become fearless training


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http://become-fearless.comOvercome fear, guilt, emotional weakness, inhibitions and social conditioning to live a life of total freedom, We will systematically change your mental state to give to eliminate fear, regret and remorse. You will probably either become a multi-millionaire get into serious mischief!


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How to become fearless

Chapter A- Why become fearless

A1. Average people do not win in life

There are billions of people in the world and most of them work hard to

achieve success. But sadly, the vast majority do not achieve it. This is

often because they are constrained by fear; either about what will happen

in the future or what other people think of them. Fear stops them

grasping the opportunities they need to succeed in commerce, art, social

life and romance.

A2. Become fearless

We want to declare war on fear. Our community is made up of

adventurous minded individuals who want to experience everything that

life has to offer. We aim to do this by systematically attempting to

eradicate the emotions of fear, including anxiety and regret, We use

state of the art psychological and neurological techniques to move

towards a state of consciousness which is vastly more enjoyable and

effective than the normal way of thinking. We refer to this as the 'fearless

mindset'; it is characterised by these attributes:

• Supremely confident in any social situation;

• Able to act on the spur of the moment;

• Able to effortlessly make and break relationships with the opposite


• Always enjoy the present moment;

• Willing to take enormous risks in order to win;

• Emotionless in high charged situations;

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• Able to stand out in any crowd;

• Willing to break rules when it suits;

• Able to make use of others to get ahead;

• An absence of guilt for past behaviour;

• Convinced of absolute entitlement to outrageous success;

• Smoothly unconcerned about the future;

• Extremely persuasive;

• Able to blithely ignore failure and the criticism of others;

• Able to laugh in the face of danger;

A3. Successful people invariably possess the fearless mindset

People with the fearless mindset are often described as having an

adventurous, cavalier, buccaneering, entrepreneurial or opportunistic

personality. These traits are especially common in most directors’

boardrooms, political environments, war zones. Unfortunately some

people of this kind make mistakes and end up in jail- certainly not

something we would encourage. Wars are invariably won and empires

(either commercial or political) formed by those with the fearless mindset.

So, the relationship between the fearless mindset and financial success is

obvious. People with this attitude also tend to live longer and are happier

because they don’t suffer from the corrosive effect of anxiety on the mind

and body.

The great achievers of mankind have all been aware that you need this

mindset to reach the highest pinnacles of success. Dale Carnegie said

‘Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the furthest is

generally the one who is willing to do and dare’. This motto of the elite

British special forces the SAS expresses a similar sentiment- ‘who dares


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A4. Do you have the potential to become fearless?

The fearless mindset tends to appeal more to those who already have a

more ‘never say die’ attitude than average. Let’s do a quick test. Just

imagine for a moment that you fully possess the characteristics described

above. It can be interesting to spend a few minutes indulging in this

bizarre daydream. Think how you would live your life and the fantastic

experiences and achievements you would enjoy. If you have an

adventurous streak, you should experience a thrill of excitement, or a

surge of euphoria. This is the sensation of freedom, a life without limits

and internal constraints where you are at liberty to do exactly as please.

A5. Join the fearless community

Join our community and together we can move towards a fearless

mindset through rigorous application of a specially developed training

programme. Our approach is based on well established academic

principles and robust empirical evidence.

A6. Benefits of the fearlessness technique

Our technique, which encompasses autosuggestion; cognitive behavioural

therapy; physical fitness; psycho-nutrition; and diet to name a few, is

split into two parts. The first relates to the internal- changing how you

interpret and react to the world around you. The benefits of this part of

the course include:

• Boundless confidence;

• A massive sense of your own self worth and abilities;

• The ability to appear convincing irrespective of the situation;

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• A joyful indifference to the future;

• A cheerful disregard to what other people think of you;

• A lack of remorse for your actions;

• Freedom from intense negative emotions

• Freedom from intense negative emotions

• The ability to detach yourself emotionally; and

• An absence of anxiety

But there is no point in having the right mindset if you don’t have the

right skills to back it up. The second half give you the technical abilities

needed to go with this attitude. This includes:

• The techniques of a master persuader- get anyone to do anything

for you whether in the realm of work or pleasure;

• An uncanny ability to read people and know what they are thinking;

• A talent for keeping your friends highly amused;

• The ability to make the opposite sex magnetically attracted to you;

• The confidence to handle any dangerous situation confidently;

You can see that what we are aiming at here goes way beyond what is

offered in your usual wishy washy self improvement; course. So, we

expect it will attract an entirely different type of person. If you are that

sort of person then join today to start experiencing the benefits. If you

would like more information, the ‘ Fearlessness Tools’ section of the

website give an overview of the theory and evidence behind our highly

effective technique.

