ayc mainsheet febury 2012

Anacapa Yacht Club Mainsheet Volume 2012 Issue 2 February 2012 1 Commodores Report: BILL BRAYTON Happy New Year! I suppose by now we have all heard that enough and are ready for Anacapa Yachts Club’s 45th year to get going. It has been a very happy New Year. AYC we started off the year with a very successful cruise to Coches Prietos on the back side of Santa Cruz Island. We had 6 boats from AYC out there. Mike and Cherri Taylor aboard Maine Squeeze, John and Susie Keosterer brought Defender with Don and Bobbie Lehman on Wind Dancer crossing the channel in the fog Friday morning. Saturday morning, Doug Dodge brought Moonshadow across the channel single handed in the thick fog along with Gary Goodman and the Underwoods on Alycone. Tina and I also opted for and early departure on Saturday morning. We had a great time bringing in the New Year aboard Our Porpoise with lots of guests. Other boats in the anchorage were lit up with merry makers as well. The following day, Jan 1 st 2012 the anchorage came to life, very slowly, and since the fog was still thick many of the boats decided to head out as a fleet. This exodus of boats left Moonshadow, Our Porpoise and Alcyone in the anchorage. Gary Goodman and crew soon were raising the anchor and getting ready to head out of the anchorage. If you see Gary around the club ask him how his anchor finally got on board his boat. After Alcyone cleared the anchorage there were two boats left in the anchorage. We have been going to Coches for many years and this was our first time being there with just two boats, it was awesome! We left the anchorage the next day about 1100 hours to get home before sunset. We had seen many common dolphins, bottle nose dolphins and Risso’s dolphins this trip but was to come is so hard to describe. Tina and I were motor sailing down the backside headed for the gap between Anacapa and Santa Cruz Island. At about the antenna farm on Santa Cruz I noticed another pod of dolphins heading north. This by itself was not a big deal as we see these pods regularly. What was a big deal was the very large triangle fin I spotted not too far from this pod. I immediately slowed boat and made a hard right turn to starboard and head for that triangle fin. This was my very first ever sighting of a killer whale. This big guy or gal had to be about 15 feet long I estimate. This whale came within about 30 feet of the boat and I could clearly see his white cheeks as he came up for a blow. We were so excited! It was like Christmas morning for a kid! We slowly motored with this whale for about 20-25 minutes and he lazily swam off. We needed to head across the channel so we bade him farewell and headed home. It was truly an amazing adventure Tina and I had the pleasure of hosting the 2012 Commodores Ball. This years event was once again held at the historic Pierpont Inn. Everyone was dressed “to the nines” for this grand evening. The evening started off with hors devours and cocktails. The snacks were awesome and it was great to greet everyone as they picked up their place cards. Dinner was a duet of filet mignon and either chicken cordon bleu or crabbed stuffed dover sole. I had the chicken cordon bleu and I tried a bit of the fish. It was all really Commodore’s Report 1 0B0BVice Commodore’s Report 3 Rear Commodore's Report 4 Sponsor Bio 5 Calendar 7 Birthdays 8 *Master Calendar 9

