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Katelyn R. Daniels Business Management 100: Fall 2016 Major: Business Management Emphasis: Marketing Cluster: Human Resources Career Aspirations: Human Resource Management HealthEquity, Melaleuca

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CareerleaderAssessmentReflection ThefirstsectionoftheAssessmentwasaddressedtowardsmyinterests.ThecategorythatIscoredhighestinwas“ManagingPeopleandTeams”.IthoughtthiswasinterestingbecausebeforeItookthetestIwouldn’thavepredictedthatthatwouldbemyhighestscore.IhavebeenlookingatgoingintoHumanResourceManagementrecentlyandIwasn’tsureifIwasself-consciouslyansweringmyquestionsinaccordancetothatdesire.However,afterreflectingIcanseethatIdoliketohavecontroloversituationsandthatIcantakechargeprettyeasily.Mylowestscoreinthe“Interests”sectionis“CreativeProduction”.Icouldseewherethisscorewascomingfromthough.Iwouldn’tsaythatIamnotacreativeperson;itjusttakesmeawhiletocomeupwithnewideas.IprefertohavethingslaidoutformeandIcanmakeadecisionforwhatisbest.Ishyawayfromthingsthatdealwithcreativity,becauseItendtothinkthatIneedtohavesomebrilliantidearightawayoffthetopofmyhead. ThesecondsectionoftheAssessmentaddressedmymotivators.AltruismandPowerandInfluenceweretiedasmytopmotivators.Altruismisthesatisfactionofhelpingpeopleorcontributingtothebettermentofsociety.Tome,powerandinfluenceseemsliketheoppositesideofthespectrumfromaltruism.ItwasinterestingtocomparethesetwocategoriesthoughbecauseIcandefinitelyseethembothasamotivatorinmylife.TheonethingthatIcanpullawayfromtheseresultsisthatIwanttohaveaninfluenceonthepeopleandthecommunityaroundme.ThatissomethingthatIoftenthinkabout,evenmoreespeciallysinceIhavenowstartedmycollegeeducationandamthinkingmoreaboutthefuture.Ihavealwaysgainedsatisfactionfromhelpingothersanddoingservice,thatiswhyIthinkitwouldbeamazingtoincorporatethataspectofmylifeintomycareer. ThelastsectionoftheAssessmentaddressedmyskills.ThehighestscoreinthissectionthatIgotwas“InterpersonalEffectiveness”andmorespecifically,gainingtrust,havingtheabilitytoteach,opennesstocriticism,sensitivityandtact,andpowerorientation.IdothinkthattrustisabigpartofdevelopingrelationshipsandIalwaystrytobeopenrightfromthestartwithpeople.Whenyouarehidingsomething,evenjustyourpersonality,itishardertoconnectwithpeople.EachoneoftheseskillsIfeelstronglyaboutandIthinktheyareessentialinanyjoborinteractionwithpeople. Formycareermatchportionoftheresults,thesixhighestrankedcareersweremanagementpositions,thehighestbeingResearchandDevelopmentManagement.HumanResourceManagementwasinthetopsixaswell.IwasgladtoseethatmyinterestorthecareerthatIwanttopursuerightnowwasinthetoppercentileandformethatgavemesomereassurancethatIamheadinginagooddirection.TheassessmentwasvagueenoughthatIcouldn’tpurposefullychooseanswerstogetacertainresult,butitwasalsospecificenoughthatitcouldgettherightresults.

