be psoriasis-free pdf, ebook by cheryl backinson


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Discover the truth and the facts about Be Psoriasis-Free™ PDF, eBook by Cheryl Backinson. Happy reading :) ➽➽➽ Click "SHARE" » "DOWNLOAD" to read the document offline.


Page 2: Be Psoriasis-Free PDF, eBook by Cheryl Backinson

NOTICE: This report is only a GUIDE from the full version of “Be Psoriasis Free”

System. You have the Right to Reprint and share this report to others.


The information presented herein represents the view and experience of the

author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions

change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the

new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt

has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author

nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or any

omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice

concerning legal, medical or related matters is needed in any way connected with

this publication, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This

report is not intended for use as a source of medical advice in any way. You should

be aware of any laws which govern health care practices in your country and/or

state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely


Page 3: Be Psoriasis-Free PDF, eBook by Cheryl Backinson

Dear Friend,

Hi, I’m Cheryl Backinson.

Over the last several years, I have researched and committed myself to discover

the fastest, easiest and safest way for someone to recover from Psoriasis as fast as

humanly possible.

I’ve now been fortunate enough to have helped thousands of children and adults

recover from Psoriasis fast - sometimes within only a few days or weeks, whereas

most people have reoccurring symptoms of Psoriasis over years.

Did you know that most people will NEVER get rid of their Psoriasis? This is because

they blindly follow their doctor’s advice and simply take medications or treatments

that only manage the symptoms, and do not address the root cause of Psoriasis.

The reason why I got into the subject of Psoriasis and helping others is because I

too once suffered from Psoriasis on several occasions throughout my adult life.

The degree of suffering, embarrassment and humiliation that I experienced with

Psoriasis was much more intense than most. I spent years covered in itchy scaly

spots on large portions of my body, feeling embarrassed and humiliated, avoiding

social settings and being isolated, and dealing with several other symptoms - such

as depression, low energy and low self-esteem.

All areas of my life were literally being destroyed by this dreadful skin disease.

Others would even avoid being around me, because they thought that it might be

contagious and that they’ll get it from me.

However, during that time, it turns out that my suffering was a blessing in disguise.

Why is that, you ask?

Well, because it forced me to find solutions.

I ended up spending several months, and later years, researching the topic of


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I began reading books, researching on the internet, trying all the remedies,

treatments, medications, and cures available, and also interviewing other experts

and doctors. Throughout this process, I essentially became an “expert” on Psoriasis

and learned everything there is to know about it.

Most websites out there are usually saying the same things about Psoriasis. It can

be difficult to go through all that information and find out what is useful and what

isn’t. I’ve tested almost everything at this point and in my book entitled “Be

Psoriasis Free”, I’ve supplied all of the best of what works and only the most useful

information for you.

This way you don’t have to spend years researching Psoriasis like I did.

During my years of research, I discovered many secrets that most people NEVER

KNOW about Psoriasis. I found out what works and what doesn’t. I found out

methods and strategies that can help any child or adult recover from this skin

disease quickly.

I realized I’d be able to help more people, just by compiling all the information I’ve

learned into an e-book and it’d be easier for people to apply things.

If you have any questions or concerns, or want to buy a full copy of “Be Psoriasis

Free”, you can find it at:

I wish you a good luck, fast and safe recovery!

Warm Regard,

Cheryl Backinson

Page 5: Be Psoriasis-Free PDF, eBook by Cheryl Backinson

What Is Psoriasis?

Let’s begin with discussing what Psoriasis is and some basic information about the

skin disease. If you want to treat this skin disease, it’s important to know a little bit

about it and how it works.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes scaling and inflammation (pain, swelling, heat,

and redness). Skin cells grow deep in the skin and slowly rise to the surface. This

process is called cell turnover, and it takes about a month. With Psoriasis, it can

happen in just a few days because the cells rise too fast and pile up on the surface.

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Psoriasis begins in the immune system, mainly with a type of white blood cell called

a T cell. T cells help protect the body against infection and disease. With Psoriasis,

T cells are put into action by mistake. They become so active that they set off other

immune responses. This leads to swelling and fast turnover of skin cells.

