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  • 7/28/2019 bee Paper 4A Solution





    Paper 4: Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment and Utility Systems

    Duration: 2 HRSMax. Marks: 100

    General instructions:o Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions

    o The question paper is divided into three sectionso All questions in all three sections are compulsory

    o All parts of a question should be answered at one placeo Open Book Examination

    Section I: Short QuestionsMarks: 10 x 1 = 10(i) Answer all Ten questions(ii) Each question carries One mark

    1 How boiler rated capacity is specified?

    Conventionally, boilers are specified by their capacity to hold water and the steamgeneration rate. Often, the capacity to generate steam is specified in terms ofequivalent evaporation (kg of steam / hour at 100oC). Equivalent evaporation- from

    and at 100oC. The equivalent of the evaporation of 1 kg of water at 100oC to steam

    at 100oC.

    2 What are the components of surface heat loss in the furnaces and its dependentfactors affecting loss?

    Radiation loss: The low components of Surface heat loss are Surface

    temperature and emissivity and

    Convection loss: Radiation loss is defined as Surface temperature and windVelocity

    3 How Efficiency and Power Factor varies in motors with VSD Drives.

    The variable frequency drive should have an efficiency rating of 95% or better at full


    Variable frequency drives should also offer a true system power factor of 0.95 or

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    betteracross the operational speed range, to save on demand charges, and to protect

    the equipment (especially motors).

    4 What are the three reasons for poor fan performance in the field?

    a) Leakage, recirculation or other defects in the systemb) Excessive loss in system component close to the fanc) Disturbance to fan performance due to bend or other system components

    5 How do you determine system resistance for a pump?

    System resistance = frictional head + total static head

    Frictional head in a system of pipes roughly varies as the square of the capacity flow.

    If system resistance for full flow is known, resistance for other flow can be

    calculated as % of full flow.

    6 What are the measuring instruments required for a compressed air delivery test bynozzle method ?

    Thermometers or Thermocouple

    Pressure gauges or Manometers

    Differential pressure gauges or Manometers

    Standard Nozzle

    7 A refrigeration plant operating at 600 T is consuming 564 kW of compressor power.Find out the kW/ton, COP and EER

    KW /ton = 0.94

    COP = 3.72

    EER = 12.8

    8 What is Lamp Circuit Efficacy?

    Lamp Circuit Efficacy is the amount of light (lumens) emitted by a lamp for each watt

    ofpower consumed by the lamp circuit, i.e. including control gear losses. This is a more

    meaningful measure for those lamps that require control gear. Unit: lumens per circuitwatt (lm/W

    9 What is the capacity factor of wind turbine

    The Capacity Factor (CF) is simply the wind turbine's actual energy output for the

    year divided by the energy output if the machine operated at its rated power output

    for the entire year. A reasonable capacity factor would be 0.25 to 0.30 and a very

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    good capacity factor would be around 0.40. It is important to select a site with good

    capacity factor, as economic viability of wind power projects is extremely sensitiveto the capacity factor



    Name four type of wastage due to poorhouse keeping?

    Wastage of water oil steam due to the following

    Leaking taps / valves / flanges


    Overflowing tanks

    Worn out material transfer belts

    Section - II: Long QuestionsMarks: 2 x 5 = 10(i) Answer all Two questions

    (ii) Each question carries Five marks

    1 Compare the advantage of biogas generation over the direct burning of 25 kg


    Bio gas generation has higher

    efficiency and additional manure

    generation compared to burning

    process as shown below

    2 What are the Factors Affecting Furnace Performance ?

    The important factors, which affect the efficiency, are listed below for critical


    Under loading due to poor hearth loading and improper production scheduling

    Improper Design

    Use of inefficient burner

    Insufficient draft/chimney

    Absence of Waste heat recovery

    Absence of Instruments/Controls

    Improper operation/Maintenance

    High stack loss

    Improper insulation /Refractories

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    Section - III: Numerical QuestionsMarks: 4 x 20 = 80(i) Answer all Four questions(ii) Each question carries Twenty marks

    1 A Boiler Efficiency trial was conducted in an Furnace Oil fired process boiler duringEnergy Audit Study and the following data were collected.

