bee (washington, d.c. : 1882). (washington, dc) 1884-07-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-21 · txx" bee....

TXX" BEE. yiTKDAY, JULY 19, 1S8-I- . lTIiLl-llIN- G COMPANY. - .it i,i:i- - ;,,,,.. ol ndvertihine nnnihhetl on appli- - . .vtionable advertisements will not Ikt any price. All remittances , n.Hdpby draft, postal money order. .. . uirtstered letter. Money forwarded X , ,. ii.-- i wny, is at the bender's risk. In toiHiey, the air unt and what it 1b fo ' . uistincOy stated. v tit-h- s lotteis, etc., should be ad- - ' mil Wm. MURKELL. Business Malinger, The Ui;k. Washington D. C. v iilKK TE 1JKE CAN BE HAD. r , . ,...'t5's,M. .Street, between 12th and Wi-b- li i.. her. Jrgi;ist, corner 10th and ai ,.,i ..tthw-H,'- n ,land. corner y2 and Pennsyl- - w '., v.!tH,tttilVObt. I pornor 15th and M. Street N Yw lei M'" M,,Ui"p' "AS Pennsylvania Ave. "".rWui.limctoa. JAMES L. TURNER , - ...u:tiiJ f- - 4.T. MfcftWJX. G en9 1 Ak'M. j. ,., ,heirtt.'fHl2I3. j .. h' itHUKtwi'Qnontli. I , u , m i .trtaiii 13 IIh mews. , r , ,, , all mev?lealets in the e.lty ! i Jbbert small will leave ior ', i .noliwa t' y. - .ilitpa. IBnWI, of Richmond, left tvh-- t WiwSiU'sdny for Charlottes-i- . i ; - GiM-a- 0'Jnir?m lis in the city, ' -- .. t tf Mr. mid Mis. 0. S. 13. J 1 i .- - Sja&oGhuClub will iiive ;ti ilir (tssauaavaii Ho Glvmont -- . rli. t nc liiiaie4 (new subscribers w ! ahk$ & tiJbe (Bee ubscript-i.- n li- -t tflns wmOc W. V. 1TaMiipir,.Bsq,, wiic of tbo liu Mitft' Hats ifoecin promoted in t' j'.'iinitai IMMcg. Nii K. IS. Mioses will leave for v llurt' r'.- - rm tiTGXt week. Tlio court 4ecideil lliat Perry 11 arMiii v4i:d J ttloat tbe Amcri-(.(- ji j!;ij. Tiie Bomniissionere ilu-- ' ?ak? laac'k seat. Rc . .!.?CQw!les, ipnslor of'.lohn Wwler clwrc(li3 and tiustces will Mituimwcusilto (build September tbe Uic lUinion WeHley Sunday 4ium'1 unnder itJbe isuperintenden nl" Lk. 33. 21. Gtnant, is doim o well. ilm. Mm IK. Lynch, of Miss., .ill deliver an address at an "iraiR'ipatsion celebration at Lock-,-n.Xe- w Yoiik, next month. ; u higher. Mrs. L. Kellv i' - re-eive- d a ve y deserved pro-- i. . ion iii the Land Oilice, luter-- i 'i i)epartimeiiL Tin battery and telegraph wires w put in the Bee oilice last v M-k- . The associated Pros-- ; will t. a oinnicnce work. c,.mpsiiny "A" Capital City i rd ij;a-e.- a jpicnic at Van 2?ess 'k on last Monday which w;s I attended. 'IMiere was wood i -i- and ijood order. i tn Dousrlass school of Abbe- - outh Carolina, that was :! by Mrs. Ella V. Chase .mis of this city, is making ri'u 1 iprogres.-- . uutow Escape. Miss Annie 'iii was on the Martinsburg t'Afh whicli collided with the Bal-- '' express last Saturday eve- -' .:, bw we are glad to be iu-- i' : dial he received no hod:Iy wit (pleasant Croquet re- - n wasfiwven at the residence V; Edward C. Younger, Sr., -- "7 B3 bh street. The after- - x;s Sjpeut in playing Uro- -' nd at evening there was a hi given in honor of the i Woe will leave for Africa i "lily. It was Mr. Tierce u'coni mended the appoint-- t (jaudet. This gentleman is 'uieijp rising, and will no maJke ia good represeuta- - last Tuesday we were sur- - 1 by the appearance of many Carolimans in the city. It the occasion of an excursion that State. Among those called on the J3ee were J. C. Ji iMt and R. C. Parrott, of the ii ,stun TtvicsA We hone thev LJ agocx in the town. Tbe Calvary Baptist Sunday school is making a great deal of headway. The cnnuren are highly delighted with heir new oilicers. The colored citizens of tlie Western.- - will organize a Blaine and Logan Club at John Wesh-- y M. E. Church nextTnesdav evening. Tliere will be several dibtin-gnl?h- ed gentlemen present to speak. The Sumner Institute of Alexandria, Va., will hold ta convention next 'week. There will be several teachers from Wash- ington who will go down. Miss Ellen Fisher, Joseph C. Beckett, Louisa Joy and many others were in at- tendance at the gypscy entertainment at John Wesley Church Thursday, and spent a delightful time. Quite a pleasant entertainment was given last Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Greener, the occasion being in honor of Miss Gallic G. Boyd, of Rich- mond, Va. Among the guests were Misses Susie Cox, Mary Mclviiiuej, Gyp-so- y Peters and Miss Eleanora Smith, of New Orleans. Prof. B. D. Kleet has been engaged by the officers of Mr. John Brook's church to accompany their excursion party to Richmond. The professor will have ehaige of the music at the concert to be given by them while in ltichim nd. Geo:ge liuflin, yonnget son of Judge Kufliu, who took the prize for de- clamation at the boy' high school, is a 'Jerk hi the hotel of Mr. Joseph Lee, at Aitbm i' h, Mass. Miss Floiida Y. iJuffin and Dr. Con-sue- lo Clark tleft Boston Sunday nighr, the former bound for Virginia and the latter for Washington, where she is to spend a week or ten days with the Rev. Francis J. Urimke.-T- he Hub, Boston, Mas. A large force of mechanics and laborers went to work yesterday morning on the temple of worship now in course of erec- tion for the congregation of Mt. Pisgah's church. It will be a handsome two-sto- ry brick edifice. Rev. A. W. Upshawis the pastor ol Pisgah's church. Mis Miriam E. Benjamin passed a very creditable examination before the civil service commissioners. She received the report in her case last Tuesday. The per- centage she made in the various branches is high. The next thing in order, Mr Commissioners, is to see that she is ap- pointed at an early date. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Nalle will be pained to learn of the death of their little baby boy, who, though ht bid fair to be a lasting com for. to his paients, was called home to Heaven while he was vet j'oung. While their fiieiuK sympathize with the parents, thpy remember that God does all things for the best. There was a pleasant Excursion given ! by the Berean Baptist Church on Wed- nesday morning to the Big Falls. The crowd was wry large, and everybody en- joyed themselves to their hearts, content. The party r turned to the city about 11 o'eloek. Among a few of those present were Mr. Aichie Lewis and family. Miss Etta B. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Withers, Mr. L. C. Bailey and family, Messrs. John Pierre and I). II. Stewart, Mrs. Carter Stewait and several others. The choir of the Fifteenth street Pres- byterian church has been reorganized. Under the new arrangement there will be four voices in e.ich part. Misses Cora Thomas, Nibby Slade, Gertie and Cora Smith, Mary Lewis, Piper, Emily William-- . Lena Champ. Messrs. Henry G'ant, .Fumes Butler. Ilieky Lewis, Kalph Parrot t. and John Nalle are among those that con-t- it utes the choir. Mr. B. L). Fleet w the organist As now organized, the choir will be one of the lin st in the cit v The Webster Kiiies elected the following named officers: Capt P. II. Simmons; 1st Lieut., J. Diggs; 2d Lieut., Win. Freeman; and Arthur Jones appointed 1st duty sercretit t. The company is iu excellent condition and is con- tinually on the increase. The company will have helmets soon, which will be quite an improve- ment, Capt. Simmons, is doing all he can to improve the com- pany, and the people in the West End are proud of the Rifles. Van sTess Park, July 16,1884, was the scene of a grand pic-ni- c sriven by the Club House Union. fhe club consists of employees of two of the leading clubs in the District, namely, the Metropolitan whose name is known both home and abroad, the Cosmos whose members are the leading scientists of the age; and as the gentlemen of the C. 11 U. ure well known in social circles, theii many friends turned out in full force to greet them. Prof. Krause played his most se- lect pieces of music to the delight of those who tripped the light fan- tastic toe. Among the proiriuent persons present were Misses Banvn,Nelson,Lewis,I3lake,Parkef Payne, Johnson, Matthews ; Messis. Lee, Upshur Beale, of the Pension oth'ce; Messrs. Webster and Price, of the Geological Sur- vey; Mr. Cole, of the Post Office Dept.; Dr. Turner, "Mr. Lewis, Capt. Gray, Co. 13, C. C. tf., Mr. C. Jarvis, Mr. Livers, and maiiy others that we cannot take time to mention. Great credit is due to the gentlemen of the C. H. LL May they soon give another of their enjoyable entertainments. The following are the officers : M. W. F. Blake, president; Chas. Mason, secretary; Thos. W. Sut- ton, treasurer. i &.L.. CLARA TO LOUISE. Dear Lou: I am now on a visit in Annapolis, Md. I read your letter with a great deal of caie and satisfaction. It is not my intention to doubt your descrip- tion of the Orpheus Excursion, but I have, been informed by Maud that at least thirty complimentary tickets were given away to the representative persons who attended. Such as Hons. B. K. B., F D., J. F. C. and others. This was done I am informed to give the affair tone. While 1 appreciate, the compliment tendered those gentlemen and others who received complimentary tickets, 1 must say that the Sparta never does such things as that. Well J. II. B. I see has been appointed on the School Board. The uew i cached, me through Maud. I never was so much surprised in my life. It was quite evi- dent that the people did not want him, but, in spite of the great opposition he was The people here are very pleasant and 1 am having a delightful time. Flora and Alice, are expected down soon. Their many friends are anxious to ee them. Dr. B. docs not practice his profession. He has been teaching school for some- time. I received a letter from Bell", who in forms nie'that she lett tor llaiper's Ferry Wednesday moining. I shall visit llai- per's Ferry next week and inform you how the girls are enjoying theniM Ives. The weathcM- - is very pleasant here. I am compelled to wear thick clothing all the time. 1 am greatly pleased to see the in- terest the people seem to maniiest in our 1 etters. There is no doubt but that they have had wonderlul inlluenei: within the household. Still there is a great deal to be accomplished yet. Our young ladies are not careful enough with whom they associate. You should call the attention of our social circle to this one fact. The dismissal of Miss P. created a sen- sation in this section. Have you ascer- tained the reasons why the school board dismissed so many of the home girls? A lucky fiieiul of mine has been informed that Miss B. will be married shoitly and Miss S. will be appointed in the High School. Dr. C. B. P. had an eye simile to that when he dismissed Mi.-- s. P. The people will not stand anything like that. You should enter your protest against it. If our schools are to be based upon favor- itism, I think it would be better to place the whole system under the management of a white board of trustees. i The republicans are preparing to have a grand ratification meeting. Several prominent speakeis from Washington are expected to participate in the demoiiatia-tio- n. Things socially are at a standstill in Annapolis. There was a time when this little place was the paradise of pleasure. The girls who once crowded the socia arena are all married and made their homes elsewhere. There is nothing of importance that I can write you, bun 1 shall give you an in- teresting letter when f visit Harper's Ferry. Yours Truly, CLARA. Annapolis, Md., July IS, 1SS4. OUUSOLDIKK BOYS. In mallei s military at this hea&on but little is doing. We failed to chronicle the success of the pic-ni- c given by the Washington Ca- dets on the "Glorious Fouith," which was crowded in spile of the threatening weather. Several limes sudden showers drove all hands to shelter, but they came up bmiliny, and new accessious were coining up to the hour of closing. The Cadet's arc now preparing for their ex- cursion to .Marshall Hall which will be given Aiumstolu. They are to be congratulated on securing the opening of this place, and a pro- per appreciation of their enterprise and ener- gy entitles them to a large patronage, which we do not doubt they will receive. They have made the tirst breach in a wall whicli for years has been impregnable, and Capt. Fleetwood scores another success for himself and Corps. .Company li. of the Capitol City Guatd had .their annual pi ize ;drill on Friday the lllh inst. at Van Ness. They have been peculiarly unfortunate thus far during the season, the two heaviest rains of the year having fallen upon the dates selected by them for their out- door atlairs. On this occasion the rain was over before night, and the attendance was. very good con- sidering, the k.wet ground. Only nine men came on for drilL The judges were Captains Fisher, Fleetwood and Commit. Drill-Maste- r, Capt. Gray, We have been kindly furnished by one of the Judges with a copy of his Memo- randa. Errors marked as completed move menls only. ' At the close of the. tirst diill there were four men having each one trro'f and these four were given a supplemental drill to decide the tie. The score for the tirst drill was: For No. 1, o errors; No. 2, 4; No. 3, 15: No- - i. 1; No. S. 1; No C. 2; No, 7, 1; No. .8, 1; No. 9, S. On the second drill the score stood: No. 1, 3; No o, 5; No. 7, o; No. 8, 2. So the medal went to No. S, Private Hutch- - the Hon. J. 11. iuson, and was presented by Kaiuey, iu an eloquent speech. After the presentation the otllcers of the Companv , the Orator, the Judges, and the Ladies' Commit- tee adjourned to the Van Ness Mansion and spent an hour pleasantly in toasts and short speeches evolved from their inner conscious- ness by" Mums the word." The Picnic of Co. A Capitol City Guards at Van Ness, on Monday Hth lust, had the finest weather of the season, and the smallest at- tendance, owing to neglect upon the partlof attend to the circulation some one to properly Nevertheless there was a of advertisements. pretty fair attendance, and the music under the double-bas- s. escellcnt.