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BACK ISSUES STILL AVAILABLE 2& On Korsch 31: On Gramsci 42: Germany and Holocaust 46: The Crisis of the Left 51: Peace Movements 54: State Terrorism SPECIAL ISSUES: 28: Symposium on Class 39: On Habermas 44: Narcissism 47: On Poland 52: Social Movements 55: French Socialism 29: Hungarian Revolution 40: More Habermas 45: On Lowenthal 50: Intellectuals 53: State Terrorism 58: Religion and Politics CORRADI: Terror in Argentina; LOVAS, ANDERSON: Friendly Repression in Hungary; STANISZKIS: Martial Law in Pol- and;REIMAN: Political Truths of the Stalinist EraJOHNSTONE: State Terror in South Afri- ca;BOBBIO: Italy's Permanent Crisis;ELIAS: Civilization and Violence;HORKHEIMER: Egoism and the Freedom Movement (1936); KOVEL: Theses on Technocracy; SEGBERS: European Peace Movements; CHARWAT: Poland 1980-82: Conference Report Kg SHAPIRO-KANE: Stagflation and the New Right; HEARN: Corporatism in the U.S.; LUKE: Informationalism and Ecology; HABERMAS: Neo-Conservatism; KOMAROV: The Gas Pipeline Deal; BERMAN: Adorno's Radicalism; ADORNO: Two Interviews; GRADY: Child Abuse; MEUSCHEL: Neo- Nationalism and the Peace Movement; SUSS- LUCAS: The "Double Decision Makes Sense"?; HONNETH-KALLSCHEUER: A Familiar Ghost; FRANKEL: The View From Australia 5 g PARINETTO: Marx's Atheism; VAN DULMEN: Religion as Social Science; GERSHENZON: Destiny of thejews; KOVACS: Jews in Hungary; CHIARANTE: From Pius Xl| to John Paul II; HUGHES: Church Re- newal in Brazil; LIPSITZ: Religion in America; SIEBERT: Adorno on Religion; GORZ: Secu- rity; CASANOVA: Conversation with Maduro; ELSHTAIN: On Weil; LUKE: Televangelism; HELLMAN:John Paul II; MC GOVERNrJohn Paul II on "Human Work" g O STAME: Crisis of the Left; FRASER: Legal Amnesia; PIC ARD: Black Economic Strat- , TISMANEANU: Romanian Com- Inunism; OFFE: The Labor Market; ADORNO: •Natural History; SIEGEL: Reagan's Revolu- tion; SOLLNER: Neo-Conservatism; EISEN- ZWEIG: Zionism and Fiction; ZERZAN: Tay- orism and Unionism; LOWENTHAL: On Goethe 5 5 COHEN: The Problem of French Social- ism; LIPIETZ: Which Social Forces Are for Change? JULLIARD: Mitterrand; POR- TELLI: French Socialism; BONGIOVANNI: The French Communist Party; SHRYOCK: The CFDT; MOTHE: Democracy at the Workplace? CAROUX: Decentralization? PAQUOT: Nationalization? KESSELMAN: The General's Revenge; ZUKIN: Deindus- trialization; GONZALES: Gaullism with a Human Face? RAULET: The Agony of Marx 5 7 FRASER: The Corporation as a Body Politic; DINER; Israel and the Holocaust; WELLMER: Art and Industry; MC KEON: Origins of Aesthetic Value; PIPA: Gramsci as a (Non)Literary Critic; BUXTON; Rock Music and Consumerism; HERBERT: Evolutionary Theory in Ferment; BERMAN: The PeacC Movement Debate; FEHER, HELLER: Anti- nukes in Soviet Societies; SVITAK: The Blind Alley; FRANK: On Deleuze and Guattari; ANTONIO: Bureaucratic Anti-Buraucratism 5 9 CASANOVA: Religion and Politics; FEHER-HELLER: From Red to Green; ADAM: On South Africa; PIPA: Albania; SCHLESIER: Vaginal Sexuality; THIBAUD: Pacifism; CAROUX: French Socialism; SCUD- DER: Rock Music; SIEGEL: Oestereicher; CORRADI: Cortazar gi BOBBIO: The Future of Democracy; MAINWARING-VIOLA. Brazil and Ar- gentina; SOLLNER: Neumann, Kirchheimer and Marcuse; KARNOOUH: Culture and De- velopment; KUZMICS: On Elias; POLLIS: Socialism in Greece; HOWARD: Socialism in France; STOJANOVIC: Reforms in Yugoslavia; LEGGEWIE-LALONDE: Ecoliberalism; HA- RASZTI: The Hungarian Peace Movement; RIT- TERSTORN: Religion in the USSR; BOYNE- LASH: Communication and Desire; LOWEN- THAL: On Adorno Cost to individuals: $5.50 per copy for issues prior to No. 50; $6.00 each for No. 50 onward. Institutions pay $15.00 each for all back issues. Foreign orders must add 10 Address all orders to Telos. 431 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10009. nercent $6.00