A7. Get involved

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We see the Fearless Community as dynamic and organic grassroots

movement. We want to engage with the ideas of our members and attract

the brightest brains. So, if you are an academic or someone who has

experience of acting fearlessly then please get in touch

B. Fearless tools

It would be reasonable if you were to ask yourself a ‘so how do I become

fearless’? There is no single answer to this question ‘. Fear and anxiety

are complex emotions and have several interrelated causes. So, if we

want to eliminate them we need to take a cross-cutting and

multidisciplinary approach. In other words, we need to draw up the best

available evidence from various disciplines including: biology, nutritional

science, neurology, meditation, psychology and even the study of humour

and the useful material (the majority of it is of dubious worth) from NLP

and the PUA community. It is like putting a jigsaw together; every piece

needs to be in place to create the truly fearless mind.

We express this knowledge in the form of 11 Fearlessness Tools;

separated into two domains- internal and external. We provide a

comprehensive training program to develop your expertise at using each

of the tools. Our hypothesis is that if you achieve mastery in each of the

11 tools then you will attain the fearless mindset.

The internal tools create the correct lens through which to see the world

around you. This is about making your mental processes icily cool -so you

can respond to any situation with total calm. These are;

1) Physical Exercise

2) Psycho-nutrition

3) Brainwave Synchronisation

4) Meditation

5) Autosuggestion

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6) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

The external tools are a series of social techniques which will give you

abnormal abilities to impress, attract, excite, persuade and influence

others. These are:

1) Social Psychology

2) Hypnotic Language

3) Reading People

4) Body Language

5) Social Tools

When you join the program we will give you a comprehensive

psychometric assessment with around 300 questions. We will use your

results to comprehensively assess how to customize the tools to your

personal characteristics. The assessment is very granular; it segments

people into over 10,000 categories. So we can provide a personally

tailored ‘fearlessness prescription’, which is specially customised to

address the barriers which are preventing you becoming fearless. More

details about the academic theory and evidence behind these tools are

given in the following sections.

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C. Physical Fitness

To become fearless you need to be physically fit. When our mind

perceives a dangerous situation, it reacts by secreting hormones such as

adrenaline. These chemicals cause physiological changes. The heart beat

speeds up and breathing gets faster. Awareness of the environment

increases and reflexes improve. This effect is known as the ‘flight or flight’

response. These physical changes have an evolutionary advantage. They

allow you to focus on a dangerous situation and give you a burst of

energy to respond to it- either by fighting back or by running away.

But, there are disadvantages to the response. It can make you blush or

go pale. This is why some people go red when they are doing something

wrong. It can also inhibit salivation, making your mouth go dry- you

might notice that people speaking in public often take frequent sips from

a glass of water. Because you become more alert to the situation, you can

often develop tunnel vision- you can only concentrate on the task in hand

and you often block out the sounds around you (auditory exclusion). In

short, you panic.

C1. Why the fight or flight response acts against us

In modern society, we are socially conditioned to experience the fight or

flight response in socially as well as physically dangerous situations. For

example, being economical with the truth in a business meeting is very

unlikely to be physically dangerous. But, we do experience the

physiological changes as if it was- e.g. .sweating etc. But, this is actually

a major disadvantage-evidence shows that the highest performers high

pressure situations are those who remain calm and emotionally detached.

C2. Why does exercise and fitness reduce anxiety?

If we increase our fitness levels we strengthen our mental capacity to deal

with challenges effectively. This is because the fitter people operate less

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in panic mode (fight or flight) and so are calmer in stressful situations.

There are several reasons for this;

• Exercise strengthens the heart muscle so it doesn’t need to work as

fast. A fast heart rate is a symptom of the fight or flight response; which

occurs in stressful situations. Slowing down your heart rate will reduce

feelings of panic in any given situation;

• Exercise gets rid of adrenaline the chemical produced in stressful

situations- calming you down;

• Exercise improves physical attractiveness which increases

confidence. Higher levels of self confidence are associated with better

performance in anxiety inducing situations; and

• Lastly, exercise produces endorphins; a naturally produced chemical

with similar effects to morphine. This produces a euphoric feeling and

improves confidence.

C3. Become physically fit through joining the become-fearless

training programme and reduce anxiety

Our programme gives you an initial in-depth physical assessment and

provides you with a specially tailored exercise programme to give you

optimum performance in high pressure situations. Your performance is

then assessed on a periodic basis to determine areas where you could


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D. Brainwave Synchronisation

To become fearless your brain has to literally be on the same wavelength

as naturally fearless people. Brainwave entrainment can help you achieve

fearlessness. This is a neurological method which attempts to change

your brainwaves to a desired state by synchronising it to a repetitive

stimulus. Alterations in brainwave state leads to profound mental


An analogy can help understand the process. Imagine that you have a

tuning fork which is tuned to have frequency of an E note. If you strike

the fork and place it next to a violin then you will notice that the E string

on the guitar will vibrate as well. In other words, the violin string has

been entrained to the same frequency as the tuning fork. So how does

this relate to the human brain?