-exc- ept Krause was He vaia daisy, Please Krause-do- nt not even "hardly ever"-ne- ver you ever--e ve r, forever more. Capt. Fleetwood states that during the week he has declined for his corps an invitation to attend a demonstration atlrviug Park, which and therefore agains nature, is of a political their Constitution. Declined a proposition for a competition drill for cash .prize, because of the absence of so many men of all the or- ganizations from the City, and is considering an invitation that has been received to vihit Lynchburg. As there will be no "Oriole" in Baltimore this year, he is strongly tempted to go to Lynchburg notwithstanding his contem- plated trip to New Orleans in the ..winter sea- son. -- 94---.Oa GROSS FAVORITISM-- . TO TIIK EDITOR OF TIIE BEE: Can you tell u why all the talent for holding District oflice gravitates to the West End? Nohndy living East of 13: h street X. W. has ver held the oilice of District Commissioner: and now, it seems nobody living ea-- f of that street is to he allow d to hold the oth'ce of school trus- tee. This rule appears to have heen by the present Hoard of Com- missioners and was enforced by them lat yi nr and thi. Every colored man from the east half of Washington has been dropped, and men Irom the Wej-- t end appointed in their places. We don't understand this persistent disci imihaiiim agaiuM the peo- ple of of our section. We take a good dealof interest in the public sehools. W send our children to them. We pay taxes for their suppirt. We should b: ulad to June joiue voice in iu their management. Why huuldut we have? Will tell n? Eighth Divtsion. The question above asked are perti- nent and to the point, and eau he be- -t answered by lefeiing to the rcucuks of Cnuuni-sione- r Wtst, that he did not care a damn for the (minion of the citi zens of Washington. Ed. PERSONALS. Win. Brown, f Baltimore citv, is visiting our citv. Mr. Ferdinand Jones, of Phila- delphia, Pa., and Miss Terressa BrHcof. ol Baltimore. Md., are in the cifv. Miss McCabe left for Harper's Ferry. West Virginia, last Tues day morninir, and will remain till! September. Col. Win. Murrell, business manager of the Bee, left for jtpv York Mnndnv mornini? on busi-ne- ss for the paper. He returned Friday. Misses Fannie Coshn and Bln-den- a Deitz are at. Harper's Ferry. Miss Edith Collins left for Har- per's Ferry this morning. Prof. John K. Drapor. of Balti- more, Md.. was in town this week. P:of. Draper is a prominoiU politi- cian and a gentleman of influence. Liberian exhibit at the World's Exposition. The Liberian Gov- ernment has made an appropria- tion ( 5,000 to defray the ex- penses of an exhibition of it pro- ducts at the Xew Orleans Exhibi- tion, and appointed Messrs. .1. W. Pioive and J. 13. Gander, of New Orleans, as commissioners to re- present Libcri t (hiring the exhibi- tion Geo. Win. CuriH is editor of Harper's Wcckhj, and is an adv -- cate of British free trade. He wants to import cheap British pub- lications, so that America ii pub- lishers cannot compete with the immense Harper establishment. That is the s cret to his opposition to Blaine. rJ he Bulletin, Louis- ville, Kv. HIED. NALLE On Friday. July, lSt, i 1 o'clock a. m., Sterling P. P.ound Nalle aged S day2, beloved sou of Edward G and Finetta Xalle. O- - 1R OGAN'S I3SYALUSGW S da The greatest iiulufetnenis ev..-- r ouered to the Citizens of Washington to furnish their Homes by a JJ.H.4IL OUTLAY OS-- 1 ASH, And the balance m easy Weekly or Monthiy paymeiits. We have the largest and best as- sortment of Good-- , and the Lowest Prices of any House iu the City. Our slock comprises a full line of CrlAMBEK FURNITURE AND PARLOR SUITES. CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS. RUGS, CHILDRESS' CARRIAGES. REFRIGERATORS, PIER AND MANTLE GLASSES, MIRRORS, CLOCKS, &c, &c GROGAN'Sis the Latest Installment Fur- niture and Carpet House in the United Slates, formerly "THE B.XIK," between Thirteent and On New York Avenue, Fourteenth Streets Northwest. elsewhere and save Call before purchasing money, XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. miurABY & SOVIET SWvUlD BELTS, CHAPEAUX'S, HELMETS. Baldrics And Apt'ous. And everything pertaining to Military and Masonic bodies, at Factory price-- . Wl I.LETT oc PiOCFF, s).)3 Penxa. Avenue. John W. I5otkikk. Fkank M. 1otkm it. J. W. BOTKLER & SOX, nri'onnms axd iji:ai.i:i:s in CHIRI, GLASS. CBOGKLBY. TAHI.E ClTTLKitY, PLATED WARE, AND ItOL'SU FUUXIsttlNG OOODS. No. 93 PENNSYLVANIA AVENTE, Washington,. 1). C. ; w 5 L5 Vi & rf as a'S'.n. 2:2:57 I'ct'.SBWit -- 3 3-- e , Now in ban. 1 a compl le Stock ot GKN- - TLEMEN'.-;- . YOUTH ami CHILD- - IvEN'S Summov of every Description. Also Large Stuck of Silk Umbrella's for LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN Ail jood Mh! at lowest X. Y. priet s. EDM0JHSTG&&C0., G1VSNUS ST--RJ- E.) X? ff B 0 SHOES, HM ,S5E'S J'iJitt i;miss(. ori'OSITF KBHITT HOChK. AVEXUE STORE, 943 J'A. AV. WASIIIXGTOX, D. C. Fust Cla- - God at Low and uni- form prices. No. 939 PExi., AVJ3.,N. W., AND 932 B 5TE3ET. WASIIIXGTOX, D. C. Order.-- ? by mail promptly ut ten'led to. jgrgr Wanted A live and reli- able agent in every disttict of Washiugt'in, to eanv.tss tor the Bee. ' dl and le-nt- i the terms to airents. we want three thousand new subscribers far 1S8-- L WRW ABM0RY HALL, OK TIIK WsisEiiftgtftH fadels rps. o yr mi?. "5th & sn. -- v. "i? . On Ki'a-onab- lc term-- - 'or M'etingr Con-cctt- -. Enteit ihunent-- , Fairs. Etc.. Etc. Apolvnii Mond.iv ami Tiiursdav eveiirfiigs from 7 -- 30 to 0 o'eloi-k- , ::t the Armoty or at residence dai- ly be.. G and 7 J) m Arthur Bnol,lU2-I- : Madi.