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AYC Main Sheet


Page 1: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012

Anacapa Yacht Club Mainsheet

Volume 2012 Issue 2 February 2012


  Commodores Report:                   BILL BRAYTON Happy New Year! I suppose by now we have all heard that enough and are ready for Anacapa Yachts Club’s 45th year to get going. It has been a very happy New Year. AYC we started off the year with a very successful cruise to Coches Prietos on the back side of Santa Cruz Island. We had 6 boats from AYC out there. Mike and Cherri Taylor aboard Maine Squeeze, John and Susie Keosterer brought Defender with Don and Bobbie Lehman on Wind Dancer crossing the channel in the fog Friday morning. Saturday morning, Doug Dodge brought Moonshadow across the channel single handed in the thick fog along with Gary Goodman and the Underwoods on Alycone. Tina and I also opted for and early departure on Saturday morning. We had a great time bringing in the New Year aboard Our Porpoise with lots of guests. Other boats in the anchorage were lit up with merry makers as well. The following day, Jan 1st 2012 the anchorage came to life, very slowly, and since the fog was still thick many of the boats decided to head out as a fleet. This exodus of boats left Moonshadow, Our Porpoise and Alcyone in the anchorage. Gary Goodman and crew soon were raising the anchor and getting ready to head out of the anchorage. If you see Gary around the club ask him how his anchor finally got on board his boat. After Alcyone cleared the anchorage there were two boats left in the anchorage. We have been going to Coches for many years and this was our first time being there with just two boats, it was awesome! We left the anchorage the next day about 1100 hours to get home before sunset. We had seen many common dolphins, bottle nose dolphins and Risso’s dolphins this trip but was to come is so hard to describe. Tina and I were motor sailing down the backside headed for the gap between Anacapa and Santa Cruz Island. At about the antenna farm on Santa Cruz I noticed another pod of dolphins heading north. This by itself was not a big deal as we see these pods regularly. What was a big deal was the very large triangle fin I spotted not too far from this pod. I immediately slowed boat and made a hard right turn to starboard and head for that triangle fin. This was my very first ever sighting of a killer whale. This big guy or gal had to be about 15 feet long I estimate. This whale came within about 30 feet of the boat and I could clearly see his white cheeks as he came up for a blow. We were so excited! It was like Christmas morning for a kid! We slowly motored with this whale for about 20-25 minutes and he lazily swam off. We needed to head across the channel so we bade him farewell and headed home. It was truly an amazing adventure Tina and I had the pleasure of hosting the 2012 Commodores Ball. This years event was once again held at the historic Pierpont Inn. Everyone was dressed “to the nines” for this grand evening. The evening started off with hors devours and cocktails. The snacks were awesome and it was great to greet everyone as they picked up their place cards. Dinner was a duet of filet mignon and either chicken cordon bleu or crabbed stuffed dover sole. I had the chicken cordon bleu and I tried a bit of the fish. It was all really

Commodore’s Report


0B0BVice Commodore’s Report 3 Rear Commodore's Report 4 Sponsor Bio


Calendar 7

Birthdays 8

*Master Calendar 9

Page 2: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012


tasty! After dessert was cleared away it was time for the speeches and awards. Randy did a fine job honoring all those that participated on the 2011 Bridge and Board. He also presented awards to the following folks: Board of Directors Award--Walter Russakoff Commodores Award--Joe Underwood Boat of the Year--Crosby and Laura Swartz Outstanding Service Award--Joanne Underwood Race Boat of the Year--Randy Alcorn Outpatient After the speeches and the awards the band for the evening “The Bumps” kicked into high gear with some awesome dance music. The band played on till 11 pm when everyone was about danced out. There were quite a few people that danced until the band stopped playing music. I think I heard they may have landed a couple more local gigs with some of those attending the evening’s festivities. In closing I would like to say thank you to Mike Taylor, Doug Dodge and Joleen Darland for making our TV system more user friendly than ever. For the first time in our new club house we are going to have a clear TV picture. This is because we have installed a direct TV dish on the roof. I look forward to seeing you all at the club house for our many events throughout the year. If you have questions or comments feel free to email me at [email protected] Bill Brayton Commodore 2012

