b sch1 part 1a dbom facilities requirements 220513

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  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513



    APPENDIX D Template and Guidance: DBOMFacility and Technical e!ui"ement# and $%ne

    Data &heet#

    &chedule ' Pa"t 'a Facilitie# e!ui"ement#

    Thi# d%cument p"%(ide# a #u))e#ted #t"uctu"e t% en#u"e that the *ey a#pect#+ ,enchma"*#and #tanda"d# %- de#i)n a"e .ell c%n#ide"ed and clea"ly #tated/

    Plea#e "ead the n%te ,el%. ,e-%"e u#in) thi# template d%cumentati%n

    This template should be reviewed and amended as appropriate to reflect project

    specific Local Authority requirements. Information shown in parenthesise [ ]indicates that project specific information is required.

    Other oranisations usin the !acility may also have requirements foraccommodation that the Local Authority provides and these requirements shall alsobe detailed so that the "ontractor understands its commitments with respect to theoverall provision.

    This template documentation has been produced by #port $nland% in consultationwith local authorities% leisure operators% leisure% technical and leal advisers in themar&et to provide assistance to Local Authorities in the procurement of #ports and

    Leisure projects.

    The template documentation has been published in ood faith by #port $nland withthe help of its advisers% and neither #port $nland nor its advisers shall incur anyliability for any action or omission arisin out of any reliance bein placed on thetemplate documentation by any Local Authority or oranisation or other person. AnyLocal Authority or oranisation or other person in receipt of this templatedocumentation should ta&e their own leal% financial and other relevant professionaladvice when considerin what action 'if any( to ta&e in respect of any initiative%proposal% or other involvement with any contractual partnership% or before placinany reliance on anythin contained therein.

  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    0%ntent#'1 APPENDIX D Facilitie# e!ui"ement# Pa)eN%2/

    ).) Introduction *****************.***

    ).+ "ore ,equirements ****************...

    [).- ,eception Area*******************..]

    [). #ecure #torae Area ',eception(***********..]

    [)./ 0ain 1ool***...******...***********.][).2 Learner 1ool**..******************]

    [).3 #pectator 4iewin '1ools(***************]

    [).5 6et #ide "hane Area ]

    [).7 #pa #uite ].

    [).)8 #ports 9all ]

    [).)) :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( ]

    [).)+ !itness #uite ]

    [).)- :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( ]

    [).) Aerobics; :ance #tudio ]

    [).)/ "ommunity Information 1oint ]

    [).)2 "af< ]

    [).)3 =itchen and #tore ]

    [).)5 Toilets ]

    [).)7 "leaners #tore ]

    [).+8 !le>ible #pace ]

    [).+) "reche ]

    [).++ :uty 0anaer?s Office ]

    [).+- @eneral Office ]

    [).+ IT; "ommunications ,ooms ]

    [).+/ #taff #tore ]

    [).+2 #taff ,est ,oom ][).+3 #taff "hane Area ]

    [).+5 Internal "irculation ]

    [).+7 1lant ,oom ]

    ) "ontents pae to be updated to reflect final detail of the !acilities ,equirements% as appropriate+ 1ae numberin to be updated% as appropriate

  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513



    The !acilities ,equirements identifies the requirements for the desin% architecture and buildinservices installations of the [insert name(s)]. This document should be read in conjunction with theone :ata #heets.

    The descriptions of facilities and outputs set out in this document provide an overview of the

    Authority?s requirements with reard to the [!acility; !acilities] and are intended to assist the"ontractor in desinin a facility which responds to local requirements and fulfils local need.

    Bothin in these !acilities ,equirements shall remove the obliation of the "ontractor to meet therequirements of all relevant @uidance and Leislation.

    The "ontractor shall comply with any methodoloies identified in this !acilities ,equirements andwith all relevant professional and trade uidance.

    '/2 0%"e e!ui"ement#3

    The "ontractor is required to provide a hih quality #ports and Leisure "entre with the aim ofpromotin accessible sport and physical activity opportunities in the area.

    The [!acility; !acilities] shall provide users with a safe and comfortable environment in which toparticipate in a rane of activities.

    The [!acility; !acilities] shall be desined to a standard consistent with all relevant and currenttechnical desin uidance published by #port $nland and the national overnin bodies of sport'B@Cs(

    The "ore ,equirements for the [!acility; !acilities] includeD

    [,eception Area]

    [#ecure #torae Area ',eception(]

    [0ain 1ool E 1lease refer to #port

    $nland publication FAffordable"ommunity #wimmin 1ools? fortypical pool confiurationshttpD;;www.sportenland.or;facilitiesGGplannin;desinGandGcostGuidance;swimminGpools;affordableGswimmin


    2 > +./m lane% +)m > +/m mainswimmin pool with two booms andone moveable floor 'the 0ain 1ool(]

    [+8m > )8./m learner; leisure and

    learner; warm up pool with moveablefloor 'the Learner 1ool(]

    [#pectator 4iewin '1ools(]

    [6et #ide "hane Area]

    [#pa #uite containin #pa% #auna and

    #team !acilities]

    [ badminton court #ports 9all H

    -./m > +8m > 3./m]

    [:ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all(]

    [)88 station I!I compliant health and

    fitness centre 'the !itness #uite(]

    - One consistent list of ones must be used in all the #chedules to the Areement. This 1art )a H!acilities ,equirements assumes an e>ample !acility with the ones listed. !or completeness a fulllist of potential ones that may be included within any new [!acility; !acilities] is included in

    pararaph ).- of #chedule ) 1art - H #ervices #pecification. This 1art )a H !acilities,equirements will need to be reviewed and updated throuhout to ensure that the project specificcore facility requirements are reflected and crossEreferenced in pararaph ).- of #chedule ) 1art -H #ervices #pecification and the associated Appendi> one :ata #heets.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    [:ry #ide "hane Area '!itness


    [Aerobics; :ance #tudio]

    ["ommunity Information 1oint H a Fonestop? point for information on localB9# services and public]

    [9ealthy eatin caf

  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/3ecepti%n A"ea

    General Requirements

    The e>ternal entrance foyer shall be easily identifiable and have a prominent position in the

    eneral arranements for the buildin. An entrance lobby shall be provided to reduce air

    chanes and loss of heat and the miration of dirt and water into the main foyer. The lobbyshall be provided with a full width threshold mat and well and automatic doors.

    The position of the reception counters and access control systems shall allow users to

    immediately reconise the correct admission points for the !acility. Jsers should bechannelled such that they pass the reception des& and;or desined to allow optimumsupervision and minimise staffin.

