attila benedek_that-s all

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  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Attila Benedek 

    THAT’S ALL .......(ENNYI …....)

    Chess Probles

    The Probleist S!""leents# $%%&

    Seriessel'ate in oes


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    In loin* eor+ o' + dear ,i'e#


    + 'aith'!l /o"anion and s!""ort 'or ore than &% +ears

    End0"osition o' the 'ore*oin* "roble

    Sol!tion12. rh34 $. q' 3. re5 6. ke7 &. hd 5. be$ . re&8 t9e&

    En*lish translation b+ :aid :!rha

    Priate "!bli/ation b+ the a!thor 


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    The de'en/e takes the stand..................................................................................................6

    Part 2.....................................................................................................................................5

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    Kor nearl+ 6% +ears in the /o!rse o' + "ro'essional a/tiities# I o'ten had to sit thro!*he9treel+ borin* eetin*s ,here an+ ,ords ,ere ,asted. ;n s!/h o//asions# it ,as +

    habit to "rod!/e 'ro + "o/ket a "en/il and a sheet o' s!ared "a"er and# ,ith the

    !nderstandin* o' + /ollea*!es# I ,o!ld then be*in to "!t to*ether a /hess "roble. And thishas be/oe a (not too "ro'itable) a/tiit+ that I /ontin!e een toda+. This book is intended to "resent an a//o!nt o' soe o' the res!lts.

    :!rin* ore than hal' a /ent!r+# I hae "!blished /lose to 7%% /hess "robles# 'roaon* ,hi/h I hae sele/ted those I /onsider interestin* 'ro soe as"e/t# ,hi/h ,illho"e'!ll+ aro!se the interest o' the reader too. =+ de/ision to "!blish this sele/tion /o!ld,ell be *reeted b+ @!sti'iable /riti/is# and I sho!ld there'ore like to "!t 'or,ard a 'e, ,ordsin + o,n de'en/e.

    Ho, did it all be*in# and ho, did I *et to ,here I a no,MI ,as born on the 6th da+ o' =ar/h in l?$2# in the si*n o' the Pis/es (both "ro'essional

    and /harlatan astrolo*ists /o!ld /learl+ anal+se in soe detail ho, the /onstellations o' the

    heaenl+ bodies hae in'l!en/ed the /o!rse o' + li'e). As a +o!n* /hild# I ,as /hara/teried b+ + "la+'!l tenden/ies# the si*ns o' homo ludens. Then# 'ro the a*e o' 5# I dili*entl+'re!ented + s/hools (in the ,ords o' the H!n*arian "oet SDndor PetF'i# and "ro*essiel+attained the stat!s o' homo sapiens.

    I /arried o!t + learned "ro'ession in a /ons/ientio!s anner# and 'illed + s"aretie ,ith ario!s !se'!l and !seless a/tiities# thereb+ earnin* the title o' homo creativus. =+'ao!rite "asties ,ere atheati/s# !si/ and literat!re# and these ,ere related to +hobbies. A'ter "rod!/in* atheati/al and lo*i/al "!les# "iano0"la+in*# /o"osin* (onl+li*ht !si/# o' /o!rse) ,ritin* "oetr+# son*0,ritin*# 'olk0dan/in* and aate!r a/tin*# Iarried at /hess# "roble solin* and "roble /o"osition. =+ @o!rne+ on the 'ar 'rosooth road o' "roble /o"osin* ,as "ro"ted b+ the "roble /ol!n ,ritten b+ BélaKrivoss in a =onda+ ne,s"a"er# and b+ the end*ae arti/les b+ Dr. Jenő Bán in Népszava#and soe dire/tion ,as *ien to + @o!rne+ b+ the basi/ ,ork b+ Dr. László Lindner1Sakkfeladvány iskola (in En*lish this ,o!ld be soethin* like School for chess problems).

    In /o"arison ,ith ost others# I be*an to /o"ose + earl+# rather ,eak "roblesat the adan/ed a*e o' 6%. These "robles ,ere !s!all+ "!blished in  Feladványkedvelők

     Lapja  and the Sztálinvárosi Hirlap (later re/hristened the  una!jvárosi Hirlap)# ,hi/ho''ered s!/h "ossibilities to be*inners like +sel'. I *rad!all+ be/ae 'ailiar ,ith the/onte"orar+ H!n*arian "roble /o"osers. There ,ere those aon* the ,hose ,orks Ilearned to res"e/t# there ,ere soe I re*arded as + entors# and there ,ere soe ,ho

     be/ae + li'elon* 'riends. ;' these# I sho!ld like to ention the naes o' soe o' +

    tea/hers and 'riends (sadl+# all no, dead)1 László Apró# Dr. Gyula Bebesi# Ferenc Fleck #János Kiss# Józse !z"#$y and Józse %aerner.Later# as leader o' the H!n*arian Chess Proble Co"osition Coittee# it ,as +

    d!t+ to re"resent H!n*arian /hess "roble /o"osition at the ann!al /on*resses o' thePeranent Chess Co"osition Coittee o' KI:E. =+ "resen/e at these eetin*s ,asinitiall+ *reeted b+ /oolness and resere# ,hi/h I as/ribed to t,o thin*s1 the *eneral ie, in,estern /o!ntries that onl+ "riile*ed# "roinent# "art+ '!n/tionaries ,ere allo,ed to traelo!t 'ro behind the Iron C!rtainG and + Christian nae# Attila# ,hi/h an+ asso/iated ,iththe leader o' the one0tie H!n aries that oerran so !/h o' E!ro"e. Kort!natel+# as ,e *otto kno, one another better# the /oolness disa""earedG in "arallel ,ith the deelo"in* o' o!r

     "ro'essional /onne/tions# I ,as l!/k+ eno!*h to ake n!ero!s *ood 'riends aon* the

    'orei*n /o"osers.  6

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    =+ /o"ositions that are re"rod!/ed in ths book sho!ld s"eak 'or theseles.Soe,hat di''erentl+ 'ro the an+ books ,hi/h 'eat!re onl+ the a!thor’s o,n "robles#,orks b+ other a!thors ,ill be in/l!ded hereG I shall *enerall+ "resent these in /onne/tion,ith theati/ /o"ilations# ost o' ,hi/h ,ere "!blished earlier in the series  F"szer éscseme#e (in En*lish Spice and $itbits) in Sakkélet .

    I hae al,a+s been dee"l+ interested in the r!les o' /hess "roble /o"osition#lo*i/al /onsiderations and aestheti/ as"e/ts. As /on/erns soe !estions# I hae deelo"ed+ o,n ie,s# and (!sin* the book as an e9/!se) I shall "!t these 'or,ard in the te9t. Thereader a+ a*ree ,ith the# or re@e/t the.

    I hae no, rea/hed the end o' + s"ee/h 'or the de'en/e. um spiro% creo%  i.e. ,hile I lie# I /reate1 'or + o,n "leas!re# and 'or the

    entertainent o' others. I' nothin* else# let this reain a'ter e.That’s abo!t eer+thin*.

    Attila Benedek 


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    PAOT 2

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    the deadlo/k ,as resoled in !/h the sae ,a+ as the ordian knot1 in the ne, /ode9# theain "roble *enres ,ere listed ,itho!t their distin/tion into se"arate *ro!"s# and the+ ,ereall /lassi'ied as bein* o' e!al al!e.

     )(cuse the barman if he interrupts4

    (Ferenc &olnár# elila)

    The stand"oint o' the belieers in orthodo9+ is ,ell kno,n1 those "robles a+ bere*arded as /lassi/al# orthodo9 ones ,hi/h obe+ the KI:E r!les relatin* to the *ae o' /hess.In + o"inion# ,e a+ in/l!de here those ,orks ,hi/h satis'+ the KI:E r!les as re*ards the/hessboard# the "ie/es and the anner o' their oin* /!rrentl+ a//e"ted in the *ae o'/hess# the alternation o' 'reel+ sele/ted oes# and the ne/essit+ o' es/a"in* 'ro a "ositionin ,hi/h /he/k has been *ien. ;n this basis# the 'ollo,in* a+ all be /ate*oried asorthodo9 "robles1 end*ae st!dies# dire/tates# dire/tstaleates# sel'ates# hel"ates andhel"staleates. These all di''er in re!ireents (,hi/h are not re*!lated b+ the KI:E r!les).

    >itho!t re'eren/e to the aboe se!en/e o' lo*i/al /on/l!sions# this ie, is

    in/reasin*l+ held in internation /hess "roble li'e. Nat!rall+# it a+ be dis"!ted.

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    T>;0=;QEO =ATE PO;BLE=S

    I be*an to deal ,ith /hess "roble /o"osin* in the earl+ 2?5%s. Siilarl+ to an+other be*inners# I started ,ith t,o0oer ate "robles. That ,as !s!al in that "eriod#

    ,hereas be*inners toda+ tend to /!t their teeth on hel"ates# in the belie' that these aresi"ler and easier. Ho, ,ron* the+ /an be4

    2. Attila Benedek StDlinDrosi Hirla"# 2?&?


    $. Attila Benedek R!ali'i/ation /o"etition# 2?5%

    2st Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    Proble no. 2# + 'irst "!blished "roble# inoles annihilation ,ith a *ie0and0takeke+ and three -ni*ht ates. The sol!tion1 2. rd64 threat. $. h$e6 .

    Soe si9 onths later# I a/hieed + 'irst s!//ess# "roble no. $ re/eiin*2st Prie in the !ali'i/ation /o"etition in 2?&?05%.Set "la+1 2. 0 l/6le6l9e$ $. he&b/$h'6 .Tr+1 2. h/$M l/6le6 $. he&r9e3 . 2. 0 l9e$4Sol!tion1 2. h b34 l/6le6l9e$le$ $. he&h/&h/2h/& .

    In the sae /o"etition# "roble no. 3 ,as a,arded an Honorable =ention. Sol!tion12. b*24 threat. $. r/2 r'& . In res"onse to all o' Bla/k’s 2 "ossible oes# the >hiteOook alternates like a s,in*in* bell to *ie ate 'ro /2 or '&.

    Let !s see ho, this thee /an be de"i/ted in another *enre. In 2?67# a /o"etition,as or*anied to /oeorate the H!n*arian reol!tion o' 2767. A "roble s!bitted b+Dr. László Lindner# ,hi/h he des/ribed  as a /annon /ast 'ro a bell# ,on 3rd Prie.Proble no. I "resents the aboe thee in a hel"ate ersion# the t,in "ositions akin* !seo' batteries.



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    3. Attila Benedek R!ali'i/ation to!rne+# 2?5%

    Honorable =ention

    I. :r. LDsl LindnerCentenar+ to!rne+# 2?67

    3rd Prie

    =ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $ oes(5 t,in "ositions)

    The sol!tions o' the Lindner "roble1 a.1 2. j b64 kd2 $. w b38 r/$ . b. (lto d6)1 2. od$84 ke$ $. j9/& r b6 . /. (l to e&)1 2. jd54 o*3 $. j'& re$ .d. (l to '5)1 2. w9/54 p*6 $. w9b5 r9b5 . e. (l to *)1 2. wd74 p*9h3 $. w'7r*$ . '. (l to h7)1 2. j/4 p b9/ $. o b9/5 r b7 .

