bca 5th sem

Program to count digits of a given number Private Sub cmdDigits_Click() 'variables declaration Dim lngNum As Long Dim intCounter As Integer 'Fetch the number from text box (txtNum) into lngNum lngNum = Val(txtNum.Text) 'obtaining the individual digits from number and count While lngNum > 0 lngNum = lngNum / 10 intCounter = intCounter + 1 Wend 'Print the output lblOutput.Caption = "The total digits in the given number is " intCounter End Sub

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/*Program to count digits of a given number*/

Program to count digits of a given number

Private Sub cmdDigits_Click()

'variables declaration

Dim lngNum As Long

Dim intCounter As Integer 'Fetch the number from text box (txtNum) into lngNum

lngNum = Val(txtNum.Text) 'obtaining the individual digits from number and count

While lngNum > 0

lngNum = lngNum / 10

intCounter = intCounter + 1

Wend 'Print the output

lblOutput.Caption = "The total digits in the given number is " & intCounter

End SubProgram to find whether the give character is vowel, special character,

Capital, small or digit

Private Sub cmdOk_Click()

'variable declaration

Dim strInput As String, bytAsc As Byte 'fetch character from text box (txtInput) into strInput

strInput = txtInput.Text

bytAsc = Asc(strInput) 'check if given input is small character

If bytAsc >= 65 And bytAsc = 48 And bytAsc intArray(intRow, intNext) Then

intTemp = intArray(intRow, intCol)

intArray(intRow, intCol) = intArray(intRow, intNext)

intArray(intRow, intNext) = intTemp

End If

Next intNext

Next intCol

Next intRow

'Print The Output

For intRow = 0 To 2

For intCol = 0 To 2

Print Space(8) & intArray(intRow, intCol);

Next intCol

Print: Print

Next intRow

End Sub

Program to perform all common task of common dialog box

Private Sub Form_Resize()

rt1.Width = Form1.ScaleWidth

rt1.Height = Form1.ScaleHeight

End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditCopy_Click()

Clipboard.SetText (rt1.SelRTF)

End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditCut_Click()

Clipboard.SetText (rt1.SelRTF)

rt1.SelRTF = ""

End Sub

Private Sub mnuEditPaste_Click()

rt1.SelRTF = Clipboard.GetText

End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileNew_Click()

rt1.TextRTF = ""

End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileOpen_Click()

On Error Resume Next


rt1.LoadFile (cd1.FileName)

End Sub

Private Sub mnuFileSave_Click()

On Error Resume Next


rt1.SaveFile (cd1.FileName)

End Sub

Private Sub mnuFormatFont_Click()

On Error Resume Next

cd1.Flags = cdlCFEffects Or cdlCFBoth


rt1.SelFontName = cd1.FontName

rt1.SelColor = cd1.Color

rt1.SelBold = cd1.FontBold

rt1.SelItalic = cd1.FontItalic

rt1.SelFontSize = cd1.FontSize

rt1.SelStrikeThru = cd1.FontStrikethru

rt1.SelUnderline = cd1.FontUnderline

End SubProgram to rotate 4 images

Option Explicit

Dim strPath1 As String, strPath2 As String, strPath3 As String, strPath4 As String

Private Sub Image1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStartStop_Click()

Static blnState As Boolean

blnState = Not blnState

Timer1.Enabled = blnState

If blnState Then

cmdStartStop.Caption = "Stop Rotation"


cmdStartStop.Caption = "Start Rotation"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Load all the image files from application path

strPath1 = App.Path & "\b1.jpg"

strPath2 = App.Path & "\b2.jpg"

strPath3 = App.Path & "\b3.jpg"

strPath4 = App.Path & "\b4.jpg"

'load the images

imgScr1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath1)

imgScr2.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath2)

imgScr3.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath3)

imgScr4.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath4)

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Static bytCounter As Byte

Select Case bytCounter

Case 0

imgScr1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath4)

imgScr2.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath1)

imgScr3.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath2)

imgScr4.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath3)

bytCounter = 1

Case 1

imgScr1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath3)

imgScr2.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath4)

imgScr3.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath1)

imgScr4.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath2)

bytCounter = 2

Case 2

imgScr1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath2)

imgScr2.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath3)

imgScr3.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath4)

imgScr4.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath1)

bytCounter = 3

Case 3

imgScr1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath1)

imgScr2.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath2)

imgScr3.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath3)

imgScr4.Picture = LoadPicture(strPath4)

bytCounter = 0

End Select

End SubProgram to find whether a matrix is symmetric or not

Option Explicit

Dim intMatrix(2, 2) As Integer

Private Sub Form_Activate()

'Variable Declaration

Dim intRow As Integer, intCol As Integer

Dim blnIsSymetric As Boolean

blnIsSymetric = True

'Take input in 3X3 Matrix

For intRow = 0 To 2

For intCol = 0 To 2

intMatrix(intRow, intCol) = InputBox("Enter the " _

& "Matrix element " & intRow & " " & intCol, "Enter element", "0")

Next intCol

Next intRow

'Evaluate the square of matrix

For intRow = 0 To 2

For intCol = 0 To 2

If intMatrix(intRow, intCol) intMatrix(intCol, intRow) Then

blnIsSymetric = False

Exit For

End If

Next intCol

Next intRow

'Print the matrix of form

For intRow = 0 To 2

Print: Print

For intCol = 0 To 2

Print intMatrix(intRow, intCol) & Space(10);

Next intCol

Next intRow

Print: Print

If blnIsSymetric = True Then

Print "Matrix is symetric"


Print "Matrix is not symetric"

End If

End SubProgram To Make Digital Watch

Option Explicit

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Label2.Caption = TimeEnd SubProgram To Make a Basic Calculator

Dim dblPrev As Double, dblNow As Double

Dim strOpt As String

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

dblPrev = Val(txtNum.Text)

strOpt = "+"

txtNum.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBS_Click()

txtNum.Text = Left(txtNum.Text, Len(txtNum.Text) - 1)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()

dblPrev = 0

dblNow = 0

txtNum.Text = ""

strOpt = "+"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDigit_Click(Index As Integer)

txtNum.Text = txtNum.Text + cmdDigit(Index).Caption

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDivide_Click()

dblPrev = Val(txtNum.Text)

strOpt = "/"

txtNum.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEqual_Click()

dblNow = txtNum.Text

Select Case strOpt

Case "+"

txtNum.Text = dblPrev + dblNow

Case "-"

txtNum.Text = dblPrev - dblNow

Case "*"

txtNum.Text = dblPrev * dblNow

Case "/"

txtNum.Text = dblPrev / dblNow

Case Else

MsgBox "Invalid Operation"

End Select

dblPrev = dblNow

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMul_Click()

dblPrev = Val(txtNum.Text)

strOpt = "*"

txtNum.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSign_Click()

txtNum.Text = -(txtNum.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSqrt_Click()

txtNum.Text = Sqr(txtNum.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSub_Click()

dblPrev = Val(txtNum.Text)

strOpt = "-"

txtNum.Text = ""

End Sub