    The reception des& shall be visible upon arrival% at an appropriate heiht for wheelchair

    users% fitted with an induction loop and sined appropriately.


    To meet the requirements and allow suitable circulation and waitin space for pea&


    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The reception area will serve as a meetin point for users before enterin the !acility.

    The reception area will also serve as an entrance point to those wishin to use facilities not

    located behind the !acility?s turnstiles 'this could potentially include 6"s% "af< and"ommunity Information 1oint(.

    The reception area shall be lare enouh to accommodate small scale e>hibitions 'for

    e>ample% temporary e>hibitions or Flive? activities such as arts; cultural presentations(.

    The reception area should be capable of holdin up to [>>] people based on anticipated

    pea& occupancy.

    The reception des& will be the main control and security point to the !acility.

    The layout of the reception area and position of the reception des& shall provide users withspace to queue at busy periods.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The ,eception Area shallD

    Ce of a sufficient siKe to allow people to meet before usin the facilities.

    0eet the requirements set out in the one :ata #heet.

    Allow for plenty of natural liht.


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    9ave provision of a convenient and secure store for baby buies; prams which can be


    9ave a clear view of the e>ternal cycle stands.

    9ave a convenient store for disability buies% clearly visible from reception.

    9ave automatic operation of the main doors.

    9ave access which is level.

    9ave hih quality e>ternal windows and doors% floors and ceilin finishes that create a ood

    impression and contribute to lower maintenance% enery and replacement costs.

    The reception des& shallD

    Ce of an Fopen? desin% with a lower level for wheelchair uses and children.

    Incorporate storae for lost property and items for sale or hire.

    0a&e provision for the monitorin of security and fire alarm systems.

    Allow for the use of ""T4 monitors.

    Allow for IT equipment and dataEatherin systems.

    Include tills and other equipment as identified in the one :ata #heets.

    Include an induction loop that complies with C# $B 28))5E and C#3/7.

    1rovide viewin into the #ports 9all throuh laKed panels% with flush detailin to the #ports

    9all side.

    Ce lin&ed to appropriately placed turnstiles.


    The reception area shall provide access to all parts of the buildin.

    The reception des& shall afford ood views of users enterin the !acility% and a hih level of

    surveillance should be possible from the reception des&.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The reception area shall accommodate roups waitin to access the !acility% or those

    waitin for other activities to be held in the vicinity.

    The reception des& will need to accommodate a minimum of [ staff].]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/4 &ecu"e &t%"a)e A"ea 5ecepti%n6

    General Requirements

    The secure storae area 'reception( will be used to store items durin e>hibitions in the

    ,eception Area.


    To meet the requirements based on the outline schedule of equipment.[ no. demountable

    stands ')588mm hih > 288mm wide(% +8 stac&in chairs]

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    Jsed to store e>hibitions% equipment% stands% chairs etc.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The secure storae area 'reception( must be of robust desin to deter thieves.

    :oors should not open directly into circulation spaces.


    The secure storae area 'reception( shall allow easy access to the ,eception Area.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    !or use by staff and e>hibitors.


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    ['/7 Main P%%l

    General Requirements

    The swimmin facilities should be capable ofD

    'a( 1rovidin quality casual swimmin in a rane of depths not e>ceedin [>%>>> mm] deep%based upon one bather per -m sq. of water area

    'b( Allowin easy access to the water for people of all abilities in accordance with the $qualityAct +8)8 C# 5-88D +887 :esin of buildins and their approaches to meet the needs of disabledpeople H "ode of practice Cuildin ,eulations Approved :ocument 0D +88 Access to and use ofbuildins and #port $nland?s requirements set out in Accessible #ports !acilities :esin @uide.httpD;;www.sportenland.or;facilitiesGGplannin;desinGandGcostGuidance;accessibleGsportsGfacilities.asp>

    'c( "omplyin with the 9#" document FManaging Health and Safety in Swimming Pools?.

    The swimmin facilities should be capable of holdin competitive swimmin 'at subEreional

    and reional level( over a distance of [>>m 'in > lanes(] in accordance with #port $nlandrequirements.

    The overall dimensions% tolerances and lane widths should comply with those set out by

    #port $nlandhttpD;;www.sportenland.or;facilitiesGGplannin;desinGandGcostGuidance;swimminGpools.asp>

    Lane mar&ins should meet A#A requirements in terms of both contrast and siKe.

    The 0ain 1ool should be dec& level alon the sides% with raised ends in accordance with

    #port $nland uidelineshttpD;;www.sportenland.or;facilitiesGGplannin;desinGandGcostGuidance;swimminGpools.asp>

    #lip resistance surfaces and recessed steps should be in accordance with #port $nland


    The fle>ibility of the 0ain 1ool shall be enhanced by the provision of a moveable floor orfloors to vary the depth for different activities.

    CoomsEone or two vertical;lateral booms should be provided.

    The 0ain 1ool should provide deep water of [m] for competition purposes.

    0ain 1ool surroundins should correspond to the siKes set out by #port $nland% and

    should remain unobstructed by any features. These are a minimum of [m] on all sides witha minimum of m at the start end.

    The 0ain 1ool radient should not e>ceed [) in )/] at any point.

    The 0ain 1ool tan& profile should in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.


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    There should be no underwater features that project and form a haKard.

    The 0ain 1ool lihtin should be in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.

    0ain 1ool water temperature should be in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.

    Main Pool equipment including timing gear to ASA standards, lane lines, startingplatforms should be provided.http://www.swimming.org/asa/facilities/swimming-pool-design/

    There shall be a rane of means of access for disabled persons in accordance with relevant

    #port $nland uidance


    The minimum dimensions of the pool basin shall be as followsD






    0ain 1ool [+/m] [2 > +./m


    [).5E+.8m] To allow


    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The 0ain 1ool shall be capable of supportin lane swimmin in a minimum of [] lanes%

    and shall be capable of accommodatin a full rane of water based activities includinD

    [@eneral swimmin]

    ["lub; squad swimmin]

    [Lane swimmin]

    "ompetition swimmin]

    [6ater hoc&ey]

    [Learner classes]

    [#cuba divin club]

    ["anoe polo]

    [#ynchronised swimmin]

    [:ivin 'developmental level(]

    [Aqua aerobics]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    [:isabled roups]

    ["ommunity 9ospital referrals]

    ["hildren?s parties 'includin inflatable installations(.]