Page 3: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012


VViiccee  CCoommmmooddoorreess  RReeppoorrtt:: MIKE TAYLOR

AYC members and friends: 2012 has begun with a bang for Anacapa Yacht Club. January Friday night dinners have already shown record attendance and plenty of new faces. Our 1st dinner of the year was a huge success with close to 50 people enjoying 3 types of Chili prepared by John and Susie Koesterer (kept Cherri and I hopping behind the bar!). In retaliation we solicited John's help behind the bar for our dinner on the following week and again the turnout was good enough to give (experienced bartender) John and (rookie bartender) Don a taste of hopping behind the bar. I heard someone even ordered “sex on the beach” attempting to stump our rookie, but he had the quick sense to check the drink book and figured it out without delay. The last week in January brings together several members to prepare an enchilada cook-off that is sure to impress. The excellent food, enthusiasm and creativity of our Chef/members have been awesome and if you haven't been to see us for a Friday dinner yet, you are missing out. Speaking of great additions, we have several new members join us the most recent being: Cindy Arosteguy Stacey Peterson Roger Waldron Donna Plummer and Mike McKendry Some upcoming events to look forward to include: Feb. 6 - Super bowl Sunday at AYC (this is always a good time) Go Patriots. Friday Dinners all month, cocktails at 6, dinner around 7pm This months OD's are: 2/3 Walter Russakoff 2/10 Swartz 2/17 Weinrich 2/24 Dodge If you can't make your dates, please try to switch with another member or contact me as soon as possible so we can find replacements. We are working on setting up speakers for some of our Friday dinners, so stay tuned or if you have suggestions please share them. All ideas are welcome. AYC does not exist without its members and we want and need your input and support. If there is any activity you think would be beneficial to our club, the community or our members please don't hesitate to pass it along to myself or one of our board members all suggestions are welcome. For more information on any social activities please contact me by phone or email. (805) 469-1936 or [email protected]. As always I look forward to seeing you at the club and on the water. Mike Taylor Vice Commodore 2012

Page 4: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012


RReeaarr  CCoommmmooddoorreess  RReeppoorrtt:: JJooee  UUnnddeerrwwoooodd Ahoy members and friends, We have had a great January, enjoying some fantastic meals at the club, celebrating AYC style at the Commodores Ball and kicking off all the on-the-water activities. Anacapa Yacht Club is co-hosting the Winter series TGIS Yacht Race with PCYC and the first race of the year, TGIS Winter series # 2, had a great turnout with 9 boats showing up at the starting line. This series is growing in interest and bringing out the cruising boats in the non-spin class for some nice spirited competition in a low pressure environment. So I would like to encourage you to get that cruising boat out there for some great fun. For all of our experienced racers, there is no better way for you to prepare your boat for the upcoming sanctioned events than getting to race with your friends and or dial in that crew in a healthy level of competition that the TGIS spinnaker A or B fleet offers. On the cruising front, the first cruise out to the island offered some great times. We all got to make use of our navigation skills as there was lots of fog, and most of us never saw the island until we were as close as a few hundred feet away. Joanne and I were aboard Alcyone the beautiful Catalina 350 owned by AYC's Gary Goodman. Alcyone is fully equipped with electronics and made for easy navigation to Coches. At the anchorage we had Our Porpoise (owned by Bill & Tina Brayton), Moon Shadow (owned by Doug & Kalin Dodge), Sea Dancer (owned by Don & Bobby Leman), Defender (owned by John & Susan Koesterer), Maine Squeeze (owned by Mike & Cherri Taylor) and Alcyone (owned by Gary Goodman). We even had some friends from VSC and H dock out at Coches. At the anchorage the sun came out just long enough for us all to enjoy a great social beach party, we had food galore and had a great bocce ball tournament. We had the cameras ready as we departed the beach but everyone managed to stay dry for the most part as we headed back to the boats, great fun for all.

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We have no cruises planned on the calendar but we have had several day cruises on the spot with good weather days that have been great for seeing the whales. Randy Alcorn and crew sailed Out Patient over to the gap last week and reported seeing a pod of whales numbering in the 8-10 area and had great time watching all the spouts with the beautiful sun setting sky. Sounds magical, so be on the look out, all the traveling whales are still hanging around the islands and they are such a wonderful sight to see... Upcoming events on the water: URacing: Race management seminar ( area J) is being hosted by Santa Barbara Yacht Club on January 28, registration begins at 0800, class starts at 0830. For more information contact Brad Schaupeter at (805) 965-8112. January 28th, AYC center board super bowl regatta. January 29th, TGIS winter series #3, skippers meeting will be at Anacapa Yacht Club at 11:00 am UCruising events: There are no cruises scheduled in the month of February, but if we have a good weather window open up we may decide to add one to the calendar at the last minute at a Friday dinner. So cruisers be on stand by if you are ready for a cruise. For more information on any on-the-water activities please contact me by phone or email. (805) 529-0934 or [email protected] Joe Underwood Rear Commodore / Staff Commodore / Cruise Director

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Our Sponsors              Don Lehman  U

The Rudder Room

The name says it all, where else can the locals, the boaters, the bikers and even the out-of-towner can come to enjoy the sunsets, sea breezes and volleyball while having your favorite cocktail or beer on the beach. If there ever was a “Cheers” bar in real life it would be “The Rudder Room”. I think most of us have been to “The Rudder Room” to have a drink with friends while enjoying the beach, the boats coming back in or the sunsets.

