automated document indexing with imageramp

Automated Document Indexing with ImageRampCreating Metadata with DocuFi’s Document and Data Capture Solution Copyright DocuFi, Inc. ©2015

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Automated Document Indexing with ImageRamp™

Creating Metadata with DocuFi’s Document and Data Capture Solution

Copyright DocuFi, Inc. ©2015

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‘”All of these good things – security, retention, access, findability – flow from accurate metadata. Unfortunately, most organizations looking to implement an IG policy, or update a policy, do so because historically their content has not been well catalogued. In fact frequently it’s a mess, both in terms of understanding its impact on the business as well as the cost incurred for managing it.”

AIIM White Paper: IG Policy versus IG Reality - bringing your wild content under control

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Invoice Number?

Customer/Employee Number?

Social Security No.?


Patient Name?


Waybill Number?

Prescription Number?

ImageRamp makes indexingdocuments easy.

Vendor ID?

Invoice Total?

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ImageRamp easily creates index information (metadata) directly in a database, including cloud-based platforms, or makes the information available as XML or CSV files.

Data is shared directly or via FTP, SFTP.




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So how can indexing information be created with little to no user intervention?

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ImageRamp Batch’s content mining lets you automatically pull out index information.

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ImageRamp’s content mining

lets you automatically pull out index information.


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ImageRamp Batch OffersFolder Watching

With this feature, documents are automatically processed (indexed, named, routed, cleaned up, etc.) as specified in a Profile or template when they are placed

in the “watched” folder.

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OCR technology is the foundation for many of ImageRamp’s auto

extraction capabilities.

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Extract 1D/2D barcodes from your documents and assign any part of them to fields for indexing or other purposes.

And barcodes are tried and true information tags.

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Let’s go through a simple barcode scenario.

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Let’s go through a simple barcode scenario.

If you’d like, download our trial version and follow along in ImageRamp Batch.

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• split a file of invoices into multiple files based on the first barcode of each page,

• capture index information from the barcodes,

• integrate that index information into a Microsoft Access database.

We will:

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We’ll use the Index Invoices2DB profile of Batch which is a standard template. It can be edited to meet your needs and saved for reuse.

Select the Profile and click on the Edit button.

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This profile specifies that the output files are named as barcode1-barcode3

in a subfolder* named IndexedFiles.

It is also set to split the input file at the first barcode on the top.

Explore the Tabs

*ImageRamp creates the folder if it does not exist.

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In our example we will use the Invoices Index Field Profile. The Index Field Profiles are templates used to map fields to the desired database.

To view or edit the index fields, click on the Edit button.

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From the Edit Index Field Settings screen you can add, delete, edit, and reorder index fields.

Highlight the InvoiceNum field and click on the Editbutton to see the Edit Field screen.

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The Edit Field screen lets you make changes to the field properties such as data type, default values, and field name. Now to get back to our demonstration, Close the Edit Field screen and Edit Index Field Settings to return to the Indexing tab.

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Now you would save any changes you’ve made with the Save Profile button and return to the main ImageRamp Batch Screen. Select Process Folder.

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Now the processing can begin!

Select the Profile; in our case it’s the Index Invoices2DB. The Source and Destination Folders will reflect what was specified in the Profile. You can accept these or enter new folders. Begin processing by clicking the Start button.

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Watch the Processing Progress

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The first file in the folder is now displayed with the extracted barcode data in the index fields. The operator can enter or edit these fields now.Select the Index icon to save this information and go to the next file.

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And remember this processing can be set up for no user intervention with Watched Folders.

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To watch folders, simply select a folder under the Watch Folders option from the Batch’s main menu and designate the Profile and required folder locations. Select Start.

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To learn more about ImageRamp OCR features, contact us. And for an ImageRamp Batch overview,

watch this.

[email protected]

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For more on:• Batch Document processing• Batch PDF mining• Batch text mining• Batch TIF mining• Text mining• Extracting meta data,• Data extraction from unstructured data• Intelligent data capture• Data extraction• Using regex to extract data• Document scanning • Extracting data• Extract meta data, • Scanner software, • Barcode recognition, • OCR software, • Capture tutorial • Pdf scanning,• Scanning software • Indexing• Document indexing• Automated capture• Meta data • Scan to index• Batch Processing• Bulk scanning• Docufi• Imageramp• Data capture• Migration to document management


Over 30 years’ experience in the Document Imaging and Capture market

ImageRamp Batch

Copyright ©2015

makers of ImageRamp, Intelligent Capture Solutions

Our solutions include ImageRamp Batch for folder processing, and ChronoScan Capture for advanced barcode and data mining requirements.