    In Part $ o' this book# I shall *ie a sele/tion o' + "robles ,ith the re!ireentate in $ oes. U!st as a 'oretaste# I shall "resent soe o' + ,orks here too.

    A s"e/ial bran/h o' "roble /o"osin* /o"rises the *ro!" o' s+bol "robles. Inthese# the startin* "osition s+boli/all+ de"i/ts soe "i/t!re1 a letter# a n!ber# and so on. Ishall sho, here t,o s+bol "robles 'ro + /olle/tion1

     6. Attila Benedek 

    Christas /ard# 2?5705?&. Attila Benedek 

    Tolna Co!nt+ To!rne+# 2?50572st Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes ?

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Proble no. 6# s+boliin* the n!ber 5?# reinds e o' the +ear 2?5?. Thesol!tion1 2. r9d$4  thr. $. h9*2 .

    The n!ber 2% a""earin* in "roble no. & re'ers to the 2%th anniersar+ o' an earliereent. The sol!tion1 2. h9d&4  ($. qe6 ). The 'inal sha"in* o' this "roble ,asha"ered b+ the "resen/e o' n!ero!s d!alsG then# alost at the last oent# all o' the

    di''i/!lties /o!ld be eliinated b+ "!ttin* a Bla/k -ni*ht on b6.The /onstr!/tion o' an+ "robles is o'ten ade di''i/!lt b+ d!als# ,hi/h /an /a!se

    seere heada/hes to oer/oe and deand "erseerin* detailed e''ort. A *ood e9a"le o'this is "roble no. 5. The 'irst ersion o' this (5a) a""eared in 2?$# b!t it soon t!rned o!tthat# besides the intention 2. ba34# the triial 2. h9'84  also leads to a sol!tion.

    5a. Attila Benedek Sin'. S/a//histi/he# 2?$

    5b. Attila Benedek Sakklet# $%%%

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    I had to ,ait $7 +ears (4) be'ore I /o!ld /onstr!/t a /orre/t ersion. Proble no. 5b ,as "!blished in $%%%# 'inall+ 'ree 'ro /ooks. The sol!tion1 2. rd74# a 'or/in* oe.


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    . Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2?3

    II. Herann S/h!lHab!r*er Anei*er# 2?32

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    All a!thors are threatened b+ the ni*htare o' anti/i"ation. I +sel' hae s!''ered this'ate on a n!ber o' o//asions. (Anti/i"ation is not a /a!se o' shae# b!t it erel+ a er+!n"leasant atter# een ,hen total inno/en/e a+ be ass!ed.) =+ "roble no. # sho,in*the !c$i'an  thee#  ,as "re"ared and "!blished in 2?3. :!rin* the @!d*in* "ro/ed!re# itt!rned o!t that this thee had been "resented in an identi/al /onstr!/tion b+ a eran a!thoras lon* a*o as 2?32. This earlier "roble is re"eated here as no. II. The sol!tion o' no. 1 2.r9e54# and the sol!tion o' the S/h!l "roble1 2. re74 # the "la+ other,ise bein* identi/alin the t,o /o"ositions.

    In /lassi/al dire/tates inolin* a threat# the ke+ *enerall+ leads to one threat o'ate# ,hile the de'ensie oes b+ Bla/k allo, a n!ber o' /han*ed ates. I !st aditthat a "ererse idea o//!rred to e1 ,h+ not reerse these t,o deandsM I 'irst introd!/edthis anti0re!ireent ,ith the !se o' set "la+ in "roble no. 71

    7. Attila Benedek KVles# 2?2


    ?. Attila Benedek Thee to!rne+ e9a"le# $%%$

    -rnika# 6%$%%$

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes 22

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    The sol!tion o' "roble no. 71 Set "la+1 2. 0 oa3j bWj'Wo*& $.h b3h/5he5h'& . 2. r/$4 $. rd$ .

    I 'o!nd this idea interestin* and there'ore or*anied a ra"id /o"osin* to!rne+ on thisthee in $%%$. In /onne/tion ,ith this# I /o"osed "roble no. ?# ,hi/h the "arti/i"ants etonl+ a'ter the to!rne+. Its sol!tion1 Set "la+1 2. 0 o b3o/$ja5o/& $.

    ha3hd$b9a5bd& . 2. ha7M ja54 2. b/7M o/&4 2. ha74 $. h b5 .This /o"osition *ae rise to t,o s!//ess'!l "robles# "resented here as "robles no.

    III and IQ1

    III. Xr"Dd =olnDr Oa"id thee to!rne+# $%%$


    IQ. UDnos B!*losOa"id thee to!rne+# $%%$


    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    (rpád &olnár  sensed the need to 'ree soe s"a/e1 Set "la+1 2. 0 oe9d5oe5oe& $.hebe6h9'5 . 2. q'24 $. q/6 . János Bu#los had the idea o' e"lo+in* adis*!ised batter+1 Set "la+1 2. 0 jW $. r9j . 2. q'74 $. h/& .


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    This is a er+ s"e/ial *enre. >here is the 'i*htin* s"irit that *ies the essen/e and the'lao!r to the *ae o' /hessM The Bla/k -in* /oo"erates ,ith his >hite o""onents# and

    'inall+ ,illin*l+ o''ers his head to the a9e o' the e9e/!tioner.It is hardl+ s!r"risin* that those ,ho "re'er a /o"etitie *ae shrink 'ro thiss!i/idal *enre. At the sae tie# hain* re/o*nied the /o!ntless "ossibilities aailable 'orthe e/onoi/al deonstration o' noel /hess ideas# an+ /hess /o"osers hae be/oeenth!siasti/ belieers and "rota*onists as /on/erns hel"ate "robles.

    In H!n*ar+# this *enre be*an to 'lo!rish in the 'irst hal' o' the $%th /ent!r+. Kollo,in*the "ioneerin* a/tiities o' Gyula )euko''# n!ero!s H!n*arian /o"osers "rod!/edsoe reall+ e9/ellent hel"ate "robles# and H!n*arian hel"ate /o"osition ass!ed aleadin* role internationall+. B!t the leadin* li*hts o' the H!n*arian /hess ,orld /ontin!ed tosni'' at the idea o' hel"ates.

    Dr. Gy"r#y *áros# ,ho "riaril+ *ained international 'ae thro!*h his hel"ate

     "robles# deelo"ed the ie, that this *enre i*ht be ade ore a//e"table and ore "o"!lar i' the ter hel"ate *enerall+ a""lied thro!*ho!t the ,orld (b!t ,hi/h had *ained a "e@oratie taste in H!n*ar+) ,ere /han*ed. In the book he "!blished in 2?6%# here/oended the e9"ression /han/e ate (this ,as !sed in his /hess /ol!n in  *a#yarSakkvilá# ). Then# 'ro 2?&5# realiin* that he had 'ailed in this atte"t# he t!rned to the !seo' the H!n*arian e9"ression sabadatt   % i.e. 'reeate.

    This ter ,as *enerall+ a//e"ted# b!t the /han*es o' nae *ae rise to a""re/iabledis"!te# interestin*l+ not aon* /hess "la+ers# b!t aon* /hess "roble /o"osers. =an+(led b+ Józse S*h+) ,ished to brin* ba/k the ori*inal noen/lat!re o' hel"ate# b!t 'ora "rolon*ed "eriod the+ et ,ith no s!//ess. In an arti/le that a""eared in Sakkélet  in 2?7?!nder the title Se*tF0letlen0sabad…# i.e. Hel"0/han/e0'ree…# I re'le/ted on thear*!ents "!t 'or,ard b+ *áros as 'ollo,s1 Z…Neither /han/e ate nor 'reeate indi/atesthe essen/e o' the "roble. These e9"ressions rather /on/eal the essen/e. Bla/k and >hite donot ake their oes b+ /han/e# b!t in a /learl+ "redeterined anner. The oes /an not

     be /hosen 'reel+ # b!t are /ons/io!sl+ "lanned b+ the /o"oser. =atin* takes "la/e in the'or o' an !nabi*!o!s series o' hel"in* oes. … Let !s there'ore !se the e9"ressionhel"ate ,itho!t an+ hesitation.[

    The str!**le res!lted in a "artial i/tor+1 sin/e that tie# the e9"ressions 'reeate andhel"ate are both !tilied in H!n*arian /hess "roble li'e. Ho,eer# this dis"!te (,hi/h isirt!all+ i"ossible to !nderstand abroad) /ontin!es. Let !s ho"e that tie ,ill $elp …


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    I +sel' be/ae obsessed b+ the hel"ate *enre. This is reealed b+ the "roble

    /olle/tion to be seen in Part $ o' this book. Kor the oent# I sho!ld like to "resent soe,orks ,hi/h I stried to endo, ,ith an indiid!al /hara/ter.I 'irst /ae into /onta/t ,ith the idea o' reersed se!en/es o' "airs o' oes in

    /onne/tion ,ith "roble no. Q. The sol!tion1 a. 2. te4 r9a3 $. j*6 r b$ . b. 2.j*64 r b$ $. te r9a3 . The idea interested e and I be*an to /o"ose soe

     "robles o' + o,n# soe o' ,hi/h are "resented here.

    Q. A. :esitnieks'eens/ha/h# 2?$

    2%. Attila Benedek H!n*arian Chess Proble Coittee

    To!rne+# 2?76

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l to a5

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l to h2

    Proble no. 2% is the si"lest and ost e/onoi/al e9a"le o' the reerse se!en/eo' "airs o' oes1 I s!//eeded in sho,in* this thee ,ith onl+ 6 "ie/es. The sol!tion1 a. 2.lh24 b*$8 $. l*2 he$ . b. 2. l*24 he$8 $. lh2 b*$ .

    The sol!tion o' "roble no. 221 a. 2. w/54 b*6 $. nd5 re& . b. 2. nd54r

    e& $.w


    *6. In "roble no. 2$# the Bla/k -in* is relo/ated to another s!are o' thesae /olo!r. The sol!tion1 a. 2. je&4 r9'6 $. nd h/ . b. 2. nd4 h/ $. je&r9'6 .


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  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    there ,ere no '!rther "ossibilitiesG the to"i/ had been e9ha!stedSo let !s look at another thee.In a $0oer hel"ate "roble# it is /learl+ i"ossible to e9/han*e $ >hite "ie/es#

     b!t I ana*ed to 'ind a eans o' doin* this. Belo,# I "resent a 'e, "robles in ,hi/h I ade!se o' the /on/e"t I re'er to as the "se!do e9/han*e o' "ie/es. (It 'ollo,s !ite nat!rall+ 'ro

    the thee that s!/h "robles are rather /!bersoeG the+ /annot be ,orks o' art# b!t it/annot be denied that the+ are interestin*.)

