attract and adress

Attracting and Addressing your Audience

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Post on 24-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Attract and adress

Attracting and Addressing your Audience

Page 2: Attract and adress

How did you attract and adress your audience?

Direct mode of adress

I used direct mode of adress in most images

A direct mode of adress is when the artist is positioned looking straight at the camera/reader

This is because I wanted the audience to feel closer to the artist and the magazine itself by making eye contact.

Looking directly into the camera also gives the artists/characters more power so it is very used in magazines.

Most magazines, e.g. ‘Blender’ and ‘Rave’ that have the same genre as mine do the same thing with the camera

Actual magazines

My magazine

Page 3: Attract and adress

Costume and props

I used props and costume as codes for the audience to interpret the genre of my magazine

I made my artist wear accessories (belt, ring, necklace, outfit) that pop artists would likely wear

This makes it clear that my music magazine is a pop one, allowing me to attract pop fans who are also my target audience.

My models are wearing clothes that appeal to the audience (they would also wear) and that they would associate with this type of music

In other pop magazines this can also be seen, e.g. ‘Pop’

My magazine

Actual magazines

Page 4: Attract and adress

Use of superlatives:

In my magazine I used superlatives such as: ‘exclusive’ and ‘best’

These help attract the audience as they make the magazine appeal more interesting and trustworthy.

These words also appeal to the audience as they are commonly used between them and in pop magazines.

E.g. The magazines ‘Blender’ and ‘Pop’ also use these catchy words especially on the front cover as this is what persuades most people to buy a product/magazine.

My magazine

Actual magazines

Page 5: Attract and adress


The register I used in my magazine was appropriate for my target audience.

I used formal but friendly language that would be appropriate for teenage girls and it is a good example for them: ‘on the topic’; ‘the pop princess’, etc.

For my DPS I used a more informal language to make it sound more natural and bring the audience closer to what they are reading. I used words and phrases such as: ‘fresh’; ‘bubbly’ and ‘up-coming’.

This language is appropriate and familiar for my target audience as I found out from the research I conducted.

My magazine

Actual magazines

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Use of colours

By using like red I made my magazine eye-catching and therefore attractive.

It is important to stand out in the magazine industry especially the front cover as it persuades customers pick your magazine out of everyone else’s

This is because magazines are placed next to their competition, so the customer needs to see something different in your magazine in order to buy it and like it

Most pop magazines use bright colours to stand out, however I think there’s too many pop magazines using bright colours so I decided to use more neutral ones with a pop of colour here and there and be eye-catching in a different way.

My magazine

Actual magazines