“The Rudder Room” is owned and operated by George and Jennifer Olcovich. They have been a sponsor of our Wet Wednesday Races for many years. Jennifer has been to our club many times as a guest of Susie and John. They have several fun annual events at “The Rudder Room”, including the Halloween Costume Contest, The Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest.

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And my favorite The New Years Day PJ Party.

Visit them at:

2929 Ocean Dr. Oxnard, Ca 93035

You can “like” them on their facebook page and see what is happening at “The Rudder Room”

Page 8: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012


February 2012 Anacapa Yacht Club Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

         11   2 33  FFrriiddaayy  SSoocciiaall  




5 Superbowl Party  66   77   88   99  BBooaarrdd  MMeeeettiinngg   1100  FFrriiddaayy  SSoocciiaall  

OODD  ‐‐  SSwwaarrttzz  





1133   1144


1155   1166   1177  FFrriiddaayy  SSoocciiaall  




1199   20 Washington


2211   2222   23  2244  FFrriiddaayy  SSoocciiaall  




26 2277   2288   2299          

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Roger King 2/6 Hank Cocoran 2/7

Did we miss your birthday? E-mail us at [email protected]

Page 10: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012

Anacapa Yacht Club Master Calendar 2012


January 1 New Years Cruise to Coches 8 TGIS #2 12 Board Meeting 21 Commodores Ball 27 General Meeting and Dinner 28 Center Board Super Bowl Regatta 29 TGIS #3 February 5 Super Bowl Party 9 Board of Directors Meeting 24 General Meeting & Dinner March 8 Board of Directors Meeting 10 St. Patrick’s Day Race 17 St. Patrick’s Day Party 18 TGIS #4 23 General Meeting and Dinner 24 Housekeeping Pizza Party April 1 Opening Day 12 Board of Directors Meeting 14 Lunch Cruise to VYC 20 General Meeting and Dinner 21-22 Channel Island to Newport Race 27-29 Newport to Ensenada Race May 2 First Wet Wednesday 5 Cinco de Mayo Party 9 Wet Wednesday 10 Board of Directors Meeting 16 Wet Wednesday 23 Wet Wednesday 25 General Meeting and Dinner 26 Anacapa Island to Port Race #1 26-28 ASBCYC Cruise to Prisoners 30 Wet Wednesday June 2-3 Cruise to Yellow Banks 6 Wet Wednesday 13 Wet Wednesday 14 Board of Directors Meeting 16 Platform A Race #2 20 Wet Wednesday 22 General Meeting and Dinner 27 Wet Wednesday 30-1st Cruise to Scorpion July 2-5 Cruise to Cat Harbor Catalina 4 Wet Wednesday and Social

11 Wet Wednesday 12 Board Meeting 18 Wet Wednesday 25 Wet Wednesday 27 General Meeting & Dinner August 1 Wet Wednesday 4 Wes Golemon Mem Race #3 5 Wes Golemon Awards 8 Wet Wednesday 9 Board of Directors Meeting 12-19 Cruise around Santa Cruz 15 Wet Wednesday 22 Wet Wednesday 24 General Meeting & Dinner 26 TGIS #1 29 Wet Wednesday September 1-3 Santa Barbara City Race / Tequila Derby 5 Wet Wednesday 12 Wet Wednesday 13 Board of Directors Meeting 19 Wet Wednesday (sponsor appreciation) 22-23 Cruise to Pelican 26 Last Wet Wednesday 28 General Meeting & Dinner 30 TGIS #2 October 5 Oktoberfest Theme Party 6-8 Cruise to Alberts 11 Board Meeting 13 Two Harbor Fall Series #1 20 Two Harbor Fall Series #2 21 TGIS #3 26 Annual Meeting, Dinner & Elections 27 Halloween Party November 3-4 Anacapa Cup Regatta (Small Boat) 8 Board of Directors Meeting 10 Two Harbor Fall Series #3 10 Cruise to Frenches 16 General Meeting & Dinner (3rd Friday) 18 TGIS #4 23 Club Closed December 1 Two Harbor Fall Series #4 1 General Meeting X-mas Party Potluck 2 TGIS #1 8 Parade of Lights & Toys for Tots 13 Combined Board of Directors 15 Dingy Lights Tour 29-31 New Years Cruise to Coches