-o- n si. P UBL LSI! i-l-R S, B 0 OKSEL L- - ERK hM POUTERS, NEWSDEALERS, ENCRA V- - ERS and S'lATJONKRS. UliCACO, WASHIXOTOX. XKW YOIJIC. lfll State M. Iol.'i i'enn. Ave. ii Union K(iiare l.ONliflX. AC KX( !. I'AICIS. 1 TisiftilKiirSciiisu-i"- . I" r.oulevaul St Martin f B! "TTi.'titfMl for The Lives ot alt iii I LIlie 1'ie.sicU-nt- s of the U.S. SI jy J i ho luitt. liamNoiiie.-- t be.l if 1 I'MMilc sold ior less ilian ' tu ice our once. The fastest mMIiiik IiooK in Aiiu-rteii- . ImiDcnse prolils lo aimlh. All intelligent people want it. Any one can lieemne v situcesstul afient. Ternit. tree. JlAi.r.irr Uook Co.. Portland. Maine. Miss I. H. KUSSELL 1012 16th St. Worker in U'AX, FUNERAL WREATHS, CROSSES and 130QUETS EMBALMED. Alsv), ies.-:o- n given in tin- - Art of working on Silk, Satin, Muslin, and ('bemirfe; Elcclrograpbing. TIIE HOUteEWlFE. A popular domestic journal for American homes, will be sent I'OKONE veAK ki:kk to every lady who will send at once the names and address often married Iadles,and .'k cunts in one cent .stamps for poMae, Rest paper for either tcocno or oi.n hotis-ekeeiier- s in exist- ence, this oiler is made only to secure names to whom to bend bample.s copies, as we know every lady wlio once sees The HOcsewike wii.1. suncKiBErou it. Regular price Loo IKjr year. Address The Hou-jEWI- F e, Rochester. N, Y How to MAKE CANDY. This book ylves full directions for making all kinds of plain and fancy candj'. The receipes for making caramels, chocolate drops, French mixed and all other kinds of candies contained in this book are the same as used by the leading city confectioners. Any oil's can have these can dies at home, at less thau one tiiiko the usu- al cost. Sent post paid to any one sending atf once the names of fifteen married ladies, and 3o cents in postal notes or 13 two cent stamps. Address, ROCHESTER PUIiLISHING.CO. 32, 33, 33$ Osburn Block, Rochester, N. Y. ijwvcBMfcMB.q.-eg- a t imBKKtck.umi-uiruafSL'a- t! WUHiHUIW ".' Y SIMPLE rs: oTImewHome;Id ! SEWING MACHIHEC0- - CHiCAGOJLL.- - ORAWGE.IYIASS. ahd ATLANTA. GA. Jl ?'mTJ: iiMb i.ii.w.11 uiwysj Col B. A, MJjysOiV, 142 PE5NSYLVri:iA AVEHUE AGENT Filli WHITJB, HjefiTZ & CO. ')! IMl!l:..l.'l lli.1. I'll.. 1 M P B BTER S iiO WHOLESALE nKAl.KIM IN Foreign and Pcraestic Vines A Specialty. T-- - v Vt S:ro? "5 MGi RliZSil HELIABLE CLOTH AND SILK HOUSE SPUING PAi'ASOLS, AND ALL KINDS OF SPRING GOODS. 7.-- ; 7di St. Int. G and H. SI Pjiyergita Tv-- Tick t. i." Tickets-goo- for a u.- - i'ol present. Ip s'ml si crtits for noslgic. I a i: j .- ..-- . v jff 5s ot j. ls vhici wttt IielpiyotB to 113 S itH'- i- un.n-- y rmll wjij Ihstit . '& ' !!; In. ShLs wovkll All r Uiit-- r s t. - tt-i- l from tirst holtl. 't!n broaii losul t- - liHiuii" tijiens tH-ft- rr tlie'i3k;-er-..:iiMiiiit- f! mil-- . At once aUlress TfKtfJt A: Co., Augustit. Main-- . 17 T) JD J yBr"?1,1--1J- U -- 1 Pk1i i i liNG, stem . UAXDUTLL POSTERS, BrA.XiCS, CifeKD?, &v.v &., w. Miainess ami Dimnteh AT TIIE inR icnp ta !V (;F THE Bee Fftbiisimfg i'oiupsiaiY. OFFICE, 1109 1 St., N. W. :o:-- PHI0SS TO SUIT THE TIMES'. J. C. STRATH CR. I(f'.j llith street n. w. Cravon. Oil, and VjUr Color Pictures made from small or large photographs at short otlce. Crayon pictures specially. ""-'"I- f JVtfJJfaaTsriLmi ijctp. m ., -- .. , ' - . "Tr ANTED The Public to know fehnti V Twk Bkf, Otftie, 1109 1 st., fe of- fering Special llnte fer a1vertiseinefes off Want, FtrReiiK, Ia$ and' FoitM)1,, audi Boanlinjr. An :ilvi;Jsmriitl tf fite t&w sft?ff wi Ml eo- -t Fwf ot liMHP 25 ermtsw Fm fcwo fiiros -- 315 te8s P'oir th;e- - t'm s $i rrwi, Fir fttw tin.- - 3tet, m tt i:m-- s w efe. ROT8FSSOM, FHSOffi A nR Men's iJfrjV mil kmb$ Urn P y i Hi iiik, 118. S. E. HLaKHB AW I SK.HWI hxk ruwr., "W. II. JbSRnri''vir9 MA31 yACTUKKK OF Sloves, lknm & Vmmws ud Dealer in T dde Cutlerv.Tm-war- e, I louse Furnishing Goods etc. No. 313 Seventh 3r, N. W. Was. Dl C PHILADELPHIA HOUSE Williams & Meniliiiiii PEOPBITOmgi 348 PENXA, AVENUE, N, W You can buy F?it Ch?? Custom niiulu SECOHD-HAN- D CIOTH'MG much better and a greab deall cheaper than H'aily made new ones, on reason- able turm as JtTSTK'S 0X.D SVJ&XM. U19 D St., bet. tth and 7th Stts, N. W N 1 New elotldng we frt'll uHaaec ban auvwhere. PIS 3 2.rS - rr'T'S 'Z. BPS3aS!- - . - - fj m wn r ra tarn n 20 'J .V i -- 0 -- 'r X - "s "1 - M?2aVs!sS2 ml w Q7rna6?r?oi I .t wm-'- j at hotii. J.7.W oiitflb frut. I'.i ire. N risk, d'apt-t- al Sue n t iMtir?). Kfaltir. lyouvab Utisiiu v.:it wtiU'tr i'rstiws P ltillor . mtnij or tUI can nmk tvoj6 pav a'l lh' tun th. v w ik. with ahs-Ht- uor-taful- y, write 6r irtientars t III lHUXiUnHnrn v Co. Porliitnti. Main. IliataefJ tut- - rtrn of B.:; A Ri,iV!igo5J'., HV) LS-ni- r .1. STOinUXf AM) RKPANBIfe'DtBl N'KATLV 1)(NK. Established Fifty-fiv- e Years. KAYEN' BACOW, sow RAVEN PIANOS, 13 East 10th Street, Xeiv York City. BUY ntOM TIIK MANUFACTURER AND SAVE 50 PER CENT. Thre WawoH r hm1 from the bct mutcrlul. flnt-lu-- il in xh bmt miimier, ami beiiitf in eery ri-t)e- t Jlonctt nod Kir-t-eiu- w. Imve httit awunlml! tko Flrt lrnilini htn", exhibited for the tetHt Fortr Yearn. Kvery piaiMiKuuriiiitved for nlxjrvnr-- . and ibe (toy tn-i- l alluwni thutitiiiuy la thoroiwlily critiiet by yemrwif and tnondM baton imytmt for it. hook at the itmm and inl for JJcsorlptlvo C'utalo-i- ic blore bayiUK elwwhsre. A'o. 1, Upright or Sqita re, .$'j:0, icorth $-tO- 2o. ii, ' 200. " GOO JLYo.3, t ' 200, " OOO ALL 7 3 OCTAVES. Hr iLTQtt&HEALr Gfi&ms ate ?a, m:9 s.,!Jfl'cago. A HI - i - t "" " '. Wi j hk , vLzjia I '' M I' 4- ' &' AW s if .n.ifU-T- -' -- Ht, i , i, .i' i . . u'n .. wMr- - -- '. ! V.l-- .. , I U.K.l4..M H I'l t:f ;. TTIUi. n.f-- r V . rl-- . I : ". Slfc-- -. tKHI t . Xf rK&A 'If- - '.ucifc .. 4WWJT '"49' . 'i. L- -i - v HIS mrm k-j- l t-c- o Ad.ertbii.: ") Spruco Mreetj, r. neri- - a;v r-- x tteimf eontnitjriiay FRi JAMK3 L. TMOMAS. WILL OPBX HK ICE CMAMi (AWJDE2: A25D FAKLOKS F4S5 I S335 KiOff 'BTOSJIDAT AriMBIROOSS, JULY I, 1884'. xVS life 1013 1641b. St. w. w. J5VMY ILAIDT fnarst In At Nedtewk. Barney Worki st'id fry bnwueh of"jwnHr Arb FJorIHHiure KashJ, Coohery of ltjte shoahl send Mi vents for klH- - emrenl ntn&r StkA wj'KW6K Ci.&rHimft QrRrm.Y, 12o px. lpgB nw m.ste nI oer l.oo em?mrigs n iwoh -- iBiulwr. Athlrs STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eighth and Market Sts., Phlla.