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    Access to and from the chanin rooms shall not occur near deep water if this cannot be

    achieved% suitable barrier railins shall be provided.

    There shall be no abrupt chanes in floor level.

    There shall be no sharp edes or features within the 0ain 1ool hall.

    Any laKed areas shall be desined to withstand impact and prevent lass from brea&in

    and enterin the water.

    @laKin shall be located to avoid lare or specular reflection.

    The water depth shall be clearly displayed from all anles% with the use of electronic

    displays if adjustable depths are available.

    The water treatment for the 0ain 1ool shall be a hih quality with ood circulation%

    appropriate turnover periods and oKone or J4 supplemented by chlorine for disinfection.

    The ventilation should be of a ood standard to provide environmental conditions in

    accordance with #port $nland uidelines

    Temperature should be as specified in the one :ata #heets. Air temperature to be !"#

    higher than water temperature.

    Appropriate finishes shall be used and shall include anti slip resistant surfaces in wet areas.

    1rovision of an adjacent first aid room that can be used for dope testin durin


    The 0ain 1ool shall be visible from the main reception and at the same level as the

    chanin facilities.

    There shall be no mar&ins on the 0ain 1ool ceilin% which could distract bac& stro&e


    0ain 1ool surround dimensions shall be as set out in #port $nland uidance.

    @lare and spectral reflection across the 0ain 1ools shall not occur.

    1oolside% chanin% and toilet finishes shall be slip resistant.

    1articular attention shall be iven to pool ratins% wall finishes% lihtin and the acoustic

    performance of the space.


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    #inae shall be clear and instructive and comply with health and safety uidelines.

    Adequate storae must be provided to service the 0ain 1ool activities set out above and

    shall comply with #port $nland uidance. The storae area shall accommodate equipmentfor [casual; learner sessions]% land swimmers and ala events.


    Life uardin stations shall be provided in an appropriate location and numbers to allow

    fle>ibility in the use of the !acility and as a minimum allow each of the required activitieslisted above to occur.

    The 0ain 1ool shall have a direct relationship with the followin spacesD

    'a( !irst aid room which shall be located near and directly accessible to a hard standinarea for emerency vehicles

    'b( 1ool equipment store and'c( "leaners store.

    A visual connection is required fromD

    'a( The caft to the Learner 1ool'b( A direct lin& shall be provided between the viewin areas and the chanin areas. This

    lin& shall not be via the pool side and'c( The pool storae area shall be poolside with easy access to the 0ain 1ool and Learner


    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The 0ain 1ool shall be capable of accommodatin the intended proramme of use%

    appro>imately [%888 users] per day% with a ma>imum of appro>imately [] swimmers in

    the pool [at any one time; per hour] plus staff.

    The swimmin club;team shall require a poolside waitin area for up to [] persons

    between lessons.

    [The water polo team will require the provision of poolside waitin area of up to []


    :urin swimmin ala?s;competitions the 0ain 1ool shall be capable of supportin

    spectator seatin for up to [] persons% plus accessible seatin provision in accordancewith #port $nland uidance.

    The poolside should have accommodation for up to [] competitors for ala events.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/ 8ea"ne" P%%l

    General Requirements

    The swimmin facilities should be capable ofD

    'a( 1rovidin quality casual swimmin in a rane of depths not e>ceedin [888mm] deep%based upon one bather per m sq. of water area'b( Allowin easy access to the water for people of all abilities in accordance with the $qualityAct +8)8 C# 5-88D +887 :esin of buildins and their approaches to meet the needs of disabledpeople H "ode of practice Cuildin ,eulations Approved :ocument 0D +88 Access to and use ofbuildins and #port $nland?s requirements set out in Accessible #ports !acilities :esin @uide.httpD;;www.sportenland.or;facilitiesGGplannin;desinGandGcostGuidance;accessibleGsportsGfacilities.asp>'c( "omplyin with the 9#" document FManaging Health and Safety in swimming pools?.

    The swimmin facilities should be capable of providin shallow waterD

    'a( To provide parents and children a dedicated area for introduction to water and leisureactivities and

    'b( Cetween the depths of [88mm and 88mm] for learn to swim prorammes and holdincompetitive swimmin 'at subEreional and reional levels( over a distance of [+/m] 'in lanes(] in accordance with #port $nland requirements.

    The dimensions of the Learner 1ool shall be a minimum of [ > m] 'allowin for two

    middle lanes of +m and two outside lanes of +.+/m(% and a ma>imum of [m > m]'allowin for three middle lanes of +m and two outside lanes of +.+/m( in accordance with#port $nland uidelines.

    The Learner 1ool shall be dec& level.

    The Learner 1ool shall incorporate recessed steps at each corner in the side walls.

    The Learner 1ool shall be able to be separated visually and acoustically from the 0ain 1ool

    to allow for use% which requires quiet or privacy.

    Access from the chanin areas to the Learner 1ool for ethnic minorities shall be


    The Learner 1ool lihtin should be in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.

    Learner 1ool water temperature should be in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.

    There shall be spectator accommodation for up to [] persons adjacent to the caf< or in

    the first floor main seatin area.

    There shall be roup and disability chanin areas with direct access to the main wet

    chanin area.

    1ool equipment shall include swimmin and teachin aids% play equipment% steps; ramp for

    disabled use% all in accordance with A#A uidelines.


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    [There shall be a minimum of [m] depth% and a ma>imum of [m]% to enable swimmers to

    warmEup and warmEdown when the 0ain 1ool is in use for alas and major events.]

    [There shall be a moveable floor.]

    There shall be secure pool stores shall be provided to accommodate the equipment

    necessary for the planned proramme of activities for the Learner 1ool 'includin use by swimmin clubs(.


    The minimum dimensions of the pool basin shall be as followsD








    [)2E+8m] [5./E


    [8E).+m] To allow


    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The Learner 1ool shall be capable of accommodatin a full rane of waterEbased activities


    [@eneral swimmin]

    [Learner classes]

    [Aqua aerobics]

    [:isabled roups]

    ["ommunity 9ospital referrals]

    ["hildren?s parties 'includin inflatable installations(.]

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The Learner 1ool shall be separated from the 0ain 1ool by a temporary or permanent

    partition 'minimum heiht ).5m( to ensure that the environmental control of the two poolscan be achieved as well as to ensure that there is no interference between the activitiesta&in place in each pool.