D1. The role of brainwaves

Well, there is a great deal of electrical activity in the brain which is

produced by neurons firing in the brain. It is possible to measure the

frequency of the electrical current produced by using a machine called an

Electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG is used in the medical profession to

diagnose conditions like epilepsy and also to give indications of brain

tumours and strokes.

The frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). The higher the frequency, the

faster the brainwaves are. This is relevant because there is a strong

relationship between the speed of your brainwaves and your mood. For

example, if you are feeling very happy then this will be picked up in your

brainwaves. Similarly, if you are feeling anxious, analysis of your

brainwaves will pick that up as well.

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D2. Brainwaves fall into the following categories

> 40 Hz Gamma waves- Higher mental activity, including perception,

problem solving, fear, and consciousness

13–40 Hz Beta waves- This is the state you are in when in normal

consciousness. Associated with active concentration and focus, cognition,

arousal and feeling busy or anxious. Too much of this state can result

intension and anxiety

7–13 Hz Alpha waves- Light meditation, relaxation (while awake) day

dreaming and the feeling you get when you are waking up or going to

sleep. This state can be considered to be the gateway between

consciousness and unconsciousness

4–7 Hz Theta waves- Associated with dreams, deep meditation, REM


< 4 Hz Delta waves- Loss of awareness of the body, unconsciousness,

deep sleep and very deep meditation

Similar to the tuning fork, it is possible to use an audio stimulus to entrain

the brain to particular frequency and so generate a certain mood. Perhaps

the most effective stimuli are something called isotonic tones; pulses of

sound are turned on and off at frequent intervals. After listening to these

tones for a while, the brain is entrained to the same frequency as the


D3. Retune your brainwaves to the fearless frequency

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So how does this make us fearless? Well interestingly, institutional studies

have found that the most fearless people have an unusual pattern of brain

waves. They tend to have higher than average levels of Theta mixed with

spikes of Beta waves. Our programme uses systematic brainwave

entrainment to replicate these patterns.

D4. Retune your brainwaves to fearless frequency by joining the

become-fearless training programme

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E. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

To become fearless, we need to model the thought patterns and

behaviours of fearless people. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can

help us achieve this. CBT is a psychological approach which addresses

unhelpful emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Problems are broken down

into their component parts to make them easier to deal with:

A Situation - a situation or problem which you find difficult.

From this can follow:


Emotions /Physical sensations


These components interact with each other. Firstly, your thoughts about a

particular situation influence your emotions and behaviours. For example,

if when you are at a party ( situation) you think ( thoughts) that all

people of the opposite gender are superior to you then this will make you

feel nervous ( emotions) and will prevent you from asking people on

dates ( behaviour) .

But, if you changed the way you thought about the situation (for example

if you thought you were completely irresistible) then you would

experience different emotions (such as pleasure and anticipation) and you

would behave differently; e.g. you would approach people you liked

confidently. CBT helps change what you think about a situation to achieve

better outcomes. This element of the therapy is known as cognitive


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But, CBT also acknowledges that behaviour influences thoughts and

emotions. For example someone who is experienced at going to lots of

different parties and social occasions will have experience different

thoughts (confidence and belief in their social skills) and emotions

(relaxation) about that situation and display different behaviours (relaxed

and open body language) than a novice. It is likely that a novice will fear

the worst (thoughts) feel nervous (emotion) and act awkwardly

(behaviour). But, with practice, they too will feel relaxed. Changing

people’s behaviour by exposing them to a situation is known as

systematic desensitisation.

E1. Systematic desensitization and fearlessness

Exposing an individual to a feared situation aims to break the cycle of

negative thoughts and behaviours in a number of ways.

• Firstly, it aims to allow the person to experience a natural reduction

in anxiety that normally occurs when you stay in a situation for long

enough on a number of occasions; this is known as habituation. For

example, someone who feels uncomfortable about cold calling a business

client may be asked to call an easy target once a week; this could

gradually be increased in terms of length and difficulty. After a while they

will become habituated to it. Or, in other words realise that it is not so

bad; and

• Secondly, exposure to the situation gives the person the

opportunity to practice behavioural skills in situations that may have

avoided for a long time For example, you can practice your sales and

influencing skills in a cold call.

So how does this help us achieve the fearless mindset? Well, some people

may remain icily calm in situations which would reduce most people to a

nervous wreck because they have gradually increased their exposure to

risk over a period of time and see a high level of risk as normal. So, they

not experience the same intensity of apprehension and fear as a normal

person and correspondingly, will act more rationally.

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A similar principle applies to ruthlessness. Military Special Forces

personnel act with a degree of ruthlessness far beyond the capabilities of

the vast majority of the civilian population. This is largely because they

become desensitised by the specialist training they go through.

