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  • 8/10/2019 August Neuro Compilation


    August 1996-2004 Neuro Compilation

    1. Muscle innervated by the radial nerve:

    a. Flexor carpi radialis

    b. Flexor pollicis longus

    c. Flexor digitorum superficialis

    d. Abductor pollicis longus

    2. Overlapping of receptive field improves this phenomenon of sensation:

    a. Localization c. specific nerve energies

    b. Contrast d. projection

    3. Stimulation of the vagus nerve may be expected to result in:

    a. Decreased blood pressure and increased cardiac contractility

    b. Vasodilatation and bradycardia

    c. Vasodilatation and tachycardia

    d. Vasoconstriction and increased heart rate

    4. Type of nerve fiber that has the fastest conduction:

    a. Large myelinated axons c. small myelinated axons

    b. Small unmyelinated axon d. large unmyelinated axon

    5. A lesion of the subthalamic nucleus will result in:

    a. Tremors c. athetosis

    b. Hemiballismus d. rigidity

    6. The arcade of Frohse may compress the:a. Ulnar nerve c. median nerve

    b. Musculocutaneous nerve d. posterior interosseous nerve

    7. The nerve that crosses the elbow as a pure sensory is the:

    a. radial c. ulnar

    b. median d. musculocutaneous

    8. Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter of the:

    a. Postganglionic sweat glands c. Preganglionic autonomic findings

    b. Majority of the postganglionic sympathetic endings d. Myoneural junction

    9. Proprioception is characterized by:

    a. The rapid adaptation of the receptors c. all of these

    b. A strong affect d. stimulation of the receptors by joint motion

    10. Neck side flexion isometric movements is a test for muscles innervated by roots:

    a. C3-C4 c. C5-C6

    b. C1-C2 d. C4-C5

    11. In the contrast to a nerve action potential a muscle action potential has:

    a. A shorter duration c. a slower conduction velocity

    b. A more negative resting membrane potential d. a lower overshoot

    12. The following cranial nerves have spinal sensory functional components, EXCEPT:

    a. The vestibulocochlear nerve c. the glossopharyngeal nerve

    b. The olfactory nerve d. the optic nerve

    13. The primary function of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum is:

    a. Maintenance of equilibrium c. coordination of skilled movement

    b. Regulation of muscle tone d. maintenance of posture

    14. The ventricles of the brain are lined

    a. Ependymal cells c. ordinary connective tissue

    b. Choroid epithelium d. neuroglia cells

    15. The only prehension pattern that can be observed in a patient with a median nerve injury:

    a. Three jaw chuck c. cylindrical grasp

    b. Lateral pinch d. palmar grasp16. A fan knife trust into the medial and midpart aspect of the arm may injure the following, EXCEPT:

    a. Median nerve c. brachial artery

    b. Radial nerve d. ulnar nerve

    17. A razor slash at the anterior surface of the wrist will likely damage the:

    a. Median nerve c. all of these

    b. Ulnar nerve d. radial nerve

    18. Branch of the vertebrobasilar artery of the brain:

    a. Lenticulostriate artery c. anterior cerebral artery

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    b. Internal auditory artery d. ophthalmic artery

    19. Most important function of the astrocyte:

    a. Structural support to nervous tissue c. repair of damaged tissue

    b. Production of myelin d. central nervous system scavenger

    20. The origin of the parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers supplying the urinary bladder is:

    a. Inferior mesenteric ganglion c. dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve

    b. Sacral spinal cord segments 2,3,4 d. lumbar spinal cord segments 1, 2, 3

    21. Considering the pain distribution along the medial border of the dorsum of the foot, which spinal level is representedby the saphenous nerve?

    a. L5 c. L2

    b. L3 d. L4

    22. Largest branch of the lumbar plexus:

    a. Ilioinguinal c. anterior crural

    b. Genitofemoral d. iliohypogastric

    23. The nerve necessary for a normal precision grips.

    a. Radial c. median

    b. Ulnar d. radial and ulnar

    24. Muscle which may compress the sciatic nerve as the nerve passes underneath it:

    a. Rectus femoris c. piriformis

    b. Quadrates femoris d. gluteus maximus

    25. The lateral cord continues as the:

    a. Axillary nerve c. radial nerve

    b. Musculocutaneous nerve d. ulnar nerve

    26. Branch of the facial nerve innervating the lacrimal gland:

    a. Temporal branch c. chorda tympani

    b. Zygomatic branch d. petrosal nerve

    27. The decerebrate posture generally indicates lesion of the:

    a. Cerebellum c. medulla

    b. Midbrain d. trapezoid

    28. In contrast to axons, dendrites are typically:

    a. Thinner c. product one or more synaptic and feet

    b. Receive more synaptic contacts d. longer

    29. If the motor root of the trigeminal nerve is injured, paralysis occurs in:

    a. Buccinator c. tensor tympani

    b. All of these d. posterior belly of digastric muscles

    30. A brainstem level reflex:

    a. Body righting acting on the body c. crossed extensionb. Positive supporting reaction d. neck righting