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#2 Business Professional Review

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Healthcare Consultant- Industry Analysis 1. How big is the industry? Number of companies? Total Sales? Beyond the main large firms, there are hundreds of smaller firms and boutiques that serve healthcare clients. For the year of 2016 there are approximately 16,396 enterprises or companies in the healthcare consultant industry. The healthcare consulting industry has a medium level of concentration. The annual profit in this industry is $837.9 million and the annual revenue is $5.8 billion. 2. Major players--who are the dominant companies in the industry. i.e. auto industry-- Toyota, Ford, etc. There are 5 major companies in the Healthcare Consultant industry. They are: Accenture, Deloitte, Advisory Board Company, Huron Consulting Group, and Pricewaterhousecoopers. Accenture has 21.1% of the market shares in healthcare consulting. In 2015 the company generated more than 31.0 billion in global revenue. Deloitte has 20.1% market shares and they generated 35.2 billion in revenue in the year 2014. Advisory Board Company has 11.5 market shares and during the year 2014 the company’s total global revenue rose to almost 520.6 million. Huron Consulting Group holds 8.7% of the market share and Pricewaterhousecoopers holds 6.5% of the market share. 3. What are the trends in the industry? Is it growing or declining? If so how much over the past few years? What is causing the changes if any? Over the last five years the demand for healthcare consultants has increased, due to technological advances in the healthcare sector and the changing regulatory environment. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) expanded access to healthcare to millions of Americans, driving growth in the overall healthcare sector and stimulating demand for consulting. The industry's relatively high profit margin has enticed entrants in recent years. The number of specialty independent practices has declined moderately during the past five years, as general consulting firms have acquired these companies to gain entrance into niche markets. Despite this trend, the total number of companies is expected to increase at an average of 2.0% per year during the five years to 2020 to 17,753. 4. What is it generally like to work in this industry? What educational levels are needed? Typically at minimum a Bachelor’s degree is required in the Healthcare consultant industry, at least for human resource positions. However, many employers prefer a Master’s degree. Healthcare consultants can work with firms or develop a customer base on their own. 5. Key Success Factors? What does a company need to do in order to be successful in this industry? The health care consulting industry is labor intensive so they need to hire people with adequate skills, such as, communication skills, service oriented, leadership skills, and logical reasoning. They also need to stay up to date on technology, because bankers like that and look for companies with technology. EHR systems implementations are also an important service offering provided by the industry, as physicians and hospitals increasingly transfer over to electronic rather than paper-based record systems.

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HealthEquity Analysis

1. What industry is the company in? (i.e. healthcare, software, hotel and hospitality, etc.) This company is in the Healthcare or Healthcare consultant industry.

2. What social, technological, economic, and political trends are impacting the company? This company lets people manage their healthcare spending like any other investment. HealthEquity provides technology platforms that empower consumers to make healthcare saving and spending decisions. The company's platform allows consumers to access their healthcare savings accounts, compare treatment options and pricing, evaluate and pay healthcare bills, receive personalized benefit and clinical information, earn wellness incentives, and make educated investment choices to grow their healthcare savings. HealthEquity can integrate with any healthcare plan or banking institution.

3. Is the company growing financially? What type of management development

process do they have? etc. The company is growing financially. From 2013 to 2016 their revenue went up 36%. Their credit rating is also low, which means that they have a low projected risk of delinquency and a moderate to low risk of failure. They have a budget for their management development and they have technological resources.

4. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT Analysis) They have three other top competitors which are, Jpmorgan Chase & Co., Webster Financial Corporation, and Hr Solutions International Inc.

5. Describe their Business Model. How do they make money? Who are their suppliers? Who are their key customers? How do they create value in the marketplace? They make money from the companies and individuals they consult with about healthcare savings. They have different programs that customers can pay for and they earn money off of these programs. Their key customers are families that need financial help with their healthcare plans. They create value by adding their expertise and programs.

6. Net Income trends

HealthEquity’s net income has increase by 32.8% within the last three years. Their net income dipped in 2014, however picked up a lot higher in 2015.

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Role Analysis- Human Resource Manager I would like to work as a Human Resource Manager in the Healthcare industry.