Our programme delivers a specially designed programme. Our

programme delivers a specially designed course of behavioural exercises

which, through exposing you to extreme experiences outside the norm in

modern society, change your way of looking at the world (i.e. your

thought and feelings.

E2. Cognitive Restructuring and fearlessness

Cognitive restructuring also plays an important role in breaking the cycle

of everyday thinking and creating the fearless mindset:

• Provides a direct challenge to a person’s beliefs, assumptions, and

expectations. CBT clients are asked to think about whether their

cognitions are rational, really make sense or are helpful. This will include

questions like:

What do you think will happen if you ask out the most attractive person

in the club?

Do you think your beliefs about the situation are rational?

Realistically what is the worst thing that could happen?

They are then asked to consider a more positive and helpful way of


• Reduce the person’s physiological symptoms of anxiety once the

person’s thoughts and feelings around the situation change and become

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more realistic. E.g. a person’s heart rate may not increase as much when

they approach the attractive person if their thoughts are more rational;


• Cognitive restructuring teaches people to think adaptively and

rationally about their experiences after they have occurred rather than to

enter into a negative cycle. E.g. 'perhaps the attractive person wasn’t

interested in me because they were having a really bad day.'

Most people act in an unnecessarily risk averse, faint hearted and

softheaded way because they systematically make certain mistakes in the

way they think:

• They overestimate the probability of getting caught if they do

something 'a bit naughty'

• They think that everything is morally black and white

• They allow other peoples judgements about the world to influence

their thoughts and actions

• They feel personally responsible for their mistakes

E3. Re-programme your brain by joining the become-fearless

training programme

Our programme takes a systematic approach to challenging your faulty

thinking assumptions and helps you enjoy a perfectly fearless


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F. Psycho-nutrition

To become fearless, you have to have the right diet; fear and anxiety are

to a large extent physiologically determined and what you eat has a major


Pharmaceutical science is increasingly sophisticated in understanding

how the health of the brain as an organ is affected by the nutrients we

derive from our diet. Indeed, many people suffer from chronic mental

health issues because of bad diet. Eliminating some foods from your diet

and supplementing other nutrients will have a massive impact on your

ability to stay calm and in control. Here are some examples:

F1. Caffeine increases anxiety

Caffeine is a regular part of many people’s diet; most popularly consumed

in coffee and tea. But the chemical effect of caffeine is chemically almost

indistinguishable from the effect of stress and anxiety. People like

drinking coffee and tea because it temporarily increases mood and

energy. This occurs because caffeine blocks receptors for adenosine; a

brain chemical which prevents the body from creating two other

chemicals known as dopamine and adrenaline.

The fight or flight response occurs in situations where you are producing

too much adrenaline. So in other words caffeine makes every banal

situation seem like an emergency. But, conversely, the great leaders in

life make an emergency seem like a banal situation. Obviously avoiding

this substance is key to producing a fearless mindset.

F2. Certain supplements including Vitamin B reduce anxiety

Vitamin B has the function of breaking down carbohydrates and proteins.

If this is not done properly then the chemicals in the brain will not be

adequately balance. Two of the ‘B’ vitamins are thought to be especially

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important. B6 acts as a coenzyme with other enzymes to control many

different physiological processes and accelerates up chemical reactions in

cells. Deficiency in this chemical causes anxiety and nervousness. But,

most people are deficient in this chemical because they don’t take extra

supplements and it is difficult to get from diet alone. Taking enough

Vitamin B12 is also important in preventing nervousness.

F3. Sugar increases anxiety

Sugar is another stimulant which contributes to anxiety. Eating food like

cakes and sweets is initially pleasant because it is absorbed quickly and

converted into glucose molecules; which then create uplifting and

comfortable emotions. Blood sugar levels are elevated at this point. But,

after a short period of time, the body tries to dispose of the sugar, which

is treated as a poison, as quickly as possible. This creates a rebound

effect where blood sugar falls. People then become tired and irritable

which creates a desire for more sugar which leads to another spike in

blood sugar and so on. So, sugar consumption creates unstable blood

sugar levels. This in turn creates excess adrenaline -triggering the fight or

flight response and causing anxiety.

F4. Begin the fearlessness diet, as part of the become-fearless

training programme, today to help eliminate anxiety

You might be surprised at the extent to which eliminating all undesirable

elements from your diet, and using supplements to counter any deficiency

will move you towards a state of unnatural calm and poise. The diagnosis

and treatment are relatively complex; the examples given above are only

a relatively small proportion of the dietary issues you will need to

address. But, our program will assess your dietary requirements and

based on this, recommend an optimum dietary prescription.