    31. This cranial nerve has NO connection with the parasympathetic system:

    a. CN VII c. CN III

    b. CN V d. CN XI

    32. Which of the following statements is true:

    a. The ulnar n. supplies all of the Flexor Pollicis Longus and the adjoining half of the flexor Digitorum Profundus,

    the median half of Profundus is supplied by the median n.

    b. The median n. supplies al of the Flexor Pollicis Longus and the adjoining half of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus;

    the median half of Profundus is supplied by the ulnar nerve

    c. The median n. supplies all of the Flexor Pollicis Longus and the Flexor Digitorum Sublimis

    d. The median n. supplies all of the Flexor Pollicis Longus and Flexor Digitorum Profundus

    33. This nerve innervates the superior oblique and exits the brain stem posteriorly:

    a. Abducens nerve c. Facial nerve

    b. Oculomotor nerve d. Trochlear nerve

    34. In polyneuropathy, lesions of the occur bilaterally and the effects are usually more prominent in the proximal than in

    distal parts of the extremities:

    a. The first statement is false, the second statement is true

    b. The first statement is true, the second statement is false

    c. Both statements are false

    d. Both statements are true

    35. The following statements describe a lower motor neuron paralysis, EXCEPT:

    a. Babinski sign is not present

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    b. Weakness of movement is due to a lesion of the motor cell or its axon

    c. Muscle fasciculations may be present

    d. Characterized by diminished tonus

    e. Reflex arc is interrupted resulting in exaggerated stretch reflex

    36. In Erb-Duchenne palsy, the following conditions apply, EXCEPT:

    a. Limb will medically rotated by the unopposed sternocostal part of the pectoralis major

    b. Causes excessive traction or tearing of C3 and C4 roots of the brachial plexus

    c. The forearm will be pronated due to the loss of the biceps and there will be less of sensation down the lateralside of arm

    d. Injuries result from excessive displacement of the head to the opposite side and depression of the shoulder or

    the same side

    e. The musculocutaneous, nerve to the subclavian, musculocutaneous and axillary nerves will be denervated

    37. This injury causes paralysis of the Pronator Teres and Quadratus

    a. Ulnar nerve injury above the elbow c. Median nerve injury above the elbow

    b. Radial nerve injury above the elbow d. None of these

    38. Relatively rapid, irregularly recurrent, unpredictable nonrhythmic, involuntary movements of the trunk, face of


    a. Myoclonus c. Hyperkinesia e. Athetosis

    b. Tremor d. Chorea

    39. The human torsos nerve supply of an orderly series of spinal nerves is evidenced by its segmental development. One

    pair of spinal nerve supplies this strip-like area of skin. This is known as a:

    a. Dermatome c. Terminal Branches

    b. Spinal Nerves d. Myotome

    40. The pained spinal nerves are as follows:

    a. 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal pair of spinal nerve

    b. 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal pair of spinal nerve

    c. 8 cervical 10, thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal pair of spinal nerve

    d. 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal pair of spinal nerve

    41. The spinal accord tapers at the level of the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra called:

    a. Cauda equina c. Coccyx

    b. Filum terminale d. Corpus medullaris

    42. Cerebrospinal fluid is formed primarily by specialized tissue in the ventricles called:

    a. Parameter c. Choroid plexus

    b. Dura mater d. Meninges

    43. This structure separates the left and right cerebral hemisphere:

    a. Lateral Fissure c. Parieto-occipital fissure

    b. Medial longitudinal fissure d. Central Sulcus44. Which of the following statements is true of lesions of the basal ganglia:

    a. Muscle tone abnormalities and involuntary movements

    b. Disorders involving initiation of movement

    c. Difficulty in continuing and stopping movement

    d. All of these

    45. Functions of the Cerebellum include:

    a. None of these

    b. It receives proprioceptive impulses via the spinal cord (spinocerebellar tracts) from tendons, joints and muscle

    c. All of these

    d. It receives proprioceptive impulses from the semicircular canal

    46. Myelin sheath is possessed by peripheral and central nerve fibers, but only peripheral nerve fibers additionally have:

    a. Node of Ranvier c. None of these

    b. Neurolemma d. Schwann cell

    47. This muscle is innervated by two branches of the femoral nerve, and performs hip flexion and extension. The tendon

    of origin may be palpated in the V-shaped area between the Sartorius and the tensor fascia latae when the hip is


    a. Vastus Intermedius c. Vastus Medialis

    b. Rectus Femoris d. Vastus Lateralis

    48. This mixed nerve supplies the muscles of mastication and divides into three major peripheral nerve, namely

    ophthalmic, maxillary and the mandibular:

    a. Trigeminal c. Trochlear nerve

    b. Abducens nerve d. Oculomotor nerve

    49. Two major grooves on the lateral surface of the brain:

    a. None of these c. Central sulcus of Rolando

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    b. This combined motor and sensory nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and the upper portion of the

    trapezius muscles

    c. Testing the function of the 11th

    nerve also tests for involvement of functions by motor neuron disease and


    d. Testing the function of the 11th

    nerve will detect weakness of either central or peripheral nuclei of origin

    e. The nuclei of origin of the various parts of this nerve are not adjacent and differential paresis may occur from

    central nuclear lesions

    61. Supplied by the femoral nerve, this neurologic level crosses the anterior portion of the middle of the thigh: #56 1998a. L2 d. L3

    b. L1 e. S1

    c. L4

    62. The neurological basis for sexual dysfunction in men with spinal cord injury (SCI) are as follows: EXCEPT: #59 1998

    a. The parasympathetic spinal outflow originating from the S-2 to S-4 spinal segments is primarily responsible for

    mediating reflexogenic erection

    b. The T-10 to S-2 spinal segments contain the reflex are that receives sensory afferents from the genitals

    c. The neural output from the hypothalamus to the sexual organs courses in the anterolateral columns to terminate

    in the intermediolateral cell columns of T-10 to L-3

    d. In men, the sympathetic output is primarily responsible for regulating ejaculation and psychogenic component of

    penile erection

    e. Supraspinal component of the motor pathways descends with the corticospinal tracts to the S-2 to S-4 segments

    of the sacral cord

    63. In root compression syndrome, the following statements are true, EXCEPT: #65 1998

    a. Paresthesia are common and are usually experienced distally, in the hand or foot

    b. Stretch reflexes whose arcs are largely or entirely incorporated in the involved root will be exaggerated

    c. Pain in the segment distribution of a root is the hallmark of these syndrome

    d. Weakness and atrophy in the corresponding myotomal distribution result from prolonged or severe root


    e. Findings to confirm the syndrome are those which relate spinal movement to the radiating pain

    64. Stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus causes all of the following, EXCEPT: #74 1998

    a. Sweating c. Increased respiration

    b. Cutaneous vasodilatation d. Shivering

    65. This reflex, with a C6 component, primarily indicates the neurologic integrity of C5: #92 1998

    a. Triceps reflex d. Brachioradialis reflex

    b. Biceps reflex e. Symmetric tonic neck reflex

    c. Flexor reflex

    66. The following statements describe Parkinsons Disease, EXCEPT:#102 1998

    a. Functional limitations in bed mobility, transfers, and gait may becomes severely disabling as the diseaseprogresses

    b. Results from neurotransmitter imbalances associated with degeneration of the substantia nigra

    c. Mobility of the neck, torso, and extremities is lost

    d. The primary impairments typically are rigidity, bradykinesia, tremor and postural instability

    e. Presents stooped, flexed posture, characterized by excessive lumbar kyphosis and loss of thoracic lordosis

    67. The following statements apply to the common peroneal nerve, EXCEPT: #105 1998

    a. Subject is able to walk on his toes and Achilles reflex is preserved

    b. Interruption of the nerve results in loss of dorsiflexion of ankle and toes and in loss of eversion of the foot

    c. There is foot drop with hypotonia and atrophy of muscle but not sensory loss

    d. Received fibers from the L4, L5, S2, and S2 roots

    e. There is varying sensory loss along the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the foot

    68. To test this nerve, the subject protrudes the tongue and moves it from side to side: #106 1998

    a. Hypoglossal nerve

    b. Vagus nerve

    c. Spinal accessory nerve

    d. Glossopharyngeal nerve

    69. Despite the presence of third cranial nerve paralysis, upon examination it was determined that the eyes is able to

    rotate inward, indicating that the superior oblique muscle is intact. This indicates: #111 1998

    a. All of these d. Cranial nerve IV is intact

    b. Cranial nerve II is only partially denervated e. Cranial nerve IV is also denervated

    c. None of these

    70. Functional limitations observed in patients with cerebellar dysfunction may include the following, EXCEPT: #117 1998

    a. Hypertonicity d. Dyssynergia

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    b. Gait ataxia e. postural instability

    c. Fatigability and weakness

    71. The following statements apply to lower lumbar root compression, EXCEPT: #127 1998

    a. Atrophy of the gastrocnemius may be seen

    b. Severe foot drop is unlikely, but toe drop is common with atrophy of the anterior compartment

    c. Percussion by fist or hammer over the lower lumbar segments may aggravate pain in the thigh or leg

    d. Ankle jerk reflex is commonly diminished or absent in S1 root impingement but may be normal in L5 root

    syndromese. Test of straight-leg-raising frequently shows marked limitation in range of thigh flexion on the good side