1. What level of education is needed to be considered for such a role? For the position of Human Resource Manager, at least a Bachelor’s degree is required. However, most employers prefer or seek out individuals with Master’s degrees. 2. What is a day in the life of a Human Resource Manager for this particular company? The Human Resource Manager has to make sure that the dynamic of the company is enthusiastic and pleasing when they are onboarding people. They make sure that the company is staffed appropriately. They lead recruiting teams that will go out and find desirable employees. They lead benefits teams and help decide what kind of benefits their employees and colleagues get. In addition to that, they meet with other companies and discuss their benefits, that way they can stay up to date on the benefits they are offering in their company. They develop strategies for where they want the company to be in the future. They are basically the advocates for the people that are involved in the company and they make sure things are running how they should be. 3. What types of personalities do well in this role? What personalities do not do well? (Generally Speaking) Personality types that would do well in this job are people who can take charge and carry out what they say. They need to have good leadership skills. They also have to be personable. They need to be passionate about people and the company that they are in. They can’t be passive or not have any directions. 4. What does the career path look like for someone starting out in this position/role? Starting salary? For a human Resource manager the median wage is $104,440. The lowest salary and highest salary typically range from $61,300 to $187,200. However, most people won’t start out as a Human Resource manager, you will most likely start as an HR Specialist or HR Generalist. For an HR Generalist their wage typically ranges from $46,130-$59,516. An HR Specialist has a wider range of salaries, which is, $33,630-$98,130. 5. How has this role changed over the past few years? What is the future outlook for this role/position? What is the employment demand for this role? During the industrial era of HR, labor unions became prevalent, and the personnel department was used to resolve wage-related issues and other differences between the union and management. Key HR functions evolved and then included performance and succession management, along with training and development. With new technology HR has gained new challenges, such as managing employees across the entire globe and allocating resources in a timely manner. The employment demand for this role is pretty high because all major companies need Human Resource workers and management in order for the company to function.

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Linkedin Profile

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Katelyn Daniels Brother Bell B100 September 23, 2016

Mentor #1: Kim Dansie- Human Resource Manager 1. What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known in college?

She didn’t know what she wanted to do when she first started college. She ended up in Human Resources randomly and not on purpose. She took a lot of English classes because it was her emphasis and those have helped her tremendously because of all the memos and emails she has to write. The thing she wished she would’ve known or done was take more classes in the background of law. She is working for Intermountain Healthcare and there are a lot of laws regarding health care. 2. What has been your career path? She started out as a receptionist for Intermountain Healthcare 15 years ago. Since then she has continued to work up to the position she is in right now. She has held the positions of assistant, generalist, benefits, and consultant. There are two portfolios that you can have as a consultant in human resources. The first portfolio deals with the small house keeping items of the business and the second portfolio deals with the larger services. She had both of those portfolios. As of right now she is the main Human Resources manager and a business partner for other managers for the Riverton, Utah branch of Intermountain Healthcare. 3. What are the challenges you deal with in your job? The healthcare reform has been a big challenge to work with at her job, because it is in the medical field. Turn over is also a big issue. Hiring and training people takes up a lot of resources in a company and when those people only stay for a short period of time it can affect the company negatively. In addition, Intermountain Healthcare is a large company and sometimes lags in compensation compared to smaller companies, which decreases their competitiveness. 4. What talents/skills are crucial for your job? She mentioned that critical thinking and having a strategic focus is very important in the job she has, because her job has to make sure things are going smoothly for everyone in the company. Other important skills are consulting, building trusting relationships, and networking. In her job there isn’t a list of things that she needs to do each day, it is just about going in and working and finding things that need to be done and that requires a lot of self-motivation. 5. How do you advance in this career? She suggested that you network and build relationships with a company and start working for the company in any position. Most companies hire and promote 70% within their own company and employees, only 30% of promotions typically come from outside a company. She also mentioned having a higher education will always help you, with climbing the corporate ladder and your pay and stability in your job. Getting a Master’s degree is something that she wished she would’ve have done at the beginning of her career.

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Katelyn Daniels Brother Bell B100 September 30, 2016

Mentor #2: Kristin Smith- Assistant Controller 1. What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known in college?