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Page 1: Bee (Washington, D.C. : 1882). (Washington, DC) 1884-07-19 [p ]. · 2017-12-21 · TXX" BEE. yiTKDAY, JULY 19, i,i:i-lTIiLl-llIN-G COMPANY.;,,,,.. ol ndvertihine nnnihhetl

TXX" BEE.yiTKDAY, JULY 19, 1S8-I- .

lTIiLl-llIN- G COMPANY.- .it i,i:i- -

;,,,,.. ol ndvertihine nnnihhetl on appli- -. .vtionable advertisements will not

Ikt any price. All remittances, n.Hdpby draft, postal money order.

.. . uirtstered letter. Money forwardedX

, ,. ii.-- i wny, is at the bender's risk. IntoiHiey, the air unt and what it 1b fo

' . uistincOy stated.v tit-h-s lotteis, etc., should be ad--


mil Wm. MURKELL.Business Malinger,

The Ui;k.Washington D. C.

v iilKK TE 1JKE CAN BE HAD.r , . ,...'t5's,M. .Street, between 12th and


li i.. her. Jrgi;ist, corner 10th and ai

,.,i ..tthw-H,'- n

,land. corner y2 and Pennsyl- -

w'., v.!tH,tttilVObt.

Ipornor 15th and M. Street


Yw lei M'" M,,Ui"p' "AS Pennsylvania Ave.

"".rWui.limctoa. JAMES L. TURNER

,- ...u:tiiJ f- -

4.T. MfcftWJX. G en9 1 Ak'M.

j. ,., ,heirtt.'fHl2I3.

j .. h' itHUKtwi'Qnontli.

I , u , m i .trtaiii 13 IIh mews.

, r , ,, , all mev?lealets in the e.lty

! i Jbbert small will leave ior', i .noliwa t' y.

- .ilitpa. IBnWI, of Richmond, lefttvh-- t WiwSiU'sdny for Charlottes-i-.


; - GiM-a- 0'Jnir?m lis in the city,' -- .. t tf Mr. mid Mis. 0. S. 13.


1 i .- - Sja&oGhuClub will iiive;ti ilir (tssauaavaii Ho Glvmont--

. rli.

t nc liiiaie4 (new subscribersw ! ahk$ & tiJbe (Bee ubscript-i.- n

li- -t tflns wmOc

W. V. 1TaMiipir,.Bsq,, wiic of tboliu Mitft' Hats ifoecin promoted in

t' j'.'iinitai IMMcg.

Nii K. IS. Mioses will leave forv

llurt' r'.-- rm tiTGXt week.

Tlio court 4ecideil lliat Perry11 arMiii v4i:d J ttloat tbe Amcri-(.(- ji

j!;ij. Tiie Bomniissionereilu-- ' ?ak? laac'k seat.

Rc . .!.?CQw!les, ipnslor of'.lohnWwler clwrc(li3 and tiustces will

Mituimwcusilto (build September tbe

Uic lUinion WeHley Sunday4ium'1 unnder itJbe isuperintenden

nl" Lk. 33. 21. Gtnant, is doimowell.

ilm. Mm IK. Lynch, of Miss.,.ill deliver an address at an

"iraiR'ipatsion celebration at Lock-,-n.Xe- w

Yoiik, next month.

; u higher. Mrs. L. Kellvi' - re-eive- d a ve y deserved pro-- i.