    72. The following statements describe the patellar reflex, EXCEPT: #128 1998

    a. While the reflex may be significantly diminished, it is rarely totally absent

    b. A deep tendon reflex mediated through nerves emanating from L2, L3 and L4 neurologic levels

    c. To test, the subject sits on a chair with one leg crossed over his knee

    d. Even if the L4 nerve root is pathologically involved, the reflex may still be present

    e. For clinical application, the patellar reflex is to be considered an L4 reflex

    73. In the jaw reflex involving the masseter and temporalis muscles, this cranial nerve mediates the reflex are:

    a. Facial d. Glossopharyngeal

    b. Accessory e. Trigeminal

    c. Hypoglossal

    74. The Babinski sign is the single most important sign in neurology. The following statements apply to Babinski sign,


    a. The normal response is flexion with adduction of the toes

    b. When the sign is absent, then the system is diseased

    c. When present after age 12-16 months, it indicates dysfunction of the corticospinal motor system

    d. About one second is an appropriate time for the stimulus

    e. The abnormal response is dorsiflexion of the great toe and fanning of the others with withdrawal at the knee and


    75. The following are characteristics of Myasthenia Gravis, EXCEPT:

    a. Involvement is often selective and asymmetric

    b. There is weakness and excessive fatigability of muscle

    c. Dysfunction arises from imperfect neuromuscular transmission

    d. The degree of paresis does not vary during the day

    e. Incidence is highest in young women and elderly men

    76. The following are characteristics of fasciculations, EXCEPT:

    a. Refers to low-voltage potentials which results from independent contractions of single, denervated muscle

    b. Especially prominent in end characteristics of chronic, progressive, motor neuron disease

    c. When infrequent and not accompanied by atrophy, are not necessarily evidence of progressive diseased. A result of almost any disorder of a motor neuron resulting in spontaneous, irregular, recurrent contraction

    e. Occasionally occurs in otherwise normal subjects

    77. So that fibers conveying impulse from a visual field accompany one another to the same cortical center, fibers from

    each retina cross behind the eyeball in what is known as:

    a. Visual Path c. Macula Lutea

    b. Optic chiasm d. Optic Tract

    78. Following statements are true of the corticospinal or pyramidal tract, EXCEPT:

    a. Concerned with skilled movements of the distal muscles of the limb

    b. About 1/3 of the axons in the pyramidal tract arise from the primary motor cortex in areas 4 and 6

    c. About 90% of the tracts decussate to the opposite side at the lower level of the medulla

    d. The fibers arise from the neurons in the ventral part of area 4 on the lateral surface of the hemisphere and from

    area 8

    79. The most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the cerebral cortex is:

    a. Dopamine d. GABA

    b. Noradrenaline e. none of the above

    c. Glycine

    80. Following spinal cord injury (SCI), myths as to whether men can biologically father children abound. The following

    statements are true of male fertility following SCI, EXCEPT:

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    a. High immotile sperm count is caused by lifestyle factors (such as elevated scrotal temperature, or ejaculation


    b. Immotile sperm count may be due to factors within the seminal plasma

    c. Semen can be obtained from almost all men with SCI through the use of vibratory or electrical stimulation

    d. Most men with SCI experience impairments in erectile and ejaculatory functions

    e. While their ejaculated often have normal sperm counts, more immotile sperm are found than men

    81. A patient with long thoracic nerve injury will have the most difficulty in:

    a. Folding blanket d. washing his faceb. Reaching at shoulder level e. eating

    c. Combing his hair

    82. Sensation to the middle finger is supplied by neurologic level:

    a. C8 d. T1

    b. C5 e. C6

    c. C7

    83. The following statements apply to the radial nerve, EXCEPT:

    a. Extension of the distal phalanges, which appears to be absent in wrist drop, will be found to be possible if ulnar

    and median nerves are intact

    b. Classically paralyzed by ischemia from pressure in the drunken and comatose and also in lead poisoning

    c. Abduction and adduction of fingers are not weakened

    d. Partly mediates flexion and supination at the elbow through innervations of the bronchioradialis muscle

    e. A finger drop may result when a penetrating injury of the dorsal forearm spares branches that mediate

    dorsiflexion of the wrist but sever the posterior interosseus branch that mediates extension of the thumb and


    84. Lesion of the seventh cranial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen results in the following conditions, EXCEPT:

    a. Can still close the eye on the side of the paralysis

    b. Bells palsy

    c. The buccinators is paralyzed, and the cheek puff out during expiration

    d. Total paralysis of facial expression muscles on that side

    85. The Radial Nerve innervates the following musclea. Extensor Indicis Propius d. Flexor Digitorum Communisb. The Medial Lumbricals e. Abductor Pollicis Brevisc. Two Radial Lumbricals

    86. Denervation hypersensitivitya. Is due to an increased in the number of receptorsb. Is due to a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors.c. Is due to an increase in the amount of neurotransmitters releasedd. Results from avulsion of the nerve

    e. Is due to an increased sensitivity to neurotransmitter.87. Area of skin supplied by one dorsal root.a. Erector pili d. Epidermisb. Dermatome e. Dermisc. Myotome

