beatlemania. the fans remember…. -...

Beatlemania. The fans remember….

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Post on 09-Jul-2018




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Beatlemania. The fans



Billy Joel (from Long Island/ 14 at the time)/ the

piano man

Steve Van Zandt (new Jersey/ 13 )- work with Bruce

Springsteen (the Pope)

Ed Sullivan/ TV presenter

1 of the 73 million Americans who watched the show

One of the cops who protected the Beatles

Robert Cray: buy a Tennessee guitar like George

Blues Musician. 11-12 at the time

David Crosby from the Byrds, remember Hard Day’s

Night (the film)/ tremendously influenced by the


« oh Boy! »

Steven Stark / Beatles specialist

Robert Maysles:

(award-winner documentarian, today 87 ) who

followed the Beatles for a week to shoot a documentary

Lauren Passarelli:

Teacher at the prestigious Berkeley College of Music

in Boston. For 15 years / teach music from the Beatles

Irene Katz, huge fan of the Beatles

13 years old at the time

Live in NYC

Hold sign

Dream about being one of the Beatles’ girlfriend

Helpful for her personal life/ make her happier

Today’s musicians: student at Berkeley

Miss the Beatles optimism/ the excitment of the time

I remember when….

The Beatles/ Make history

My life / change

An historic visit such an amazing experience

so wonderful

Phone my brother rush to the airport

See the plane landing

Steven Stark

Move from Boston to Liverpool

Write a book

Leonard Bernstein/ famous American conductor and

composer . Reassure the worried parents.

Like the Beatles in a Tv show

Motown Artist/ Valery Simpson

Record we can work it out

Often sing this cover song as a closure

Take place

50 years ago February 7th 1964

In the USA Wounded country= America

Kennedy / die / 3 months before

Vietnam war heating up

Civil Rights clashes/ street battles

Unmistakable Sound


Frenzied joy could hear

Historical event 1st tour in the US

Crowded lots of pushing

Before 1964 in the USA

The Beatles not very famous

The world / need the Beatles then (= at the time)

Collective depression in the USA

The changes

Change rock music revolutionary/ new

different from anything I had ever heard

In parallel politics and culture change

Fashion change

The Beatles / lead this movement

Beatles’styleFun/ funny energizing for people

Joke a lot during the interviews

very smart disarming

Constantly reinvent their music

Original Great impact on their followers

Smarter than the journalists soulful

Part of pop culture Fashionable (hairstyles/ clothes)

Transition between rock and pop culture

Arrive at JFK airport/

fly with Pan Am/ crowded airport

Fans / scream/ wait/ go crazy

Be funny/ have humour

Meet/ Become friends

Stay at

Manhattan , New York CityView on Central Park

Cops/ protect/ fans push

Ed Sullivan/ black and white tv show

great success

Play the guitar/ drums/ wear suits/

had a mop top ( hair style)

Go to the USA in 1964/ JFK die in

November 1963/ need hope and



Wave/ smile at the crowd