bernardo barrera police report for identity theft involving ocean waves powerboats

OFFENSE-INCIDENT REPOR"':rt 06. Gas Station 07. Liquor Sales 08. Bar/Nighclub 09. Supermarket 10. Dept/DisCQunt Store 11. Specialty Store 16. Storage 12. Drug Store/Hospital 17. Gov'VPublic Bldg. 13. Bank/Financiallost. 18. School/University 14. Commercial/Office Bldg. 19. JailfPrison 15. IndustriallMtg. 20. Religious Bldg. II Veh. Stolen Type Weapon 02. Rifle 00. N/A 03. Shotgun 01. Handgun 04. Firearm Race N-NiA W-White B-Black 21. Airport 22. Bus/Rail Terminal 23. Construction Site 24. Other Structure 25. Parking Lot/Garage 26. Highway/Roadway 99. Other 27. ParkIWoodlands/Field 28. LakelWaterway 29. Motor Vehicle 3D. Other Mobile o Od VIW Code V-Victim p·Propriator W-Witness Z-Other ffi C-Reporting Person c o (.l Injury TYPe 00. N/A 01. Gunshot 02. Stabbed 4. Business 5. Govemment 6. Church 9. Other Loss of Teeth Bums Abrasions/Bruises Other I-American Indian O-OrientaVAsian U-Unknown 05. Knife/Cutting Instrument 06. Blunt Object Sex N-N/A M-Male F-Female U-Unknown Parent Brother/Sister Child Step' Parent 07. Hands/Fist/Feet 10. Fire/Incendiary 13. 08. Poison 11. ThreaVlntimidation 88. 09. Explosives 12. Simulated Weapon 99. Residence Type Residence Status O. N/A 3. Floride O. N/A 1. City 4. Out-of-State 1. Full Year 2. County 2. Part Year 3. Non-Resident Friend Neighbor Sitter/Day Care Employee 14. Teacher 15. Child of Boy/Girl Friend 16. Boy/Girt Friend Drugs Unknown Other Extent 01 Injury Q. None 1.Minor 2. Serious 3. Fatal 21. Employer 22. LandlordITenant 23. Acquaintance 99. Other Known Victim Relationship To OHende' 06. 00. N/A 03. Spousa 07. 01. Undetermined 04. Ex-Spouse 08. 02. Stranger 05. Co-Habitant 09. gj I > ~ If VfWCode V,W,orP gj ~ ~ Other ContQct Inlo. (Time Available, Interpreter, etc.) ~ > If VIW Code v, W,orP OFF/INC Indicator 1_ 111 3. f30th 2. #2 Malden Harne e Name (last, Firsl, Middle) Ul::- t- Occupation Irl Q. ~ Driver's License StaleJNumber Ul Exception 'Type 1. ExtraditiQn o Ii

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Page 1: Bernardo Barrera Police Report for Identity Theft Involving Ocean Waves Powerboats


06. Gas Station07. Liquor Sales08. Bar/Nighclub

09. Supermarket10. Dept/DisCQunt Store

11. Specialty Store 16. Storage12. Drug Store/Hospital 17. Gov'VPublic Bldg.13. Bank/Financial lost. 18. School/University

14. Commercial/Office Bldg. 19. JailfPrison15. IndustriallMtg. 20. Religious Bldg.

II Veh. Stolen Type Weapon 02. Rifle00. N/A 03. Shotgun

01. Handgun 04. Firearm




21. Airport

22. Bus/Rail Terminal23. Construction Site

24. Other Structure25. Parking Lot/Garage

26. Highway/Roadway 99. Other27. ParkIWoodlands/Field28. LakelWaterway

29. Motor Vehicle3D. Other Mobile o

OdVIW Code

V-Victim p·PropriatorW-Witness Z-Other

ffi C-Reporting Person

co(.l Injury TYPe

00. N/A

01. Gunshot02. Stabbed

4. Business

5. Govemment

6. Church9. Other

Loss of TeethBums



I-American Indian



05. Knife/CuttingInstrument

06. Blunt Object







Step' Parent

07. Hands/Fist/Feet 10. Fire/Incendiary 13.08. Poison 11. ThreaVlntimidation 88.09. Explosives 12. Simulated Weapon 99.

Residence Type Residence StatusO. N/A 3. Floride O. N/A1. City 4. Out-of-State 1. Full Year

2. County 2. Part Year

3. Non-Resident


Sitter/Day Care


14. Teacher15. Child of Boy/Girl


16. Boy/Girt Friend



Extent 01 Injury

Q. None


2. Serious3. Fatal

21. Employer

22. LandlordITenant

23. Acquaintance

99. Other Known

Victim Relationship To OHende' 06.00. N/A 03. Spousa 07.01. Undetermined 04. Ex-Spouse 08.