    0oveable floors and bul&heads shall comply with the followin safety aspectsD

    'a( 1ool circulation shall not be adversely affected by the floor and bul&head installation'b( There shall be no access by members of the public to the underside of the moveable

    floor'c( If a flap prevents access to the underside of the floor% precautionary measures shall be

    ta&en to prevent people slippin off the flap

    'd( There shall be no entrapment haKards around the edes of the floor% which shall befilled by a fle>ible as&et

    'e( @aps shall not e>ceed current leislation and uidelines and


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    'f( If the floor is able to be tilted% the radient should not e>ceed )D)/.

    "lear and accurate depth indicators shall be provided in prominent positions so that they

    can be seen by all bathers usin the Leaner 1ool. If the floor is to be tilted then theindicators should be located at each end of the floor.

    @lare and spectral reflection across the Learner 1ools shall not occur.

    Temperature should be as specified in the one :ata #heets. Air temperature to be !"#

    higher than water temperature.

    1oolside% chanin and toilet finishes shall be slip resistant.

    1articular attention shall be iven to pool ratins% wall finishes% lihtin and the acoustic

    performance of the space.

    #inae shall be clear and instructive and comply with health and safety uidelines.


    Life uardin stations shall be provided in an appropriate location and numbers to allow

    fle>ibility in the use of the !acility and as a minimum allow each of the required activitieslisted above to occur. "omputer aided lifeEsavin equipment should be used as asupplement to lifeuards.

    The Learner 1ool shall have a direct relationship with the followin spacesD

    'a( !irst aid room'b( Learner 1ool equipment store'c( :edicated cleaners store 'this can be part of the Learner 1ool storae area or a

    combined wet; dry side storae area( and'd( Officials rooms for alas.

    A visual relationship is required fromD

    'a( The caft to the 0ain 1ool and'd( A direct lin& shall be provided between the viewin areas and the chanin areas. This

    lin& shall not be via the pool side.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The Learner 1ool shall be capable of accommodatin appro>imately [>] users per day 'with

    [y] at pea& periods(% with a ma>imum of appro>imately [K] people at any one time; per hour

    plus [n] staff.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/; &pectat%"

  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/= 9et &ide 0han)e A"ea

    General Requirements

    6et side chanin cubicles shall be provided by a mi>ture of roup and mi>ed villae style

    chanin cubicles. The capacity of the wet side chane area shall be carefully considered

    and allowance made for different ratios of males and females. All wet chanin facilitiesshall provide privacy and accommodate the diversity of the local community. The level oftoilet and shower facilities shall allow for different ratios of males and females.

    As a minimum% #port $nland @uidelines shall be met. The width of aisles between facin

    cubicles shall be such to provide users with an open environment rather than an oppressiveenvironment. The width of aisles shall comply with the #port $nland uidance noteFAccessible Sports Facilities% and comply with relevant Leislation and any applicableAuthority?s 1olicies.

    The 6et #ide "hane Area shall include the followinD

    'a( Caby chanin room'b( Toilets'c( #howers'd( 4anity area and mirrors and'e( 1ush chair and wheel chair storae.

    Loc&ers shall be provided which shall be vandal resistant with heavy duty loc&in

    mechanisms and be capable of safe use.

    #hall accommodate different ratios of males;females throuh the use of buffer or individual

    chanin units.

    #pecific provision for youn persons shall be provided 'e.. heiht of urinals% toilets and

    wash basins( and for people with disabilities.

    #eparate vanity% hair dryin and baby chane facilities shall be provided.

    9ot and cold water and 'sin&s only( plus that wor&% soap dispensers shall be installed at

    [each] sin& [in each shower].

    A ma>imum of [>>>] secure clothes storae loc&ers shall be provided for the wet chanin

    facilities% located to allow supervision by staff for security purposes. The loc&ers shall be acombination of full% half% and third lenth loc&ers.

    [>] shower cubicles for male and female customers who require privacy shall be provided.

    #anitary facilities shall be provided and positioned suitably.

    @roup facilities shall be suitable for supportin use as Fhome? and Faway? chanin for water

    based team sports% [specifically water polo].


    To meet the requirements within the space available.


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    Description of Activities/ Functions


    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The desin of the chanin cubicle installations shall ma&e provision for individual% family%roup and disabled chanin.

    !loor% wall and ceilin finishes% fi>tures and fittins and materials shall be robust% durable%

    easy to clean and maintain. The desin shall enhance the privacy of users.

    "hanin areas will have circulation routes which encourae use of toilets and showers

    prior to entry into the 0ain 1ool and Learner 1ool.

    The chanin facilities shall be secure with appropriate surveillance equipment installed.

    Toilet and shower facilities shall comply with Critish #tandards and #port $nland



    There shall be reasonable access to the 6et #ide "hane Area from the public viewin

    area. The 6et #ide "hane Area shall be located with direct access to both the 0ain 1ooland the Learner 1ool.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The 6et #ide "hane Area shall provide cubicles capable of accommodatin a minimum of

    [>>>] and a ma>imum of [>>>] people.]


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    ['/> &pa &uite

    General Requirements

    The dimensions of the #pa #uite shall be such to accommodate a minimum of [>>] people

    and a ma>imum of [>>] people at the same time and shall be in accordance with @uidance.

    If the #pa is on dec& level it shall incorporate recessed steps and a hand rail.

    The #pa shall be separated visually and acoustically from the 0ain 1ool to allow for

    rela>ation% which requires quiet or privacy.

    #pa water temperatures and lihtin should be in accordance with national uidelines% and

    as stated in the one :ata #heets.

    #auna and #team temperatures and lihtin should be in accordance with national

    uidelines% and as stated in the one :ata #heets.

    :isability 6et #ide "hane Areas shall have access to the #pa #uite areas.

    A timer shall be fitted to the #pa in accordance with @uidance.

    #howers in the 6et #ide "hane Area shall be located near the #pa #uite.

    :rin&in water shall be provided near the #pa #uite areas.

    #inae on safety issues should be located ne>t to the #pa #uite areas.

    #ecure pool stores shall be provided to accommodate the equipment necessary for spa


    #afety pulls should be installed ne>t to the spa% in the steam and sauna areas.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The facilities should compriseD

    'a( #aunas for [mi>ed;sinle se>] use'b( #team rooms for [mi>ed; sinle se>] use and'c( A jacuKKi pool for mi>ed use.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    All floor finishes to the #pa #uite shall be slip resistant.

    1articular attention shall be iven to ratins% wall finishes and lihtin.


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    All sinae shall be clear and instructive and comply with health and safety uidelines.


