barracks: iot fleet management realityproof

Barracks Painless IoT fleet management solution Within 10 minutes

Upload: pierre-olivier-dybman

Post on 11-Apr-2017




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BarracksPainless IoT fleet management solution

Within 10 minutes

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The Internet of Things is changing the worldBy changing our lives

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An example: prosthesis

This prosthetic hand was designed and forged in 1480 for a European gentleman for sword fighting

It is old but already quite complex and sophisticated

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A few hundred years later...

James Gillingham invented the leather prosthesis in 1866

They were used, without any major improvement, until the ‘60s

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The real evolution began with two advances:

- Computers and powerful processors

- Connectivity

We taught prosthetic devices how to learn

We recommend you to watch:

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The Internet of Things is changing the worldIndustry after industry

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Food production

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Three trucks, only one driver

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Energy efficiency

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Beyond the “smart anything” trend, the Internet of Things faces multiple technical challenges

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Creating has become easy

So easy that right now, four Raspberry Pi orbit the Earth

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But mass production is still difficult

98%Kickstarter projects deliver late

including 14% projects that won’t deliver at all

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Mass production isn’t easy, even for big companies

Airbus A400M Atlas

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The airplane was five years late and 11 billion dollars over budget

- The control software for the turboprop had to be entirely redeveloped to pass civil


- The default navigation system had to be manually corrected. It couldn’t handle the airplane’s maxspeed correctly

- Automatic pilot had to be redeveloped because of architectural and software design


- The Seville test flight crash was caused by the Terrain Referenced Navigation System. The software was designed late, and poorly adapted

A400M - Atlas from Airbus (EADS)

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Several issues … one solution

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Painlessly manage your

IoT fleet

→ Barracks is a SaaS platform which will allow you to manage easily the distribution of updates and packages to connected devices.

→ Barracks can handle any type of connected device with its simple and secure platform.

→ Barracks will enable you to concentrate on your core activity, to reduce your time to market thanks to an its open toolkit API and open source SDKs.

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OTA update Management

→ Start manufacturing ASAP and reduce time-to-market

→ Update millions of devices in a few easy steps

→ Ship, update early and often; based on experiences with your customers

Deliver more value to your customers

Ship early, update often

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Delivering software to IoT made easy

Software factory


IoT Device

Barracks API,Jenkins Plugin

Barracks SDK

Software delivery

Software update,Monitoring

BarracksCloud Platform

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Delivering software to IoT made easy

Software factory



IoT Device

Barracks API,Jenkins Plugin

Barracks SDK

Software delivery

Software distribution,Monitoring

Device Update,Monitoring

Vendor SDK

BarracksCloud Platform

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→ A/B testing→ Alpha, beta, production and

many more channels→ Build your own segment based

on your data→ Apply your own business logic

Target the right audiences with the right software

Customize everyone’s experience

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MonitoringProvide a flawless experience

→ Dashboard & statistics→ Crash & logs analytics→ Automatic alerting→ Prevent hardware problems→ Save on technical support by

being proactive

Find solutions before the issue appears

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Our promises

→ Easy to get started→ 5 minutes to sign up, 5 minutes

to implement→ Relevant from your first to your

billionth device→ Full API I/O for custom

integration with your company’s tools

→ Safe & secure→ Open source SDK

Take better control of your IoT fleet

For your satisfaction

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Barracks is all the above and more ...

SaaS Independant platformSecured platform


Deploy your firmware updates in 2 clicks

In & Out APIMulti Platform SDKs

Open APIs

Customize Barracks to follow your own

business rules

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The TeamBehind every great project, there is a team

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Proudly brought to you by

Alexandre Gonzalez - CEO

● 11 years in business development

● Successfully founded CleverToday Inc. with Eric Giovannetti (15 employees, 1M$ projected turnover the second year of existence)

● Measures, observes and analyzes everything

● Legend says he was born in Google Analytics...

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Proudly brought to you by

Simon Guerout - Chief R&D

● 15 years of experience in development (Java, Android, C, ASM, etc.)

● 15 years of experience with embedded system

● 10 years working with SDKs, Frameworks and libraries

● Embedded systems Ninja

● Once competed with a British rugby team in a pub (and won)

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Proudly brought to you by

Brice Argenson - CTO

● Worked on business critical solutions as a DevOps specialist in the first company in the world for voice recognition

● More than 11 years of development

● Java certified developer

● Certified trainer in Java, Javascript & Docker

● Climbs mountains and traverses valleys to bring the True Word (about Java). In a previous life, he was a Docker

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Proudly brought to you by

● Front-End Developer for 10 years

● User Experience Genius, UI & UX

● Accessibility advocate and conference speaker

● Eric doesn’t speak, he interacts with you and you experience him. Street Fighter V champion

Eric Giovannetti - CXO

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Proudly brought to you by

Pierre-Olivier Dybman - CPO

● 12 years of experience in development (Java, C#.Net, PHP, Python, C, C++)

● Embedded systems engineer with a consumer electronics focus

● Certified Scrum Product Owner

● IoT & mobile conference speaker (Droidcon, PAUG, GDG Montréal…)

● Mario Kart Barracks official champion

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Get Barracks

We’ll be more than happy to help you get started

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Thank you ;)

Alexandre [email protected]+1 514 659-9731 (CA)+33 6 32 34 37 57 (FR)

Pierre-Olivier [email protected]+1 650 273-0410 (US)

Get in touch!

Adèle [email protected]+1 514 549-7215 (CA)