    Boiler Data :

    Boiler Rated Capacity = 10 TPH (F&A 100oC)

    Rated Boiler Efficiency = 84%

    Actual steam generation pressure = 7 kg/cm2 (g) SaturatedFeed water Temperature = 45oC

    Fuel Oil Data :

    Furnace Oil Consumption = 600 litre per hour

    GCV of Oil = 10200 Kcal/kgSpecific gravity of oil = 0.92

    % Carbon = 84%

    % Hydrogen = 12%

    % Sulphur = 3%% Oxygen = Nil

    % Nitrogen = 1%

    Flue Gas Data :

    % O2in Flue Gas = 5.5% by volumeCO = Nil

    Flue Gas Temperature = 240oC

    Specific Heat of Flue Gas = 0.24

    Moisture at Ambient air = 0.03 kg/kg of airAmbient air temperature = 40oC

    Determine the boiler efficiency by indirect method by assuming 2% boiler surfaceheat loss. Also find out the fuel oil saving in litre per hour, if efficiency of boiler was

    improved to Rated efficiency.

    Solution :

    Theoritical air Requirement for Furnace Oil

    Theoritical air required based on ultimate analysis.

    11.6 x 84 + ((34.8 x (12-0 )) + 4.35 x 3100

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    = 11.6 x 84 + 34.8 x 12 + 4.35 x 3 = 14.05


    Excess air Supplied (EA) = 5.5 x 10021-5.5

    Excess air for 5.5 % O2 in flue gas

    = 35.48%

    Actual air supplied (ASS) = 1 + EA x Theoretical air


    1 + 35.48 x 14.05 = 19.03 kg of air/kg of oil


    Mass of Dry Flue gas = .84 x 44 + 19.03x 77 + .01 + (19.03 - 14.05) x 23

    12 100 100

    + 0.03 x 64/32

    = 3.08 + 14.65 + 0.01 + 1.14 + 0.06

    = 19.94 kg of air / kg of oil

    Calculation of All Losses :

    1. Dry flue gas loss = 19.94 x 0.24 (240-40) x 100


    = 9.38%

    2. Loss due to Hydrogen in the Fuel = 9x 0.12 (584 + 0.45 (240-40) x 10010200

    = 7.14%

    3. Loss due to Moisture vapourpresent in combustion air = 19.03 x .03 x .45 (240-40) x 100


    = 0.50%

    4. boiler surface heat loss (given) = 2%

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    ( i )Boiler Efficiency = 100 (9.38 + 7.14 + 0.5 +2%)

    = 100-19.02 = 81%

    Efficiency Improvement from Existing to Rated = 3%

    Fuel Input after improvement

    in boiler efficiency = 600 x .81 = 578.57 lit./hr


    ( ii ) Oil Saving per hour = 600-578.57 = 21.42 litre/hr.

    2 A process plant requires 28 tonnes of steam per hour. The power requirement is 2250kW. The plant operates for 8000 hours per annum.

    Steam is generated at 2 bar in a coal fired boiler with an efficiency of 75% The feedwater temperature is 80OC. The calorific value of coal is 4000 kcal/kg. The cost of

    coal is Rs.2000/tonne.

    Power is drawn from the grid at Rs. 4/kWh. The contract demand is 3000 kVA andthe company is charged for 100 % of the contract demand at Rs. 300/kVA.

    The company is planning for a back pressure cogeneration plant using the same coal

    with the following parameters. The power and steam demand were fully met by thecogeneration plant.

    Boiler generation pressure - 18 bar, 310OC

    Boiler efficiency - 81 %

    A contract demand of 1000 kVA with the grid was kept for emergency purpose.

    Investment required - Rs. 20 croresGenerated power = 2250 kW

    Find out the IRR over a project life cycle of 6 years

    Coal consumption 28,000 x [(2706.23/4.18) 80]

    0.75 x 4000

    5296 kg/hr

    Fuel cost per annum 5.296 x 2000 x 8000

    Rs. 8.5 crores

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    Annual electrical energy charges 2250 x 8000 x Rs.4

    Rs. 7.2 crores

    Maximum demand charges 3000 x 12 x 300

    Rs. 1.1 crores

    Total electricity bill per annum Rs. 8.3 crores

    Total energy bill per annum Rs. 16.8 crores

    With cogeneration plant

    Enthalpy of steam at turbine inlet 3052.56 kJ/kg

    Coal consumption 28,000 x [(3052.56/4.18) 80]0.81 x 4000

    5780 kg/hr

    Incremental coal consumption 484 kg/hr

    Incremental fuel cost per annum 0.484 x 8000 x Rs.4000

    Rs. 1.5 crores

    Maximum demand charges per annum 1000 x 12 x Rs.300Rs. 0.36 crores

    Total cost per year 8.5 + 1.5 + 0.36 = 10.36 croresSavings = 16.8 10.36 = Rs. 6.44 crores