    The #pa #uite shall have a direct relationship with the followin spacesD

    'a( !irst aid room'b( Toilet facilities and'c( 6et "hanin Area 'includin the showers( and drin&in water fountains.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The #pa #uite shall be capable of accommodatin [>>> '>> per hour > )+ hour day(] visitors

    per day% with [>> per hour] at pea& periods.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'? &p%"t# @all

    General Requirements

    The overall dimensions of the #ports 9all shall be derived from the optimum arranement

    of badminton courts compatible with the minimum spatial requirements for a variety of

    sports as set out in the table below.

    The space and safe area required for most ames depends on the standard of play% and an

    indication of standard has been included in the table below.

    The #ports 9all shall be used for a number of different sportin activities as set out in the

    table belowD

    Acti(ity Minimum De#i)nated

    &tanda"d %- Play

    [Cadminton "ourts > 'and short tennis(]

    [Cas&etball "ourts []]

    [4olleyball "ourts []]


    [/EaEside !ootball "ourts []]

    [Betball "ourts []]

    [#ports 9all Athletics]

    [4arious 0artial Arts]

    [Table Tennis "ourts [minimum of ]]

    [Indoor 9oc&ey '(]

    [9andball '(]

    [=orfball '(]


    A clear space of [>>>m+] 'in a badminton court #ports 9all( with a minimum clear heiht

    of [>>m] all in accordance with #port $nland @uidance.

    $quipment storae accommodation at least m in heiht% equivalent to at least >>M of the

    floor area of the #ports 9all shall be provided.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    #ports shall be accommodated in the #ports 9all as set out in the table above.

    #pectators shall view the sports from a viewin area.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The desin shall satisfy the followin requirementsD

    All surfaces to be flush and of a consistent colour in accordance with #port $nland



  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    A semi sprun floor finish that complies with C#$B )78 and C#5+8) all in accordance

    with the #port $nland document FSports Hall esign?. The floor shall comply with impactand flatness requirements% whilst still bein robust enouh to deal with e>ternal shoes.

    A robust and maintenance free surface to the walls% free from projections.

    Any doors should open out of the #ports 9all whilst havin a flush fit and flush ironmoneryto the inside doors of the #ports 9all.

    @lare shall be &ept to a minimum in accordance with #port $nland uidelines.

    "ourt and uide mar&ins for all of the sports listed in the table above to both reional and

    recreational standards.

    Allow for sementation of the #ports 9all.

    1rovide a means of escape for users of the #ports 9all which satisfies all Leislation and


    1rovide a dedicated mat store of sufficient siKe to accommodate full siKe mats on a trolley

    and which is fire rated and mechanically ventilated to satisfy the local fire officersrequirements.

    #hall include an induction loop that complies with C# $B 28))5E and C#3/7.

    The #ports 9all shall meet the requirements set out in the relevant one :ata #heets.

    The "ontractor shall% as a minimum% comply with the stipulated court and safety marindimensions and unobstructed clear heiht requirements stipulated by #port $nland for theactivities and standard of play set out in the table above.

    The provision of spectator accommodation that provides a comfortable environment in

    which to watch the #ports 9all activity shall be provided. The spectator seatin shall becapable of allowin simultaneous viewin of badminton courts.

    !i>tures% fittins% floor mar&ins and equipment are required to enable the sports listed in

    the table above to be played and will be detailed in the one :ata #heets.

    The floor of the #ports 9all shall be constructed in such a manner and with the appropriatematerials to provide a safe environment for all sportin activities specified in the tableabove and be flush% impact resistant and of a consistent colour.

    The wall colour shall provide a clear contrast with playin equipment such as shuttlecoc&s

    and bas&etballs and shall contrast with the floors.

    @lare from natural liht shall be avoided.

    Intelliibility of speech within the hall is required to enable coachin and trainin.

    #torae doors shall open outwards from the #ports 9all.


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    The mat store shall be separate from the equipment store% and shall comply with fire



    :irect access shall be provided from spectator seatin to the courtside.

    #ecure storae for all sportin equipment shall be provided and shall be directly accessible

    from within the #ports 9all.

    The equipment store shall provide direct access to the #ports 9all and shall be located

    alon the side of the #ports 9all to enable easy access from both halves of the #ports 9allwhen there is a central partition for activities.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The #ports 9all shall be able to accommodate a combination of Jsers from different sports

    as per the table above.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'' D"y &ide 0han)e A"ea 5&p%"t# @all6

    General Requirements

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall be desined to reflect the needs of the

    majority of users of the #ports hall% and the activities underta&en.

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall comply with #port $nland standards as

    specified in the relevant uidance notes.

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall include separate male and female chanin

    areas. The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall be desined to accommodateD

    'a( #inle people'b( "lasses'c( $thnic minorities'd( :isabled individuals and roups and

    'e( :ry #ide "hane Area is required to service all of the #ports 9all area.

    The finishes used shall provide an environment that can be easily maintained to a hih

    standard of cleanliness and hyiene.

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all(% showers and toilet area shall be suitable for use

    by disabled users as set out in the #port $nland uidance note FAccessible SportsFacilities?.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall support the followin and shall support

    coachin and briefin sessions as part of a competitive home and away chanin provisionD

    'a( @ymnastics club trainin'b( $>ercise classes'c( $>ercise on prescription'd( !ive a side football

    'e( Cadminton'f( Indoor tennis'( Cas&etball and'h( Other sports as listed in the #ports 9all table of activities.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The :ry #ide "hane '#ports 9all( shall meet the requirements of the 9andboo& of #ports

    and ,ecreational Cuildin :esin and shall have the capacity to accommodate differentratios of males; females throuh the use of buffer or individual chanin units.

    Toilet and shower facilities shall be provided in accordance with Leislation or% if hiher%#port $nland uidelines.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    #pecific provision for youn persons shall be provided 'e.. heiht of urinals% toilets and

    wash basins( for people with disabilities.

    "ubicles for male and female users who require privacy shall be provided.

    #anitary facilities shall be provided and positioned suitably.

    #eparate vanity% hair dryin and baby chane facilities shall be provided. Jse of customers?

    own hairdryers in Fwet? areas shall not be permitted and therefore shall not be catered for.

    All sin&s and showers shall have hot and cold water and 'sin&s only( plus that wor&. #oap

    dispensers shall be installed at each sin& [in each shower].

    Appropriate floor finishes shall be used in the dry side chane areas% in particular% floors

    shall be slip resistant when wet.

    !ull lenth ceramic tiles shall be installed in the toilets and shower area.