    23. Attila Benedek 

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    The "se!do0e9/han*e o' "ie/es is a latent thee1 it is noti/ed onl+ d!rin* a er+thoro!*h st!d+ o' the "roble. =!/h ore strikin* are those "robles in ,hi/h the/hessboard is rotated. =an+ a!thors 'ao!r this te/hni!e# aon* the +sel'. I ade thisstr!/t!re ore interestin* b+ introd!/in* a noel 'eat!re1 the t,in "ositions /reated b+rotation o' the board hae the sae sol!tion# at least as indi/ated b+ the noral al*ebrai/

    notation o' the oes. I !s!all+ denote this thee as a \ b. Kro this series# I shall "resent5 "robles1

    25. Attila Benedek Ti"o*rD'ia thee to!rne+# 2?3

    3rd Honorable =ention

    2. Attila Benedek Ti"o*rD'ia# PDros =eorial To!rne+# 2?5

    $nd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes

     b. a2 \ a7

    Hel"ate in $ oes

     b. a2 \ a7

    27. Attila Benedek -ONI-A seira"id to!rne+# 2???

    3rd Coendation

    2?. Attila Benedek The Probleist S!""leent# 2??3

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a7 \ a2

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a2 \ a7


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    $%. Attila Benedek HE

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


     as aesthetische +iesel , k-ltői menyét

    Ein >iesel Patak kre dobta k"en+tsass a!' eine -iesel s rDVltette a en+tinitten Ba/h*eriesel. A en+t.

    >isst ihr# :e hDt,eshalbM irtM

    :as =ondkalb A i*+ori holderriet es ir "st# a titokkal ki"akolti stillen1 s /sakhaar e*t!dta a "art#

    :as ra''inier0 ho*+ a a*+a0te Tier '!rt bestiatats ! des Oeies >illen. =indsse relni akart.

    (+$ris,ian &or#ens,ern) (!zabó Lőrinc 'ordtDsa)

    $he ,esthetical +easel 

    A ,easelSits at an easel#

    Paintin* ,ith a teasel.

    :o +o! kno, ,h+This sl+

    Beast th!s ,astes his tieM

    He does it so(I' +o! !st kno,)

    =+ lines a+ hae a rh+e.

      (Translated b+ +. J. Fea,$er  )


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



     as aesthetische +iesel  ,as one o' the rh+es 'eat!rin* in the /olle/tion entitled , /.allo0s ditties1 b+ the s!rrealist "oet +$ris,ian &or#ens,ern  (27202?26)#

    destined 'or "riate !se b+ the so/iet+ kno,n as the allo,s /o"anions. >ho kno,s ,h+ oron ,hat reasonin*# b!t the eran /hess "roble /o"oser Alred Gsc$-end borro,ed thenae o' this /!nnin* little "redator 'ro the =or*enstern rh+e to des/ribe /hess "ie/es ,itha s"e/ial role that soeties /ro" !" in hel"ate "robles. Sin/e the arti/le b+ s/h,endthat a""eared in Schach2)cho in 2?6# the nae ,easel has been taken oer b+ /hess "robleterinolo*+ to re'er to those "ie/es ,hi/h in /ertain "robles are totall+ !nne/essar+# or,hi/h are stron*er than re!ired and hae an e9/essie ran*e o' a/tion.

    There are /ases ,hen "ie/es are "!t on the board d!rin* the "re"aration o' a "roble# b!t hae no '!n/tion in the 'inal "ositionG the+ a+ si"l+ be 'or*otten there b+ the/o"oser. Let !s disre*ard these. B!t ho, sho!ld ,e /lassi'+ those ,easels that are !itedeliberatel+ le't on the board b+ the a!thorM These ,easels are obio!sl+ there 'or soe

     "!r"ose1 "erha"s to thro, a /ertain "roble oti' into *reater relie'# "erha"s to ake t,insol!tions a""ear in *reater haron+# or "ossibl+ to sti!late solers to *o do,n the ,ron*road. E9a"les o' all these "ossibilities a+ be 'o!nd belo,.

    Let !s 'irst 'ollo, the thorn+ "ath o' a ,ell0kno,n "roble1

    QIIIa. Sa Lo+dChess =onthl+# 275%

    QIIIb. Sa Lo+dQersion b+ Attila Benedek 

    Hel"ate in 3 oes Hel"ate in 3 oes

    Proble no. QIII ,as "!blished b+ !a' Loyd# the Aeri/an ZP!le -in*[# in hisstor+ $he Nuns3 'rime# ,hi/h a""eared in the Noeber 275% iss!e o' 'hess *onthly. This,ork ori*inall+ 'eat!red "ie/es# ,ith an additional Bla/k Bisho" on *$. The essen/e o' this

     "roble is that three Bla/k "ie/es atta/k the lines o' t,o /he/k0*iin* >hite "ie/es# b!t/annot aoid do!ble /he/kate. The intended sol!tion1 2. l'54 ra7 $. l* b b7 3.lh7 be& . Soeone !i/kl+ realied that this ersion had a d!al1 2. n'34 k/3k/6 $.le6 rd7 3. w'& rd6 # and the Bisho" ,as there'ore reoed 'ro *$. The "roble'inall+ a""eared in this 50"ie/e ersion (QIIIa) and be/ae kno,n as the ,orlds 'irst so!nd

    hel"ate  0 "roble.  $%

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    This ,ork and its Z/orre/tion[ raise a n!ber o' di''i/!lties. This reoal o' one o'the Bisho"s tr!n/ated Lo+ds ori*inal theati/ /on/e"tion and ade it one0sided (theZ/orre/tion[ ,as /learl+ not done b+ Lo+d hisel'). It ,o!ld hae been ore lo*i/al toreoe the >hite -in* 'ro the /entre o' the eents# e.*. b+ "la/in* it on a$# the res!ltin* 0

     "ie/e dia*ra then *iin* the intended sol!tion# b!t also "reserin* the initial theati/ idea.

    This is sho,n in dia*ra QIIIb.Th!s# one o' the Bla/k Bisho"s has be/oe !nne/essar+# b!t $ +ears had to "ass be'ore it ,as s"otted that the other Bla/k Bisho" is not needed either. In 2?3$# the eran @o!rnal  ie Sch0albe  "!blished a ersion b+ . !c$ildber## in ,hi/h the lone reainin*Bla/k Bisho" ,as reoed 'ro dia*ra QIIIa. This &0"ie/e ersion (let !s /all it QIII/)

     "roed to be so!nd.Ho,eer# this ,as not the end o' the stor+ o' the Zan/estor o' all ,easels[.A /loser st!d+ o' the sit!ation reeals that the Bla/k R!een on h (,hi/h atta/ks the lines o'

     both /he/k0*iin* >hite "ie/es) /an be re"la/ed b+ a ,eaker "ie/e# a Bla/k -ni*ht# ,hi/hlike,ise atta/ks both o' these lines (ersion QIIId).And no, the 'inal dot a+ be "la/ed onthe letter i. Kor ate to be *ien# h !st be 'illed. The do!ble /he/kate ,ill still /oeabo!t i' Bla/k is not atta/kin* the lines o' the t,o >hite "ie/es. A//ordin*l+# the "!rest o'

     "!rists i*ht /onsider it s!''i/ient 'or a Bla/k Pa,n to stand on h (ersion QIIIe).>ith that# the Loyd "roble has been bared to its absol!te ini!. >e sho!ld no,

    leae it to the ,easel0h!nters and the anials ri*hts a/tiists to ar*!e aon* theseles asto ,hi/h ersion is the ost a//e"table.

    Let !s ne9t e9aine a 'e, H!n*arian e9a"les o' the ,easel "henoenon1

    I]. UDnos -issOa"id thee to!rne+# 2?%

    2st Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes6 sol!tions

    The ,easel in "roble I] is the Bla/k Bisho" on b$# ,hi/h /o!ld be re"la/ed b+ aBla/k Pa,n. (It sho!ld be stated in de'en/e o' the a!thor that this ,ork ,as "rod!/ed in ara"id to!rne+# ,ith onl+ liited tie aailable.) The sol!tions1  I1 2. t/$4 r b68 $. l/3 q'3 .  II1 2. t/34 p b6 $ l/6 qe6 .

    .III1 2.t


     b9/6 $.l


    d& .  IQ1 2. te&4 r b& $. te6 q9d$ . $2

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Another "roble /o"osed in a ra"id to!rne+ is the *áros "roble no. QI. In this#there ,as ori*inall+ a Bla/k Pa,n on a$. The a!thor retros"e/tiel+ re"la/ed this b+ a Bla/kBisho" in the interest o' the /lear0/!t haroniation o' the t,o sol!tions.

    Proble no. ] a""eared in a H!n*arian @o!rnal1

    ]. ^. Uaneski _ K. Abd!rahanoi/Sakklet# 2??2

    2st Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes6 sol!tions

    The sol!tions1  I1 2. w9d64 bh& $. ld& b'3 .  II1 2. ta9d64 p b6 $. ld5 p b& .III1 2. n9d64 h*5 $. ld he& .

    =an+ solers /o"lained that the >hite Oook on d6 (/a"t!red in all three ke+s) ,as!nne/essar+1 it /o!ld be re"la/ed b+ a >hite -ni*ht# or d6 /o!ld reain e"t+. ;' /o!rse#the a!thors ,ere a,are o' this# b!t the+ neertheless introd!/ed the ,easel. The+ /onsideredthat the isleadin* oes o' a stron* line "ie/e and the annihilation o' this "ie/e ,o!ld addto the interest o' the ,ork.

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    $$. Attila Benedek The Probleist# $%%%

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    Be'ore I "osted o'' "roble $$# I noti/ed that the Bla/k Oook then standin* on '2 ,asnot ne/essar+. The sol!tion ,as as intended ,itho!t it. In + haste and + "ani/# I lost +reason. In order to eliinate the ,easell+ nat!re o' the Oook# I added a >hite Pa,n on e$.And that is ho, the /o"osition ,as "!blished# to the /onsternation o' the solers. Thesol!tions1  I1 2. j/&4 bd7 $. ld5 b/ .II1 2. j'64 r* $. l'& r*& .

    Een toda+# the /ra't+ ,easel a+ still be en/o!ntered in "robles. There are those,ho "a"er this little beast# b!t then there are those ,ho are ha""+ to e9terinate it …..


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  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    Aon* + treas!red eories o' /hildhood# I /an see +sel' sittin* !nder the *randto" o' the /ir/!s as + 'ao!rite /lo,n sta**ers into the rin* ,ei*hted do,n b+ an enoro!s

     brass ,ind0instr!ent# ,hi/h he /oen/es to blo, l!stil+. The rin*aster instr!/ts hisassistants to take a,a+ the instr!ent# ,hi/h is dist!rbin* the sho,. The+ do so# ,here!"onthe /lo,n a*i/all+ "rod!/es a se/ond instr!ent 'ro the hidden de"ths o' his /oat and/ontin!es to blo,. This too is taken 'ro hi# and he /on@!res !" +et another instr!ent. Andthe s/ene is re"eated … . ;n ea/h o//asion that a ne, instr!ent is "rod!/ed# both the /lo,nand the ,illin* a!dien/e lo!dl+ "ro/lai1 ZTheres another one4[.

    Like,ise# it /an o//!r in /hess "roble /o"osin* that Ztheres another one[. Thereare thees and oti's that a+ be deonstrated in a n!ber o' *enres. Belo, I shall "resenta n!ber o' ,orks ,here this is the /ase.

    The 'irst thee1 T,o "inned Bla/k "ie/es "rote/t the Bla/k -in* 'ro si!ltaneo!satta/k b+ t,o >hite "ie/es. A'ter the ke+# the Bla/k -in* oes in the line o' one o' the "ins#

    in this ,a+ !n"innin* the other Bla/k "ie/e. The /o"ositions ill!stratin* this theea""eared at aro!nd the sae tie# b!t in di''erent "la/es.