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G. Meditation

To become fearless you need to consistently replicate the physical

behaviours associated with a totally relaxed state. We can achieve this

through meditation techniques which generally fall into one of two

categories- those relating to breathing and those relating to muscle


G1. Fearless breathing

There are two types of breathing. The first type is known as Thoracic

Breathing. This involves taking shallow and rapid breaths directly from the

chest and occurs when people are anxious. This is because when people

feel threatened, the flight or flight response increases adrenaline which

accelerates lung function.

So, anxiety causes breathing changes. But, the relationship works the

other way around as well. If you breathe from the chest it will actually

make you feel more anxious. This is because this type of breathing will

destabilizes the balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body.

This causes your muscles to tense up and your heart to beat faster

because of insufficient oxygenation of your blood. These physical changes

make you think you are in a stressful situation which in turn causes more


A better alternative is to use Diaphragmatic Breathing which involves

taking deep breaths from the abdomen. This will make you feel much

calmer. Incidentally people in a deep state of relaxation; and new born

babies breathe in this way.

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G2. Fearless progressive muscle relaxation

Meditation aimed at relaxing muscles also prevents over-activation of the

fight or flight response. In dangerous situations, muscles become tense in

readiness for battle or retreat. So, if muscles are tense, the body thinks

that it is in a state of stress. This increases adrenaline which causes

nervousness feelings.

Progressive muscle relaxation ‘tricks’ the mind into a state of calmness by

relaxing muscles to an unusual degree. This technique is based on a

fundamental characteristic of muscle physiology. If you apply tension to a

muscle and then remove that tension then that muscle will automatically

relax, But, it actually relaxes to a greater degree than before the tension

was applied. So, if you go around all of the muscles in the body relaxing

them in turn, the body will be more relaxed than before you started; with

beneficial effects of the mental state.

G3. Become expert at this meditation by joining the become-

fearless training programme

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H. Autosuggestion

Our programme delivers a specially developed set of breathing and

relaxing exercise designed to deliver a level of relaxation and calmness

vital to the fearless mindset.

To become fearless, you have to consistently give your brain the right

messages. Autosuggestion is a method of intentionally and systematically

programming your subconscious mind, the part of your mind that is

inaccessible to daily thought, to believe something or to hold certain

mental associations.

Actually, we programme our minds everyday without realising it .But the

content of the programme differs from person to person. Hypochondriacs

constantly tell themselves that they are ill. This self-programming can be

so strong that many are absolutely convinced that of their 'condition' and

waste huge amounts of health care. People who are depressed tell

themselves repetitively that they subconscious mind is that that they

begin to influence beliefs about the world. If you keep telling yourself that

the world is a terrible place then you will eventually believe it.

But, self programming is not necessarily always negative. If you

constantly think positive things about yourself, then similarly these

thoughts will be internalised in your belief system. In fact, if you ask very

confident people how they perceive themselves you will find that they

invariably focus on the positive aspects of their life and ignore the

negative. So, self confidence becomes hardwired into their belief system.

Autosuggestion is simply taking a deliberate and planned approach to self

programming. This can be achieved by consistently repeating phrases or

thoughts. These are known as affirmations.

Another technique is to mentally visualise yourself as the person that you

want to be or in the situation you want to be in.

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H1. You can re-programme yourself to be fearless

The long term effect of providing messages to the subconscious mind is

that that they begin to influence beliefs about the world. If you keep

telling yourself that the world is a terrible place then you will eventually

believe it.

But, self programming is not necessarily always negative. If you

constantly think positive things about yourself, then similarly these

thoughts will be internalised in your belief system. In fact, if you ask very

confident people how they perceive themselves you will find that they

invariably focus on the positive aspects of their life and ignore the

negative. So, self confidence becomes hardwired into their belief system.

Autosuggestion is simply taking a deliberate and planned approach to self

programming. This can be achieved by consistently repeating phrases or

thoughts. These are known as affirmations.

Another technique is to mentally visualise yourself as the person that you

want to be or in the situation you want to achieve. The objective with

both of approaches is that thoughts/phrases become internalised by your

subconscious mind until they are transmuted into beliefs.

Autosuggestion has been the subject of many bestselling books including

Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich ' which has sold millions of copies

and which many millionaires credit with their success.

H2. Our fearlessness autosuggestion programme can hardwire

fearlessness into your thought patterns

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If you want to achieve the fearless mindset then you have to start giving

yourself the right messages. The basic concept is that you relentlessly

suggest and imagine yourself supremely self confident, a fearless risk

taker and completely ruthless. Eventually you will become this person.

But, you need to know precisely what to say to yourself and what to

imagine to maximise the effectiveness of this process. We have designed

a specially tailored programme of autosuggestion based on scientifically

verified behaviour scales and hundreds of hours of research into

visualisation techniques.