    The "ontractor shall ensure the security of those usin the dry side chane areas and in

    particular observation of access to the dry side chane areas shall be incorporated into thedesin.

    Loc&ers shall be secure and provided in Kones allowin appropriate observation.

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall be desined to reflect the needs of the users%

    and activities they underta&e.

    0eans of securin the dry side chane areas should be provided when teams of users aerparticipatin in sportin activity.


    Access shall be provided to the :ry #ide "hane '#ports 9all( from the eneral circulation


    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall provide direct access to any e>ternal sports


    The :ry #ide "hane Area '#ports 9all( shall incorporate a direct access to the #ports 9allthat can be isolated from other users of the dry side chane areas.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The :ry #ide "hane '#ports 9all( shall have a minimum capacity of [>>] persons and shall

    meet #port $nland uidelines. This is based on [>>] users in each of the male; female dryside chane plus [>>] in the roup dry side chane.

    A minimum of [>] shower cubicles for male and female customers who require privacy shall

    be provided.

    [>] secure coinEreturn clothes storae loc&ers shall be provided.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    Toilet accommodation shall be provided at the followin ratesD

    'a( 0aleD one 6"% one washbasin% one urinal per [>>] users and'b( !emaleD one 6" per [>] users% one washbasin per [>] users.

    Other specific requirements

    'a( @ymnastics club classes require dry side chane rooms to accommodate roups of upto [>>] children and their parents. 0ost children do not use the dry side chane areas%thouh specific provision for children and parents may increase the number usin dryside chane areas

    'b( Older ae roups% require provision for [>>] adults% appro>imately >>M of which areli&ely to be female

    'c( $>ercise classes [insert number of people]'d( $>ercise on referral [insert number of people]'e( !ive a side football [insert number of teams]'f( Cadminton [insert number of people]'( Indoor tennis [insert number of people] and

    'h( Cas&etball [insert number of teams].]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'2 Fitne## &uite

    General Requirements

    The !itness #uite shall consist of a ym with areas dedicated to aerobics% weihts and

    stretchin activities.

    The !itness #uite shall be equipped with a minimum of [>>>] pieces of equipment includin

    cardiovascular% resistance and free weiht machines.

    The !itness #uite will have I!I 'Inclusive !itness Initiative( accreditation.

    The sports equipment in the !itness #uite shall cater for people with limited movement in

    accordance with the uidelines from the $nlish !ederation of :isability #port and I!I% andshall be suitable for fitness testin and @1 referral.

    The !itness #uite shall accommodate use by schools and those under )2 years of ae.


    There should be a minimum clear heiht of [> m].

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The !itness #uite shall include 'as a minimum( the followinD

    'a( "ardioEvascular equipment

    'b( ,esistance equipment'c( I!I accredited stations'd( !ree weihts Kone'e( #pinnin Kone'f( 6arm up; warm down stretchin area with mats'( A space for ym assessments to ta&e place in privacy'h( Areas; equipment for school use% those under )2 years of ae'i( Areas; equipment suitable for @1 referrals and'j( 1rorammin complimentary to the community hospital.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    !loor loadins shall be calculated in accordance with the #port $nland document FFitness

    Suites and Aerobic Studios?.

    A square or rectaonal desin is preferred.

    "lear aisles should be provided to ensure ood access to all equipment for users of all

    abilities% and compliance with Leislation and @uidance relevant to the means of escape.

    The !itness #uite shall meet the requirements of the 9andboo& of #ports and ,ecreational

    Cuildin :esin.

    A full list of minimum requirements for equipment shall be completed and set out in an appendi>on a project specific basis.


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    A hih quality sound and vision system shall be provided.

    The !itness #uite shall include an assessment;consultation area;room.

    [] water fountains shall be provided in optimum locations.

    Any chane in floor level should comply with the $quality Act +8)8 and the #port $nland@uidance note NAccessible Sports Facilities.

    Induction loop shall be provided that complies with C# $B 28))5E and C#3/7.

    The !itness #uite shall incorporate e>ternal views or views over other activity areas.

    Temperature coolin should be supplied to comply with the requirements of the one :ata


    #torae areas in the !itness #uite shall be a fle>ible space that is able to accommodate all

    the storae requirements of the !itness #uite. There shall be storae sufficient forD

    'a( [insert list].

    There shall be a separate mats store that complies with fire @uidance and Leislation.

    :oors shall not open into the ym; aerobics studio.


    The !itness #uite shall be located close to% and on the same floor as% the :ry #ide "haneArea.

    All storae areas shall be located adjacent to the ym and shall be accessible by staff

    members; trainers only.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The !itness #uite shall accommodate [appro>imately; at least] [>] Jsers per hour.

    A minimum of m+ and a ma>imum of m+ per station shall be allowed for each station% as

    per #port $nland uidance.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'3D"y &ide 0han)e A"ea 5Fitne## &uite6

    General Requirements

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( shall include separate male and female

    chanin areas which shall be desined to accommodateD

    'a( #inle people'b( "lasses'c( $thnic minorities and'd( :isabled individuals and roups.

    The finishes used shall provide an environment that can be easily maintained to a hih

    standard of cleanliness and hyiene.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( shall support coachin and briefin sessions as

    part of a competitive home and away chane provision.

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( shall be provided to support the activities

    described in this pararaph.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( shallD

    'a( 0eet the requirements of the 9andboo& of #ports and ,ecreational Cuildin :esin'b( $ave the capacit% to accommodate di&erent ratios of males/females through

    theuse of bu&er or individual changing units''c( Provide toilet and shower facilities in accordance (egislation, or if higher,

    Sport )ngland guidelines''d( Provide speci*c provision for %oung persons +e.g. height of urinals, toilets

    and was basins and for people with disabilities''e( 1rovide cubicles for male and female customers who require privac%'

    'f( Include a minimum of insert number shower cubicles for male users andfemale users who require privac%'

    '( Include suitabl% positioned sanitar% facilities''h( 1rovide separate vanit%, hair dr%ing and bab% change facilities. se of

    customers own hairdr%ers in wet0 areas shall not be permitted and thereforeshall not be catered for'

    'i( Include Insert number secure coin-return clothes storage loc1ers' and'j( 9ave appropriate 2oor *nishes and in particular 2oors shall be slip resistant


    All sin&s and showers shall have hot and cold water and 'sin&s only( plus that wor&.

    #oap dispensers shall be installed at each sin& [and each shower].


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    The "ontractor shall ensure the security of those usin the dry side chane areas and in

    particular observation of access to the dry side chane areas shall be incorporated into thedesin.

