on the ultimate business model, the Steering Committee functions may be provided by a Board of Directors in addition to an advisory body. 4.2 Owner: The Owner is the entity that owns the SAGA brand, the website and database

structure and design (although not content), and is responsible for operating the website to

meet the Steering Committee’s overall expectations and vision. The Owner may choose to

operate SAGA or may choose to delegate by way of contract or other agreement the operation

of SAGA. The Owner’s primary responsibility will be to provide adequate funding for SAGA to

achieve long term sustainable financial support. Ideally the Owner or Owner’s designee would

also provide the technical administration function including managing servers to store the data

and website; hosting the site to allow for internet access; supporting the content management

system (software tools used to make changes to the website and database content, required);

and overseeing IT support including technology updates, backups, and service levels to achieve

desired system availability. The Owner will also maintain a code repository with version control

and ensure that technical and process documentation is kept up-to-date. The Owner would

own the domain name and website files and would have the ability to conduct financial

transactions. If there is a problem with the website the Owner is ultimately the entity who is

accountable for solving the issues. It is the intent of the Steering Committee for the

information entered by registered site users into the database (such as practice information,

case studies, new practices, etc.) to remain in the public domain. ACRP will develop a

submission agreement for registered users and will develop policies regarding permissions,

license and ownership rights of the SAGA website, tool and application of SAGA for the future


4.3 Moderator: To manage website and database content, including review of content

submitted by users. The Moderator must have, or have access to, expertise in sustainability.

The Moderator would use the results of the ACRP Project 02-30 as guidance to develop a

method to evaluate user submittals, and would report progress to the Steering Committee.

Given the intended interactive nature of the site, the Moderator will serve an essential

function. Policies and procedures for the Moderator’s responsibilities will be established at a

later time by the Owner or Steering Committee as appropriate.

4.4 Business Administrator: To be responsible for the use and management of the website

budget. The Business Administrator (who may be the same entity as the Owner) should review

website analytics regularly (frequency to be determined by the Owner in consultation with the

Steering Committee) and report to the Steering Committee annually, or more frequently as

requested by Steering Committee, about website use and trends as well as recommendations

for changes based on analytics data.

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4.5 Developer (if separate from the Owner): To make changes and improvements to the

function of the website and database. The developer should be familiar with Internet

Information Service (IIS), .NET 4.5, entity framework, and Microsoft SQL Server. The developer

should also remain current as web technologies evolve and advise the Owner when the SAGA

website may need to be refreshed to meet evolving standards or support new basic capabilities.

Examples include updating to HTML5, coding to be as responsive as possible, and making sure

the server OS and web server versions are patched and updated over time.

5. Ownership or Business Model: A business model for SAGA has not yet been established. The exact

model will be determined by the Owner in consultation with the Steering Committee. The industry

is open to considering two basic categories of business model depending on the eventual owner,


5.1. SAGA is owned by the aviation industry (an industry association, a consortium of industry

organizations and their representatives, FAA or FAA-designee), and the industry delegates or

contracts management to another entity; OR

5.2. SAGA is owned by another entity (any other party not listed in 5.1)

The SAGA website and database were developed to support the aviation industry, and the intent is to select a business model that will continue to meet the needs of the industry and provide high customer satisfaction. Regardless of which specific business model is adopted to operate SAGA, it is the intent that the industry continues to retain significant influence over the continued management and maintenance of SAGA.

6. Policies

With the potential large number of users contributing or modifying content, guidelines that encourage clarity, accuracy, and consistency are important to protecting the integrity and quality of the site and ensuring the site’s long-term viability. It is the expectation that the owner/operator of SAGA will meet website management best practices in terms of policies and procedures. Specific policies can be further defined as the business model and owner are selected; however the following represent industry priorities:

6.1 Ownership and Access: ACRP will develop a submission agreement for registered users and will develop policies regarding permissions, license and ownership rights of the SAGA website, tool and application of SAGA for future Owner. 6.2 Moderator or Moderator’s designees: The Moderator or Moderator’s designee has/have access to all areas of the website, and to ensure the integrity and quality of the site, has the right to alter user-supplied content as needed to ensure clarity, accuracy, and consistency with the standards established in this document and/or as revised by the Steering Committee. The Moderator should take an active role in the review and adjustment of user-supplied content. The Moderator can edit user-supplied content or email the user and work with them to resolve issues. Communication between the Moderator and users is an important component of the role of the Moderator.