    $3. Attila Benedek Peda**!sok La"@a# 2?73

    $nd Coendation

    $6. Attila Benedek ;l+"i/ to!rne+# 2?76


    =ate in $ oes Sel'ate in $ oes

    The sol!tions1$31 2. q9*54  threat $. q9d5 . Theati/ ariations1 2. 0 ld& $. qe5 . (qe6M)

    2. 0 l'6 $. q'& . (qe6M)$61 2. q/64 ,aitin* "la+. Theati/ ariations1 2. 0 l/5 $. qe58 j9e5 .

    2. 0 le& $. hd8 j9d .


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    $&. Attila Benedek British Chess =a*aine# 2?73

    &th Prie

    $5. Attila Benedek :ie S/h,albe# 2?73

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    The sol!tions1$&1 I1 2. l/64 pe3 $. jd/&(t5/&M) rd6 . II1 2. ld54 pe6 $. j b/&(t b/&M)qh$ .

    $51 The sae thee ,ith o""osite /olo!rs. I1 2. wa$4 k9d3 $. w9e5 h9e5 .II1 2. od$4 k'$ $. w9e6 h9e6 .

    The ne9t thee1 Three >hite "ie/es are "rote/tin* one another. In three "hases# these>hite "ie/es are /a"t!red in "airs in a /+/li/ anner. The t,o /o"ositions de"i/tin* this,ere "!blished $% +ears a"art.

    $. Attila Benedek $nd T!n*sra C!" To!rne+# 2?7%

    $nd Prie

    $7. Attila Benedek Tiadar -ardos =eorial to!rne+# $%%%

    $nd Coendation

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. b6r  to b /. b6r to b5

    Serieshel"ate in & oes  3 sol!tions $5

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    The sol!tions1$1 a. 2.j9e&4 h/$8 $. l9'3 bd2 . b. 2. t9'34 re9d& $. l9e6 rd6 .

    /. 2. j9e64 h  h6 $. l  9e& h  9*5 . $71 I1 2. w9*34 $. w9e3 3. w9/& 6. l9b6 &. w b& q/3 . II1 2. w9h34 $. w  h5  3. w9/5 6. l9/& &. w b& qd6 . III1 2. w9*$4 $. wd$ 3. w9b6 6. l9/5

    &. w b& q/7 .

    The international to!rne+ anno!n/ed in hono!r o' Dr. László Lindner  on theo//asion o' his 7%th birthda+ had the 'ollo,in* re!ireent1 in a $0oer ate and a $0oer hel"ate# >hite sa/ri'i/es the sae ;''i/ers. >ith the "air o' dia*ras sho,n belo,#I ,as a,arded 2st Prie1

    $?. Attila Benedek Lindner07% thee to!rne+# 2??

    2st Prie

    3%. Attila Benedek Lindner07% thee to!rne+# 2??

    2st Prie

    =ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $ oes b. k to d

    The sol!tions1$?1 2. h9d&M threat $. h9'6 . 2. 0 l9d&o'9*& $. he3r9e& . 2. 0 je64  2. h9e&4 threat $. re7 . 2. 0 l9e&o'9e& $. h/6b9d5 .3%1 a. 2. wd&8 hd6 $. l9d6 h/5 . b. 2. wd68 hd& $. l9d& h b6 .


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    ;NE =;QE K;O>AO:# ;NE =;QE BAC- 

    It a+ ha""en in a ,ar that one or other o' the sides is 'or/ed to *ie !" an adan/ed "osition# either te"oraril+ or "eranentl+# and to ,ithdra,# in the ,ords o' the o''i/ial

    ilitar+ /o!ni! in the interest o' the 'inal i/tor+. In the eran noen/lat!re at thetie o' the Kirst >orld >ar# this ,as kno,n as OV/k,ertskonentrier!n*. =oree!"heisti/ e9"ressions ,ere inented d!rin* the Se/ond >orld >ar# s!/h as /orre/tion o'the 'rontline or 'le9ible disen*a*eent.

    It 'ollo,s 'ro the ,arlike nat!re o' the *ae o' /hess that a ta/ti/al ,ithdra,al a+ be ne/essar+ in the /o!rse o' a *ae. As /on/erns "robles# the te/hni!e o' one oe'or,ard# one oe ba/k /an be o' a""re/iable i"ortan/e. This te/hni!e# ,idel+ kno,n!nder its En*lish nae o' s,it/hba/k# /an /ro" !" in the ariations o' dire/tate "robles. Ishall ill!strate the hi*hli*htin* o' this te/hni!e (its !lti"le o//!rren/e) in t,o dire/tates1

    ]I. Q. Che"ihnii

    Sakklet# 2?753rd Prie

    ]II. Use' S*h+

    Peda**!sok La"@a# 2?7&6th Coendation

    =ate in $ oes b. '2q to /7

    =ate in $ oes

    In "roble no. ]I# +$epiz$nii do!bled the s,it/hba/k oti' b+ t,innin*. Thesol!tion1 a. 2. b/$4 threat $. q9d3 . 2. 0 l9e3 $. re$ . b. 2. be74 threat $.q/6 . 2. 0 l9d& 2. b/5 .

    In "roble no. ]II# Józse !z"#$y o"erated ,ith tries1 2. q'6M l9/& $. q/ .2. 0 w b74 2. b*6M od9e6 $. be5 . 2. 0 wh&4 2. re$(re2)M od3 $. re6 . 2.0 wh4 2. ra24 o b3 $. ra6

    The s,it/hba/k oti' a+ "la+ a s"e/ial role in hel"ates. There is a "ossibilit+ 'or ado!ble s,it/hba/k# ,hen both a Bla/k and a >hite thee0"ie/e ret!rn to their ori*inals!ares. A t+"i/al atri9 'or a three0"hase "resentation o' a do!ble s,it/hba/k a+ be seenin "roble no. 32# ,hile "roble no. 3$ ill!strates the sae thee in si9 "hases1


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    32. Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2?$

    &th Honorable =ention

    3$. Attila Benedek Probleeblad# thee to!rne+ 2$7# 2?2

    2st Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes3 sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes5 sol!tions

    The sol!tions1321 I1 2. ta6 h9d6 $. t6a38 h b3 . II1 2. n*$ h9d6 $. n'28 he$ .

    III1 2. w*$ b9d6 $. wh38 be3 .3$1 I1 2. n b7 h9d3 $.nah/& . II1 2. j b5 h9d3 $. jd8 h/& . III1 2.je3 h9d3 $. j*$8 h/& . IQ1 2. te b9d3 $. t'8 b'& . Q1 2. j'5b9d3 $. jd8 b'& . QI1 2. j'6 b9d3 $. j*$8 b'& .

    Proble no. ]IQ b+ *. ,en +a,e# ,hi/h a""eared in &robleemblad  dre, + attentionto the "ossibilities 'or a ore /o"le9 "resentation o' the s,it/hba/k thee1 a do!bles,it/hba/k inolin* a *ien !n"innin* Bla/k thee0"ie/e and three di''erent >hite thee0

     "ie/es. There are three ,a+s to de"i/t this in a $0oer hel"ate /o"osition ,ith three t,insol!tions1 The Bla/k thee0"ie/e /an be onl+ a -ni*ht# ,hile the three >hite thee0"ie/esa+ be a Bisho"# a -ni*ht and a -ni*ht# a Oook# a -ni*ht and a -ni*ht# or a Oook# a Oookand a -ni*ht.

    Proble no. ]III b+ J. /udo,# ill!stratin* theb0h0h t+"e# ,as "!blished in 2?5?.(In 2?$# totall+ !na,are o' the e9isten/e o' this ,ork# János Kiss "rod!/ed a /o"osition

    that ,as identi/al ,ith it "ie/e 'or "ie/e. It a+ be "res!ed that this is the onl+ so!nd "osition ,ith theb0h0h thee0"ie/es.)The ,en +a,e "roble is an ill!stration o' the !se o'r0h0h as thee0"ie/es.


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    ]III. U. ;!dotS/ha/h0E/ho# 2?5?

    6th Prie

    ]IQ. P. ten CateProbleeblad# thee to!rne+ 2$7# 2?2

    $nd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes3 sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes3 sol!tions

    The sol!tions1]III1 I1 2. j'5 b9'6 $. j*68 b*& . II1 2. jh$ h39'6 $. j*68 hh3 .

    III1 2. jh5 h&9'6 $. j*68 hh& .]IQ1 I1 2. jd5 r9'& $. je68 rd& . II1 2. j'$ he9'& $. je68 he3 .

    III1 2. j'5 h*9'& $. je68 h* .

    In 2? I ,as a,arded 2st Prie 'or a "roble "!blished in a Ooanian @o!rnal in,hi/h I ade !se o' T0T0S as >hite thee0"ie/es.

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    33. Attila Benedek Sakklet# 2?

    2st Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes3 sol!tions

    The sol!tion1  I1 2. j/5 r b9e& $. jd78 r b& .II1 2. j' r9e& $. jd78 re .III1 2. je5 h9e& $. jd78 h*6 .


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    A ,arrior ,ho 'inds hisel' /a!*ht bet,een t,o 'ires is in a ho"eless sit!ation. Thesae holds tr!e ,hen s!/h "ositions arise in /hess "robles. Let !s e9aine a 'e, e9a"leso' ,hat ha""ens ,hen one or other -in* is s!b@e/t to si!ltaneo!s atta/k b+ t,o o""osin*

     "ie/es. I' there is no 'ree s!are to ,hi/h the -in* /an oe# then its a /ase o' do!ble ate.Kor this to o//!r# the atta/kin* side !st "ossess a dire/t batter+. This either /oes abo!td!rin* the "la+ or alread+ e9ists in the startin* "osition.

    In dire/tates# a do!ble ate *enerall+ 'eat!res in ea/h atin* ariation# b!t it a+also be the ain thee. This a+ be seen in "roble no. $?. In the basi/ "osition here# thereare t,o dis*!ised >hite batteries# ,hi/h are trans'ored to "!re dire/t batteries in the /o!rseo' the "la+.

    :o!ble /he/k has a ore si*ni'i/ant theati/ role in hel"ates Soe e9a"les ,ill be "resented belo,. U!st as 'or the ,easel "henoenon# the /lassi/al e9a"le here too is theLoyd "roble no. QIII# ,hi/h de"i/ts do!ble ate b+ a Oook and a Bisho".

    In /onne/tion ,ith /he/kates *ien in s!/h a /ross'ire# it is ,orth,hile to /onsider

    three thin*s10 the de*ree o' @!sti'i/ation o' the do!ble ateG0 the anner in ,hi/h the dire/t batter+ deelo"sG0 and the "!rit+ o' the atin* "osition.In the Loyd "roble# the batter+ deelo"s in the /o!rse o' the "la+# and the res!lt is a

    odel ate# b!t the do!ble ate is not ade!atel+ @!sti'ied1 b+ eans o' the sli*httrans'oration sho,n in ersion QIIIe# ate /an be thro!*h a sin*le /he/kin* oe. In thee9a"les "roided belo,# the ne/essit+ o' the do!ble ate is in no ,a+ in dis"!te.