H3. Join the become-fearless training programme to reprogramme

your brain

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I. Social psychology

It is easy to become fearless when you know you can persuade people to

do anything you want. And, persuading people is simply a matter of

understanding and systematically using the psychological drivers of social


I1. Persuasion is vital to success

We all try and influence other people on a day-to-day basis; whether in

getting agreement for a proposal at work, asking a friend for a favour or

even persuading someone to begin a relationship with you. In fact, every

time you communicate with someone, your objective is to influence them.

Communicating with someone without influencing their thoughts and

behaviour is pointless.

I2. Persuasive ability is all about technique

Some people have better persuasive abilities than others. The most

sophisticated persuaders are professional salespeople such as lawyers,

politicians and con-artists.

These people take a systematic approach to persuasion based on certain

psychological principles. This involves using different tactics to persuade

depending on the situation. A popular psychological theory known as the

Elaboration Likelihood Model explains that there are two strategies of

persuasion the 'central route' and the 'peripheral route'.

I3. The central route to persuasion

When your persuasion target takes a strong interest in your argument or

suggestion, and they understand it very well, the only way to persuade

them is with well thought out, logical and objective arguments. For

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example, if a judge in a high profile murder trial was deciding on the

verdict, he would carefully consider all of the arguments for and against a

guilty verdict before coming to a conclusion.

But, the world is so complicated and fast moving that most decisions are

not made like that. Over the course of the day, you make hundreds if not

thousands of decisions; from what shirt you are wearing to whether to

take the stairs of the escalator at work. If you made each of those

decisions based on a careful appraisal of the costs and benefits of

alternatives you wouldn’t have time to actually do anything.

I4. The peripheral route to persuasion

To allow humans to survive in the modern world, evolution has hard-

wired in certain simple and efficient 'rules of thumb' which people use

automatically or subconsciously in situations where the decision seems

relatively less important or when it is complicated. These rules work well

in most situations. But, people can systematically exploit people’s reliance

on the rules to their own advantage.

I5. Join the become-fearless training programme to learn expert

persuasion techniques

Our course gives you an in-depth understanding of the psychological

theory underpinning the rules of persuasion. We also provide over twenty

practical and powerful techniques; you can apply in the real world. As

your competence with these techniques increases, you should find it easy

to trigger automatic psychological responses in your persuasion targets;

making them respond to your wishes on an involuntary level.

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J. Body language

Excellent persuasion skills will make you fearless. But, your ability to

persuade doesn’t just depend on the words you use; it also depends on

your body language.

J1. Understanding body language is becoming increasingly


In ancient times, people used to live in small tribes of less than one

hundred people; so they had time to really get to know people. In this

situation, it would be clear who is trustworthy and who should be avoided,

who is a strong character and who is weak, because you could observe

them over a long period of time.

But, in modern society, most of are constantly interacting with strangers,

whether we are meeting them in the office or on public transport, and

cannot possibly make time to get to know all of them. So, we are forced

to rely on first impressions to ‘work out what someone is about'. Every

day, people are making snap decisions about who they like or dislike, who

they trust, who is an attractive potential mate and who is a threat –

amongst many other things.

J2. Understanding body language is vital to communicating


We have established that words are important in determining how

effective you are in communicating persuasively, but body language also

plays a massive role. One particular study indicated that people’s

persuasiveness is determined 55 percent by non verbal communication,

38 percent by voice quality and only 7 percent by the words used.

Another study estimated that 93 percent of communication effectiveness

depends on body language.

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There are two main reasons why body language is important. First, it

allows you to control how other people see you. We all play various roles

in life- whether it is the ‘dedicated professional’ in the office or the

‘charming gentlemen’ when taking a girl out to a restaurant. We do this

because no single way of behaving is appropriate in all situations.

Some people are better at doing this than others- top Hollywood actors

make millions of pounds a year giving their audience the impression they

are actually a certain person. The reason that so many people enjoy

watching movies is that actors are highly skilled at doing this. So, it feels

to the audience that they are watching a story with real life characters.

Secondly, it is important to get an accurate impression of other peoples

thoughts as well. You need to 'read' what others are thinking to know

whether you are communicating with them effectively. For example, if

you are negotiating a sale or talking to a potential partner in a bar, you

actions should be guided by the how the other person reacts. So the

ability to read body language is crucial.

J3. Become an expert at body language by joining the become-

fearless training programme

Join the fearlessness programme and become an expert at reading

peoples body language .The course gives you the skills you need to

become a body language expert- so you can read others and create the

right impression. Your more sophisticated understanding of social

situations will improve confidence and help you attain the fearless state

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K. Hypnotic language

To enjoy the fearlessness that comes from being an expert persuader,

you also need to know how to use particular language patterns to

maximise the impact of your communication.