    Investment Rs. 20 crores

    IRR 27 %

    3 A centrifugal pump at base of cooling tower pumps 120 m3/hr at pressure 2.1 kg/cm2.

    The cooling tower range was measured to be 4oC. What is the power input at themotor? (Efficiency of pump is 65% and motor efficiency is 82%).

    Pump is throttled such that cooling tower range was 6 oC. What is the new flow rateunder throttled conditions? (Pressure drop across the throttle valve is 0.5 kg/cm2).

    If instead of throttling, the existing impeller is replaced with a new impeller at a cost

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    of Rs.25000/- find the operating point and differential savings vis--vis throttling case

    considering 8760 operating hours and unit cost of Rs.4/- (assume pump efficiency of63% and motor efficiency of 82%)

    Head load in cooling tower with range of 40C = 120 x 1000 x 4

    = 480 x 103


    Total pump head = 2.1= 2.1 kg/cm2

    Motor input power = 120 x 21 x 1000 x 9.81

    3600 x 0.65 x 0.82 x 1000

    = 12.88 kW

    Under throttled conditions

    Flow rate in cooling tower with range of 60C = 480 x 103 / (6 x 1000)= 80 m3/hour

    Flow rate = 80 m3/hr

    Head = 21+ 5

    = 26 m

    Motor input power = 80 x 26 x 1000 x 9.81

    3600 x 0.65 x 0.82 x 1000

    = 10.62 kW

    After replacing the existing impeller with a new impeller to give the required flowrate of 80 m3/hr, the new head will be

    Considering the fan law

    Under impeller replaced conditions

    Q1 = 120 m3/hour, H1 = 21 m, Q2 = 80 m3/hr, H2=?

    (Q1/Q2)2 = (H1/H2)

    H2 = H1 x (Q2/Q1)2

    = 21 x (80/120)2

    = 9.33 m

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    Motor input power = 80 x 9.33x 1000 x 9.81

    3600 x 0.63 x 0.82 x 1000

    = 3.94 kW

    Annual saving = ( 10.62-3.94) x 8760 x 4

    = Rs.96360/-

    Investment = Rs. 234067/-

    Simple payback period = 25000 / 96360

    = 0.26 year~ 3.2 months

    4 In an air conditioning system, the air flow rate is 80,000 m3/hr at a density of 1.2

    kg/m3.. The inlet and outlet enthalpies of air at Air Handling Unit is 105 kJ/kg and 79

    kJ/kg. The COP of the system is 3.82. It is proposed to replace it with a vapourabsorption system at a cost of Rs. 50 lacs with an annual maintenance cost of Rs.4

    lacs.. The steam consumption will be 4.5 kg/hr/TR. The steam is to be generated by a

    coal fired boiler with an evaporation ratio of 4.5. The energy electrical energy cost is

    Rs.4 per kWh and the system operates for 8000 hrs per annum. The cost of coal isRs.2000/tonne. Find out the payback period for the investment.

    Refrigeration load = m x (hin hout)4.18 x 3024

    M = mass of airflow = 80000 x 1.2 = 96000 kg/hr

    Refrigeration load (TR) = [96000 x (105 79)] / (4.18 x 3024)

    =198 tons

    KW/TR = 3.516 / COP

    COP = 3.82

    KW/TR = 3.516 / 3.82= 0.92

    Power drawn (kW) = 198 x 0.92= 182 kW

    Annual energy cost = 182 x Rs.4 x 8000= Rs.58.24 lacs

    Steam required for VAR = 198 x 4.5

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    = 891 kg/hr

    Cost of steam = 2000 / 4.5

    = Rs.444/ton

    = Rs 0.44 /kg

    Steam cost for VAR = 0.44 x 891

    = Rs.392/hr

    Annual cost = Rs. 392 x 8000

    = Rs.31.36 lacs

    Annual maintenance cost = 4 lakhs

    Payback period = 50 / 31.36 4)= 22 months

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