    Een in the earl+ era o' hel"ates (the a*e o' sin*le0"hasesin*le0sol!tion ,orks)# ,e/an /oe a/ross note,orth+# interestin* /o"ositions. ;ne s!/h is "roble no. ]Q b+ thee9/ellent H!n*arian /o"oser Gyula )euko''. In this# the dire/t batter+ alread+ e9ists inthe initial "osition# another batter+ arises a'ter the sa/ri'i/e o' an ;''i/er# and odel ate is*ien en "assant. The a//!!lation o' oti's is "er'e/t and i"ressie1

    ]Q. +!la Ne!koKalkirk Herald to!rne+# 2?3%

    $nd Honorable =ention

    ]QI. -. =!ralidharanThe Probleist S!""leent# $%%3

    Hel"ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $


    $ oes  $ sol!tions 3$

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Sol!tion o' ]Q1 2. l9/6 r9/58 $. od& p/9d e". .

    ]QII. Oandol' ArnoldThe Probleist S!""leent# $%%3

    ]QIII. A.N. Pankrat+e:ie S/h,albe# $%%3

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. l to h5

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. e&j \ e&n

    Probles ]QI ]QIII are ore odern ,orks. In "roble ]QI# a iniat!re# ,e seethe si"lest and ost e/onoi/al "resentation o' the thee. The sol!tion1 I1 2. 0 rd5 $.j/2 rd3 3. ja2 r b3 . II1 2. 0 b/5 $. j/a2 b b& 3. j/2 bd3 .

    Proble no. ]QII e9hibits e/ho0ates s"i/ed ,ith annihilation. The sol!tion1 a. 2.t*5 b b$ $. j9e3 b/2 3. j'& he6 . b. 2. th b/3 $. j9d$ b9d$ 3. w*5

    h'& .Proble ]QIII inoles ore /o"le9 "la+G be/a!se o' the !lti"le *!ardin*# there

    are no odel ates. The sol!tion1 a. 2. le5 re2 $. j' b*6 . b. 2. l/& qh& $.nd5 be3 .

    36. Attila Benedek CsDk0=a@oros to!rne+# $%%3


    3&. Attila Benedek :ie S/h,albe# $%%6


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    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. a2 \ a$

    Hel"ate in 3 oes$ sol!tions

    I hae /hosen the reainin* e9a"les 'ro aon* + o,n ,orks. :o!ble atea""ears as a theati/ eleent in "roble no. 3%# ,hi/h is other,ise ri/h in strate*i/ oti's.

    The thee is "resented in a ore e"hati/ anner# ,ith odel ates# in "robles 36 and 3&.Proble 36# ,hi/h has the 'or o' a =eredith0ariso/rati/o# has the sol!tion a. 2.l/& bh5 $. nd6 b'7 3. td& r/ . b. 2. nd5 re2 $. l/5 r/2 3. wd& ba6.

    In "roble 3 the Bla/k oes desere attention. The sol!tion1 I1 2. we6 h b5 $.ne$ ba 3. td3 h/6 . II1 2. wd6 he& $. nd3 re 3. td$ h*6 .

    IT :;ESNT ; AL;NE

    A ision 'lashes thro!*h the brain o' the /o"oser# and he a""lies hisel' to "!ttin*the ision into /on/rete 'or. B!t the "ie/es ,ont /o"l+4 The /o"oser str!**les on. Andat last a so!nd s/hee eer*es. The /o"oser kno,s# ho,eer# that its not the real thin*.Soethin* is still issin*. He realies that it doesnt *o alone. He needs soeone ,ho ,illhel" hi# another a!thor# ,ho ,ill be str!/k b+ a ne, idea# and ,ho ,ill s!**est a inorodi'i/ation o' the str!/t!re# res!ltin* in a !/h i"roed and bea!ti'!l ersion o' the /r!de#

     "reliinar+ o!tline. A @oint /o"osition has been born.It has ha""ened on a n!ber o' o//asions that I ,as s!/h a hel"er# or I ,as hel"ed in

    s!/h a ,a+. Here# I shall "resent soe o' these @oint ,orks1


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    35. A. Benedek _ K. Kle/k S/ha/h0E/ho# 2??

    3. U. -ele _ A. Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2?7

    =ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $ oes b. a7h to b5

    The sol!tions1351 2.q9a34 >aitin* "la+. 2.0j b0 $.k9/3 . 2.0j b9a6 $.b9/3 .  2. 0j/0 $.k9b$ . 2.0 j/9a6 $.b b$ . 2.0l/2 $.be3 .31 a. 2. n/58 k/6 $. na6 p b6 . b. 2. na3 kd6 $. n b6 h/6 .Bla/ks 'irst oes are te"o oes.

    37. +. Bak/si _ A. Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2??

    6th Prie

    3?. U. -iss _ A. Benedek =AT0PAT# 2??2

    2st Coendation

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a$j \ a$n

    =ate in $ oes

      37. a. 2. ja/3 r&'6 $. oe9'6 rd6 . b. 2. n/6 r6'6 $. oe9'6 rd& . T,odo!ble /he/kates.

    3?. 2.p


    threat $.h






    '3 . A 50'old Kle/k threat ,ith 22atin* ariations. 3&

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    6%. 2. 0 j9e$ $. he3 . 2. b'4 

    6%. A. Benedek _ U. S*h+Chess Proble Coittee thee to!rne+#


    Kirst Prie

    ]I]. ;lkhoskii _ SorokinLand o* Kol*# 2?$

    Qersion b+ Attila Benedek 

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    At the be*innin* o' the $%th /ent!r+# a n!ber o' "o"!lar /o"ositions ,ere "!blished that /ae to be kno,n !nder the headin* /a"ri//io. These ,ere ,orks that

    disre*arded r!les. The+ ,ere /o"osed to ill!strate soe s"e/ial e''e/t# *enerall+ in ah!oro!s 'or.Een toda+# ,e a+ still en/o!nter s!/h @oke "robles. I +sel' hae /oitted a

    'e,# b!t as the+ do not al,a+s 'all into the /ate*or+ o' @okes# I "re'er to /all the si"l+E9tras.

    62. Attila Benedek KVles# 2?$

    6$. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?$

    Hel"ate in $ oesa. dia*ra# b. ,itho!t one "ie/e

    See te9t(onl+ s!ares inside the letter H /an be !sed)

    The sol!tions1621 a. 2. j b58 ka $. jd hd5 . b. >itho!tk1 2. j b5 p/7h  $. jdh/d5 .

    6$1 Sti"!lation1 >hite oes# 'ollo,ed b+ serieshel"ate in the hi*hest n!ber o' oes#Bla/k isitin* an+ s!are onl+ on/e. 2. ra34 o b&8 $. o b6 3. o b9a3 6. oa9b$ &.o b9a2j  5. j b3 . ja& 7. j/6 ?. j b54 2%. ja6 22. j/& 2$. je6 23. j'5 26.j

    d& 2&.j

    e3 25.j

    '& 2.j

    9d6 27.j

    9e5 2?.j


    ' .

    I shall no, "resent a /onstr!/tion "roble. It is re!ired to "la/e si9 di''erent >hite "ie/es on a standard 797 s!are /hessboard in s!/h a ,a+ that none o' the inter'eres ,iththe oeent "ossibilities o' the others (a Pa,n on the $nd ro, /an oe 'or,ard either 2s!are or $ s!ares). K!rther sti"!lations1

    $. The n!ber o' s!ares that /an be rea/hed in one standard oe b+ one (and not orethan one) o' the "ie/es sho!ld be a9i!.

    3. The n!ber o' s!ares that /an be rea/hed in one standard oe b+ t,o or ore "ie/es sho!ld be ini!.

    In 2?7%# I anno!n/ed a to!rne+ to sole this /onstr!/tion "roble.


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    63. Attila Benedek Chess Asso/iation Coittee

    in'orator+ dia*ra# 2?7%

    It eer*ed 'ro this to!rne+ thatA1 The a9i! n!ber o' s!ares that /an be rea/hed b+ at ost one "ie/e is 63G this /an

     be a/hieed ,ith 3$ "ositions.B1 The ini! n!ber o' s!ares that /an be rea/hed b+ t,o or ore "ie/es is &2G this /an

     be a/hieed ,ith onl+ one "osition (see no. 63). (Nat!rall+# the irror ia*e o' this "ositionaro!nd the erti/al a9is is also a sol!tion.) The e9isten/e o' erel+ one sol!tion ,as/on'ired a'ter the to!rne+ b+ a /o"!ter /he/k. I "re"ared this "roble in 2?5?# b!t it ,as

     "!blished onl+ in 2?7%.

    !$erlock 0ol'es# the brilliant aster0dete/tie /reated b+ !ir Ar,$ur +onan Doyle#has /o!ntless enth!siasti/ 'ollo,ers ,orld,ide. ;ne s!/h enth!siast is the e9/ellent En*lish

     "roble /o"oser Barry B. Barnes# ,ho n!rt!res the eor+ o' Holes ,ith his "!bli/ations o' "se!do0Holes "robles. In 2??6# $he &roblemist  anno!n/ed a to!rne+ 'or "robles in ,hi/h the "ositions a//!!lated on one another. Kor this o//asion I /o"osedno. 66# 'or ,hi/h I re/eied $nd Prie.


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    66A. Attila Benedek Sherlo/k Holes thee to!rne+#


    66B. Attila Benedek Sherlo/k Holes thee to!rne+#


    Hel"ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $ oes

    66C. Attila Benedek Sherlo/k Holes thee to!rne+#


    66:. Attila Benedek Sherlo/k Holes thee to!rne+#


    Hel"ate in $ oes Hel"ate in $ oes

    The sol!tions166A1 2. t'2 ha3 $. t'6 hd2 . 66B1 2. j/6 h/3 $. j b5 h b& .66C1 2. nd5 h/3 $. ne he6 . 66:1 2. o/9d& h b6 $. t/5 h9d& .

    I' ,e a//e"t that the Bla/k Pa,n oin* to ro, 2 a+ be "rooted to an+ ;''i/er (and th!seen to a -in*)# then dia*ra 66:# res!ltin* 'ro the a//!!lation o' dia*ras 66A# 66Band 66C# /an be re*arded as a le*al "osition# in the sol!tion o' ,hi/h the three Bla/k -in*sare all ated si!ltaneo!sl+. 3?

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    THE U

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    6. Attila Benedek The Probleist# 2??5

    3rd Honorable =ention

    67. Attila Benedek Kl. -oD/s =eorial to!rne+# $%%$

    $nd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. 8 /&o

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    61 a. 2. te3 rh7 $. je& r/7 3. jd& r/6 .(/) 2. wd& bh5 $. je6 b/2 3. je3 b b$ .

