baltmet inno brainstorming workshop, 7 november 2007, tallinn

Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Transnational Programme (Interreg IVB) 2007-2013 and its strategic projects BaltMet Inno Brainstorming Workshop, 7 November 2007, Tallinn Petri Haapalainen, Ministry of the Interior, [email protected]

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Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Transnational Programme (Interreg IVB) 2007-2013 and its strategic projects. BaltMet Inno Brainstorming Workshop, 7 November 2007, Tallinn Petri Haapalainen, Ministry of the Interior, [email protected]. Focus of this presentation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Transnational Programme (Interreg IVB) 2007-2013and its strategic projects

BaltMet Inno Brainstorming Workshop, 7 November 2007, TallinnPetri Haapalainen, Ministry of the Interior, [email protected]

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Focus of this presentation

Brief introduction of the BSR Interreg IVB Programme

What are the so called strategic projects? Status of preparation of the BSR Programme

and preliminary schedule for the first call of proposals

Brief reference to Central Baltic (CB) Interreg IVA Programme: an alternative for smaller project consortia and pilot projects (and to be further expanded to the BSR Programme)

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Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 - programme area

8 member states, Norway, Russia and Belarus

The same eligible programme area in the member states and Norway as in 2000-2006

In Russia also Archangelsk, Komi and Nenetsky regions can participate in Barents projects

Whole of Belarus included

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BSR: Participation of Russia and Belarus (ENPI component)

The BSR programme is a transnational cooperation programme under the European Territorial Cooperation objective including financing from the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) for partners from Russia and Belarus

ENPI financing integrated in the programme budget

After the final approval of the programme, the Commission and Russia and Belarus will sign ENPI financing agreements

On project level, the management of ENPI financing will respect ENPI rules

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BSR: Priorities 1 and 2

Priority 1: Fostering innovations accross the BSR- Providing support for innovation sources- Facilitating the technology transfer and diffusion of knowledge across the BSR- Strengthening the social capacity in generation and absorption of new knowledge

Priority 2: Improving external and internal accessibility of the BSR- Promotion of transport and ICT measures enhancing accessibility and sustainable socio-economic growth- Actions stimulating further integration within existing transnational development zones and creation of new ones

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BSR: Priorities 3 and 4 Priority 3: Managing the Baltic Sea as a common

resource- Water management with special attention to challenges caused by increasing economic activities and climate changes - Economic management of open sea areas and sustainable use of marine resources- Enhanced maritime safety- Integrated development of off-shore and coastal areas

Priority 4: Promoting attractive and competitive cities and regions- Strengthening metropolitan regions, cities and urban areas as engines of economic development- Strategic support for integrated BSR development and socio-economic and territorial cohesion- Strengthening social conditions and impacts of regional and city development

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BSR: Financing

Programme fundingERDF 208,0 MEUR (Pr1: 58,7; Pr2: 39,1; Pr3: 58,7; Pr4: 39,1; TA: 12,5)Norway 6,0 MEUR(Pr1: 1,7; Pr2: 1,1; Pr3: 1,7; Pr4: 1,1; TA: 0,4)ENPI 22,6 MEUR(Pr1: 5,0; Pr2: 4,0; Pr3: 4,0; Pr4: 7,3; TA: 2,3)

EU co-financing share (projects)ERDF DE, DK, FI, SE up to 75 %

EE, LT, LV, PL up to 85 %Norway up to 50 % ENPI up to 90 %

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BSR: Applying for funding - requirements and possibilities Partnership requirement: at least 3

beneficiaries (partners) from at least 3 different countries of the programme area

Geographic flexibility for using ERDF funding- up to 20 % of the ERDF financing can be used by

project partners in EU countries outside the programme area

- up to 10 % of the ERDF financing can be used for implementing operations outside the EU, e.g. in Russia or Belarus

- in both cases these activities have to benefit the regions of the programme area

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Strategic Projects (1) Projects fulfilling certain criteria can be defined as Strategic