02. Stranger 05. Co-Habitant 09.



~If VfW Code



~~ Other ContQct Inlo. (Time Available, Interpreter, etc.)

~> If VIW Code

v, W,orP

OFF/INC Indicator1_ 111 3. f30th

2. #2

Malden Harne

e Name (last, Firsl, Middle)


t- Occupation


~ Driver's License StaleJNumber


Exception 'Type

1. ExtraditiQno Ii

Page 2: Bernardo Barrera Police Report for Identity Theft Involving Ocean Waves Powerboats

Aqenr;;y Report Number


10. Type

Vie .•



10. Typo

VIe .•

10. Typo

VIe ••


§10. Type


_I10. Type

VIe ••


10. Type


Il.::.'D2.ow Rov. 1105



Page 3: Bernardo Barrera Police Report for Identity Theft Involving Ocean Waves Powerboats

-~~R M"u";, r crRCLE ON

NTTIVE CONTINUATION Juvenile n 1. 0.10"'.1 r2White Pin In Report 2. SupplementOete 01 SUpplement

07-03-2008 N JADE r' 'LICE DEPARTMENT, Agon<}' R.port

PD080208066734Original Date Rtported

Origl,. 'tee Oqcriptlor. Victim '1 NameOriglrlal NCIC/UCA Cod,

02-08-2008 1.0. Theft Barrera HumbertoOriginal On=IJNC location F Ortense Changed To

A • AttemptEtd :I Now S'n". Vlolotlon Number NIW' N ICIUCR Code

C • Commlned :

On FebruarM_', 2008, I received this case in reference to somebody using Mr.-.-'<1

9a~.ra's ide/ication to purchase a 33 foot Seahawk Boat in the amount of$9~424.00d~4. L~~S

, II.

On Novembt 1, 2007, an unknown male walked into the boat show located in the

Miami Beae Convention Center to purchase a boat. After looking around at all the

boats tn diplay, the unknown subject walked up to the Ocean Waves Power Boats

displaY.l'd spoke with the manager Alex Orriols about purchasing a boat and filledout al!he necessary paperwork for the boat. After Mr. Orriols reviewed all the

necefiry paperwork and made copies of his identifications for the deal he sent the

pap~ork to GE Money Bank for their review. In about a week GE Money Bank had

apPVed the deal and sent the paperwork back to Mr. Orriols. On November 10,

20~ the unknown subject came to the office at Ocean Waves Power Boats LLC to

si' the final papers and to pick up the boat.

, February 8, 2008, Mr. Barrera ran a credit check and discovered that this

unknown subject had purchased a boat in his name and he had an open account with

GE Money Bank in the amount of $95,424.00 and was paying monthly $942.18. Mr.

Barrera contacted GE Money Bank and spoke with a Michelle Clark in reference to

his account (0001110030000000606). Michelle Clark told Mr. Barrera that the

account was closed on March 18, 2008 and only two payments were made on the

boat. After finding out this information Mr. Barrera contacted the Miami-Dade Police

Department to file a report.

SuepKtCOde , Cod., I I Othlnse Indicator I R•• 'dence Type I CitIzenshIp I Drug IndiCation I AJcoholl"dlcaUon;

1'1 3Both ' 1 City 3 F60rida 1 V•• 8 Unknown 1 , •• & Unknown,

S - Suar-ct A· Arreat •• 2n : 2County 40utofStete 2No 2 No

Drug Activity S SOU R Smuggle K Ol.pen..,. M Manufactur-.' Z Other I Druo lyr- a Samnurtlfe H ttallucmogen P Pa,.phernaUiW U UnknownN NlA, B Buy o DelJver Ol.trlbute ~;,~~ ;

~ ~A, ~~:~ ~~;~!= • Eq~~l Z Other :p Po ••.•.••• T T","", E U';'

C 1 Patent Harne of Parent or Custodlan (Lut, Firat, Middle) Auldenee Phonee 2 LeQaJ GUerdlan

C 3 Other

AOdrese (Street. Apt. Num~r) (City) (S••••) (ZIp) Bu&lneM Phone

Notlrled By: (Name) r'" 1 Tin» I JuwnUIl Oi.po_Rion

:: =:r=~oDu~~J':I) 11. HendledlProceued Within

Dept. and Re'-sed

Released To: (Name) R.lI1lon.hlp I Dot. I Time

~rao"ltJnn Noutt.d TI"'" , Related Report Numbel(.)