    I dedi/ated "roble no. 6 to Aurél Kárpá,i on the o//asion o' his 7%th birthda+ and the @!d*e ,rote ,arl+ in a""re/iation o' the attra/tie and haroni/ sol!tions and the strate*+

     b+ Bla/k# b!t added the 'ollo,in* note1U1 I dont *reatl+ like the si"le line0a/atin*.AB1 Arent +o! askin* "erha"s a little too !/hM

    671 I1 2. t9/3 h9*$ $. t/5 h/3 .  II1 2. n9d3 h9*3 $. n b3 hd& .

    U1 Qer+ ni/e# b!t rather ro!tine.AB1 Een the ro!tine is a "roble no,ada+sM

    Kinall+ I sho!ld like to ention a "roble ,here I too e9/e"tion not to the o"inion o'the @!d*e# b!t to the la/k o' s!/h an o"inion. Proble no. 6? "arti/i"ated in the se/ond hal'0+earl+ to!rne+ o' Schach2)cho in 2?&. (In the ori*inal ersion that ,as "!blished# there ,asa ,H on *3# ,ith a t,in "osition. In one o' the sol!tions# this ,H ,as !nne/essar+. In orderto eliinate this istake# I /han*ed the "osition to that sho,n here in "roble no 6?.) >hen Isent the reised "roble o'' to the @o!rnal# I atta/hed the 'ollo,in* reark1 Altho!*h the

     "osition in the "roble is rather oer/ro,ded# I a /onin/ed that it is not "ossible to "resentthis thee in an+ other ,a+. I then ,aited 'or /on'iration o' + /oni/tion 'ro the @!d*es re"ort# b!t in ain. The a""ointed @!d*e died be'ore the re"ort ,as /o"leted# and I s!s"e/tthat a re"ort on that hal'0+ear ,ill no, neer a""ear. >hat /an a /o"oser sa+ in s!/h asit!ationM

    The @!d*e is (,as) also h!an. =a+ he rest in "ea/e4  62

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    6?. Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2?&


    Hel"ate in $ oes^ero "osition

    a. k to /2 b. 8 *3h

    6?1 a. 2. j9/3 b9/$ $. t9/$8 k9/$ . b. 2. t9d2 r9a3 $. j9a3 k9a3 .


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    ;ne o' the ni/e habits o' an+ "roble /o"osers is to dedi/ate ,orks to 'ello,0/o"osers on their birthda+ or soe other s"e/ial o//asion# or een si"l+ as a token o'

    'riendshi". I too hae been hono!red in this ,a+. Let e thank the /o"osers in !estion here'or their kindness. A 'e, s!/h "robles 'ro + /olle/tion ,ill be listed here (in theal"habeti/al se!en/e o' the a!thors naes.

    ]]. Tibor BalBritish Chess =a*aine# 2??%

    ]]I. NDndor KirbDsChess Proble Coitteein'orator+ dia*ra# 2?73

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. ,- to *

    =ate in $ oes

    Sol!tions1]]1 a. 2. le& pd3 $. ne5 bh5 3. t'6 b* .

    II. 2. n' kh5 $. l'5 pd6 3. te5 b*& .

    ]]I1 2. q9'&4  ($. q/$ .)


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    ]]II. Hildin* Krber*Chess Proble Coitteein'orator+ dia*ra# 2?7

    ]]III. Uan Hanneli!sSakklet# 2?7&

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    =ate in 3 oes

    Sol!tions1]]II1 I1 2. ne$ ke& $. td$ (nd$M) h b6 .  II1 2. td$ k'6 $. ne$ (te$M) h9e2 .

    ]]III1 2. qe4 (q b6 .) 2. 0 n/&b/3 $ q/h b$8

    ]]IQ. Use' -or"onaiKeladDn+k. La"@a# 2?2

    ]]Q. :r. +r*+ PDrosKeladDn+k. La"@a# 2?6

    $nd Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. d3,P to *3

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. ,itho!t /$bL

      $ sol!tions 66

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    ]]QIII. SDndor Pit!k Sakklet# $%%2

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    Sol!tion1]]QIII1 I1 2. w' p*9h5 $. je$ qd& .  II1 2. n'& be5 $. je$ bd& .(This ,as the last "roble "!blished b+ !ándor *i,uk .)


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    PAOT 3


    In the theati/ /o"ilations in the 'irst t,o "arts o' this book# I hae alread+ "resented seeral o' + o,n ,orks. I shall no, re"!blish ore o' + o,n /o"ositions inorder to ill!strate + /hess "roble0/o"osin* a/tiities d!rin* the "ast 'e, de/ades.

     Nat!rall+# the /hoi/e I hae ade is a er+ s!b@e/tie one. I ,ill leae it to the reader to akean ob@e/tie @!d*eent.

    The "robles ,ill be listed in the se!en/e o' their 'irst "!bli/ation# and ,ithin this inorder o' in/reasin* n!ber o' oes.

    =ATES IN $ =;QES

    &%. Attila Benedek TIP;OXKIA ra"id to!rne+# 2?55

    3rd Prie

    &2. Attila Benedek H!n*arian Chess Asso/iation ra"id to!rne+#

    2?552st Prie

    =ate in $ oes b. k to a2

    =ate in $ oes b. 'o \ 'p

    Sol!tions1&%1 a. 2. q9*&M t*24 2. h b64 ($. r/6 .) 2. 0 nd3n9e5 $. h9d3h9e5 .  b. 2. r b6M j b$4 2. q9*&4  ($. q9e .) 2. 0 td3t9e5 $. h9d3h9e5 .&2. a. 2. b'3M o'&4 2. h'54 ($. qd& .) 2. 0 l9/& $. qd& . 2. 0 le& $. qe6

    . b. 2. h'5M n9'4 2. b'34 ($. qd&qe6 .) 2. 0 l/6 $. qd& . 2. 0 ld3$. qe6 .


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    &$. Attila Benedek :!naJ@Drosi Hrla"# 2?5

    2st Prie

    &3. Attila Benedek SeksDrdi to!rne+# 2?5

    $nd Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    &6. Attila Benedek -Dr"Dti I*a S# 2?57

    &&. Attila Benedek British Chess Kederation# 2?5?

    $nd Honorable =ention

    =ate in $ oes b. h2h  to h& /. hb to '& d. k to e

    =ate in $ oes

    Sol!tions1&$1 2. b/6M t9/64 2. b/$M w9e384 2. kd$M t9/34 2. bd$M j*&4 2. p'64 ($.r3e5 .) (7 atin* ariants in re"l+ to the de'endin* oes.)

    &31 2. b*5M oe64 2. b/54 ($. hd& .)&61 a. 2. pd34 l/3le3 $. q/6q'$ . b. 2. b*74 ld3le6 $. q/6qd& . /.

    2. b*64 ld3le6 $. qd&q/6 . d. 2. h b54 l/&le& $. q/6qd6 .&&1 2. h'&M t9/$4 2. hd&4 ($. rd$he6h'6h/3 .) 2. 0oe9d&td2t9/$t9d6





    /3 . 2. 0t

    d3 $.b

    9d3 . 67

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    &5. Attila Benedek :. Kak!s 0 U. -oder eorial to!rne+#2?%

    &th Prie

    &. Attila Benedek Kreie Presse# 2?$

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    &7. Attila Benedek -alo/sai ra"id to!rne+# 2?&

    2st Prie

    &?. Attila Benedek +. SV*+i eorial to!rne+# 2?

    S"e/ial Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes b. a3p to /3

    Sol!tions1&51 2. ka54 ($. qd& .)&1 2. b'34 ($. r/&re6hd3h/5 .) 2. 0 w9h5w'5wa7o b9/6 $.r/&re6hd3h/5 . 2. 0 o*9'3n9'3t9'3 $. qh$q*3qa2 .

    &71 2. ha3M n9e&4 2. h b$M j9b54 2. hd5M o'9e&4 2. he3M n9e&4 2. r b$4 ($.ha6hd3pd6r/6 .) 2. 0 n9e&o'9e&n9e6j9b$ $. qa3behe5be3 .

    &?. a. 2. pe6M o b64 2. pe34 ($. pe9d6 .) 2. 0 od9e3o'9e3te $.p



    9d6 . b. 2.p


    d9/34 2.p

    e64 $. (h

    a5 .) 2. 0o

    d9e3 e"o'9e3 e"t*5o b6 $. pd6q9d6b9d6p/9d6 . =ate is al,a+s *ien 'ro d6. 6?

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    5%. Attila Benedek PDros eorial to!rne+# 2?5

    3rd Honorable =ention

    52. Attila Benedek Q. Oosher eorial to!rne+# 2?

    S"e/ial Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    5$. Attila Benedek :ie S/h,albe# 2?7

    6th Prie

    53. Attila Benedek  Ne!e ^Vr/her ^eit!n*# 2?7%

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    Sol!tions15%1 2. r9e$4 ($. re6he5rd$be&h'3rd2 . Si9 ties Kle/k thee52. 2. q*74 ($. qd& .) 2. 0 oe5ne5n/5t/5o b$oe$t/&t9bne&8

    $. q*6q9h7q/6h9b&h/$q*2p b9/&q/6h'6 .5$. 2. ha6M w9/4 2. he5M w*34 2. h*6M od2j4 2. hd4 ($. h b5 .)53. 2. p/3M jd5t'6od& $. bd6(a)b9'6(b)p/5 j9/34 2. p/6M jd5t'6od&  $. q9a2(/)h*5(d)]] j/34 2. rd54 ($. rd& .) 2. 0 j/3j'&j/t'& $.  bd6b'6q9a2h*5 .


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    57. Attila Benedek British Chess =a*aine t+. $# 2?75

    $nd Prie

    5?. Attila Benedek Sakklet# 2??

    $nd Prie

    =ate in $ oes =ate in $ oes

    %. Attila Benedek O!denko05% to!rne+# 2???

    &th Coendation

    =ate in $ oes

    Sol!tions157. 2. hd'64 ($. pe3 .) 2. 0 od&w9h38w9*$8w9e$8 $. p/9d5 e"  h9h3h9*$h9e$ . et/.5?. 2. h*&M ($. he5he6 .) 2. 0 n9'&4 2. hd$M ($. he6h b3 .) 2. 0 o b2w4  2. hd64 ($. h b3he5 .) 2. 0 n9'&n*7 $. h b3 . 2. 0 o b2wt  $. he5 .%. 2. ra64 ($. ha3]]]h b5hd5he3hd$ .) This ,as the onl+ ,ork 'ro o!tside  the e90ebers o' the Soiet

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    2. Attila Benedek 

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    Sol!tions12. a. 2. r b54 jW $. r9j oh$ . b. 2. re34 /. 2. rd54 d. 2. re4 e. ra$4

    '. r b34 *. 2. ra54 h. 2. rd34$. 2. b'54 ($. q b58h/&8hd68qe38) 2. 0 t9*&t9*t9h5t9'5

    $. q b5h/&8hd68qQe38. At /ross in a Kle/k0thee sel'ate

    3. 2. 0 o*9h6 . 2. q'&4 (,aitin* "la+) 2. 0o*9h58w*7w'7w9e7j'6j*2j*&  $. q'58qd&8q/&8qe68qe58q'38qe586. 2. p'7q4 (,aitin* oe) 2. 0 oa9b6 $. r/38 o b9/3 2. 0 ja5jd $. h/&8  j9/& 2. 0 j/5 $. qd&8 jd6 2. 0 n b5 $. qe38 n9e3 2. 0 n/ $. h'68n9'68 2. 0 t9' $. r/38 w9/3 2. 0 t9'7 $. qh38 t'3 2. 0 n9*5 $. qh38w9h3 Thro!*h the ke+# >hite a/hiees a se/ond R!een a "arado9 in sel'ates.

