aviation industry events' by eisele communications gmbh (english)


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The undisputed USP and absolute core competence of Eisele Communications GmbH is the creation and realization of TOP level events for the entire aviation industry. Eisele Communications GmbH regularly designs and realizes top-class events for the aviation sector: “Roll In” events, aircraft christenings, VIP galas, managerial conferences and employee events, inaugurations, laying of foundation stones, trade fairs and product presentations. All this in the most unusual and complex event locations on earth: Airports. Eisele Communications GmbH has been the exclusive event agency for Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Group) and Lufthansa’s subsidiaries since 2008: Lufthansa Cargo AG and Lufthansa Technik AG. The general contract also includes the entire Star Alliance. In 2010 unique and historic events of considerable scale were designed and executed for the aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing (in cooperation with Lufthansa) and the world-renowned air transport association IATA. The event expertise of the team at Eisele Communications GmbH in this area for Germany, Austria and Switzerland is almost second to none.


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Eisele Communications GmbH has established itself as a full service agency with a reputation for perfectly organized events both in Germany and abroad over many years. Whatever it is the customer desires – we will find out exactly what it is through persistent communication and then make it come true by applying professional concepts, a perfect script and sophisticated performances. To achieve this we leave no stone unturned and no surprise is too outlandish. Great care is being taken to ensure a deep emotional connection with the customer’s company is achieved – as well as a balanced cost-benefit effect. Our aim is to create unforgettable “WOW experiences" in order to successfully contribute to the positive image of our customers.

Eisele Communications GmbHTHE AGENCY

Page 3: Aviation Industry Events' by Eisele Communications GmbH (english)

The undisputed USP and absolute core competence of Eisele Communications GmbH is the creation and realization of TOP level events for the entire aviation industry.Eisele Communications GmbH regularly designs and realizes top-class events for the aviation sector: “Roll In” events, aircraft christenings, VIP galas, managerial conferences and employee events, inaugurations, laying of foundation stones, trade fairs and product presentations. All this in the most unusual and complex event locations on earth: Airports. Eisele Communications GmbH has been the exclusive event agency for Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Group) and Lufthansa’s subsidiaries since 2008: Lufthansa Cargo AG and Lufthansa Technik AG. The general contract also includes the entire Star Alliance. In 2010 unique and historic events of considerable scale were designed and executed for the aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing (in cooperation with Lufthansa) and the world-renowned air transport association IATA. The event expertise of the team at Eisele Communications GmbH in this area for Germany, Austria and Switzerland is almost second to none.

Bigger – Faster – Further!AVIATION INDUSTRY EVENTS

Page 4: Aviation Industry Events' by Eisele Communications GmbH (english)


A380 Christening Munich

Farewell Event CEO W. Mayrhuber

Quality Day

Executive Retreat

IATA AGM Gala Dinner 2010 Berlin

HubDay 2009 and Laying of Foundation Stone A-Plus Departure Gate

50 Years Anniversary Boeing Aircraft Jet for Lufthansa

Inauguration A380 Maintenance Hangar

International Cargo Congress (ICC) 2008 Leipzig Deutsche

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Deutsche Lufthansa AG

IATA & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fraport AG & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

The Boeing Company & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Lufthansa Technik AG

Lufthansa Cargo AG

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Roll IN A380 Lufthansa writes aviation history.

On May 19, 2010 Lufthansa wrote aviation history. The first Lufthansa "A380" was handed over in Hamburg and delivered to Frankfurt am Main. Eisele Communications GmbH was in charge of the entire concept and execution of the official Roll In Event at the home hub Frankfurt. After touch down the gigantic airplane taxied into the A380 hangar, where it was welcomed under frenetic applause by a 1,800-strong VIP audience. The airline passengers invited to take part in the maiden flight from Hamburg to Frankfurt disembarked the airplane inside the hangar, where they joined the other attending guests and enjoyed a novel and impressive event. Amongst the guests were, among others, Roland Koch, at the time Minister of the State of Hessen, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, then CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, and Airbus CEO, Tom Enders. The plane was christened 'Frankfurt am Main' by the city’s major, Mrs. Petra Roth. Hosts of the spectacular event were Christina Ringer (of n-TV) and Markus Othmer (BR, the Bavarian broadcasting corporation). The Hessen broadcasting service reported this special event live in one of its broadcasts.

Customer: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: A380 Maintenance Hangar Frankfurt am MainDate: May 19, 2010 Occasion: A380 Roll In

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

A380 Christening MunichThe wife of Munich's Mayor, Edith von Welser-Ude, named the second Lufthansa A380 after the city of Munich. In a small christening ceremony accompanied by Garmisch alp horn players, the airplane was, as is tradition, christened with water from the river Isar.A check of over €100,000 was handed to Help Alliance, a charity set up by Deutsche Lufthansa AG, which was a further highlight at this event. Immediately after the christening ceremony, a number of selected guests enjoyed a special one-hour sightseeing flight over the foothills of the Alps. The pleasant stewardesses wore, especially for this occasion, original Lufthansa Oktoberfest Dirndls, while the stewards were dressed in traditional Bavarian suits, recreating typical Bavarian-style charm and ambience for this special event.