. ion iii the Land Oilice, luter-- i'i i)epartimeiiL

Tin battery and telegraph wires

w put in the Bee oilice lastv M-k-

. The associated Pros-- ; willt. a oinnicnce work.

c,.mpsiiny "A" Capital Cityi rd ij;a-e.-

a jpicnic at Van 2?ess'k on last Monday which w;s

I attended. 'IMiere was wood

i -i- and ijood order.

i tn Dousrlass school of Abbe- -

outh Carolina, that was

:! by Mrs. Ella V. Chase.mis of this city, is making

ri'u 1 iprogres.--.

uutow Escape. Miss Annie'iii was on the Martinsburg

t'Afh whicli collided with the Bal-- ''

express last Saturday eve- -'

.:, bw we are glad to be iu-- i'

: dial he received no hod:Iy

wit (pleasant Croquet re--

n wasfiwven at the residenceV; Edward C. Younger, Sr.,

-- "7 B3 bh street. The after--x;s Sjpeut in playing Uro- -'

nd at evening there was a

hi given in honor of thei

Woe will leave for Africai "lily. It was Mr. Tierceu'coni mended the appoint-- t

(jaudet. This gentleman is'uieijp rising, and will nomaJke ia good represeuta--

last Tuesday we were sur--1 by the appearance of many

Carolimans in the city. Itthe occasion of an excursion

that State. Among thosecalled on the J3ee were J. C.

Ji iMt and R. C. Parrott, of theii ,stun TtvicsA We hone thevLJ agocx in the town.

Tbe Calvary Baptist Sunday school ismaking a great deal of headway. Thecnnuren are highly delighted with heirnew oilicers.

The colored citizens of tlie Western.- - willorganize a Blaine and Logan Club atJohn Wesh-- y M. E. Church nextTnesdavevening. Tliere will be several dibtin-gnl?h- ed

gentlemen present to speak.

The Sumner Institute of Alexandria,Va., will hold ta convention next 'week.There will be several teachers from Wash-ington who will go down.

Miss Ellen Fisher, Joseph C. Beckett,Louisa Joy and many others were in at-tendance at the gypscy entertainment atJohn Wesley Church Thursday, and spenta delightful time.

Quite a pleasant entertainment wasgiven last Tuesday evening by Mr. andMrs. 11. T. Greener, the occasion being inhonor of Miss Gallic G. Boyd, of Rich-mond, Va. Among the guests wereMisses Susie Cox, Mary Mclviiiuej, Gyp-so- y

Peters and Miss Eleanora Smith, ofNew Orleans.

Prof. B. D. Kleet has been engagedby the officers of Mr. John Brook's churchto accompany their excursion party toRichmond. The professor will haveehaige of the music at the concert to begiven by them while in ltichim nd.

Geo:ge liuflin, yonnget son of JudgeKufliu, who took the prize for de-

clamation at the boy' high school, is a'Jerk hi the hotel of Mr. Joseph Lee, atAitbm i' h, Mass.

Miss Floiida Y. iJuffin and Dr. Con-sue- lo

Clark tleft Boston Sunday nighr,the former bound for Virginia and thelatter for Washington, where she is tospend a week or ten days with the Rev.Francis J. Urimke.-T- he Hub, Boston,Mas.

A large force of mechanics and laborerswent to work yesterday morning on thetemple of worship now in course of erec-tion for the congregation of Mt. Pisgah'schurch. It will be a handsome two-sto- ry

brick edifice. Rev. A. W. Upshawis thepastor ol Pisgah's church.

Mis Miriam E. Benjamin passed a verycreditable examination before the civilservice commissioners. She received thereport in her case last Tuesday. The per-

centage she made in the various branchesis high. The next thing in order, MrCommissioners, is to see that she is ap-

pointed at an early date.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.Edward G. Nalle will be pained to learnof the death of their little baby boy, who,though ht bid fair to be a lasting com his paients, was called home to Heavenwhile he was vet j'oung. While theirfiieiuK sympathize with the parents, thpyremember that God does all things forthe best.

There was a pleasant Excursion given!

by the Berean Baptist Church on Wed-

nesday morning to the Big Falls. Thecrowd was wry large, and everybody en-

joyed themselves to their hearts, content.The party r turned to the city about 11

o'eloek. Among a few of those presentwere Mr. Aichie Lewis and family. MissEtta B. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Withers,Mr. L. C. Bailey and family, Messrs. JohnPierre and I). II. Stewart, Mrs. CarterStewait and several others.

The choir of the Fifteenth street Pres-

byterian church has been reorganized.Under the new arrangement there willbe four voices in e.ich part. Misses CoraThomas, Nibby Slade, Gertie and CoraSmith, Mary Lewis, Piper, EmilyWilliam-- . Lena Champ. Messrs. HenryG'ant, .Fumes Butler. Ilieky Lewis, KalphParrot t. and John Nalle are among thosethat con-t- it utes the choir. Mr. B. L).

Fleet w the organist As now organized,the choir will be one of the lin st in thecit v

The Webster Kiiies elected thefollowing named officers: CaptP. II. Simmons; 1st Lieut., J.Diggs; 2d Lieut., Win. Freeman;and Arthur Jones appointed 1stduty sercretit t. The company is

iu excellent condition and is con-

tinually on the increase. The

company will have helmets soon,

which will be quite an improve-

ment, Capt. Simmons, is doingall he can to improve the com-

pany, and the people in the WestEnd are proud of the Rifles.

Van sTess Park, July 16,1884,was the scene of a grand pic-ni- c

sriven by the Club House Union.fhe club consists of employees oftwo of the leading clubs in theDistrict, namely, the Metropolitanwhose name is known both homeand abroad, the Cosmos whosemembers are the leading scientistsof the age; and as the gentlemenof the C. 11 U. ure well known insocial circles, theii many friendsturned out in full force to greetthem.

Prof. Krause played his most se-

lect pieces of music to the delightof those who tripped the light fan-

tastic toe. Among the proiriuentpersons present were MissesBanvn,Nelson,Lewis,I3lake,ParkefPayne, Johnson, Matthews ;

Messis. Lee, Upshur Beale, of thePension oth'ce; Messrs. Websterand Price, of the Geological Sur-

vey; Mr. Cole, of the Post OfficeDept.; Dr. Turner, "Mr. Lewis,Capt. Gray, Co. 13, C. C. tf., Mr.C. Jarvis, Mr. Livers, and maiiyothers that we cannot take timeto mention. Great credit is dueto the gentlemen of the C. H. LL

May they soon give another oftheir enjoyable entertainments.

The following are the officers :

M. W. F. Blake, president; Chas.Mason, secretary; Thos. W. Sut-

ton, treasurer.

i &.L..


Dear Lou: I am now on a visit inAnnapolis, Md. I read your letter with agreat deal of caie and satisfaction. It isnot my intention to doubt your descrip-tion of the Orpheus Excursion, but I have,been informed by Maud that at leastthirty complimentary tickets were givenaway to the representative persons whoattended. Such as Hons. B. K. B., F D.,J. F. C. and others. This was done I aminformed to give the affair tone. While1 appreciate, the compliment tenderedthose gentlemen and others who receivedcomplimentary tickets, 1 must say thatthe Sparta never does such things asthat.

Well J. II. B. I see has been appointedon the School Board. The uew i cached,me through Maud. I never was so muchsurprised in my life. It was quite evi-

dent that the people did not want him,but, in spite of the great opposition hewas

The people here are very pleasant and 1

am having a delightful time. Flora andAlice, are expected down soon. Theirmany friends are anxious to ee them.

