aunty binnaz ad writing examples, binnaz abla

Aunty Binnaz Fortune Telling Online Erce Ogzecen Annette Cuadra Gorkem Unel Aleksandra Waltos

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Aunty BinnazFortune Telling Online

Erce OgzecenAnnette CuadraGorkem UnelAleksandra Waltos

Psychic industry


Aunty Binnaz (Turkish BinnazAbla) is a real person.


Turkish coffee reading the future of a person

after consuming a cup of coffee


Learn the basic symbols and use your imagination.

The more often you practice reading the grounds,

you’ll see more symbols and your reading will be

not only fun but rewarding!

coffee cup reading

Symbols & Imagination

Make your own at home!

The way to read coffee grounds is to save them at the bottom

of the cup after the coffee is drunk. The cup is then covered

with a saucer, shaken (some people say to move the cup around 3

times). It’s then turned over (up side down), placed on the saucer,

and left to dry for 5-10 minutes.

When you replace the cup turned up in its normal position, you’re

going to see a lot of gunk! You will need to concentrate before

you see any images in the goo… its sort of like scuba diving when

you focus on the sea bed until you actually see the life around


Target Audience

- Women aged 20-50, mostly single

- 75% female customers

- Major reasons of psychic needs:

marriage, cheating, jobs, education,

depression, stress, health, kids,

money, guilt

Advertising Campaign

printing ads

- magazines

- Outdoor billboards

Social Media

- facebook, twitter, youtube

Advertising Campaign

The idea: cute cats representing women’s problems in a funny way


- we want to leverage the popularity of cats to make our campaign popular on social media (women share thousands of “cat content” every day)

- we want to address the issues that women struggle with without being too cheesy or obvious

- we want to use memes to make the ads funny- we do not reveal what “aunty binnaz” is to drive more

traffic to the website (curiosity)

social media: marriage

social media: jobs

social media: cheating

social media: health

social media: exams

social media: depression

social media: money

social media: kids

social media: dreams

social media: stress

print ads: truth

print ads: truth

print ads: truth

print ads: truth