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6.3 Technical Quality Control: The industry prioritizes both usability and high-quality content of the website and database. It is the expectation that website functionality will continue to be high quality and facilitate the customers focus on content. If the Developer or another party designated by the Owner wishes to or is directed to make changes to the website, the Owner (in consultation with the Steering Committee) will be responsible for reviewing the draft changes to ensure (1) they do not impair site function and (2) they maintain site quality. Minor website enhancements can be completed as part of an overall annual website project plan – to include usability testing and software development tasks as required. 6.4 Written and Visual Content: The following guidelines for content are based substantially on the Five Pillars of Wikipedia, and are meant to serve as a starting point for site governance. The guidelines may be expanded or revised by the Owner (in consultation with the Steering Committee).

6.4.1 The SAGA website and database are intended as the authoritative source of information on airport sustainability. SAGA is not intended to espouse or promote a particular viewpoint; serve as advertising for any public or private entities represented on the site; or promote individuals. Although SAGA provides a wide variety of information, the information is not just a collection of data or documents; it is there to support the original intent. 6.4.2 The information in SAGA is written from a neutral point of view. SAGA avoids advocacy and characterizes information and issues. For some topics there may be just one well-recognized point of view; in others, there may be multiple points of view, with each presented accurately and in context rather than as "the truth" or "the best view." All content must strive for verifiable accuracy, citing reliable, authoritative sources, especially when the topic is controversial. Contributors’ personal experiences, interpretations, and opinions will help others in the community to understand successes, challenges, and lessons learned, but should be limited to that purpose. 6.4.3 SAGA provides free, publicly accessible content : Since SAGA was created originally as a volunteer effort and was enhanced as expanded as part of the ACRP, contributors must agree to a user agreement that will allow the information he/she provides to be publicly available and edited by the Moderator as necessary. ACRP will develop a submission agreement for registered users to accept prior to posting any information on the website, which will address citation requirements, certification that user-submitted information belongs to said user, granting permission for information to be posted, and other reasonable and necessary provisions to be determined. 6.4.5 Contributors should treat each other with respect and civility: Respect your fellow contributors, even when you disagree. Don't engage in personal attacks. Seek consensus, avoid edit wars, and never disrupt SAGA to illustrate a point. Act in good faith, and assume good faith on the part of others. Be open and welcoming to newcomers. If a conflict arises, discuss it calmly. 6.4.6 SAGA is intended to evolve: SAGA has policies and guidelines, but they are not carved in stone; their content and interpretation can evolve over time. Their principles and spirit matter more than their literal wording, and sometimes improving SAGA requires making an exception. Be bold but not reckless in updating content, and do not

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agonize about making mistakes. Every past version of a page is saved, so any mistakes can be easily corrected.

6.5 Content Management System: The updated SAGA website was developed using custom user interfaces for content management, as described in the ACRP 02-30 Final Report, and it is industry’s intent that this will continue to be the basis for SAGA’s content management system. While the high degree of customization provides the website with a tool that meets very specific needs, particularly the decision support tool to manage best practices, it also requires technical expertise to maintain and update the site. The Owner, in consultation with and approval of the Steering Committee may wish to explore an alternative method for content management. 6.6 Measurement: Industry expects the Owner will rely on customer satisfaction and website analytic tools to facilitate continuous improvement of SAGA. 6.7 Website Funding: The industry intends for the website and database to remain a public resource with no cost to users and contributors. The funding source(s) will be identified and provided by the Owner. Based on initial ACRP estimates the annual costs for website maintenance, administration and moderation could be several hundred thousand dollars depending on a number of factors. One of the outcomes of the one-year beta test is to further refine the cost estimate with actual experience.

7. Additional Information

Over time the Steering Committee, with input from Owner, expects to include information in the Governance Document regarding other processes for implementation, means for measuring compliance and other information as required.

8. Timelines

The Steering Committee intends to identify and recommend to ACRP an owner for SAGA by November 30, 2015. The 02-30 Beta Test will run through April 1, 2016, however the transfer of the website could take several months. The remaining milestones and schedule will be developed as information from the beta test becomes available.