
BASEL II and BASEL III Implementation by JANATA BANK LIMITED following the statutory requirements of BANGLADESH BANK IMPLEMENTATION OF BASEL II AND BASEL III ON JANATA BANK LIMITED FOLLOWING THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENT OF BANGLADESH BANK By Ajmir Hossain ID- 130203073 An Internship Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Masters of Business Administration (MBA) JAGANNATH UNIVERSITY September, 2015

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BASEL II and BASEL III Implementation by JANATA BANK LIMITED following the statutoy e!uiements of BAN"LADES# BANK IMPLEMENTATION OF BASEL II AND BASEL III ON 1ANATA BANK LIMITEDFOLLOWING THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENT OF BANGLADESH BANKByA$mi #ossainID% &'()('(*'An Intenship +epot ,esented in ,atial -ulfillment.f the +e!uiements fo the DegeeMastes of Business Administation /MBA0JA"ANNAT# 1NI2E+SIT3Septembe4 )(&5BASEL II and BASEL III Implementation by JANATA BANK LIMITED following the statutoy e!uiements of BAN"LADES# BANK IMPLEMENTATION OF BASEL II AND BASEL III ON 1ANATA BANK LIMITEDFOLLOWING THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENT OF BANGLADESH BANKByA$mi #ossainID% &'()('(*'#as Been Appo6edSeptembe4 )(&5 -ahan Sha7iaLe8tueDepatment of -inan8eJagannath 1ni6esityBASEL II and BASEL III Implementation by JANATA BANK LIMITED following the statutoy e!uiements of BAN"LADES# BANKLetter of TransmittalSeptembe 54 )(&5-ahan Sha7iaLe8tueDepatment of -inan8eJagannath 1ni6esitySub$e8t9 Submission of intenship epotDea Si4It is a geat pleasue fo me to submit the epot on :;Implementation of BASEL II and BASEL III on Janata Ban< Limited following the Statutoy +e!uiement of Bangladesh Banample of an Impot LDA &(F Export Section &54.1. Typi8al E>ample of E>pot LDA &54.2. Ba8< to Ba8< LDA &*F='= Bill ,u8hase and Dis8ounting &G5 Recommendation &E6 Conclusion &EPART 2- RESEARCH& Introduction )&1.1. Absta8t )&&=)= ,oblem Statement ))&='= ,upose of the study ))&=F= S8ope of the epot ))&=5= Methodology ))&=C= Limitations of the epot )'BASEL II and BASEL III Implementation by JANATA BANK LIMITED following the statutoy e!uiements of BAN"LADES# BANK2.Literature Review )F'=Data Collection Procedures '(3.1. +is< Based Aapital Ade!ua8y '('=)= Eligible +egulatoy Aapital '('='= Aonditions fo maintain +egulatoy '&'=F= +is< Beighted Assets /+BA0 ')'=5= Aapital Ade!ua8y +atio ')F=Data Analysis ''4.1. Aapital Stu8tue of Janata Ban< Limited''F=)= Aapital Ade!ua8y of Janata Ban< Limited'5F='= Aedit +is< Management in Janata Ban< Limited'GF=F= Maisting Basel II a88od will e>pie by June ne>t yea /Shafi!ul Islam Jibon4 )(&)0= But thediffeen8e between the egulatoy 8apital atio of BASEL II e!uiement and BASEL III 8an be seen inthe table below%1a*le 4: Re#"latory capital ratio+egulatoy 8apital atio BASEL III BASEL IITie & 8apital atio )(&'SF=5N FN)(&FS5=5N)(&5SCNAoe Tie & )(&'S)N )N /5N in Bangladesh0)(&FS'=5N)(&5SF=5NThe diffeen8e between the total 8apital e!uiement of &(N /In Bangladesh0 and the Tie & e!uiement 8an be met with Tie ) 8apital1a*le =: Proposal (or te CAR and timeline o( BAS!L III internationally0i#"re 1.: S"rpl"s capital (or Basel IIAuently the 8apital suplus in all ban8ept fo 5 ban