    88. Proximal side to side tremor found on heel thin or finger-nose testing:a. Cerebellar tremor c. Myoclonusb. Parkisonian tremor d. Senile Tremor

    89. The following statements describe the Median Nerve, EXCEPT:a. It is formed from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus.b. It accompanies the axillary and brachial arteries.c. As it passes the cubital fossa, it gives off a deep branch, the anterior interosseous nerved. It gives off branch only until it reaches the elbow regione. It enters with the long tendons and supplies the three thenar muscles and all lumbricals

    90. The following statement characterize the Radial Nerve, EXCEPT:a. A little father down the arm, it passes obliquely lateral wards to run behind the humerus in its spiral groove, deep

    to the Triceps

    b. As it crosses the elbow joint, it supplies the muscles arising from the lateral supracondylar ridge: theBrachioradialis and Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

    c. It is the largest nerve of the upper limbd. Its nerve divides include C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1e. The nerve divides into a long Superficial Branch and Deep Branch or Posterior Interosseous Nerve.

    91. The following statement characterize De Quervains disease, EXCEPT:a. Combinations of hand twisting and forceful gripping can cause the disease

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    b. Repetitive friction accounts for the absorb thickening of the fibrous sheath and resultant contraction of thetendons

    c. Attributed to excessive friction between two thumb tendons and their common sheathd. Affects the tendons on the side of the wrist and at the base of the thumbe. The tendons affected are connected to the muscles on the back of the forearm that contract to pull the thumb

    back and away from the hand.92. These procedures stretch the spinal cord and reproduce pain. The patient is in supine and asked to forcibly flex his

    head onto this chest with his hands behind his head. The result may be pain in cervical spine, and occasionally in the

    low back or down the legs indicating meningeal irritation, nerve root involvement or irritation of the dural covering ofthe nerve root.a. Kernig Test d. Hoover Testb. Milgram Test e. Naffziger Testc. Gaeslans Sign

    93. Deep tendon reflexes area. Polysynaptic nerve response d. Excitatory presynaptic potentialb. Excitatory transmission e. Bisynaptic reflex pressurec. Monosynaptic reflex response

    94. A pathway of communication between the two hemispheres to created as these fibers cross the midline from onehemisphere to the other.a. Transhemisphere d. Superior Longitudinal Bundleb. Projection e. Associationc. Commissural

    95. Nerve cells at rest are positively charged on the outside and negatively charged on the insidea. Active Potentials d. Depolarizationb. Action Potential e. Resting membrane potential

    c. Hyperpolarization96. Transaction of the pituitary stalk will produce

    a. Increased LH Ant. d. increased FSHb. Decreased TSH Ant. e. increased ACTHc. Decrease prolactin

    97. The following statements apply to Duchenne (pseudohypertrophic) dystrophy, EXCEPT:a. Subject is still able to rise from a forward flexed position without using his hands to assist the movementb. Contractures are common and patients seldom survive into the third decadec. The enlargement of the muscles is due to fatty infiltration and the muscles are weak.d. A primary, genetic disorder characterized by early weakness and enlargement of the musculature of the calves,

    thighs, hips and shoulderse. Onset is in the first five years of life and occurs almost exclusively in boys

    98. Following statements are true of upper motor neurons, EXCEPT:a. Provides final direct link with muscles through myoneural junctionsb. Synapse directly on alpha, beta and gamma motorneuron in the spinal cord and cranial nerve nuclei.c. Completely contained within the central nervous systemd. Synonymous to corticospinal tracte. Lesion results in exaggerated deep reflexes and muscle rigidity.

    99. The following statements are true of the Pituitary Gland, EXCEPT:a. Its rich blood supply is derived from the small branches of the Right and Left Internal Carotid Arteriesb. It is made of the Anterior and Posterior Lobe that function differentlyc. It is a pea-size gland hanging by a stalk, the infundibulum, from the floor of the third ventricle of the brain, just

    behind the optic chiasmd. Its shape and appearance resembles a miniature pine cone, projecting backwards from the back of the roof of the

    ventricle.100. This great parasympathetic nerve supplies the thorax and abdomen.

    a. Abducens d. Vagusb. Hypoglossal e. Glossopharyngealc. Pelvic Splanchnic

    101. The following statements characterize carpal tunnel syndrome, EXCEPTa. Pain, numbness and tingling of the handsb. Advanced cases may include wasting of the hypothenar eminence and an apparent clumsiness of the handc. Condition may affect both hands or only the dominant hand

    d. Symptoms are most often acute while sleepinge. Uncomfortable sensations are usually felt on the first three fingers and the base of the thumb

    102. Shortly after the brachial plexus exit the vertebral bodies and pass between the scalenus anticus and mediusmuscles, the nerve roots of C5 and C6 join to forma. The middle trunk d. the upper trunkb. The posterior cord e. the lower trunkc. The lateral cord