Officer (a) Reporting /0. Numblr(a)IL.ocmr Coo. UnO Ilato

Det. T. Hodges 5832/20 HQ5423 07-03-08Officer Reriewing (IfAppllc.:~, 10. Number Routed To ReNrred To AMJonedTo By 0• • •

Sgt. C. George 3129C••• Statue I CI•• ~Type , I Date CiMntd Jail Number Number Arre8ted

Open Pending1. A,rus 3. Unfounded I A- Adu1t

02. EXCIlptlone' 4. open Pando4 J. Juvenile

Exception Type 2. At,...ton Primary 3. eeethof OffernNtr oers Number P••• Pege1. Extrwdltlon O"-,nae Secondary Often •• 4. vtw R_fused to 6. Proeecution Declined .

Declined Wlthout Prosecution CooP4trate 6. JUYenU.; No Cuatody 1 : of : 2

- -----------

Page 4: Bernardo Barrera Police Report for Identity Theft Involving Ocean Waves Powerboats

~:~~:~:: 81••• Yellow NTnVE CONTINUATION


On February 18, 2008, I made contact with Mr. Barrera and made an appointment

with him to come tathe ECB office to talk about his findings. On February 19, 2008,

Mr. Barrera came to the office and brought with him all the paperwork that he had

on this case as well as filling out a statement form stating that he had not given

anybody permission to use his personal identification to purchase the boat.

Then on February 26, 2008, I went to Ocean Wave Power Boats LLC to speak with

the manager a Mr. Alex Orriols about incident. Mr. Orriols stated that the transaction

took place at the boat show and the paperwork work on file was filled out at the boat

show as well. The photo copy of the driver's license that Mr. Orriols has on file was

unidentifiable and had the information of the victim Mr. Barrera. After speaking with

Michelle Clark from GE money bank she stated that there were two payments made

on the boat and the account was closed on March 18, 2008, due to Mr. Barrera

making the fraud report. The owner of Ocean Wave Power Boats LLC was charged

the total amount of the boat in the amount of $95,424.00 dollars. Mr. Barrera was

advised that the account was closed and that the case would remain open for further


Suapoct Codo

S - &npect A· ArreeI••

DrugActivity S II


P POHMa T T me

01 Parent

tI 2 Ugal Gu.rdIan[J 3 Othor _

_ (S'_, Apt.No....,.,)

Offen •• 1~leator

1.1 3 Both202

K DlepenDi.-:r1bute

DNa IMilcetion

1 Y.. • UnknOwn

2NoB BarbII;urllte M

C eoc.lne •• Marijuarnl

Alcohol mdlcatlon

1 v.. 8 Unknown

2NoP P-.phernl.lia{ U Unknown

Equipment Z Other

RMkience Phone

01IIc0r (0) Roportlng

Del. T. HodgOfftcer Reviewing (If App

Sgt. C. Georc... t8t~ C'-l1InceType ,

Open Pending ~:e=k>n.. ::ou;~= : 4Exception Type 2. At'T'ht on pn"..ry 3. Death or Orfend.r

1. Exll'lIdlUon Offen •• Secondary O•.••n_ •. V/W RetuMd to

Declined Without Pl'OMCutlon Co~

Page 5: Bernardo Barrera Police Report for Identity Theft Involving Ocean Waves Powerboats



o"' llpeNl"'l"'ft

01. Bur 18

PerSOIl Code


ID Property Type


3A. Auto Accessory/Parts8. BicycleC. Camera/Photo EquipmentD. DrugE. EquipmenVTool

~:~~:tlt~~~nSt.tU8 Code

1. Stolen2. Recovered

06. Embezzlement07. From Coin 0 r. Machine

3. Stolen and Recovered4. Recovered for Other


09. From Vehicle10. Extortion

8. EvidenceJSeized9. Other

11. ~ Computer12. Fraud

Damage Code

O. NlA1. Arson

F. FoodIUquor/Con§umable

G. GunH. Household Appliance/GoodsI. Plant/CitrusJ. Jewelry/Precious Metal

K Clothing/FurL. LivestockM. Musical InstrumentN. Cooslruc1ion MachineryO. Office Equipment

P. ArtIColJactjonQ. Computer EquipmentR. AMiolStereo

~.. ~~i~eEeX~~ent


- VI,,..,a,,,J:)£Description (Size. Color, Caliber, Barrel length, Etc.)

U. CurrencyJNegotJableV. Credit CardlNon-NegotiableW. Boat MotorX. StruetllreY. Farm Equipment

Model NamelNumber

E"ZS <:> \X...')t Sc:..


A. AmphetamIneB. BarbiturateC. CocaineE. HeroinH. Ha"uci

M. MarijuanaO. OpIum/DerivativeP. Paraphernalial

EquipmentS S nthetlc


6. Ton7. Uta(8. Mlililiter9. Dose UniVltam


S'{"L3Aaalgn~ To

.., r;eDate