Dr. B. docs not practice his profession.He has been teaching school for some-time.

I received a letter from Bell", who informs nie'that she lett tor llaiper's FerryWednesday moining. I shall visit llai-

per's Ferry next week and inform youhow the girls are enjoying theniM Ives.

The weathcM-- is very pleasant here. I amcompelled to wear thick clothing all thetime. 1 am greatly pleased to see the in-

terest the people seem to maniiest in our1 etters. There is no doubt but that theyhave had wonderlul inlluenei: within thehousehold. Still there is a great deal tobe accomplished yet.

Our young ladies are not careful enoughwith whom they associate. You shouldcall the attention of our social circle tothis one fact.

The dismissal of Miss P. created a sen-

sation in this section. Have you ascer-tained the reasons why the school boarddismissed so many of the home girls? Alucky fiieiul of mine has been informedthat Miss B. will be married shoitly andMiss S. will be appointed in the HighSchool. Dr. C. B. P. had an eye simileto that when he dismissed Mi.--s. P. Thepeople will not stand anything like that.You should enter your protest against it.If our schools are to be based upon favor-

itism, I think it would be better to placethe whole system under the managementof a white board of trustees. i

The republicans are preparing to havea grand ratification meeting. Severalprominent speakeis from Washington areexpected to participate in the demoiiatia-tio- n.

Things socially are at a standstill inAnnapolis. There was a time when thislittle place was the paradise of pleasure.The girls who once crowded the sociaarena are all married and made theirhomes elsewhere.

There is nothing of importance that I

can write you, bun 1 shall give you an in-

teresting letter when f visit Harper'sFerry.

Yours Truly,CLARA.

Annapolis, Md., July IS, 1SS4.


In mallei s military at this hea&on but littleis doing. We failed to chronicle the successof the pic-ni- c given by the Washington Ca-

dets on the "Glorious Fouith," which wascrowded in spile of the threatening weather.Several limes sudden showers drove all

hands to shelter, but they came up bmiliny,

and new accessious were coining up to thehour of closing.

The Cadet's arc now preparing for their ex-

cursion to .Marshall Hall which will be given

Aiumstolu. They are to be congratulated on

securing the opening of this place, and a pro-

per appreciation of their enterprise and ener-

gy entitles them to a large patronage, which

we do not doubt they will receive. They havemade the tirst breach in a wall whicli for yearshas been impregnable, and Capt. Fleetwood

scores another success for himself and Corps.

.Company li. of the Capitol City Guatd had

.their annual pi ize ;drill on Friday the lllhinst. at Van Ness. They have been peculiarlyunfortunate thus far during the season, thetwo heaviest rains of the year having fallen

upon the dates selected by them for their out-

door atlairs.On this occasion the rain was over before

night, and the attendance was. very good con-

sidering, the k.wet ground. Only nine men

came on for drilL The judges were Captains

Fisher, Fleetwood and Commit. Drill-Maste- r,

Capt. Gray, We have been kindly furnished

by one of the Judges with a copy of his Memo-

randa. Errors marked as completed move

menls only. ' At the close of the. tirst diillthere were four men having each one trro'f

and these four were given a supplemental

drill to decide the tie. The score for the tirst

drill was:For No. 1, o errors; No. 2, 4; No. 3, 15: No- - i.

1; No. S. 1; No C. 2; No, 7, 1; No. .8, 1; No.

9, S.

On the second drill the score stood:

No. 1, 3; No o, 5; No. 7, o; No. 8, 2.

So the medal went to No. S, Private Hutch- -

the Hon. J. 11.iuson, and was presented by

Kaiuey, iu an eloquent speech. After the

presentation the otllcers of the Companv , the

Orator, the Judges, and the Ladies' Commit-

tee adjourned to the Van Ness Mansion and

spent an hour pleasantly in toasts and short

speeches evolved from their inner conscious-

ness by" Mums the word."

The Picnic of Co. A Capitol City Guards at

Van Ness, on Monday Hth lust, had the finest

weather of the season, and the smallest at-

tendance, owing to neglect upon the partlofattend to the circulationsome one to properly

Nevertheless there was aof advertisements.pretty fair attendance, and the music under

the double-bas- s.escellcnt.-exc- eptKrause wasHe vaia daisy, Please Krause-do- nt

not even "hardly ever"-ne- veryou ever--e v e r,

forever more.

Capt. Fleetwood states that during the week

he has declined for his corps an invitation to

attend a demonstration atlrviug Park, which

and therefore againsnature,is of a political

their Constitution. Declined a proposition fora competition drill for cash .prize, becauseof the absence of so many men of all the or-

ganizations from the City, and is consideringan invitation that has been received to vihitLynchburg. As there will be no "Oriole" inBaltimore this year, he is strongly tempted togo to Lynchburg notwithstanding his contem-plated trip to New Orleans in the ..winter sea-


-- 94---.Oa



Can you tell u why all the talent forholding District oflice gravitates to theWest End? Nohndy living East of 13: hstreet X. W. has ver held the oilice ofDistrict Commissioner: and now, it seemsnobody living ea-- f of that street is to heallow d to hold the oth'ce of school trus-tee. This rule appears to have heen

by the present Hoard of Com-

missioners and was enforced by themlat yi nr and thi.

Every colored man from the east halfof Washington has been dropped, andmen Irom the Wej-- t end appointed intheir places. We don't understand thispersistent disci imihaiiim agaiuM the peo-

ple of of our section.We take a good dealof interest in the

public sehools. W send our children tothem. We pay taxes for their suppirt.We should b: ulad to June joiue voice iniu their management. Why huuldutwe have? Will tell n?

Eighth Divtsion.The question above asked are perti-

nent and to the point, and eau he be- -t

answered by lefeiing to the rcucuks ofCnuuni-sione- r Wtst, that he did notcare a damn for the (minion of the citizens of Washington. Ed.


Win. Brown, f Baltimorecitv, is visiting our citv.

Mr. Ferdinand Jones, of Phila-

delphia, Pa., and Miss TerressaBrHcof. ol Baltimore. Md., are in

the cifv.

Miss McCabe left for Harper'sFerry. West Virginia, last Tuesday morninir, and will remain till!September.

Col. Win. Murrell, businessmanager of the Bee, left for jtpvYork Mnndnv mornini? on busi-ne- ss

for the paper. He returnedFriday.

Misses Fannie Coshn and Bln-den- a

Deitz are at. Harper's Ferry.Miss Edith Collins left for Har-

per's Ferry this morning.

Prof. John K. Drapor. of Balti-

more, Md.. was in town this week.P:of. Draper is a prominoiU politi-

cian and a gentleman of influence.