    103. Coordination disturbances are usually assessed through the following methods, EXCEPT:a. finger-to-nose test d. unilateral tapping tracking tasks

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    b. Reciprocal tracking tasks e. kinematic analysisc. Tracking tasks

    104. The sensory cranial nerve supply of the eyeball isa. Fourth (Trochlear d. Opthalmic Division of the Fifth (Trigeminal)b. Third (Oculomotor) e. Seventh (Facial)c. Sixth (Abducens)

    105. Following statements are true of lower motor neuron lesions, EXCEPT:a. Muscle atrophy may begin to show within a few weeks

    b. Even with the loss of sensory feedback to the nervous system coordinated movements are still properlyaccomplishedc. The muscle loses both its voluntary and reflex responsed. Hypotonia is observed as well as absence of muscle stretch reflex

    106. This nerve provides innervations to the superior, inferior and medial rectus, and the inferior oblique muscle of theeye.a. Trigeminal d. Abducensb. Oculomotor e. Trochlearc. Optic

    107. The left and right cerebral hemisphere is separated by thea. Medial longitudinal fissures d. parieto-occipital fissuresb. Anterior median fissures e. lateral fissurec. Central sulcus

    108. Babinskis sign is a strong indication of a disorder of:a. Basal nuclei d. Vestibulospinal tractb. Reticulospinal tract e. Tectospinal tractc. Corticospinal tract

    109. This elbow flexor is innervated by the radial nerve and attaches proximally to a ridge on the humerus above the lateralepicondyle:a. None of these c. Bicepsb. Brachioradialis d. Brachialis

    110. The ability to recognize numbers or letters traced on the body:a. Sensory extinction d. Graphesthesiab. Cutaneous tactile localization e. Sensory inattentionc. Stereognosis

    111. This nerve supplies the Serratus Anterior Muscle and arises from the C5, C6 and C7 roots of the brachial plexus:a. Subscapular Nerve c. Long Thoracic Nerveb. Musculocutaneous Nerve d. Lateral Pectoral Nerve

    112. The Ulnar Nerve innervates the following structures, EXCEPT:a. All interossei d. Palmaris Longusb. Medial half of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus e. All Hypothenarc. Adductor Pollicis

    113. This tiny ophthalmic artery which accompanies the optic nerve and the anterior and middle cerebral arteries supplymost of the cerebral hemisphere.a. Occipital Artery d. Subclavian arteryb. External Carotid Artery e. Optic Arteryc. Internal Carotid Artery

    114. The somatic sensory examination is the most difficult and least reliable part of the evaluation. The following rules andgeneralizations will be helpful, EXCEPT:a. Consistency of findings of several sensory examination gives some assurance of validityb. Peripheral nerve lesions are often associated with diminished or absent sweating, dry skin, tropic changes in the

    nails and loss of subcutaneous tissuec. The test ordinarily used for the sensory examination are rather crude and the findings are imprecise, the more so

    the less complete the lesiond. Subjective symptoms of numbness and paresthesia are unfortunately much the same qualitatively whether they

    result from thalamic, spinal, radicular or peripheral neural deficitse. Cutaneous sensitivity is greater on the face, hand, forearms genitalia and feet. Avoid testing calloused areas

    115. Junction formed by the terminal branches of the basilar artery and the two internal carotid arteries:a. Anterior communicating arteries c. Circle of Willisb. None of these d. Posterior communicating arteries

    116. Following statements are true of the corticospinal or pyramidal tract, EXCEPT:a. About 1/3 of the axons in the pyramidal tract arise from the primary motor cortex in areas 4 to 6.b. About 90 percent of the tracts decussate to the opposite side at the lower levels of the medulla.c. The fibers arise from the neurons in the ventral part of area 4 on the lateral surface of the hemisphere and from

    area 8.d. Concerned with skilled movements of the distal muscles of the limb

    117. The following statements describe ataxia, EXCEPT:a. Can result from damage to the dorsal and ventricular spinocerebellar pathways and pontine nuclei

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    b. Can result from damage to the afferent pontine of peripheral nerves and the dorsal column of the spinal cord.c. Can result from damage to several different motor or sensory regions of the central nervous system.d. Can result in high amplitude tremor that accompanies movemente. Damage in one cerebellar hemisphere is manifested contralateral to the lesion

    118. Constricts the pupil and is involved in light and accommodating reflexes due to their connections with postganglionicneurons.a. Facial Nerve d. Trochlear nerveb. Trigeminal Nerve e. Oculomotor nerve

    c. Optic Nerve119. Occupies an extensive area n the medial aspect of the hemisphere, this lobe of the lateral surface of the hemisphereis caudal to an arbitrary line drawn from the parieto-occipital fissures to the pre-occipital notch anda. Temporal d. Parietal lobeb. Frontal lobe e. Occipital lobec. Insular lobe