- Content: The project addresses one or more “issues of common concern” that are listed in the chapter 2.3 in the OP and develops solutions for the stable BSR development clearly based on the SWOT analysis presented in the chapter 3.1 of the OP

- Geographical area or area of influence: The geographical area of the project or its area of influence encompasses the whole of the BSR

- Focus on implementation: The project has a strong focus

on implementation. That means it contains infrastructural investment/s or pilot investments in accordance with chapter 4.3 of the OP and chapter 2.5 of the Programme Manual; a preparation stage for a major investment funded through other EU programmes, national programmes or private sources; or local demonstration actions

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Strategic Projects (2)

- National backup: The project has a strong back-up from the national level authorities or, when relevant due to devolved competences, from the regional level authorities that take the responsibility for implementation of investments or endorsement of the policy recommendation. The corresponding representatives of the countries in the project’s geographical area or area of influence are either partners in the project or have submitted a letter of interest describing how they are prepared to use the project’s results

As a part of the quality assessment all projects applying for funds from the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 are assessed additionally regarding their potential to become a strategic project

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BSR: Applying for funding - when and how?

First application round: probably in the first quarter of 2008

Applications to be sent to the Joint Technical Secretariat’s (JTS) main office in Rostock

Decisions taken by joint Monitoring Committee Information and advice:

- website: JTS offices in Rostock and Riga- programme manual (under preparation)- reimbursement of preparation costs?

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Central Baltic (CB) Interreg IVA Programme: Priorities and sub-programmes

Three common priorities1. Safe and healthy environment2. Economically competitive and innovative region3. Attractive and dynamic societies

Programme structure- Central Baltic programme (CB)- Southern Finland - Estonia sub-programme (SFE)- Archipelago and islands sub-programme (AI)

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CB IV A Programme area

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CB IVA: Central Baltic programme (CB) Whole programme area Project partners from at least two countries (exceptions,

see SFE and AI) Under Priority 1: environmental awareness raising and

expertise, supporting spatial planning and environmental management

Under Priority 2: supporting innovation and improving competitiveness, improving internal and external accessibility, optimising the potential of the labour force

Under Priority 3: improving living conditions and social institutions, increasing social inclusion

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CB IVA: Southern Finland - Estonia sub-programme (SFE) Finnish and Estonian parts of the programme area Project partners from Finland and Estonia (exceptions,

see AI) Under Priority 1: maintaining and improving the

conditions of the natural environment, taking responsibility for our physical environment

Under Priority 2: improving connections within the programme area, creating and supporting innovation and competitive environments, meeting challenges of the labour market

Under Priority 3: social security and well-being of different groups in society, stimulating and preserving our heritage and culture

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CB IVA: Archipelago and islands sub-programme (AI) Island areas in the whole programme area Project partners from at least two of EE, FI (incl. Åland)

and SE Under Priority 1: sustainable infrastructure, raising

environmental awareness (finding new ways) Under Priority 2: sustainable tourism, knowledge based

economy, developing archipelago and island specific economic activities, supporting accessibility to and information about the archipelago and islands

Under Priority 3: social and demographic issues (esp. young people)

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CB IVA: Financing

Programme funding- ERDF 102,2 MEUR- Pr1: 28,0; Pr2: 42,5; Pr3: 25,5; TA: 6,1- CB: 52,5; SFE: 26,5; AI: 17,0

EU co-financing share (projects)- FI, SE up to 75 % - EE, LV up to 85 %

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CB IVA: Applying for funding - when and how?

First application round in the first half of 2008 Applications to be sent to Joint Technical

Secretariat’s (JTS) main office in Turku Decisions will be taken by the relevant

Steering Committee (CB, SFE or AI) Information and advice:

- Head of secretariat Mr. Philipp Schwartz ([email protected])

- JTS staff in the five offices: Turku, Stockholm, Mariehamn, Tallinn and Riga (to be recruited soon)

- website (to be opened soon)- programme manual (under preparation)

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