When she was in college she took a lot of accounting credits to fill up her 150 credits. However, when she moved to Utah she realized that they do not count those classes she took at BYU-I as part of an accredited degree. She was then kind of jump started into getting a Masters degree, because that was the only way she could finish her degree in Utah. She wishes she would’ve known about the credits not transferring and that she would’ve had a plan from the beginning. She felt like she was kind of thrown into Grad School and she would’ve liked to be a bit more prepared. 2. What has been your career path? She had an uncle that worked at OC Tanner and introduced her to an internship. After her internship she worked as an accountant doing auditing for 2 years. She said she did not like it and most people don’t particularly like it, but it is a necessary part in jump-starting your career. After those two years were up she got a call from OC Tanner and was offered a job. That internship helped her build her network and they remembered her down the road. She is now the Assistant Controller at OC Tanner. She reports to the Controller, which then reports to the CFO. 3. What are the challenges you deal with in your job? In the position she is in right now she doesn’t do as much accounting, she helps in developing systems for the business and helps manage people. She said she wishes she had more experience in business. Most of her job is just problem solving and that is a challenge for her because she constantly has to think up new ideas and think of things in different ways. 4. What talents/skills are crucial for your job? She mentioned that a crucial skill for her position is to be a self-starter, meaning that somebody can just give you a task and you will be able to go and figure it out on your own and accomplish the task in an efficient way. Another big part of accounting is just simply working hard. A strong work ethic will definitely help you succeed in this career. Being open and adaptable are both important skills to have in this industry and will help with problem solving as well. 5. Do you think this industry is stable, growing, declining? She thinks that it is a stable, if not a growing industry. Every single company needs accountants and there are even many different types of accounting jobs within single companies. New industries are developing as well and with that comes more accounting jobs for different companies and firms.

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Katelyn Daniels Brother Bell B100 October 6, 2016

Mentor #3: Jeff Sabin- Assistant Project Manager (BYU-I Alumni) 1. What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known in college?

He wishes he knew what his actual career was going to be. He knew he wanted to be in construction, but he didn’t know the knitches of a project manager, which is his position right now. He was surprised at how paper based his job is. He has to write contracts and emails, this makes him feel like he is an accountant some of the time. He recommended that I find out the exact industry that I want to work in and go interview people that are in the position that I want to be in. He said this will prepare you for the specific things that you’ll have to in that job, that you might not have known if you just went into that job with no experience. 2. What has been your career path? Ever since he was 16 he knew that he wanted to work in construction. He attended BYU-I and was required to do two internships for his degree. He did both of his internships in Rexburg, Idaho, with the same company. He ended up working for that company when he graduated from college; he worked there for three years. He is now working for Big-D construction and has been for the last two years. 3. What are the challenges you deal with in your job? He said that one of the biggest things that he has to juggle is communication between all the workers and subcontractors. He has to make sure that people are telling about delays and that things are running efficiently. He manages people and schedules; he also coordinates different things that need to happen in the project. His biggest worry is just the efficiency. 4. What talents/skills are crucial for your job? He mentioned that leadership and ambition play a huge role in his job. His job requires that you stand up and are able to take initiative. In order to get anything done you have to be a go-getter and not procrastinate anything. Being organized is another important skill that people need when they are in a managing position. He also said that being proficient in computers and different programs on the computer is becoming increasingly important. People really struggle when they can’t work with different programs on the computer. 5. How do you advance in this career? He suggested that no matter what position you are working in, you should be working as hard as you can and try to get the most out of it as possible. Always ask questions to your superiors and those you aspire to be like. He said his internships required him to do simple tasks, such as organizing documents and delivering mail, but he asked many questions and shadowed other people in the workplace and was able to eventually gain a higher position. He gave a really strong suggestion to put effort into getting a good internship that I would enjoy. He said it would be a great jump-start into a career.