    Loc&ers shall be secure and provided in Kones allowin appropriate observation.


    Access shall be provided to the chanin area from the eneral circulation route.

    :ry #ide "hane Areas '!itness #uite( shall be located centrally to all dry side facilities.

    Team dry side chane areas shall incorporate a direct access to the !itness #uite that can

    be isolated from other users of the dry side chane areas.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The :ry #ide "hane Area '!itness #uite( shall have a minimum capacity of [>] to meet

    #port $nland uidelines.

    Other specific requirements

    'a( @ymnastics club classes require dry side chane rooms to accommodate roups of upto [>>] children and their parents. 0ost children do not use the dry side chane areas%thouh specific provision for children and parents may increase the number usin dryside chane areas

    'b( Older ae roups% require provision for [>>] adults% appro>imately >>M of which areli&ely to be female

    'c( $>ercise classes [insert number of people]'d( $>ercise on referral [insert number of people]'e( !ive a side football [insert number of teams]'f( Cadminton [insert number of people]'( Indoor tennis [insert number of people] and'h( Cas&etball [insert number of teams].]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'4 Ae"%,ic# Dance &tudi%

    General Requirements

    A multiEpurpose aerobics and dance studio shall be provided which can be used for a

    number of movement and dance activities and other types of activities such as martial arts%

    aerobics and yoa. It shall provide a liht and open environment for users.

    #pinnin classes may ta&e place in either the aerobics studio or the fitness suite.


    The shape should be wellEproportioned% with the main movement and dance area clearly

    defined as a square or rectanle with proportions of -D+ to enable users to have a clearsenses of orientation.

    A square or rectanular desin is preferred to facilitate the teachin of classes and provide


    #hall be a minimum of [>> m] alon one lenth and have a minimum clear heiht of [> m].

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    Typically the followin classes shall be providedD

    'a( Cody pump'b( "ircuits'c( 1ilates'd( Cums n tums'e( #pinnin'f( #tep aerobics and'( Poa.

    Typically the followin items will be required to be storedD

    'a( Carres% mirrors% and stain where these are not permanent fi>tures'b( Jser?s equipment% such as portable steps for step aerobics% balls% clubs% hoops and

    mats'c( :4:% video and audio equipment% includin tapes% :4:s and possibly musical

    instruments'd( 1ortable seatin and'e( !oam mats.

    There will be a dedicated fire rated store to accommodate floor mattin on a trolley.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The studio shallD

    'a( 9ave a semi sprun floor that complies with C#$B )78 and C# 5+8) and be inaccordance with the #port $nland document FSports Hall esign and Fitness Suitesand Aerobics Studios!The floor should comply with impact and flatness requirements%whilst still bein robust enouh to deal with e>ternal shoes durin entertainment events


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    'b( Ce desined to be suitable for a wide rane of e>ercise and dance activities and shallbe smooth% slipEresistant% warm to the touch% splinterEfree and resilient

    'c( 9ave mirrors and ballet barres alon one of the loner wall lenths'd( 9ave acoustics which facilitate ood music production and ensure intelliibility of

    speech'e( Ce capable of maintainin the rane of temperature set out in the relevant one :ata


    'f( 9ave smooth wall surfaces without any projections or sharp corners% which may bepotentially haKardous

    '( Bot have doors which open into the #tudio'h( $nsure that the location and desin of any natural lihtin does not cause lare or heat

    ain and can be controlled and'i( ,estrict views into the studio from outside or from adjoinin spaces% in order to ensure

    privacy when necessary.

    #ecure storae for equipment used in the #tudio shall be provided. #torae room doors

    shall not open out into the #tudio. The #tudio storae area shall be capable of storinequipment from all classes and activities in the #tudio.


    The #tudio shall be located close to% and on the same floor as% the :ry #ide "hane Area

    '!itness #uite(.

    The #tudio storae area shall provide easy access to the #tudio.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The #tudio shall be capable of accommodatin a class of [>>] persons% typically the classes

    specified above.

    $ach user needs appro>imately >m+% but this needs to be increased by a factor of between

    + and - for more dynamic movements across the space.

    The #tudio storae area must be accessible to staff and trainers; instructors.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'7 0%mmunity In-%"mati%n P%int

    General Requirements

    The "ommunity Information 1oint shall be a fle>ible space with multiple uses and will be

    separate from the ,eception Area.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The main role of the "ommunity Information 1oint is to sinpost users to see& more

    information elsewhere. Typical users includeD

    'a( 1rovidin users with information on the Authority?s services'b( 1rovidin information on health% possibly via an IT lin&'c( IT lin&s to B9# :irect and Authority services and'd( Literature about prorammes and healthy livin.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The "ommunity Information 1oint is a public access area and must be open access% yet

    also discrete and rela>in.

    The "ommunity Information 1oint shall be accessible by the public% but maintain a different

    identity to the ,eception Area.


    The "ommunity Information 1oint shall allow easy access to any !le>ible #pace.

    It must be accessible to those not enterin throuh the ,eception Area% to enable it to be

    accessed by those not usin the !acility.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    #eatin for [>] persons of the eneral public and [>] staff in attendance.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/' 0a-

    General Requirements

    The "af< shall be capable ofD

    'a( 1rovidin refreshments and hot and cold meals to users of the !acility and'b( 1rovidin caterin for major sports and social events that ta&e place at the !acility e..

    swimmin alas.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The consumption of snac&s and meals.

    The ivin of caterin classes.

    1rovision of vendin machines.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The "af< shallD

    'a( 9ave healthy option vendin

    'b( @ive unhindered access to disabled people% who should be able to use the "af accessible toilet.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The toilets shall be sufficient for use by members of the public.

    The disabled toilets shall comply with the requirements of the $quality Act +8)8 and all

    relevant @uidance.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/'> 0leane"# &t%"e 5n%n1pu,lic #upp%"t acc%mm%dati%n6

    General Requirements

    There shall be separate storae for cleanin equipment and materials.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    #torae of cleaner?s equipment and materials includin chemicals.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The door shall have a loc& to prevent access to haKardous chemicals.

    A buc&et sin& shall be fitted.

    6et; dry cleaner?s store may be combined.


    The "leaner?s #tore shall be located close to the :ry #ide; 6et #ide "hane areas.