Persuasion professionals use a technique called hypnotic language

patterns to manipulate others. Most people associate the word 'hypnotic'

with putting people into a trance. But this technique can be used

effectively anywhere; whether in the office, the bar or any other social


K1. How hypnotic language works

To persuade someone of an argument, you have to get them to accept it

on a subconscious level. But, this is not always easy. Their conscious and

critical mind acts as a ‘gatekeeper’ which scrutinises and often blocks

incoming messages. For example if you wanted to sell someone a

product, the prospect’s conscious mind would analyse and assess the

truth and relevance of your sales pitch. If your claims were appeared

implausible it would reject them at the outset.

But fortunately, you can bypass the gatekeeper of the conscious mind and

communicate directly with the unconscious by using hypnotic language.

Unlike the conscious mind, the unconscious mind accepts unconditionally;

making it much easier to persuade people through this route

Certain speech patterns can effectively and subtly guide other peoples'

thinking without them being aware of it. The main principle is using

language in large chunks (general use of language) rather than small

chunks (more specific use of language). More general use of language is

builds rapport in listeners. This is because there is less specific content for

the listener to disagree with. So, there is less chance that the

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communication will be rejected by their conscious mind. Instead, the

listener actually responds to the lack of content in your communication by

filling in the gaps with their own imagination.

For example, if you were trying to sell someone a timeshare apartment

you might say ‘imagine the excitement you would experience if you

invested in this property'. Notice that you don’t specify what sort of

'excitement' you are talking about and how you would 'experience' it. This

would differ from person to person depending on their taste, interests and

how they like to spend their time.

But, when you use vague expressions in this way, people fill in the gaps;

using their imagination to generate their own ideas about the sort of

‘exciting experiences’ you are talking about. This will give them positive

feelings towards you (rapport) which would increase the chance of you

making a sale. If you started to get into specifics and describe particular

activities you would probably mention something they disagree with. This

would reduce rapport and reduce the chance of selling the apartment.

K2. Join the become-fearless training programme to become a

hypnotic language expert

This course will teach you over forty highly effective hypnotic language

techniques and show you how to effectively put them into practice.

Improving your persuasive abilities will help you become fearless

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L. Cold reading

One reason that people can become fearless is that they have a particular

and unique talent -which is able to amaze and impress people whatever

the situation. So, they are always confident that they will make an

excellent impression.

L1. Using cold reading

Just imagine someone’s reactions if upon meeting them for the first time,

you were able to reveal their innermost secrets and fears and also provide

a detailed picture of how their future will map out. It would appear to

them as if you had psychic or supernatural abilities. This ability is known

as cold reading and is used by all mind readers, psychics and fortune


L3. How cold reading works

Contrary to initial appearances, this technique has actually got nothing to

do with the supernatural- it is achieved by the skilful application of

psychological principles. For example, cold readers often make general

statements which actually apply to the majority of the population but

people interpret as being highly personal to them. Consider the extent to

which the following statement applies to you:

‘Your sexual adjustment has presented some problems for you. While you

have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate

for them. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not

turned to your advantage. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself.

You have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to

admire you’.

Evidence suggests that if people are told that this statement is a unique

reading of their personality, based on psychic intuition, they rate the

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accuracy of this statement of 4.3 out of 5. This clearly implies you can

make the same statements to everyone and they all think you have a

specific and sometimes frighteningly accurate insight into their own


This is one of many tricks and techniques used by cold readers including:

using shrewd observation about personal characteristics to make

‘educated guesses’ about personal circumstances; skilfully fishing for

details without people noticing and the artful use of vague language which

then allows people to mentally fill in the detail with what they want to

hear. Our course teaches you over a hundred of these techniques and

provides a detailed understanding of common ‘psychic’ frameworks-Palm

Reading and the Tarot Reading. We also provide free psychological insight

quizzes to impress more sceptical people.

L4. Join the become-fearless training programme to become a

master cold reader and impress work colleagues, friends and

potential partners.

The fearlessness programme gives you all the knowledge and techniques

you need to be an expert cold reader. The benefits to this type of

knowledge are obvious. First of all, it might be to your advantage to

actually pose as a ‘psychic’. But, you can also apply the inhuman insight

these techniques provide to amazing effect in almost all areas of life. Just

imagine how a potential date will be impressed if you give a detailed

description of her darkest secrets within minutes of meeting her. Also,

envisage the impression you would on company directors and other

business partners as make uncannily accurate predictions about the

future direction of their business.

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M. Core social skills

The confidence associated with the ability to react effectively to any

situation is vital in creating the fearless state of mind. The core social

skills at the heart of this course are: being humorous; capability to

dealing with potentially dangerous situations; and ‘romantic ability’. These

skills are absolutely essential in the mating game and also in increasing

your social and material influence.

Have you noticed the most romantically and socially popular people tend

to excel at least one of these skills? The very most popular probably are

probably strong in at least two. So, if you can become great at all of them

it will have a massive impact on your life.