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Katelyn Daniels Brother Bell B100 October 14, 2016

Mentor #4: Natalie Atwood- Senior VP of Human Resources at HealthEquity

1. What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known in college? She worried a lot that she would make a wrong career decision and she would hate it. She realized that she would’ve ended up where she is right now no matter what, because her passion is in what she is doing right now. She wishes she would’ve known from the beginning to find her passion and incorporate that into what she is doing or working in. She wishes that she would’ve lived more fearlessly and maybe have taken classes that she didn’t think she was interested in, to open up new doors of possible passion. She also wishes she would’ve taken a broader variety of classes. 2. What has been your career path? When she graduated she was involved in finance and the stock market. She traded stocks on the stock market exchange for American Express. After doing this for a couple of years she realized that she didn’t like what she was doing. She talked to a colleague and they helped her realize that she is a great leader and works well with people. She loved hearing people’s stories and getting inspiration from other people. She then was placed in charge of different teams that weren’t performing well or weren’t engaged in their work. She would work with them for certain periods of time, until they could perform efficiently. Because of her passion for people she ended up in the position she is in right now, which is in Human Resources. She likes to refer to her position as Senior Vice President of people though and not Human Resources. 3. What are the challenges you deal with in your job? As the company that she is working for grows, it gets harder and harder for her to accommodate everybody’s needs and wants. Therefore, she has a lot of people coming in and giving her complaints. She has to stay positive when dealing with everyone’s complaints. She also has to think big picture when thinking of a solution. Another challenging thing that she has to deal with in her job is, going over performance improvement plans with people that are not fulfilling all of their responsibilities. One of the worst things she has to do is terminate people. She says she is trying to build a good and positive culture for the company and terminating people is a hard part, but she needs to ensure that people are adding quality and value to the company. 4. What talents/skills are crucial for your job? She said that it is crucial to have people skills with her job. She has to create passion in the workplace and build a positive culture. She has to create a company that attracts talent. She also mentioned that fit is necessary to have a basic business understanding. Balancing people and money is something you need to know how to do. You have to make sure that you aren’t wasting all your resources on people that you don’t need.

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Katelyn Daniels Brother Bell B100 October 21, 2016

Mentor #5: Thomas Case- Human Resource Manager at Melaleuca

1. What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known in college? He wishes that he would have known about different resources that were available in college. There are different clubs and organizations that will help you network with people in Human Resources, as well as get to know more about different HR positions. He told me about the Society for Human Resource Management and that there is a Southeast Idaho chapter for the society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). He also gave me the name of the person who acts as a liaison between SHRM and BYUI. 2. What has been your career path? He was able to work with Melaleuca right after he graduated college. He trained employees on products, systems, policies, procedures, customer service, and sales. After about 4 years of working there he transferred over to working for Sears Holding as a Manager there. He was in charge of maintaining inventory levels and reducing inventory shrink. He also increased new credit accounts, which generated thousands of dollars in store profit. He also achieved 2nd best performance in retail district for miscellaneous income, generating thousands of dollars in store profit. After being at Sears Holding for 3 years, Melaleuca contacted him again and he went back to work for them and has been there 10 years since. He now works as the HR manager, which requires him to onboard and terminate employees, work with specific teams, such as recruiting or salary teams. He is also in charge of recognizing employees for their accomplishments and working with employees on performance management. 3. What are the challenges you deal with in your job? He calls this the fun and the less fun part of his job. He really enjoys a lot of the aspects of his job such as, interacting with and recognizing employees, and motivating people in the workplace. He said that the challenging or less fun part of his job is having to work with people on performance management, if they are sick too much or if they are constantly late or not fulfilling all their duties. Another hard part is having to terminate people. He said that he also has to make sure the company is staying up to date on policies and procedures and make changes in the company if different laws are made. 4. What talents/skills are crucial for your job? He said that communication is an incredibly crucial skill for his job. You have to know how to communicate verbally and on documents. Along with communication, you also have to be approachable. People in the company should be able to feel comfortable around you. Another important skill that you have to have is leaving emotion out of conversation. When you have to terminate someone or tell somebody that they are not doing something right or disrupting the workplace, you have to know to not let your emotions get in the way.

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