Liberian exhibit at the World'sExposition. The Liberian Gov-

ernment has made an appropria-tion ( 5,000 to defray the ex-

penses of an exhibition of it pro-

ducts at the Xew Orleans Exhibi-tion, and appointed Messrs. .1. W.Pioive and J. 13. Gander, of NewOrleans, as commissioners to re-

present Libcri t (hiring the exhibi-


Geo. Win. CuriH is editor ofHarper's Wcckhj, and is an adv --

cate of British free trade. Hewants to import cheap British pub-

lications, so that America ii pub-

lishers cannot compete with theimmense Harper establishment.That is the s cret to his oppositionto Blaine. rJ he Bulletin, Louis-

ville, Kv.


NALLE On Friday. July, lSt, i

1 o'clock a. m., Sterling P. P.ound Nalleaged S day2, beloved sou of Edward G

and Finetta Xalle.



The greatest iiulufetnenis ev..--r ouered to the

Citizens of Washington to furnish theirHomes by a


And the balance m easy Weekly or Monthiy

paymeiits. We have the largest and best as-

sortment of Good-- , and the Lowest Prices of

any House iu the City. Our slock comprises






GROGAN'Sis the Latest Installment Fur-

niture and Carpet House in the United

Slates, formerly

"THE B.XIK,"between Thirteent and

On New York Avenue,

Fourteenth Streets Northwest.elsewhere and save

Call before purchasingmoney,





Baldrics And Apt'ous.And everything pertaining to Military

and Masonic bodies, at Factory price-- .Wl I.LETT oc PiOCFF,

s).)3 Penxa. Avenue.

John W. I5otkikk. Fkank M. 1otkm it.

J. W. BOTKLER & SOX,nri'onnms axd iji:ai.i:i:s in




Washington,. 1). C.

; w 5 L5 Vi & rf as a'S'.n.

2:2:57 I'ct'.SBWit -- 3 3-- e ,

Now in ban. 1 a compl le Stock ot GKN- -

TLEMEN'.-;- . YOUTH ami CHILD- -

IvEN'S Summov of every


Also Large Stuck of Silk Umbrella's for


Ail jood Mh! at lowest X. Y. priet s.



X? ff B 0 SHOES,HM ,S5E'S J'iJitt i;miss(.



Fust Cla- - God at Low and uni-

form prices.

No. 939 PExi., AVJ3.,N. W., AND932 B 5TE3ET.


Order.--? by mail promptly utten'led to.

jgrgr Wanted A live and reli-

able agent in every disttict ofWashiugt'in, to eanv.tss tor theBee. ' dl and le-nt- i the terms toairents. we want three thousandnew subscribers far 1S8-- L


WsisEiiftgtftH fadels rps.o yr mi?. "5th & sn. --v. "i? .

On Ki'a-onab- lc term-- - 'or M'etingr Con-cctt- -.

Enteit ihunent-- , Fairs. Etc.. Etc.

Apolvnii Mond.iv ami Tiiursdaveveiirfiigs from 7 --30 to 0 o'eloi-k- ,

::t the Armoty or at residence dai-

ly be.. G and 7 J) mArthur Bnol,lU2-I- : Madi.-o- n si.

P UBL LSI! i-l-R S, B 0 OKSEL L- -



lfll State M. Iol.'i i'enn. Ave. ii Union K(iiare

l.ONliflX. AC KX( !. I'AICIS.1 TisiftilKiirSciiisu-i"- . I" r.oulevaul St Martin

f B! "TTi.'titfMl for The Lives ot altiii I LIlie 1'ie.sicU-nt- s of the U.S.SI jy J i ho luitt. liamNoiiie.-- t be.lif 1 I'MMilc sold ior less ilian' tu ice our once. The fastest

mMIiiik IiooK in Aiiu-rteii- . ImiDcnse prolils loaimlh. All intelligent people want it. Anyone can lieemne v situcesstul afient. Ternit.tree. JlAi.r.irr Uook Co.. Portland. Maine.

Miss I. H. KUSSELL1012 16th St.

Worker in



EMBALMED.Alsv), ies.-:o-n given in tin- - Art of

working on Silk, Satin, Muslin,and ('bemirfe; Elcclrograpbing.


A popular domestic journal for Americanhomes, will be sent I'OKONE veAK ki:kk toevery lady who will send at once the namesand address often married Iadles,and .'k cuntsin one cent .stamps for poMae, Rest paperfor either tcocno or oi.n hotis-ekeeiier- s in exist-ence, this oiler is made only to secure namesto whom to bend bample.s copies, as we knowevery lady wlio once sees The HOcsewikewii.1. suncKiBErou it. Regular price LooIKjr year. Address

The Hou-jEWI- F e, Rochester. N, Y

How to MAKE CANDY. This book ylves

full directions for making all kinds of plainand fancy candj'. The receipes for makingcaramels, chocolate drops, French mixed and

all other kinds of candies contained in thisbook are the same as used by the leading cityconfectioners. Any oil's can have these can

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Ip s'ml si crtits for noslgic.I a i: j .- ..-- . v

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All r Uiit-- r s t. - tt-i- l from tirst holtl. 't!nbroaii losul t- - liHiuii" tijiens tH-ft- rr tlie'i3k;-er-..:iiMiiiit- f!

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fering Special llnte fer a1vertiseinefes off

Want, FtrReiiK, Ia$ and' FoitM)1,, audiBoanlinjr.

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You can buy F?it Ch?? Custom niiulu


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Established Fifty-fiv- e Years.


RAVEN PIANOS,13 East 10th Street, Xeiv York City.


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and ibe (toy tn-i- l alluwni thutitiiiuy la thoroiwlilycritiiet by yemrwif and tnondM baton imytmt forit. hook at the itmm and inl for JJcsorlptlvoC'utalo-i- ic blore bayiUK elwwhsre.

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Hr iLTQtt&HEALrGfi&ms ate ?a, m:9 s.,!Jfl'cago.

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..wMr- - -- '. !V.l-- .. ,I U.K.l4..M HI'l t:f ;. TTIUi. n.f-- r

V . rl-- . I : ". Slfc-- -. tKHI t . XfrK&A 'If- - '.ucifc .. 4WWJT '"49'.'i. L- -i - v

HIS mrm k-j-l t-c- o Ad.ertbii.: ") SprucoMreetj, r. neri- - a;v r-- xtteimf eontnitjriiay FRi






JULY I, 1884'.xVS life

1013 1641b. St. w. w.

J5VMY ILAIDTfnarst In At Nedtewk. Barney Workist'id fry bnwueh of"jwnHr Arb FJorIHHiureKashJ, Coohery of ltjte shoahl send Mi

vents for klH- - emrenl ntn&r StkA wj'KW6KCi.&rHimft QrRrm.Y, 12o px. lpgB

nw m.ste nI oer l.oo em?mrigs n iwoh--iBiulwr. Athlrs

STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER,Eighth and Market Sts., Phlla.