M1. Darwin and sexual selection

To understand why these core skills are so important in the romantic

sphere, we need to understand the theory of sexual selection. This a

special type of the ‘natural selection’, which Darwin famously described,

where characteristics advantageous to society are retained and

characteristics advantageous to society are retained and disadvantageous

ones die out through a process of ‘survival of the fittest’.

Sexual selection occurs when one sex within the species (females in the

case of humans) has to invest a greater cost in terms of time and effort

when parenting a baby than the other -men. A man can play his part in

the reproductive in a matter of minutes. So if a man is sexually attractive

enough he could potentially father hundreds or even thousands of

children. But, the female has to carry the baby through pregnancy,

breastfeed it etc which takes many years. This means women tend to be

more selective in terms of sexual partners-they need to choose quality

very carefully because they simply don’t have the time to produce a large

quantity of offspring.

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These gender differences mean that the less choosy gender (men) spend

time competing from attention from the more choosy –women. When

choosing partners, women observe potential indicators of genetic fitness

i.e.: the chance that mating together will produce successful offspring

who will stand a strong chance of passing on their genes. People who

possess these indicators will be more successful at passing on those

genes. People who don’t possess them will be less able to find a partner

and their genes are more likely to die out.

Nowadays, due to the widespread use of contraception, women are not

necessarily forced to consider the prospects of potential offspring when

they enter into a sexual relationship with someone. But, even modern

human minds are hardwired to make decisions about sexual partners

based on considerations of genetic fitness. Since evolution works over the

course of hundreds of thousands of years, it has not had chance to catch

up with the introduction of contraception which has occurred over the last

few decades.

M2. What are the Core social skills?

Evidence suggests that fighting ability, humour and being skilled in

romantic situation are three extremely powerful indicators of genetic

fitness and so will make you much more attractive.

Each of these characteristics attracts the opposite sex in a slightly

different way. But, all of them are a way of making a person more

desirable relative to other potential mates. The process of competing for

mates with animals (in this case humans) of them same gender is known

as intrasexual competition. We will discuss each in turn

M3. The ability to defend yourself increases your status to

potential mates

The most obvious way of competing with your rivals is fighting with them.

So the ability to handle oneself in a dangerous situation is imperative.

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Women are generally attracted to strong males because they have

greater capacity to protect offspring in their vulnerable early years. There

is also a stronger possibility that their children will inherit this strength.

So, despite the recent advancements in human civilisation, violence has

not gone out of fashion and is unlikely to soon.

M4. Romantic ability increases your status to potential mates

Physical romantic ability is also a method of competing with rivals

because women use it to judge a man’s physical capabilities such as

strength, endurance and manual dexterity; which are all desirable traits in

potential offspring. It also indicates considerateness which implies a

greater propensity to care for the family unit. Because of the advantages

of these traits, females have been hard wired by evolution to find them

attractive in a mating context.

M5. Being able to make people laugh increases your status

relative to potential mates

The mechanism by which humour attracts mates is less obvious but you

can see by observing those around you that it is a powerful tool. One

academic theory is that it increases status relative to sexual rivals by

humorously belittling them. There is usually some trait which is easy to

mock in any competitor; be it attractiveness, wealth or intelligence. If you

are especially skilled using humour to subtly insult others, then other

rivals will be deterred from competing with you in case you use your

abilities to reduce their own status in the eyes of others; including

potential mates. Being funny allows you to be 'top dog' without resorting

to wealth or brute force.

M6. The core social skills also increase your social status

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We also mentioned that the three core social skills will make you socially

popular. The psychological principle of association explains why your

capacity to defend yourself in dangerous situations and your romantic

ability determines your popularity levels.

In this context, the law of association states that when you are in a

group, outside observers you see you as part of that group rather than as

an individual. If you want to be seen as a tough guy who is good with

girls then hang around with a group of people who have that reputation.

So, if you can handle yourself in the street and in the bedroom then other

people will make you popular- because they will want to bask in your

reflected glory.

For humour the process is slightly different. People like other people who

make them feel good about themselves and jokes, since they mock

outsiders (the out-group), strengthen the bond between the insiders (in-

group) giving them a pleasant sense of social camaraderie.. Increasing

social bonds have a huge impact on your career success as well. As the

saying goes, ‘it's not what you know it’s who you know’.

M7. Join the become-fearless training programme to become an

expert in the core social skills and watch your life change

Our programme gives you the aptitudes and knowledge you need to

massively advance your skills in each of these three areas. This will

transform your life in a hugely enjoyable and productive way. We can

honestly say that every social situation will become highly exciting and

agreeable as your mastery of these skills increases. Fearless comes from

knowing exactly what you are doing in every situation

Visit our website to find out more