bend it like beck ham

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend itlike Beckham

    A Comenius-project

    at Stiftsgymnasium St.PaulApril 2005

  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    I.What the story

    is about . . .

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    Bend it like Beckham

    it is not onlyabout an Indian girl

    who likes playing footballbut also about

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Teenager problems

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    Bend it like Beckham

    The clash between traditionalvalues and the modern world
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    Bend it like Beckham

    First love

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Growing up

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    Bend it like Beckham


  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham


  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham

    Cultural Diversity

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    Bend it like Beckham


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    II.Culture Clash

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    Bend it like Beckham

    cant cope with the culture clashbetween India and England

    cant deal with the fact that herdaughters playing in a girls-football-team

    takes the Indian culture veryseriously

    expects her daughters to do sotoo

    is against emancipation

    in favour of being able to cookIndian cuisine

    is against girls doing things thatboys do in their spare-time

    doesnt know exactly how he shoulddeal with the culture clash

    on one hand he doesnt accept thathis daughter plays in a girl-football-team

    but on the other hand he played in abowling team too (in East Africa)

    finally he accepts his daughterswish

    respects the culture clash hisdaughter goes through

    supports his daughter in every way

    Both are very protective

    Mrs. Bhamra Mr. Bhamra

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  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham

    Jess is offended by an English girl calling her Pakhi

    Her trainer Joe has problems too, because he is IrishJess father who was good at bowling, was discriminatedand people laughed at his turban

    There is also a gap between Muslims and Indians

    Indian boys dont play in football leagues

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Family Tradition


    sneaks off secretly to

    meet Teetu

    loves Teetu and wants tomarry him

    covers up for Jess so

    that she can go to


    reveals Jess secret

    cant understand Jess


    She wants to play footballlike her hero David Beckham.

    loves her trainer Joe but heisnt Indian

    lies to her parents anddeceives them

    doesn't want to marry anIndian boy

    gets a scholarship for SantaClara college in the USA

    convinces her parents to lether go and live her dreams

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Pinky and Teetus Engagement-party

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    book & film

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Jess and Pinkysreconciliation isnt

    shown in the film

    Theres more

    information about

    David Beckham in

    the book

    Pinky is pregnant at

    the end of the film

    Joe is playing cricket

    with Jess father

    Switching scenes from

    football pitch toPinkys wedding


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    V.Indian Customs

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian Gods Shiva: Shiva is the god of Destruction. He is also the god of Dance.

    It is said that he danced the world into creation.

    Vishnu: Vishnu is thought to be the supreme god. It is said that whenthe world is in danger, he would come to earth in different form.

    Brahma: Brahma is said to have created the world .He has four heads and four arms.It is said that everything is born of Brahma and his wife.

    Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the wife of Vishnu and is the god of moneyand future. She sits on a lotus flower.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian Religion83% Hindu11% Muslim

    3% Christian

    2% Sikh

    < 1% Buddhist5% Jain

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    Bend it like Beckham

    LanguagesOfficial languages: Hindi and English

    Hindi including its associated languages and dialects

    accounting for 84% of the population while English is

    used for national , political and commercial purposes.

    1600 languages and dialects are spoken

    15 languages constitutionally recognized.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian clothesIndian clothes are very colourful.

    Each state has its own special costumes.Women traditionally wear Saris, Salwar khameezand Ghagra choli, but they also wear western stylessuch as skirts , dresses and pants.

    Men have their traditional costumes as well, but nowmost wear a light skirt and pants just as in westerncountries.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian FoodMost Indian cuisines are related by similar usage of spices. Often,

    Indian cooking is distinguished by the use of a larger variety ofvegetables than many other well-known cuisines. Within theserecognizable similarities, there is an enormous variety of local styles.

    In the north and the west, Kashmiri and Mughlai cuisines show strongcentral Asian influences. Through the medium of Mughlai food, thisinfluence has propagated into many regional kitchens. To the east, theBengali and Assamese styles shade off into the cuisines of East Asia

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Arranged MarriagesAn arranged marriage is a marriage where themarital partners are chosen by others based onconsiderations other than the preexisting mutualattraction of the partners.

    This habit has been very common in noblefamilies, especially in reigning ones, at the scopeof combining and perhaps enforcing therespective strengths of the original families of thespouses.

    A relevant part of history has been influenced bythese unions.

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  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham


    Bollywood is the informalname given to the filmindustry in India.

    The word Bollywood wascreated by blending Bombayand Hollywood.

    In 1899 the first Indianfilm was screened.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Film music is called filmi. The dancing in Bollywood films is

    primarily modeled on Indian dance. Indians film industry is the

    biggest in the world.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Famous films are: Monsoon Wedding, Brideand Prejudice, Lagaan, Veer - Zaara

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Well- known filmstars are: Shak RukhKhan, Parminder Nagra, Om Puri

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    VII.The authoress

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Narinder DhamiBorn in Wolverhampton in 1958.Graduating from Birmingham UniversityTeaching at schools in the East End of LondonLeaving the profession to write full-time.Hundreds of photo-stories in teenage magazinesFirst children's book, A Medal for Melina, published in 1990.Lives in Cambridge with her husband and their four cats.
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    VIII.Mia Hamm

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    Bend it like Beckham

    1999 Women's World Cup: championin front of 40 million viewers

    Over 650,000 tickets

    Youngest player ever to play for her National Team(age 15)

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Recognized as the world's best all-aroundwomen's soccer player.

    Atlanta,1996: Centennial Olympic Games Gold

    Never in history had so many spectators comeout to watch a women's sporting event.

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    Bend it like Beckham

    US Soccer's Female Athlete ofthe year five consecutive

    years. That's been Michael Jordan,

    in basketball, and in someways Mia Hamm in women's

    soccer and Tiger Woods ingolf."

    In April of 1999, Nike namedthe largest building on itscorporate campus after Mia.

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    IX.David Beckham

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    Bend it like Beckham

    He was born on 2nd May 1975

    The most famous football player on earth

    He married Victoria Adams. Three children: Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz.

    June 2003 he went to Real Madrid and now he playswith football stars like Zinedine Zidane, Luis Figoand Ronaldo in the same team

    David Beckham is almost as famous for hishaircuts as for his football
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    Bend it like Beckham

    Culture Clash

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Bend it like Beckham

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    Bend it like Beckham


  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham

    Family Tradition

  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham


  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian Food

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Indian Customs

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    Bend it like Beckham

    Racial Discrimination

  • 8/3/2019 Bend It Like Beck Ham


    Die 5A-Klasse

    Project-Leader: Prof.Justine Bachiesl