    The "leaner?s #tore shall be easily accessible from all parts of the buildin.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    #taff access only.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2? Flei,le &pace

    General Requirements

    The desin shall ensure the provision of sufficient fle>ible accommodation within the !acility

    to enable healthy livin initiatives to be underta&en. These could involve @1 referral

    schemes 'for use of the !itness #uite for e>ample(% physiotherapy% cardiac rehabilitationand the li&e.

    The !le>ible #pace shall also be able to provide for private and confidential consultations.

    The !le>ible #pace shall meet the requirements set out in the one :ata #heets.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The !le>ible #pace shall be used forD

    'a( "ounsellin sessions'b( )EtoE) sessions'c( @roup meetins'd( Jse by alternative medicine practitioners'e( Trainin and'f( #ports physiotherapy.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The !le>ible #pace shallD

    'a( 9ave a fle>ible partition which allows for two fle>ible spaces to be combined into onelarer space

    'b( Ce loc&able'c( Allow for confidential discussions to ta&e place without people outside bein able to

    hear'd( 9ave natural liht and'e( 1rovide a positive environment to encourae counsellin.


    There should be easy access to :ry and 6et #ide "hane areas and the "ommunity

    Information 1oint.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    The !le>ible #pace shall be fle>ible and capable of receivin roups of up to [>>] people to

    meet toether% or accommodate smaller numbers in subEdivided spaces.

    Any party will be able to boo& the !le>ible ,oom 'or any part of it(.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513



  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2' 0"eche

    General Requirements

    The "reche shall provide a safe% secure and stimulatin environment for the care of

    children between the aes of + and 2 and whose parents are usin the leisure facilities

    provided at the !acility.

    The "reche shall meet the requirements set out in the relevant one :ata #heet.

    The "reche shall be desined in accordance with standards required by the "hild

    1rotection Act and the relevant social services department requirements.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    "reche activities.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The crQche shall have an induction loop that complies with C# $B 28))5E and C#3/7.

    The desin shall provide a briht and positive environment for children?s play.


    The "rQche should be located near the "afimised.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    Occupancy shall comply with national uidelines 'area in number of m+ for children(.

    Bumbers of crQche wor&ers shall comply with national uidelines on ratio of wor&ers to



  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/22 Duty Mana)e"# O--ice

    General Requirements

    Office for the :uty 0anaer.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The :uty 0anaer shall be based here and will use it as an office and for personal

    discussion with staff.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The :uty 0anaer?s Office shall have a meetin space capable of holdin meetins of [>]

    people in a private environment.


    The :uty 0anaer?s Office shall be located near to the ,eception :es&% the @eneral Office

    and the IT ,oom.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    :uty 0anaer and meetin of up to [>] people.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/23 Gene"al O--ice

    General Requirements

    The @eneral Office shall be where the bul& of the !acility administration is carried out.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    Administration% IT% cashin up by staff.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The @eneral Office shallD

    'a( 9ave a safe'b( Ce capable of monitorin ""T4'c( Ce the host for main alarm and public address system'd( 9ave broadband connection and'e( Ce secure with controlled access.


    The @eneral Office shall allow easy access to the ,eception :es& and be near to the :uty

    0anaer?s Office and the IT ,oom.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    A minimum of staff% includin the :uty 0anaer.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/24 IT 0%mmunicati%n# %%m

    General Requirements

    The IT; "ommunications ,oom will house IT equipment.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    IT; communications centre.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The IT; "ommunications ,oom shallD

    'a( Ce secure with broadband connection'b( 9ave a fa>% printer and photocopier 'other electrical equipment could be located here('c( Include IT equipment which lin&s with the official?s ala room% located poolside.


    Adjacent to the @eneral Office.

    Allow easy access to the :uty 0anaer?s Office and the ,eception :es&.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    [to be specified]]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/27 &ta-- &t%"e

    General Requirements

    The #taff #tore is for use by staff. Items stored will include lost property% stationary%

    deliveries and other supplies.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    #torae area; store room for staff use.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The #taff #tore shall be secure.


    The #taff #tore shall be located near to the @eneral Office and the ,eception :es&.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    #taff use only.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2 &ta-- e#t %%m

    General Requirements

    The #taff ,est ,oom shall enable staff to eat meals and rest in an appropriate and

    comfortable environment.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    #taff will use the #taff ,est ,oom and will require some caterin; dinin facilities.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The #taff ,est ,oom shallD

    'a( 9ave dimensions and facilities that comply with C"" 9ealth and #afety ,eulations'b( Ce suitable for disabled staff and'c( 9ave a rela>in and comfortable environment.


    The #taff ,est ,oom shall be adjacent to the #taff "hane Area.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    #taff use only.]

  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2; &ta-- 0han)e A"ea

    General Requirements

    The #taff "hane Area shall allow staff to chane and shower before and after their shifts.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    The #taff "hane Area shall have [unise>] [> number] of showers and toilets and chanin


    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The #taff "hane Area shallD

    'a( 9ave dimensions and number of facilities that comply with C"" 9ealth and #afety,eulations

    'b( Ce suitable for disabled staff and'c( #hall be separate from the pubic :ry #ide; 6et #ide "hane areas.


    The #taff "hane Area shall be adjacent to the #taff ,est ,oom.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    #taff use only.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2= Inte"nal 0i"culati%n 5pu,lic #upp%"t acc%mm%dati%n6

    General Requirements

    Internal circulation refers to areas such as corridors. The materials used shall be robust and

    easy to clean% maintain and replace.

    Internal circulation must comply with relevant #port $nland uidance% in particular

    reardin width of corridors% levels% hand rails and door openins.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    "irculation areas servin all the main rooms and areas of the !acility.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    1ainted plasterEfinished walls.

    Lon corridors shall be avoided where possible.

    The use of natural liht shall be ma>imised.



    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    !or use by staff and the public.]


  • 7/26/2019 b Sch1 Part 1a Dbom Facilities Requirements 220513


    ['/2> Plant %%m

    General Requirements

    A 1lant ,oom shall be required to contain the machinery needed to run the !acility. A

    separate 1lant ,oom for the 0ain 1ool and Learner 1ool will be required.


    To meet the requirements within the space available.

    Description of Activities/ Functions

    @enerator or equivalent.

    1ool machinery.

    "ombined 9eat and 1ower Jnit '"91(.

    e! Desi"n Requirements

    The 1lant ,oom shall be secure.

    :esin shall be fle>ible to enable periodic replacement of major plant items.


    The 1lant ,oom shall be located near to vehicular access to facilitate the delivery of pool

    aent and chemicals etc.

    Occupanc!/ Capacit!

    ,estricted accessEauthorised personnel only.]