Customer: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: Hangar at Airport MunichDate: July 28, 2011 Occasion: Christening of the 2nd Lufthansa A380

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Farewell Event CEO Wolfgang MayrhuberWolfgang Mayrhuber - 40 years in business

In December 2010 the Deutsche Lufthansa AG said farewell to its CEO, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, with a very festive and atmospheric event. In the space of just a few hours a huge LED screen, a complete event infrastructure (set up, catering, etc.) and a large stage complete with all necessary technology were set up in a Frankfurt airport hangar. A film, specially produced to showcase Mr. Mayrhuber's lifetime achievements spanning forty years, showed the CEO as a "true Lufthanseat". Well-wishing messages, e.g. from the CEO of aircraft manufacturer Airbus, underlined the high esteem in which Mr. Mayrhuber is held. A "serenade" from the Berliner Philharmonic ensured a festive atmosphere. During the event Mr. Mayrhuber was presented with a range of rather personal presents from the Lufthansa subsidiaries (Technik, Cargo, LSG, to name but a few) and from various airline partners, such as Austrian Airlines, Swiss, Eurowings, etc. by persons wearing the uniforms of the respective company. Another highlight of this farewell-do was the official handing over of the baton to his successor, new CEO Dr. Christoph Franz. 3,000 employees experienced this highly "emotional" event live, while all other employees had the chance to watch the event via live streaming.

Customer: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: Maintenance Hangar, FrankfurtDate: December 17, 2010 Occasion: Farewell Event CEO Wolfgang Mayrhuber

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Executive Retreat Passage"Sharpen your Skills". The Board of the Passage and a further 230 top executives went into a retreat at the Lufthansa Training and Conference Center in Seeheim-Jugenheim. The structure of the conference, specially developed for this event, sported an unusual, catwalk-type stage design which served to create immediacy between participants and speakers and fostered communication - and ultimately, the successful outcome of this event.Eisele Communications GmbH created the setting, planned and organized the conference and directed the program.

Customer: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: Lufthansa Training and Conference Center SeeheimDate: September 13, 2010 Occasion: Manager Conference of Lufthansa Passage

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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Deutsche Lufthansa AG Quality DayInnovations, new products, quality, current developments and sustainability - all these aspects were at the core of this year's annual Deutsche Lufthansa Quality Day, attended by international media representatives of importance. The exceptional setting of this event in form of a nuclear molecule emphasized the up-to-date modernity of the airline and ensured that the event left an unforgettable impression. In the centre of the setting was the auditorium, where the official press conference was held, among other things. In addition, working stations for journalists and the catering section were also located in this area. The outer circle, i.e. the so-called "satellites", individual topics / themes were raised and presented by the management against a suitable backdrop.

Customer: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: A380 Maintenance Hangar FrankfurtDate: June 16, 2010 Occasion: Quality Day 2008

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IATA & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

IATA AGM Gala Dinner 2010 BerlinThe grand scenery of Berlin's former airport Tempelhof offered around 600 invited guests an honorable setting for the evening gala of the international IATA Conference. Framed by two aircraft old-timers the reception was held out in the open of the airport. The former departure lounge, which embodies the spirit of the 50s and 60s, was furnished with round tables and chairs for the gala event. Historic exhibits from 50 years in aviation history, signs with the logos of all airlines that used to be stationed at Tempelhof, a completely fitted Lufthansa travel agency, old advertising billboards and current models of the A380 and the new airport Berlin Brandenburg International (BER) provided authentic decoration for the hall and brought the "good old days" of aviation back to life. A highlight of this special evening was the fashion show in which Lufthansa stewards and stewardesses modeled the official uniforms of the past 60 years.In addition to board members from all important global airlines and carriers, the absolute top guest of honor welcomed at this event was the first man on the moon:Neil Armstrong.

Customer: IATA & Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: Departure Hall of the Former Airport Berlin TempelhofDate: June 7, 2010 Occasion: IATA – Annual General Meeting

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Fraport AG & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

HubDay 2009 and Laying of Foundation Stone A-Plus Departure GateThe laying of the foundation stone for one of the most extensive construction projects undertaken at Frankfurt airport - the expansion of the departure gate A-Plus - by the Chairman of the Management Board of Fraport AG, Dr. Stefan Schulte, is seen as one of the trend-setting milestones in the cooperation between Fraport and Deutsche Lufthansa AG. Construction works were officially started in a joint event attended by Roland Koch, then Minister of the State of Hessen, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, then CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, and 250 invited guests on September 1, 2009. On the apron, in immediate vicinity of the construction site, a large glass tent was erected, which was flanked by a couple of smaller "theme" tents. The stage extended, initially not yet visible, towards the exterior area in direction of the construction pit. After the official part had finished, the tent wall opened up, supported by powerful drum and percussion music, and the extended stage plus construction site became fully visible. The abso-lute highlight of the event was the foundation stone being "flown in" to the guests. Two stuntmen disguised as construction workers stood atop the stone which was lowered onto the exterior stage of the event tent from a height of 35 m. The attractively presented theme tents, which offered a diverse display of "tangible" exhibits, proved to be highly popular.

