
THE BABYSLING PROJECT a proposal for a GiveADay cause marketing project Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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a "women helping women" social business driven by mobile smartphone platform, designed for GIVE-A-DAY, now the Stephen Lewis Foundation


Page 1: Babysling.gad.v2

THE BABYSLING PROJECT a proposal for a GiveADay cause marketing project

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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custom handmade African babyslings, designed in Africa by African women, are focus of mobile phone cause marketing campaign with two goals:

open new revenue source for GiveADay by personalizing moms-helping-moms relationship

create artisan ‘training village’ to ensure project is sustainable for local textile designer/sewers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Page 3: Babysling.gad.v2


‘close the loop’ with donors by co-creating an interactive narrative amongst donors/designers/distributors that’s entirely personalized

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Easily and inexpensively: each step along the value chain—from conception of the one-of-a-kind babysling through to the personal thank-you from the designers in Africa—is narrated by a video clip interactively showing provenance

every step of the process will have a narrative attached, describing where/when/how: provenance

that narrative will be activated by a QR code on the babysling...swipe your mobile: see the story

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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If each process along the value chain—from design concept to donor thank-you—is an interactive story, we have created a sustainable ‘brand story’ for GiveADay...and incited initial ‘early adopters’ to spread our ‘moms-helping-moms’ story

the entire process is also an educational platform for HIV/AIDS awareness in Africa: every piece of narrative is branded GiveADay

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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who are our medical partners in Zimbabwe?

what connections can we build on to advocate for GiveADay while selling GiveADay-branded babyslings?

what does our media campaign look like to support the project?

what other strategic partners can we ID?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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St. Marys, Ontario is home to May Garcia, a Spanish fashion specialist based for 20 years in Zimbabwe. May has a network of design/textile worker/distribution contacts across SW Africa and all over Western Europe

Her concept? Use the untapped creative capital of African textile design/build workers to build a business which ‘tithes back’ a portion of profits to fund a ‘creative village’: make the process local and sustainable

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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COMSolve Inc of Toronto is a cutting-edge mobile technology firm guided by deep social values (Ofir Smadja CEO)

THINKstate of Stratford is a non-profit media strategy/cause marketing firm (Brendan Howley ExecDir)

May Garcia and her African/European network...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The MasterCard Foundation is our financial services partner

they handle the transactions and

supply marketing communications clout

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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the power of thank-youfor a truly amazing donor thank you piece we can adapt (from for GAD/babysling project40 thank-you notes = one grateful donor

A whole bunch of kids in South Carolina think I'm cool. These kids are impressed with me because I donated the money to buy a microphone for some music classes so they can record their singing. I did this through an organization called, which won a coveted Donor Power Award in March.My gift was some weeks ago, so it wasn't much on my mind when I received a thick packet from Donors Choose: hand-drawn thank you cards from the kids. About 40 letters, most with drawings -- sweet, funny, heartfelt, real. (Logan hopes I didn't go bankrupt.)They also pointed me to where on the web I can hear their recording of "Hot Cross Buns," made with "my" microphone. If you'd like to hear them too,'s%20Hot%20Cross%20Buns.wavIn terms of emotional ROI, I'd say that gift was among the best charitable donations I've ever made.We spend a lot effort "marketing" what we do. But all that fades to insignificance compared to the gratitude of 40 kids. That’s the donor power revolution living out in full color!Can you create a powerful experience like that for your donors?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011