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Date Day Chef Date Day Chef

1/6 Fri Koester 6/29 Fri King/Compton1/13 Fri Taylor 7/6 Fri OPEN1/21 Sat Commodores Ball 7/13 Fri Listing1/27 Fri Underwood 7/20 Fri Dickman2/3 Fri Russakoff 7/27 Fri Alcorn/Castanon2/5 Sun Super Bowl - Potluck 8/3 Fri Begeleisen2/10 Fri Swartz 8/5 Sun Race Breakfast - Wes Goleman2/17 Fri Weinrich 8/10 Fri Lorenzen2/24 Fri Dodge 8/17 Fri Rodriguez3/2 Fri Barrett 8/24 Fri Howard3/10 Sat St. Patricks Day - Casamassima 8/31 Fri Brayton3/16 Fri Brayton 9/7 Fri Open3/23 Fri Chattaway/Potts 9/14 Fri Poprawski3/30 Fri Housekeeping - Pizza Party 9/21 Fri Testa4/1 Sun AYC Opening Day 9/28 Fri Roth/Overton4/6 Fri Closed - Easter weekend 10/6 Sat Octoberfest - Schlageter (Joe & Cindy)

4/13 Fri Danielson/Sneider 10/12 Fri Sharp4/20 Fri Gorney/Weiss 10/19 Fri Lehman4/27 Fri Potluck - Ensenada Race 10/20 Sat *Race dinner - Two Harbors Fall5/4 Fri Goodman 10/27 Sat Halloween Party5/11 Fri Lacour/Howe 11/2 Fri Taylor5/18 Fri Leong 11/9 Fri OPEN5/26 Sat *Race Dinner - Anacapa to Port 11/16 Fri Fajardo6/1 Fri Cochran 11/23 Fri Closed Thanksgiving6/8 Fri Darlan 12/1 Sat X-Mas Party Potluck6/15 Fri Schlageter (Eric & Shawna) 12/8 Sat Parade of Lights - Potluck6/16 Sat *Race Dinner - Platform A 12/15 Sat Dingy Party - Soup Potluck6/22 Fri Hudson 12/21 Fri Closed - Christmas Holiday

12/28 Fri Closed - New Years Eve Holiday

Date Date

5/2 7/18 Bigeleisen5/9 7/25 Rodriguez5/16 8/1 Goodman5/23 8/8 Roth Overton5/29 8/15 Lacour/Howe6/6 8/22 Underwood6/13 8/29 Sharpe6/20 9/5 Rodriguez6/27 9/12 Chattaway/Potts7/4 9/19 Lehman - Sponsor Appreciation7/11 9/26 Pirate Night - Schlageter (Joe & Cindy)





*Race Dinner - Chili, Cornbread, Veggie, Dip & Desert

4th of July - No RaceGorney

* If you cannot make the date you are assigned for the Chef or for the Wednesday O.D. schedule please trade with another member and inform the Vice Commodore of the change.




Page 12: AYC Mainsheet Febury 2012

AYC Superbowl 46 Feb 5th 2012 club opens at 2PM Game time is 3:30 PST

Chicago Style Hot Dogs with Chili, Macaroni Salad, Chips, Dip and Popcorn Beer Specials $7.00 RSVP: [email protected] [email protected]