Customer: Fraport AG & Deutsche Venue: Frankfurt AirportDate: September 1, 2009 Occasion: HubDay 2009

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The Boeing Company & Deutsche Lufthansa AG

50 Years Anniversary Boeing Aircraft Jet for LufthansaIn 2010 the successful 50-year long partnership and cooperation between aerospace manufacturer Boeing and Lufthansa was celebrated. For the occasion a spectacular "anniversary celebration" was put together in cooperation with Boeing. The "Jumbo Hangar" at Hamburg airport was divided into three areas: A press conference was held in the first area, attended by the directorate of both Lufthansa and Boeing and by other top aircraft component suppliers, such as Rolls Royce Motors. In the second space a spacious social area had been set up, complete with a small stage and a special Boeing exhibition. In the auditorium, designed for 1,000 people, a large stage was erected for the official part of the celebrations and the entertainment performances. A jubilee jumbo, specially painted for the occasion, brought some of the guests from Frankfurt to Hamburg and was positioned in front of the event hangar. The core of the official part formed a time travel presentation displayed on an extra-large LED screen taking viewers through the past 5 decades with some musical support provided by a live band in this entertaining stage show. Official speakers, such as Ole van Beust, the then Lord Mayor, contemporaries of the 1950s, bearing witness of the era, dancers, actors, models, DJs and artists, complex Watchout projections and specially produced videos, at times with never before seen archive footage, all combined to create an unforgettable and unique stage show. The final climax of the event was the handshake between Wolfgang Mayrhuber and James McNerney, CEO Deutsche Lufthansa AG and CEO Boeing respectively, symbolizing continued future cooperation between the two companies.

Customer: The Boeing Company & Deutsche Lufthansa AG Venue: Maintenance Hangar HamburgDate: May 8, 2010 Occasion: 50th Anniversary Boeing Aircraft Jet for Lufthansa

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Lufthansa Technik AG

Inauguration of the A380 Maintenance HangarAt the beginning of 2008 Europe's largest maintenance hangar to service the A380 was completed. Eisele Communications GmbH was contracted with the design and realization of this event. The hangar was divided lengthways in the middle by a curtain that was suspended off cross beams and measured approx. 1,320 m2. In front of this curtain and facing the offices, were the social meeting area and the auditorium with a low-level stage on which the official part of the inauguration was staged. Behind the curtain, facing the hangar gate and the runway, two airplanes were positioned centrally. Between the "aircrafts' noses" artists from the Helmnot Theatre ("Windrider") took up their positions.The highest ranking representatives from politics and from the aviation industry pressed a "buzzer" in a symbolic act that raised the curtain, clearing the view onto the entire hangar. This festive climax was accompanied by a spectacular performance from the artists, who performed a choreographed dance on top of the wind machines that saw panels of fabric of up to 25 m lengths rise up to the sky through the power of the wind. The inauguration became an unforgettable emotionally charged experience.

Customer: Lufthansa Technik AG Venue: A380 Maintenance Hangar FrankfurtDate: January 11, 2008 Occasion: Inauguration of the A380 Maintenance Hangar

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Lufthansa Cargo AG

International Cargo Congress (ICC) LeipzigThe location for the international Manager Conference of the Lufthansa Cargo AG was Leipzig. The historic train "Rhein-Gold-Express" which had been reserved exclusively took the rather surprised participants straight from Frankfurt's airport railway station to Leipzig. The train served as an unusual get-together venue. The departments were made pro-active use of as workshops. The conference took place at the 5-star Hotel Westin Grand in Leipzig, whose largest conference room was specially converted to suit the event. The room was draped entirely in white and was lit with LED spot lights. Highlight of the conference was a so-called Commitment Act. The strategy presented by the CEO was "made up" of 300 small cubes that appeared on a huge projection screen.Every manager was actively engaged in the construction of the "strategy" and contributed their personal commitment to the company into the joint artwork. The activity was a bonding exercise that promoted team spirit and emotionalized participants. At the end of the conference everyone and everything connected to form one cohesive whole. The performances of individual international teams were honored as part of a festive and elegant 'Oscar Night'. To this end a huge warehouse was converted into a gala location. Another highlight of the evening was the impressive illumination of the MD11 freighter aircraft, which was positioned immediately next to the hall on the runway.

Customer: Lufthansa Cargo AG Venue: Westin Hotel / World Cargo Center LeipzigDate: September 10-12, 2008 Occasion: International Cargo Congress (ICC) 2008

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Eisele Communications GmbHMarkus Eisele

Hanauer Landstraße 196aD – 60314 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 / 48 000 60Fax: +49 (0)69 / 48 000 690

eMail: [email protected]: www.eisele-communications.com


Eisele Communications GmbH – NordPatrick Seuss

Isestraße 65D – 20149 Hamburg

Tel: +49 (0)179 / 499 1609Fax: +49 (0)69 / 48 000 690

eMail: [email protected]: www.eisele-communications.com


Aviation Industry Events l Eisele Communications GmbH ©