Anyone can get Psoriasis, but it occurs more often in adults. In many cases, there is

a family history of Psoriasis. Certain genes have been linked to the disease.

Men and women get Psoriasis at about the same rate.

Most Psoriasis causes patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales. These patches

can itch or feel sore. Some people experience a burning sensationon the skin. With

more severe cases you may experience dry, cracked skin that can bleed.

These are the most common locations someone can get Psoriasis:

• Scalp

• Ears

• Elbows

• Knees

• Gluteal cleft (buttocks area)

• Umbillicus (abdomen area)

• Genetalia (genital region)

• Finger nails or toe nails

• Lower Back

They are often found on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower

back, face, palms, and soles of the feet. But they can show up other places such as

fingernails, toenails, genitals, and inside the mouth.

People with Psoriasis may notice that sometimes the skin gets better and

sometimes it gets worse.

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Things that can cause the skin to get worse include:

• Infections

• Stress

• Changes in weather that dry the skin

• Certain medicines.

• Compromised immune system

Psoriasis often appears between the ages of 15 and 35, but can develop at any age.

The average age of onset is 28 years old. And 10-15% of those with Psoriasis get it

before age 10.

Psoriasis affects 2.2% of the United States population and 1% to 3% of the world's


Psoriasis can last for years if left untreated, and can often come and go for many

Psoriasis sufferers.

That’s why it’s crucial that you follow the steps in this full guide program to get best

results and get rid of Psoriasis once and for all.

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Type of Psoriasis

Each type of Psoriasis is unique in its own right, however, the treatment options for

each form of Psoriasis will be the same. Ultimately, it’s the same root cause that

manifests Psoriasis in the body. If you address the root cause, then ANY and ALL

types of Psoriasis will disappear.

But first, let’s go into these three types so you can get a clear idea of what you’re

dealing with.

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Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris)

This is the most common form of Psoriasis and affects 90% of people with the

disease. Plaque Psoriasis appears as dry red patches known as “plaques”, which are

covered with a layer of silvery white scales. This form of Psoriasis generally starts

off as small bumps that grow together in a specific region of the body - often

elbows, knees, scalp, and buttocks.

Often those with Plaque Psoriasis experience changes to their finger nails and toe

nails, such as pitting, thickening, discoloration, and loosening of the nail from the

nail bed.

Plaque Psoriasis of the Scalp

Having Plaque Psoriasis on the scalp is also very common and an uncomfortable

place to experience the skin disease.

This probably affects at least half of those that get Psoriasis.

Psoriasis on the scalp can spread to the forehead, ears, and back of the neck. In

severe cases, hair loss can occur.

Guttate Psoriasis

This form of Psoriasis can appear as small, pinkish dots that can spread and cover

large areas of the upper body, legs and arms. Teenagers and children most

commonly experience Guttate Psoriasis, and it can often form in the response to a

respiratory infection such as strep throat (strep bacteria).

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Causes of Psoriasis

Genetic Causes of Psoriasis

There have been discovered 9 gene mutations amongst researchers that may be

involved in causing Psoriasis. One of which is called chromosome 6 (PSORS-1),

which is a major factor that can lead to Psoriasis. The mutation of genes can cause

certain cells of the body to function differently, and can affect these T-helper cells.

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If in fact genetics play a role in getting Psoriasis, it does not mean that it cannot be

overcome. It’s just a small part of it - as I believe you can overcome any form of

condition or disease if you are committed enough and have the right resources.

So do NOT use genetics as an excuse and say to yourself, “Well, it must be my

genetics... there’s nothing I can do about it.” NO - there is always something you

can do about it!

Ask yourself, has anyone in your family had Psoriasis before?

What is the history with your parents, grandparents, and beyond?

Immune System Causes of Psoriasis

When your immune system is functioning optimally, your white blood cells create

antibodies to foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses and toxins. These white

blood cells form chemicals that help heal and get rid of any infective agents. When

suffering from Psoriasis, some of these white blood cells (called T-Cells) become


When this happens, these T-Cells begin to attack the skin and what happens is the

skin cells begin to multiply at a rapid rate and stack up on the surface of the skin,

causing Psoriasis.