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Page 1: BACK ISSUES STILL · BACK ISSUES STILL AVAILABLE 2& On Korsch 31 : On Gramsci 42: Germany and Holocaust 46: The


2& On Korsch31: On Gramsci42: Germany and Holocaust46: The Crisis of the Left51: Peace Movements54: State Terrorism

SPECIAL ISSUES:28: Symposium on Class

39: On Habermas44: Narcissism47: On Poland

52: Social Movements55: French Socialism

29: Hungarian Revolution40: More Habermas

45: On Lowenthal50: Intellectuals

53: State Terrorism58: Religion and Politics

CORRADI: Terror in Argentina; LOVAS,ANDERSON: Friendly Repression in

Hungary; STANISZKIS: Martial Law in Pol-and;REIMAN: Political Truths of the StalinistEraJOHNSTONE: State Terror in South Afri-ca;BOBBIO: Italy's Permanent Crisis;ELIAS:Civilization and Violence;HORKHEIMER:Egoism and the Freedom Movement (1936);KOVEL: Theses on Technocracy; SEGBERS:European Peace Movements; CHARWAT:Poland 1980-82: Conference ReportKg SHAPIRO-KANE: Stagflation and the

New Right; HEARN: Corporatism in theU.S.; LUKE: Informationalism and Ecology;HABERMAS: Neo-Conservatism; KOMAROV:The Gas Pipeline Deal; BERMAN: Adorno'sRadicalism; ADORNO: Two Interviews;GRADY: Child Abuse; MEUSCHEL: Neo-Nationalism and the Peace Movement; SUSS-LUCAS: The "Double Decision Makes Sense"?;HONNETH-KALLSCHEUER: A FamiliarGhost; FRANKEL: The View From Australia

5 g PARINETTO: Marx's Atheism; VANDULMEN: Religion as Social Science;

GERSHENZON: Destiny of thejews; KOVACS:Jews in Hungary; CHIARANTE: From PiusXl| to John Paul II; HUGHES: Church Re-newal in Brazil; LIPSITZ: Religion in America;SIEBERT: Adorno on Religion; GORZ: Secu-rity; CASANOVA: Conversation with Maduro;ELSHTAIN: On Weil; LUKE: Televangelism;HELLMAN:John Paul II; MC GOVERNrJohnPaul II on "Human Work"

g O STAME: Crisis of the Left; FRASER: LegalAmnesia; PIC ARD: Black Economic Strat-

, TISMANEANU: Romanian Com-Inunism; OFFE: The Labor Market; ADORNO:•Natural History; SIEGEL: Reagan's Revolu-tion; SOLLNER: Neo-Conservatism; EISEN-ZWEIG: Zionism and Fiction; ZERZAN: Tay-orism and Unionism; LOWENTHAL: OnGoethe

5 5 COHEN: The Problem of French Social-ism; LIPIETZ: Which Social Forces Are for

Change? JULLIARD: Mitterrand; POR-TELLI: French Socialism; BONGIOVANNI:The French Communist Party; SHRYOCK:The CFDT; MOTHE: Democracy at theWorkplace? CAROUX: Decentralization?PAQUOT: Nationalization? KESSELMAN:The General's Revenge; ZUKIN: Deindus-trialization; GONZALES: Gaullism with aHuman Face? RAULET: The Agony of Marx

5 7 FRASER: The Corporation as a BodyPolitic; DINER; Israel and the Holocaust;

WELLMER: Art and Industry; MC KEON:Origins of Aesthetic Value; PIPA: Gramsci as a(Non)Literary Critic; BUXTON; Rock Musicand Consumerism; HERBERT: EvolutionaryTheory in Ferment; BERMAN: The PeacCMovement Debate; FEHER, HELLER: Anti-nukes in Soviet Societies; SVITAK: The BlindAlley; FRANK: On Deleuze and Guattari;ANTONIO: Bureaucratic Anti-Buraucratism

5 9 CASANOVA: Religion and Politics;FEHER-HELLER: From Red to Green;

ADAM: On South Africa; PIPA: Albania;SCHLESIER: Vaginal Sexuality; THIBAUD:Pacifism; CAROUX: French Socialism; SCUD-DER: Rock Music; SIEGEL: Oestereicher;CORRADI: Cortazar

g i BOBBIO: The Future of Democracy;MAINWARING-VIOLA. Brazil and Ar-

gentina; SOLLNER: Neumann, Kirchheimerand Marcuse; KARNOOUH: Culture and De-velopment; KUZMICS: On Elias; POLLIS:Socialism in Greece; HOWARD: Socialism inFrance; STOJANOVIC: Reforms in Yugoslavia;LEGGEWIE-LALONDE: Ecoliberalism; HA-RASZTI: The Hungarian Peace Movement; RIT-TERSTORN: Religion in the USSR; BOYNE-LASH: Communication and Desire; LOWEN-THAL: On Adorno

Cost to individuals: $5.50 per copy for issues prior to No. 50; $6.00 each for No. 50onward. Institutions pay $15.00 each for all back issues. Foreign orders must add 10

Address all orders to Telos. 431 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10009.nercent