    &. Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2?7


    5. Attila Benedek The Probleist# 2?6

    2st Prie

    Sel'ate in 3 oes Sel'ate in & oes b. l to e

    Sol!tions1&. 2. qa&4 (,aitin* oe) 2. 0 nd $. re58 n9e5 3. hd&8 2. 0 j b5 $. hd&8

    j9d& 3. q/38 2. 0 o b6 $. hd8 n9d 3. q'&8 2. 0 n9' $. hd&8n9d&o/9d& .

    5. a. 2. r'54 j b3j/5 $. rd58 jd6 3. pa& j'$ 6. b'&8 je6 &.b9*&th2.

     b. 2. h b24 j b3j/5 $. ba38 j/&j b6 3. pa& j'$ 6. re$8 je6 &. h9/3th2 .


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    . Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2??

    2st Prie

    7. Attila Benedek S. Liba/h eorial to!rne+# 2?75

    7th Coendation

    Sel'ate in 5 oes Sel'ate in 7 oes

    ?. Attila Benedek Probleista# 2?76

    6th Honorable =ention

    7%. Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2?

    3rd Prie

    Sel'ate in 2% oes Sel'ate in 22 oes

    Sol!tions1. 2. rh&4 (,aitin* oe) 2. 0 nh $. %%%8 nd3 3. b b3 o b& 6. r9b& j b5

    &. r b68 j/6 5 q b$ o/9b$ . 2. 0 o b& $. r9b& j b5 3. r b68 j/6 6.b b3 nh &. %%%8 nd3 5. q b$ o/9b$ . $. 0 nh 3. %%%8 nd3 6. h b5&. r b64 j/6 5. q b$ o/9b$ .

    7. 2. h/24 l*7 $. b9/68 l'7 3. r'8 le7 6. he$4 ld7 &. b b& l/7 5.rd l b7 . ba5 la7 7. r b n'$ .


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    ?. 2. ra54 j*4j/4 ]]].. la3 3. he58 l b3 6. h9j nh$ &. hd68 la65. h'38 l b3 . h9h$ o*6oh6 7. r b68 la3 ?. r9*68r9h68 l b3 2%.rh6r*6 o/$ .

    7%. 2. b'4 jW $. q/38 jd6 3. kh& nW 6. h/58 n9e5 &. rd&8 n9d&5. re78 ne5 . kh6 oa& 7. k*3 oa6 ?. b'$ oa3 2%. hh6 o'& 22. p*&

    o'6 .

    72. Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2??

    Sel'ate in 22 oes

    Sol!tion172. 2. qh74 j b5 $. qd78 jd 3. h*4 jhW 6. b'38 je6 &. q9/ jeW

    5. qd78 jd . qa&8 j/& 7. qd$8 jd3 ?. q*&8 je& 2%. r'5 oh522. h9h& oh9*& .


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    (U!d*es /oent1 Per'e/t haron+ o' the t,o leels o' re!ireents.

    ?%. Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2?53rd Honorable =ention

    ?2. Attila Benedek H!n*arian Chess Asso/iation t+.# 2?&

    3rd06th Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. ar to *$

    ?$. Attila Benedek PDros eorial t+. (-alo/sa)# 2?5

    3rd Honorable =ention

    ?3. Attila Benedek Thea :ani/!# 2?

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. dp \ d7r  /. dp \ d7b

    d. dp \ d7h

    Hel"ate in $ oes3 sol!tions

    Sol!tions1?%. I. 2. o'& pe9'3 $. l9e& re6 . II. 2. j b3 h/8 $. l9/6 rB*6 .  (KI:E Alb! no. &7)?2. a. 2. j'6 rad $. l9e& re5 . b. 2. jd& re$8 $. l9d6 b'$ .?$. a. 2. l*& pd7q  $. l'5 q9e . b. qe3 rh7 $. o*& r9h . &?

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


      /. 2. l*& ba& $. l'6 b9d$ . d. 2. lh3 he5 $. wh6 h'6 .

    ?3. I. 2. j$9e68 bd$ $. j'$ be3 . II. 2. j39e68 b'6 $. j*3 be3 .  III. 2. n9e68 bh5 $. nh be3 .  (Tri"le Bla/k s,it/hba/k)

    ?6. Attila Benedek Aa/hener Na/hri/hten# 2?

    2st Prie

    ?&. Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2?7

    $nd Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a2 \ a7

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. /5t to e6

    ?5. Attila Benedek dia*raes# 2??

    3rd Honorable =ention

    ?. Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakklet# 2?7%3rd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l to *3


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Sol!tions1?6. a. 2. l b5 h6/5 $. t'5 hd . b. 2. le& h6e5 $. n*6 h' .?&. a. 2. w b5 h b68 $. l9/& ha5 . b. 2. wd$ ha58 $. l9d3 h b6 .?5. I. 2. we3 b/&8 $. l9/3 he6 . II. 2. jd6 p/9d68 $. l9b6 h/5 .?. a. 2. je& pd9e& $. n9e& h9e& . b. 2. te& p'9e& $. od9e& b9e& .

    ?7. Attila Benedek Sahatna =isl.# 2?72

    3rd Honorable =ention

    ??. Attila Benedek Probleas# 2?72

    2st Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. ,itho!t /6t

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions

    2%%. Attila Benedek Talabr0%# 2?72

    6th Prie

    2%2. Attila Benedek S/h,ei. Arb. S/ha/ht*.# 2?72

    $nd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. /6p to e3

    Hel"ate in $ oes$ sol!tions


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    Sol!tions1  ?7. a. 2. t9a6 r9d& $. l9b5 rd5 . b. 2. n9b5 b/7 $. l9b& bd .  ??. I. 2. teb3 rh6 $. l b6 hd3 . II. 2. te& r b6 $. ld6 he5 .2%%. a. 2. j'6 hd& $. nd6 q/7 . b. 2. n'6 he& $. j b5 q'7 .2%2. I. 2. nd6 ra&8 $. w/& h b6 . II. 2. td6 b'38 $. we6 he3 .

    2%$. Attila Benedek The Probleist# 2?72

    $nd Honorable =ention

    2%3. Attila Benedek Ba@ta+07% @!bilee to!rne+# 2?7$

    2st Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a5h to b7 /. a5h to a7

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. ,itho!t e6o

    2%6. Attila Benedek QDrnai ra"id to!rne+# 2?7$

    $nd Prie

    2%&. Attila Benedek Sr. n. Solidarnosta# 2?73

    2st Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a5o to b6

    Hel"ate in $ oes  $ sol!tions 5$

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    Sol!tions12%$. a. 2. l9d6 b b3 $. l/3 qe3 . b. 2. l9d& h/$ $. l9/& q9/5 .

    /. 2. l9d6 qe38 $. l9d& h b5 .2%3. a. 2. w9e5 ba$ $. l9d6 q b$ . b. 2. w9d6 p/6 $. l9e5 qe7 .2%6. a. 2. jd be$ $. j'7 r b7 . b. 2. je3 r b7 $. j*$ be$ .

    2%&. I. 2. l9'6 h9e& $. l*&8 h'3 . II. 2. l9d3 h9d6 $. l/38 he$ .(;ne o' + best "robles)

    2%5. Attila Benedek Le. Sakkhirad# 2?76

    $nd Prie

    2%. Attila Benedek 2?7$ ;l+"i/ to!rne+# 2?76

    $nd Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. e5o to '5

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l to *2

    2%7. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?76

    2st Honorable =ention

    2%?. Attila Benedek Sakklet# 2?7&

    $nd Prie

    Hel"ate in $ oes

     b. d3o

     to e3

    Hel"ate in $ oes


     to '2 /.r

     to d2 d.r

     to d 53

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    Sol!tions.2%5. a. 2. o'9e2t hd& $. te6 r*& . b. 2. o'9*2n hd5 $. nd6 b*3 .2%. a. 2. nd$ h'&8 $. l9d3 re3 . b. 2. we6 b'28 $. l9e3 rd3 .2%7. a. 2. j'5 r9*2 $. t9*2 b'6 . b. 2. jh3 b9/ $. n9/ rd& .2%?. a. 2. ld&8 h/6 $. le5 h'6 . b. 2. l/38 h b6 $. ld$ he6 .

    /. 2. o b6 he&8 $. l/& hd . d. 2. t/3 he68 $. l/6 hd$ .


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    226. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?7

    3rd  Prie

    22&. Attila Benedek Lindner0%# 2?75075th Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. d&n to e&

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l to e&

    225. Attila Benedek The Probleist# 2?77

    3rd  Prie

    22. Attila Benedek Ootterda ra"id to!rne+# 2??2

    Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. '5o to e5

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. /$p to /3

    Sol!tions1226. a. 2. j9e& b'7 $. j&9d3 q* . b. 2. j9d3 r/2 $. j3e& qd2 .22&. a. 2. wa6 h b&8 $. l b6 p/3 . b. 2. we5 h/58 $. ld& p/6 .225. a. 2. j9d5 p/6 $. w9'& re2 . b. 2. j9'& re2 $. w9d5 p/6 .22. a. 2. l/3 qh$ $. w/6 hd2 . b. 2. ld& qh3 $. t/6 he .


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  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    2$$. Attila Benedek Proble0Kor!# $%%%

    2$3. Attila Benedek Sakklet# $%%2

    Hel"ate in $ oes:!"le9

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. e6t ↔ e&j  /. ,itho!tt#j 

    2$6. Attila Benedek S"rin*aren# $%%2

    2$&. Attila Benedek The Probleist S!""leent# $%%3

    Hel"ate in $ oes

    $ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes

    $ sol!tions

    Sol!tions12$$. I. 2. n'7 r*5 $. te hd5 . II. 2. t/3 ra& $. nd3 he3 .2$3. a. 2. j/6 h b3 $. te h9b6 . b. 2. j/& ba5 $. te$ b/6 .  /. 2. wh5 h b3 $. w/5 he3 .2$6. I. 2. w*38 h'$8 $. l'6 h9e5 . II. 2. o/9d3 e" h9/5 $. w'6 h/3 .2$&. I. 2. j*& h/$8 $. l b& hdb6 . II. 2. j'$ h b68 $. l b5 he5 .  (In the ie, o' the @!d*e1 it is not s!''i/ientl+ "roble0like


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    2$5. Attila Benedek Probleeblad#

    2$. Attila Benedek 

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    2$?. a. 2. j'& hde& $. td5 h' 3. nd hd7 .  b. 2. n b& h' $. t/5 he& 3. jd5 hd .

    23%. Attila Benedek Proble0E/ho# 2??5

    6th Honorable =ention

    232. Attila Benedek S!oen Tehtffniekat# 2??&

    Hel"ate in 3 oes$ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in 3 oes3 sol!tions

    23$. Attila Benedek Stratees#

    233. Attila Benedek Proble Paradise# $%%$

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. l to '6

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. '7h to *7

    Sol!tions123%. I. 2. l b3 rh2 $. la$ bd6 3. w b3 ra2 .  II. 2. ld& bd6 $. le5 r'$ 3. wd& r'5 .232. I. 2. t9*5 be2 $. td5 b9/3 3. td& r/5 .