    120. Chiasmal lesions could result in the following visual defects, EXCEPT:a. Lesion involving both the optic nerve and the optic chiasm produces ipsilateral blindness and a temporal field

    defect in the other eyeb. Transaction of the optic nerve results in ipsilateral monocular blindnessc. Lesion on the right optic tract results in right homonymous hemianopsiad. Chiasmal lesion produces bitemporal hemianopsia

    121. Lesion on the right optic tract would result to what visual field defect?a. Right nasal and left temporal hemianopsia c. Left nasal and temporal hemianopsiab. Bilateral quadrantinopsia d. Bilateral blindness

    122. During cranial nerve testing, a light was directed on your patients left eye. You observed that both pupils remaineddilated. To further confirm where the problem was, the right eye was stimulated. You noted that both pupils

    constricted. What nerve was possibly injured?a. Right optic c. left opticb. Left oculomotor d. right oculomotor

    123. The brachial plexus is formed by the :a. Anterior rami of C5-T1 c. posterior rami of C5-T1b. Anterior rami of C6-T1 d. posterior rami of C6-T1

    124. If the lateral cord of the brachial plexus is severed, which muscle is expected to be weak?a. Pectoralis minor c. pectoralis majorb. Latissimus dorsi d. serratus anterior

    125. An isolated lesion on this nerve results in vertical diplopia and tilting of head to align the eyes:a. Trochlear nerve c. facial nerveb. Oculomotor nerve d. abducens nerve

    126. Center for respiration, blood pressure and heart rate regulation:a. Midbrain d. diencephalonb. Pons and medulla e. cerebral cortexc. Hypothalamus

    127. Tic douloreux is involvement of :a. Trigeminal nerve c. abducens nerveb. Facial nerve e. Oculomotor nerve

    128. Spasticity is produced in this correct sequence:I. discharge of Ia and II endingsII. uninhibited discharge of gamma motor neuronsIII. contraction of the ends of the muscle spindleIV. contraction of the extrafusal muscleV. impulses will reach the spinal cord innervating the alpha motor neuron

    a. II, I, III, V, IV d. I, V, II, III, IVb. III, II, I, V, IV e. I, II, III, IV, Vc. II, III, I, V, IV

    129. The tapered end of the spinal cord is called as :a. Conus medullaris c. denticulate ligamentb. Cauda equine d. sacral cord segment

    130. Lenticulostriate artery is a branch of :a. Middle meningeal artery d. middle cerebral artery

    b. Anterior cerebral artery e. vertebrobasilar arteryc. Posterior cerebral artery

    131. Hemiballismus is a movement disorder involving the :a. Basal ganglia d. subthalamic nucleusb. Posterior limb of internal capsule e. corpus callosumc. Pyramidal tract

    132. Description of the human peripheral nervous system:a. 10 pairs of cranial nerves and 30 pairs of spinal nerves

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    b. 12 pairs of cranial nerve and 31 pairs of spinal nervesc. 11 pairs of cranial nerves and 32 pairs of spinal nervesd. 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 32 pairs of spinal nervese. 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 33 pairs of spinal nerves

    133. This muscle is spared in posterior interosseous nerve syndrome:a. ECRL d. extensor carpi ulnarisb. ECRB e. extensor pollicis longusc. Extensor digitorum

    134. Lesion on the anterior lobe of the pituitary will result in :a. Decreased production of follicle-stimulating hormoneb. Increased production of thyrotropin-releasing hormonec. Decreased production of prolactin-inhibiting hormoned. Increased production of adrenocorticortropic hormonee. Decreased production of somatostatin

    135. Dermatome represented by the medial arm:a. C7 d. T2b. C8 e. T5c. T1

    136. The following statements characterize syringomyelia, EXCEPT:a. There is no sensory impairment in the lower extremities.b. There is progressive cavitation around or near the central nerve fibers.c. There is loss of pain and temperature sense with a segment distribution in both upper extremities.d. Even in later stages, paralysis and muscle atrophy of the segment involved does not occur.e. Touch and pressure sense in the affected parts are preserved.

    137. A severed peripheral nerve has some capacity to repair itself, and axon cylinders sprout from nerve endings at a rate

    of 1 to 2 mm per day, with some going astray. Chance determines whether connections can be re-established andfunctions restored.a. The first statements is true, the second statement is false.b. Both statements are false.c. Both statements are true.d. The first statement is false, the second statement is true.