Normally, skin cells form, mature and then fall off every 30 days. But with plaque

Psoriasis, the skin goes through this process more rapidly - every 3-6 days.

With Psoriasis, these T-Cells produce too much chemicals that cause more

inflammation in the skin and joints.

This is why, regardless of your condition, it is ESSENTIAL to correct this issue by

addressing the immune system.

For every case of Psoriasis - if you get your immune system in order and healthy,

then Psoriasis will go away. Your body can return to normal activity and do what

it’s meant to do.

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This is why it’s essential to use the supplements and follow the nutritional

strategies outlined in this e-book program. For every case of Psoriasis, the patient

has had a compromised immune system of some sort.

When the immune system is running normally and functioning at a peak level, any

skin disease such as Psoriasis is literally impossible to be found in the body.

Environmental Causes of Psoriasis

Certain environmental factors can lead to Psoriasis, such as skin injury, sunburn,

viral rashes, drug rashes, increased friction or rubbing of clothing on body, and even

mild abrasion.

Weather can trigger Psoriasis as well - if you’re exposed to direct sunlight for too

long, it will improve the rash. Stress can be a factor, as it also compromises your

immune system. Bacterial infections, such as strep, can cause Guttate Psoriasis in


There are many different factors and causes.

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Psoriasis Symptoms

The most common symptoms of Psoriasis is the red or pink areas of thickened,

raised and dry skin.

Unfortunately, there are many more symptoms that go along with the skin disease.

After you’ve recovered fully from Psoriasis, sometimes scars can be left if you didn’t

heal from it properly. Also, sometimes it can come back if you don’t have your

immune system in order.

Use the list of symptoms below to diagnose your condition of Psoriasis.

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Here is a list of symptoms that have been associated with Psoriasis:

• Red patches of skin covered with silvery scales

• Itchiness, soreness, or burning

• Pain or discomfort

• General achiness

• Headaches

• Dry, cracked skin that may bleed

• Thickened, pitted or ridged nails

• Swollen or stiff joints

• Fatigue/Low Energy

• Fever/Chills/Sweats

• General weakness

• Muscle Aches

• Abdominal Pain

• Irritability

• Infection

• Weight Loss/Weight Gain

Page 15: Be Psoriasis-Free PDF, eBook by Cheryl Backinson

Here is an example of the extensive information that you will discover by

adopting Be Psoriasis Free system

Table of Content


What Is Psoriasis? Page 12

What Type Of Psoriasis Are You? Page 15

What Causes Psoriasis and What to Do About It Page 19

Prevent Psoriatic Arthritis And Other Complications Page 22

Serious Psoriasis Risks We Want To Avoid Page 24

What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriasis? Page 25

How To Cure Psoriasis Fast Page 27

Top 12 Home Remedies To Cure Psoriasis Page 29

Top 7 Bathing Procedures To Get Rid Itchiness Page 58

Top 10 Foods For Curing Psoriasis Page 60

Top 3 Foods To Avoid To Cure Psoriasis Page 78

Top 3 Supplements To Cure Psoriasis Page 81

Medications To Treat The Psoriasis Page 86

Other Products To Cure Psoriasis Page 89

Fast-Track Psoriasis Healing With Detox Program Page 91

How To Avoid Scratching Psoriasis Scales & Patches Page 93

7 Steps For Curing Psoriasis Fast Page 94

When Is Psoriasis Cured? Page 97

Final Words From Cheryl Backinson Page 98

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Introduction Page 101

Chapter-1 What You Need to Know About Psoriasis Page 103

Chapter-2 Auto-Immune Diseases Page 113

Chapter-3 Help Your Self Page 118

Chapter-4 Do You Have Allergies? Page 122

Chapter-5 How Food Affects Your Psoriasis Page 127

Chapter-6 What You Should Eat vs. What You Shouldn’t Eat Page 131

Chapter-7 Detox Your Body Page 146

Chapter-8 Natural Remedies Page 150

Chapter-9 Alternative Remedies Page 163

To get all of the steps of how to get rid of your psoriasis problems in order to

boost your chances be free from this aggravating ailment, go to the full copy of ‘Be Psoriasis Free’ today.