      II. 2.t


    h2 $.t


     b2 3.t


     b& .  III. 2. n9'6 rh6 $. n/ rd6 3. n b5 bd5 . %

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    23$. a. 2. ld6 b9e$ $. je6 r9a& 3. jd/3 h/$ .  b. 2. le& bd3 $. j'6 ra5 3. j/d& h'3 .233. a. 2. nd5 h/3 $. td& he$8 3. le& hd .  b. 2. te3 he $. n9d38 he58 3. le6 h/3 .

    236. Attila Benedek S/ha/h# $%%6

    23&. Attila Benedek Ti"o*rD'ia to!rne+# 2?5?

    2st Honorable =ention


    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. /5h to /&

    Hel"ate in 6 oes

    235. Attila Benedek KeladDn+k. La"@a# 2?%

    23. Attila Benedek =a*+ar Sakks. to!rne+# 2??

    6th Honorable =ention

    Hel"ate in 6 oes b. k to h5

    Hel"ate in 6 oes b. a2h to b2


    236. a. 2.l


    h6 $.l


    h9*& 3.n


    e . b. 2. td& pe9'3 $. le& p'68 3. ld6 he5 . 2

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    23&. 2. od2w hd6 $. wa2 h'& 3. wh7 hd 6. n*7 h'7 .235. a. 2. td ka6 $. l/6 p' 3. td3 p'7q  6. nd& q b6 .  b. 2. td k*5 $. ne5 p' 3. ld5 k* 6. le p'7q  .23. a. 2. nd h/$ $. td& he3 3. ne& k b5 6.te5 h'& .

     b. 2. ld&8 k b& $. td5 hd$ 3. ne5 he6 6. te& h'5 .

    237. Attila Benedek 

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      /. 2. td5 pe9d5 $. n/ pd9/ 3. t/6 p/7q  6. t/& q b .262. a. 2. o'& he6 $. j'5 h*& 3. ne6 h9h 6. te5 h'7 &. t2d5 h*5 .  b. 2. ne6 he7 $. o'& h'5 3. te5 h9h 6. j'5 h'7 &. t2d5 h*5 .


    26$. Attila Benedek S/ha/h0E/ho# 2??

    263. Attila Benedek Probleeblad# 2??5

    Serieshel"ate in 6 oes$ sol!tions

    Serieshel"ate in 6 oes3 sol!tions

    266. Attila Benedek Ti"o*rD'ia thee to!rne+# 2?2


    26&. Attila Benedek Probleeblad# $%%%

    Serieshel"ate in & oes b. l to b3

    Serieshel"ate in & oes$ sol!tions

    Sol!tions126$. I. 2. te6 $. jd6 3. j3e$ 6. t'6 qe7 . 3

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


      II. 2. t&d6 $. je6 3. j$/3 6. td& qh7 .263. I. 2. l9d& $. o/2j  3. j9d3 6. je& h/3 .  II. 2. le& $. o/2t  3. t/5 6. td5 rh& .  III. 2. l'& $. o/2n  3. n b$ 6. ne& bd .266. a. 2. t b5 $. l b 3. w b7 6. t/ &. n/5 hd5 .

      b. 2. l9a$ $. ta3 3. wa2 6. t b$ &. n b3 h/3 .26&. I. 2. we$ $. o'$ 3. n*$ 6. l'3 &. je3 he& .  II. 2. wd$ $. wd& 3. ld6 6. te3 &. jd3 h b3 .

    265. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?$

    26. Attila Benedek QiV*+i SC to!rne+# 2?7

    3rd Honorable =ention

    Serieshel"ate in 5 oes b. Serieshel"staleate in 5 oes

    Serieshel"ate in 5 oes b. /3t to d6

    267. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?7%

    26?. Attila Benedek 

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Sol!tions1265. a. 2. j/3 $. j9d& 3. j b6 6. t9b& &. l9a5 5. la& r9a3 .  b. 2. th7 $. ta7 3. l b7 6. na &. j b5 5. j9b&8 r9b& st..26. a. 2. le$ $. ld$ 3. ne$ 6. td3 &. te2 5. n/3 hd/6 .  b. 2. l'6 $. le& 3. t'6 6. nd6 &. ne5 5. td& h/6 .

    267. a. 2. j'6$. l/6 3. ld& 6. j*5 &. ne 5. ld5 . je& 7. te5 rd6 .  b. 2. j'& $. jd6 3. l/6 6. ld& &. j/5 5. ne . ld5 7. je& rd6 .26?. a. 2. le7 $. td 3. ld7 6. l/7 &. l b 5. l b5 . t b rd5 .  b. 2. l'5 $. te 3. te& 6. l'& &. le6 5. t'& . t'6 h/3 .

    2&%. Attila Benedek Ti"o*rD'ia thee to!rne+# 2?2

    2st Honorable =ention

    2&%. Attila Benedek 'eens/ha/h# 2?$

    Serieshel"ate in 2% oes b. e6b  to b3 /. e6b to e5

    Serieshel"ate in 2? oes

    2&$. Attila Benedek KeladDn+kedelFk La"@a# 2?%

    2&3. Attila Benedek Stratees# $%%3

    Serieshel"ate in 3& oes Serieshel"staleate in 2% oes  &

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Sol!tions12&%. a. 2. l/6 $. oe9'5 5. o'9e$ . oe2n  7. n b6 ?. n9/& 2%. nd6 bd3 .  b. 2. ld6 $. oe9'5 5. o'9e$ . oe2j  7. jd3 ?. j9/& 2%. je6 rd& .  /. 2. le6 $. oe9'5 5. o'9e$ . oe2Bt  7. td2 ?. td& 2%. te& r b6 .2&2. Set0"la+1 2. 0 qa&ra3r b$ .

      2. oa9b54 $. o b& 3. o b6 6. o b9/3 &. o/9d$ 5. od2n  . n'3 7. n9/5?. nd& 2%. o/& 22. o/6 2$. o/9b3 23. o b$ 26. o b9a2n  2&. l b$25. na$ 2. n b2 27. la$ 2?. n b$ b/6 .

    2&$. 2. l9a5 $. l b . l9*7 7. l'7 2%. ld 22. le5 23. l9'6 26. l'&$6. lh$ $&. l9*2 $5. l'2 $?. l9e$ 3%. ld2 32. l9e$ 3$. ld3 33. l9/636. l b& 3&. la6 h/3 .

    2&3. 2. j/3 $. w9e2 3. l*3 6. th$ &. wh2 5. t*2 . n b& 7. n'2 ?. je$  2%. l9*$ bh6 st. (

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All



    Christas# /elebrated ea/h +ear !nder the li*hts o' the *!idin* stars and aid the *lo,o' /andles# "roides /hess0"roble /o"osers ,ith an o""ort!nit+ to *reet their 'riends ,ith

    a /ereonial /o"osition.Like an+ others# I like to "ra/tise this "leasant old /!sto. Sin/e the er+ be*innin*o' + /hess0"roble /o"osin* a/tiities# I hae "rod!/ed s!/h "robles and sent the to+ 'riends. ;' /o!rse# these /o"ositions are not desi*ned ,ith a ie, to /o"etitions1 the+are not oer0deandin*# and at ties a+ be si"le "ra/ti/e0"ie/es# b!t the+ do sere toreind !s all o' o!r !niersal 'riendshi"# and o' the idea o' *ens !na s!!s.

    ;n rea/hin* the a*e o' & (in 2??5)# I /o"iled 36 o' + Christas0/ard /hess "robles and "!blished the in a rather odest 'or. I a /ontin!in* to add to these "rod!/ts 'ro the "eriod 2?5302?? and I sho!ld like to "!blish the ore re/ent ones here.=a+ I o''er this /olle/tion to all + an+ 'riends# loers o' the art o' /hess.

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard 2??5

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard 2??

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. a2 \ a7

    Hel"ate in 3 oes$ sol!tions

    Sol!tions12??5. a. 2. je& h'& $. jd& hd7 .  b. 2. o*6 pd6 $. o*& pe3 .2??. I. 2. oe2n b9b& $. o'2j b/5 3. je3 h'3 .  II. 2. oe2j b9*$ $. o'2n h/6 3. nd3 p/3 .  (This is the 'irst "resentation o' inter/han*in* inor "rootions in a t,innin* 'or.)

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    Attila Benedek Christas /ard 2??7

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard 2???

    Hel"ate in 3 oes3 sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. d7h to d6 /. d7h to e3

    $ sol!tions

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%%

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%2

    Hel"ate in 3 oes b. a2b to *2

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. l ↔ t

    Sol!tions12??7. I. 2. ld3 h/&8 $. l/6 hd 3. l b& b'2 .  II. 2. le3 h* $. l'6 b'& 3. l*& bd$ .  III. 2. l'$ h*& $. l*3 pe5 3. o'$ be& .2???. a. 2. ld6 h b $. ne6 q/& . 2. le& q/6 $. n'5 h' .  b. 2. n*& p/3 $. ne3 q9'& . 2. n*6 he$ $. n'3 qe5 .  /. 2. ld6 k b$ $. ne6 q/3 . 2. ne5 h/6 $. nd& q*6 .

    $%%%. a. 2.j


    9*6 $.w


    d2 3.j


    e& .  b. 2. je$ be5 $. nd$ bd& 3. j6e3 h b6 . (PDros thee) 7

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    $%%2. a. 2. wd& b b3 $. le5 re6 . b. 2. we& re6 $. le5 b b3 .

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%$

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%3

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. 8j/3

    Hel"ate in & oes

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%6

    Attila Benedek Christas /ard $%%&


    Hel"staleate in 6 oes$ sol!tions

    Hel"ate in $ oes b. e&o  to '& /. e&o to *6

    Sol!tions1$%%$. a. 2. o'6 rd $. t9e5 r9d& . b. 2. je6 bh5 $. n9'5 b'6 .$%%3. 2. le6 k/5 $. l'3 kd& 3. ne3 b/5 6. t'6 ba6 &. t*3 bd2 .$%%6. I. 2. j/5 pd9/5 $. j b p/9b 3. n/7 p b9/7q  6. w/$ q9/$ st.  II. 2. ne5 pd9e5 $. j' pe9' 3. w*78 p'9*7q  6. j b3 q9b3 st.

    $%%&. A. 2.o


    9d6 $.l


    *6 . B. 2.o


    9e6 $.l


    9/3 .  C. 2. o*9'3 rd$ $. o/9d$ p/6 . ?

  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    IN:E] ;K C;=P;SEOS

      Pa*eAbd!rahanoi/# K ....................................................................................................$$

    A"r LDsl ..................................................................................................................6Arnold# Oandol' ..........................................................................................................33Bak/si +r*+ ............................................................................................................3&Bal Tibor ...................................................................................................................63BDn UenF :r ..................................................................................................................6Barnes# Barr+ B ......................................................................................................... 37Bebesi +!la ................................................................................................................6B!*los UDnos ...............................................................................................................2$Cate# P. ten ................................................................................................................. 37Che"ihnii# Q ..............................................................................................................$7:esitnieks# A ...........................................................................................................26

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  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


  • 8/19/2019 Attila Benedek_That-s All


    QdFbesde *re rte.

    :! s"iro# /reo# 0 * lek1 alkotok# a a*a *+n+rs*re# Dsok srakotatDsDra.Ha Ds ne# e arad@on !tDna.

    Enn+i ...

    Benedek Attila