    138. This condition is characterized by sudden severe, lancinating pain in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve:a. Tic Douloreux c. Temporal arthritisb. Mobic Syndrome d. Churg Syndrome

    139. Severe brain injury is defined as coma lasting more than:a. 8 hours c. 6 hoursb. 12 hours d. 24 hours

    140. An SCI patient has intact biceps, deltoids, and rotator cuff muscles. Independent transfer with a sliding board ispossible. What is his SCI level?a. C3-C4 c. C8-T1b. C5-C6 d. C7-C8

    141. If the axillary nerve was cut, what muscle could laterally rotate the humerus?a. Infraspinatus c. latissimus dorsib. Teres minor d. subscapularis

    142. A patient who suffered shoulder dislocation came to you for evaluation and treatment. Which nerve is most likelyaffected?a. Axillary d. Long Thoracicb. Thoracodorsal e. Musculocutaneousc. Spinal accessory

    143. Following statements are true of lower motor neuron lesions, EXCEPT:a. Muscle atrophy may begin to show within a few weeksb. Even with loss of sensory feedback to the nervous system coordinated movements are still properly

    accomplishedc. The muscle both loses both its, voluntary and reflex responsed. Hypotonia is observed as well as absence of muscle stretch reflex

    144. This nerve supplies the serratus anterior muscle and arises from the C-5, C-6, C7/roots of the brachial plexus:a. Subscapular nerve c. long thoracic nerveb. Musculocutaneous nerve d. lateral pectoral nerve

    145. A functional map of the motor cortex resembling an image of the body turned upside down and reversed left to right:a. Brodmanns area d. Homonculusb. Hemisphere e. Premotor Cortexc. Parietal lobe

    146. Characterized by an inability to sustain a body part or parts in one position, often the distal limbs and themovements are slow and fluid.a. Dystonia d. Ballismusb. Chorea e. Spasticityc. Athetosis

    147. The following are tests for testing pathology involving either median or ulnar nerves, EXCEPT:a. Wartenbergs sign c. Pinch grip test

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    b. Elbow flexion test d. Mills test(Radial nerve, tennis elbow)148. When considering prescribing an orthosis for an L3 SCI patient, what is the most important concern?

    a. Presence or lack of hip or knee contracture c. Appropriate angles of foot placementb. Ability to don and doff the orthosis d. Proper fit of orthosis

    149. Description of human peripheral nervous system

    a. 10 pairs of cranial nerves and 12 pairs of spinal nerves

    b. 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves

    c. 11 pairs of cranial nerves and 32 pairs of spinal nerves

    d. 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 32 pairs of spinal nerves

    e. 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 33 pairs of spinal nerves

    150. Which of the following muscles does the inferior gluteal nerve innervate?

    a. Piriformis

    b. Iliopsoas

    c. Gluteus Maximus

    d. Gluteus Medius

    e. Hamstrings

    151. Which part of the Medulla Oblongata has both Inspiratory and Expiratory Control?

    a. Anterior c. Dorsal

    b. Posterior d. Ventral

    152. This nerve innervates the masseter and the temporalis muscles and supplies sensory innervations to the face?

    a. CN III c. CN IV

    b. CN V d. CN X

    153. All this muscles are innervated by the facial nerve except:a. Risorius c. Frontalis

    b. Masseter d. Mentalis

    154. The following statements are true of the corticospinal or pyramidal tract except:

    a. About 1/3 of the axon of the pyramidal tract arise from the primary motor cortex in area 4 & 6

    b. About 90% of the tract decussates to the opposite site of the lower level of the medulla

    c. The fibers arise from the neuron in the ventral part of the area 4 on the lateral surface of the hemisphere and from

    area 8

    d. Concerned with skilled movements of the distal muscles of the limb

    155. This is a form of indirect Inhibition of the nerve cell

    a. After hyperpolarization d. Presynaptic interneuron

    b. Renshaw inhibition e. Refractory Period

    c. IPSP due to interneuron33. These neurons carry motor impulses from the brain to the motor neuron in the spinal


    a. Interneuron c. Lower motor neuron

    b. First order neuron d. Upper motor neuron

    156. A pathway of communication between the two hemispheres is created as these fibers cross the middle from one

    hemisphere to another?

    a. Transhemisphere c. Commissural

    b. Projection d. Association

    157. These are specialized cells that form the Cerebrospinal fluid that cushions the brain.

    a. Arachnoid Villa c. Purkinje Cells

    b. Choroid Plexus d. Betz Cells

    158. Lesion in the hypothalamus will result to decrease in which of the following hormones?

    a. Follicle Stimulating Hormone c. Thyroid Hormone

    b. Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone d. Corticotropin Releasing Hormone

    159. You are performing a neurological evaluation on a patient that has a vascular injury with the following impairments:

    loss of consciousness, coma, inability to speak and hemiplegia. Based on this information, which of the following

    area does this vascular injury occur?

    a. Anterior Cerebral artery c. Posterior cerebral arteryb. Middle cerebral artery d. Vertebrobasilar artery

    160. What corresponding to the lateral heel dermatomal level of your patient?

    a. S1 c. S3

    b. S2 d. S3-S4

    161. What tract is involved in contralateral facial weakness?

    a. Corticobulbar c. Corticospinal

    b. Spinocerebellar d. Reticulospinal

    162. This type of contractions are quick, jerky reactions responding to a single stimulus and usually less than a tenth of a


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